Ordinance No. 0538 06-04-19731 ' ORDINANCE NO. 53$ AN ORDINANCE RDOPTING A MUNICZPAL CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINRNCES INCONSISTENT THEREWITH, PROVIDING A SYSTEM FOR CONTINUOUS REVISION� PRESERVING EXISTING RIGHTS UNDER PRSOR ORDSNANCES� AND PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF A COPY WITH THE CITY CLERK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNE50TA ORDAINS: SECTION I. The substantive general ordinances of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, are hereby codified; the codification is in book form, entitled "MUnicipal Code of Fridley, Minnesota", and consists of chapters and seCtions, separately numbered in a decimal system with certain chapters and section numbers reserved for future use and expansion of the Code, as well as an appendix and index thereto. Any matters as may be contained in the appendix or index are inclvded for purposes of information and reference on1g, and are of no substantive effect except where and unless the Code itself specificalSy incorporates the same by reference. SEL'TION 2. For brevity hereafter the Municipal Code of Frid2ey, .i7innesota, is sometimes referred to as "this Code"; and any use of the term "this Code" means the Municipal Code of Fridley, Minnesota, unless the context clearly requires another zReaning. SECTION 3. This Code in the original enactment includes aII substantive ordinances of a general nature up to and inclvding Ordinance No. 537 of 1972, passed on May 21, 1973. A1l substantive ordinances of a general nature up to and inc2uding Ordinance No. 537 Passed May 21, 1973, are repeaIed and replaced by the enactment of this Code. SECTION 4. Any ordinance passed since Ordinance No. 537 passed A1dy 21, 1973, and prior to the effective date of this Code, is crontinued in full force and effect, but such ordinarice is amended or modified hereby as necessary to make the ordinance conform to the provisions and form of this Code. Where such ordinance amends an ordinance which is repeaIed by this Code, the ordinance is to be cronstrued as amending the appropriate provision of this Code (which supersedes or replaces such repealed ordinance). Rny ordinance passed and adopted since Ordinance No. y37 sha1l be made a part of.this Code by appropriate incorporation herein by the next first revision of the Code as hereinafter provided. �oJ 20 (� ORDINANCE #538 -Z- SECTION 5. Any ordinance passed after the effective date of this COCIP. � sha1Z be passed as an amendment, repeal or addition to this Code (vnless it is of Iimited or special application or is otherwise deemed not to be a part of this Code). � Such ordinance and the arr�ndment or addition Eherein shaZ1 be made a part of this Code by the next first following revision of the Code, as hereinafter provided and direc•ten by the City Council. SECTION 6. The present consecutive chronologica2 numbering of ail ordinances as are passed sha1l continue without regard to their subseguent incZusion within this Code, bvt each ordinance which is an amendment or addition to the Code sha11 specify the amendment or addition. SE'CTION 7. This Code is printed and looseZy formed and is kept up-to- date by the periodic and regular insertion of revised or additiona2 pages contazning aII amendments, repeals or addi- tions to the Code passed to date hereof. For consrenience, the volvme includes, in addition to the t�unicipaZ Code of Fridley, Minnesota;;.the resolutions authorizing =he�COde, a table of contents, an appendix, and a complete subject matter index. The Council, with the advice of the City Attorney, sha22 make arrangements periodics3ly for tne editorial work and printing necessary to prepare revised and addiCional pages, as necessary to keep the voZume ❑p-to-date as nearly as reasonably possible at aII times. SECTION 8. The repeal of any ordinance or portion thereof by addition to this Code or any subsequent amendment, repeal or addit.ion thereto does not affect or impair any act done, right vested or accrued, any proceeding, suit or prosecution had or commenced in any cause before such repeal takes effect. Every act done, right vested or accrued, proceeding, suit or prosecution had or commenced, remains in fulZ force and effect to aII intents and purposes as if suc.h repeal had not taken place. No offense committed, no iiabilitg, pena2ty or forfeiture, either ciui2 or cri minal, incurred prior to repeal of any ordinance, or any part thereof, by this Code oz subseguent repea2 or addition thereto, is discharged or affected; and the prosecution and suit of any such offense, IiabiZitg, penalty or for�eiture may be instituted and proceeded with in all respects as if sucl� prior ordznance or part thereof had not been repealed. SECTION 9. A copy of this Code has been on file and open for public inspection in the office of th e City CIerk for a period of at 2east two (2) weeks prior to 1ts adoption. ' i � � ORGINANCE #538 -3- SECTION 10. A cr�py of the Code sha11 be permanently on file and open for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk in the City of FridZey. PASSFU BY TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� THIS 4TH DAY OF JUNE AT2EST: CLERK , 1973. ' First Reading: April 16, 1973 Second Reading; JuYt2 4, 1973 Publicatioa: aunP 13, 1973 . �07 x f;3:"�YC��`:3 CE"TIFIC'1?E f.t.a -�,�;�„��_�r;',TR�;p,, P^Iove�.�S^,� 'f;'''� ;, �� FI'uYl�: �. LICi.��� bl'�:'i•, !'.!lv :'iaF,i r��c�r?;g,;�� �.`t_q-����j°.'_I � �illG c7C't I Il[J' ���'i�)�DI' OT {.�10 �. I i y O� �i 7" 1';I � �jf� rOlilli.;' c:-r ;°�.fk0";'.��� State of i��l i nnesote.r cEo hEreby . u. �� a �y� th :t ��?� i s ��cS�� r.c��.� canf�ins al I o�i tno sceditions, �ncc�s P�e,,t:;o��s ai�c? c':�a*��e� e�doptec! i�y the City Counci I to �c�+e Cit;� �;rad� r�; "��G? ti�r�u�h tiie 4th ��y o�� June � � �? j,. Ti'lci' S J I C� COC�B cS 1'C,V I� Cr' �r, _c�.{P c:Ili� :.�� i�CCF' : il �u"u I i sheC i s a true copy thereo.` e.��J E., : nt i':I ec',� :., i,� rec� i vcc? i n ev i denee i n a I I co+u- t._, 'or '.,1:•e F��zr;�ose c��F provic�in� the ordinances i:herei-, c�,�,�.��.incJ, ��?�e _,e�i���� _ thc�u�i: t'�e or i 7 i na I or�' i nance= were rrc�'°_ic�c` i n cn�:rt. This cer+.,i Ficate is e.;:�:eutsc; f�y i"�� f:i:;;nr �:n:� i" attestec9 to by thc C i ty C I erlc i n ,_ccc�:��Uner �;;� i �h iSie `" i-� Ch�rter. ;^:TTEST: � `�i> l,. �- �, �1-t�tnn. City erl: