Ordinance No. 0039 04-16-1952i
� ,
An Ordinance Goaerning �and
i{egulating the Planning and
Subdivision oF Lands in the Vil-
lage of Fridley, including the te-
quirements [or platting the pro-
cedurc for obtaining approval of
The Village Council of Fridley
80 ordain as follows: -
Section I. Preliminarv Plat.
Any ownec, tnistee m� attor-
ney-in-fact desirLtg to subdivide
a tract of land in the village shall
svbmit to thc Planning Commis-
sion through the office of the
Village Clerlc preliminary plats,
or prints of plats, in Lriplicate,
wliich sliow and/or contain tl�e
follo�ving informatim�:
1. The proposed name of the �
2. IYs Iocation with reference
to known existing thorough-
fares, secLion corners, a�d thc
legal description of the tract of
land to be subdivided.
3. Name of ihe owner, trvstee
or atWrney-in-fact.
4. The b.,undary lines with the
d'unensions of the traM to be �
subdivided. ,
5. A topographical map of the
subdivision showing contours of
thc land at not greater than
5-foot intervals, in areas of
stecp. embankments, and in gen-
eral not greater than 2-foot
intervals. Map should indi-
cate location and size of exist-
ig adjaceni underground utili-
Ues, (such as storm or sanitary
sewers and water mains) where
such utilities exist, w9th essential
elevations. In liecl of an estab-
lished village datum an assumed .
datum may be used. At least
one bench mark location and its
elevation shall 6e noted on said
6. Size of lots and blocks by
scaled dimension only, and the
tentative lot and block numben
7. OuUlots should be avoided
altogether where possible, but
when necessary, each wt-]ot -
shall be identified and shall be
of sufficient area to afford an-
adequate building site. Minimum
area shall be 12,500 feet
8. Width �f proposed streets
and their general horizontal
9. Tentative names of the
nrnnncP�i ctr�rtc. Street namine
to conform to the establishe�l
strect Plan wherever �a junetfon
with am eristing street is pro-
posed or sn�9lere a continuuCion af
an esisting streef is intended.
10. �6'idlli of allr���, tt�licre
provided. Alleys will uot bc re-
quired- in a residential subdivi-
ston anless in the opviion of ttie �
Plvuting Commission they seem
advisablc as a continuation of .an
existing allcy�. Where required,
alleys sha71 confflrm, in general,
to the widths- established for the
cxisting ailcys adjacent but in
no case shall t1�ev 4e less -than .
14 feet.
11. Whrn alic.ys arc �not pru-
vided tltere m�st be provided a
pUblic easesne»t as part of� the
plat. Sucli easements ehal] bc
not less than 5 feet on each side
of the Iot line, inafiing n inta]
of 10 fret. No Kara�es nor struo-
yres sl�all be huilt upon this
eascrtnent. In addition to the
abovc, �ahere neeessary drsinlg?
easemer.ts shall be pro��ided with
a fotal minimum width of 10
feet. Tlie location and width of.
ull easeinents to be shown on Yhe
l�. Ttie adjacent platted areas
shov�ing lot, block, and strect
arraagement for a minimum of
l50 feet surrounding The px�opos-
ed subdivision. . �
13. Publie Lands. In the � in-
terests of the Village, As u
wholc, and there;ore, of benefit
to the sa6division, tfic Planning
Commission of Fridlcy is desir-
ws of conserving certain areas
�of natural beauty and to e�stab-
lish in various arcas the logical�
dist��ihution of puUlic areas for
parks, public squares and play-
grounds. TYiereiore, it is the de-
clared policy of the Village
Ccr�ncil and thc Planning Com-
mission under this ordinance tt�at
in all new subdivisions not less
than five perCent oF the gross
area of all property subdivided
shall be dedicated for public use,
sucti fice percent being in addi-
tion tQ the groperty dedicited
for streets, aIleys or other pu6lic
The varying size of lots, the
size of the aubdicision, the ne-
cessity of such dedicatioi�, and
the size of tUc piece to be dedi-
cated will have a direct bcaring
upon the Planning Commission's
opinion as to the interp�•rtntiUn
�` 2
of Lhese regulaUons in the light
of thc ocerxll plan and pattern
of parlc development.
I4. Accc.ss roadways paraIlel
to and adjo3nii�g thc right-oR-way
of State Highways, shatl be pro-
vided in areas zoned residential
wherever thr State ffighway De-
partment has plac�d restrictions
to access upon said higliways.
13. A title opinion of an at-
torttey, Iicensed to practice in
thc J'tate of Minnesota, giving
evidence es to t.ifle.
16. Wet lands and water
77. Scale and north orientation
of map. Scalc pmfera6ly to be
cither one-inch cquals 100 feet,
or one inch equals 50 feek
18. R'6crc a railmad right-of-
way traverses the land to be
plattsd a street shall Ue laid
out parallcl to t]ie r3ght•of-way
of suid railroad on each side of
khe said right-of-way, the width
to �e dctermined by Lhe Plan-
ning Commission, subject to ap-
proval by the Village Couneil.
No strcet dedications will be ac-
cepted which mq+lire a crossing
of a railroad unless sufficient
land is depicatcd to provide for
approaches suCPicient for a grade
20. Street �vidths shall con-
form Co the estaGlished street
plan. I'hr Follo�ving arc mini-
mum �vidths of right-of-way for
carious t}pes of strects,
(a) 9c�condary and main
thorougl�iares-66 feet
fb) Ncigliborhopjj resi-
dential six�eets �i� feet
2L Tt is desirable that all
streetc intersect as nearly at
right angles as seems practical
consi3ering tl�e type of develop-
ment txing praposed. Contour
platt:ing is favored �a�hen practi-
cal witti streets laid out to the
topograPhy of the ground wl�ile
at llie sazne time conforming to
the established street plan at
junction points willi existing
22. For the protection of the
Village in the development and
maintenance of str•eets bordering
ihe corporate limits of the Vil-
lage, tl�e developer oi such
lands borclering the corpotate
limits shall in addition to the
dedication of the orze-half �cidth
of tl�e street ]ying �n�ithin the
Village of Fridley furniski the
Planning Commission at the
time of submitting the prelimia-
ary plat one of ffie Yoliowing:
(a) Reasonable evidence that
the balance of the street lying
oatside the corporate limits of
Fridley has or will be dedicated
by plat.
(b) A Wamanty deed for that
paz+t of the street lying outside
the corporate limits of Fridley.
(c) Ai7 easement for road
purposes signed by the individ-
ual owners of Lhe land adjaeent
to that part of the street lying
outside the coiporate limits of
23. 'Pcrminsl residential streets
or cvi-de-sac shail be not longer
than 5W feet unless topographi-
cal rnnditions �c•arrant a longer
terminal strcet . Such culs-de-
sac shoWd be a��oided altogether
where possible.
24. A turn aroand xt the end
of all terminal streets shall be
provided of not less than 100
feet in diameter at the property
15. Evcry lot in a proposed
subdivision shall 6e served from
a- p.;blicly dedicated street. No
private strects shall 6e platted
on any subdivision.
2G. Block Sizes. Considerable
latitude as to size of blocks in
areas �a•hich are to be subdivided
by the contour method of plat-
ting will Uc affocded m the de-
��eloper 6y the Planning Com-
mission. Howecer, no block
greater than 1320 feet in length
nor more Wan 440 teet in width
including one-half of all str�eet
widths will he appro��ed. In the
areas plxtted by the rectangular
method, each block shall be 330
feet in width and 660 feet in
length including one-half of all
street widths and proportionate
to Goccrnment Svrvey.
Each block shall bc laid out
to provide tu�o row�s of lots and
side lines ahuR be at as near
right angles as is practical.
27. Lot Sizes. In all new
subdivisions, the lots must meet
all three of the minimum re-
(I) Froniage on street proper-
ty line not less �than 60 Peet on
cui•ving streets and not less thart
7a feet �vhere lot is rectangular
in shape.
(ID Average minimum depU�
of lot not less tlian 125 feet.
(IID Area oc lot shall be not
less than 12,500 square feet.
Tho �eccloper shall. submit
with the preliminary plat the ful-
(a) A wriCeen statement spec-
ifying ihe intentions of the own-
ec �vith respect to tUc proposed
character of The decelopment and
the intended date af develop-
The dcvcloper should cxpress
Iiis �villingness to proceed to file
a record plat of his subdivision,
or such part ttierof as he may
wish to plaee upon the market
(b) The de�-eloper shall sub-
mit a draft ot the proposed deed
17ie prelimuiary plat as out-
liucd herein is a prerequisite to
the submissiott nf the final plat
and ehall be aubnutted to the
oPFice of the Village Clerk five
(o) days prior to the regular
meeting of the Plunning Com-
mission, at which mecting ap-
pc•o�'al is requested.
The council of the Village ot
Fridley requires that all propos-
ed subdivisions shall liave the
apprm-al of thc Planning Com•
mission before receiving final
approval by the CounciL It Is
therefore necessary that certain
stcPs bc taken and data assem-
hled that will enable the Plan-
ning Commission to study the
proposed subdicision in the light
of its relation to the Village plan
for gmKth and development, and
in Uic light of the general
topography and character of the
'Co accomplis7i this purpose, the
Planninp Commission wi'3 wish
to submit Uie preluninary plat
to their Village Engineer for his
study in the field and office and
for his recommendations. There-
fore, a pericd of one month ���will
elapse between the submission of
a preluninary plat to the Plan-
ning Commission, and its action
upon that plat.
The subdivider, after the ap-
proval of the tentative plat by
� �
�i" �6
�' i
Lhe Planning Commission and
prior b tlie subraission of a final
p'at, sh311 witniu onc (1) year
after� tl�e date� oP aPProva.l Cattse
[he pro�erty to be sur�eyed in
accordance witih the approved
tetuutivc. p:at and any and all
ehanges therein as approved by
thc Ylauning Commission. The
s-urvey shsll be made in accrord-
� rumc w;th llw sGwdnrd praclices
�nd princ:ples fm� land survey-
ing u��d all rnor.vinenis shall be
su6jcet to ttic inspection and ap-
proc�;l of the Co�mty Authori-
t3cs beiore approvai of the final
I'Hilure on U�e part of the de-
veloper to have caused the prop-
en•ty lo be sua-ceycd, as outlined
abore, witihin U�e s5palated one
�1) ycar p��iSod sLall void the
approval of the tentatice plat by
the Planning C�mtnisssion and
shali causc a rc-suhmisssion . of
Uie tentatiae p7at for approval.
I'inal plats inust he suhmitted
to the Planning Commission for
Lhcir app:•oval prior to ttie sub-
mission to the Villagc Council.
"�'On ali plats submitted to the
Cwncil for Yinal approval by the
Planning Commission, it will 6e
: thc gcnerxl policy of this Councit
�� to lay over acceptance until the
neit succecding regular meeting.
The council reqaires undcr this
ordinance that all streets be
paved as a pazt of the decelop-
ment of a sl6division. Such
worlc sha.11 be done under the
supervision of the Village Engi-
neer, and subject to specifica-
tions of the Village of �idiey
for such �vorg, The developer
ts ailowecl to choose one of the
following options;
(a) To pave streets at his own
e�cpense, in which casc a per-
formance bond wiUi a Surety
Company aPPi'oced by the Vil-
lage Council shall be furnished
beforc final plat is accepted
SecGon II. Final Record Plata.
In addition to all the general
reyvirements spccified for the
preliminary plat, the final plat
shall show the followi�g data:
1. Boundary survey xll exter-
ior dimensions given and all ex-
terior angles, (excepting the
closing angle) given on the plaG
Each plat shall be subject to a
latitude and departure closure
check by the Villagc Engincer.
Minimum dosure shall be one
foot en�or in 5,000 feet.
2. All lot and block dimen-
sions shall bc shown on the plat
and all necessary angles pertxin-
ing to the lots and blocks shall
be �lio�an on the plat.
3. All old monuments found,
and so designated, as well as al]
new monuments to be indtceted.
4. 3reas to be dedicated;
dimensioned and indicated.
6. Street names and indicated
street widttv5, dimensioned.
6, Street and zlleys, center-
line alignment curve data. Di-
mensions, angles and radiiJ
7. Block lines and 61ock num-
8. Lot lines and lot numbcrs.
9. Eascments, location and
u�idths dimensioned.
10. All necessarv certificates
reqvired by lam.
11. Name of subdivision, scalc,
north orientation, and all other
pertinent information gencrally
required on platS.
To accompany the final plal
when submitted for final appro�--
al by the Planning Commission
are the following requirements:
(a) Plans and profiles of the
existing ground and alignment of
each dedicated street in the sub-
division. Thc Village Engincer
to set all fin�l grades of thc
streets. Cubject to the excepYion
uutlined in item "b".
(6) In areas exceptionally �
hilly, profiles only of t6e center-
line alignment of dedicated
streets wi11 be accepted in lieu
of plans and profiles. These pro-
files shall show vertical curve
data and gradients. A six percent
grade will generally be conslder-
ed max'vnum. Consideration to
good drainage is mandatory.
Such profiles shall be subject to
approval by the Village Engineer
prior to the approval of the plat
by the Village Council. . �
(c) A Surety Bond fo* paving
ffie dedicated strects shall ao-
company the final plat.
(d) The developer to ftrrnish
to the Planning Commission hvo
prints and one transparency af
the final plat for their records
and files in addition, to the re-
quired copies for record in the
County OPfices. Trvo copies each
oF all plans and profiles or cen-
ter-line profiles of dedicated
The preparation of the prelim-
inary and final plat shall be by
a Registered Land Surveyor,
State of Minnesota. �
The final plat to be an ink
drxwing on traeing c7oth suitable
for duplicate copies. �
The deceloper shall permit the
Village to obtxin photostatic
rnpies of Final Plat pxior to its
filing with the County Auditor's
Final plats developed from
pre7iminary plats approved by
the Planning Commission prior
to the date this ordinance be-
came eTfective shall not 6e sub-
ject to the requirements of this
ordinance procided the final plat
is submitted for approval by the
Planning Commission within one
(1) year after the preliminary
plat was aPProved.
Section III. General Provisions
Y. The developer shall provide �"�.
at his own expense and erect
street signs at all principal ui-
tersections on the plat. The
street signs shall be of a ldnd
specified and approvea by Uie
Village Engincec �
2. The Village Cwncil may
waive the requirements of this
ordinance upon a showing of
hardship or impossibility of com-
plying to the provisions herein
because of the nature and to-
pography of the land or upon the
recommendation of the Planning
Commission or where a deviation
from the requirements will not
interfere u�iUi the wn�minity
planning of the Village.
Passed by the�� Village Counc3l
this 16th day qf�Apeij,_ 1952, -
� �RL F. HAR'19'ftiN
� _ � �„ 11'�a�ar
Attent: i4A'I2:� . RARL�G �
_ - - V111age Clerk -
� Published in �the Columbia
Heights Record May 15, 1952