Ordinance No. 0253 12-16-1963, , � ORPINANCE V0. 253 AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF 7f1E CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS A�ID ALLE,YS I��ID TC; Ah'E:JD APYE. D?X "C" CF TEE' CITY CODE. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain ea followa; SECTION 1: For the vacation of the streets and alleys described as follows: All that part of the Service Drive lying adjacent to and West- erly of Block 10, Sprinp, Brook Park, as rl?tted: and North of the North line of Liberty Street, also beinP the South l�ne of 1�lock 10, Spring Brook Park produced �n'est; and South o£ the North line o£ Spring Bmok Park 3s platted; and lying �•ast of the ab- andoned hight-of-way of the Nii.nneapolis� Anoka artd Cuyuna Range Railroad. All that part of I3berty Street lying East of East River Road and South of Block 10, Spring Brook Park described as follows: Commencing �t the intersection of the North line of Iiberty Street and the Vortheasterly li.ne of r,ast t�iver Road; thence Southeasterly, along the �ortheasterly line thereof a distance of 53.01 feet; thence hortheasierly at right angles to said Northeasterly line of East Hiver R�ad a distance of 13•46 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 155 £eet; thence on said curve to the right a dis- tance of 103•5 feet to t he end o£ said curve, and its inter- section with the :�orth line of said Liberty Avenue at a point on the South line of �lock 10, Spring nrook Fark� distant 155 Peet West of the Southeast corner of said �lock 10; thence West along the itiorth line of Liberty Street, (also being the South line of said �lock 10, �pring Brook Park) a diatance of 139•37 feet more or less to the point of beginning.' All lying in Section 3, T-30, R-24. City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. SECTION 2: The said vacation has been made after Notice of Public hearing in con£ormance with afinnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.0? of the City Charter and Appendix C of City Code shall be so amended. PASSED At�D ADOPTED BY THF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 16TH DAY CF DECII�:BIIt, 1963. ( ���� �� MAYOR - Willi J. e.e � ATTEST: ` �_�� CITY CI�R.K ="P!arvin . Brunsell � �