Ordinance No. 0033 01-02-1951� � OFfICIAL PUSLICATION O$DINANCE rro. sa 3 3 � AN ORDINANCF. PROVIDING ' FOR THE ESTABLISHDiENT �. OF A P07.ICE COMti175SION j A\D AfAKING RtiLES ATQD REGliLATION5 FOR T R E GOVEFN�iENT OF THE SAME The Village Counci] of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. :MEDIBERS There is hereby established a Police Commission to consist of 5 mem0ers. The memhers are to be agpointed by the Mayor subject to the apnroval of the Village CounciL The first five appointees sha'1 have staqgered terms of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and Pive years with terms expiring on the lst day of February of the respective years. Subsequent appointees shall have terms of 5 years each. Members of the commission shall at all times be residents of the Vil7a.ge of Fridley. SEGTION 2. MEETINGS The commission shall meet annually on the first Monday in February af each year and ot- ganize itself by electing a chair- man, vice�chairman, and a sec- retary from among iCs mem6ers. The cammission may adopt its own by-laws and meet at such other times as it may provide or find necessary. SECTION 3. DtiTIES � (1) The Commission shall ' keep and maintain a list of Yil- . lage residents available for em- ployment as Police officers with• in the Village. � (2) The list shall be prepared ��� afYer a thorough and complete examination and investigation of available candidates. � (3) Employment for police . work in the Village of Fridley . shall hereafter be made by of- � . fering the position to the persan standing highest on the list of � the said commission wno is a�-ailable for work. i4) The Commission shall adopt a uniform and regulae system of prepar4ng the lists end shall maintain the senior- ity of persons placed on the list. It may make reasonable classi- fications. f5) The Commission shall make an annual report to the Village Council on the lst day of December of its activities dur� ing the past year. (6) The Commission shall re- c^mmend to the Village Council p�n�o�als for law enforoement budget, sa]aries of police offici� a'.s and any other matters per- Y:nent to police work. �7) Police officers employed hemafter, and those now in the employment of the Village as po:ice officers shall have per- manent tenure so long as they faithfully perform the duties of their office and conform to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Police Commission and ! he rules and regulations pre- scribed by the Village Cou�cil. � The Commission shall draw up and maintain rules and regula- tions relative to the conduct of police officers. -Changes in the said rules and � regulations shall be effective when filed with the Village Clcrk and the filing shall be deemed notice of the said changes to all concerned.-: �S) The Chairman of the Com- mission or the Mayor of the Vil- lage may suspend any police of- ficial for conduct unbecoming a police officer or for failure to perform a duty required of him. A suspended police officer may demand that the charges be made in writing. A hearing shall be held within 10 days from the suspension before the Cammis- sion and the Commission by a majority vote of a quorum pres- ent may exercise its discretion zs to whether the conduct of the officer requires fvrther suspen- sion, or reinstatement, or dismis- sal. � � l . : ._ . . y In ca.se of reinstatement the ottSccr shall be entitled to his salary for the period he was under suspension. SECTION 4. COMPENSATION. The members of the Com- mission shall receive $2.00 per diem in performing their work. SECTIOF o. VACANCIES. The Mayor with the approval of the Village Council shall fill a12 vacancies on the Cnmmission. Passed by the Villa.ge Council of Fridley, January 2, 1951. CARL HAPTM " Mayor Attest: „ WARD NORLIN�Gl.i d� Village Clerk �v1�� ���� // Published in the Colum Heights Record, this 26 day January, 1951. 7N. a _ • 1i4 `y j.' t 1 . ��_TTT����'� y LiSHME OF & POLICE C 831OI' AND . , } . de► ordain es ferl..s�t#: ' The Yi;11ag+'..C onmoi i of Fri file r 're -isxhereby established a P4�., .se Co�ssi.eei be a ePs#s of . *ra. ytheMay'or :subeattotheapreva ` ' ,;aae be :•r Vie' te':be askad b _ �. yam`+ ara Co leil. '' e -first"'firm .appoLhtees -7 X777 1 •hale s'F +red to 'ms of 1 S s year , years and::5 years with teas e*pirt sps the 1st d*1 ": ►e piotivo;;years. S*bsecuent appeintles `shall have terms of .5 ye "s u''';'i�. Yembare f the s,es<missien shall ,at all times: ire residents of the :.Yil.lage of 'Fridley. r re a * en the" ''#Fc �n Fsl�rnsa'y �� � r �`'` �` • ,• The saai..+sn'shall •sal�3,s��+� year •`and organise V oel.f 'ey eleoti : it ohai'r; s team i +►, om amonr i.ts,,membeirs. The e r" emaeismion may adept ita ohrq �'-lams and meet mir snieh � z *A .othdr tines as it• may provide or find necessary. - Y(1) 'Tho t osmi a si onl shall. kes snd 1* nn r to r itO a 11$t ,laga . for smployMent a$' p iiie ff Cora'. rithin`the :villages (2) The list shall be prepar•ed• after a thero+etgb• end .complete exam.�aati.:::'.•'''..:':':'.1 -'' '-' • -, ., •-• ' :' '. - • -. eal aind_ .` ai freilable candidates. be"ie gton, ofa ` T 'ridls shall blreaf lr. - li ork i.n the Yi1lsg , e e e[iid(3) Employment,.for .poo bt: en the list wt•t• ,' teson standing es.. the os' tiox to he •pr ;dale1*y offoringP commission who i a's'irsilablei, f or work., rin thA ` a ' (�) The Coa�missi', , . *ii. adopt a uniform anct regular sys�tem:of pr ►ps► N re .s s " -Tr t`- fat. It sm ilk*.o sona ,placed en the ]iil S - t the reenilrit' ef; per , .z � ' '�r * rr a ,*�a atsd sha71 nm4 IY,,n„,„- q .i:• t ,r �'' � `csyq`� Yfr�,vM•*S r. ".q7hd "'°l , aa a m' .4.. � r- Yc ' ; �- .� ra�;� st �y' " Yt�t t r,- .. Fp : r t�' .t_. rifiFo, etis. f . Cuofl''en i e 'lesasonable claas oa • • . meio salmc a :hl[, aienannual'report to < e`vilage etl 33.' • day;"of, ,Deae*ber of its activities during the;`past year;.- (d) ' e Ao f' I n 'shall._:reooa ud: tQ tbMea 'ill, ;e' o nci 1 propesal.s for 1-a*` esi $ .r' r 1 'c a r i F P f� 1,fr : 'T{,':" ., t.• e' lames of � $r s tts•�r$ pore . l�: s�t�eiscld :` ia�fffiea b , police work. Police affleers employed hereafter`,,: and `those, •now in the sap?.©y�aeat of,'the doers ::','..:-..:'1.:-.:'.-''''' '.':': . ii ' pillage .as polio shall haves" permanent tbfnre see: long` as they ,,.. .:.: --. .-„ : -•- •.- .. ,..--.,,:.,,-: „.„-,.,:i.:::, ,,,,-.i::,.: faithfully perform the' • Y • ti fit ... 0 ,. ; 1 duties';. of ,their of e;.fioa do. onf•a to te;h r4ales. ':*1d re_g,alatiens:prescribed erg •oliae Commission' and the rules and regulate.ens.`prosor .be8{by the Village Eo� i ' ie ill d'as to an ;unint liau se . 're$ lti.ens re ar =t kr 'yb 'o'an i; . Gea,ss , -, i •r , . - 8 r . .Y . £•, . ' a . \z^t' ? yr . 9 4 �, t * 4' i_` - . .r } ^ se 9esa re la t ns �fi ho e eei prlie~ Yie #. ite.be'ei0f•ative when riled with t r.Tillage Clerk and the filing shall:be .elee�see f : otst**,Of the .sa►id changes.:to all .conoerned. kr. ) thf1ian fteC. iajien sr the-Iayer f the llage sir mpe*d r€ e ha ,raa h z any polio..* ici.al i'err• senduot u o a pole ef' iosr ear+ f :lair: s ire ss; 1perfor • i .o didtat the. fi m a du required f lim. Aiittiipeasdeipelo. ,sffer , h . • • • 'fi ehargea: be 'made is writing. A heauring• shall be ~held wi,t'in i.0 a►y i`.,from t� acts eeeien `Isetere the;a a,3, sl.n and' t.} ',Com •mission' .by a ajorl: r vats of:a, for• •• , ,- „ :;- presen t •na r exercise ltas disaret a as to whether the eaindtas t of #he': fi ►r -re- y a • a '•� ,,asuth • psi oa or reit'ateteaaent, er -iiudi s .' ; re frerusn ,, In ease of r reinstatement the offieer,..shall be 'entitled to his. .sa4l.ary• the z period he wa<[s,nnder• suspensi.•.ao. N P 7. 'fhs members .ef tad Cemaisslsn shall, n oe,l-vs .00 per• ;'.en.laa perfer the '•.. • • av rs r k { A _}4 t , M, 0 the approva ;of•'the Vi•llage' Cavnoil shall fill all 7e eanoic a} i. i{ r Commission. :G M,. z ; a �, . : : i.de za' i ,''.1951 Pas ed• by fie 'VillageConneil ofFridley, nry . r . l e 7 :, . r4 ' eMt TJL* , �" • • • J.M pS F � £ g t4 Atii i' tte 'is - a .. , . , A ° �'y� ,�fy. � x V F 7 . + , � ,' "�13 �a.k ,A�,ew..t"4"l+�y��� k `A 1�av) V lla e C er c 3 ri* r y a �y �y u p'abli.shed in Col mbia Heigh s hevarral, 4 l9•.:,•••-0*:f7't 7'-:,e'.N! ''' .i '. t S 5. i. :F • " l - I. t. «x 5 • t 5 *' a • 111111 ORDINANCE E. .••••1•••• AV ORDINANCE PROVIDIMI FOR THE ESTANe LISEMENT OF A YOLICE COOTat/ON AND MaKTNO RULES AND RFrULieireYR FOR THE GOValOCNT OF 'NE SAKE. The Villaee Couneil of Fridley do ordain as renames SECTION 1. mnTrPr. There ie horsier established a Folio. Comeisaion to corsist of 5 members. The members sr o to he appointed by the Mayor subleot to the approval of the Village Council. The first five appointees shall have staggered terms of 1 year, 2 years. 3 years, 4 rare and 5 years with terms expiring on the 1st day of February of the respective years. Subsequent apecintees shall have terms of 5 years each. Members or the comeission shall at all times he residents or the Villal. of ?ridley. RECTTeW 2. WATINS. The comp shall meet annually on the first 4onday in February of each year and organize itself by electing e chairmen, vice—chairman, and a secretary from anon' its members. rho commission may adopt its emn bylaws and meet at such other tines ae it may provide or find nweessery. SECTION 3. .DUTIES. (1) The Comnission shall keep sod maintain a list of Village residents available ror employment es purlic officers within the Village. (2) The list shall be prepared after a thorough and complete examination and investigation or available oandidates. (3) Employment ror police work in the Village of Fridley shall hereafter be made by offering the position to tee person standine hiehent on the lilt of the eald commiesion who is available for work. (Li) The Commiesion shall adopt a uniform and regular system of prepartne the nets and shall maintain the unity or parsons placed on the list. It may make reasonable olayeifieations. ( 5) The Commission shall make an senual report to the Village Council en the let day of !ecember of its activities during the east year. (6) The Commission shall recommend to the Village Coeeoil proposals for lee enforeement budget, salaries of polies officials and any other matters peetinent to eclioe work. (7) Folios officers employed hereafter, and thou now in the employment of the pfficers Village as poliozi, shall have permanent tenure so lone an they faithfelle nerfere the • I duties of their office and conform to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Pollee Commission and the rules and regulations prescribed by the Pillage Council. The Commission ehall draw up and naintein rules and reerulations relative to the conduot ©f police officers. Changes in the said rules and regulations shall he effective when filed with the Village Clerk and the filing shall be deemed notice of the s!;4id char►rree to all concerned. (8) The Chairman of the Com eissir,n or the 2iayor of the Villa; a may suspend any polio' official for conduct unbeoo n'nf; a police officer or for failure to perform a duty required of him. ; e spended polio, officer may demand that the charges he male in -rritins*. :t hcarinp shall he held within 10 days from the suspension he fore the Commission and the Commission by a majority vote of a quorum present may exercise its discretion as to whether the conduct or the officer re- quires farther ellspension, or reinstatement, or dismissal. In case of reinstatement the officer shall he entitled to his salary for the period he was ender suspension. ':FC 1ION C'° 119 t7MATI0N. The 'ombers of the Commission shall receive :2.0O per diem in perf'orminr• their work. S ;CTIJN 5. VACANCIES. The Mayor Wirth the approval of the Vi l lrr-e ounc i l shall fill all vaoanoie s on the Com issiton. Fassed by the V' 1laf-e Council of Fridley, January 2, 1951. C M L lfi R T i , Ayer Attests API) N0Rtfli(), Vinare Clerk (Published in the Columbia feiohts Record, day or 1151.