Ordinance No. 0286 08-17-1964f � ORDINANCE N0. 286 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MULTIPLE DWELLINGS� AND AA9ENDING 1HE CITY "CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, SECTIONS 1�9.0l�5 AND 1t9.052 TE?EN.E�F The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter !�9 0£ the City Code of Fridley be amended so that Section l�9.045 thereof herea£ter reads as follows: "Section lt9.o45• `that the annua.l fee to be paid by the appli- cant for the cost of license and the issue thereof and the adr�inistration o£ Chapter 1�9, including the cost of inspection required is in the minimum o£ $10,00 for each multiple duelling for which a license application is made. In addition thereto, for each dwelling unit in excess of 10 noted in said application a further and additional fee of $1.00 is required to be paid. The £ee is prorated (for each month or major part thereof) £or any license period whose dura- tion is less than one (1) year." SECTION 2. That the City Code o£ the City o£ Fridley shall be amended so that Section 1t9.052 the:eof shall read as £ollows: "Section 49.052. 3'he owner shall subscribe to an application £orm £or said licer.se giving such in£ormation as may be necessary to determine compliance with this Chapter. The owner shall furnish such further inFormation to the City as may be requested and relating to compliance with this Chap- ter. The City shall inspect the premises one or more times a year to assure such compliance o£ the premises. Except in an emergency that involves an immediate hazard to the health� safety and wel£are of human beings, no entry into the premises for the purposes o£ inspection to determine compli.ance shall be made without the consent of the owner or occupant, after notice of i_ntent to inspect. 'uJhere consent is refused, then the Caty may proceed to•inspect, Where consent is refused� then the City may proceed to inspect, afte; a hearing be£ore the City Council with five ($) days registered written notice to the last known address of the owner or occupant and where the City Council determines from such hearing that inspection is reasonably necessar,y to assure compliance with this Chapter. The failure� and refusal without good cause shown� to furnish the in£ormation requested relative to the compliance of the premises with this Chapter or.the failure or refusal to give consent to an inspection, wittlout good cause, is grounds for disapproval and denial of a license as well as suspension or revocation of the license. PASSED BY THE CITY CDUNCIL QF THE CITY �F FRIDIEY 'ISIIS 17TH DAY OF AUGUST� 196l�, ATTEST: Q1l�tn � — ( Q��'YI�J�^�d�% C Y C K- Marvin C. Brunsell First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: August 3, 196ly August 17� 196Lt August 26, 1961� `�!�����,,.� ��z �� _ _ MAYOR - Wi11Y�[m J. Nee 4 . ,� r. -_'a�.— . . . L�. �