Ordinance No. 0040 05-05-1952�, � J • • • � e < ORDIMANCE NO. 40 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETV LIMITING THE USE AN� OCCUPANCV OF BA3E- MENT DWELLINGS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEY � Be it ordained by t�he Village Council of the Village of Fridley as follows: 1. That a baSemcnt dwelling is de£ined as a d�velling occupied by human 6eings in whiCh al] four sides of Naid basement am more 2han fifty per cent below the grovnd levei. "2. All persong occupying or us- ing for tnsman habitation a base- ment dm�clling within Uie Village of Fridley upon �chich there ex- ists no superstructure abave thc basement arca� shxll within thirty BO) days from the pub7i- cation of' this ordinancc register with the ��illage Clerk of t6e Vil- lage of Pridlcy, nnd fitrnisl� t.c thc Village Clerk the namrs and uges oF all occupants, a descrip- tion of the sanitary� and plumb- ing facilitics available in said dwelling, a description of the heafing facilitfes, and thc heating strvctures within said premises, including the chimney, and Yh;• Ir:ngth of residence in said dwcll- ing, up to the time of reg'stra- tiion. � 3. It shall be unlawful for any present occupant of said base- ment dwclling to oCCUpy said pre�- mises for a longcr period thn.z� eighteen pSl months from the daYe of the passage of this ordin- ance without a special penniL firom flle council. / 4. That if the present family occ.upant �acntes or yuits the basement premises, it shall no! be rented, occupicd or iised for human habitation by uny oYhcr person or persons until ihe super- struc[ure above said basement dwelling has been commenced and substantially completed. '�� 5. It shall be unlaca•tul for any owner or oecupant to sell, lease, sublet or convey �said basement to a prospective tenant or pur- chaser without informing said tenant or purchascr of tAe ne- cessity of immediately compleb ing the superstructurc, and nf th� provisions of this ordinance. 6. That a violation of this or- dinance shall be a misdemeanor and punished by imprisonment for not more than ninety (�JO) days, or by a fine of not more than One Aundred (5100.001 I)ollars. Passed b,v the- iti3lage CounciJ of the Villagc of�FridleZ tfiis 5th daY of May` i952�---'-_ �..- �.' • Carl F. Hartr;ian ��/'� �Z^�i�HCMayor - A'P1�ST: Warcl -H�3 ng� Village _Clerk _ _ Published in the Columbia Hcights Record May 15, 1�2�� ��