Ordinance No. 0026 09-23-1949�
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The Village Council of tLe Vill-
age of FridleS, Minneeota, do or-
dain :
Seeaon 1. I/efinitian of Terms.
Ae used in this ordinance, tLe
(e) "InMaicating liquaP' and
"liquor" mean distilled� cinous and
Yermenked becerages mntaining
more then 32 per cent of aleohol
by �ceigLt.
(b) "Beer" means tm9 malt bev-
ersge mith an alcoholic content of
more than one-half of one L�r cent
by colume and not mnre than 32
per cent b5 �efght.
(c) "On-sale" means c�le by the
drink Por consumptian in tl�e dis-
(q) "Off-sale^ means retail sale
�n the original package for con-
hnmption aw�S from the dispensary.
(e) °Sell" Includes all bnrtera,
giYts and other means af flarniah-
ing intasicating li9nor or Ueer in
c�alafian m� evaeion of this ordin-
Bection 2. EstablishmenL There
is hereb9 Csiablisbed a 'lfunici7�1
I,iquorc Dispenrars for the sale nt
"on" and "off" snle oP intosicating
li�uor. \o liquor mxv be Sold n�
retail elsemhere in the �'illnRe of
Fridley ar by �ovoue� not em�Ploped
i� thc T�fnnicipal I.iqnor Dispensflry
except in �nch elnba as ma5 De
]awfully anthorized 6y tLe Conncil.
g�tion 2. Location and Ope�'-
(a) The biunieipal Llquor Dis-
pensary sball be located at snch
suitable place in the pilinge n� the
Oouncil may determine, exeept that
no premisea ehall be leased for tbe
npratinu of u Dfunici�al Liquar Dis-
pensary upon wLich the tuses m'
othzr specinl levies axe delin9nent.
(b) The Dlunicipal Liquor Dis-
pensary aha11 be in the immediate
char� of a liquor di�pens2ry man-
ager selected bS the Council and
paid sucH campensatlon as the
Council may determine. He Rhail
at the optinn o¢ the Cauncil fiir
nish a suret� bond to the 3fUnic-
ipailit9, in snch sum as the Conncil
epeclYic�e, conditianed upon the
faithfiil d�scharge of his dntics.
The pre�ium on euch baud �hxll
at tLe discrehon of the Coimcil
be paid bp the �illc�ge or b5 the
mannger personallS.
The manager sLall manage and
operat� the )fanicipal Liqaar Di»-
�ensnTS nnder the direct snPer-
oision and direction of tDc Conn-
cil, and shnll perform sucL dnties
in cbnnection therewith xs the
Council maS impose tipon him. He
ehall be direct7y responsible to tLe
Coimcil far the condttct uf the
Dinnicipal Li�vor Dispenenr� in
fuII complixnce n�ith the re�n]-
:i:innv nnd ardinAncee of the Vill-
nge and xll Sfite :n�d Fede��al
I.;1R'� :Ull� IiEGUlAL{O➢&
(cl The Co�nnril chnll procide
:md fix tLe calarie�e o�f snch add-
itiwi�l hel�r aud emgloyees as �n
�'�u ]ad��in�nt m�e necesca�5 for the
opei'ntion of ,cxid 3Lnnicine�l i.i�nor
Dispep.carp. All he1P and empluy-
eeg, iucadin2 the mxn9Ser, ehall
Lolil the�r �wsitionP dt fhe Plensm•e�
�rp the Crnincil. provided� hoa'ever,
that uo one ❑nder the age of 21
�vai•s nhmiil be emtiloyed at nuy
Section i. \SUnlrilral Liquor Di?-
�ienYars Fnnd. � maniei7�i1 l.iqnor
Di,:�t�afli•p Revenne Y'nnd i5 here-
by created, into n�hich ffind �hall
tre p;�i� ;�nd depasited nll receipts
nnd i�cenne,. fl�om fhe �perntion
4f the 3lani�iP=i1 7.iqurn� Dispem
Ra�ry and fro�» which fund shall
f�r�t be pnid exiienses of operation
nnd mninte�ance of the said �IUn-
icipol I.iquor Piepensarp. The
hal�nce oY eflid Yund ehalt bc ased
exclusively for the retirement and
the I>acment of interest npon such
�Lun�cipal Liquo�r DisPensaiv Rev-
enue R�arrants as mns he iesaed
to dzfra9 the ciKts and ezPenses
oY establi�shing snid dispensnry.
Whan said warrants have heen
wholly retired anQ interest thereon
Yully paid, said balance map be
transfeme�7 ta the Gencral Fund
of tAe Viltnge, or to such otbet
appropriate fand as tbe Coaneil by
resolution ma� determine.
Section 3. Aoars. So eale o2
intoxicating liquar shall be made
aPter ane� n. m� on Sundap, nor be•
tween the hovrs af one a.m. and
thrae p�etock p.m. on an� �temorlal
Da9, nor between tLe hours of one
a.m. and eir}�t o•eloc7; p.m, on any
Election DaR, in the district in
n�hich ench rlection ehall be Iield.
Vn "on sale" shnll bc made be-
tween the hours af one a.m. and
eig.ht dclnck a�m. on an5 weekdny.
\o �bff sn7e" shall be made befure
eiRht o'clork a.m. or after ei�bt
o'clxk p.m. o�f nny dao except 6at-
nrdaya when the eloain� houc shnll
be 10 p.m.
Vo `bff-c�le" shall be made on
!�ew Year's day, Jannary 1; 3fem-
orial Dny, Mny 80; Inde[ievdence
!uip�. Jnly a; Thanka�icin;: Da9;
m� Cbri�[wnS Dap, Drceml�:ee 26;
Lnt on the ecenin�s Preceding sueh
dnSS, if the sole af ]iqnoc �e not
othetmise prohibited on such even-
3ngs, "ofY-sales" may be mz�de unt�l
reu Nclock pm. except [hat no "off
sale�� shall be made on Decemt�er
•_>q ,�f[er ei_ht dcloek p.m.
gection 6. Condit�ans of OPe�r-
�tion and ResYrictions on Consnmlr-
(;�) The Siun`c(pnl 7,iquor Dis-
nen�nrc �hrll not hnce cicin,sin2
do�cs. 3ll «indowc iu the�front of
the 31nnici-�til 7.iqunr Dis��enca�q
ahnll be of cle�r �lasa and the
public view of the who9e interior
�h?]� bC ❑pry}I¢�191Cipf� �1{' SCl'ECOSi
cvr[a�ns or Tnrtitiona. Ther.�e ehal]
be na P�rtition� bos, stall. screen.
�nrtflin ar atLer drviee to ohatnict
the ,�enernl oh�erv�tinn of ang
pnrt of the litmiciapl I.iqnox Din-
nensary rnom bs per.con, i❑ the
rnom. Fo.vecer. n�rtitia�ne. enb-
divisions ar Pfl�els nn�t higher than
4S inches from the Pla�r Shall not
be constrned as sncli obptructiona.
(b) So bnsine�s other than the
aale of liquor shnll be r+.rried on in
the �i�miciptll Liqno�� Dispeneaxy
escept �he re[ail sale of eigars,
eiRa�rretes� all Poxms of tnbaeca,
beer nnd �oft drinks. both on-sale
and off-sale.
(e) \o p�l or billlard table
shall be kern iu any part M the
)funicipnl 7.3quor Dis[rensary.
(d) So liqnar or beer sLall be
aold on credit.
(e) So minar shnll be Trermit4d
to remain �n the \funiciP��l L�quor
Dispeu�snry prcmises.
(f) So li9aor or beer ahall be
sold er served tn a minor� direetly
or in�lirectlS.
!g) So minor ehnl] miare�esent
Friday, September 30, 1999
Fxidny, September 3Q� 1�J4�J
his age for thc Pi�r'PO�e of obtain-
inR liqnor or heer.
h) \o pereon sLall t�e permitted
to laiter tipon the premiece of the
Dinnicipal S.i9uor D�sl�enaaiy hab-
(1) \o peraon of a known imm-
oral charact�- and no disorderlp
per5on ?liall be permitted on the
3[uniciti�l I,i��nor Disnensnty Pre-
(j) So li�7uor or beex slmll be
�old or aer�•ed to an intosicated
(k) The Dlnnicipal Liquor Dis-
p�nsary &hull be ine�rected by the
healtL of&cer uE tha i'illage a�t
least once a mouth, and fle many
nther times as�he dee�ns ueceasnry
to ineuce th�t the premises arc
in:�intained ia e 88nitarg candi'��
9ectioxi 7. ReTexl, Al] Cildage
orclinfl��ce9 and re�,nlatious or pnrts
thereof iucroneiytent with tbis ord-
inance are heeeb9 repealed.
4eeYion S. Enforceinent und
Pe�mlh-. It sLflll be the duty of
;ill podice ogy�p�� ❑nd cauatables
of the VilLige to enParca the prov-
isinna of this ordinance mid Yo
eerirch tlie 7aremiFes and �eize evid-
ence of la�r cialxtions un[i Freserve
fhe eame a; evidenee ugn�net s�ns
Irersan allege� to be eiolutin� this
ordiun��ce, nnd to prepare tLe nec-
essary processes and [ia�rs there�
Any person ciolniing any px'av
isions nf thie ordinance shnll be
�iiLty of a miedemeanar� and upon
cunciction then�af sh�all Le pun-
ished b9 n fine of nat mrne than
One F3andred Dollare ($106.IX1) ur
sLall be imprisoned in the Village
or CnuntS Jnil for not to exceed
ninet9 (`N1) days, pluc_ thz cbsts
oL proaecurion in either cuse. Pr�
cided. aleo, that any emplo5ee af
the Municipa.l Liqnar Dis7ien-
sary wilfully violating any pravis-
iou hereof or anS p�'ociaion of tbe
Iswe of :4linnesota relating to gam-
bling or the sale� of intoaitnting
li�uor or t�eer shall be discharged.
,gection �J. P:ffect. T6i� ordin-
auce shaII tage effe� and be in
force from nnd after its passage,
Passed bp the CounMl thie 23rd��
�lnp of Septsmber, 1949.
Mayor of the Villa�
of dley, DSinn �atn
Attest: �
Clerk .,:<o�i�� �-p'G`r�.G .
Fublisbed in the Columbia���igDta �
RECORD on September 30� 1939.
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