Ordinance No. 0041 05-05-1952�
, �
V �
#�� ��
furnish the materials for any
such fire, or authorize any such �
fire to be set, kindled or main-
tained on or in any street, alley,
lot, land or pR161ic or private
grounds within the limits of the �
Village of Fridlev. Provided,
howecer, nothing in this ordi-
nance shall prohibit tiie burning
of rubbish, paper or any com-
bustible material, a•hen such ma-
terial is burned within a safeFy �
constn7eted burner or similar de-
vice, so that the burning partl-
cles will not blow around, and
not within fifteen (15) fcet of ��
any flammable material, build-
ing or structure.
Section 2. No ashes, smolder- �
ing coals or embers, greasy or
oily substances or other matters �
liable to spontaneoUS ignition,
shatl be deposited ivithin ten
(10) feet of any wooden or
plastered �i�all, partition, fence, �/-
floor, ]umber, hay, sha�•ing rub-
bish or other combustitile ma-
terials except in metallic or other�
non-combust�ible zeceptacles. Suci�
receptades unless resting on the �
ground ovtside the building shall
be placed on non-combustible
stands, and in every case shaFi
be kcpt at least Lwo (2) feet
from any wall or partition. "
/Section 3. No persan shall
start . a grass fire � unless a permit
has first bcen obtained from the
fise marshal or other of€ictials
£rom time to time designated
by the Village Council to issue
such permits� � �. � � � - � � � � � �`°y^
^ Section 4. ATO parent shall
permit, authorize, or allow a
minor child to perform any act
prohibited by sections 1, 2, or 3
Section 5. Any person thus vio-
lating any provision of this ordi-
nance shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and shall be punished by
a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or
hy imprisonment in the viilage
An Ordinanee Prohibiting the or county jail for a period of
Burning of Rubbish and Com-. not to e�¢ed 90 days.
bustible and Intlammable Ma= � � .
terials Under Certain Conditions -- passecT hy.'the Village Council
and Regulating the Burning of Of'_the -�Fi�k^.ge�_ of Ftidley this ..
Grass and Providing Penalties \��th day of Map, 1952.
For Violation Thereof. `_ C F. RTMAN
The Village Council of the Vil=— - ,-.: �
lage of FTidley do ordain as fol-" : �'y —����'�' Mayor
lows: � _ - Attast� WARD NOPLI�
ViIIage Clerk
Section 1. No person, firm or -" �-
corpora'tion shall set or maintain Publiahed in , the � Colvmbia
azLV bonfire or shall k�owingly 3ieights Rernrd May 22, 1952