Ordinance No. 0232 04-01-1963oI�INANCE No. 232 ___ AN ORDIIQANCE TO AMF,�ID THE ZONTl�ll3 Oi�INAACE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNFSO'fA BY MAKINfF A CHA1�3E IN ZONIh� DISTRICTS The Cmmcil of the City of Fridley do ordain aa followat SPATION 1. Qxdinance No. TO of the City of Fridley, lrnrnrr► aa the Zonir� � _ Ordinance and adopted on December 29, 1955, is amended as here3naiter indicatad. S�TION 2. The tra�t or area within the Connty of &noka and the Cit, of Fridley and deacribed as: All that part of the 3w4 oP the SE4 and of the S� of the 5Eq of Seetian 3, T-30, R-2t�, Anoka County, Minnesota described as beginning at the point of interaection oF the South line of said Sw4 of SE4 and S64 0£ S34 and the Southwesterlp right of way line of the Great Northern Railxay Compar�; thence North- westerly along said right of way line 551.6 £eet; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Sw4 of SE4 and Sr�4 0£ Sr�, a diatance of 362 feet; thence Southeasterly, parallel with ssid Soutk:xesterly right oY way line oP the Great Northern RailKay Compar�y, 55Z.b feet mors or less to the South line of said Sw4 of S�4 and S� of 5:.`4; thence Easterly along said 3outh line of SW4 of S 4 and S� of SE4 to the actual point of beginning. Subject to ea�ement for roadway purposes over the South thirtq feet (30�) thereof Is hereby designated to be in the Zonad Dietriet Imorm as M-2 (heavy irx3uatrial area). i�HCTION 3. ?hst the Zoning Administrator ia directed to �hange the °� '- ' official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned district M-I (light industrial area) to zoned district M-2 � ' (heavy induatrial area). . � PASSID BY THE CITY COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF FRIDL�."Y� THI3 lat DAY OF APRIL, 196Z. � � �� � � � ✓�� dTTEST s /I • l r - 'i'S"� _i P'irat R•adiag: March 18, 1963 Public Hearings March 1@, 1963 Second Reading: April 1� Z963 .-- -- _- " NHNS: April !t, 1963 1 T