Ordinance No. 0275 07-07-1964ORDINANCE A0. 275
Zhe City Council of the City oY Fridleq do ordain as follovs:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 76 of the City Code be amended by add-
ing paragraphs thereto as follows:
76.08. (Obedianee to Markings) Upon those streets Khich
have been signed or marked by the City Manager £or parking�
no person shall park or stand a vehicle other than at the
angle to the curb or edge of the roadway or within spaces
indicated by such signs or markings.
76.09. (Stopping and Standing Prohibited) No pereon shell
stap, stand or psrk a vehicle, except when necassary to
avoid conflici with other traYfic or in compliance with law
or the directions of a Police Gfficer or tra£fic-control
device in any of the following places:
a) On e sidewalk
b) In front of a public or pr3vate drinexay or directly
across there:xrom in such a manner as to impede the ac-
ceas to said driveway
c) Within an intersection
d) Within 20 feet of a fire hydrast
e) On a cross walk
f) `�lithin 20 feet of a cross walk at an intersectioa or
within 20 feet of a mid-block cross walk pmperly marked
g) W7lthin 30 feet upon the approach to any £lashing bea-
con, stop sign, or traffic-control signal located at the
aide of a roadway,
h) Betveen a safety sone and the adjacent curb or withia
30 feet o£ points on the curb immediately opposite the
ends of a safety aone� unless the City Manager has indicat-
ed a di£ferent length by signs or markings
i) Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad cross-
j) Within 20 feet of the drivexay entrance to anp fire
station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance
to any fire station vithin 75 feet of said entrance rrhen
properly posted.
k) Alongside or opposite any atreet excavat3on or obetruc-
tion when stopping, atanding, or parking would obstruct
1) On a roadway aide of any vehicle stopped or parked at
the edge or curb of a street
m) Upon any bridge or other elenated structure upon a high-
xay or within a highcray tunnel or underpass
n) At any place where official signs prohibit stopping
o) On any boulenards
7b.10. (Alleys) No person shall park a vehicla within an alley
in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available
less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for the free move-
ment of vehicular traf£ic, and no person ahall stop, stand, or
park a vehicle within an alleq, in such position as to block the
driveway entrance to aqy abutting property.
ORDINANCE N0. 275 (Contiaued)
76.11. (For Sale or Washing} No peraon shall psrk a nehicle
upon any roadway for the principal purpose of:
a) Displeying such vehicle for sale.
b) Washing, greasing, or repairiag auch vehicle excepL
repairs necessitated by axi emergency.
76.12. (Narrov Streets)
a) The City Manager ia herebq authorized to erect signs
indicating no parking upon any street when the width of
the roadway does not exceed 20 feet, or upon one side of
a street as iadicated by auch signs �hen tne width of the
xroadway doea not exceed 30 feet or for snow removal.
b) When officiel signs prohibiting parking are erected
ea euthorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upoa
eay auch street in violation oF any auch siga.
c) In the event a highway includea tuo or more separate
roadways and traffie is restricted ta one direction upon
any auch madway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle
upon the le£t-hand side of such one-xay roadway unless
signs are erected to permit such stending or parking. The
City Manager is authorizad to determine when standing or
parking may be permitted upon the lePt-hand side of any
such one way roadway and to erect signs giving notice
thereof .
76.13. (Congeated Placea)
a) The City Manager is hereby authorized to determiae and
desi�ate by proper signs places in which the stopping�
standing or parking oF vehicles rrould create an especiallq
hazardous conditioa or would cause unusu8l delay to tra£fic.
S b) When ofFicial signe are erectad at hazardous or congest-
ed placea as authorized herein no person shall stop, stand,
or park a vehicle in any sueh designated place.
76.1/�. (Illegal Parking) In any prosecution charging a violation
of ae�y law or regulation governing the standing or parking of a
vehicle, proof that the particular vehicle described in the com-
plaint was parked in niolation of any such law or regulation� to-
gether with pmof that the defendant named in the complaint vas
at the time o£ such parking the registered owner of such vehicle
shall constitute in evidence a prima facie preaumption that the
registered owner ef such vehicle was the person vho parked or
placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the ti.me during
which, such violation occurred.
76.15. (Penalties) This ordinance shall constitute Chapter '76
of the City Code of the City of Fridley, and all general provi-
sions of the City Code� including Chapter 105 entitled "Penaltiea",
ahall apply to this ordinance.
THIS 7TH D�1Y UF JULY� 19b4.
AiTEST: � ���Z��d.9W�^ � � ��.Q.R
MAYOR - William J. Nee
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Firet Reading: June 15� 19b4
Second Eieadiag: July 7, 1964