Ordinance No. 0003 07-13-19491 a � � �� �� �� 1 ��f� ORUL\9\CE �0.3 AN ORDINArCE PEATAINING TO NASTE DI6PO6AL The piRage Cooncil o-f Frldley do ordain as Pollmca: cection 1. Definitlone. 1T0 nord "Garbage" aa used herefn shall indude only orgauic refuse resniting from the prenaration of foal and decaS�1 and spoiled food from anS source. The �vord "rubbieh" as uaed Lere- in ehall include all inorganic refuse matter sach as tin cans, glas3, naper, smeepinga, etc. ��� Section 2 Garbage Callector. To lxrson shall for l�ire, collect ar re- moce any gnrbage in tLis village except a nerson wl�o has entered intn a contract wlth the cauncil fnithfn119 aod continuoualp Gt pro cide a certain garbage eollectton and dis�OSal sprcicg in accordance tsith the ordinances and regula- tians of this villaRe, and with the lawful orders and ret,n�lations of tbe loca] board of health. If deemed advfeable, diffenent per- sone may be granted contracts fox garbage collectirrn in �ifferenf parts op the municipality. 9ecticru 3. Garbage Containera Every housebolder� or occupanf of an9 d�ve7liug houee, boarding hoaae, reetavrant or an9 P1ace of bnsiness having garbage to diapose of shall provide LimeelY �t'ith one ar mare `i h fly nnd water NSht metal�cans saff- icient Ya receive all gsrbe�ge �al�ich� inao accumvlate between the timee ��f collection. Each can sball be rrovided with a bail or handles nnd ti�ht fitting crover. 8ection 4. Location of Qon[ainera. Giieba�e containera shall be kept at or nenr the bnek door of the hnilding uaiug the same on• at the rear aY Chc property if there is an nlle9, and shull trc accessiblc to callectare At flll reasonable times_ xSection u. Dic�sal b� Individ- nal. \othing herein contained�.Lall ptecznt anp �rewi fro�m dieposinK <rf Phe garbaKe accumulatiug on his nwn pre�nises in nny sanitary m:inner a�roced by the Ioca7 bna�v] of healtb. � Smtion 6. Rubti[Sh. The takinK of rnbbish ehall be <lone at the digcretiun aY tbe �artrage collectar. � $¢etion 7. \o person shall main- tafn, ope�rate, or pei•mit tLe uae �f a public dump for the dumping of garbage or ruUbieh cvithin the �'illnKe of Fridle9 �<<hoat a special permlt. Sectton S, No persan ahall dep oeit or place tubbieh or Karbage nn ar Along any Public wa9 or aay privxte property without tbe own- ers permission. Seetion 3. Even� person wno shaR violute auc of the procisians crf thie ordinance shall be �uiltp oP a misdemeanai and upan con- viction thereof, shall be pnnished by a Eine of not lesa than $�i.00 and not sore than S10Q nnd costs of prasecutlo�, aad in� dMavlt af payment of euch fine o�r costa or twth sha11 be confincvl in thc Vill- aRe jail unt[1 said fine and coets are aatiefied ea provided by law. Section 10. Thia ordinance shall take effect and be in faxce fro�m and aftec ita p�gGaRe and pnblir- ation nce�ding to law. Pp.asetl by the �'ilinge CovLCll this 13th daS of Julv, 1&19. 9RL HARTTt� �:.� ,13�� f�r.: ,�ttest : ��'ARD \ INfi Cler ���,/yq O��"PhTrlhhed m Yh (binmbia HeighYs RECOR� 15, 1�J-f�. � � oxn��nxcE xo. � � aer oROaxaxcs ��� nr,n ���.: r�ci.F.s vsm a� u�r�. r,�, s�nu, DRI CLEANING' AND LAUP8AHi2 Rha tammii9.p Soard oS Lha Ta�maafy ot Fridiay �oea orda3n ae followss 8ectS�wt l. It st�11 ba ualeril:l tm uso os opesats on any publLo hi�tt- x�y 3a ths lbtimah3p af Fa3rF2ay tor tha uxirs of dolivery of bres�d, baktry pa+�ets, ffi2k� adllt piwductm, cry e2cs�.n3ng and ?+rsmdry to mny soru�msr i:a th� 7�orceeahip of Fric;ley xlthout fir�i having obtained a lie�►se trom the 9b�ms!►ip B�ard. �r,h lieanssa +�1�a1]. 3n all sasee esPizs � the 30th d�l of Sept�mbsr neo�t aittr the data oY ir�ssme. 3�oti4e► 2. 2he co��sr ae a person or psraana or eop�►ratLoa� to �elw� bswdi 6skery psoduc�La� milk,, ar5i]c preducts, dry cisaning aad lwndry ar� d�li�er�d and ae3d ar a fam Por aervice c�lleetad rhethsr ths reeipient b� s rrtailer, ►�iwleoal�►r, or con�r aa ueal ixl iho erdinary e�ose oi the 1P�IE'�Cs s.ction 3. 1he app7leation tor ameh licanoe a�a21 b� ma8� ia xritibg at Lh� aYSice of ths i.�et c].erko 1�m appl3caat ehsll state his�name� �d- dtrw, natua's of h3a Ssusineoa' t� ktnd and �s ai e.hiol4e hs or ii op�rates aad �ha longtta of L3me ho or it has ctonc bumineas and the ].aegth �f time he doa3rwi to cio bwe3af�a. I� 9�etion 4. Enry applieant isr a Lcense � a vehlcle ueed in delirer- ing brsad and bakeiq prod�ts ahal]. pqy* into tho traasury oY ths Tamship aa s lic�ues, on wch and v►srytehia].e, Lhe a� oY $10.00 E�' 9'�r P� vshfc]e. seetien 5. 7bs 1'Lcsm�o at,ail ireap asie lscaasss ai.p]ay.d on es. or ita � nhie].� in a con�p�ieg�us place. Secti�n 6. 1Rio pt�avis4.� ef this ordincixa ia e�3b,acL to all th� lar� o! Lhe Uaitod Statas ud tho StaLe ot P3innasota �3 pat�ticn2aryl to the �- esopcs�or, sn 1949M.s. 197.59 av,a .3ao sha.0 nat wgly to s�113ng age�►t. or to bena fid� aalee a! s�eh afs�ant9.rned psoQuctrs by �e anr to a�r peraoa who may sell or peddls Lhs proaivets of a Sarm p�dnced by hi.m. Seetioa ?, tt�r pm�s trt�cs v3oi��� : any of Lha psvviaioa+r of Lhis ordin- at�ct, shall bo guilty of a si�dsx�c•r.�r and upon can�atiap� thsraof� shnll bo puaiah�d by a iiue oS not �are tksn �7.00f4a or by impri�t for nat more Lhan �net9 (90) d�m, tegather mlth tho costa oi prcos�eution in oithez cass. :aetian 8. ltrio ordi3,ar�c� ahall be in foreo �xxf Qftaet october I., 1951. FaASed by tho Rbsma��.p Hoard of Pr5.d3ey tha 27t8 deg o1 Angurt, 1951a Ylalter F, O�borne Chaix�aa � (�5�a1.) Attsstt Mar�orl� Smell-Tamahip c2ork � Publith�d ta► Go2�bia Hei�hts Rmcazr3 7th of 9ispt.� 1952.