Ordinance No. 0246 09-04-1963�I � � r. r aR=;I?�`!u`:Cr, No. z1,6 AN ORDINANCB TO RfEPiD TT?E ZOD.TING ORDINANCE OF THF' CITY OF FRIDLFY The Council of the City of �'idley do ordain as follours: SFCTION 1: That Ordinance 1do. 70 of the City of �idley passed Dece*nber 2q, 1�55, cor.�onl,y knoum as the "Zonin� Ch^dinance"� and thereafter amerded be furtner amehded as follows: l. That Section ".8 - Additional Regulations - Yards, Lot sizes, Open Spaces. A. Yards, Cotu'ts and Lot Coverage for Dwelling Groups; be flzrther amended by adding thereto £ollocring Sub- di.vision (o) ti�ereof a ne�:� subdivision to read as £ollot-?s : 7. (a)� ''henever separated 1�uildinRS consti_tut9_ng a dwelling group are such b,y their locatior. or structure that an,y bui�dinn structure �aithin the P^oun is so substantial that standinr. alone such stru.cture is and reasonabl���rould by itse]£ constitute a multinle ?uellir.g structure, then for the r.urnose o`. determining the area reo,uire3 for all the biiilciings c�nstituting such dwelling groun. 7'he area for the z-roun shall be the total o£ and equal. to the su.:. o£ the areas other- �.ise required separate]_y °or each o£ the strizet�ares st.andin� alone. �b) 47here four (4) or more dwellin� structures (each of which is reasonably canah7e of stand�ng alone as a s°n- arate multiple dwei7.ing) are locat d to�ether on one Parcel o£ 7_and under a coimcon ownershin, and r.o such �.ulitiple dwelling structure lies farther awas� �om any other such same structure i_n the dwelling group than 2� feet measured at tre nearest point� that then two (2) (but not more than tu�o (7_) of such dwel-linv structvres may be combi_ned cr.'_th one another and be considered as in "act �oined ar,d as constituti.ng a sin�le structure. ?or such c�mrination, the area r.�c;uired is t'at of a sinele 5tructure hav9_n�? dwellinp units equal to the total of the tiao �2) structures comb:.ned. In any one dcrelling Proun the hene°its of this ar�a exception shall nct be annlied to mo e than siac �6; s�.ach individual dr�e�lin�s structures in total: or not more than thsee �?) combinations of such ^we�.ling str.�ctures. 'rhe oro- v?sions of this exce�tion sha�l not �_nure to the benefit o? �ad,l^inin� struct�ires located in di�ferent dwelling groups ar.d further, the area exception provided for here- i.n shal_1 not apnlv to re�'uce the area otherwise recuired b�r more t',an 10`= of total o° the area rea,uired for the structures computed separately. PASSED A?v'D ADOPTE7 T?iIS L,TH DAY 0� S�':°T�SP"�", 1�63� TiY ?'F �' CI'i'Y COUNCIL Or T?iE GI"'Y OF FHIDLnY. � �L1L._�!�"'�'� � � � � � N`,AYO�t - h'il]�! ,: J. Nee ATTFST: CIi G�" �' - �-rir, :_ .� ll�. � � 't �