Ordinance No. 0270 06-02-1964ORDINAI3CE tv0. 270 AN ORDINAIuCE PkOVIDING FOR A CHAP'I'ER 7g OF THE CITY CODE OF Tf?E CI'!'Y OF FRIDLEY REGULATING TF.E USE OF THE PAAKS AI�D PARISF�AYS AIVD TO SECfBE T??F �USET' OF.DERLY AiUD GUITABLE USE PS'D F�!JOYA�T �F �I'CH PARKS� PP.RKI^,'AYS AND FORTIONS QF PLBLIC LANAS, SiRE�'I�_'S AI�D �IV� BY TIiF PA�FLE, AND PRE- &CRI3ING YENALTIFS FOH VIGLATION Tt:E�tEGF. � The City Council�of the Citp of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION l. 1Yiat the City Code of Fridley shall be amended to provide for a Chapter 78 dea)-ing with the use of parke and parkways of the City of Fridley and to secure the quiet� orderly and suitable use and enjoyment of such parks, parkwa,ys and portions of pubiic lands, streams and rivers by the people and prescribing pen2lties for its vio- lation. 7$.O1 DEFINITIONS. The worli "Committeen as used in this Chapter is hereby defined to mean the "Park Committee�� o£ the Citv of Fridley. And the terrn "Parks" means parks, parkways, playgrounds, recreation fielde� and buildings, 1�kes� streazns, rivers, and beaches therein, and all public service facilities conducted on grounds, buildi.ngs and structures in t.he City of Fridley which are ur.der the control of the Fark ComRiittee. Insofar as this Chapter relatee to beac!:es, it is to be construed as supplementary to and not to supersede the er_isting provis�ons 9n �*�apter ?5 of the City Code. 7g.02 HOURS. No person ahall be, or remain in or leave, or park any vehicle in any park� parkway or drive, except during tl:ose hours designated by the �'ark Comrnittee, but thi� section srall not apply to those who are suthorized te remain in a park or on a parkwa�. � %8.03 DEFACE. No person shall cut, break� scratch� mark� remove� or in any way injure or def2ce any building, fence, pump, lamp� flagpole, construction improvement facility or any other feature of pmperty upon or within any park or parkway. 78.04 FLOWERS AND SARUBS. No person not an em_r,loyee o£ t he City ahall pick or cut any wild or cultivated flower or cut� bresk, or in any way in�ure or de£ace any tree, shrub or plant witl:in the limits of any gark or parkway; nor carry within or out of ar.y �ark or parkway any wild flower, tree, shrub plant or portion thereof, or any soil or material of any kind. 7g.�5 KEEP OFF Tf?E GRASS. No person shall go on foot or otherwise upon the grass or turf o£ any park or parkFray where anq prohibitory sign is poste.d. 7g.06 Tt'RGkING STONFS. No person shall throw or cast any stone or any other misaile within any park or parkway. ?8.07 LITTER. No person shall throw, deposit, place or leave in any park or parkway, or wziers t�erein, any paper, rubbish, waste� or refuse of any kind, whether or not t?�e same is offer.sive to the senses or is injurious to healtY:, except in the receFtacles therein ^rovided for waste. 7g.08 SELLING OHSTf?UCTION. No peraon shall place or suffer to remain in any park or parkway any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles, in ' the nature of any obstruction to the free use and enjoyment o£ eaid park or parkway. 7g.09 F'OSTING SICNS. No person shall post, paste� fasten� paint, or affix any unathorized placard, bill, notice or sign upon any �txvcture, tree, stone, fence� thing or enclosure along or within any park or parkway. 7g.10 DISTFcIBliTIGiv CF CIRCDI,A&S. No person shall distribute w9.thin any park or parLway or display any circular=, cards, announcements, printed or otherwise, except as authorized by� permit. 78.11 FIRECRACKEFiS. No pe^son shall fire� exnlode or set of£ any squib, cracker, or other thing containing nowder� or other combuetible or explosive m2terial within the limits of any park or parkway; excecting exh.ibitions of fireworks given under the direction of or by permission of the Park Committee. � GFDINANCE N0. 270 - CON'T. 78.12 BIRAS. No person ahall rob� injure or destroy any birds' nest within the limits of any park or parkway, nor aim or discharge any air gun, sling-srot, bow and arrows, or other wEapon, or throw an.y stone or otY.er missile at any bird or birds� nest, or wild ar,imal within any park or parkway� nof� in any mznner ca�.ture cr kill any bird ar• rrild animal therein. 78.13 TFcAPPING. t10 nerson shall at anp time set, lay� prepare, or have in possession any trap� snare, artificial light, net-bird line} ferret� or any contrivance whatever� for purpose of catcF.ing, taking, or killing any bird or wild animal in any park or parkway. 'J8.].!{ BALL GAI�iE RESTRSCTIONS. No pers� shall cut� break, scratcr, mark, remove, or in any way in;ure or deface any buildin�, fence, pump, lan!r, £lagpole, construction improvement facility or 2ny otl-er feature of property upon or within any park or garkway. %8.15 FF.NCE RAIL. No person shall stand or sit on any fence rail or any other structure not intended for such use in any pax'k or parkway. 78.16 MOVING BERCPES. No �rson shall move benches, seats, and tables from their places, in any park or nPrkwaY� excepting on picnic areas� ar,d there only within design2ted limits. 78.17 7B.18 NO SPITTING. No person shall spit upon the floor or fur- nishings o£ any boat� canoe, buildinq or walk in anv park or parkway. ']8.19 SALES. No person sha11 seil or offer for sale`any article or thing whatsoever in any park or rarkway� but this prohibition sY:all not apply to sales oi refreshments and other articlee by the C�ty or under its directi.on at pavilions or stands conducted or authorized by the City. 78.20 PHOFM ITY. No threatening, profane� abusive� flisorde'r�y� insulting or indecent language, cenduct or oet:avior, nor any act tencing to a breach of t�e nublic peace, sha11 be allowed in or upon any park or par:rnay; nor shall any rerson play at games o£ chance, dr�nk intoxi- cating lieuor� or be drunk� or do any indecent� lascivious� lewd� or improper act tl;erein. 78.21 ALCOHQLIC BEUERAGES. No person shall take� use, or have in or upon any park or parkway, artiy intoxicating liquor. 78.22 DCGS. No person �hall be permitted to take any dog into any park unless it is led by a suitable leash� and in no csse shall any person allow or bring any dog owned or at�ended by him into any r�rk wzters� or into any bird or animal refuge� or upon any skating rink, or in amr park building whether the dog is leashed or otherwise. 7�.23 ANIN,AL6. Cattle� horses� mules� swine, sheep� goats, or fowl ahall not be allowed upon park proFerty or in ar.y 7_ake or waters of any oark and all owners or attendants of such animals are charged wit?: the duty of preventing such occurences, but this proribition shall not ap�ly to animals or fowl kept by the �ity or under its direction. 78.24 NSTCHINs RAII�. No person shall tie or fasten any animal to any tree, shrub� Flant, fence, building or structure in or upon any perk or parkwev, except hitching rails provided £or that purpose. 7�•25 FARADFS. No band, procession, militar,y company or any com- pany with £lags, banners, or transparencies shall be allowed in or upon any p�rk or parkwa; excent with a written permit issued by� the City or its proper officei•s. 78.26 EAlTERTAINMENTS. No entertainment or exhi6ition ahall be given in any park or parkway excerting the entertainments given under the direction or authority of the�•Park Comrnittee. 7g•27 PUBLIC SPEAKING. No public meeting of any kind shall be held in any park, or parkway, playground or athletic field nor shall there be any public speaking therein, without a written registration with the �ity, � , ' _-� a � OFDINANCE N0. 270 - CON�T. 78.28 FIRES. No person except an agent of the City shall start any fire in any park or upon any parkw2��� except that s,al7. fires £or culinary purposes may be made by picnic Farties in the areas designated by the Com- mittee� but onl,v in the places in said parks provided for Lhat purpose by the �ommittee and under its direction. Errery person who starts any such fire and every peraon using auch fire is hereb;� charged with the duty of completely extinguishing such £ires � or fire before leavin� such park. (X refer. 33.01 and 99.19 of the City Code). : 7g.29 04Y.ER RULFS. The Park Committee may establiah from time to t9me other rules and regulations governing the further use and �njoyment of parks, parkwa,ys, playgreunds, l�kes, stre�ms,a nd tne facilities trereof wk:ich shall be effective upon posted notice. � � 75.30 F�CCLU•SION. Any person who shall violate such rules or reg- ulations or who refuses to subiect himself thereto, may be, in addition to all other penalties provided by tt:is Code, excluded from the use of such facilities. ']8.31 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. '!he motor vehicle regulations or tra£fic regulPtions applicable in all respects to the ownership, use and occupancy of motor vehicles in t're areas under the control of tre Committee. ']8.32, T04JING. No driver of any vehicle sha1T tow behind or on the side or Fush in front of it any toboggan, sled, ice skates, roller skates, bic;�cle, coaster, toy vehicle, or any other slidinn or coasting device, nor permit any person in or uF�n such device to attach same or himsel£ to said vehicle nor permit any person to board or alight from nor hang onto said vehicle then in motion. 7�•33 PASSENGERS. Persons riding in or upon 42id devices or veh- icles in violation of Section 78.32 ehall be held to be ;n violation thereof. 7g.34 ROADWAYS. No vehicle of any kind or character ahall be per- mitted to drive across or on park lands exce�t on roadways, except such vehicles and rnachines as operated by the City of Fridley. 7�•35 VEf+ICLE FOR SALE SIGNS. No peraon shall drive or park ar�p vehicle upon any park or parkway displaying a sign indicating that it is for sale or exchange or otnerwiae displaying advertising. 7R•36 WASHING. No nerson shall wash, grease, or repair +!ny veh- icle on any park, boulevzrd or Farkway except such re^airs as are required by an emergency. 7�.37 IMPOIINDING CAES. Any unoccupied vehicle'found in violation of the proviaions of this C!�apter may be immediately removed and impounded by any police officer or duly authorized person in accordance with thie Cha�ter. 78.3g BOATS� BOATING AND WATER SKIING. (X ref. Chapter 88 of City C�de). ' 78.39 PERMIT. The Citg may authorize the issuance o£ nermits for uaea and activities in wnich the holders thereof request permission (a) to remain in the parks or on the rarkways during othertiaise prohibited hours; (b) to post notices; (c) to park vehicles in otherwise unauthorized areas. 7�•40 PFNAI.TIFS. That this OrdSnance sha11 constitute Chapter 7g of the City Code of the City of Fridley and that a11 per,eral provisions of the City Code, including Chapter 105 entitled Penalties, shall apply to it. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY CGUNCIL OF 'iHE CITY OF FRIDLEY T??IS 2ND DAY GF JUNE, 1964. n .. ... � . . _ a N�AYOR - William J: ee - ATTEST: d !/ ( �C�.w.� l CT . CL - N"_arvin C. Brunsell '