Ordinance No. 0364 06-05-1967OKDINANCE N0. 364 AN SM6RGENCY ORDINANCB FOB EXP&NDING FUNDS DC) R&PAIB WSLL N0. 3. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain a� follows: SECTION 1. That the Council of the City of Fridley finds-that it,is neceasary to expend Eunda for emergency repair to remove a certain bailer lodged in the shaPt of Well No. 3; that the Consulting Sngineer has advised the Conncil that auch expend3ture is neceasary an�l must be done on an ecnergency baeis; that without said repair there would be a lack of water for public safety and M a danger to public health; that accordfngly an ecrc:rgency exists within the provision of 3.06 of the City Charter. SBCTION 2. That it is dexmed necesaary, therefore, that the City contrect and purchase auch necessary labor and material and enter fnto such contraet or contraeT.s as ma,y be neceasary without advextising for bids for the emergency reFair of Well No. 3; and that the total expenditure for said emergency repairs shall not exceed the sum of Three Thousand and no hundredtha C$3,000.00) Dollara. PASSBD BY THfi CI1Y COUNCIL OF TF1E CITY OF FRIDI.SY, THIS STH DAY OF JUNF, 1967, �� • fAYQR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM � I:TtY�L�Y�E � / I �h.�i.w ��/ i'1.L�.�:���./ CI�R[F= MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading: June 5�1967 , Second RPading: Yublieh: June 16, 1967