Ordinance No. 0243 08-20-1963. , ,. � OR�INANCE NC. 2/,3 AI�T OR�IN9IiC':. AN:�.sP;�TNG C�'AP`t';.'R 16 OF THE: CITY CODE OF FRIDL�„'Y AND SP�CI?ICAI,LY SrCTION 16.03 AP7D 16,052 TIIFREOP', SO AS i0 LIIST THE TIP�": ON S'�?:�T Vz._l.'�'DORS `�?ITHIP� THE CI^tY .T:P.fITS AND TO PROHIRIT AP:Y D'.OIS' OR SOUId7 "„t'�i�ING ��JIC �°, Cr] CE�:7IP:G 1'RUCKS OR ii�UIEfi"r^iT The Gounci� oi *he Ci.�zT of �idley does ordain as follows: SL6TION 1: Section 16.03 and Section i6.052 of +he City �ode of Fridley are hereby amended to read as follows: (the repealed portion is shown in parenthases and the added partion by underlinin�)� 10.03• No person licensed under tiis ordinance shall carry on a vending operation upon any street or public place which is other than as provided under the terms of such license. Such operation ma,y be carried on only bet�reen the hours 10:00 a.m. to L,:3� �.m., and h:00 n.m. to 8:n6 n.m. (9:00 p.m.) in an,y area zoned cor�r.ercial or industrial, and oniy bet�aeen the hours of 1;nC p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 3:On n.s. i9:�0 p.m,) in any area zoned residential or other than co�mercial or indus- trial. At least ten (10) days before the commencenent o� oper- ations, the licensee shall file r�ith the City for Apnroval by the City P;anager, the pro�osed area in which the vehicles so l-censed wi11 travel each day while within the City. The licensee shall at all times while onerating i,*ithin the City use streets only as are approved l�ithin such areas� and changes in the area shall be filed iaith the City ;lanager at.least ten (k0);c'ays in advance of making any change. If the City t�tana�er s�all deny use or any street within the area, the licensee may anpeal the rul.ing of the City r?anager to the City Council �or determination. At no time,,hou�ever� sha11 the 1_censee operate his vehicle an , and over any street that is now apnroved. Only such streets drith- in the area shall be approved as minimize the danger of injury _ by the fiazards of tra£fac to persons 4rho r�ay be customers of such veFic7e� and also as minimize tra�fic difficulties as may arise out of tt:e operation o£ the vihicle for such purposes. A vehicle may be licensed to onerate exclusively in areas of the Cit�v zoned "Con�nercial_" or °Industrial"; or i.t :�a�� be licensed to operate exclusively in areas zoned "Residential" or "Gther than Ccrnmercial or Industri.al"� or it may be licensed to operate in all areas of the City. no vihicle, however, sha11 be operated in any area o£ the City �,�hich is zoned dir£erent than that for which the same is licensed. In the absence of proo£ to the con- trar,y, a vehicle parked or left stanclinP on any street or public nlace is deemed to he there for business onerati.ons. 1'0.0�?_. The vehi.cle used, shall carry such signalling or Grarning devices as vrill enable the attendant reasonab]y at times to give adequate ��arnin�s as required herein. P?o vihic7e or enuioment shall operate any device tl� t shall nroduce an,y noise or sound for the nurnoses of attracting nersons to the vending tr�zek. PASSE� .1"� ADOPTED T?IIS 20T:1 DAY OP AUGUST, 1�:63, Bi' THE CITY COUI�'CIL OF TIIE CITY OF FRIDI;�Y. VV �� � � � t-fAY02 - � _li�,, J. i,ee �� rTT�ST: c � - _ �•�, � � _. , � � :� �