Ordinance No. 0496 12-13-197198 IB��k41 Pe611atlu1 OPDINANCE N0. �M AN ORDINAYLZ GRANTI.YG A FRAN� L�iS3E'f(1 CENiML TELEYI9UV OF MINN£SOtA,INCOHPORATED,ITS SVCCESSORS ANO ASGIGNS, TO OP- ERAYE AYD MAIM1TAIY A COHi3li\I- 'INE TNE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRSDLEY DOES OR�h1Y AS FOLLOWS: SECf10N ]. G6RERAL PROYISfp45. A. Slml Tille. 7Tis orEiwrce �Aall be tmwn anE may Ee cited as tM "Cable Television Franchiu ONimnce." 8. FiMinRS ol Courcil. AI[er caMUCt� i� puClic �earinge on Ne aLOpLOn ot IAis ordirance vwi afler tull diacus�ion aM due deli�ention. ltx Cauncil of ihe Ci:y af Fndley fiMs Nal Ihe canslruclicn, opera- Ym aiul mainteoance of a mma�vtity aolenna [elevlvon syslem eerving the Ciry N PnEMy is consis[ent wiN Nz pub- lic in[erest. and specifically wiN Ihe es- tablishment anJ �ea1Ny mainlem�e of lelevision service wilhin Ne Cily M Frid- IeY. G Definifions. Far Ne pnryosse ot Nis ordirantt. tEe fallowinz terms. pArases. wads. aM Neir derivativea sAalf have Ne meani� given t�erein When not in- consislenl wf N Ne con[est, wmas vsed in Ne presen[ tense include @e fu[ure. Y'pld5 IM1 1�IQ plYfdl (IYTblf IMI11dP �fP sinpular numtrer. aM words in ILe singu� lar wmDer ir<lude Ne plural numEer TM1e xurd "shalP' if alxap maMabry aM nat merely directorv L "Cily" is!heCily n[ Fritlley. Y. °COmV�ny" is [Fe Rrantee ol riHT.lsuMerthis Iranchix ]. "CauMil" is Ihe CiIY �uncil n! Ne City of Fridley �."PCrson" is any Derson, firm, qrlxrship, associa[ion. co:pozalion. rompany, orR?���<ion. or inE�vidual ol anY riod. i°SubscriFer" is any perwn wF.o lus a mn4acL wifA LAe comDany for rrvire. In tbe case of mWtiple of/ice lulldinps or muldp:e dwellinR �uilb ings. Ue "aiEUriMr" sMll be tleemed lheksxe, kmnlar«apant. 8. "CAN Sys�sm" is a rystem of antenm coaxial canles. xires. wave guides. or other can�uc[ars, eqcipmerA or 6cilities drsigretM, consWCtetl or ��a m. � o�w�«o� or �:e��s�o� and radio signals, inar<epUUn ana re� reip� af lelensioa sigwlz Airec[ly or iMira[ly oR Ne air aM the dietritu- 4an w[ransmis=ion of su<h ssgnals by meam of caEle or other similar devices b suluriCers. This term Cces not im cluEe urvi�es known aspayTV, tGat is the sale of pmRrams an a program hy proRVmEasis. T. "Imbltatian" is Nc (iFinR �or u:e r Ne pu[ting in place in a roorn tAe equipmen['neces�q' [or rereptim uf si;iufa Goin fie C.4'R' sys[em. esclu� vve of a[e@rision or raaio recelver. 9. "Gross Operating Elere�pts" is all revenue Aerived trem servire of any tina InrnistKd by [he company xiti�in Ne rnrpora�r limits of the Cily Ib in- elude but nnt IimiteA to recr.iFts fmm xrvice charges. Insa:laGOn chargzs. advertising. re.n;.al inwme lmm urz of facilitiesi other thnn rever.ue ae:ivzd Gom transictions in inlers��te or tor- efgn ¢ammerce. from service to the L'nilM Status of Emerica, or any a¢en- cy tM1CreoL Irom sarvice W l:z Sts:c of M1linnesnta or the Ciry� of Fridle�, or from tixes rnllenM Ey Ihe comp'.nv Irom su0scri�ers on �eRVlf of any gov� ernme� rt. 9. G p 5�_ - m' �� eomm i ato '�^n t�� f c��z �I c b s x�ich cs i'ry vF�al= i: .aod recuacs. i0_ Duai Cablr 5^st -' i[ o euax'al cab:es laste� 0 lov t� o olherwise connec[ed u ed f transr porLnu lele� uion anA rad o signul.v. r ., SECf10N E. AUTIIORfTY TU GRANT FMNCNISE OR LICENSE. A nocexdusive Iranchise to rnnstrucl. open[e and mainGin a CATV system w�Nin'Ihe Cily may bx 6ranted by Ne Council b any persan, firm�or co,ryon- tion, who ar pNch affers to (urnixA and provide su<h system under an� pursuant W Ne terms and provisinns of Nis ordi- �unce. M10 pmvision af Ws ardiv�e may Ee deemed ar rons[med as b require ILe granting a1 a lranchise when in Ihe opim ion of [he Council i[ is in Ue pvblic inter est b restric[ ITe wmber of companies to ora or more. SECTIO!i 1. USE OF TELEPNONE FACILII'IES. When a�M in Ne evenl ILaI Ne company of any [rancM1ix granteE hereurder uses in Itis CAT� rystem (acilitles or right of wry Eurwshed tn @e rompany by a[ele phone company whose facihlies are com struc[ed, aperated, antl mainLVined pur wan[ W ib [elephane franchise and sid company makes no use o( Ne skxts im dependenta(suchtelephonecompany furitisTed facilities, siid emnrany shall be requfr.H to mmply xitA all of the pro- visions �ereof as a"limnsec"aM in sucS evenl wAenever lhe term "rnmpany" is used it shall be deemed W mean a�M in- elude "licensee." SEC2ION I.USESPERMITTED BY COMPANY. Any Ganchise grantM pursvaol [o Ne provisions o/ Nis ortlinantt shal! author ize and permi[ Ne company W engage in the �usiness af operaGng aiM providmg a CATV system in the City, axd lor thnl purpose b erec[, inslalL rons[ruct, re- pair, replace, reconsVUCI, mainLiin anJ remin in. on, over. under, across and along any pubiic s4eet, suc� poles. wires. cable, mnducWrs.ducts.conduit,vaalls. manhales. ampliliers, appliances, atWCh- ments. and other property as may be neo es:ary and appurlenan! [o the C.4N 5ys� lem: a�d in addition, so V� use, operale. aM provide similar facilitics or proper Ges renfed or leased Irom olfier permns. lirme or mrparalions, includind but mt limi[eE to any puElic utility oroNer com� pany franchised ar permiltetl [n do Eusi� nessinUe City. , TTe rights �erein gra��led shall be sub� jecl to Ne reyuirements lLal Ne compa- ny shall so xt and erect its fixtcres ana apPUrtenances along said Fuhlic ways. as approved in wri6ng by the Cily Enyineer. sa as nol to interfere wiN lhe ord!r3ry travel and Eesired use of said ways, shall in a hke manna mainW In said equi0ment tluring Ne Lerm of [hi� franc�ise, and shall make ux of the exisUng yoles anJ olher L cililies [o the extenl arailab;e to lhe company. SEGTION 5. P.\F'h1F.NT'IC1 Tt[E CITY. The rompany shatl pay to Ihe Cih� on or Gefore March ls[ of eac� vear loilowing l�e rnmmenrement ot caEie caxling an amount nf f� ��Q1 ar an ammnt equal tu five perrent i5° � ot the ammal gmss cp- erating receipb Liken in antl rtteived Lr Ihe company for services pravidM witNn tM1e City d��ring the year, w�ichever amount is greater. Eor [he usx ol Lh^ strrecs and ol�er facililies o! the Cily in the operation of the CATV sys¢�m aeM for Ue municipal superv'�,inn thereot This payment shafl be in addiGon to any o;her lax o: pa��nenl owrJ U�he City 4y tlie ompany. [n L1e event :hat any �ayrn_nt s no[ mnde by M1larch lsl, as provided ahove. interes� on the amount du=, as d_� LerminM Gom the 3ross operatinR re� ceipts report of lhe certifiM pa�lle ac ountant, shall arenie Imm such tlate at the aMUal ra4e o! eight percent f9^� i. Thx amounts tlesignaLed in his seclion raay be ameMeE no more than onre each yenr by t�e City Camdil mnsistent xilA �o- crease0 mv't, for municipal supervisiun aM af[er a pvbfic hearir.R. Sc�ON e. AUDIT. 7hc compam� shnll fil� vi:h the City ol lhe [�me of'l5 annual F,�yTnent a f na.ii al sta�ei�ent prepare� b� a rerhfie� p blic are � L. t-h� m� m tl N g Pz P ��l a f_d M1 i L c ' n � t\ y . j p� � h>Ilalv(1 n� v"f,. ilin �Ofl'luL19111� C� � � L�- C�11 �.:1 S mavb+requirxJb�lliG�yll+m er.� a SECl10�1 S'ECUIUTYFURP ItFOR- M1IANCE. A. W�thin tAirtp Bo� days a(ter tte v� effxtive date ol Nis ocdnunce. Ne cam� pany agrees to deposiL xith [M1e Gxy and W mainWin on tlepost tor tha trn��nof Ws (ranchixe Nc sum ot WI.IXU in cuM1 as a security fund or a virety Eond. IaCe ap proved Ey [he Cily. m t�e amcum of i50; om.a. �o� �elmm! permrmana of one terms o( thls fr�nchise, for corpllance wiNall ortlers, F rmits ana dirtteions of any departmen. of Ne Ci[y havw(jvns�- dic[ion o r ihe ac[s or Cefaulv under t�is or olhxr orGinances and tor tlFZ pay- men[ Dy Ne comoar v o( claims. Lms, a�W taxes due t�e Oty wnicM1 arise br reasun of Ne construCion, operation. wmamtx� rence ol lhe CAT"v' s5 stem B. TTe ngh�s reservN by LheCn.y wilh res{iect in the security fund are is addi- e ec tion to ell other n6��s [he City msr M1ave under this ordinanre or any otherlrx. C. The Oty C�uncil may. from �ear to year in its discrdion, reAuce Ihesmount of money reqwred in Nr security 5vntl or surety bond SECI]ON 8. 3CCE:PTINCE FEE. Tne rompany shall pay to tM1e C;ry a[ [he Lime of grantinK ��� lM1e GancS�xan accepWnce [ce in llie sum of 'i�"EC9.00. This fee shall Re usuA by the Rty mmver ils aAmimslntive expenses in seqern ing lhe CA'R aDPllcations. pref•�rYUOn o( Ihe ordlnan[e, supeivision uf L�e com s[evctian anJ operation of the CAT4' sys- lem. SECTION ! DUNA'ION OF FRAY- CHISEOAL1CFPi5£ � The fraxhise ;. rd ri{h� Cerein gantM eAall lnke eflecl arA F. in fortr• L�a :M afler Ihe e1lecUV_� dak o! 41is on+�ra.tt aM �A ll ronliwc in (o�ce for � pezui rut ta escttd 15 yra.s tl�srealler. SECI10Y1f. Lll4TA'r0.�50FF0.N� CNISE Ol LIC. NS£. A. Any Gnnchise gran[etl urnler Nis ordiianrc shall Ex rnnexclu:vve. B. No privileye or e¢emptian .v�il be granted or conferred by any Gx.:Aise granted ur.+.er LYis ordi �r.ce exre,t e*..r�e eyecifically p: exnteJ hzrzin. C. Any privileµx claimM url-m �ny xG fncclise Ey Hu compacy a eny street or othzr pub�c �roS.wr:.: s*iF �e w9ordiiule ta an9 Prior lavfci i��rr� xy of Re ehe.b or oC�r puhllc ., ..rz;y or b any planr,b improvxmmta ssch as aidevalke, r�vdway widrni��:3, ek. D. Any ech kaxltiae stull h_ a privi- lege b Y��eld in p^rwn�l trmt L� ltz arigirul mrnpany [t cannol in am even[ he sofd, trartslerred, leased, axv��ed oc Eispoxd el, in xhole or in pa:t, e:S�r by Iolttd 0! InVaImL ry 4=IY. Tzfsn... Con so:idalion or o:l;ciwiu. wiJaul G:e �rier conseulol lhx GwncH e<pressed brre� IuUan, and ttirn only undcr w.h axAi- tions as may Oiarein Dc prsxriha: Any such trane(er or aeeignment she!I be made oNy by an instrumen[ in wv'�cn. a duly execu:ed mpy of v;hicM1 sl�ll tLL (i1M �� me ornc= or u:e aiy ao�w w, s_.,,;ii r,y Ibl da}5 afler any su[M1 hans[c-ur as- 51 E. T�mz s^,oll b.. �f tl;< ce� ^n�e N any sucM1 Iranc�i:e drante4 lurer,n.�e- The romFany sfall nat Gc relirvc4 of iu etti- gatior. to mmply promptly u�[h any of the provisions of lhi s m�dmnnce or by =z; fa il- ure o! tM Crty to Fnlaree pmrnp! r,'cipli- a�e. F. Any righl or pa�ver in. o: d�y im- presscM v;.an, any �YGmr, employ� .de- partment or Se�r� of lha Cin s i! !e subjeet lo Inv(er I�y Ne Ciq� !e aa: oth- er ofticer, emv�uyee. �eparinieG, or baarA ol N. City. G. The company shall luve no r�-»!irse wlutwever a:ams! che CItY lor ac_ !on mat, expens., nv tlomnge enetng eat o[ a ny provivon ovi cequlamenl o[ fvr ordi- w�or o �r.,�r o-:���n�.� �;:�:,� _��.«o- aer or beca�u nf iC rnlamement H. Thu comp�nj shall �c sub7em m atl !¢qul�PTe[ILrt OI pCll!nen[ C'ni-.^� a�d Sliltx Of ��11i1�1eiGLi �cW"v a�� r2jl::?�nn5. aa well as P°rCmen[ Cit)' ordim �ces. mlcs regJalio��,��ds. i( �.t e mro�r o� n�re:,n�� e�.��ezr o� �,can lis�ed. ldv II F- atA lot u � ! i aty �., tt .' i i �--�Y ur fm�n �i ,.. „_ „ L .: tl � stvttlS J. A t h' t I- rv�d: e slullbe' C daR 0, zAt privileR�s. p _rs, m uni -i., e.: au �. Uorities ownM, posxsscA. ron!mlled. or exercivAle by comDany, ar any succes.aor to any in:ercs: ol ro;npiny..nf or �rtalm ing to the connruchon oDeration, cr mainteranre of any CdT4' rysrem m IAe City, ord the accepL rce o( any fraMhise hereuntler sM1ell oouate, as LeDa�ren company ana Ne Cily, as an abanlom men! of any an� all of such nghts, privi- Ieges, powers, immuNlies, arn9 av[hori� ties wiWln lhe Clty,to the e[Fedtha[, ae be!ween co�npa�y and the City, any am1 all constrvcUOn, operation arA mmnte- e by the rnrtiyany o[ any G�TV sys- kmein the City >tmtl be, ard shnll be deemed a�d comtrve�f in alt instances aM respects tn Ge, unAu aeM W rsuanl W said (ranchisc, anJ nol unAZr or pursua�t m any ovher right, privileR�� Go+er, mimun- ity,oraulhurity whalsocver. SECTIGS ll, RIGNTS P.fiStiRVED TO TFIE CITY. A. YoNing herein shall Le deemed or rnnstruaJ N impsror a[fec1. in any wry, b any extent, lhe riept of Ne City [o ac- quire the pm�nrly of tl�e romF�ny, eifher Ey purchase or throu6h the ex.rciu of lhe ri8hl of eminent doioaln. at a fair an� just value, which Jull im1 incb�de any amounL Por fhc f�ancUU i1se1( or [or any of fhe rigAts ar privile3es granled, znd nolAing huein con4�mM shall ba censlnicd b rnn4ac[ auay or to ma]ify or abridge. eiNer /or a lertn or in per��'uity, the Ciry's rigS! ef eminerd �rnain. B. lTer is hereby rescrvcc fn Nz Ciry� every right ar.A p�x•er uLiuh is re�uired ro be herein rese::ni or pmviJM by a�y oreirtance ol tha Gty, and the m:n}�any. by its aceeyGnr_ �,! aul ira neH�se. ag�e.,s b be bce�d lher!iy and m mo�.p!9 M�p� iacilen oi rey�menxn[s of ths Cily'm LS�xxxrcise of suc:i,-i�hts or wa'zr. here- [ofore on c�ieafler ena:t�d o� eslab- lished. C.fVa�YarNegrantiorye[unyfravchlse - herevn�!er mr an; of @e p�ovision� com talned fiereln sh.�ll be mn,p'ucd to pve- . vent tt�e Cp' Gom graniing anv ido�hcal, - or simil. r, Iranchi� m any uther �zrvm fimi av corq�mtio2 wLLhm ali or any porv uo�o� a� aiy. D- ^,here is hereGV rue�":ed b[he Ci[y the pox co to am ena�any r.?Eon or par4 0[ iTis orAimnce :u as lc ra.;wre atld�timal ar greatet slnndnr.9s cf uon<�lmcGOn. �p eostion. malnlznsnec or atnz.aut, ur. tlia pnrt of thz eomPam. Tlie carnl��m� sKdi Le nolifie� at leas: Y) Jays prior ta Ihe ��c�ne�o �� ���� �,m.•��a�r.e�i or m�, �-n�- noere6eilhec the g.m��n{ uf dny fran- chise mr eny pvovlsian h_r1:of s4all [co- s[iwle a w or bar lo the ex_atao af any governmr�L-J ridhn n: p�.:c� cf Ue City e. ri�_ co���a ��,ay a� �n :n��xs am�n are nece ary an� conv� n:an! i^. tlio e.er- � ol �[s �unEJ�c[lon � ', N�3 ONrv ance ond may de �cmir_ on� qor_hon nt facf whlch mny �ns<dunnE �'�'-uir.crcx of any tranMis 5ran':;,i he:evml=_r TTe Ciq �b�aigxr Is !,crrny eulherizc�i anA empoaev d to edj.�st, _.¢`.e or campm rtiisc any c-r,,Vovo,sy o- ctvr�r ansing [mm �he np�r o[-.uy r rnpany un oerWiso;snanar.�� !�n3uo(me CI[v. cr the minpan)'. io Re �`.ecS InLCrest o( ihe publlc F.dhr tY-e sonpaq= or anj emb�r o[ ohe puhlle �aho ma� S^ AlssaF sfictl uiN th. Aaculon o: lYe 1]�ty M1'lerd4" er n_ a.il �".e r. � r Cm,ir_HI iur pc5no, ::.id iln"I A..�,rmina.:nr Thr Cu�acil inxe accep4 reject w ro iitv eHe deoeinn of the Gty \lar.zpav_ anit tTe Counml i��ay adjusL s�'.le orcrzmp�molsr delY CGIIL��\ci5\' il i'� ICO.T i�:tl Gr':'�- Uans of3ny cpmrd�.y ur:�om soY P,-a�'- vw o[ bas ardi�ars_ T§= dxas�on nl the Co�.�ncllsl.ill C-�iu•.al SSCTICM1' :2_ F;e.:U]:lF.`.if:V9'S IN CONS'?l;Cl'fICV. A. ���12 CnlS.N.IfI'J 3ii11� ii!>Y v`�:21f1 IhP appmval o: [h�_ Cltr Hn�nne�r n� N� Ci�y br6n c any o!a:hu�_ unn is cv:vnencxd on an � ot thc sl � II =. pr.tl � �r_ds or pl .c�- f[Y� C b- ib,• ro� �. � J�shall givcihe6br nmb[e»�vam�,moceof H t m rl L i,- I I l � �itm sl�: r,.l L J:� C�N - r -i t1 �..'.a `nmtl= �r�t�h F. '-f F. e I" e. ,,�c� � � . .�� ,,. ,r�u �oo- �, � , ,� � '� , -� ._1. ,� 1 ' 1 � � lain lAe following material: 1. A w itten slalement requesting aDyro I. 2. Pla s aM epecif caliom ol Ne work W be Aore, incluiing deanup aM landscapive of the Prol�'t. C. Tne mmpan± sT�ll r.ot open ar Eis� N:b Uie mrhee o[ any stree[, sidewalk. driveway, or pu�lic place [or any purpose wiMout firsl fuving abtai� ape rmit b Eo m tram Ne Gty Enbin±er: 1or wNCh permil Ne Cily may impoee a rosaiuDle leetuEepaidbY thecampany.'ITexires, conduila, ea�les anJ otber properly pWttd in Ne atrx[s and peblic places purwan[ !o weA permi[ iull be located �n Ne Nreet+ or porUOns of Ihz streeLa aiM publie piatts as sM1all Ee �esigiuteE by the City Engineer. ITe ecmpany staL. upan eompletion oI any wuri requiring the opeiting ol any s[reel m 9uEtic place. resbre lhe same, incluaing tAe paving and iLS fou lalions. W as gad co�Mition ae formerly, a� in a mavrcr aM quaGly aDPraved by tlie City Engiv<er, and shatl e�erci=_= reamfubL care ro mainL�m ITe vme Ne.reaftxr in gaed contli6nn. Said work s�all be parfom�ed �nth ane tlili� genm ana il iM1. mmpanY shall fail to pramptly perfurm an0 complele tAe rork, b remove all dir[ and mebish and b pul lhe strre[ or public piatt in goad pul Vie street or pu�t¢ Flam m g�wa mn- a�uo� ai m<..a��� o� u:e.e„w�y: a�e 1he companY �II upon Ae�evnd. pay b We City Ne rn�tof w:h work �ane tor ar performM �y Ne City, togeNer wi[h ten percent Il0°.i addl:lw+al as liquidaled damaqes. l4'Tenever t�e City sM1all y�ade, re- graEe, or c�ange [he line M any street or pu�lic place or coiu!mct w rxons[ruct d11}' Y.Wlf Of WdLP� 3)'Si4T. lj}P�CIII 3114 shall, x:tT due re3ard te neasanahfe wmking coMi Gons'. ardcr Ne eompany to f¢IOC3[f Of PfU!^i� ilS KliPS, COII�W[S, raDles aM other prcperly Iceate0 in said Weet or puLLC plare. tAe cemp oy sha11 f¢IO[dte Of O��t>.`C[ iLR IACi114e5 i[ ils O'AT reasoFable nol;ce of pi:,�� la graCe, re- qrade or cLxnF< «���<'W �any sh�w[ or puLllc ylacx or ro em:at�tict oi recon- rtrmt any xder ur aacer r, stzm tL=rein. Nolhing canLVin:w in tl+n srctior, slull reticve an� pe^.an, pers�ns or corpaa� liana Gom iiabili[Y arisind au[ o( tSe lail- ure W eiuxix ms.,aaTk nre N avm� ��I����R !he conipanys Iacififies while perfurming any wook eome:letl wl[h Rra ]ing. resradiu� or cl�y�mx Me line of any slreet nr pcblic G�+�e or w.lh the con- s[ruclian ur reconshucLOrt of any sewer or a�eMr.vyster.i. TTe CitY siull Hive thx comp nY rea- sun,eL wrict>n nn@ce o1 91ans ror strzet imprm�emen[s wCere paainF or resurfac- ing uf a perma�et raNre :s involved. wAicT nutice sMil mnta[n [he rtnWre and character al tSa irrproveme¢[s, thr st�rel, uP�n xhich Me improvemxr.ts are W De made. lhe e�t?e[ of ihe improve- ments and Ihr Gmr �.vAen Lhe Ci[y is going lo.tat thewark. 'ITe roLre slull Ee given m lhe mmpa- ny a svf[iclent lev3th o! h�r.x, eonsidering seasonable working candi6u�s,in ad- rance of Ne xhal cum:ueecemen[ o[ the WorX W permlt the wmP�ny .o n;uke any aEditlo�s. al:crations or repairs to i:, fa- eili!izs d,eniet necesvry. AII xires cunduits. caE;es and otber pmFRrt� a�d (acili lies slull hz m Ixa ted. coostmcLU4. imlul'ed and main3m�1 as rnl lo eManger or unneceavrily inter fere u'ilh !Ae usual ani eus:crnory trade. traffic ami travel uW� �e str<cts and pubtic pinces o( the Gq'. Tl�e romp�ny slu➢keep anJ malnUln �L' olits�mperty in goal romiiGUn. ar�er an� repair, w Uut Ne vme s4ll not meae:e or e�am gerl�efileoro:opzrtpo(any;,erccn The Clty ehap have tFe �gM1a le ins�.l an�l ex�rline al any reas�nabL= time the proP" erty ox�xd or uszd. ic , vt or in whale, by iM compan}'. TTC cmnr r.y sAall kecp a urat ap nd r m d M II it [a I- L ana/r h tn' [s .p nd :ll. JSlQ l�C_it f- S-C?IJ IA F��llfiaL.���1P�Od9 . 13e.. J A.,Thx n�mpanY s1�li n.l plaie p, *sor ather fxtu.es vherc the v re nill il-r fere xith any gas, elcclnc. or 4�ItVhenc fi;:lurc, watcr hyArac: or main an:1 all wch poim or other [ixtures pio� N in any rtreet shall De placed in Ne rigAl o( way Ce[ween the rwd ay antl lTe property as dirxled Ey the Qly Engineer or his au- IiWll2fd!¢PfP9P id�1VPY.! B. TTe comp nY �all, on [he request of any person Iwlding a'EUiltling moving permit, temporarily raiu or bwer its xires 10 permit Ne monng ol Euildin3s. The expense of ruch kmporary removal. raieing or lowering af wires shall Ce paid Ey Ne person requestlng lhe same, and lhe company shall h�ve Ne autlwrity W require svch payment in advance. 7t�e company alull be gir¢n not less [lun five IS� days advance wtice W arn�e tor sticA temporary wire eha�es. C. Tbe rompany shall have the authori- ty In trim trees upon a�M averhanging streets. aLLeys, sitlewalts, and public pUces ot LM1e City eo as m prevent the bnnches o1 sucM1 4ees from rominq in cantact w�ith the wiree and cables of Ne rnmpany, all [rimming b he dcne under Ne wpe:vision and Nrxtion of Ne City aM a[ the expease of Ne campam. D. AII installatiam shall be untler- growM in Nose arem of Uie Cily where oNer ulilitles are urAergrourA al lhe time oF ireUllation. in areas where any utitily (aciliGes are aWve gmund at the Ume o! insGllaGOn, the cornpany may insUll ils ssn�ice aCove ground with the uWersundin3 lhat mc� lim^ as lbou laeili[ies are required to be plattN uMer- grounG Ey the Cily, Ne company shall likewiu place i[s services unEergrouM wiNaul adtlitional ros't lo Ne residenls of Ne City. SEC110N 1/. P�'SPEOi'lON OF PADP� ERTY AND RECOBDS. A. AL all reascn- able [imes, the rnmpany shall permit any duly au[horiud represenSativx cf Ihe CiLy W e�amine all property of L�e campany Wge[her xiN any appurterant pmperty ol ITe rnmpany si W a[etl within or xitho•�t the City, arA !o exami� a�W transcrihe any aM all maos aM other records kept or mainiained by lhe rompony ar cnder its cantrol which deal uith the npzrations. affairs. transactions.or pmperly of tl:e cempanY u'ilh r>_s'pee[ ro itv traxlu;e. 11 any such maps or rxords are rot kept in the Ci[Y, or upan reasonabk reques[ maCe available in Nz City, ard i/ lhe Council sAall deterrtJce tlu[ an exomina- tioo tY.ereof is necessary or apPrupria[e. then all travel and maintenance expense necessarily in^urred in making such exami�ution slall ue p�id by [he rompa- ny. B. 7'he company shall preparc and tur wh m[he Cily Engineer and the Finance Directcr a[ ttie lime and In lhe Fecm pre- scribed by either o[ siid effic_rs. mcA repor[s wiU respxc� la i[s operaGons, affairs, tranvctions or properly, as may Ge reaso�ubly nccessa ry or appropriale lo [M perfonnance af any of the rigAls. functions or dutie. of lhe Ci!y or any of ib afficer in cormeclicn with Ne lranchise. C. ]'he company shall at all times make and keep al an olfine maintalned by the fim� ir. Ne City o( Fridley full and com- Ple[e plans antl r¢co�As sho�aing [;e ezac[ oca6on o( all CATV sys!em equi0men: ireafled or in use in streets and olher puGGc plares in Nc City. D. The mmpany sAall proviue to lhe City of Fridley a current map or xt of maps �rawn to male, showing all CATY system eyvipment insUlled and In piece in e[ree[s and oUer public plaiis of R�e City. SECIION I5. RE`dOVAL AND ABAN- DO\L1GN1'. A. In t��e event that Ne use ol an} parl of [hz CdTV rystxm is discontinuzd [or any reawn for a on!inuous period of twe!re 11:1 manths�ar in Ne evmt soch system or ymperty has be'n imLaliad in any street ar public place ai:hout como�y��N ��n mz reyvtremenLSnf cnn- panys frncNSe or this oNiwn�. or Ne Iranchiu lias been termimle�_ caneellzl or has expired, the company ehall pmmPlly. upon b:lnS hcven ten (!G� Qays wt e remo e tm Ih' sl i�eL or Gubl c pl cc al �i hp o{r�, tya�tlrai f 5� C u�" t a a- C-�' E n T r' t� i� li p i 1 C l( I- �� �o:,,, my �� _u �r., o.i � �n� strxt or olM1er a�ea Gorn rxlti h such prop�rty h�s bxen ren aved to ts cor.Ji- Non Frior lo wch rema'nl Sacii restara- tico shall hx a; proved by l�e Cily F.ngi- neer. J� B Any property of l�r cor�pany m� mainng� pl eNirty�d0iday:after[Fe lermiiu�ono expva�onofthelranrlux �hall be cons �ereC pe manently aEao- danei 'ITt Cily Enyincer may extend suc� tlme as rnnditions warram for [hr vIe aM ardedy removal ol vil Proper- lY. Q Any property of Ne mmWnY lu be abaMOiuA in place.=.hall t�e abxmloncN in suc� mannec as ltie Cily Eegvr_r shall prexribz. Su�ject m U:e pronacm of any uGtity joi�t uv atlachment ad+rement, upan permanen[ abandonneril o/ Ne proyerlY u[ Ne <umpany in D�tt. Ne properly shall Eemme tl��nt of Ite City, aM tlu compan)' sM1ap suEmit b Ne Cily EnBireer an inatrvment in writisg. N he approveE Ey Ne City Attomey, transL•rv ring to lAe City lhe a.merelup ot euch propert�. SECI'ION 16. CHANGtiS L' EQUSI1Ell HY PliBUC IbtPROVE;dEiJTS. ]Te mmpary eAall. at its e�pec:z. Pro- tecl, eupporl, temporarily disconnecl, relza[e in tTe vme rtreet or otFxr public place, or removx fi�nm [he streetor o1,er pubpcplare, any p:operLY of [he �weip:,ny when required by tts CiLy Er.�.r.vr by rwwn of hallic �nnaitinns, puEli. s�fzty, strcet vacatioa. Gceu'ay aad s.eel eom alrucLion, change or es[ablish.r.ant of rtreet graAc. imtalfation ol eec'ers, tlrains, wzter pipes, pouer lirms, sigral lires, a� 4acke o any otta Lypr ot slructures or improvements Ey public agencies; provided,however,that[Ae mmyany sh II in all sucA ezxs 6�ve Lhe priv�leges a,L bx wbjrct b Itw eD�ga- Cons ta aba;rc:on any Fro9xrty of Ue: com- pany in ptace, as provide�l in Sction 15 hereu(. SHLT:ON li ViDL•MNIFICATIDN AYD CIABILITY f.VtiURAVCF:. 7T¢ rnmpany s1u11, concurrerztly wi!h Ne (iling o! an acceptance M aaard of any Ganchisz grante� uNer L+u orCi- �ntt,lurNah lo [ne Clly and file's:N tl.e City.'Llerk, aM at al; limes Lvri:g Uz exieknce ol any IraxNse gra:��z5 herP uMeq maJntaln in [ull foree aM_ •lfrl at 1�4 O\4T NSl df!d PIp.`11'R, d Nf=]Ufd�P auieLy bo A ar a liabihty iuurarA-a pol'icy enae�.-w ei a �<.ur���ie �i �.,�.,�a� �� lhe amount of 0_�e Alillion Oollan 171.0.'U.ttYll. T�e compsny sM1ntl save and keep Mrmlese �hz City, the Clty Co��rxil anl au c��y empmyrz: a�e �� „�,��o,s. Irom any svit, )vdSment. exzmnlon. tlaim or demaM wna�ver wt_rp may b¢aemrtedorrecover tagaimiltWecJ uyn o: ari.ving ad of �}e cous��ucoon. maiNtwxe, oF'nlion of Nz s�e!em or any par� thereo( 'Ih:s s}ntl �e ge�xan;eed le lhe Cily hy a pubLu LaGllily acd pmr erty damage q�liry wminq l:We City, Lhe City Cairrcil and all CiLy emplo�e ar4 commueions as co�inaured<, aid ap- pmrM by th.e Clty Counal in ltr zmocnt of { ]S,OUO 00 (or property darage to any ors persun. i ISO.D�] G� tor prcFertS ]ama,=. in any wceoc�irrencY, - i SW.U�]Q1forLCtltlyinjurymanycre pervcn. lLhA G�J fi for b-ddy inl ury in any oce rccurrexe, tn te v�v;ia. J:rA F�id lor Ly !k.� mn- p311) l�Y: IIISU�a�,CE SI�d�I �2 4���In'u Gcm a mmpany a;rapbble lo �:: City Council and a certiLce�e of ce:xra3e elull be p:ov�CN m Oie CitS' Tr �uliry ehall a�a'z It�: Ne Clly sh.ill Cr +�uIIea in wri5ng by L'�_ I� r thirly i1; days in aEV:n� of any caxeila�on a: �armi- nafion of any su 1 poLcy The City Cecrsil =l�ali anmr,lly renuw Ne etave m3w�=rc� �ron:•.im:x. a.-.i, if il is de:erm!r.e� lLat u,e inac;z¢r rnvzrv agx Is mad-ryucic, adtl�6o al �*aura.^_cy may hz requlrM Ly pK C�tY C.c,:.:l ar4 shall �. vro�inea L�r ey u<cvmFeny $E�]Oh' la. OF6Rl.TIOHAL SfANa- ARD�. ir cnrv h I M s A n t Y �' � T e:a tr ! �4 i = � v < < � .lk P. A q': . L T [ iy�t i d_ 1 id n n i,� _� n.� a r�� i� �� __se�- aGan 3. IAat Itm r.s�em vnl! an]c:zv om� e��e a m�m�e �v,x a�.r �,ec:-;ti��re �� te!emilo ecr in Dlap arA tik or rolnr 1 m Ged G s bxrl�e e felevi- v yon xt isc p.ibl ..f p ad c g lor- ed picturel tivl Mi forL°E I lree tram gNrt im'g s 'tlwt ma ria! deyraAa�o� in quali.y wiWn Ne hmi- Ialions impmed Sy L`:e tec� cal eule d Il�s art, aM pmuidi � Ne vExn- Eer'� lelenion rece:ver is in 8� re- p�iranA pruperlp adjmteJ. 1. Thaz the sstem transmits or dis- lr�Eules sigials of adxquate strength!o praluce R� pic[ures with 8� wunE W ap mievision receirers in goat re- pav of all suExnbers without eausing o�jechonable emssmaiulapon in the cables or mkrfering wi[h oL�er electri- cal or electronic systena or Ne recep- tion of o[her television or ratlio receiv� ers m l�e area ml cunnecled In Ne rys- hm. B. Interruplion of S.rnre W'henever it u necessan� m sna� aff or interrupl serv- ice far t�e purpoxe of making repavs. ad7us�mena or mstallanons. tAe compa- v zhall Du so During penals of minimum u.e of tM s�s�em bv �vbscriGers Cnless wch mterruphun is unforeseen and im- meJ�ately necr�sa:v. m shall g�ve reazon- ahlz mlice Itx�reof w ils cuslomers. .ill ewt� martM m r=paving and correcting rxe�ption mterference s�all Ee bome by -lhe compam'. C. Busness Ulhce. Thc rompanv shall aintain an off�ce in Lhe Cily xhm� shall be opxn dunng all usual bc.incss hours. have a lis[cn ielephone. ana be so opera4 eJ thal complainLS and requesls for re� palr_ or ad�ustmenu may be received a� am hme U l'pgradingofS�andxrds T'cecnmpa� ny shall comply xith any appllcable FCC uce�atmwl sGndxrtls. TM1x rompany shall onstentle �pgratle ils fautiues, eqmp enL. ond servire m[hal its svslem is as advan:ed as �M1e current sLnte of tcchnolo py will allnx Opm order Irom tY� City. lhc tranchisee shall mstall aAJ W onal channel capacLLy •'�enever all operatmm al channels a in wmtaol use Ouring eiFh[�� i9�]� percenl of tpe weekdays i lfonday-Friday�. tor eiqM1N i&Ii percent , of the time Guring any lhree h,wr �erial for sis i6i coaucuhvz we e Faliure of [he vompzny io enlarge2aid capacily wit�in a reamnable [ime altsr the CIlya order to enlarpe viG capaciN shall Ge ns�AereA �rea;h of the Ganchise apree- cnl SECTIO\ 19. TECHNIC{� STAND- 3RD5. The company sh�ll instill a CAi4 svs- �em m tl:= G�y al Fndley mz.[inS the fol- louing �echnimi s�ndaa> m be mcdl- fied bv inv �echmcal standards adopted by t�e Federal CommumcehonsCommis- n. hox'evxr onlv m[he ceten! Ihat such Federul standard, a re more slringenL than thess p: nposctl hy Lhe Glu A Detim6ons I. Cabla Teleaision Ch.innel A Ge- qutncY band fi1IHz m u'idlh wilhin which a stanJurd television Lroadcast vg��l is tlelh'cretl by caDle to a submn- herlermmal � Y Chaonel Y'requenco kesponse W�lAin a o�01e taleviston channel. the relalmnship a mea=u�ed a: a soh.cri� Eer terminal�belx�een amVhWde ac1 Geyneniy u[ a com'l.�nFainghtuJe in puts,qral 3.' r:n]uuo'Rntconb:nationof eed antl flucNahn¢ di.-.I�rbenees uitFin� a mN� !clovum.� channel, es- clusive of unEe'vred si.wls of Jiscrelt ��fa�z��y wn��cnaee.:,a.:!h��.co�od��- hon o! lhc tlesire� s:��wl anJ x'h:;h arc auc m m=.ma� ettcvl, ann ome: noix� e:fec. 5„w:r. rmse i�pttrtied in lerms�o[ i6 rms Icwl orsls ncan puw :d in v J h1fL bandu�dth centrrcd uuh a 611Hz caule telee�son cM1Vi¢tl 4 Sub3;rd.•rTrrmmal T:aCommu- niiy anLenn� Television System PS unn,s cse�e ieiminv� m w01cn a a„- snhei`sequ3F�nentismn¢�acfcd �.po� L t'n i b pr J� I I ]L 4 _ ti i .,�I I.- � �r � .. ,u_ :., .�� - o�'.- a�min,L me oiie��aiioo h;�He_�n [h.iitein aJan��n rrsubxr�bar tcrm�rnl ia tii.d ysk��n .; 6 V_�ual ��gnol Lev.:l 'CM1e rn �vb cigc orcducuJ bp �1;c vr,n�l �xiqnal Jur � ; , � Y J� . 1 Gi� ing the tranamission of synchroniaing puises. i. CaTV System-Subscriber Chancel Capacity. 1Te �igTest totel wmEer of pEle lelevisian channels on which teie- vivon sigvls from separate wurces will Ee delivered simultaneously to every mESCnber in Ne rystem. The rys[em may bve ad0itlawl cAannel opacity !or epecialized purposes, bu[ lhetechnicalperfarmanoespeci[ied fAallewlbeAegradedlhereby. B- Pertormance Tests and Certifica- uon. 1. T.ie openror ol the Communi[y Mlenna Television System shall be rcspo�siEle /or inwring that lhe system ia desiqned. installN. adlaperatM in a manner which fuily romplies wi[h [he pmvisions o( [hese lechmcal specifica- Uons. The eystem operator shall be prepareE [o s�ox. at anY lime. upon reasonaM1le reques[ by an aul�oriud repreunlative of ILe City. Nal Ne sys- tem dces. in facL rompl)' xith Nese criteria. - 2 The aperator of Ne CATV system ehall lile with lhe City a sUtement o[ lhe CATV system channel capacity. IistinR [�e cable television channels which thal syslem dclivers to its sub� xri6ers. and the slation or sL�tions whme sigwls arc tlelirered an eazh channel unEer normal operating rondi- lions. When cable television c6annels are aete�ea o. aaeea, mr City and all subscnCers shall �e mlitie0 in writing 30 Uays prior to the �ate of sucfi change. 3. The opera[or of [he CAN system shall mnduct cemplele pedormance leses af Nal system a[ leust once each ealendar vear lat intervals nat [a ex- tted H monthsi anE sAall File with Ne Cily a certificate drtailing the resulls ol suc� [es[s. TAe per[ormanre lests wiR be Eirected a[ Ceternining Lhe ce� tent W w�len [He sys[em complies with all technical slandardz set lorth in t�is sectfm o( lhis ordl�ance. antl shail Ee ron0ucte� in tAe presence ofa tecAni- cal representalive appoinled �y [M1e CiN. 'fhe Irsts shal: M maJe on each caEle telev�sioa channxl in t�c systern. anA shali include mcasurements madz aUeut 4[runM extremilies and 8[aps xlec[M at: anCUm, wiN IS� [eet o( tY'p. ¢al tlrop cable atLacheJ (m LeeL 'i'his dmp cable shail be [he vme type of aroc �ame �s�n �� me oyv��ai.esme�- tia1 drop, anx ot uM1icM1 is' reprasenUtive of �erminals mosl disEan[ /rom the sys� lem input in terms uf ca�le tlisGnce. A sUlement of [�e qualificatio�s of L�e permn performinp :he tesl shall be im c1uEeJ. i. Afler reviewinq [he certificates o[ mmpliaMe reQuired in para,qraph I]� the City maY require Iha[ certain addi- Iional measurements br made, or thal cUrifyinR explanation �e supplled. as axesary m corrze[ �eFect�ve cerlili� ntes � C.TecMicalStandarJS' 'ITe fdluwing requirements apply b Ne Cammunity Antenna Television Sys- tem performance a mrM at anv equivalent su�sr.ri0er terminul with a malche� lermiw[ion and ki each of the cab{e televisinn cM1am�els in which signals pickM offair are Oelivered to such terv minals. SuM measuremen[s s�all mt in- clu;ie t�e remiver converter d such is reQUire� a� tlx cusmmer's receiver [or am o! Ihe channels of required carriaRe. L TEe G�uene9 �owdaries o[ cable hlerision cnannels eeGvered m me� scn�er terminair shalf cnnfarm lo those ut Inr�h m FCC Rules. Section id60.Yiai. All Ice�l channeU sha!I �r. carne� on Ne svs:em s'.ncF.mnously. i.e.. on channeL�The sy{Lem and vus� romer"s te:minals shall be sacM1 Nat no visIDle "onehannel carriage ghosl" is present at any antenr�v arop. [f the sys� tem is d_signed xithuut r cciver mm verters. a det iled dexription shall be w6mitte4 indlcahnR how Nis polencial pmbmmisLO�eeGmir,ated. ' " The f q f tl. -i. � I car - sch Ilb -a' t�- c.t 5 iH. - 6Nx vM th �� [ I' v u �� c.cLtl.'s'.c� -1. pmt'..;r ''.,, [rn i�na ,. esc us zc uf �ny recervcr alUChments. mch os chnnnel nvi�rterx, except fnr the Imal VHF ch+nnels upich sM1a!1 �e carrietl s'yr.� <hmnnu=lv J. 9. The frequencq of Ne aural carrier aDe�a�^^� Eana�ndth aE lhe /requency-szlecLire elull Ee f.5 \7Hz } 1 BHz abovelhe t]. The [otal net chrominance W- vol4meler, s'umming the power iridica- [requency oF Ne visual carrier, excep[ minance delay accumulated hy Ne sys- Uons lo obum Ne toul nmse power where monochrome sigwl ongination tem and head-end eqmpment sAall rot presen[ o er a 1 M1tFtz band cenlcrM oeeurs within [he sys[em, under wAicA exreed ♦ tD'1 nanosecon�s, as mea� �!h the ca'�le klerision channul lor cmiditions, the lokranre shall be + 5 surcd with 20 T pulse tleformauon eqwvalent noise summation tech- KI{z. All cobr Ixal origin�tion chen- tests. Tnis measwement is m Ec nmde niquei. nels sAall have aural-visual uparation with ez[errvil traps anJ �antl pass fil- It an amplifier isinsertedbetween the a 1 KHz from l5 \(Hx. lels and lraps added. and new�aG tak- Gequency�ulecbve vo:t-meter and the i. The visual sig�al level an each en No mmplianre criteria am es�a�- suhscnber cermi�ul m order to facili� c�annel shall Ee mainlain.d wiNin the lishetl /or the Intter, merelp� Nal the late lhis measurement. it sAOU10 be a folloning limits over Ihe enlire am- tlaG be Laken. Where measurements GanJwidthofatleasl/hiHxandappro- hienf lemperaNre range of +10 �de- involve a channJ with baxbanE viaeo pnale co¢ecGone must be made W greesF.b+IC6tlegreesF.: signalsouree.[�emeasurementso!Ne attounttoriLSqain. �a� J W+l2 decibels o( its minimum rystem shall be made with a demMula� 6. The ampLmde of dccrele frequen- vaWe, and br follouing lhe equivalent reciprxal cy mrerfering signals w¢hin a cable 16� 6 deciEels of ihe visual sigiul level FCC transmixsion stendards. 30T pulse [elevision chancel may be determmed on eitlier adjacenl cable [elevision lestswillbeusedtodelerminecompli� witheilheraspec[rumanalyzerarwilL cFannel.and ance xith this section, or equivalent a IreVUency-seleclive volbme[er IFieIE Ic� lOdecibels of thevisuatsignallevel txhniques wit� emelope dcUy mea- strengfh meter�, or other suitaGle im on any o[her cahle television chan- euremenLeqdiprnenL struments, wnich instruments have nel.and D.Alternateappruach beencalibra[edforatlequateaccw'acy td�from Lhe stated minimumhplevel �f Ihe syslem operator tlzsires W dls- The field intensity meter may be of+fidAmV. lriGUte siRwls LY usinK multiple caDle equipped wiN ex[ernal frequency S.]TermsvolUgeofNeauralsignal techniques ar specialized receiving de� selec[ivevolo-meterslomeasurecroes� shall be maintaired between l�and R vices. uhic�. becaux of [he basic tlesign, mafulation componenLS. If cali�ration decibels below the associalM visual aannot comply wilh one or more of Ihe accuracy is in JouOt, measuremenLs sigralleveL lechnical siandards aet for[h in para- may �e referenced to a callbra[ed sig� 6. The peak-[o-pcak variation in vis� grapM1 Ici I ll� of tF.is saclion, he may be �ut generatoc or a calibrate� varia6le ual signal level caused by undesired permi[[edtmpe eteu¢hsuchequipmenL aLLenuamr, subshtuted a� [he pomt of law freyuency dislur0ances Ihum or provided thal an adequale s�owmg is measurement. I[ an umplifier is used repeti[ive transientsi generated within made whic� eslablishes lhaL Ne suburi- between fhe the mburiber terminal Ne system shall not exceed d2 dB vf bcrs are➢mvitled an equivalentqvolityof anJ Ne measuri g inshumen[, appro- Nevisuaisignalleuel. service. TTe Clty expecls full tecAnical priaze corrcctmns rtwst Ee made b ZThechannellreqvencyrespnnse P���ofequival.ntper[ormance�e[oreit accountforitsgain.hleasuremenls s1u116ewiR�inarangeof+LOdecibels canjudgewhelhersuchanalter�teap� shall exciude those cunlxminants for all frequencies xitAin -0.5 �SHx and p���h woultl he acceptzhle. known lo be occasionx0 by Vmpadatlon +� b[Hz of the visual camied frequen- �E, M1feasureinents. anomoLesorthosepresantonrece�ving ry, including head<nd equipment and �. Measurements made to Eemom anlenna, w�ere exceptaJ by paragraph re�eiverErap. strate conformity with the perlor C B� lai I�i !ci i��. System cenlami- 6. The ratia ot visual R.F. signal lev- manre requirements sel forlp in [Tese nan[ measuaments mav be r¢aDe uith el b system noise I[his noise antl tlis- �haical slzrdartls shall Le made un- processinS enuiDment�inputs discon- mrUOn s�a0 be the "worsL case" tem- tler cun�iiti�ns whirh reflect syslem necteJ antl termina[etl in a suiL btz peraWre deraled signa4to-noise anC Pe�forrtiancedunngnormaio�ra[ions. term!nalionresistor. spurious siR�� �evel 'Ihe system o0zr- including tts effect cf any presenl or ]. The terminal isulation tctween a[or shall prepare deraling char[s to �u[ure microwave relay operatedinthe any Iwo term�nal�� in [ha sy�s:erti may showcompliancewitAthese"wnrst Community Antenna P.elay Serv�ce be measu�N by aoplYing a signal o[ case'dalafmmtheAateWkena[time �CARSilnterveNne�etweenpleYup knownainpfludetooneandmrasuring ofineasuremenlvshatlmtbelessthan anlenmandlhecabledlstribu[ionn=_L NeampLtudeufLhatsianvlaltheolher 42decihelsforafSlH¢bantleiJth.This work and incWd�rb Lhe effec� of any ter;ninal. The frequency uf i'.= sig�al requirementisapplicableonkl::: microwave local tlislnAv[ien service shouldbecloreto[hzmiJ-G:�m.�:cyof lai eaeM1 siRwl which is carrieJ Ey a w��M may be a parl ot the dis�riL�lion Nx channel �eing [eeiM Thi.. _st is lo cable television systrm serving sub- %YS«�n. be performed viLh 150 fo_t Crop lead seribers wilbin the Grade 6 contour Special sigmis inscrted in a cabL lequivalcn[ ne;wor.: if Jesvem con- forthatsignat.or lelevisionchannelformeasurernen[ cectedtoeacAOU�putopifotofthecus tbi each sigrv�l unich islirt picked up purposes sho�ild he cperated zt levels tomer L p p�rc wifhini[sGradeftcnntour, appmxima[ing [hox used lor n mal B. hleasureinen�s to dev:rninc lhe �uanylocaloriqinatione�annel. operation. Pilot bnx;, auxillary sig- lie!tlstmn�lho[ra�ioGeGueec�ener 9.2Te ratio of visual signal level to �����and,iom[elcvisicnsgnalsrmnnal- gy radiuted ��� Comm.unih; Ln[enna tAe rms amD���uOe of all mAerenL dis- ly carti=tl on lLe cablo tclevisinn sys- Television Syst=ms sh.all ` nude in Iurbances. such as in[er-modulation tem s�ould be operate� at nornal luv- aecordanc= utth slandaN evgineering prNucts.cochanr�eltelevisionvgials. els. procedures.M1teamremx�Gmadenn or dixrete-frequeney inkrfering sig� E. When It may be neces�ary to re- treqexncies abave?5 MNuhnil include �als, shall no! Ee less Uun -59 decibels move tne television eignal nonnally Ne follow;c�: far earriage of all sigiuls' pickeC uD �arrieJ on v cable television chanrel in iai A fielJ vtrenA�y m��ter cf adequate wiNin Grade A contour Iais[ribution oMer to facdibte a perfermance mea- accuracy u.inK a hnrirontal JipuL sy.c[em staniartli. ISystem crws-mo0� surement, it will he permissible lo Cis- an�enna shall be empio'y.rf. ulation measuremen[x stall he made ronacc[ the antenna whlch serves the ibi FielJShengthsnallh�expres.atlin usingrync�ronousmodulalionper e�annelundermeasurementandto terniso`Ihennsu'alueofsynchrnmz- \CfASpecificalionforsuch � su�s[iW[ethereforeamaLChingresisb ing peak tur cach cu'�la telm'rsion l0. The tenninal 1»laliun pror'iied ance lermination O:her inp�IIS sbould channzl (or which riSiztmn can oa eaehwGscribershallwlbelessthan30 he rnnnected lo main[ain Gie �uira� ur%d. ExiEels. except tha[ Ne Isole?lon M_� len[ m. or spectal tes[ yenals on other ic� The d!p�L antenna shall G. plsced [x'een separate tele:ision antl FJ1 channels ro ascerGin sYStern pe:for 10 fect aSO�x Lhe �r�u J and pos: Aroaticasl lerminals for the same suL� manm. tionetl tlirrcLLy bclow �.he sgstem seriEer sha;l not be less [han IS tleci� �. As mayEe nzce'sriry taensure sa4 com,^onen[;. Where such {�L:cemect pe�s, isfactnry s-�me to a mbscrit�er. the results inzseparationof les,than IO lL Radiation [rom a Community CiEy may requlrc additioml tes6 m [ec:beiwezv[hacenN_roFthedlpole Amenn� Television Svstem srall be demenatrate system pxrlormann or anlenna md the sys[em cmnP�ncn[s. Lmitedasfollows: � may specify the use cf dilferxn[ lest the dipuL- shall �e repeai:mr�etl fa RaElatlav0ivuoce Prxeduoee provideaupaculinnuftOfezt. Freqveoeies Liml� 1. Th= ivequer.ev rs�nse to a csMx idi The hoo'¢ontul dlpul= mtcnna shall IuV/m� Ifeell lelo�ision channel mav Ae detem.nned be roWteil ahovc- a verticaJ asis and Upeoandineludir.g by one of Lhx folloaing meehcAs. as Nemaximurnms:erreaJmqshallte Si\tH< l5 l00 appropri�te' used. OverSiuptoand lal Gy ustng a swepl frequenc� or a IeilteasummrnGSh�IIMnv3d^xhere ioctuding4t6 MHrz 10 10 manmlly vanable slonal generalor ot�^r vonduc�nn are li] or ��.mre fre[ OverTlfi hl:3z IS l00 at the sev6ing end an� a caLSrvt_d zway trom tne ineasurlr,gsnLemia_ t2 ill eehw oiiglnaHn3 wiNin lhe attenuamr sntl heqoency�seLC[ive Unlzss ocheru�se sU:ed. meC�cds o( systen shall neeL [hx nonvisihdlty cri- �olbn+erer at Lhe s�.iM1SdMr trnnin- meawring lhe alwv_ staniao�d=_. x�ere teria developed by P. btertz o! [he Bell al. or necevey. will �e es�abti,M1N by Ne Ye!epMne Coinpany, i.e-, shsll nut be �b� by us�ng o mWG-0ursl ganera[or City Coimcil grwterthan36J�forechosdispecsutl andoi�ulatora[�Le�rodingecaand F5ystemCM1OnnclCarringeCapabill- retCan?m�croseconAs Forshur[er a demrdulalor and u�.Jlos�npe �is- lv. term d'upersed echos, the syslem pluya!themhsr.iAe: terminIl. The compan_ sFc!I prc+iJe syslem IincludingMail-eniterminnbshallfob 5. S�s,ein noi� may b= meamred channrl carcage capa�ibty of wt less lou' lAe "Mevtz Curve." merglny m a uslnF ��re�vscy-solc`tivc volFmu!er lhan 8] teL�vis�.on channcls m cach eub� "K" Oul� deformation noL en:eeding Ifieid slrrn�@ me:er uhi:h li.�z hun senber term�wl at comnir�.cuni���t o[ i^ af the mt�l rystem Thls Ixt!ar �SUIIaM1I•.� rzlibz�:ed [n mifea:e rnis imvel v dn � r�l i r,loo ni._ n xnlsM1ll�'t I�t.'h' �� �'�� il','itn d .11` Im_ b.ta �V� e o[ lh l s[ .uL, 'nd �-� � o `. i1 t- I u:v i� v I d �� ator �it _li i� II b- len � 1 I i 1 t ; [�� - e3',Cn `F s, c.1P„il.'=or wl«�pr -,it .�t.e� .et�i ul.l Tei: (.mcil equ'rvalen� measureincnl tc:hniques minmmn .'osbWb,l for [M1e a e nay pc.inli<al:y n ee�the rrinnd ca- vi sM1all be usetl [or lAxx mensurements. se po'�rer mJm: Loos vt lhe suCr �i- paci!y md ¢quiee [h� e� v to In- �i1F:n All uwsed rvb,cri�er hip porls uill �e bex ternna:il ou� L�k.� in me e�_i�.-c erease vW cay..cuv afler : h-s made [erminnte.l a[ ali tiines Jurinq rv€lrm �nerumect� of frcqoenry aquul m tLr fmdinRS a� o pn�lm Aeen�x ���-� �-chnoln 1� f. � i' � s � �. � �� � gy permits expansian anE Nere is a puElic �emand for an incre�sed number ol charv ceL. Reverse Sigiul Capability IDuplex srs�e�n. The company shall Drovide in origina7 eomtrvclian a J�plex sY3tem rnnsisling af� Eual caElx capaDle o( reverserdirec- Yon vx�uls Gnm each ana alldrops. Such prruge capability shall �e equal [o one / reUin a wEticient pualifedpersonnel em at !`e quality eo xAalt aLSO be ei- 5ECT10] ELL ISTEH-CO\]ERIOV. Tne mmpam', shall inter<onnec[ its eaCle celevision spstem with ell otM1er cable lelevision srstemr mrving those nicipalities thai adjom Ne ci[v. In aA- Ai�ion. the campany sTall make di!igenl M[ort W intervcannect Its sys�em wiN oNer caDle �elevision svstems in the me4 rapoli�an \tinneapohs�$L Paul area and irt otM1Zr suburban mmmunrties x�ithin Ne me[:ogo0�an 'IYVin Cdp area. SviJ in[er eannectian shall make i[ pussible tha[ all SvburiEen can receive all channels of l4e i��lerconnttlM s�stems at a�c!ime. SECf1U1EL5FNYICF:CU.\TRiCT. 'I�e company shell rereiv¢ Council apDroval uf Lhe lorm c( tM1e s'ervir.e con- [ract to be used by [he compnny in Its dealings with subscri�ers ptior !u enter ing into any wch service convacts. and SAe compam' s�pll make no changes In the fmm ol ser:ice wntract withou[ prior approeal of Ne Cily Counc�l bq resolu[ion � dWc adq,tM. SELTIU\. t2. noe�. Ra[es c�argstl b�� the c mpany for mwnNV service hereunder �iul! De fair aM reasnnaM1le and desipne� N mect all �recessary' cosL o( urvicx, intluding a lair rate of re!urn on t�c oriyinal cost. less deprecialion, of the properlies devot� ed tosuch service �xi:TOUt regoM to am' � 3Yb� LL2 L Sd�2 L'_ P L2 0( COS[ al =oh p p� h s '�la n�� e"hill be sei fm t�e operalmn M - te ' cc of � GiT� 5 t m t T d � aM1lc undu exatng iondiGavz c tion wi[h Iha rights gran[ed here�n. ena saitl rate� 6e xpprwed b}' Me r_�uncil. A.�nsC16[inn 1. Single Familp llwcllin6. rlWtiple Familp [1x�elLng. Commrrc:al. S1oLile Hwae.;. First Cnnnerrion — �ot lo exceeA 3150 oce ome Fee. Secand Cudnectian — Gratis if in- su11M a[ [ime of first insla;lalion. AdcFilicrzal Concections — Time and nialeml r.mt nf �te company In making Ihe insta7la��oni ai, hox�ever, mt ro excecdA.SQperinstallation. 2. The axnpa^g hereby agrees lo x�aive all connectioa charges tor Single Famil�� Dwellings. \tultiple Famih� Dw¢Ilings. Commercial Establish- menls an0 M1f��ile f[ome Parke il the nnectian is o^rfnrm d during �he ini- Ual mnstrurtion u( t�e CA9'V �y;tem wi�hln UrChv. 1 In addition [he regufar conr.ection (ee may Ce waived ar reduced during certaln sales campviyns the eompany m<v aish m cmduct dari rg the ��ea r. /. Sc1.»Is. LiFreries Cln� O(fices andOVtxrPublicP.elLLnge- � There shall �g no charg. Eor Iintatla� von in eacn schwl builJing, librar�, City Ufine, or other puhLC �mld�ng In lhe 0��,-. exceyt w�en sud insuli�[mn per EuilLing exc_�.d one �1�, in whmh case ihe ch�rge shall he at cusl inot tn excec-0 jI 91 pr, connxmioa �. B �IDUtl�lg Scr.'ire Ctur3r L Sing@ F'anulc ITxelling. F�rs� Oullet—.\`o� to exr.ceC f5 50 FaA ad�nional Oullet—So[ m ex cecJ il. W. Y. Sluluple-Famil�� Dwellings. Flrst U�Oet—tiot ro exceeC Si.�. Each atlJilional ou!le[—Rot �o ex- eedflW L t i LM nn �u-ng u t �r,< < o-lJCO wt �- 1 h -,-_ Jt ( \�tL �: S -0 " h e?IAL tA lt e c d; ch Over tql �[ t l etd;l 2 a. 'NWCpI C '� d' c -1 ' ore `^able xpen nne �ili ng �s m.i�e m t�e owner of 5 ar more indivlaual dwe0- ing unils in Ne same building. When il is requirei lYa[ the lenants Ee billed ��awm�auy. me single unit rate wlll apply. �-Comm.ercial. 4 /unils-nottoezceedf5.50 ea. S l9uni4s-nottoeztted5125 ea. M 59unilc-nolWexceed 51.50 ea. f0-t00unils-nolbexce�dSZ,25 ea Overlw unils-nol to esceeE SLi' ea. •Muitiple Unit tliscount rates are applicable when one Eilling is made for 5 ar mare individual units in lhe same commersial eslablishmenL OlAerwise. [he sirgle unit rates will apPlv. 1. MuOile flomes. Fint outle�- Yot ta exceed i���� Each additional wtlet - Nol lo em� ceMfl.00iLaa�edintMSameunili; � MullipleUnilDiscount' :� � Sl9 uni[s-not to excee0 5121 ea. 10. 59 units�no[ to exceeA i3 5b ea. 60.10U uni[s-m[ ta exceed 5225 ea. Overl00 units-not [a exceed i115 ea. •Nulliple Unil disrounl nles are applicable when ane Eilling is made to lAx owner of 5 or more individual tlwel4 ing unils in Lhe same mmplex. Whcn it is nquired that Ihe [enants be Ailled individually, Ne singte unit ntex will aooy 5. Schools. Libraries, Crty O(lires, a�k O[her Public Buildings. Fw each installaliun proviCeJ ro a sehool builAing, li�rary. Cily office or oNer public building in the City, Nere slull nol Eea monlhly service charge. This applies wi[hout regarE to Ne nember of insGtlations. 6. Senior Citixen ftate: Opon applica!ion Lhe monlhly servme charge for suGscribers, 65 vean of age or alder. s�all be rMUCed py 25' � of the regular monthly rate cAarged olher suGuriGers. Ir order to Ge eligiDle for Nis reduceA rate. [he owner of tAe hwne. or If owned in joint lenancy, one of [he awners of tl:e hume mu.� have atuiced Ihe age of 65 pears. W�en per- n[ o erb al l t e wre are re HC P af [he tenant .po -Gle w p v' R Ihe re�t vhall h atta'n d ti ag ! 65vearsmqu _' yf LheSeno cC e rale- The co b' d earn d a d u arnetl income of the pxnun or per. Lving m Ihe hauseholC �renled�or oe�nedi shall not enceeASS OCU per p�ear arder m qualif�� Por the senior ci lizm rate. Rmf of age anJ incoine sa[isfar� mry ta IDe rompany shall be�requlred priar m receiving'the x inr ciiizen ra[e Im monthlv cable service. C.Dizmuoe tioe There shall Ee na cAarge (or discannec- lion fmm the CAN Syslem. 0-Change iv Ilato There shall be no increase in iax�alla� tion aeM mon[�ly sen'ice cAarges for five i5� years after mmmencemam of initial �An9 subseqnent rate increau in aa�i- [ion m o@er factars de;cribed in this sec- [ion shal: vke in[o cansiderahon Lhe coa- sumer price iniex Ea: .he V mneap�IisSt. � Paul area compilcd by lhe G.S. Deparh menmt laeor. eweau ot laeor stalistics a� may be supyorleE by aAArtional cosls for increased serv9ces or addihonal scr viccs. 1Te mmpany shall be oAligated to pay the casLS necessary for de[erminiug an app'opriate rate increase including. if nroessary, any e�ts lhot may be re qmad lor Lhe pinng nt rale ecpern the au� may n��.. !n addition. for the purpose of deler mir.inR if [he rales' are reasnruble, the bocks ol [he mmpany shall Ee open [o ins'p.:cGnn Ey [he Council ar its agen:s at all reawnahle times. If t�e rompany re- quests a change in rates. it s�all present in deWil m writing lhe sG tis�ical �asis, in addllion [a o[h�r mqnircments as ul out in Nis section. for [he propused rate cha nge at least sixty I W i �ays prlor to thc pioposed e;fec[ive dale of mch rales. 8efore any inueased rates or prices Io Ee cM1.argeG Gy the mmpany are apVror=C Ey Ne Cnuneil. LAe founcil sh.91 hoLl a phlc�-'ng th n A_� f nn - sr�uc � i ;-1 i- o ce t� f 1 p. ��t . lh n[ �.I� d � p t . J..i h arir.F �>< <i= �ta g�I t Cn < I may L�ke v<h slepc � tl � c.'. ry � ablain o:ACr a�adable 'nlci ie[ a d deL b^[oreRranCngordenyingappro�al �. of the company's repuest for a rate cTange. E. CablecasliuR flalef For AII EEuca� tleml, Library. Govervr,ieo�al aod Yoo- Proli� Commuuity Orgvniutino usen. 'ITe Campany's cablec�sting prWUC- [lon casls, cablecasting ra:es. siRnal sending nles. antl all suburiEer fees shall ba subject to Ihx approval ol the Cilv. However. the comoanv will be cammunity orp,anivtion users. The rom� pany may ; ha rge an amount nol to exwed it5 actual prcduction msts tm [he use of the rompany's personnel, sWdio and pra duclion e�uipment. SECTION 2]. PERNITS, I.VSTALW- r[on .va o stavice. p. Wlthin sixty i60i days after accepF anm o! any tranchixe. the mmpany shall make appLCn[ion to obfn'm all neces'vey permits and uuthorixations wTic� are requiretl in the conauc[ of ils buvness. ineluding, bul �wt limiled m, any utillty joint use atL�chment ogreemenLS. micro- x�ave carricr licenses. and any other permits, licenses aM authoriiahons m be Rranled by duly mnsbWled regvlatory agencies having jurisdirtion mer IAe op- eralian af CATV systems, or L?eir assa cialed microuave lransmission Cacili[ies. If all necesury permits and avthori�a- Uons M1ave nol been issuea wiNin a period ot one �unCrA eighty fiPU� days atter application. Ne City may termiiute the trancNSe. B. Wilhin nincly i50i Days a[Mr Mtain- ing�all cecessary permits, licensee an� auNarivations, compxny shall rommence conslruction and insWl!ation of the CATV sysLem. G Wi W n ore bunJred e�ghty I IBO� days afte� lM1e commencement o[ constr��clion aed installation ot lhe svstem, com�uny sha71 prceeed to renLer scrvice w subxri- bers. arA the c mp!x[ion of Ihe mnstrue- lion and ms�llaticn>hall b� p�anuud wiLh reasonablz dillFenre thereaFtev. m that �.m weu ee� di e�n me K P accompa yi g lh appf �C t fran- Mise s pr -d 4'n Sci 23 h mf shall be p o-tic0 wi+� n tle pci'iai as providN -n co n�um's [ ' ncA D. Fa lure on Ihe part o[ Cne cmnpany lo rommence an� tl:liSently porue eech of l�e foregmng requirements and [o complete each ol lhe maiL=n ul [orth �erein. shall h- Krountls (oc t=rmimlion of suM Ganchis�, under and pursuant lo Ne [erms af Seclmn 5 herecl_ vrov�dM. however. Na L We Council m its dixrelion may exter,� the tine for the commence- ment aM comG�e�ion of cane�truction and installahun tor adJitioful perioes in tAe event [�e company. aceing in goai la�th. e.���e��es d��3y� ey �ez�� o� �����m- sGnces bepona lhei r convol SECT[DF 3J. E%TENY OF SER�]CE ICITV W�UEi. A. TTe sernces pmvided bp� the rompa- ny mder this franchise shall be made availablc �y it �o all areas xi��in �he cor porale IimiLS of the City SECf10Y ti ADDI't1�,YAL 560.\'ICES. A. The mmpany shzll submit a pinn se�jecL lo tiie apprmal ol !he Cily. sutinq the pmpoud number of channels vhlch alll be EewRd to celwork affilia�N tcle� visfan s4 hons. mn netuack indepmdenL ICIP\'ISI011 SL.lIp�S. IIIfllldlll� P(i11Cd119:1uI television s�:hans. and cAannels lo �e AevoteJ to I.sally origi'wung Gmg:an:s Such plans shall olso contam �1e fallo�a�ing�. 1. An estimate af the WGI nwiGer of e�o,e�ati no��: v« w��k a� �na���� w�ieh tF> company F"op�s.s to devole tolocalVruyr=m:ni�g 2 lTa tr µ; of !xal GroFra ms rt Pro� poses m onqi �a le- S_ A pmv�m t�at tFe compac�� shall �uem�c m iw c�ry z3�n yza� � p:�ca.ve prognn�mu ng shedule far lo.ally ai ig- iwted channxl u i. �- n aeunvuo� or omw���a aa.�e<<��� ing P�uAram 5 A v L f tI � d li D t I'a i sb� c I pal 1 e P 1 � ,d I oei F i.lr; � .n ._ ch I. B.St F- [ _ Th .y h.11mF,mLntip,.nia eolor atr. o m be m�stme�r�l unh'r �h � cf ry.'rnis ptan snait locwdc iocros sucn as s[ud�o sixe, type of faciliGes. Murs and [ime It will be oq�rated and eeGmoted cons[ruction lime. Said plan shvll be sub� jec[ to the appmvaf u! Ne Clly. The com- p:my w�ill esecure a perfarrnanr.e hon� to Insure wmVle�ion in accordanre with I[s plan C Services to be pravlded by thx �o��va�y: 1. 7Te company u'ill daiicate 20'; aF all channels, at no cost,for use in Iul� Glling pubhc funchons witAin Ne ma nicipali ty. such as, fire safety services. police safety services, educatiural ser vires, library services and oNer rom� munity o• ivlWral scrvices 30': ot all additio�ul cAannels l�at may be added tn the s}stem shall be dedicateil m Ne am�e er���e�.�+ n��ro�� 2. F�ch sub.v'aiber s �ame shall have Ne capabllity of reveiving these public urv�res. The company will eswbllsh wit� the Schw�l D�etncts wilhin lhe Cily of Fridley a means of Wth inLer- scM1OOland xAool-suhscri�er slgnal rnverage for u��wl famllues xithln the Cily oF Fndley. ] The righlol (irst refusal on leased c�ancel availabllity shall be attor�ed lo [he Clty '[his should be constmeA W apply to any offerir,g of leas�d channel space over and above the s1alM twenly 110� percenl of c�annels dedlca[ed for puAlic u.ve. SCCTION 25. PftEFF.HENTIAL OR DISCRININATUIIY PRACfICF.S PRO� H16[TE� The mm0any shall nol retuse caEle [el- vision xrvice to any perwn ar orRani u� t�on who requests such se�vme lor a law� P�I purpose. nor sM1all lhe mmpany reFUu any person or.organivvtion the nght to cablecasl pur.amm la provisions of 22E a�d 25C of Nis ordinanre 'ITe mmpany stull no�. as In ra[es, charRes, service faa!IVes. rule... reRUlations or in nny oth- es�ect make or Fran[ anv preference r ad�anlape lo an�� permn or subject any person to am prejudice m disadvan- uRe SECf10'ti 21 1t1.,CELL{VEOL� PRO� �ISIUYS. A Lqi m d -� of ppl' '' n 1 a c LI t I_ '_ion francti [h C ty Cauni I may K ��� such appl cation lo such appllcanl as' may ap�ear trom v�d apPLca�ion m be �n i�s oV�r,�m bee� qualr fIM [o reWer prup.r anJ ef0aenl urvice m lelension viewers und subsen�ers in tN Oty 6 NTennolotYerwi�eprescilbedhere- in, all maflers �erem reQuirEa m be Lled witn L�e city sna11 te ri1M witn me city Clerk C'ITe conipany shal: pay Lo Lhe Cily a fo aaf moncy suttidcn[ m rcim�uree 11 llpublica�onexpsses'mcur;cYiGyit n rennecuon ��vh �he granung of a fran- chise punu:int m iAe provisians af this oraiwnse 5uch payment shall De maae within tTVty i30� days afler (he Crty (ur nishes tAe company x�th a wr:UCn sUle� me.,t or �ucn t�anRS ey eet�.���y ot same to t�e Ci p� Fiwv.ce Di recmr ❑ The company s�all operatc a inaim lenanre fae.hty within the City limits of �he G�y o( Fndiey v� Wa� CA'[V mamle- nanoe urvme sAa II L�e promptly availoDl^ m subscriLers E No pervi , lini or corFa etmn in the e-istiq, serv�ice nrea o[ Ne �vmpany shz!1 ne arbieranly refusN scrvio�: p:o- na:d. Mwever. tnot tne cnnipany anali wt Le requvM to pravitle service lo am' mbxntcr wha dm�s not Gay Iha appGee- ble eunnection fee or monthty xn'me �n.,.ze F 6rfore pruviding an�enm servme io subsenbu_ vhe eninpam: snall ncU[r auL,vihers m niing �pet ihe compnn� m�klrg me o! fAu pu�hc rigM1t o! w;ie i�n h'rid!ex tn pro�i& Cable l'elxrizion s e_ �hai ose of �ur'n rigp�= of xav i. ana�m� �na�inmeev��i����n i��„ta � e���� .��i� .�e.n�, �r W ��� �a az- ni^d for e e. tlie e,mpem� �up .on m.2�e every oca.onablu ±ffart cc pnoaiee - rolLCrn.arrome.r�n2iM1allhe f � .` h i � I J i -.,. p t .I. �: f-r 1�.��i �:. ��� �_ : L ll _ p 1 II id_ [[e nt i.F P . Jtl �.� pt . I� f g xl �nl fu'tic;l.i9a��tn<G�..M1I� �o�l .� �o�: ;. ,� � � , `-i 102. @ pim. d pu bl hllbepe� �idav. h� n u e �rJ :� 11 dur g pe Wsulmnmu iu' 1h '-t . H In tlw ca�e of a e d ' r d s- a t _ �te mmpan 'h 11 p eq c� ot Oie O[y Cwncd. m.ake 3a odahle-ti fa� li� uer-to��e Ci�y for eenergenc� e during theemergen �urduas�erperiod. 1. [opie. af all Pemion., apPLCa�ions anE cmnmun¢a�ions suhmltree by t�e compony to the Fedeal Communications Commission.5ecurities anA Exchange Cammusmn. ur aey o[her feaeral er sute regulamry cnmmission or agency hanng junWiclinn In re+pece m am mauers aF lecting CiTV o0era�ions authorize� pur sunnt [o [his [nnchise, shall also be suE� miuN simultaneousk :u •he Ci�v Coum vil J. Cpon requext of ihe prapern' owner. [he companp shall remove anE tlupose of [he raoF wp antenna a[ the �ime of the urv¢e insullation a�d a� the cosl an0 eaPenses of �he canV�m'. proviAM [hat tF.e suEscri�er shall sign a release hold�ng t�e Cicy of Fridlee and lhe compang Farmless antl wil�nm liabdi!c of any n WredremovalisreQUested. � � J SECT10\ ;8. CATY ADYItiOR\' CObb )11TTEt. There a AerxEy esta�lisped. m serve as an adriwry committre m[he Clry Coum cil. a rommrtcee io be known a.v �he CPTV Adaison� Commiuee. The wmmiLtee s'�all be compnsed o[ 5 memben who rnnp represent a Eroa� ra.�y= of inrerests aM disciplinea rela�nl m t�e ielecom- munica[ion neeEs af theCi��. Nemhen oF l�e commiuee shnll be ap➢oin4J as fdlows' One For a lerm aF one vear. Mo tor e lerm of luo vears. txo for a term of [hree vears and Iherzafter their mcces- .wrs shall �e apV��nted for a term of three gears. Commi[lee memhers lo be ap� poir.letl �p mejorit� of Cwncil The mmmittee shall advis'e and assis� [he Cin' Council upon all maVers alfecb ing� LM1e CATV system within �he fiiv. In atlqltinn lhe commiuee zhall per(urm s'uch speatic Funr.tions antl make specific recommenEations as may. from time m nme. Ee requeste� Ev [he City Couneil or �lu Cilp� Ytanager. The mmmiLLee m aEupi a �nEgel. mIP. dr.d regulali0ns and E9�luxs a> it finds necessary m order to prnperk perform Ies funcoion and du�ies Such Dudget, rules and redulanons antl bv-laws sAvli M subiniaod tn the Oh' Council for appmeal before they shall be ettective. IELTiOS't9. RtI1M1E:5ti. In case o! [Ae failuoe of the mmpam m perfortn and carrr �wt am� of the pruvi- sions W Nis Iranchise in am part�cular. tlm City Council mor. af[er hearinK� tle- termine weh feilure. and. nher un�ten noUCe has Eeen given tM1e compan.� of suah De�ermination. the cumpam' shall Mve n neh' �90� davs [ime in which m meEe Ne fallures.�Cpon the esDiratiun d lhe ninety �90� da�s periotl and failure la correcl s'u<h failures. [�e Cin� Council map lake mch sreps as it decm.. neces� - n m req•al :�is oreinnncc. proviaed. thai Cefo:e the fnnchise msc be lermi� na �eA arA cancelled. thn mmpxnv s'hall be oronded u�iN an oppurmm�. tn�be heard hefore �he C�wncil. tiF.CT10S ]�. YRUCEUIHF. LPU\ TF.R116dT10]. Cpon t�e ewpvation. [ermination or r¢vxe�ion nl 4Ns fvunchlse. thP iDmpenV zhall entxr upm Ne Y��bCm wa�e and pub- Lc places of the Cin fur Ne purpose af rert:oviug �hereGom all of its plants, struemres and eqoipment and shnll prorviplk remove all of Ics fucilitie, and aryipmem frum l�e pren:uex oi all suh� scribeos at a ume mnvenlrn! lo Nth [he enmp.mv and tM1e subscriber. �ut onl}' ab [er the Citv pas had ample lime and up� portimily tn reneu� �his fraachix or to pura�ase. rundemn or secure ar.olM1er fnnchise In so re ving such plant.. stmvtures and eyvipment. �he mmpany .hal: reLll. at iu oun espense, onv e[ra� va�inn tliel ..nall ee made nc It antl snall leace .vucn puMm wvys and plares in ae q.' .nAtxe tYtp Lep w U p i dl f i nt f-pp- c�F [-ff t1.'[ g 1 : �rb 4 ' t� . u � _routm: „r �J.yLm��.��lx_. n au�rhmentsnn'aiyPole. T�=61yF.ngr ur F.i. ap0����«e c�all Insprc� antl apPreve:he conditinn nf such publiruar� aml pnhLr plare: and eanlez. wire: a. f. tachm � andpole' flerremoval.l �he e mt o( d- pute of th (.l Fnginee apmiun IDc compm} or a y otber person ma requesl a puLlic hea g befon LSe C d Cab'IiN s rencea dinaem - ty prpvided In Sec!ion V hereol rnd Ne recunty fund prm�itled in Section i hereof . sha11 ron�inue in (ull Eorcx and effect Evr ing [�e entire period of removal. SECf10S]I.CIOLATIO.VS. d. From aeM at�er Ne effective date of the ordiiunce, it shall be unlawEUl for am' person wesUAlish, cqerare or lo carry on ihe W siness of tlistriEU�ing m a ny persons in l�is Clty ang television .signals or raGio sigvb by mNans of a CiTY synem un- less a Iranchlse therefore �as /irst Eren oEUined pursuant to Ne provlsions of thn orCiwntt, anE unless such franchise i> in full force and e(fec�. 9. Frwn and afler Ne effective tlaLe u! this ordinance, il shall be unlawfW for a m� penon to mnstruct. inslall or main!am wiNin am� p blic xtrret in tAe CLLV. o wi•.Tin any olher public property of �he City, ar wiNin any privalely oaned area within lhe Cih� whic� �as mt ve[ become a public slreel Wt is designa�cN or deline- ateE as a proposeE public sheet on any [entalive scLdivision mup aVV�oved by [he Ciq', am' equipmenL nr (acililies lo� distributinH anp lelevision signals or ra� Eio signaLc Lhrwgh a G4TV srstem, um 1¢ss a fnnchise autMrizing mch us'e of such sVeel or properlv o a has Orsl peen oblame� pursuan� m t�e provisiom of lM1is ordinanee, and unless vch fran- eAise ix in full Force and effect. C It shall be uNaxlul ler am person. fvm or rorporation to make any unau� thonzed mnnerlion, whether ph�sically. eleevieallv. aenuzlicullv, induciivelc o otGerwise. wrth anp part o( a IranchiseE CATV svstem with�n Ihis Ory for LAe pur pose af laking or receivin6 refevismn 'vg. nals, radm signals. picWre.. programz, ur . W IIC. U. ILSMII Le unlawful fnr am' perwn. firm or rorporation to make a unuu� Lhorized ronncalion, apeNer phvvicalh. ¢�¢CIfICdIIV, W�LI('i�11. I�dllCli\'P�1' Uf otMru�ise, x�ah anv part of a Iranchnib CiT\'syz�em wilhin [hls Gty for �he pur puse uf enuDlmK hmuell or o��ers m re� reive anr tetcvivmn eignal. radio siynal. picwre, pro6ram ar aouM. withwi Pa� ment tn Ine owner of vid saslem. F:. It shall bN unlawfW fm �n} yerson. witAwt tne n�ment of tne owner. to wdl- fully tamper wllA. remove or injure am caEles. xires or eqwpment used for Ei.+- Inbvtion of television siqnals, radlo 9ig- nals. o�cwres, pro¢rams or .vourM. SECTIOV J?. {pPLICAB6E LAn'S_ A. The rompany stull a[ al'. timus com� ply wi�h all laus, crdmancez;nd regula� tiom of the Feaeral. Slate, and C�ty� o[ Fridley governmenb or any adminivvn- hve agencie. thereo(. If any Feaeral or 5tale law or regula� ' uun shnll reqmre w permn Ue cumpam to perfurm env service ur shall OraAibit t�e rnmpam� from perfurm;nK �n � xer- »�m�n m.� ee �� ��,n��� w,in me terma u( LM1is fronchlse m anv ordlnvnae o[ �M1ts Citv. �M1en a> .wn a_. poa��blc [ol� Inx��np knowletlge ��ermf. tM1e mmpain shall mGPo [he Clb' 11m�yRer of tM1e pnini o(mn(lictbellev!d Lo?xis[ Eetween vch law nr regula tlnn und t�e nrtlinance of N.e Otv nr pi¢ franrhise it me plv Counal determi��e tnat a maarial provision ol lhiv frunc�ise is aRected bv such Fetleral nr:ita�e law or regul�llnn, the Gly Councll shali hnve [he right [n m�Mifv. aller, or repeal sny of [he previsions of [his francNSe m mch rea- n.vble extent � muv be n arv ta out the intent anA purpoee�of�[his agre eut 6 T�e Ciu� reservez �he rigM1t m rcvake Nis frannhue and ali nghL ane pnrP leges of tAe aump3ng �ercnnder d am� provision of Ihis m'tlinance chall he (inally atljutlgM by a court of law invalid nr unenforceaAle and Ihe Ciu� Council Nr ther find. thnl.weh pruvaior conztiN�es A1 Ih t LI P C t_ T.�IfC ] 1� oY � t c� �f of [- �I v M1=re � gr t 1 I IU\ ICL. I� l6f iR f f. If n .c�. m .ib:..t, . xn[o,.� claiue or phro.e of tRis ordmunc_ i. fn� w M1eld illeRul. Im�aIM or unrum =_iiwt nr�.l hp ihe Aedision nf ana courl ��f campeten� juricdiciwn..uch Jcomnri _{. shall wt alfec� tM1e vaL��tv of lhe remain- 1 g purtlum �ereo[ Th C c I h r hy decfares Nat : would tr�e 0�' c� t1s dinance and eacM1 fec[ s E'e<uon, n[ence clause and pM1 hereof irv reepecti�e of the tocl thal any one or more sec�ions. su�secuons. entenres. clauses, or phrases he declared illegal. - valld or unconsu W tional. The inrallil�:y of any porLion of ths ordinance rshall mt aeate, redure ar ut�^rwae offecv any considera�ion or other obligaiion requlred o( the rompan, of my Iranc�ise granm�l �ereunder. SERIOS]i EFFECTIYE OATE. T�is Orainance will �ecome ettective flfteen �6� DaysaRerpublicstion. AIX]PTED AS ,� BOV E. 8Y THF, C ITY COL�VCIL OF THF. CITY OF FRIDLEF' . THIS l3TH DAy pF DGCE�IBER l9i1. BY T41E FOLL05l'I�G VOTE UPOV A J� �I4F^`— ROLL CALL VOTE A[RKHA)1. HAR- ��T� ��,,� RIS. BREIDER, KEl.it[dN' d�D LIF.9L � ALLYOTEDAYE, i�c.�C� JACF 0. K[RKHdYt ��' Mayor Alteac �IARVIVC BRG�SF.LL Cilv llerk Publle HearinR� Octrber 2 t9it �Cunl �. ]'ovemEer I 194t � Clased � Firstfteading� December6.l9li SecordHeading �ecember11.19R1 . PuGlico�ion Decem�er32.t9)i The a�ove OrEinance has bxen read anJ t�e undersidn � accep[s �M1e OF dinance and agrees en abide by all iL cerm. and mndnloes CESER.4L TELE44 n10\ OFh11VSESOTA 1]'C. 6}�: J.aNES 6 GOF:T'(, Its Presitlenl Gn lhis I6N day of Decenber. I9i1. beforx me a\otarv PubLc wrthm antl br sa'�d CounLC, penonaily appeared hlr. Jamxs B. Gce�z :o ne personall. knoan. w�no eeins e�� m�� a�i�� .x�o.�.. a�d ..,�. �nni he Is �M. Prus�aeni of ine Coqrurauon metl In t�v furegmng ms[rumeni. anJ IAat lhe seal a1LxeJ to.ai� instrumsnt rs lM1e Corporace Seal d soul �flqnrauon and that smd instmmenl w33Y'gigned and ealed on buM1ali o! .:na Cnr?oration br aul�oriR' of its &�rtl of Direelors a- 4nowleJging mi0 mnnimem m be 1he free act and ��10[ x�itl Coe W va�ion_ Mt;RV[\' J HEItHNi1V \P larv PubGr. An(ka Counlv, JLo- nesota. 41v cumm�svon expvea OcL 11.19]5. leab �Dec 2219IL�—TC � ,. � ; _ � __ � ,