Ordinance No. 0042 05-19-1952• � �� �� � � T .�` _ _-�7 ORDINANCE NO. 42 AN ORDINAMCE TO PRE- VENT OR LICENSE ANO REG- ULATE THE EXH161TION AND OPERATION OF THEAT- R 1 C A L P E R FORMANCES, AMUSEMENTS ORSHOWS,�IN- CLUDING THE OPERATION OF DRIVE-IN THEATERS IN THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEY AND PROVIDING A PENAL7V FOR VIO�ATION THEREOF ANQ PROVIDING FOR RE- PEAL OF ORDlNANCE NO. �� 3L The Council of the Village of Fridley does ordain as follows: Section 1. The maintaining and operation oP a theatrical perfor- ma:ice, sta€e shows, moving pic- tares, and drive-in theaters are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and are prohibited from operation within the Village of Fridley except as hereinafter procided Yor. Section 2. Theatrical perfor- mances, stage shows, moving pic- tures, and drice-in theaters are defined as forms of entertain- ment to whicl� two or more per- sons are im�ited to ciew an e�i- bition of acting or the screen pro- jection of moving pictvms with accompanying sound broadcasb ing for a profit or in the course of a business enterprise. A dxive-in theater is defined as hacing a location or place forthe parking of motor vehicles � in front of a screen projection of moaing pictures. Section 3. Nathing contained herein shall prevent theatrical presentations and motion pictures by a religious or educational non-profit association or corpor- ation �cithin the confines of a church m� religiaas education edifice or within a public school building �i�here the preaentation is sponsored by Uie religious or educational group. Section 4. That any operator or owner of a drive-in theatre shall conduct said premises and said operations in a lawful manner. He shall comply �t�ith all regula- tions and statutes oY the State of Minnesota. He sl�all not maintain any nuisancc or noise on said premises, and shall at all times equip and maintain said drive-in theatre so that the sound is dir- ected to the individual vehicles, and so that the sound does not carry beyond the premises of the ProPerty. He shall not permit any intoxicating liquors or any unmoral conduct or practices to exist on said premises. Section 5. That any operator or o�vner of a drive-in thcater shall control and direet the traf- fic and �notor cchicles entering and lea��ing its premiscs so that it does not interfere and block the orderly flow of traffic on the pC.blic highways adjacent to said drice-in premises. That tralfic contiol decises shall he installed and maintained at the places of ingress and egress from said pub- lic high�vays to the drive-in tnea- ter pcemises during the hours the business is in operation unless the police department of the Vi}- lage of Fridlcy has specifically waiced such requirement. That no trash, paper cups, pa- pers, or wrappers shall be al- lo�ced to be scattered on said drivc-in premises. That no 6ottles, bottle-caps, or� metalic articles shall be deposited or allo�eed to lay on the drive- �cays and parking arcas in said theater. Thzt no motor vehicles shal] stop, or perk on the sha:lders of the public highway in the imme- diate viclnity of the said drive-in the,ater during the l�ours tl�e theater is in operation Section 6. Any drive-in theafrc located within the Village Iimits must have its business o'_fice on property zoned as commercial ar industrial, in accordance with the zoning ordinancc now in ex- istence in the Viilage. However, a�y such drice-in theatre located on sach commercial or industrial property may extend itself for not mcrc than two Uiousand feet onto propertY �oned as residen- tial. Section 7. That no drive-i� theater shall be erecked, main- tained, or operated within the Village of Fridley �cithout a li- cense therefore l�aving been o6- tained from thc � illagc Council hy the owner or proprictor Uiere� of. Such license shall in all cascs expire on thc 31st day of Suly, next aftcr the date of iscue. Applications for such license= must be made in wrifing to the Village Clerlc, and be accompan- ied by a license fee of y-300.00. Sectia� S. Whocver in any manner violates or fai:s to mmply with any of Uie terms of Yhis Ordinancc shall be punished hy a fine of not more than $100.00, or be imprisoned for not more thxn ninety days, together with the costs and prosecution in either case. Section 9. Thc procisions of Ord- inance No. -233 �assed hy this council on August 4, 195D in so far as it is inconsistant is ex- pressly repeale�i�._�.,,., Passed - hy- the:. tlilla�e'�C�ouncil [his 18th riay. oE -NYay,' l9'$/: � �' ` CARL F. FIeI{T.'FN�AN �' - � � �.Mayor , � �2 ZL�� ��c« ' ATTEST: WAS�D i:ORLI�-� Clerk - � Published� in Uie Colvmi>ia Heights Record May 29, � 1952. _._ .. __.�.<