Ordinance No. 0303 06-07-1965ORDIPdANCE N0. 303 AN ORDINANCE PIItTAIi3ING TO MGTORIZED TIEHICI.� RENTAIS� PROVIDING FOR THE LIGENSING OF �P15E, REw'UInli1G INSURANCE AA1D REGULATING SAhiE. The City Council of the City o£ Fridley do ordain as £ollows: SECTION l. That the City code o£ the City of Fridley be amended by add� ro thereto a chapter designated as Chapter 77, entitled, "I�lotor Vehicle Hentais". Section 77.01 DeFiniiion of Motorized Vehicles For ti,e purpose c� t'.is ordinance, rnotorized vehicle shall mean ssiy self-propelied vehicle not operated e,cclusively upon railroad tracks. �iotorized bicycles� .�iotor scooters� motorc�*cles and the like are included within the definition oi motor vehicle. This definition sY.all not a�ply to vehicles designed to be operated exclusively over snocg7aotorized wheel chairs, £arr,i tractors, or otYier farm implements; nor shall it arply to passenger cars, trucl<s, tractors, trailers, seru-trailers, lift trucks, lawn mowers, or any otlier mobile equipment, whether or not used on higrnrays� which are leased for business, comr,:ercial� or home r:iain- tenance purposes. Section 77.02 Licenae Required, No person, firm or corporation shall en�age in the business of renting motorized venicles to any person or persons £or hire unless said �erson, firm or corporation is duly licen- sed as hereinafter provided. Section 77.03 Applicetion All persons� £irris or corporations engaging in the business of rentin�; r:�otorized veiiicles shall fiie a w-iitten an,;lica- tion vritn tY;e City Cierk £or the CitSr of Fridley. The application shall centain the £ollowing: , (1), The name and business address of licensee; (2), The year� make, model, seriai nwr,ber and license - nun:ber that identiSies tYie r�otorized vehicle. Said application shall be duly sworn to by tl?e person or by the proper officer of the company or corporation apply3ng £or the license. Section �%.01, Lesee shall be licensed. No licensee shall let ar_furnish:any suCh motorized vehiele to ar�y person not having his or her notor vehicle driver's license issued in accordance with the provisions of the laws o£ t�e State of biiruiesota. It is unlat�rful £or an�r person� wheiner he be the ol�mer or lessee of a rnotorized •aenicle� to peri�lit any person who is not lice,�sed by the State of I�_inn- esota to drive or operate such vehicle. Bef'ore lettin�, leasing or £urr.ishing an�� motorized vehicle to ari;� person� the licensee shall �ake a permanent and legible record con- taining tihe name, address and age of the f�erson to ro:hom the motorized vehicle is leased� rented or 1et and snali record tiiereor the number and date of issue and exr�ir�tion of the driver's lieense� together with tiie description oi the person as shown bp tne driver's license� and identify the vehicle leased or rented tc the person b,; the r,:otorized veliicle lic- cense nianber issued by the Stats. oS i<,inxiesota togetner with the date or• dates o£ such licensing, lt 3.s unlatir£ul to let� rent or furnish any motor vehicle to any per•son under tte age of 18 years unless such �erson shall furnish and leave with the licensee a statement in i;riiing ehoti,�in`r tt:e consent of the parent or guardian to t'r,e lewsing or letting o£ the motor vehicle to such Ferson. nll records required b,y this section shall be kept for a period of not less than one year and shall at all times be open to inspection b;j the Police Departmer.t of tne Cit=; of Fridley, Section 77.05 Insurance Required. No such liccnse siiall be issued to any person, £izri or cor- porat-.on to engage in said business in the Cit,; of Fridley until the api:licant shall obtain and file with the Citc of Fridley a polic;f of liabilit;� insurance, in an insurance company authorized to do business ur,der tiie laws of the - State of hiinaesota. The liability cr ir.demnity insurance for each motor vehicle as in tt:is cha�ter cte£ined shall Ue in the amount of w1G,000.00 for injury to person or persons; and shall urovide for and be ;nade to cover all injuries to property � � ��_ OHDI;J�.1:,,.. .{C. 3�3 — Cc:, .. that may be caused by said motorized vehicle, not to exceed �5�000.00. Such policy shall be in such form that it shall provide £or the pa;/r:�ent of any� judgment against the insured therein to the extent of the liability therein, obtained by � any rerson injur2d in r�erson or propertv by re,ason of any � act o£ the owner, driver or any other person in the operation of said veiiicle� and for the pa;�ment of any jud�rnent obtained a�;ainst the insured therein b;; any person in;iured or by the representative of any person z:illed or injured by such act. Such policy shall have a condition that it cannot be cancelled a£ter loss or ti.�thout written notice to the City oi' Frid;ey; and in case of any cancellation the license herein provided _ , £or, issued to tiie person, fii�r, or cori,oration wnose policy is so canceiled� shall becor,ie b3� virtue of suc't: cancellation� inoper�tive and voiri, unless another policy is fort'rrn-ith issued� apFroved and filed in lieu o£ said cancelled policy. . The Council of ttie Citv r..ay require tLe said licensee to re— place said policy o£ insurance if it deems saicl policy unsatis— factory or insufficient ior any reason, a*ld t's�e default or - refusal of said licensee to comply with axiy sucr order of the Council shall be grounds for revocation of the license of the person, firn or corr:oration so of£end:ng. Said policy sY:all be approved as to form by the Cit� :ittorney o£ the City of Fridley and shall Ue filed wiLh tne Ciiy Clerk. ^1he City Clerk, upon compliance o£ tne above said provisions� shall issue a license to t'r:e an; licant in con£ormity witP, the provisions uf ��is ordinance, to�ether orith a tag bearing the same nur.:oer as tne license, which the apnlicant shall disrlay in a conspicuous place on the motorized vehicle. Section 77.06 Fee. The annua.l license f�e for such licezse is hereby fixed at �:25.OU £or eac:: ve;iicle, which license fee shall be I;aid by the applicant to the City C1erk o£ the Cit�r of Fridley, and a receipt for such payment sha11 be presented to the City ,, Clerk before the issuar�ce of an,y license. All licenses granted � under this chapter sYiall, unless revoked� continue in force for or.e ;rear from ar.d aiter the date o£ issuance. v' � Section 77.07 �T9.olations. : - A violation of any rrovision of this chapter shall subject the , violator to the penalties provided in Chapter 105 of the City Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF FRIDI.ElC THIS 7TFI DAY OF JUivF, 1965, i��� �'� i4AY0ii — tti`ill' J. Pdee ATTEST: ,�-,'''y/ j �+.�.,,,.., � � �u cIT't cI�'s,� ii�: _ �.arvin C. �rwnsell Publish: June 23� 146� . , �