Ordinance No. 0372 09-05-1967� INDEX SECTION 1 2 3 � 5 Sa, b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 �1 45 46 47 ORDINANCS N0. 372 AN ORDINANl� RSGOLATING AND LICSNSING FOOD SSTABLISFII�AsNTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATi02dS THERSOF Definitiona Licenses Req�ired — Applicatio� for License Rxceptions, No Licertse Required License Fees Insurance Pelicies Reyuired for Licensed Vehicles Additional Penalty Inspection and Correction Seizure, Tagging and Condemnation Itinerant Food Sstabliehments F loors Walls and Ceilings Doors and Windows Lighting Ventilation Toilet Facilities Lavatory Facilitiea Water Supply and Ice Equipment Required Equipment Conatructfon and Materiale Squipment Installstion Single Service Utensfla � Cleaning and Storage of Dtensila and Sqvip�ent Dishwashing Single Servfce Utensils Speeial Cleaning and Bactericidal Treat�nt Requirement.s Sewage Garbage and Refuse Containers Garbage and Refnse Storage Area Holding Temperatures Wt�olesomeneas Dairy Products Food Sourees Shellfish Meat and Poultry Sourcea � Tranaportation, Storage, Display and Serving of Food Cleanliness of Persons Engaged in Food Establishment Operation Health and Disease Control Dceasing Rooms and Lockers Insect and Rodent Control Housekeeping Vending ?7achines � Miscellaneous finforce�eent Proviaions Procedure for Violatic+n and Grace Period Panalty Separability Repeal Effective Date YAGE 11 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 20 21 21 22 25 25 26 26 26 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 34 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 38 38 38 t , , �J , �� ORDINANCE NO. 372 (Contiaved) The Council oE the. City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SfiCTION 1. Definitiona. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of thia ordinance and the following wor8s and terms wherever they occur in ihis ordinance are defined as followa: "Adulterated Food" means any food which (a) bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may be injurious to health, provided, however, if such food beara or contains any such substance added thereto or found therein for which a safe tolerance or standard has been established by lawful regulation, or law, such food shall n�t be adulxerated food if such substance is not in exceas of tolerance of standard, or (h) consists in whole or in part of the product of decayed �* decompoaed sub- atance, or consists in whole or in part of the product of a disease�l animal, or an animal which has died by accident, disease, or otherwise than by slau?hter, or (c) ie con*.ained in an immediate package which is composed of any poieonous or deleterious substence which may render the contents injurious to health, "Bactericidal Treatment" means the application of a method or sub- stance for the destruction of all pathogena and to reduce all other aie�^o-' organiame to meet the required bacteriological standards of thia ordinance, and which does not adversely affect the utensils and equipment of the food or the health of the consumer. "Bakery Food Vehicle" u+eaas any food vehicle used to transport bakery �oods about the streets for the purpose of sale of such goods from door to dnor. "Boarding Houae" meana an eating place not open to the �eneral public where meals are furnished to three or more persons other than membecs of the family. "Catering Food Vehicie" meana any food vehicle used to transport any food from its point of preparation to a point where the food is served from the veh�icle to the consumer, or any food vehicle wherein food is prepared Eor sale or service to the consumer. . °Clean" means free fraa physical, cheanfaal, and microbial aubstance diacernible by ordiaary aight or touch, by ultraviolet light, or by artiPicia7 light and the saffranine-o dye test, and free from insecta, vermin, and debris. "Employee" meana any peraon srho rendere peraonal aervice, with or without crvnpensation, within a food establishment. "Fami.ly" means an individual living alone or two or more pr.rsons related by blood, macriage or adoption, livin¢ together in a single residence unit. "Food" means any raw,.coolced or proceased substance, beverAgo_ or ingredient used or intended fnr use in ahole or in part for human consumption. The term "Foocl" further in�ludes ice and water. "Food Contact Surfaces" awane those surfaces of the equipment and utenails with vhich food normally comes into contact or may come into conY.act. • "Food Sar.ablishment" means any building� room, etand, enclosuee, vehicle, space, zrea, or other place wherein food +.s stored, prepared, manufactured, procesaed, wrapped, canned, packed, bott,led, transported, distributed, or served, as a business, whether or not the f.00d is consumed on the premiaes. "Food Vehicle" means any food eetablistiment conaiating of a mobile ORDLNANCE N0. 372 CCONTiNUSD) , vehicle which haula any food for the purpose of delivery or sale. "Enf.orcing Officer" means the Board of Health or authorized representative of the City of his deputy. "Kome Prepared Food" means any fcwd Which haa been procesaed or pre- pared in a place other than a licensed food establishment or a food establishment exempted Erom licenaing requirements of this ordi.naace by Section 4 hereof. "Ice Machine" meana any machine which is used Por the storing or disppnsing of ice which is sold to the public for use off the premfaes. "Itinerant �ood Establishment" means a food establis4�ment operating for a r.emporary period, including bvt not limited to a fair, carnival, circus, church aupper, or public exhibition. "Misbranding" meAna the use of any wcitten, prinred, or graphic eeatter upon or accanpanying products or coneainers of fc+nd, including signs, or placecards, dieplayed in relation to such products so dispensed, which is false or misleading, or which violates any local, state or federal labeling reauirements. "Perishable Food" means food consisting of fresh fruita, such as applea, bananas, oranges and grapefruit or consisting of fresh vegetables, such as tettuce, carrots, beans, radishes, onions and potatoes. The enumeration herein of snecific items is only for purposes of illustration and sha21 not be deemed to be a limitation upon the meaning of the term illustrated thereby. "Perishable Food oehicle" meana any Pood oehicle which is used to transport perishable foods as herein defined within or inxo the City for delivery therein. "Person" �ana any natvral person, fir.m, corporation, or associ.atiott, and with respect to acts prohibited or required herein, 5ha11 include employees And Iicensees, "Pre-Packa�ed° means �rholesome food packaged in a substantial, clean container or wrapner in a licen�vd and inspected food establishment meeting all of the reauiremente of this ordinance. "Readily Peri�hable Food" means any food consiating in whole or in pert of milk, milk products, eggs, meat, fish, pou2try or eny orher food cappble of suppc�rtin�? ragi-d and progresaive growth of micro-organisma which can r.ause food infec±ionc er food intoxication, HoWever, packaged food in hermetir_aliy sealed r_�ntainers processed by heat to prevent spoilage, packaged pickles, jellies and condimente in sealed containera, dehydrated packaged food; and dry or powdered packaged food so low in moisture content as to preclude development o£ micro-organisms are exclu�led from the terms of this dCfinition. "Readily Perishable Food Vehicle" meana any food vehicle, except catering food vahicles and bakery food vehicles, which is used to transport readily perishable foods as herein defined within or into the City for delivery thereirt. "Retail r,andy shop" means a food establishment where unwrapped can8y not manufactured therein, is sold or offered for sale to the consumer. "Safe Water" means water which ia not adulterated and which is free Erom pathogens and coliform organisms. "Safe Water Supply" means a source of safe water fr.om either the municipal water system or a soucce of water, the operation, location and construction of which have been apprwed by the Minnesota State Board of Health, ' ' � .� d`� ORDINANC& N0. 372 (OONTINUED) "Single 3ervice Utensils" meana all utensils which are us�d only once and then destroyed- "Smooth" means having an eve� surface, free of cracks, chips, open aeams, rust, corrosion, breaks, pits, checks, and ridf;es. , "Smooth" (with reference to equipment and utensil surfaces), in addition to the definition of smooth hereir., means a surface which, fn the case c+f stainless steel, nirkel alloy or oY.her corrosion-resistant metal, has at least a No. 4 mill finieh; or, in the case of cast and f�rged eteel and cast nickel alioy, has a roughness not exceeding American Standard No, 125; or, in the.:;case of other non-corrosi.on-resistant alloys, is at least as s�oth as commercial grade rolled steel aod is free of loose scale. '9ltenaila" meane all kitchenware, tablewarn, diahea, glassware, cutlery, pots, pans, containers, implements or other equipment with which food comes in contact during storage, cooking, preparation, dispi3y or sPrviAtg. "Vending Machine " means any type of roechanical device which operates by the insertion of a coin of more than one cent, or of a token, and which delivers or permits the removal fran such machine of any Eood except ir_e. (See ice machine). "Wholesome" meana food which ia sound, healthfnl, clean, unaduiterated and in att ways fit for human conaumption. SECTION 2. Licenses Required. No person shall operate a food establishment or engage in the business of operating any of the followin� types of enterpriaea within the corporato_ limits of the City, unless a licensa � of the applicable type herein described shall have been obtained therefor pursuant to this ordinance: Foa3 Establishment Catering food vehicle Bakery food vehicle Pecishable food vehicle Readily p�rishable Food vehicle Retail candy shop Itinerant foai establishment Ice machine • Vending machine Where the business consists only of a c,etering food vehicle, �akery food vehicle, perishable food vehicle, readily perishable foal vehicle, retail candy shop, ice machine, itiaP�ant fxd establishment, or vending machine, a food establishment licenae shall not be required in addition. When five or more perishable food vehiclea are operated by the same person in the same bueirteas, operating at least partlq in the City, may obtain a fleet license th�refor in l.ieu of a separate license for each vehicle. If such fleet license is suspended or revaked, such susPension or revocation shall affect every vehicle licensed thereunder. � When Eive or more readily perishable food vehicles are operated by the same person in the same busineas, operating at least partly in the City, may obtain a f.leet license therefor in l�eu of a Qeparate license for each vehicle. If such fleet license is suspended or revoked, such suspension or revocatien shall affect every vehicle licensed thereunder, SECTiON 3, Application for Licenee. The applicant ahall state the foliowing in the appliration for a license: • (a) His name, Cb) Hia business address, if any, and hfa home addresa, �� ORDINANCS N0. 372 (f:ontinued) Cc) The address of thP premises to be licensed, or the addreas of the premiaes where the vending machine is to be located or the food vehicle is to be kept, (d) The type of business to be conducted on the premises, or the kind of food to be sold by the vending machine, or. the use to be made of the food vehicle and the general area where it ie to be operated. (e) A general physical description of the premises, vending machine or food vehicia. (f) A plan of the premises, or a diagram of the vending machine and ita mannet or operatio�, or a diagr.em of the food storage parts of the ve.hicle. (g) The identifying serial number of the vendi�g maChine or food vehicle. (h) 't'he supplier of the articles to be sold in the vending machine, and the a�idress of the premises where the articles to be sold by the machine are placed in the machine, unless the mechine ia to be filled where it is to be located; and Ci) A list of all food licenees or permits held bq the applicant at the tim<_ of ap�lication in any city or village in any state, or issued to him during the preceding three years, with a s!atement of the facts concerning the suapension or.revocation of any auch licenses or permits during said period. S6CTLON 4, Ex_ ce�t_iona, No Fee Re uq ired. Governmental subdivisions, charitable institutions, houses of worahip aerving their own congregation, employees' coffee rooms, school lunch rooma and cafeterias, homes for the aged, child- care homes, milk ua�ons or trucks oQerated by persons licensed under Ordinance No. 18 of this Citp, and patient food services in hospitals ahatl not be required to pay the license fee, but shall obtain a license and shall be subject to all other requirements of thia ordinance. SECTION 5, License Fees. Fees for licenses issued hereunder shall be as follows: � Itinerant food eatablisiwent: �15.00 per ann�. Perishable Food Vehicle: 55.00 per annum. Perishable Foo�7 Vehicle, fleet licenae: $25.00 per annum. Retail Candy Shop- $15.00 per annum, pl�s $5.00 for each additional f.ar_ility on the same premises, as set forth above with respect to fooc? establ.ishments. Readily periahable food vehicle: $5.00 per annum. Readily perishabte food vehicle, fleet license: $25.00 per annum. Balcery Food Vehicle: $]5,00 per annum. Catering Food Vehicle: $100,00 �r annum, plus $5.00 per annum for each additional caterinP, food vehicle under the same ownPrship and operation. Ice Machine: �5.00 per annum for each machine dispensing or storing ice in a wrapped container; �15.00 per annum for all other machines. Vending Machine: for each machine diepensing food in a wrapped package or sealed bottle or container, and requiring , a cnin of not more than ten cents, $5.00 per annum; for each machine dispensing Eood not so wrapped or sealed, and requiring a coin of not more than ten ce�ts, �10,00 per annum; for all other machines, $15.Q0 per annum for tt�e first food dfspenaing unit of the macl�ine, and $S.QO per annum for each additionai food dispensing unit of the same machine, but not to exceed �50.00 for any one machine, � � � ' � ORDINANC6 N0. 372 CContinued) SBCTION Sa. Ineurance Policies Required For Ice Cream Vendors, No catering £ood vehicle license shall be issued for a catering food vehicle fran which ice cream, aherberr, frozen or frosted desserts or ice c.ream producta are sold and ser�ed until the applicant shall have £iled with the Citv Clerk prooE that he is insured, for the period of the license appiied fox, against liability for death, injury or prope.rty damage caused by any of the vehicles to be ]icensed, in the following minimum amounts for each vehicle: Death or injury of any one person� Death or injury of two or more persons in the same accident: Property Damage per accident: $100,000.00 $300,�40.00 $ 50,000.00 Such policy ahall bear an endorsement oE the inaurer to the effect that the same cannot and will not be cancelled or in any manner terminated wi*hout first giving the City Manager at least 15 days' notice of r_encellation or termination thereof. SECTION Sb. Insuranr_e Policies For Vehiclea Licensed Under This Ordinance. Any vehicle of any type which shall be required to be licensed by the terms of this ordinance shall be further reouired to file with the City Clerk proof that he is insured, for the period of tNe licenae applied f�r, against liability for death, injury or property damage caused b� any such vehicle, in the fellowing minimum amounts for each vehicle: Death or injury to one person: Aeath or injury to two or more in the same accident: Property damage per accident: persona 510�����s�� $300,000.00 $:50,000.00 �� Such poli.cy shall bear an endorsement of the insurer to the effect that the same cannot and will not be cancelled or in any manner terminated without first giving the City Manager at least 15 days' notice of cancellation or termination thereof. SECLZON 6. Additional Penalty. Any licensee Who violates any proviaion of this ordinanre or who drives or operates his vehicle in a careless and negligent fashion may in addition to the usual penalties assessed by lAw, have his license revoked, after a hearing before the City Council, upon reasonable notice. SSCTION 7. Inspection and Correction. (a) Inspections Outaide the CorPorate Limits of the City. The Snforcing Officer may inspect food establfshments situated outaide the corporate limits of the City which se21 or offer for sale, or distribute any food to persons license.d under thia ordinance. The fees for such inspecT.ions shall be eaual to the total of the actual costs of salary paid the Officer by the City for the number of hours necessarily sQent in each such inspection, and thP co9t of tranaportation incurred or expended by the Officer for mileage at the tegal mileage rate per mile actun!ly travelled from the City Hall or last place of inspection, which- ever is Less, and rpturning to the City Hall, '�'he F.nfo��ing Officer ahali report +he �ost of auch i�spections to the City Treasurer who shall render statements foc' such inspection costs to the licensee who obtains food from such source outside the City limits, and the ticensee shalt within ten days pa; the amount claimed in the statement r.o the City. In lieu of making inspecY.ions heyond the corporate limi,ts of thP City, the Enforcing Officer may accept the reports of other governmental food i.nspection a�encies. (b) Inspection oE Food Eatabliahments. The EnforciRg Officer shall inapect every food establishment at least onr_� each year and may inspect any food establish+nent as frequently as he m»y deem necessary to insure compliance with thie nrclinan�?. �. 6 ORDINANCS NO. 372 (Continued) Cc). Notifi�atinn of Inspection. The Rnf.orcing Officer.shall cause a written report of i.nspection to be delivered to the holder of the 7icense or to any of his agents or employeea at the licensed premises, either in person or by certified mail. Another copy of the report shallbe filed with the recorde of the City Board of Health. (d) Corrections of Violations. All owners or operators of food establis hments having received a report aiving notification of one or more violationa of this ordinance shall within not less then three days thereafter.remove or correct the violation so liated. SECTION 8. Seizure, Taggina and Condemnation. (a) Examination and Seizure of Food, E�u,�nent and Utensils, Samples of food and other substancea may be taken at any food eatablishment and examined by the Rnforcing Officer at any reasonable time and as aften as may be necessary f.or the detection of misbranding, unwholesomeness er adulteration. The EnEorcing Officer ahall aeixe, by placing a�ag thereon, any Eood that he shall have cause to believe to be misbranded or adulterated, or any eqUipment, olothing or utensils found in a food estahlishment, the use oE which wouid not comply vith this ordinance and also mey in similar manner seize any equipment, clothin¢ or utensi2s, R+hich is unfit for UAP by reason of dirt, filth, extraneous matter, insect�, corrosion, open seams, or chipped or cracked surfaces. Such �eizure tag shall be printed and shall read as follows: "Pridley Board of Health 3eisure - Oae Porbidden Pending Znvestigation Date Snforcing Officer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - Released by Date Name• Tit2e: (Return this portion of tag to Fridley Board o� Health.)" No person ahall remove auch tag from any article of food, equipment, or clothing or any utensil t� which it is attached, or remove or use such food, equipaent, clothing, or utensils°so seized except by direction of the Enforcing Officer. At the e.nd of the period of investigation, the finforcing Officer shail condemn anct cause to be removed or destroyed as provided for in this ordinance, any food, Aquipment, clothing or utensil which has been so seized and which dces not comply wi_th the provisions vf this ordinance; provided, however, that in the case of misbranding, which can be corrected by proper labeling, such food may be released to the owner or person in charge for proper labeling, undec the eupervision of the Enforcing Officer. (b) Condemnation of Food, The SnEorcing Officer may condemn and forbid the sale of, or cause to � removed or destroyed, any food which is unwholesome or adulterated, unfit for human consumption, or otherwisa prohibited by ordinance of state or federal taw. (c) Condemnation of Squipment. ClothinR and Utenails. The Snforcing Officer may condemn and cause to be removed any equipment, clothing or utenails found in a food establishment, the use of which would not caaply with this ordinance, or crhi.ch is being used in violation of this ordinanca; and al.so may condemn and cause to be removed any equipment, clothi.ng or utenails which by reason of dirt, filth, extraneous matter, insects, corrosion, open seams or chipped or cracked surfaces is unfit f.or use. �J ' ' � , OROINANC6 N0. 372 (Continued) __ � ��� (d) Condemnation TaB. Ttie 6nforcing"Officec shall placa a tag of condamnation upon the food, clothing, utensile and equipment, which tag shall read as Eollows: "Fridley Board of Health Date Condemned Enforcin� Officer " ie) Transport or Sale of Unhealthful Food Prohibited. No person ehall tranaport within or into the City, or sell or off.er for sale in the Ci*.y any f.00d whirh is not wholesome or which is adulterated. (f) Unheaithfvl Food Required to i�e in Garba�e Cans. It shall be ualawfut for any person to perAit any unwholesome or adulterated food to be or remain in any food establishment unless such food is placed in a garbage can or garbage receptacle, and the presence of unwholesane or adulE�-rated food in any Eood eatablishment and not in a garbage can or garbage receptacle shall be prime facie evidence of the inte�ded sala thereof as food. SECTION 9. Itinernnt Food Sstablishments. The requirementa of this ordinanr_e ahall be. applicable to itinerant food establishments; pcovided, however, that substitute facilities within the food establishment maY be provided with respect to the following specific phyaical facilit.ies; mechanical ventilation, toilet Eacilities on the premises, facilities fc.r garbage can washing on the premises, anrl dressing rooms or locker.s for employees on the premisea. Enforcing Officer shall im�diately make an inspection and issue a ceport thereon to be submitted to the City Council and the Board of Hea]th, and no itinerant food establistiment aliall commence operations until the require�nts of thie ordinance have been met in accord- ance with the Fsnforcing Officer's final inspection reports. S&CTION 10. Flovrs. (a) Floors Ke_pt Clean. All Ploocs in ell"food eatablishmr.nts ahall be kept r.lean and in good repair. (b) Floor Co�struction. The floora of all food preparation, utensil- washin�, and garbage-storage areas, dressing or locksr rooms, and walk-in refrigerators, ahail be constiucted of durable, non-absorbent, easily cleanable materials, such as but not limited to concrete terraz�o, quarry ti1e, ceramic tile, or tight wood covered with a durable grade of ]i.noleum or plasric, or impregnated with plastic. In areas subject to apilling or dripping of grease or fatty substances, any floor coverings used shall be such as to withstand these conditiona. Fioor draine, where used shall be graded to the drain or drains. The use of sawdust iR prohibited. (c) Interior Dining Areas. The Eloors of interior dining areae i shall comQly with paragraph (b? of this sectioR; ¢rovided, howevet, that j floor carpeting may be used in these areas if such carpeting is in good '1 repair and is kent clean. ! (d) Bxterior Ground Surfaces. .;The walking and driving aurFaces of ' all exterior areas where food is aerved, such as but not limf.ted to drive- in restaurants, sidewalk cafes, patio service, chuck wagon servicP, and barbeques, shall be drained so that water will not accumulate. These areas shall be hard surfaced with concrete asphalt, or other similar material which is free of cracks, dust free, smooth surfaced and i.mperviona to water. (e) Store�e Areas. The floors of dry food non-refrigerated storage areas etiall be constructed of tight wood, concrete, or wood covered with asphalt tile, or similar material. Floors in frozen food stnra�e areas shall be constructed of concrete, tile,or other material impervious to water. � ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) (F) Mata or Dackboards, Mate or duckboards, if uaed, shall be limited to nse in food preparation and utensil washing area� and ehall be desianed and constructed in size, shape and weight so as to permit eesy removal for cleaning, and shall be kept clean. (g) Coved Cornecs. All floors hereafter constructed or extensivwly reconstructed in food prepara*_ion or utensil-washing areas shall be coved at the junction of the floors and walls, at the junetion of the floors and the risers of masonry curbs, and at the junction of the floors and equip- ment_ placed on the floora. SfiCTTON 11, Walls and Ceilin�s. (a) Walls and Ceilinga Kept Clean. Walle and ceilings in all food establishments eha11 be kept clean and in good repair. (b) Snrfaces. The walls of all food-preparation, utensil-taashing, hand-washing, refrigerated-storage, toilet rooma, and garbage-storage rooms shall h�w a smooth tight-colorad eurface, which ic i_mpervious to water up to the highest level reached by sulash or spray. Acousticel material may be used above T.his lvel, provided, ventilation is adequate tn minimize grease and moistvre absorption. Cc) Coverin¢s. Wall coveniag materials, auch as but not limited to sheet metal, linoleum, plastic, and paper, shall be secur.ely attached and sealed to the wall or ceiling. (d) Protrusions. Studs or raftera'shall not be exposad in walls or ceilings o£ food-preparation, utensil-washing, or toi.l.et rooms. Light fixtures, fans, hoods, decorative material, and other similar equipment attachad to walls or ceilings shall be kapt clean. 3ECTION 12. Doora and Windows, From April lst to November lst of each year, ali oQenings standing open to the �uter air i.bcluding,"but not limited to doors, windows, sky2ights anrl transoms shail i>e sc*aened with ti�ht fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh wi.re nr plastic cloth, free of holea. All doors and screen doors openinq to the outer air shall be selE- cloeina an� shall open outward; provided, however, in lieu of ineeting the foregoing requirements, fans of sufficient power to prevent the enYrance of flies may be used at otherwise unprotected openings. SECTION 13. Lighting. Food Preparation and Utensil Working Areas Lightin�{. (a) Natural and supp2emental artificial ?ight sources shall be provided which furnish at least 30 foot candles on all working and equipment surfaces in food-preparation and utensil-washing areas during all times when the area is being ��sed or cleaned. (b) Other Areas. All areas, except dining rooms and workin� and equipment surfaces as mentioned in paragraph (a) of this section shall be provided with at lec+at 5 foot candles of a light at a di_stance of 30 inches frort the floor. SECTION 14. Ventilation. (a) Ventilation ReQUired. All areas in every food establishment shall be well ventilated and shall be free of disagreeable or excessive odors, condensation, vapors, smoke and fumes. (b) Local Exhaust. inst�iled at or ooer all emoke, including bvt no± units. Mechanical local exhaust ventilation shall be fixed equipment vhich produce= odors, grease, or limited to ranges, griddles, and deep fat frying 1 ' , ORDINANCR N0. 372 (Continved) � Q4 (c) Inleta and Make-IIp Air. Air inlets shall be provided which are of sufficient capaciYy to supply reQlacement of exhausted air; provided, that the summary calevlation for exhausk and ma�-up air for the kitr.hen shall leave the kitchen under a slight negative pressurP and the balance of make-up air f.or the kitchen shall be supplied from the dining area. ' Air inlets and all ducts end all kitchen shall he supplied from the dining area. Aiz inlets and all ducts shall be located so as to provide a thorough]y uniform air movement throughout all rooma and areas. Air inlets located on the outside of the buildinp, shall be located at leaet 12 feet off tbe ground, and shall nnt be located within 30 feet of plumbing vents of other exhaust vents, Inlets shall be equipped with filter9 which 2revent the entrance of insects and exceasive dust, dirt, or any other contaminating mater.ials. , (d) All Hoods. All hoode for food preparation equipinent sha21 have welded or soldered joints and be free of any openings or holes. All hoods shall have grease cnllecting troughs under the filters which eliminate the dripping of grease. from such filters onto f4od, utensils or equipment. All hoods shall be equipped with tow velocity filtac grease removal systems. Such filLers shall be inatalled at an angle oF fotty-f ive degreea *.� sixty degrees with the horizontal in the hood. A filt_r velocity of. not less than two hundred nor more *han three hundre�i linear feet per minute shat] be provided at all times the h�od is in use provide�l, however, any ethar grease removal process or equipment of equal effectiveness may he used �rovided the license.e shall submit to the City Board of Healtb evidence showing in detail the procedure or process and the effectiveness thereof. ' (e) Canopy Hoods. All canopy hoods chall overhang all cooking and baking Pquipment a minim�im of one foot and shall t�: provided with a grease trnugh around tbe perimeter rrhich eliminates the drippiag of grease from such hnod, ontn food, utensils or en,�ipment. . ' Long hoods ahall be provided with outleta on six foot centara, and hoods with multiple ovtlets shall have manual air volume dampers. Cle.anouts shall be provided in all duct work at ten fooY. intervats and at all ninety de�ree bends and shall be of sufficient size to a71ow cleaning for a distance of five feet on either side oF such cleanouts. !:leanout covers shall be fastened in a manner to provide air-tight fit. (f) Canopy Hoods Sxfiaua± Requirements. All canopy hoods shall be provided with eqvipment havin? an exhavat ventilating capacity, expressed in cilbic teet c+f air �er minute in an amount determined by the fotlowing f�rmulac the quantity of ai.r expressed in cubic feet per minute from all canopy h�nds shall be determined by multiplying 100 li�ear feet �r minute by the number ef square feet of the fac_ area of the hood, or 50 linear feet per minute multinlied by the exposure perimeter in feet and this Eigure multiplied by the distance in feet heLween the under surface of the hoocl and top of the cooking vnit, whichever i.s greater. (g) Non-Canopy Hooda Exhaust Requirement. A1l non-canopy hoods shall be provided with eqvipment having axhaust ventilating caPacity which provides an air velocity of 50 feet per minute at the outcide edge of the cooking or processing equioment. (h) Area Requirements. All food establishments shall provid? a complete change of air every two minutes in al?. fo�d preparation areas, Accomplishing this by ezhausting air through the hnod, to the extent it is effectfve, shall constitute compliance in whole nr in part, Fresh make-up air ahalt be provided,in the dining area in amounts according to the following: _ �( 6ii' : _ .. . .. ,,... _ .. .. ... . __. f�•� ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continnnd) 25 cu, tt. per minute of freah make-up air for each person, if the seating ca{�acity provides l0U cu„ ft, of sQace Qer Qerson. 20 cu, ft,. per mi.nute of freah make-np air f�r each person, if the aeating capacity provides 20U cue ft. of space pe.r ?erson. 15 cu. ft. per minuie of fresh malae-up air for each person, if the•seatLng capacity provides 300 cu, ft, of space per person. 10 cu. ft, pec minute of fresh make-up air for each person, if the seating capacity provides 400 cu, ft, of space per person. (i) Hood Ducta. All hood ducts shall be desigtted and conatructed with a minimum duct air velocity of 1800 linaar feet per minute. All hood ducts shall be constructed of Na. 18 U.S. gauge ateel or heavier, or No. 20 U.S. g�age atainleae steel or heavier, and all seams shaZl be welded, Sectiona of duct not wei.�ieA at joints shell be bolte�l together with airtight gasket n�aterial, Fise dampera shell be provided when the ducts go through one- hour�ar-aore fire resistsnt wall� oc cei.lings. Any duct work wfthin 18 inches of aay combustible materiai shall be insulated with high temperature insulation. (j) Fan SfainK. Any formula vaed f�r computing fan aize�shaZt take i.nto acceunt the €ollowing resistances: Accelereting force, loas in ducting, hooci entrance lass, resf.stance to f iltera and wir.d preqsure nt exhaust. <k) Buildin� Code. Ventilating faci-lities shall be grovided fn accerdance with the requiremente nf the Building Code of the City ir addition to the requirements of this ordinance. (1) Pans on Hoods Prohihited. The use of°:pans to cover the face of aay hood is prohihated, SECTTON 15. Toilet Facilitiea. (a) Keut Clean and Ventilated, Bvery food eatablfahment except food vehicles =ha11 be prov�ded With rrater flnah toilet facilitiee which are kept clean and in good repair and free from fli.es, insects, and o£fensive aders, and ahall be ventilated ir. accordance with paragraphs (a), (b)� and (c) of Section 14 of this ordinance, Hand washing signe shall be posted in each toilet room used by employees. No employee ahall resume wock after using the toilet rooa without first raashing his hands, (b) Location. Toilet faeilities sheri be so located as to be conveaient for use by employees. and so that e�ployee.s are not required tc� use more than one floor-tc-flnor sCairway to and fros such facilfties. :oilet facilities qhall be located in the sama hvildiao as the f,00d establishuent and aha12 be kept unlccked and available ta employees at all times �ahen the feoct eatablishment is in operation. Toilet rooms aha12 not opea directly into any room in �ahich Lood. drink or utpneils are handled or stored. All such facilities ahall craste into the municipe! sewer ayatem, • (c) Closets. Water closer aeats ahsll be of open front deatgn, vater closets and urina2= sha17 be clean, free from stain, and have no offensive odors, (d) 3uoAlias aad ReceDtaetde�- A svpplp of toilet tisaue ahall be provided at each toilet at all times. , , �J � �- � ORDINAPCB N0. 3�2 (Continued) (e) Doors and Vestibulea. Toilet roaee ahall be previded with doore which aha11 be of. solid construction, self -closing, and shall not be left epen except during cleaning oc maintenance. Vestibules shall ba l�pt in a e�ean conditian and fn goal repair, and shal7 be adequately lighted and ventilated. � (f) Connectfan to Se�aer 3vstem. Toilet faeilities sha12 be connected to the municipal sewer system. (g) Compl.iance With All Codes. Toijet facilitfes ehall be installed in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances and regulations of Lhe Citq of Frid�ey anci the State of Minneeota� in addition to reauiremenCR of this ordinance. SFCTION 16. Lavatorv Facilities. (a) ?tPquired 5quipment. Every food establishment, other than itinerant food establishments and food vehicle� hand2ing only pre.-packaged faod or which transport meat in the manner provided by state law or x+�gulation, shal! be provided witb lavatory faailitfes with hnt and eold running water, hand- cleansing compound and sanitary towela or hand-drying devides, Such faeilities shatl waste into the municipal aec�er system. Easily cleanable re�eeptacles, at least ene for each handwashing faci?ity, shall be provided f or waste matrrials, and such recepyacles in toilet rooma for women sh�ll be cavered� Such xeceptactea ahall be emptied at sufficiently frequent intervals to preveat excessive accnmulaxion of waste matesial, A11 receptacles shall be cleaned frequenely and kept clean frem dirY and insects, and sball be given bactericidal treatment. (b) Lceation: Faucets. One or more lavateries vith mixing fau.cets � ehall be located wi.thin al! toilet rooras or vectLibul.es and shall be installed in accerdance with ordinances of the City of Fridley and the Iawa and regulations of the State of Minnesota, � (c) Cleanair.g Compound, Towels and ReceDtacles. A suppZy of hand cleanaing Compound Ahall be kept avai2able at esch handwashing facilitq. Ce�on taaels for use by more Lhan on� person are prohibited. At least one s✓aste receptacle shall be located near each hanci�,+ashina facility. � (d) In Food Areas. In all.food establishments a lavatory with mix£ng fauceta ahsll also be located in the immediate food preparation area within SD feet o£ eaah location et �.+hich food is handled or prepared. Thia diar.anc� requicemenr. shall be app2ied to large greparation areas and to establishmsnte with more than one preparation artia, (e) Ke�t Clea�. Lavatoriea and surrovnding areas shall be kept clean and in good repe�i.r, ,(f) Food Vehiclea• Food vehicles with lavatory facilities shall dispose the liqqid paste into a receptacle carried o� the vehicle for that purpose. The liquid waste ultimately shall be dispoaed into the , municipal aewer syatam in such a manner that a nuisance will not be cceated. SSCTION 17. Water Suvply and Ice. (a) Safe Water and Safe Water SupDly. A supply of hot and cold running water under pressure from a safe water eupply shall be provided in all food eetabZishmente except food vehicles which handle only pre� packaged food or which handle r�eat being transportecl in the manx�er pro- vided Dy state law and regulationa, Cb) Running_Water. Saf� c�ater, boxh hot at�d cold running under pressvre shal! be prwided in all areas where food is prepared end ; � �� ORDINAIiCB N0. 372 (Continaed) .._�_ _ . where uteneils, equipment� containere� or handa are washed. (c) Soarces. Ai1 water ahall be dravm from the municfpal water system; prwidedA however. a water supply located on the premises may be used i£ the operation. location and construction have been approved by the Minnesota State Board of Health. The li.censee in such case shall at his expenae make arrangements fot chemical and bac�eriological analyais of tiu �aatar, end this analyais ahall be done at intervals of not less than once each month. A copy of each o£ these reports shall be submitted by mail directly from the laboratory to the Fridleq Board of Hea1tF. immediately upon completion of the laboratory worke (d) Cross connectiona to Municipal water Prohibited. The safe water aupplp piping ehall not in any manr.er be directlq connected with anp water aupply syatem which ia not safe. Any piping which conveye non-potable water shall be identified by color so that it is readily distinguished from piging which carries potable water. - (e) Croas Con�ctione to Non-Potable Water Systems PeohibiCed. The safe Water aupply piping shall not in any manner be directly conneatad wfth any water aupply aqatem which ia not safe. Any piping which conveys non-potable water ahall be identiiied by color ao that 3t is readily diatingviahed from piping which carrisa potable water. (f.> Dippintt end Common•Drinking Cups. The uae of providing o! common dri.nkfng cupa and the dipping oP water from coatainers is prohibited. . (g) 'it�ansporting Drinkin� Water. Wate� traneportad for drinking purposes shall be eafe water aad from a safe water aupply. (h) Containsrs for Tranaportin[� Drinking watar. All containers� including but not limitad to lank trucks. cans an@ bottles� which are vsed in transporting watar from the source to ttie point of use, shall be of such material aad conatruction as to facilitate cleaninge All openii�gs into, and all water contact eurfaces of svch contain�rs ahall be protected from contamination, A21 auch containers shall ba clean and ehall be aubjected to bactericidal treatment immediately prior to each use. (i) Banioeent for Bottlina Water. Hoses used for tilling tanks� cana� bottles� and other water containers�shall be kept clean and shall . be handled in such a manner as to prevent contaed.t�iation of the water, xhe nozale„ ar any parL of the hoae which maq come into contact with the inside nf the container. Hoses ahall be cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment im�ediately prior to each use. Cj7 Ice. All ice shall be manufactured-only from safe water which has been obtained from a safe water supply. Ice shall be handled and tranaported in sin�7.e aervice containers, or in uYensils which are clean and which have been subjeated to bactericidal treatment. Bucketa, scoopa� and ice containecs, unless they are single aervice utensils, shall be made of a smooth� impervioua material, and desisned to facilitate cleaning. They shall be elean at all times. Canvas containera shali. not be used. If ice-crushers are used, they should be easily cleanable. They ehall be mainteined in a clean condition and shall be aubjected to•bectericidal treatroent before use and ahall be covered when not in use. SECTION 18. EquiPment Re4uired• (a) GeneralZy, Every food eatablisl�ment shall Ae provided with equipmenC so designed, cont+tructed. installed, located, and maintained as to permit full compliance where applicable to the operation therein conducted. I__ l , � 6�� � � � ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) (ti? 11e�eratnre Control S4nipment. tiot �ecd atosage facilitiea. diaplay facilitiea and refrigeration facili.ties shall be provided to maintain all rnadily-perishable fooda, at tempe:ratures requir.ed in this ordinance during food starage. preparation� transportation, display and serving operationa, (c) Thermometera. Fsasily readable thermometera capable of indicating temperatures to an accuracy of 2 degrees Fahrent�eit shall be pennanently affixed within all �oalk-in coolers, freazera, refrigeratora, fountain coolers, aad salad table coolers, and at least one similar movable check thexiaometer ahall be provided for use with all other facilities mentioned in this aection. � (d) Food Pnoaration Scn�nt. Food praparation squipment. inclading but not lieited to ainks ciith running �aater, waste diaposal, units or containere, shall be provided and located ao that all foods requiring washing„ peeling, trimmi.ng or shucking can he. cleaned before being prepared and served. Zn new or extensively a7tered or remodeled food eatablishments, separate sfnka or vats for this apecific purpose shall be provid�d. Sinks and vats ttaed for washing and bactericidal treatment of uteneils and equipment shall not be uGed for vegetable prepara±ion. (e). Ice Storatte. Ice ahall be stored in cabinete, compartmente� or bins, all of which shall have covers of dripless conatruction. � Cf) Sin�le�Service Utensil �'torage. Saniiary facilities shall be-provided for stoeing a� dispenaing aingle-sen•ica utensils, if such nteeeils are used. (g) Displeyed Eood Storage. Counter-proteetor devidea� cabinets� a�$g�Ay CRSPB� containers and similar equipment for.protecting all displa}*ed fooda againat contemination from custaners or from other sourcea shall be provided if fond is to be served in this manner. (h) Silvetware Stora�e. Facilities desi.o ed and maintaine3 to presenr the handle oE the siiverware tn the casr.omez, and Co cover or protect the portion of the silverware which may co�e into eontar_t with the customer's mouth shell be provided if the custo�ner self-service ai7verware i.s nsed. Ci) Food Servi�e Utensils. Tongs, apoons� scoops and similar devfcas for handling o£ fo��d shall 1� provided at all. point4 �o!�re food is handleds and no fe� sk�l� be ban�le�? *air.?�..e�*. using snrh utensits. ( j) Ice Crear� Dip�r Storaste. Running-aas*.er dipper srells, connPetad to a safe water avpptq and to the municipal sewer ayateu eha77 be pravided for ice eream dippGrs and scoop4 at all locations or s*_atiqns where bulk ice cream is dispensed. (k) Cleanin� Suy�p2ie6 and F.qui�roent, Squ?g�mnt and �upplies shall be provided for cleaning of all equipmenT. inc�udir.¢ Txe*_ �nt limiked to ' racks, stoves, exhausL hoods, refrigerators and shetves and P.or the clearting of tiee entire £ood establis6menCm (Z) Uten�i? Washin4 and '!'ceatment. FacflitiP� sha)1 be provided for aashing and bactaricidaZ treatment of PQOd a�ntacr. surfeces of equipment and utensils other than single-service utensils. At each place where such equi�xnent and utensiis ace washedA facilities shalt be pzovi.ded �or reaovinq food er_raps and £ood residue frnm such eauipmeax and frem such utensils ottier than glasses before they are placed in the wash water or wash compart�aente � � � __. � ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Contiasied ) � (m) Three Va �_t 3inks. WheFe hot water er e chemical agent ia used for bactericidal treatment. a three comnartuient aink sha1L be provided. (n) Sinks - Size and Drainboayds. The compartment used for bactericidal treatmenG shall be of sufficient siae tp c�mpletely i�nersa any equipm�nt nr u*_ensils being given bactericidal tx�satment. Such sinka shall alea be provided with sepaeate drainboard space arrangad so that eoiled and etean utensils are kept entfrely separata. All sinks sha21 be provided with runninq hot and cold water and shall be connected te the municipal se�aer system. (o) Final Iwnersion Heater. Where hot water is psed for bactericidal treatmtnt a heatfnq device capable of maintainia; a water temperatu� of at least 170 degraes Fahrenheit shall,be provided as an integral parC of the vat used for firtal immeraion. (p) Dishwashing MacAines - Ganera? Requ�remen�s, When d'zshwashing machines are used for the washing and the bactericidai treatment of equi�ment or utensils such machines shaZl be designed, constructxd. instal7ed and operated so as tn render all surfaces o� avch equi�nt or utensils e7esn� PCA40L13b�.j� aPy� and eft'ectively subjected to bacterir_idal treaCment. DishwasAing machines shall be so designeH, constructed, and installed to make effective cleaning thereof easy, and to mi.nimi.ze places where dirt, bacteria and vermin may collect in suCh �iishwasher, (q) Diahwashing.Machines - Specific Requirements, Wherever equipment and utenAf2s ate to be vrashed by spray type disi�ashing machines r!hich depend upon a hot water spray for rinsing and bactericidal treatment, th� inetallation shali include a hot aater system capable of prwiding water at maximum design Ioad of the machine at a temperatura nE at least 180 degraes Fahrenteeit at the entrance of the rinsa manieold of the machine, during a11 periaiR oP activity. Tasily readable thermam ters shal.l be fnatalled near t6e discharge end oE the machine to indicate the tem{+erature of the final rinae water enteri.n; tho spr�y arm; and at locations to indicate the temperature of wat�r in al.l, tan!cs of the dishwashers, Such thermometers ahall operate so as to indicate temperatures to an accuracy of plus or minus 2 de�rees Fahrenhe�.t. When auto:natir, timing of wash and rinse cycles is provided, automatfc timing devices shalt be nsed which will prcwide foC tkie full exposure of all utenaila to washirtg and rinsing times requiced by thie ordinance. All cusw dishwashing machines inetalled a�ter the passage of this ordinance shaZl be prwided with automatic timing devices for the yash-rinse cycles of evch machines. Conveyors for aatomatic diahwashing machinea shall also be accurately timed so R9 to subject utensils to the washirtg and rinsing times reqaired by this ordinance. Muiti-Lank machines shall be provided with an adjustable dev.Ece for automatically sdding roske-up water in,suFficien*. quantity to maintain a constant level and to zun off any grease rahich may be presente Sufficfient apaces shR21 be eZlowed betsaeen wash sprays and ri.nse aprays, or adequate bafflea provided to prevent intermingling of waeh and rinse waters. A presaure regulator and a pteesure gauge shall be provided on the discharge end of the hot water line tn ttee machine to indir.ats tk�e final rinse pressure eniering the snray arm. A re-circulation system shall be grovided if. the tiea�er prwiding the ftnal rinae water (180 degrees Fahrenheit) is lxatPd over Eive feet from Lhe automatic dishwasher. � 1 (r) Bactericidal Treatment o£ IarKe EQUinment. squiprnent and supplies. � includin� but not ]imited to apray devices ahall be provfded t� give bacterir.idal treatment to large �quipment and utensils which cannot be treated by dishwasher or by total immersinn in the regular sinks or vats. (e) Garbage and Refuse Cana - Washinst, Separate facilities for washing garbage and refuse cana shall be provfded� connected to running hot and cold watas an3 tha ■unicipal eewer system, ORDINANCS N0. 372 (Continued) SECTION ]9. EQUi�nent Constructiott aAd Materials. (a) Vats. Sinks. Food Contaci-.Surfaces and_Utensila. VaCe, si.nke, and ali food contact surfacea of al2 eqdipment and utensils ahall be amooth � aRd o£ corrosion resistant, non-toxic !naterials� and such surEacPS ahall be. kept smooth and in $ood repair. (b) Soldered and Welded Sea .ms. Soldered surfaces which may come in contact w�th moist food aha'll contain onl}> a minimum practicable amount of lead and na other toxic materials. In c.+elded seams, the weld area and deposited weld metal shell be equally as cerrosion resistant as the parent metal. . Cc) -Dea3An. All food contact eurface6 shall be readily acceseible for cleaning and inapection, either without being disassembled, by dis- assembling without use of tools, or by easy disassembling with the use oE only 4imple tonls sueh as a mallet, a actewdriver. or an open end wrench, !cspt avai2able near the equipment. Ttie food contact surfaces shalt be free of shasp internal cocnera or difficult-to-c2ean crevices. All equipment installed on or afror the passage of this ordinance shail ec+mply with Standards 1, 2, 3, 4� 5, 6, 7, 9, C-1 and G3 of the National Sanitation Foundation whan ap�licable, which nu�bered standards are hereby adopted . and incorporated by reference. Thcee copies, thereof. marked as official copies. shall be kept on file in the office of tlie City Clerk for use and examination by the publi.c. Equipment not covered by said standards shall not be installed until it has been approved by the I� alth Officer. (d) 9earings and Gsars. and Threads. Lubric�te�l bearings and gears sha1T. so be const*vcred that lubricants cannot get into the food � nor onto food contact surfaces. No V-Type threada shaLl be used in contact witn food. Ce) Cutt;nt� Boards. Cutting boards ahall be oE hard maple or t?te equivalent an3 shelt be smooth. 1 (f> Surfaces Ex�osed to S�plash or Food Debris. Surfaces nnt used for contact With f�ods, but which are expnsed to splash e* inod debris, or which othecwi.se require frequent cleaning, shall be surfaced with enamel or other washable paint. gal��anizing os bekter, free ef unnecessarq Iedges, projactians or crevices, accessible for cleaning and ins;rction, end of such material as tq be read�ly kept clean. � � .� �-� (g) Dish Tables and Sinks. Disb tables and sinks shall be constructed oP galvanized ateel or better, and reinforced; and of a thic!meaR and desion to resiat denting and buckling; anQ sloped to be self draining. (h? Covi� Corners of Baui�ment, All corners of all vats and sinks� such as bvt not limited to washing and bacteri�idal treatment ainks, vegetable sinks, scrapping sinke and dipper wells shall be coved. SEC'PLON 20. Eguivment Installation. Equipment Fahich cannot be moved by reason of its �aeight or for the reason tliat it is attachP3 to utilitiea. £loora, wal.le or ceilings� herein referred to as fixed equipment, stialt be instaZled on raised solid platfornis of concrete or other smooth roasonry and sersled in s+ach manner as to prevent liquids or debris fro� saeping or settlfng underneath or shall be elevated on legs or feet at least 6 inchA� above the floor. Fixed equipmynt rrhich is intended for placing on xab'!ea or countera, but which is not sealefl thereto, sha17. be mouated nn Iegs or feet at leas± 2 inches hi;;h, Fixed equipment shalt be. installed flush to the r+a12 wir_h the space cloaed and sealed in euch a manner as Lo prevent liqvids or debris from seeping or settling behind or between� or installed with an unobstrucr.ed space of at least 30 inches from tha wall to ±ho baek of such e.quipment. The space between adjoining units '°'� I � �6 ORDINANCB N0. 372 (COnLimled) of fixed eqvipment� and the space betwean the siae of such a unit and tha adjacent F�all,shai7- be sealed in such a manner as to prevent liquids or dQbris from sertling or se�pinq between or behind, or an unobstracted space of at least 30 inches shall be pcovided ie suah i.nstances betFresn� behznd, and beside all such pioces of fixed equipmont an8 be*_weett snr_h fixe3 equipment and betweea all eqnipment and walis shall be at least 30 inchea wide, SFCTION 21. SinX1e Service Utensils:. (a) Paeterial Count and Toxic Substances. No single servicg utenails manufactured From paper stock shnll h�ve a bacterial plate count in excess of 250 coloniea per gram, as determined by the diaintegration-test ter.hnique. No tnxic substances 4ha11 be present in finished sing2e service utenails which may cause arip food to become an adulterated for�d� Cb) Residual Bacterial Plate Count. No flat single secvice utensii shall have a reai ual bacterial plate crntnt in exesas of I colony per square centimeter of surface area of the utensil as determined by tne direct or swab contect method, No othar single service utensil shall ha�^e a z�esiduai bacterial plate coun* itt excesa of. 1 colony; pex millimr.ter of capacity of *_he utensil as determined by �he direci, rinse or swab c�ntact method. SFCTION 22, Cieaning and SLorage of Jtensils and EQizi ment. (a) Hactericidal TreatmF:nt and Standard, All equipment and utensils ahall be kept cloan, Food coatAct aurface� ahall be given bactericidal treateoent �aef�re being used c�r re-used, and shall meet a baterioto;ical atandard o£ ❑or. mnre than 100 cotonies oE micro-organisms per atensil or piece of eqairnnent. Cb) Stora�e. fiquiQmant aed utensils Whieh hnve been cleaned and given bactericidal treatment aAall be stored and handled in such a mannec so as to be protected from aplash, dust, dirt� insects, or ather conta�n£natton. Such vtensils and equipment shall be atored io a self-dreining position on hooks or racka constructed of corrogion-res:stant materia7, Uteneile and equipment, aEter bactericidal treatment, ahall not be *_QUChnd or handled on food ennxaat eurfacea, er �n qurfacee which would co�staat the moath �f a peraon using the utensilsm St�rage of equi.pment and utenails in ice n. f.atez EnX conlane i.= prehibited. Cc) Cloths. Clotha us¢d by all food preparation �nd service personnel ahall be clean. Cloths u�ed for wiping food conLaet aurfaces shall be clean and shall nnt be used for nther pur�se=. SECTION 23, Dishc±a�shing.(a)Marua2 4lashing artd Bactericidal T��eatroent. When manual.diahw»thing o���tions arn employed, all utensila and equipment ahall, atfXer zach usa�e, be preacraped or p*e-.'l�sshed, ahall be thoroughly elaan�c? �n a suitable deterryQnt eolution in.the ficat vat, and ahall be rinsed free of wash watar and detergent in the second vat. A2ter cleaning and rinsittg, theae utensils and equipment ahall be subjectRd to bactericidal treatment in the third vat by the hot water method or chemical methods heninaftac deaccibed, or other equivalent procedurea. CD) Hot Water Method. This method of bactericidal treatment sda71 eonsiat of ia�eraion for at least 2 minutee in clean, hot water at a temperature of at leaat 170 degreea Fahrenheit or for 1/2 minute fn boiling water. A thermaaeter ehall be kept in a coavenient place near the facilitiea. for checking the water temperature. Pouring or spraying water over waehed utensila or equipm4nt is prohibited as a means of bactericidal treatmeat. Water naed for bactericidal treat�eAt of utenaila and equipment ahall at all � ' BS30LUTLON N0. 372 (Continued) ti�aes during busine�a houre be kept at a temperature of 170 degreea Fahrenheit, and at all other times while vtensils and equipment are being waahed and given bactericidal treatment Lhe water ahall be kept at a temperature of 170 degreea Farenheit. A three co�partment sink shali be uaed with the first compartment for aaehing; the aecond compart- ment tor rinsing and the third compartment for i�ersion in waCee at a temperature of not less than 170 degreea Fahrenheit. In the bactericiQal traatsent by i�ersion in hot water, or by other bactericidal treatwent methode, all utenaila and equipmPnt capable of trapping air shall be placed in a venting poeition ao that air will:.not be trappsd therein while in the isoeraion tank, (c) Chemical Method - Chloriwe Hyvochlorites. This a�2thod ot bactericidal ttaat�eat ehall coneiat of exposure Eor at leaat tWO ninutes in a solution containing at least 50 parta per million of available chlorine at a temperature not lesa than 75 degreea Fahrenheit. The hypochlorites shall be made up at a atrength of 100 parte per million or more and slull not be uaed aEter its atrength has been reduced below SO parta per miilion. (d) Chemical Method - Chlora�ine T. This sethod of bactericidal treatment ahall consist of ezpoaure for at leaet tvo ninutes in a aolution contai�ing at 2east 450 garts per aillion oE chloramine - T at a reactisn not greater than ph 7.0 or at least 750 parte per million of chloramine - T at a reaction not more alkaline than ph 7.5. The chloronine - T ahall bs made up at a strength of 500 parts per million or more at a reaction not aore alkalins than ph 7.5 and shall sot be used after its atrength has been reduced Delow 250 and 750 pacts per million respsetively. � (e) Cheaical Method - Procedurea. All utensila and equipment shall be clean before bsiag subjected Co bactericidal treataent by any chaeical method. Chevical solutione once used ahall not be reused for bactericidal treatment on eny aueceeding day. Whers ct�mical traatmsnt is used, a three conpartoenc aink shall be requirnd; the first coepartment to be used for srashing, the second Cor clean vater rineing, and the ehird for chemical iamersion. <f) Chenical Methed - 4uartensry Araoai�a Compoada. This aethod of bactericidal traatmant shall con�iet of exposure for a period of at least tvo minutea ia a aolutioa containing quartanary a�saiuo compounda. The caapounda used �ust bear label• approved by the Minnesota 3Gate Boatd of Health and no quartenary a�ooniva conpouads ■ay be veed ahere the charactsriatics sf the watar aupply vary trem day to day. The liceasee ahall euDiit to the Cfty Board of Health nvidence of Che eEfectivenaea and toxicity oE the coApound in the manner propoaad to be uaed Defore thia method may be used. The conpound shall be uaed in a strength at teast equal to the effectiveneas of SO parte per ailtion of available chlorins� at a tenperature of not leea than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The quacternary ammoniva ecinpounde ahall be sada up at a attength at leaat ts+ice thet rhich in eqval to the eltsetivensee of 50 parta per million of available chlorins at a temperatura not lers than 75 degreea Fahr¢nheit. �� . (g) Chemical Method - Iodine. Thie method of bactaricidal tieatment ahall consist of axposure for a period of at least trro ainutes in a ' solotion containing at least 12.5 pacts per million ot free iodine oF an iodophor in an acid solntion. The iodine solution shall be mede up at a strength of at least 25 parte par ■illion of free iodine of an iodophor. (h) Chemical Method - Other. Bactericidal treatueat may conaiat of exposure by total i�ereion in a solution containing a chaaical compound rhich is effective and non-toxic in the use concaatration. Such compourn�! in uae solution shall provide the aquivalent bactericidal eEfect of a � ^ BBSOLVLTON iq. 372 (Continued) solution containing at least 50 parts per million ot available chloriae at a temperature not less than 75 degreea Fahrenheit, and ahall be made up at tvice auch atrength. (i) Chemical Method - Teats. When chemical compounda are used Por bactericidal treatment, a suitable and readily applicable tesL for determining solution concentrationa ahall be provided in the food establishment. Cj) Other Methods. Any other procadurn or procesa eqvallq as efCective as ehose described in paragraphs (a) through (i) oE this section uay be used, provided the licensae ahall submit to the City Health Depart- mnt evidance shoving in detail the procedure or prxeas and the efEect- ivenesa thereof. (k) Mechanical SpraytvPe Waahina and Bactericidal 'h�eatment. When mechanical epraytype waehing operations are employed, all multi-use utensils and equipment ahall be preecraped, pretluahed, or preaoaked. Dtensils and equipment eha21 be placed in racks or on conveyors in such a vay that all Eood contact aurEacee ehall be subjected to unobatructed wash and rinae water aprays. Detergents of a co¢centratioa which will render utenaila and equipaient claan ahall be used at all tiosa in the caash waters Wash water Lemperatures ahall be at leaat 140 degrees Fahranheit except in aingle tank convayor typa machines in srhich the wash aater teuperature ahall be at leasi 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Plow prasaure of rinae water ehall be maintained at all tiees at not less than 15 pounda nor more than 25 pouads per squars inch. Becirenlated rinse vater ahall be maintained at a teaperature of at least 170 dsgreea Fahrenheit. The temperature of the final rinae water shall be at leaet 180 degree• Fahrenheit at the entrance of the rinse spray arms of all machines vhile dishes are being vsstied. All single tank, atationacy rack machines includiag, but not limibd to hood, curtain, and doot' typea ehall have et least a 10 second final rinae. A1l single tank conveyor type machinea ahali have a Final rinee at the rate of not lesa than 6.0 gallone per minute caithin the above pressuree aad the conveyor speed shall not exceed seven feet pnr ninute. All multiple tank conveyor type ■achie►es shall be provfded with a ra- circulated rinae at a taaperature of at least 170 degreea FahrenheiE. A final rinee ahall be provided. The combination of pump voluwes of tl�t wash water and re-circulated rinse, the teoperature, the conveqor apeed, the final rfnse temperaLure aad volume, and other related factore ahall produce utenails and equipment which are clean and effectively subjected Co bactericidai treatment meeting the bacCeriological requirementa of this ordinance. (1) Other 1ypes of Mechaoical WashinS and Bactericidal 1Yeatmeate. Any oiher type of inechanical utenail vashing aachine or device eqvally as effactive as those aescribed in paragraph (k) of thia section may be used; provided, howewr, the licenaee ehall suboit to the City Hmalth Dapartment an evidence ahowing in detail the procedure, mechaniem, proceea, aad the reaulls and efEectiveuasa thereof. 3BCTION 24. 3lnpale Service Dtensile. � ' (a) Deliverv and Stocasie. 3ingle servica ntanails ahall De dali�rarai , to the food eatablishoent and atored in eloead containers Which prouet the utaneila from contamination at all timee beL�reen deliverq aad une thereof. (b) Handliaft and Dispeneie�. Such utensils shall be handled aM dispenaed in such a aanner as to prevent contaaination of food contact surfacea or surfacaa Which �aq come into contaot With the mouth of tha user. R&SOLUTiON N0. 372 (Coatinued) (c) Use aad Diaoosal. SucA atan�ils shall be nsed only once. Attar use they shall be disposad of in vaste receptaclea. (d) Dse -'Damuorary or Mandatory. 111e use of aingls eervica uttnsils is mandaWry in all food establiehmenta which do not havn facilities meeting � the require�eata ot ihia ordinance fot cleaning and bactericidal treatment of utensils, and equipaent, and in other food establiahmenta during temporary periods when such faeilitias are ineffective because of rachaaical failures or other reasons. � �J 38CTION 25. 3�aeial Cleanioti aad 8actericidal Treatooent xequireoenie. __.._.. . (a) Oven Utenaila and SeuiDment. Otenails and equipment whieh routinely go into ovens for baking purpoaes and which are used For no other purpose shali not be required to be given bactericidal treatment; provided, haaever, auch utanails attd equipment must be aashed and rinsad. fb) Larae Bqui�ent a� Otensile. ].arge pragaretion equipment aad utensils, inclnding but not limited to kettlss, mi�cers, grinders and elicera ahich azceed the capacity of the claaning ainks or vats ahall be thoroughly cleaned, rinaed aM eubjected to bactaricidal treatmant after the day's operation, aEter the completioa of each eie.tal or after each u�e, bq any of the aethods in thia ordinance described or by spraying or ewabbing vith a cheaical of a strength seL Poreh in Section 23 ralativa to manual dishxashing and bactericidal traatment or eqoivaleat osYhod. ic) Non-POOd Contact Surfaces. Non-food conEact surfaces ahall be kept•clean. (d) Grille. Grilla and other cooking snrfacaa she21 be kept clean and Pree o! incruated grease depoaita and food debris. (e) Sguipment Eor DeeD Fat Fryiag: Deep Fat Prqiag equipment ahall' be drained and thoroughly aashed and rinssd at least dailq and kept frea of iacrusted grease deposits and toed debris. Grease ahall be filtered and kept free of food debris. (P) fiQUipmant for Bsadily Periahable Food. Whera the preparation of eeadily periehable food ia on a non-refrigerated, continuous or production line baeis, the food contact surtacas of •qaipoeat and utennils should be thoroughlq cleaned and subjected to bacterididaI treatment at intervals of two hours or lesa. �� (g) Cleaning Compounds, Pol£sh and Bactericidea. Cleaning compounda and bactericidea stiall be kept in a room, cabinet or area aeparated from food, utensils aad aqnipment atorage, and ahall bs lospt in elearly labeled containera, ahall be diapensad in measured amounte, and shall ba non-toxic in uae dilutiona. There shall be no poisonou� polishing matarials on the premises. 38CTtON 2b. Sewa a. <a) Sewaite Diepo�al. All water aarrying eevage shall be disposed of by meana of the public se�aer sysias of the Citq; provided, however, that food whicles may diapoee of thnir liquid waste into recepLacles carried on the vehtcle for that purposa, but auch waate ehall uYtimatalq be discharged into the public sssier syatea. (b? Plumbin , All Waate disposal plumbiag or lines, opea or elosad. vhich pass over food preparaiion areas, food atorage areas, utensila and squipnant vaehing or st�age areas, and areaa where Food is served, ehall be provided with a one-piece-constructed �etal driplesa tcough iamediately belov euch waata line and slopad to drain asray frou such areaa. (c) Intarconnection Prohibited. The eate xaten-system ehall aoi be connected to the sewer sqstem nor be installed in such a manner ao as to � 1 i9 � .. . . ...:. _;-.... BB90L01TOA 110. 372 (Continued) pexmit the possibility of back siphonege from the sewer ayatem, wa:te diaposal sqstem, or other aource of contamination. (d) Greaae Traps. Grease trapa shall be required in all cases where the amounta of greasa discharged into the sewer system are auch that the grease La not kept in 6U8�@ASLOR in the liquid wastea. (e) Drain Linea. Drain linea from food equipment sueh as but not limited to diahvashing machinea, ice storage vata, steam tables, ice machinea, prooEing cabinete, einka, refrigeratoro, potato paalers, and similar equipment shall be connseted to the saraer syetem through an air gap; provided, hocaever, that ainks and diahwashing machinea may be connectad directly to a horizontal eeaer line connectsd to a floot drain not having a bacicaater valve. (f) Floor Draias - BePrigerators. Hloor draina directly connected io tde sewer are prohibited in walk-in coolera or refrigerators. 3SCTION 27. Garbaf�e and Befuae Coataiaera. (a) Containers. All garbage and ralnse shall be lcept in contai�rs constructed o[ durable satal or equivalent material w+hich do not leak and do not abeorb liquigs. (b) Covers. All garbage and reFnee containsri ehall be providad with lids or covara which fit tightly over the openings of the contaiaers, and not permit the entranae of insects, rodents or other animels. Covera shall be kept on all garbage and refuae containera within a building when the container is full, atored or not in continuoua use, Containers ahall be kept covered at all times when they are out of doora. (c) CleaninR Coatainers. All garbage and rePusa containera ahall be cleaned imiaediately after being emptiai. (d) Cleaning Area. All garbage and refuse cattainera �hall be cleaned in a place whieh ia aeparate fr«u food preparation areas and vhich shall be kept clean. Contaiaera ahall not be cleaned in food ainke or in einks used for washing and giving bactericidal treatment of equipment and utennils. (e) CleaniaA SuDDliea an3 Otenails. Hot aater, aeparate brushee, and detergents. ahall be provided at all placss ueed for washing garbage and refuee coatainera. Hosea, can-c�ashing machiaen, eteam cleaning devicea, disinfectanta, or othec meana may bn asad. (E) Diavoaal of CleaninEC Water. Waste watar from cleaning garbaga and refuse containers shall be diaposed of Dy duaping into the public sewer syatem of the City. (g) Numbar of Containers. lbars shall be a sntticient number of containere to hold all of the garbage and refuse which accumulates From the operatioa of food eetablishmenis. (h) Daily Bemoval. All garbage and refuea ehall be removed`:fros the prewieas dailq, or as is required by ocdinencae. . ii) Garhage Iacineration. Where any combustible garbage and refuse is Gurned, an incinerator shall be provided ahich is operated as required by the ordinancee of the City, and the areas around sueh incineratora shall be kept free from rubbish, ashes and debris. SSCTION 28. GarbaKe and Refuse StoraKe Area. (a) Area and Cleanlinesa. All atorage areas indoore or outdoora ' ' � � ORDINANCE N0. 3T2 (Continned) for garbage and refuse ehell be large enovgh to hold el! of the containera uaed for storing garbage and refuse, ahaIl De clean and free Erom odors, and shall be kept free fraa rodents and insects. If located indoora, such areas shall be ventilatad to the outside air. (b) BePriEterated Garbaae 3torage. Befrigerated atorage areae ahill be of water impecvioua conatruction and shall be kept at a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrsnheit, or leas. (c) Garba�e Grinders - Construction. Garbage grindere shall be so conatructed that there are no areas in the machine where food wastes caa accumulate and adequate clean-outs shall be provided and so located that the waste line eonnected to the grinder can be cleaned. 36CTION 29. Holdin�C Temperaturee. �� ,n d.. a. (a) Readily Perishable Food. All raadily periahable products, except duriag necsssary periods of preparation and aervice, shall be Icept at or belo�+ 40 degrees Fahrenheit during etorage, transportation and dieplay; provided, hovever, if auch readily perishable producta after being cooked are not iamediately refrigerated to 40 degrees or lesa Fahrenheit, auch food ehall be kept at or above 150 degreea Fahrenheii. (b) Cream Filled and Custard Filled Pastriea. Cream filled and custard fillad pastrfed shall be kept at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below or at or above 150 degreee Fahranheit during periods of storage, tranaportation and display. Fillinge ehell be refrigerated at or below 40 degreea Fahrenheit at all times, prior to the filling operation; provided, ho�+ever, that fiilinge need not De refrigerated if they are kept above 150 degreee Fahrenheit after cooking and until placed iato the shell. . Cc) Froaen Food. Froaen fooda ahall be kept at or below 0 degreea lahrenheit, except when being thaved or prepared for nse. Frosen fooda shall be tha�aed in a refrigeratoc at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or leas. No peraon ahall thaw froaen foods by immersion in water. SSCITON 30. Wholesomeneee, All food in all food establishmenta ahall be clsan, xholssome, Pree from apoilage, adulaterations, and miebranding and ahall be pcepared, procesaed, handled, packaged, transported and etored so as to be protected from contamiaation and epoilage and ahall be safe for human cons�option. No home prepared foode ahall be kept or uaed in any food saLabliahoent. SSCTION 31. Dairy Products. Kilk and gluid oilk producta ahall be aerved Lo Yhe coaeumer in the individual unopeaed original containers in which they were received from the diatributor, or served from a bulk container equipped with a aanitary di�pensing device; provided. however, that cream, whipped cream, or half and half may be poured from an opened original container for use or service on the premiaes, provided Lurther that milk served at hoepitals and inatitutions may be aerviced from one quart or two quart containers packaged at a milk p1anL, and mixed milk drinka requiring leas than one ha1P pint of milk maq be poured froa one quart or tvo qaarL containern packaged at a milk plant. The dipping or ladling of milk ia prohlbited, except for immcdiate cooking purpoeea, provided f�rther that-this asetion ahall not apply to manufacturing or Qroceasiag food establiahments which make no salea at retail nor direct sales to consumere. 3BCTi0N 32. Food 3ou�cea, No food shall be stored, prepared, manufactured, procesaed, w[apped, canned, packe�, bottled, tranapoTted. dietributed, eold or offered for eale, or served in any way, with or without charge within the City of Fridley, if such food has been obtained � R� ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Contfnued) fros s-leod eetabliet�sent �.+£thin or vithont the limits oE the City �fiich do not meet the raquitementa of thia ordinance. 3HCIRON 33. 3hellfish. No person ahall have oc keep in any food eatab- liahment any oyetere, clams, muascls, or other shellfish from a sourca which haa not bsan approved by the Minnesota State Soard of Health or, if the saurce is outaide oP the atate, from a shipper vhosa name ia not on the current list of State Certified Shippere fsaued by the Public Health Service and auch approval shall be evidenced by official stamp on the container. Shucked shellfieh shall be kept in the original container until uaed. Oysters, clams, mussel8 and other shellfish, iF served in the ahell, muat be served in the original shell. SSCTION 34. Mest and Poultry Sourcee. All meat and wcat products and all poultry and poultry mnat producis receiv�ed, kept or ueed in anq manner in any food eatablishment shall be officially iientified as having baen inspected for wholeeomeneaa under the aupervision of a licensed veterinarian, the Minnesota State Board of Health, or the Fridley Board of Health, and any auch products upon which any such official idantiPication ia loet bq reason of the proceasing thereof shall be identified by Lhe name and location of the procesaor thereon. SBCTiON 35. Tranaportation, Storat�e, Display aad Servin� of Food, (a) General Reouirements for Food Protection. After delivary and vhile being stored, prepared, diaplayed, aerved. or aold in food estab- lis6menta, tran�ported between euch estaDliehoents, all foods ahall be protacted againat contamination from work aurfaces which are not clean. uteasils vhich have not been given bactericidal treatment, unnaceasary handling, Plooding by sewage or drainage, cougha, eneezea, overhead leakaga� dnst, flies, insects, rodents and other varmin, or any other source of contamination. . (b) Praita and Ye=atablss. All fruiis.and vegetablee shall be raehed thoroughly betore being used. .. (c) Poultry and Pork. Roast poaltry, including stufPing. shell be heated to a minimus temperature of 165 dngrees Fahranhait throughout, aith no intnrruption oP the initial roasting process. Pprk and pctrk products which have not been specially treated to destroy trichinae shall be thoroughly cooked to heat all parte of the meat to at least 137 degreea Pahrenheit. Large thick cuts of potk or pork producta ehall ba cooked at boiling temperature or baked at oven temperatura of aot leae thaa 350 degreea Fahteaheit Por at Leaet 30 minutea per pound. (d) Rsadily Yarishabla Pood. Eeadily parishable fooda which are to De served nithout futtl�sr cooking, such as, but not limited to, potato aalai, egg aalad, and chicken aalad, shall be prepared on surfaces or in containera. vith uiansiis which are cleaa, all of vhich have been aubjected to bactericidal taeatment. (e) Hand Care. All fooda ahall be prepared rith a minimum of manual contact and all persona handling auch food shall have hands which are clean and Eree from cuts, soree, and bandages. (f) Protection o! Food. During storage, fooda not aubject to lurther washing or cookiag before eerving, and ready-to-eat fooda ahall be Frrapped, kept ia closed or coverad coatainare, or kept in euch a mannar aa to be protected against contacaination. (g) Container Care. Food conteinera that ars or eay ba pleeed on work tablea, work surfaces, or refrigarator shelves, ahall be atotrod above the floor, on clean raeka, hooks, or other clean surfaces. ' ' � � OBDI1tANC6 110. 372 (Contiausd) . .. . .. _ . ' _ . � - � 99 ; .� , .,. . (h) Moiat StoraA� Areaa. Food atored in rooma which an balow eireet level, aubject to flooding from aewage backflma, or aubject to wetting from mopping or other cauees, ahall be kept on devices or shelvea at 12 inchea above the floor ao arranged tdat the underneath area can be readily cleaned. (i) S�orttaabord and Buffet 9ervics. All food on diaplay including but not limitad to amorgaaborda ead buPFet �ervice in anq food eatablieh- meat ahail eomply irfth all nqeirsments of this ordinance. (j) Coe�nter Guards, A]1 uapacked or uneaclosed food on display ahall be protect�d by countar guards or covsrs so deaignad as to interaect a direct line bet�oesn the cuatomere mouth and tlu food. (k) Impleaente for Certain Foods. All employeea and cuetomera at sslf service shall use tongs, forka, apooas, picka, spatulaa, acoops, or other auitable isplsmants in serving butter, cnbed or eraeked ice, cake, pie, bread, rolls, sliced meats, pickles, olfaues, relisirs. and auch fooda shall noi be touched by hand. 3ug$r shall be eerved in cLoaed dispensers or in.tndioidual pacicages. Creaa in open pftchere, and picklcs and reliahas in open traye shall not be permitted unleaa the entire contents ara nsed or diacarded at or aftar each serving. (1) Packaaed Fooda. Food which ia wcapped or served in elosad containers or paekages, tuch as bui not lisited to sugar, aqrup, aad condimente, may bs reterved. No ua�rrapped food that haa been once served to a customer and no wrapped food on rhich the �+rapper has beeu broken shall be aerved to another cuatomer or tdereafter used in the preparation of food. � (m) Protaction in '1�amportrEtao. YT�s requirasente for tnmpnratnre, for the atorage, for the diaplay, and !or the general protection againat contamination as contained in this ordinanee shal! apply in the traneporting of food from a food establiaiiment or other location to another food , establishment or other location for delivery service or catnring operation. � SBCTION 36. Cleanlineas <a) HandvashinA. All.psraeas sa6a�d ie foed �atablish�ae! operation shall acrub hands and aims betorn etarting work, and ahall wash hands during work hours after each relief period and after using the toilet room. The handa of all auch pereoas shall be kept clean while angaged in handliag food, utensils or equipment and they shall keep their fingernails cloealy and neatly triamed. (b) ClothinK. The outar garoents of all petsons engagnd in handling food, eqnipment or utenails sl�all be clean and etiall be . used for no ot6er purpose than duty in the Eood eatabliahment. Hair nets shell ba Worn by all famala food preparation peraonnel. All male peraonnsl ahall wsar cape or other hair reatraints. All food serving end dish, oc utensil, or cleansing equipment pereonnel shall wear hair nQts, capa or othar hair netrainta. (c) Tobacco. 1Le uae of tobacco in any form py person engage8 in food eatabliehmept operation shall be prohibited at all times in roona,in Which food is prepared or stored, and ia rooms in which food" ia served. (�) Sxpectoratin�. Ib personr=�Aa33;;expectorate in any soo� ia a lood eetabliaHment wdere Pood ia atored, prepared or servad. � OHDIl1AliCS 11D. 372 (Contittuad) �-. : . (e) Other Practicea. No persa►a shall perEorm anq act or engaga in any practice which may contaminate food, equipoent or utensils. Clean apoona, knives, and Eorka shall be picked up or touched only by their handles. Clean cups, glasses, and bovls, ahall be handled without fingers or thumbs contacting the inside aurfaces or surfaces which come into contact aith the mouth. A apoon or other utensil, once uaed for tasting of Eoods ahall be cleaned and sabjected to bactaricidal treat- ment prior to reuse Cor any purpoae. No peraon ahall remove eoiled dishes by placiag fingers in glasses or cups, or by picking up utensils by soiled aurfacea instead of handlea. No persons shall scratch ttte head, pinch faca piaplea, pick the nose, mouth, with the fingere or pencil, sneeze or cough without waehing the handa iemediate2y thereaftet and bafore continuing or retnrning to work. SBCTLON 37. Health and Diaease ConLrol. No peraoa ahile affected with any diaease in a conmunieable form, or while a carrier of auch disease, or while afflicted with boils, infected vounds, aores, a cough or a cold shall aork in food preparatioa ot serving areas of a food establishment and no owner or operator of a food establishment shall employ in such an area any person knorm or suapected of being affected with any such diaease or condition. If the manager, �wner or operator of the establisdsent auapecta that any employee has conti'acttd any disease ia a comiunicabls fora or has become a carrier of such di�ease, he shall aotify the Baforcing Officer io�ediately. 3SCTI0l� 38. Dresaiag &oona and Lockera. (a) 3eparate Booms Provided. Dressing Tooy , separate for aea and women, ahall be provided in all food establi�hmenta vliere eea�loyeei change clothing within the establisl�ent, and euch dressing rooms ahall be located outside of food preparation, storage aad aetving areas, and utenail or aquipment srashing and storage areae. (D) Lxkere Prozided. Lockera for personal belonginga of employees shall be providad vithin dresaing rooma or in areas onteide of the food preparation, serving, utensil and aquipuent vashing and storage areas. Persoaai belongings including, but not limitad to coata and other clothins ahall be atored ia auch lockere and ahall not be stored with food, utenails or equipment. Dressing roams and locicers ahall be kept neat and clean. 3SCTLON 39. Insect and Rodent Coatrol. Ca) Insecta and Rodeota Prohibited. Ib peraon<ihall allow or psi7it Yhe entrance, breeding or presence of rodenta or insacta including, but oot lfmited to mice, rata, flias and roaches ia any food eatablist�ment. (b) Bequirements for Inaect and Bodent Control. Stored foods shsll be ptoteeted against insact or rodent iafestation by covering, wcapping or by squallq ePfectiva methods. Rodenticidea and insecticidea ahall not be pezmittad to come into coatact with food, food contact surfaces, utensils or equipment. No area ahall be constructed in a manner which provides or is likely to provide harborage and breeding placea for rodants and inaects. L__.I ' (Ci xeauirementa Por Inaeaticidee and Rodeniicidet. All insacticides shall be in coatai�ra vhich are clearlq labelad ao that the contents caa be easily identified, and ahall be kapt in a roao, cabinet or area ' separated from food, utensil and equipaent, and ehall not be used ahere food, utensils, equipment. or amploqees' clothing are exposed to the epray. the eplashing, the dustiag or the settling of snch substances. SBCI�ON 40. Houeekeeping. (a) lCeat Clean. All parts of all Eood eatablist�menta both ineide and ovt, shall be kept oeat, free oF gar�sage, weeds, refuae, rubbiah, waste paper, debria and litter. � ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) SECTION 40. Housekeeping (Continued) (b) Dusting and Cleaning. Dustless methods of floor and wall clean- ing shall be used, or dust arresting, sweeping compounds, and push brooms sha11 be employed, and a11 such cleaning except emergency cleaning, sha11 be done during those periods when the least amount of food is exposed, such as after closing or between meals. (c) Use as Living Quarters. No person sha11 use any area in any food establishment as Living or sleeping quarters. All openings between living or sleeping quarters and a food establishment shall be equipped with self-closing solid doors which shall not be allowed to stand open. (d) Laundry Bags and Receptacles. Non-absorbent receptacles of washable laundry bags, laundered between every two uses, shall be provided for use for soiled linens, coats, trousers, dresses and aprons, which shall �� be kept therein until removed for laundering. . . (e) Animals and Fowls Prohibited. Except for guide dogs accompanying blind persons on food service areas, no fowl or animal shall be allowed in any food establishment. SECTION 41. Vending Machines. Each vending machine licensed under this ordinance shall be constructed and maintained as follows: (a) Each machine shall be filled only with wholesome ingredients which have been manufactured and packaged under sanitary conditions and transported to the machine in sanitary containers or vehicles. (b) The owner or operator of all such vending machines shall, when- ever requested, assist the Enforcing Officer in making inspections of the ' interior of the machine. Inspections of a11 machines shall be available to the Enforcing Officer at all times, and the key or keys necessary to gain access to such machines for the purpose of making an inspection shall � be deposited with the City Board of Health for inspection purposes. ' (c) Every licensee shall keep and maintain each vending machine in a clean and wholesome and sanitary condition at all times. (d) Each meeting must be so designed as to protect against infestation of insects, vermin, rodents, and to protect against the entrance of dust, dirt, rain, overhead leakage, or other sources of contamination, and shall be so constructed and operated as not to create a rodent harborage, and the surroundings shall be so maintained so as not to create an unsanitary and unsightly condition. (e) Each machine shall be so designed that it may be readily cleaned The walls, floor, ceiling, covers, lids and other physical features shall be of such construction as to withstand repeated cleaning. . (f) A11 conveyors, belts, chutes, racks, slides, and tubing shall be of such construction as to be readily cleaned in place or removable for cleaning operation. Those parts of each vending machine which come in direct contact with food, such as receptacles, pipes, valves, and so forth, shall be of smooth construction, free of breaks, corrosion, open seams, cracks, or chips; shall be readily removable for cleaning and inspection or shall be easily cleaned in place; shall be non-toxic in themselves or in combination with food that may come in contact with such equipment and shall be thoroughly washed and sanitized. (g) Each vending machine shall be so constructed that it may be opened and all parts thereof made available for inspection purposes by the Enforcing Officer. � �� �� ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) (h) Each vending machine that vends a cup to receive food from such machine shall have the dispensing opening protected from dust and insect infestation by means of a manual or mechanical opening device. (i) The temperature in all vending machines which are dispensing perishable unfrozen food shall be maintained at all times at not warmer than 40 degrees Fahrenheit nor colder than one degree above freezing temperature. Where frozen fresh food is being vended, such temperature shall be maintained at 0 degrees Pahrenheit or colder at all times. If required by the Enforcing Officer by notice in writing, an automatic temperature recording�device shall be installed and maintained for each such machine; the charts of the recording device shall be preserved, and dated, and delivered to the Enforeing Officer at least once each 30 days period or as requested by him. (j) Each vending machine which dispenses perishable food shall be equipped with a mechanical device so integrated with the dispensing mechanism that no perishable food can be obtained from such vending machine after the temperature in the vending machine sh211 rise above 45 degrees Fahrenheit, Likewise, any vending machine dispensing frozen food shall be so equipped that no food can be obtained therefrom after said temperature rises above 5 degrees Fahrenheit; and all such machines shall be so equipped as to return the coin or coins to the prospective purchaser if no food is dispensed for any reason when a coin is inserted. No food in a machine where the temperature has exceeded the maximum or minimum above specified shall thereafter be made available for sale from the machine unless inspected and approved by the Enforcing Officer as safe fos human consumption. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to any vending machine which dispenses only ice cream or carbonated soft drinks. (k) Each vending machine shall have posted thereon a label or sign stating the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for its operation. SECTION 42. Miscellaneous Enforcement Provisions. (a) Procedure When Infection is Established. When it has been determined by a licensed physician that a food establishment owner or employee is a carrier of disease, the Enforcing Officer is authorized � to require any or all of the following; (1) The immediate exclusion of such person from all food establishments. (2) The transfer of the services of such person to an area of food establishment where there will be no danger of transmitting disease. : (3) Adequate medical examination of such persons and their associates, with such laboratory examinations as may be indicated. (4j The immediate suspension of the license of the food establishment until, in the opinion of the Enforcing Officer, no further danger of outbreak of disease exists. (b) Industry Self-Inspection. Every food establishment shall arrange for a program of sanitation self-inspection conducted by the owner, manager, sanitation supervisor, or an agent. Such inspections shall be kept on file for review by the Enforcing Officer. (c) Construction - P1an Review. All persons who hereafter construct, extensively remodel or convert buildings or facilities for use as food � ' � ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) SECTION 42. Miscellaneous Enforcement Provisions (Cvntinued) (c) Continued � establishments, shall conform and compiy in their construction, exection , � or alteration wich the requirements of this ordinance�. Plans and speci- fications for such construction, remodeling or alteration which show layout, arrangement and plumbing and construction materials or work areas, and location, size and type of equipment and facilities, shall be filed by the owner in the office of the Enforcing Officer. The Building Official shall not issue a building permit for a food establishment or remodeling or alteration permit for such establishment until such permit shall have the approval of the Department of Health endorsed thereon. , (d) Inspections, Interference with Enforcing Officer. The Enforcing Officer or his deputy shall, after proper identification, have the right at all reasonable times to enter upon premises Licensed under this ordinance and to inspect any food establishment, shop or vehicle required to be Licensed under this ordinance. No person shall interfere with or hinder any Enforcing Officer in the performance of his duties, or to refuse to permit the Enforcing Officer to make such inspection.� �. SECTION 43. Procedure for Violation and Grace Period. (a) Except as herein excepted any licensee who violates any provision of this ordinance may in addition to the usual penalties, have'his license revoked. (b) The procedure for revoking any license graated under this ordinance shall be as follows: (1) Whenever the Enforcing Officer discovers a violation of any provision of this ordinance, he shall notify the operator concerned and the City Planager, City Council and Board of Health. Such notice shall (1) describe the condition found and state which section of this ordinance is violated by such condition; (2) provide �� a specific and reasonable period of time for the correction of the condition; and (3) state that an opportunity for a hearing before the City Council will be provided if a written request for such a hearing is filed with the Fridley Board of Health within ten days of receipt of the notice. Such a hearing may be held upon five days notice by mail (certified) after receipt of a written request for a hearing. The Enforcing Officer shall advise the operator that if no timely request is made the City Council may suspend or revoke the operator's license. (2) Following a hearing the City Council may vote to suspend or revoke any operator's license. The decision of the City Council sha11 be recorded. (c) Grace Period for Existing Licensed Structures and Operators. . As to operators presently licensed, who are hereafter to be governed by . this ordinance, a one year grace period is granted for alterations , � necessary to conform, presently licensed structures to this ordinance. The grace period is hereby granted in order that presently licensed operators within the City of Fridley will not be unduly burdened with � immediate cost and disruption to their businesses in order to conform their premises to this ordinance. Therefore, the grace period appLies to those sections of this ordinance which wouLd require major structural changes rather than conformance to sanitary conditions. � � h � n 38 __ _ � �� �, � ** ** ORDINANCE N0. 372 (Continued) Included are the foliowing sections and any othera which might reasonably be found to fit within the category: Section 10 (b), (d), and (e) - Section 11 - Section 14 (b) , (c) , (d) , (e) , (f) , (g) , (h) , (i) Section 15 (b), (f) Section 16 (b), (d) • Section 18 (a) Section 19 (c), (f), (g) Section 20 Section 26 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) Section 38 SECTION 44. Penalty. A violation of any provision of this ordinance is a misdemeanor. Regardless of suspension or revocation of any license, any person convicted of violating any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of a fine of not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a period of not exceeding 90 days, with costs of prosecution in case of either fine or imprisonment. SECTION 45. Separability. Should any section, paragraph, subdivisioa, clause or other provision of this ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole nor of any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. SECTION 46. Repeal. Ordinance Nos. 16 of the City are hereby repealed upon the date this ordinance becomes effective, but such repeal sha11 have no effect on any proceedings taken thereunder by the City and pending such date, but such proceedings may be continued under said ordinance. � SECTION 47. Effective Date This ordinance shall become effective PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS STH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1967. . . . . _.. . A �� Iwy .. YOR - JACK . KIRKHAM ATTEST: �.� � � w .I�w � CITY�CL RK - PIARVIN C. RL'�NSELL First Reading: August 21, 1967 Second Reading; September 5, 1967 Publish: September 15, 1967 Repealed by Ordinance #403 f J 1 '