Ordinance No. 0258 03-02-1964� . ORDINANCE N0. 258 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.03 CF THE CITY CODE OF TF?E CITY OF FRIDLEY BY DELETIPIG 7PE EF'�UIREMME[�IT QF FILIn?G A BOND BY VARIOUS LICE�ISED CONTRACTORS. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: That Section 18.03 of the City �ode of the City of Fridley be amended as follows: SECTION 18.03. Application for license shall be made to the City �ouncil znd such license shall be granted by a majority vote of the �ouncil upon proof of the aoFlicantis qualifica- tions therefor, their willingness to comply to the proviaions of the City "ode� the filling of certificates evidencin� the holding of Fublic Liability Insurance in the Limits of �25�000.00 per person, and �50,000.00 for pmperty damages and certi- ficates of worlanen�s �ompensation Insurance as required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TFiE CITY CCUNCIL OF TI?E CITY GF Ff?IDLEY TI?IS 2RD LAY OF �lARCH, 1964. A`I`TEST: CITY C K- hiarvin . Brunsell IL1L`C ` / ASAY6R - W'illiam— . Nee / , .