Ordinance No. 0315 11-08-1965t. � _� . oxDinn.ucs No, 315 AN ORDINn*TCE 'f0 nt�tEtID THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAIQNG A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTiON 1. nppendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as here- inafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: That part of the West -'� of the Southwest ; of Sec*ion 14, ar.d that pa:t of the East Z of the Southeast ; of Section 15, Townshin 30, Ran�e 24. Anoka County, Minnesota or. that part of Lots 16 throu�h 27, Blocl; 9, Lowe11 Addition to Fridley Park and part of vacated alley in seid Bloctc 9, and that part of Lets 22 through 27, Block 8, in said e�ddiY.ion and part of vacated Main Street, described as follows: Be$inl?in� at the Sosthwest corner of Sylvan Hills Plat 6; thence West along the North line of Mercury Drive as platted in Sylvan Hi11s Plat 3, a diatance of 350 feet; thence "?orth �a*a11eZ with trie West line of Sylvan Rills Plat 6, a distance of 235.3 feet;. thence East to its intersectiori with thP West line of said Sylvan Hi:ls Plat 6, said inte.section being 235 feet North of said SoutFFa=.st corner oE Sylvan Hills plat 6; thence South alonh sa±d West line *_o the point of beginning. is hereby designated to be in.the Zoned District known as R-3A (mult?ple family dwellings). SECTiON 3. That the Zoning Adoinistrator is directed to change the official zoning maQ to show said tract or area fro�a zoned district C-2S <general. shopping area) and M-1 (li;ht induscrial area) to R-3e {mtilriple family dwellings). PASSED BY Tk1E CITY COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 8TFi DAY OF NOvEMBER, 1965. ' _ �'��i�x,'Wi MAYOR - Will' J. Idee wTPBST: M C��.... � CITY CI:R - Marvin C, Brunsell Puhlic Hearing: First R�ading: Second Reading: PublisF.: October 18, 1965 October 18, 1965 November 8, 1965 November 17, 1955 -� ;, `: ; i .l , ; 3 �