Ordinance No. 0542 06-11-1973212 �4 ORDINANCE NO 542 CITY OF FRIDLEY, APJOKA COUPlTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINA�JCE GRANTING TO NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MIN�lES�TA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, REPAIR, AND MAINTAIN, IN THE CI7Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, AN ELECTRIC �ISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND TRANSMISSION LINES, INCLUDING NECESSARY POLES, POLE LINES, APd� FIXTURES AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE FURNISHING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY TO THE CITY AND ITS INHABTTANTS, AND OTHERS, AND TD USE THE STREETS, ALLEYS, PUBLIC WAYS AND PUBLIC GRDUNDS OF SAID CITY FOR SUCH PURPOSES, PRESCRIBIPJG CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND PRESCRIBING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED THEREFORE, TIIE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN 212 SECTION 1. PURPOSES. Northern States Power Company, a corporation orgam zed under the laws of the State of Minnesota, owns and operates property used and useful in the production, transmission, dtstrubut�on and sale of el2ctricity in the City of Fridley. The City Council has determined that it is desirable, in the public interest, and to the advantage of the consumers of electricity �n Frldley, that a franchise be granted to Company upon the terms and conditions contained herein. Company, �n consideration of benefits accruing to it under the franchi'se agrees to supply electric serv�ce in Fridley upon the terms and condttions contained hzrein SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS. Subdtvision 1 In this ordinance "��lunicipality", "Mum cipal Council", and "P�unicipal Clerk" mean, resoectively, the City of Fridley, the Council of the City of Fridley, and the Clerk of the C�ty of Fridley. If at any time the powers of the Mum cipality, the Municipal Council, or the Municipal Clerk shall be transferred to any other authority, board, office, or officers, then such authority, board, officer or officers shall have the rights, power, and duties herern given to the Mu m cipality, the Mu m cipal Council, and the P4unicipal Clerk, respectively. Subd. 2 "Company"means Northern States Power Company, A Minnesota Corporation, its successors and assigns. Subd. 3 "Metro Area" includes all areas served with electricity by Company in the Counties of Hennepin, Ramsey, Washtngton, Dakota, Anoka, Carver, and Scott. Subd 4 "Metro Rate Authority" or "Authority" means the oraanization of municipalities created by ,7oint agreement and amendments thereto, pursuant to Mtnnesota Statutes Section 471.59 and which is authorized to administer provisions of this ordinance as herein provided. The Authority consists of represenat�ves of all mum cipaltties which adopt this uniform franchise ordinance. � � �� I U � � 213 Subd. S. "Executive Committee" or "Committee" means the commlttee appointed by the Authority. The Committee shall consist o£ not more than 15 members. The Committee shall have those powers speci£ied in this franchise and those delegated to it by the Authority pursuant to the �oint agreement. Subd. 6. "Party" means the Municipality, the Authority or Company. Subd. 7. "Person" may extend and be applied to bodies politic and cori�«rate, and to.partnerships and other um ncorporated associatlons. Siei�d. 8. "Notice ineans a iariting served by any party or parties �n �:,',}� �arty or parties. In tlxe ca5e af Company, notice shall be mailed ic.� ar �f�i�e� thei�eof at 4i4 Nicc>llet I�Ia1i, i�Iinneapolis, Miunesota. In �3�e �a�n �,f ��utlxarlty, natice shall be ari2aled to the Rate Administrator, �r �y�4 ca�e 4� h'ix��icipa�ity, ta�tice shail be ma�led to the Municipal �:1���-., ��`t?. �. ""FC�;e Rd�inistrator'� means a professional person qualified �ri� ���_-������nced Y� paabl�r uti�ity regulatc,ay matters. The Rate Ac�minis- tr::i�� �s �}apois��tid by L�e Authority. 'L��tion 3e �RAii7�"v :Subdivision 1. T3iere hereby as gYanted to �.��a�;;,cz:,,r tar the �eri�r� e�'�ending ta January �, 1973, (sub�ect to termina- ti��� ,zn �i�,_>r.einber 3I, ��31f` upo� notice fr�a� Company to Dlunicipalit; and ,G.vthR�eau�, �r czgon nc��i��� of biunzci�ality t❑ Authority ancl Comnar.v at least �+"� �: �s b;:�+,�r� said �ate mf ➢eceml�er 31, I9�?) the right and privi7zge !�a �,:.�P��-t�i±c#i�g, c+ger�t�n�, repairing, and n�ainta�ning �n, on, over, u>.aszc_� ,::�3 arr�ass tFae s��eets, a�ley°s, pul�? ic ways, and pu}�lic grounds �� n:ts:€ac�Qaai'r_y, arad �Iectric dist¢�abutac�n system and electric trans- �1L���]€S;i �.:idPS� 1S?G.�LII�SE3� 311 yJA7�25r T�SO�E �lSlC'S� CORdU1t5, and f1aLUY'2� an�� �,r�.axr��nances, iisa�a41?•, e<rnv,e�iiently, c�r necessarily used �n connec- tia,7 <4Ycexewitli, .�'-caa� �:ie �urpu�,e o� transmit�ing and furnishing electrlc e��er�;� tor Iiaht, izeat, �nwer, and otner purposes for public and priva*e use Lta a7id tt� A4unicipality and the anhabitants thereof, and ot}Yeis, and €=or ti.e pu-rpose o� tr,ansn�atti�g electric energy into and through A1uni- ci�a��t.y. The electric distril�ution system and transmission lines shall be l_o�,ate2 as not to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordlnary traveL aiong and aver sa3d streets, alleys, public ways, and public arour!d�. Suba. 7.. This ordinance is intended to regulate the exercise of the right> and privileges granted to Company herein. Nothing in this orcl1nar.cc 3s #c� b� construed to modify, alter or amend any statutory or charter power c�f the Nlunicipality to regulate the use of its streets, alleys, �u?�I�,c k�ays and puolic grounds. Such regulations, insofar as they do �.ot; aflect the rate regulation and administration provisions of this oidlnance, need not be identical among members of the Authorit;r. Su�d. Authority autliority. 3. Nothing in this ordinance prevents the pawers ef the from being herea£ter uelegated by law to some other governmental Eect�on 4. EXTENSIONS; SERVIC�S; RULES, AND Subdzv�sion 1. Company shall provide reasonably � non-di�criminatoiy service, at reasonable rates, public within the �Iunicipality who apply for such � �ith rules and regulations of Company. � REGULATIONS. efficient, adequat� an3 to all members of the service in accordance 214 Subd. Z. Company may, from tiune to time, promugate rules and regu- lations whzch are reasonably necessary or convenient in the conduct of its business. The rules and regulations may govern matters, including but not limited to, forms, contracts, extenslons of service, curtailment — of service, reconnection charges, billings, security deposits, and late � payment charges, if any Existing rules and regulations of Company shall be filed promptly with the Authority and shall become effective on filing. They shall be kept open for public inspectzon. Thereafter Company may file amendments thereto or additional rules and regulations. Wlthin 60 days a£ter such filing the Executive Committee may, on its o�n motion or on the request of Municipality, review such amendments or rules and regulations. The Commrttee, after public hearing, may by resolution disapprove any such amendment or rule and regulation which is unreasonable or unlatiaful. Section S. SERVICE INTERRUPTION. Subdivision 1. Company will provide continuous, adequate and nondiscriminatory electrical service in the Municipality. SuUd. 2. Company's provision o£ electric service to its customers as sub�ect to interruption and disturbance of service due to (a} (b) (c) conditions beyond its control; necessary maintenance and operation of its system, effect of operations of any interconnecting electric systems, (d) curtailment of electric service as may be prudent to main- � tain service to priority loads or to maintain the operating stability of Company's system; or (e) temporary interruption or disturbance of service; neither Company, Mun2cipality, the Authority nor any customer shall be liable for damage or loss for interruption or disturbance of service due to said causes. Company will not be in breach of this franchise for interruptions of service due to such cause. Subd. 3. Company will pi°omptly take such action as may be �rac- ticable under the circumstances to remove the cause of any int�rruption, disturbance, or curtailment and to resume normal delivery of electric service. Section 6. NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE. This is not an exclusive franchise. Section 7. RATES. Subdivision 1. The rates and charges imposed and collected by Company for servic8s in the Metro Area shall be £air, �ust, reasonable and compensatory and designed to recover all reason- able costs of service therein, including a reasonable return as herein provided on the capital investment in the business under an economical and efficient management. Subd. 2. The rates charged to any class of customers �vill not cast an undue burden on any other class of customers nor shall any rates charged to customers within the same class of service cast an undue burden on other customers within that class. � zis Subd. 3. The schedule of rates contained in Appendix A, attached and made a part hereof by reference, is effective as to all bills computed on regular meter readings on and after the effective date of � this ordinance. The schedule shall remain in effect until changed in accordance with Section 8 0£ this £ranchise. The cost to the Company of any franchise_fee, street rental charge, gross receipts taxes, or any other duties or imposts, imposed by the b4unicipality will be recovered by Company as a surcharge to such rates within the Municipality. �d valorem taxes may not be recovered by a surcharge. Such surcharge will be equitably distributed among electric customers in the A4unicipality. Section 8. RATE CHANG�S. SuUdivision 1 Company may change its rate structure by changing classification of rates, the number of blocks, or by adding a new classification of rates or by closing or withdrawing any existing rate classification or schedule. Any such change which does not result in a higher rate for an existing customer may be made upon twenty days notice to the Rate Administrator and shall be supported by data showing the desirability of the change and the reasonableness thereof. Other changes in rate structure shall be made under Subd. 2 of this section. Subd. 2. The rates contained in Appendix A shall remain in effect until March 15, 1974. On or before February 1, 1974, and thereafter on or before Pebruary 1 of each year during the term of this ordinance, Company shall file notice with the Authority that it will either con- tinue, decrease, or increase the rates or continue or change the rate structure which wiil become effective on bills rendered on and after March 15 of that year, to enable Company to realize Actual Net Earnings � during the Calendar year o£ filing equal to the Allowable Annual Return, as defxned in Section 10 plus part or all of any debit balance or less part or all of any credit balance in the Stabilization Reserve Account established under Section 15. The filing shall recite the proposed change or continuance and the forecasts substantiating it Provided however, in order to minimize or prevent excessive fluctuation in the rates, the Company may additionally once during a calendar year, but not prior to July 15 thereof, adjust the rates in the same manner as provided above. Subd. 3. The rates to become effective on and after Nlarch 15, 1974, pursuant to Subd. 2 of this section, shall be subject to a temporary reduction during the year 1974 totaling $6,000,000. Such reduction and any credit 6alance in the Stabilization Reserve Account resulting from 1973 operations will be applied only to the bills of customers located in those areas of the Metro Area in which the base electric rates for residential service, general service, and large general service were no less than such base electric rates charged in the City of Minneapolis, on January 1, 1973. Base electric rate means the charge to the customer for electric service excluding any franchise Fee, street rental charge, gross receipts tax or duties or imposts, imposed by the municipality included in or added to said charge. Subd. 4. Increases or decreases in rates or the continuance o£ � existing rates shall be based on forecasts ior the calendar year of filing of ex�enses, capital costs and of the revenues required to enable Company to earn an amount equal to the Allotiaable Annual Return defined in Section 10, plus part or all of any debit balance or less part or all of any credit balance in the Stabilization Reserve Account as provided in Section 15. 216 Subd. 5. Company will annually supply forecast data to the Rate Administrator in accordance with the following schedule. Revenue Budget �xpense Budget Capztal Budget November 1 December 1 December 15 or on such later dates as the Rate Administrator may authorize. Subd. 6. On or before December 1, 1975, and at intervals of no more than five years thereafter, Company shall furnish a currect study of its rate structure to the Authority. Subd. 7. On or before March 1 of each year Company will supply Authority with a tabulation of customers and revenues attributable to each Municipality in the A2etro Area for the previous calendar year. Section 9. RATES; RATE PILING. Subdivision 1. Any filing by Company with the Authority to change or continue any rates or rate structures as provided in Section 8, Subd. 2, may be altered, amended, or revised by the Executive Committee in conformance with and sub�ect to the provisions of this ordinance. Subd. 2. The Rate Administrator shall make written recommenda- tions as to the filing to the Executive Committee within 20 days of the filing. � Subd. 3 Any alteration, amendment, or revision in the filing � shall be made by written order of the Executive Committee which sets forth its findings and conclusions upon all material issues. The order shall be served on Company within 35 days after notice of the proposed change or continuance of rates has been filed with the Authority. Subd. 4. Company may obtain �udicial review de novo of any Executive Committee order of alteration, amendment or revision of rates in the District Court of I-Iennepin County if proper application is made therefore within 30 days after service of the order of the Execu- tive Committee upon Company. If judicial review is applied for, the rate proposed by Company in Section S, shall be in effect until the question of such alteration, amendment, or revision is finally deter- mined by the court. In such revie�a and determination Company has the burden of proof. At the time of applying for �udicial review, Com- pany shall, i£ ordered by the Court, file with the Clerk a corporate undertaking obligating it to comply with such relief as the court may order consistent with the provisions of this franchise. Subd. 5. The rates determined under Section 8 of this are the "i�4etro Area Rates." Section 10. R/�TE M4KING: DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. For the purposes of this ordinance, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2 "Allowable Annual Return" means the product obtained by multiplying the Allowable Rate Base by the Allotaable Rate of Return. � � � � 217 Subd. 3. "Allowable Rate of Return" means the w�ighted average actual cost for the year of filing of 1) Senior Capital of Company and its utility subsidiaries and 2) the Allowable Return on Common Equity. The weight to be given to each class of capital shall be based on Company and its utility subsidiaries' actual average outstanding amount of each class throughout the year o£ filing. Subd. 4. "Allowable Return on Common Equity" means that retuxn on common equity capital determined pursuant to Section 12. Subd. S. "Senior Capital" means all debt, including short-term debt, and preferred stock. Subd. 6 "Cost of Senior Capital" means the weighted average cost of all senior capital, where the cost of each issue is obtained by mul- tiplying the principal amount of the issue by the interest rate in the case of debt and by the dividend rate in the case of preferred stock, and dividing by the net proceeds of the issue. Subd. 7. "Net proceeds" in the case of long-term debt capital means the principal amount issued, plus premiums received, less issuance expense and discounts. In the case of short-Cerm de�t capital, the term means the sum of a) the principal amount oL Uank loans outstanding, and b) the principal amount of commercial notes, less prepaid interest. In the case of preferred stock, the term means the stated value plus premiums, less issuance expense and discounts. In the case of re- acquisition, retirement or refunding o£ long-term debt or preferred stock, the call premiums, expenses and discounts are to be considered as part of the over-all cost of capital. Subd. 8. "Actual Net Earnings" for the year 1973 means actual gross revenues of Company received for electric utility service fur- nished in the Metro Area less operating expenses reasonably incurred in rendering such service. ror subsequent years said term means gross revenues of Company for electric utility service furnished in the Metro Area computed at the Metro Area Rates, less operating expenses reason- ably incurred in rendering such service. To the resulting net income shall be added that portion of the amount credited under the Uniform System of Accounts to Allowance for Funds Used During Construction applicable to construction work in progress included in the Allowable Rate Base in Subd. 9 hereof. For the years 1973 and 1974 such allow- ance shall be computed atthe rate of 8%. Thereafter, the annual per- centage rate applied to determine the Allowance for Funds Used During Construction shall be the lower of a) the nearest even one-half percent below the pro�ected overall rate of return or b) the current incremental cost of financing new construction, and shall change only in increments of one-half percent, provided, however, that such annual percentage rate shall not be more nor less than that re�uired by the Federal Power Commission. Operating expenses shall include Research and Development expenses and donations made for charitable, social, or community welfare purposes. Research and Development expenses shall be accounted for in the mam;er provided in the Uniform System of Accounts. Subd. 9. "Allowable Rate Base" means the average of net plant less customer contributed capital and plus working capital. Net plant means a) the original cost of electric service in the Metro Area, plus b) that portion of the original cost of plant held for future use and construc- tion work in progress applicable to the �etro Area, less c) related booked reserves for depreciation and amortization. 218 Custorn�r contributed capital means amounts related to service in the Metro Area contributed or advanced Uy customers for construction and amounts collected from customers through rates and charges for de£erred operating expenses and taxes except tiahere deduction of the deferred amount is specifically prohibited by Internal Revenue Laws. Said � amounts shall include but are not necessarily limited to amounts credited under the current Federal Power Commission Uniform System of Accounts to Accounts 252 Customer ndvances for Construction, 255 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (except that portion uhere deduction from the rate base is prohibited by the Internal Revenue Laws), 271 Contributions in Aid of Construction, 281 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Accelerated Amortization, 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Liberalized Depreciation, and 283 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Other. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between Company and the Executive Committee, working capital means and includes the following, Uased on amounts allocable to the Metro Area: (a) cash working capital equal to one-eighth of operation and maintenacne expenses excluding purchased power and one-half of fuel expenses, plus average compensa- ting bank balances to support short-term borrowings, less the monthly average of accrued property and income taxes, but cash working capital shall not be less than zero; plus (b) monthly average prepayments; plus (c) monthly average materials and supplies, plus (d) monthly average fuel stocks, plus (e) monthly average miscellaneous deferred debits. Section ll. ALLOWABL� RATES OF RETURN. Subdivision 1. At the time of an annual rate filing, a pro�ection of Allowable Rate of Return shall be used as a basis for calculating allowable revenue for the � calendar year of filing. At the close of such year the Allowable Rate of Return shall be determined and shall be used as a basis for the Allowable Annual Return. Subd 2 Allowable Rates of Return and pro�ections thereof shall be calculated to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent. Section 12. ALLOGVABLE RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY. Subdivision 1. Company shall be allowed a Return on Common Equity for the Metro Area for the calendar year 197"s of 13.25%. For the calendar year 1974 Company shall be allowed a Return on Common E�uity for the D4e�ro Area of 12.95%. For years subsequent to 1974, Company or the Executive Committee may request a prospective change in the Allowable Return on Common Eq�ity. Such requests shall be made during the period between November 15 and llecember 15, in any year, to be effective as of January 1 of the next year, by serving upon the other Party a notice stating the reasons supporting such change and specifying the proposed Allowable Return on Common Equity for the year. If no request is made the Allowable Return on Common Equity remains in effect. Subd. 2. The request for change in the Allowable Return on Common �quity shall be reviewed by the Rate Administrator who shall forthwith set a date prior to January 15 for hearing upon such request. He shall give 10 days notice ofsuch hearing published once in a legal newspaper in each county in the Metro Area. At leaSt two days prior ' to the hearing date, any person may file with the Rate Administrator a written notice of intention to appear at the hearing and of the nature and extent of his participation. Only persons complying with this notice provlsion may be heard at the hearimg. The Rate Administrator 219 shall prescribe reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of such hearings. Upon completion of the hearing, and no later than February 15, the Rate Administration �ill serve on Company and the Authority a written order determining the Allowable Return on Common �quity for the current � year and setting �orth his findings and conclusions on all material issues relative to his determination. If no appeal is taken from the Rate Administrator's order of determination, the order is final. If an appeal is taken from the Rate Administrator's order of determination, the order is an interim order and shall remain in effect until finally determined, provided that the ef£ective Allowable Return on Common Equity for interim rates shall not be less than that existing at the time of the filing for a change in the Allowable Return on Common Equity finally determined shall be effective as of the proposed effective date. Subd. 3. Within ten days after receipt of the order of determination, any Party may appeal the order to a hearing panel by filing a notice of appeal with the Authority and Company. The panel shall consist of three members of professional standing, each having one vote. The members of the hearing panel shall be selected as follows Within 20 days of notice of appeal the Company and the Authority shall each appoint a panel member and each shall immediately notify the other of such appointment. The two panel members so appointed shall, within five days after the second mem- ber is appointed, select a third panel member. If the first two panel members are unable to agree on a third panel member, the third panel member shall be appointed by the Chief Judge of the Hennepin County District Court upon application of either Company or Authority wrth five days notice to the other. In the event ei�her Company or Authority fails within said twenty days to appoint a panel member, the member appointed by the other party shall proceed as a single member and issue his order, � which shall constitute the order of the panel. Subd. 4. The revietv by the panel of the Rate Administrator's deter- nination shall be de novo and the panel shall consider all evidence material and relevant to the issues raised by such appeal. The hearing shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by Chapter 15, Minnesota Statutes, for conduct of administrative hearings. The burden of proof shall be upon the appellant. Only those Parties and Persons who appeared before the Rate Administrator may appear before the panel. Subd. 5. The panel shall determine the Aliowable Return on Common Equity by written order served on Company and the Authority, which order shall set forth its findings and concluszons, including the bases there- fore, upon all material issues relative to such determination. The deter- mination of the panel shall be made within 60 days after the third panel member is selected. If no appeal is taken from the panel's order of determination the order is final. Subd. 6. Any Party aggrieved by a final order of the hearing panel is entitled to �udicial review thereof in the District Court of Hennepin County if proper application is made therefore within thirty days after the hearina panel has served its order. The review shall be conducted by the Court without a �ury and shall be confined to the record, except that in cases of alleged irregularity in procedure before the hearing panel not shown on the record, testimony thereon may be taken by the Court. � Except as otherwise provided, all proceedings shall Ue conducted according to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 15.0424-15.0426. Z20 Subd. 7. The Court may affirm the decision of the hearing panel or remand the case for Further proceedings, or it may reverse or modify the decision if tne substantial rights of the appellant have been pre�udiced because the hearing panel`s findings or conclusions are: (a) In violation of constitutional provisions, or (b) (c) ��) (e) In excess of the authority conferred upon said hearing panel by this ordinance, or A4ade upon unlawful procedures; or Affected by other error of law; or Unsupported by substantial evidence in view of the entire record as submitted; or (f) Arbitrary or capricious. Section 13. STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING ALLOWABL� RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY. The Allowable Return on Common Equity is deternined by and must satisfy the following standards. (a) The Allowable Return on Common Equity shall permit Company to earn a return on its equity investment in property which it employs for the convenience of the public equal to that generally being made at the same time and in the same general part of the country on similar investments in other business undertakings which are attended by corresponding risks and uncertainties. (b) The Allowable Return on Common �quity shall be reasonably sufficient to assure confidence in the financial soundness of Company (c) The Allowable Return on Common Equity shall be adequate under efficient and economical management to maintain and support Company's credit and enable it to raise the money necessary for the proper discharge of its public duties. Section 14. ACTUAL NET EARNINGS. Subdivision 1. In the computa- tion of Actual Net Larnings, appropriate items may be amortized or accrued according to generally accepted accounting principles and, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for specific items, the amounts and rates of amortization or accrual shall be based upon the actual experience of Company tahere such ex�erience ex�sts. Subd 2. Axi allocation shall be made by Company of operating expenses and utility plant within and outside the Metro Area on a basis that reasonably reflects the occur�ence of such expenses and plant for rendering service within and outside the Metro Area. , � Section 15 STABILIZATION RESERVE ACCOUNT. Subdivision 1. Actual Net Earnings greater or less than the Allowable Annual Return in any calendar year shall be credited or debited to an account ' designated the "Stabilization Reserve Account." � � �J APPENDIX A RESIDENTIAL SERVICE A:�,ilab�lity Available to any residential cust�!er for dcmestic purposes only, � i�t a single private residence, Rate F3rst N°xt iv'°xt "Iext Excess 60 kilowatt-hours per month @ 140 " �� �� '� @ 300 „ �� �� �� @ 30o u a �o n � �� „ �� �� � 5.10¢ per kwh 2•75 " ° 2.28 �� " 2.00 " " i.65 �, „ Fual Cl�use Bi11s subject to the ad�ustment provicled for xn Fuel C2ause � i�der DIo. 1, �aonthly 2din3mum Charge $2.00 i TJrdPrr*�ound Residential Distribution For service frcni an tinGer�'ro�and Reyidential T�istrilaution system in which a11 undergr�und iacilities nre iixstalled, raw:�ed and �aintained by Company, a charge af ;�2.40 wa17. be ac��ic3 �r� ttie m�?.Lti.,,r taill conpt�i;ed above for a period of not to exceed 3l7 yuars ;�c�� uat,� c�? ins2,w3iation. Tn ]ieu of the monthly charge, a nonreiwadablz c�ntrit�ut3r�r! nf $2c^C ,idy �,= made a+, atUr cime. Such contribution for aqy residence se:ved hereund�r uh�i7_ apply i.o that residence oniy and snall relieve the contrzz�uto� and any sctc:ces.�nr cus- tcmer at that residence of any obligatian t� pay a monthl� c+.zarge tLerezfter. fiueli r�onthly charge or eontribution sha11 �� ir add-'stiiUn u;a any payment;�� ;ahich �rx�;/ te required un3er Section 4 0£ Comgany`s R�.�es for P.p_1�cation +�� ?t��sidenWial Se�xvlCe Hates. Other Provisions This schedule is also sub�7ect i� prcwisior�s contaaf�zd u,�3Fx �v'��ules for Application of Residential Service T{ates>1tl AA z Rl1LES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDE24TIAL SERVICE RATES , 1. She Residential Service rate is available to any residential customer for domestic �urposes only, for lighting, heating, co�king, and domestic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided, 2. a. All normal2y sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through one meter. U. Motors and other equipment which interfere with service to neighboring customers, a11 motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installs- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than ZS kilowatts wiil not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3. Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is availabPe under the Residential Service rate, 4. Ar: Underground Residential Distribvtion system .is defined to be a system servxng an area of single private residences or duplexes (single ouild"angs consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) on contiguous lots �n irt�ich underground electric facilities will be the only electric facilities rsed to serve customers in the area. Where an Underground Residential D�st*it•.si�aota � systern will serve an area consisting of less than 8 lots or an area aB�er.* the avera�e Zot frontage exceeds 130 feet or where unusual construction caxa3ftr`,ons will be encountered or where a service connection in such Undergroi�nd �7i��si- bution system will exceed 100 feet, a payment to Contpany will be :eGui�?� �n advance of construction., 5. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, anc� service to snow melting installations tota.ling more than 25 kilowatts may be 1.a3 under such rates as are available to conanercial customers for the respective c�asses of service. 6. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and conrtnercial purpuses �ointly may combine his residentlal and commerciai use on sach rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective clas;,es of service. 7. Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for a duplex (a single building consisting oY tsao apartruents or d�aeliing units) may be taken through one meter under a single billir• prusrided that the bzlling shall be computed as though each apartment or dwellir� ��mt used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently ��wled, except that the mininnzm charge shall be the mimznum charge for a single apart:^enr or dwe72ing unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of roon�s uaeci for the �en�ral functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and aooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a � kntchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. m , � I � 3 ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability` Available to any residential customer in a single private residence for damestic purposes only where 120/240 volt sin�le phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. Rate First � Next Next Next Next Excess 50 50 200 700 1 000 kilowatt-hours per month �� �� „ „ „ ,� „ „ �� �, �� �� „ , „ �� �� „ ,� @ 5.1¢ @ 2.8 @ 2.1 @ 1.65 C 1.45 @ 1.35 per kwh �� „ ,� �� ,� �� .� �� �� �� F'uel Clause Bills subject to the ad,7ustment provided for in F'uel Clause Iiider No. 1. Mcnthly Minimtun Charge $2.00 � Underground Residential Distribution For service from an Un3ergroUnd Residential � Distributlon system in which al� undergre�und facilitzes are instal]Pd, owned artd maintained by Company, a charne of �;2,00 wr7� be added to the mr,rt?t1,Y bill cc:aputed above for a period of not ta erceed 30 �erzrs Pr�7� dat� ox ir�c�allatlon, In lieu of the monthly cnarge, a nonrei'�ndablR ec�nt,r�batir.,n o� 42r�3 ��y �e made at any time. Such contribution for ail; resldet�cA served ���re�zn?c�� sha,ll apply to that residence only and shall relie;re the r_c�n�r3butar and any sxiccessar cus- i,omer at that residence of any obligai,ion to �aay a month3�• c����°ge ch��•-�aiter. Suca monthly chaxge or contribution sl�sll �e �rk a�ditiori t,� any pa;;zaec.ts which may be required under Section 4 of C�:.;pany's �iu3es for F_�pS�catiori ot' i�esiden- tial Service Rates. Rules for Application of A11 Electric Resider�v3G1 Service ;�a{,e 1. The specifications for an Approved S�Tater �ea*i� Insta"?aiion u.n�na� this rate are as follows: a. 2'he water heater sha11 be equ��r;ed ti,���. :a raore tl��n �3ae� he��.�ng elements. Each heating elemea7t shaJ� be ncn�irc£uctivc, f,ri�z?:+7st�F,icaily operated and designed for 240 vo3a�s. b. For a water heater equipped wl�h two fzeat,ing elements; The tank size sha11 be n�t lesa tnan �.0 gr�2�a;7s, #.he rat�ng ot t��t'�!er heating element shall noc exceed 5500 �astts; and, af' the tota� oi �he ratings of the two elements exceeds 55�0 watts, the elements snall be so interlocked tbat they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) AA ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE {Contd) c, For a water heater equipped with one heating element: Tne �ank szze and the rating of the heatzng element for each tank size shall be as follrnrs: Tank Size in Gallons 30 So 80 Heating Element Rating in Watts 3 500 5 500 5 500 d. Electric water heating service will be supplied only 'ander a single applicable rate schedule. e. The installation shall not be used to sugplement any otner system of providing hot water service. L+1 ' f. Company re.erves the right to control �ervice to the �rater h�ating load. 2. The specificatione for an Approved Space Heating Insta7lation under thiti rate are a� follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt unit� irdivicki�ally � rated at 15 amperee or le.s� sha11 be deeigned to operate at 240 vro�t�, ehali be permanently inetalled and shall be the sole eource af s��ace heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than,l0 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by tri? heating eystem control�. c. Company reservea the ,right to control service to the space heating load. 3• Service may be taken under this echedule through one meter for a d�zplex (a single building con�iatino o£ two apartment� or dwelling unite) meei.�n� the above specification� provided that the billing shall be rom�uted ae though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal porLion o; the tc,tai service metered and were independently billed� except that the tninimuta charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwe].line ur.�t. �. Snow melting inetal],ation� or other infrequently used loads tota3in� att�re than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where cu.torncr has an Approved Space Heating In�tallation in which case 25 kw or j0°/p aP ttie spaee h?ating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other �aGe� the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 5. A customer occupying a bu2ldzng or apartment for residential and cni�unercia� purposes ,7ointly mey combine his residential and commercial uee on euch rates as are available to commercial custor,iers for the respective claseee of eervice but not under this rate. AA � MULTIPLE D47ELLING SERVICE kvailability Available to any customer using single phase electric ser�nce fer s multiple dwelling, Rate � Single Apartment r'irst 50 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.5� per kwh Next 150 " " " " G� 2.q5 '� " Next 500 „ „ „ „ @ 2.2 „ „ '�iCCE58 n �r v n @ .1.��j rt n r^uel Clause Bi11s sub�ect to the a3jusi�ent provided for in Fhel Clause Rider No. 1. Monthly Minim�n Charge $2.00 Rules for Application o£ Multiple Dwelling Service Rate 5 1. Service for two or more agartments may he taken throu�Yx c�ne aieter e:nder a cingle billing provided that the bill}n� sh�ll be con;puted as tho�z�h eNCYi apart- � ment or dwelling unit used an eq�ial port�u!� o� t�e tot�,1 se:v-�ce inet-r_r�=_d and were independently billed, except that :i�e mitianz2�� ctsar�F sh��l b� "�i�� .aini�nLUn ch�irge for a single apartment or dwe3:«�7c ��r.3t. Az a��r��e.i�. is 3e�'�n°� to be a room or suite of rooms used for th4 �ener�.4 �'nect�o,is n£ � ki�� :Ge3�oicl and per,,.anently equipped with a sink and cUakicsG �ac:lit,ies, c�ccuX�yaza� ay��ce specifically designed,for them, such a� �. isitch� �s, kitchenesj:z t�� g3�l��an kitchen. � 2. The general service required by the epaa•tmen� build3n�, s�.r_h as sarvzce for hall lighting, garages for private use, ;�a:�n�dry r�a��s, dr,;+3s:� roc�ms, +�oiler room:,, �anitor's supply rooms, reirigerati�n equ�pment, ni�_ ��rr��rs, ��arnace stokers, and air conditioning equipment, ma�; be takesx on ihe ��?�ip3a d�zelling schedule provided the kilowatt-hours in the secor�� s*¢d thi_*r1 blccks oi the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilaw�i*,t-ho�.:rs, respec�,.,_v='�y; ia� each apartment not served on this sar,ie meter. 3. Three phase service, service to mo�a�s �Frger Lhan 7%c,r's���o�aer, �nc� service to snow melting installations totelin� mr�re i,;n�n 2; Yi3_o�ta#,t� �rny be hr;c7 under such rates as are available to conanerc� �.1 cu; waasss f�r �hE *•ec�pecLive c3asses of �ervice, �. A custocaer occupying a buildine or ap�.rtment for residential and ccnanercial psrpo�es ,7ointly msy combzne his residential and commercisl use on suc17 rates as are available to cammercial customers for the respective classes oi service. m a AT]TOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for illumination of areas of privat� property. ltate Designation of Lamps F48 T10/CW Yluorescent 135 Watt Mercury 400 Watt Mercury Monthly Rate per Unit $3.75(1) 3.75 5.50 (1) Available to existing installaCions only. 6 � Service Included in Rate Company shall own, operate and maintain the lighting unit including Che fixture, lamp, ballast, photo-electric con[io1, mvunting Urackets and aZl necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. • Special Term, and Conditions 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit eix an a:sisting� utility owned wood pole upon which Company's 126 or 240 volt �in�e axe attac If necessary, Company will extend its 120 or 240 volt lines ca c=xlst�ng Comp poles for not to exceed two spans provided customer pays the entize cosC tnereot- No additional transformez capacity will he provided hereunder. 2. The lamp shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo-e]ertrie cemtrol furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be fror.r a�pc�x±:sately one-half hour after sunset until one-ha2f hour before sunrise, e+�ery night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted and said illuminaticrn is �iot resumed within seventy-two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, l/30th of the monthly compensation for such unit sha£1 �s deducted for each night of nonillumination after such notice is received. 4. Company reserves the right to discontinue service if equip*.necit xs a�Sused. Term of Agreement Agreement shall be for a term of three years, avd, ii nc,t then terminated by at least 3� days' prior written notice by ezthLr Farty, �ha11 contimie until so terminated. � � � , � GENERAI, SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. Rate �'irst 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.2¢ per kwh � Ne�ct 300 �� r� ,� �� @ 4.2 �� �� Next 500 �� �� �� �� C 3 3 �� " FXC2S5 �r u n n (e� P,% n v All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7¢ " " 1'rimaiy Distribution Voltage Discount A discor.nt �f 5°o wi�l be allowed where cusncmer tiakes servlce at available prunaiy v�ltage. z'uel Clause Bills subject to the adjustmeni; pr�nae�ed Y'or in Fuel G'laase Rider No. l. � Monthly P�inimum Charge �2.00 Determination of Demand `The demand in Yal�wat�s for biz_liaag pa;��7cseN shall be � the greatest 15-minute load during tre mont:a for which bzll �s i•�a3ered, but in no event shall it be conszdered 3esr ihaak 5 kw. For b�?3ing }�ur�oses, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half wi11 �e dropped, 3i one-.ta3'�f ar more will be billed as one-half. � G�►'] � , ALL ELECTRIC ^vENEEtAL SERVICE Availability Avaxlable to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Rate First 400 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.1¢ per kwh Next 600 " " " " @ 2.6 " " NeX,t 1 000 �� �� " �' @ 2.2 �� '� �'XCe55 n n rt n � 1.9 n u All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilawatt of demand @ 1,7¢ n n � �� I'rimary Distr�butlon Voltage Discount A discount o£ 5�O wi11 be a1lo:ae3 where cus- tomer takes serv�.ce at available pr�zaary voltage. �tel Clause Bi11s subject to the ad,7ustment provided for in Fue1 Ciause Rider No. 1. � Month�y Miniunum Charge $2.00 Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purpuses sh«il be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rend�x�ed, but 1n no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing pux•pcises, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-ha1F or ,rore wi11 be billed as one-ha1f. ,Special_ Requ� rements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Irstallatian are as fc�=lokr: 1. Electricity shall he the sole source of space heating in all are3s served through the meter. 2. At least 4G� of the total connected load must be permanently ^.annected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. AA � � , � GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE Pvailab;lity Available to any customer for single or three phase service at 20� volts or higher, uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Apprwed Water Heatiag Installation supplied through a separate meter. �Ate Enerqy ChaxRe: � First 100 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ L 63q per kwh Excess " " " " " " " " @ 1,35 " " �xcess Wattage Charge: An additional charge of $1.50 per 1000 watt� or fractian thereo£ wf1A bz made for connected loads in excess of: a. storage tank installation 350 watts per gallon of tank capaexty. b, swicmning pool installation � 50 watts per square foot of wat�� �ux�ace Area rrf s�ait�ric�;� gear��s. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the $djnetment }�csc�+�;d�ai for i� �v�e1 �baaas�; P.ider No. 1. � Mun�hl�� t4ini�m Chargc $2,00 Det'ermination of Demand Ti�e demand in �ilTSwatis �hgll be the grea[esY PS-c�aaute 1;,��•S during the Month for wfiich bill fs re»c��r�d �c�� in no event s3ra�1� Pt Se considered less than 10 kilowaCts. Tfie u��rnm:��ti �riy+ s� Company's cpCiu:s �e .letermined by periodic tes� or measure�nt,. Ap�re�red Water Heatin� InstaliaCion The spe�.3#ie��Yrrrna for an Appreslr�d t�at�r Heating Tnstallation under this ra[e are z� fvlle*as: 1, The water heater shall be equfpped witR�+ rt,�� Ycseatic�.11sr cr�4r�ted noca- inductive heating elements designed t❑ opesu;� at 2�� ��rits or ti,gtter., 2, ihe water henter sha11 be connected by merxna oF tc �a5p�rprnef eiccuft to Co:npany's water heating meter. 3. The storage capacity of the water heatr_s tskiull be 40 gaiic�ns ar nN�re an3 the connected load shsll be 450D warr.s or more, except that a waeer hes�ter having a stozage capacity of 30 gallons and a single f�eating element rated at 3500 wacts will be permitted. (Continued on following sheet) AA 0 9 J W� io GENERAL WATER HEATING S�RVICE (Contd) 4. Water heating service will be supplied on�y under a single applicable ra� schedule. 5. The installation sha11 not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 6. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. 7. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 8, The above specifications for an Approved Water Heating Znstallation shall apply to neating water for swimming pools sub,7ect to the following modifications a. The storage capacity specification of Section 3 shall be wazved. b. The installation shall not be used to heat water for ather pur�ases. .� � � r � � , LARGE GENERAL SERVICE AvaiLability Available to any customer for general service. ':tn3 of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary Voltage: single or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, (c) Transmission Line Voltage: three phase at 34,500 volts or higher. Se n�ice voltage available in any given csse is dependent upon voltage �nd capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises, Fa[e Demand CharRe for Service at Secondary Voltage: ^ First 100 kilovolt-amperes dr less of demand -$240.00 �er xnoarh Plext 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @$1,70 per kva per month t�EXi 8�� �� �i i� �� (d 1, 55 �� e� ee aa NeXt 9 000 " n �� n � P,45 n a, " n Exce55 " �� " " @ P,34� " "� " '� Bemand Charge for Service at Primary Distribution Val�: The Des^na�sd Charge for Service at Secondary Voit��e less $.15 Fer mon*h pFr �:n�o�=uit- .=mpere of demand, Demand Charge for Service at Trans��_ssioni i�cxe 6'a�tage• i`�a� EN:,mana f:;rearge for Service at Secondary Voltage le�s $.25 per r_santh per 3�ilovo2t-�s�ap��re of demand. ' Plus an EnerRy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours Next 30 000 " " Next 50 000 " " Next 400 000 " " Next 500 000 " " Next 9 000 000 " " Excess " " per month � �� �� � �� �� � u u � u n � n n � n n � g.65C y�.3y'� t�Yl 097 .9l .7� .�a per Y�ix n ,e Y! Y{ n rw e� �i �i �a �r tx Pua1 Ciause Bi11s subject to the adjustment provtded for in FupP CFau�e Rider No. 1, Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will 6e sddeci to net bi7.1 which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bz11 far payment within th� discoisnt periad, (Continued on follrnaing sheet) ii Fil ,! • . LARGE GEI�AL SF�VICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purpcces shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kllowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less �han 5P� of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding elev�n montr� nor in any event less than 100 kva. Nax.imum Demer.d The maxiraum demand in kilowatts shall be the grentest �S-minute loryd during the month for wh3ch bill is rendered. P.verage Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the cauotient oatained by dividing the kilowatt-hqurs used during the month by the square root of the sum of the s�uares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lag��ing reactive kilovolt-ampex•e-hours supplied d�zring the same perioct. Any leadino kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be con�idere3 in determining the average power factor. PQinimum Demand to be Billed T;e monthly minimum billing demand shali n�t he �iess than provided above, whether or not energy is used. Standby and Supplementary Serviee 12 � � Availability Available'ai 12,400 volts or higher to any large covmmercial or industriel customer who nox-mally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Gomp2ny's service may be substituted wholly or in gart, !'ustomer shall cor_�ract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for stand.by to customer's o�her source of powor. Company s.�all nat be obl3bsted to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rete The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General Service rate schedule for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage except that the paragraph "Determination of Deruand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt-amperes Yor billing purposes shall be determined by divid3ng i,he maxiimun demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the a�reed standby demand plus 5�0 of the greatest excess demand in kva over surh standby demand Hilled during the precedin� eleven months nor in any event less than 2500 kva." (Continued on following sheet} AA L� .p + ' LP.RGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) parallel Operation Interconnection and parallel operation of Cl�stomer's inde- ^Fendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system} will be permitted by Company under the following condittons: I. The interconnection between tha system� must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Compaqy's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Con�pany's service to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved by Coffipany to enable Customer to operate its generating eqaipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor s3nd the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's systen are o�serated �ill vary, eac�i psrty a�rees to operate its system at suct: �;ower �'�ctar an3 *roltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in :�uc:x ��n�er as t,u xbsur� its sh�re of the reactive power. , 3. Company reserves the ri�ht io dYscars,e�t seruice ig t�e even�, sec�rice tv Customer results in trovY�le on Cca�pa.ny's aysrt,effi such ss inverru�h,r,_r��s, �rounds, radio or telephane inte�ierence, surges or oL�jectiona�u�e vti�+.Ctage £luctuations, where snch trouble is caused by negligenee oi Ciisto�7er if, after giving notice in writing te Custome� of such trr_�ui+le, �:sto�er &ails to remedy the cause,s thereof within a reasonable time. � � �+. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the f�c��a of'g��wer and energy from Company to G`ustomer only. fte��erse flow ii any will �e ��ored unless the amount is substantial in wh�.ch eve�t it wili. c>e a mat�e�° '�c�r negotiation and further Q,.greement betw�en the parties. 13 m 14 LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE � Availability Available to any cistomer who hae in regular use an Approved Space HeatLng Installstion. Kind of Service Alternating current at the followin� nominal voltages: �a) Sexv- ice at Secondary Distribution Voltage; rhree wire single phase a�-,i three or touz wire three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Service at Pri�ary lliat;ib- ution Voltage: ehree phase at 2G00 volts or higher. Service volta�e av�flable in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of exisCing Co,npax�y lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate First 10 000 kilowatt-hours or less -$280.60 per month t�ext 1Q 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.70s per kwh Next 8O 000 " " " " @ 1.SO " " Excess " " " ^ @ 1.40 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatC-hours per month per kilowatt of demand: � F'ixst 600 000 kilowatt-hours @ 1.15C per kwh Excess " " @ ,75 " " ?ria�ry Distribution VoltaQe Discount A discounC of 5.10 per month pez k'.low�ttt of demand will be allowed where customer takes service at available priinaxy voitage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. 1, Pxompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill whicl� charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount perfod. Determination of DeMand The demand in kilowatts for b�lling purposes shall be the gsestest 15-minute load (subject to Power Factor Ad�ustment) during the mon[h for which bill is rendered, buC in no event shall the dera2n3 fa; billing purgoses be considered as less than 50{ of the greatest demand used for billing purpases during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 100 kw, (Continued on following sheet) m , .1 . L�.l � I � i i t i _ �..� 15 I.ARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (Con[d) Fower :actor Adjustment The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner tha[ the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possihle, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the greatest 15-minute Load shall be adjusted 6y taultiplying zt by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average powet factor espressed in petcent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing rhe kilowatt-hours used during the month 6y the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive ka.lavalt-ampere- neiirs supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-amoere-hour;; sup- plie3 during the period wi11 not be considered in determining the average power tactor, S�leclal RequiremenCs The specifications for an Apprwed Space Heating Installation are as fclZows: 1. Electricity shall 6e the sole souxce o£ space heating in ai! �rea�s served through the meter. � 2• At least 40% of the total cannected load me�sC b� gaer�ana�a.i�* cor.nec�ed space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the ap�ce heatia� load. �J AA I.ARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any co�mnercial or industrial customer fox combined lig�ting and power purposes. Kind of Service 1. A1Cernating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary Voltage: single phase or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 24Q0 volts or higher, Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Compai2y lines in vicinity of customer's premises. 2, Direct current, only where and to the extent now used, aC a nominal voltage of 120/240 alone or in combination with secondary volta�e alternating curren[. � R1*_e Demand Charge f.or Service at Secondaty Voltage: � First 10 kilowatts of demand @$3.95 pei kw per mankh NeXt �+0 �� " �� Ca 3.00 '� �� �� �� NeAt $0 " �� " � 2.%0 �� �� '� "� NeXt ZOC) n u u (d 2.25 n u eo Rv Excess " " " @ 2.00 '" " " " Demsnd CharQe for Service at Primary Distribution Volta�e: TtEe De�nd Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less 5.15 per mo�[1r �xer ic�!?c�,.�tt of demand. � Plus an Fnergy Charge of: F'irst 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month Next 3 000 " " " " Next 15 000 " " " " Next 30 OOD " " " " Next 50 000 " " " " Excess " �� " " Plus a Direct Current Additional CharRe of for a21 direct current kilowatt-aours. @ 3.60� per kw2n @ 2.60 " " @ 1.65 n n @ 1.G0 �� �� @ 1.20 " " @ 1.10 " " 0,60G per kilowatt•-hr�u: Fuel Clause Bi1Zs subject to the adjustment provided for in Fue2 Clause Rider No. 1. Prompt Payment Provision A chasge of 5% will be added to net biZ1 wlxicla chaxge shall constztute a discount from gross bill for payment within the dLscoivi� period. (Cantinued un iollowing sheet) "-.6+.�W 16 � , � LJ i -' • � 17 LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE (Contd� be+ermination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes sha11 be the greates� 15-minute coincident load (subaect to nower factor ad,7ustmentj during the month for which Ui11 is rendered, but in no event sha11 the demand �u be billed be considered as less than 50'�o of the greatest demand billed daring the preceding eleven months, nor less than 3 kw for Service at Secondary Voltage and 25 kw for Serv�.ce at Pr u¢ary Distribution Voltage. Niimmum pemand to be Bi11ed The monthly demand charge sha11 not be less than provided above, whether or not ener�,y is used. FcG�er Factor The customer shall at all times take a�i3 use power in such manner tbat the average power factor shaLl be as near 100�o as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80"�o, then the demand as determined abave shall be ad,7usted by multiplying it by 80% and div�.ding zhe product thus obta�ned by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be Ghe quotzent ebtaizYed by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by th� square root of the SLiTR rx the sauares of the kilowatt-hours used and t,}a� lag�irg x•e�.ctive .ciiov�lt-am�ere- � huurs supplied during the same period. �1ny leading kiS�vo±t-�y,�,�r�c-i.u�::�� sunolied during the periad will not b� co�s�det�ed in .��trrn�u�sn�; t�» av�r.age power factor. Where customer's demand is Iess t.lz�;� �k:� kw i�e avera,,e oo1���r �"actc,r i�uJ at ;,he Company's option be determine3 by �,�ri��xc t�st �a r.��:�sus°�JSe.bt. Standby, Supplementary, ��x°��ca.cy and IacYde_:;,at S<:x�ce (Alterna�.ing 4;-u.�^ent DnP}T� Pvailability Available for service ia cus��r�e*�s who r_�rn��l�;� �n��nni,{ +:t�e�- requtrements either directly or in�rect3_y �r�in anciher ia1,d;�endes�t �atrrr.e of power for which the Company`s servicr ��-g= �e su�+s;�.iured .w',a�;=t�� ar a�, part. Customer shall contract for capac�#;r ;;�equate �a s��._-�is� ;s�e �rtzre electrical requirements for whiclz such 4�ru�-ce may oe �4sec a.:cE ��:,�s,��s�3r sha1L not be obligated to supply cag,acit.,;r �� � a�ceUs a;' w.ae ��n�r_�t, c�.sn- tracted for by customer. �ate The billing sha11 be in acco.rdanee S�z':,i� the Lwa�E< l;o�rsnwr•ci_al Sr�ru�ce rate schedule, except that the paragr:3p:� "ilet,er,ninaty�;a: �i �ieru�.ni1'" �'rixl�i b2 modified to read as follows: "The ueLand ?_n kito;,ratts sh��7_ c,-r the greatest 15-minute load during the montn io� ro.hzch iaill is rer�d_ex�ec�, buf, in no month shall the demand to be billed be ca�sed on less than ci�� �;reatest demand previously supplied nor on less than the deman3 cont,racLed fnr. 7n addition� for neor customers taking service suUsequent to Januzrp 1� 1905, the � denand to be billed shall in no event be considered as less than 1G0 lica." G!�l • � „ '. ' FIRM AHD INTERRUPTISLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Pv�i2ability Available to any customer taking his entire electrical requ;ra- rnents from Company at 12,400 volts or higher who agrees that Comeany's servi�ce to the equipv�ent listed in Schedule A attached to tha contract rnay be inter- rupted by Company at any time and for such periods as Comgany, in its sole �3iecretion, considers the supply of such service detrimental tn its operatfa:�s m� a public utility. Itate Demand CharAe for Firm Service: Firs[ 1t�0 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - Next 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @$1,55 Next 800 " " " " @ 1.40 Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1,30 Excess " " " " @ 1.15 $225.0{� � er �onth per kz�a per month �� �� �� �� n rr n u 11 I1 11 IP ➢emand Charge for Interruptible Service; First 10 000 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand -$3 4d0.OQ pet manth Excess kilovolt-amperes of demand @$,34 per kva per month Plus an Energ�� Char�e of: Pixst ?.0 000 kilowatt-houYS per month Next 30 Q00 " " " " . Next 50 000 " " " " Next 400 000 , " " " " Next 5a0 000 " " " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " Excess " " " " @ @ � @ @ @ @ 1,65q 1.36 1.11 .97 ,91 .76 ,7� per itkrh �, ,� n n n r� �� „ �� �� u n Euel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Ride[ No. 1. ' °r- atrtPt Paya�nt Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill 4�hich char�e shall constitute a discount from gross bill for paymenC within the disc�unt period. Determin�tion of Demand The Firm Service and Interruptible Service de�ands in lcilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maxicaum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power fa�'tor and sh111 be rounded to the neares[ whole kva, but in no month shali the aer�nd to be billed Ue considered aa less than 50! of the greatest deuand in kvs hilled during the pieceding eiever. ��nths nor in any event less than 1�0 kva for Firm Service and 10,000 kva for InteYruptible Service. (Continued on following sheet) �. � � m � , „ , � FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) L _J � 19 Maxir,ium Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bi11 is rendered, �1�reraRe Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtalned by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square soot of the sum of the squares of the kilowa[t-hours used and the lagging seactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilavolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period wi11 not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average power factor shali be determined for each of the Services. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minicaum billing demand for each of the Services sha11 not be less than provided above, rahether or not energy is use3. G!:1 OVERHEAD STREET LIGHTING SERVICE zo � Availability A�ailable for year-round illuminatian of public streets, parkways, and highways by electric lamps in luminaires supported on wood poles, whase the facilities fo: this service are furnished by Company. Rate pesignation of Lamps 1 500 Lumen - Incandescent 2 500 " " 4 000 " " i75 Watt - Mercury 250 " " 400 " " 700 " " 1 000 " " 400 Watt - High Pressure Sodium F48EH0 - Fluorescent F48EH0 " F72H0 " � F72A0 ° F72EH0 " (1) Available to existing installations only, Number of Lamps per Luminaire 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 Mor.thly Rate er Lu�mnaire ��� _�_ $ 2.Q5(1) 2.3�(1) 2,75{1) $ 3.5'S 4.4t3 B.�St� � .1 E3 .�,Od9. , $ i�eFS $ "�.���1) 5.3G�1) 5�94�d1) &.s�(�) �+�.�s�3(i) Service Included in Rate Company shall own, operate, and maintain tt�� �w�rhe�d Street Lighting system using Company's standard street lighting eEl�nap:^ent, Daily Operating Schedule The daily opera[ing schedule of the above ta�fls shall be from approximately one-half hour after sunset unCil one-half I�orsr &�€�rr sunrise. Outay,es If illumination from any lamp is interrupted and said aTlvminatira�a �s not tesumed within 24 hours from the time Company receives notice thereo* from Customer, 1/30 of the monthly rate for such lamp shall be dedrlct�d ior each night of nonillumination after such natice is received. � AA � � � 0 ORNA2�NTAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (CUSTOMER Ch7NED �QUIPMENf) 21 Availahility Available for pear-round illumination of public streets, parkways, and highways by electric lamps mounted on staadards where Customer owns an Ornamental Street Lighting system complete with sCandards, luminaires with g3ebes, lamps and other appurtenances, together with all necessary ca6les extendiag between standards and to pain[s of connec[ion to Company's facilities ns designated by Company. �ate Group A DesiQnation of Lamps 1 500 Lumen - Incandescent 2 500 " " 4 00� " " � ooa " �� 6 000 " '� b D00 " " 10 000 " " 10 000 " " 15 000 " " 15 000 " " 100 Watt - Mercury 100 " " 175 " " / i�s �� ,� Zso �� " 250 " " 4D0 " " 400 " " 700 " " 700 " " 1 000 " " 1 000 " " 400 Watt-High Pressure Sodium F48EH0 - Fluorescent F48EH0 - " F'48F.xo - " �72H0 - " F72H0 - " Number of Lamps per Luminaire 1 � i, t � � i � � 1 i T i i I 1 � i 1 i k 1 Dail;� Operating Schedule P.N 1�,v nN r� � I�IIiT AN � e�.N � � Mfi' At3 � �� P'�I AN D5[V � MII At3 � i AN 3 Aii 2 AN 2 ML�II 1 eW 2 AN (Continued on following sheet) Monthly Aate per Luninaire $ 1,90(Z) z.00fz) 2,30{1) 2,U5(1) z.so��f 2.45(1) 3.90(2) 3.40(1) 5.1�(1) 4.35(1) i I.75 1.50 2.25 z.00 2.75 2.25 3.50 3.00 5.25 4.50 7.25 6,25 s.aa 2.�J0{1) 2.75(1) 2.25(1) 1.i5(1) 2.25 AA :` ORN�M�NTAL STRE..�T LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) (cusTOi�x owiv�.n �,e,uip.�,n�) Group A (Contd ) Ntunber of Daily Lanps per Operating Designation of Lamps Luminaire Schedula F%2H0 - F72xo - F%2H0 - F72�xo - �72Exo - "r'72EH0 - �72�0 - F%2EH0 - Fluorescent ,� �� �� �� „ �� „ 4 # # 1 � 2 � 4 (1) Available to existing installations only. AN 2AN-2MP1 hIIV AN nni MN AN 2AN-2MN z2 Ment:i Rate pa Lwninaire $ 3•5� 3•25 3.00(, 2,?�r 3• . e. �„ 6.;�0 5•5� Where more than one of the above luminaa.res is mounte3 on a single stanflard, the monthly rate for each lt;minaire in excess of one shall be reducec� ty 25¢ {except as mod�fied in Service Incl�ided in Rate - Groun A garagragh�. Group B(For installations consisting of standards mhich do not re��uir� painting and globes which are unbreakable) 175 Watt - Mercttry 250 ,� �� 400 " " 1 AN � 1.7i 1• 1�N 2. � 5 1 AN 3. �-' � Service Included In Rate Grou A Campany shall f�rnish all electric energy necessary to oper��e Cu:t,4;s�rY•"a t)rna- mental Street Lighting system, shall make a11 lamp and glot�r ren�.wai�, cleen the globes, light and extingtush a11 lamps, paint the metal por+aone ��i �.ee st°nd�rc' � and itsnish a11 the materials�and labor necessary therefor. At Customer's option Company sha11 make all ballast renewals zn a_e�a a� �a�. the standards, in which case the 2j¢ per luminaire reduction £or !nc�re trAan ux.� ].uminaire per standard, as provided for under the above Rate, sFzal=i z:�^i appiy. Gro_ up B Compar�y shall furnash all electric energy necessary to operate Cus��m;r°„ Orna- mental Street Lighting system, sha11 make a11 lamp renewals, cler�a td�z �3o�+es, light and extinguish a11 Lamns and furrush all the materials ar4d 1•acu� neeessary therefor. Dail Ooeratin Schedule The daily operatir.g schedule of the ao�ve 1�;,_�s ray: the A11-night AT; schedule sha11 be frcm approximately one-hali i.our �.fter sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, and on the biidnight (C�lld) .,che3ule sha7.1 be from approximately one-half hour aiter sunset until midnight (C�,ntral Standard Time.) Outa�es If illtimination from any lamp is inter-rupted and said illuminatian is � not resumed w�thin 2�+ hours z"rom the time Company receives notice thereof from Customer, 1�30 of the monthly rate for such lamp shall '6e deducted £or each night of non-�1luminat�on after sueh notice is recieved. , r.�;� � � � CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL STP.EET LIGHTI2SG SERVICE 23 AvaiLability Available for year-round illumination of public streets by electric lemps in luminaires mounted on standards and served through underground circuits, wtiere the facilities for this service are furnished by Company. Street lighting service under this schedule is limited to residential areas having a Company o•aned underground electric distribution sys[em. Rate Designatioa of Lamps 175 Watt - Mercury 250 " " Nunthly Rate per Standard $ 5.05 6.0�' Service Included in Rate Cempany shall own, o��erate, ar.d maintai❑ the Custom Residential Street Lighting system using C�ampany's s[an�ard street ligi�ting equipment, which includes one lamp per sL'andaic�. Dai� Operating Schedule The daily operatin� sr_he�ule o� t4�e �t�ove =amps shall be from approximately one-half hour aEter sunset until_ oue-ha�E hc�ec: t�efore s*�nrise. Outages If illumination frasn any lamp is interrugp_ez� and sabcA i1l�min�tson is not resumed within 24 hours from the time C�mna�cv rPCeives nc�t'sr_e �h�ieof from Customer, 1/30 of the monthly rate for such ia,�� s;�all �Se dedxacte;.°, for each niglit of nonillumination after such notice is recezved, AA TRAFFIC SZGNAL SERVICE Avazlahili[y Avai1a61e to municipal, state, and fedetal governments, their agencies and subdivisions, (to exclusion of other rates) for operation of traffic signals, and direction and warning lights along streets and highwaps, for traffic regulation and guidance as distinguished from street lighCing and general illumination, Rate Demand CharRe � First S kilowatts or less - No charge Excess kilowatts at $3.20 per kw per month Energy Charge 3.6F per kilowatt-hour Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rlder No. 1. Monthly Minimum Charge $1.50 Betennination of ➢emand The dem�nd in kilowa[ts for 6i11ing purposes sFiai�! �Se the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which b±lls is rer.�'crad, Far billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to the nearest 0.1 '•cw. The demand may be determined by test. Speci�l Terms and Condations The customer shall supply th� service wire, rurn ir. conuuit up the nexrest pole or to some other point designated by the Cocnpan}� near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cnbinets must be supplied by the customer. 24 � PA � � C i � A��a�lability c;^r_er works. equipment. 25 MUNICIPAL WATER PUt�IPING SERVICE Available for the operation of pumping plants of municipally owned Lighting and heating limited to incidental use in operating power (Rate schedule applied separately to each delivery point) Rate First 2 000 kilawatt-hours per month @ 2.24C per kwh Next 2 000 " " " " @ 1.75 " " EXC0S5 n n a rt �d 1.Z3 1° ft Fuel rlause Bills subject to the ad�ustment provided for in Fue1 Clause Rider No. 1. PientlxlY Minimum Charge First 1 HP or less of convected laad -$3,OQ Excess HP of eonnected le�ad � $,2S }>er 8r Pcrwer Factor Customer shall at all times tLke an�i use power in snch ir.ar,ner that � the power factor shall 6e as near ZQG°� �s }�ossibLr, `�ut �,rh��,� the ��We�-ag= �ower factur is lees than 80%, custamer agza�es tz� znstali �he nece�s,�r� ccrrec�ive equipment to raise such power far_tox €�a �t i�a;e i+`7'�. '�Rxe a���raga pcs�rer factor is �efined to be the quotient ob[aine� iz_,� diiy�ESZg t_i3e ki��c;.aasz-hour� us�r1 during the month by the �quarz root c�E v�e scim oi ��e sq��*_es of ��� 1��.:�eratt- heurs used and the lagging reactiue kil.�i{aI[_at�ere-hae�rs san�IiPd c�zs:is�g r_he same period. Any leading kilovolt-anFere-haaess su��l��d during �`tue �,ra:nod will �io*. be considered in determining the dverage �vc.:er iactarb � Stiandby and Svpplementary Service Avai2a�€r�e fGr �,�rvice z.o Ru�i€��; �iarts of suciicxpally owned water works when an is�ercon�a�teei wate; s�ste�a a� s��e� war_er works includes a pumping plant us:�g a sazarce of power at�sez t:��n. el�ctricity supplied by Company. Rare The billing for each pumping pia�e sertied �y Com�a�x�= sEraiT k�e xn accordance with the above except that zf the treaL �net pay-m�nt� dr�ring aay contract year following tF,e installatic��i a� a sevrcg of gc���er ctF<er tEian n_lectricity supnlied by Compary amourt La Iess tha;� �15,Gf7 �er S�ors?p��wes oi connected load of all pumping plantG served �y i;tr.z�an� at ti�c L�e�assnii�� of such contract year, the difference be�tween szi�.f �$iS,QtD �.e: hr,rs�posr_r and sai3 total net payments shall be inc3uded in the biit fur the last m<�E:�h ot such year and Customer shall pay samz as a charge �cr service rend�recl. AA MUNICIPAL SEWAGE Pi1MPING SERVICE ailabilitv Available to municipal sewage systems for operation of nurnping cnd sewage tseatmeat plants when all pumping and other power requirements aC a11 plants are supplied hereunder. (Rate schedule applie3 separately to each delivery point) Rate First 1 500 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.82� per kwh Next 1 S00 n n u n �d j.i6C u u Excess '� " �� " @ 1.23C �� �� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fue1 Clause Rider No. 1. MonCi�ly N,inimum Charge First 1 HP or less of connected load -$1.04 Excess HP of connected load @$.50 ger EP 26 u Power Pactor Customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that � the �awer factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average pesaer factor is less than 80%, cust aner agrees to install the necessary cori.:ctive equipment to raise such power factor to at least 80%. 1he aaeragF pov:er factcr is defined to be tYie quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hour; used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of tne l�iioc.att- houxs used and the ligging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during t?-�e sa�ne period. Any lzading kilovolt-ampere-hours suppLied during the neriod s�t11 not be considered in determining the average power factor. :�A � � ?7 FIRE SIREN SEftVICE Aaaflability Available for power service for the operation of municipal flre sirens havirtg a rated capacity not in excess of 10 horsepower, Rnte 20C per month per horsepower of connected capacity IIi�count None N,inimum Bill $1.00 net per month Cennection Under the above rate the Company will maKe no extension £or service otlier than a normal service span. Where can�itions are such that a lon� service connection or extra transformer capacity, �r both, are necessary, tlae customer �hall pay for the cost o£ the extra equip�nt, � The circuit serving the fire sia•en must dae nr� ^o:nduit from t:xr entx�ixr_e ro the raotor with an enclosed entrance swiYCtx hax, �aYeich �g he sealeti� �tad apr�e�[ed � fram an external appliance, Q�ttonal In case the customer aZready has a seruic� ca�nec�;ion oi suttfr,ient capacity to permit operation of the fire siren wSttaaut un�viy �isturb4ng con- ditions on the Cocapany's neaz6y circuiCS, the firp sfiren r<ay �� c�tizn�ct�d at the option of the customer on the fload side of the customer's e;cistira� meter and the commerciai rate applied to the total �oad. � m FARM SERVICE Availability Available to any farm customex for all electric lighting, power, and heating purposes. Rate First 100 kilowatt-hours per month Ca 6.6C per kwh NeXt 100 �' . �� " '� �d 3.Q ^ �� Next 300 '� " " " �d 2,5 " " NeXt S0� n n n n �d 2.3 u n Ne7ct I 000 '� �r �� 'r @ 2.0 �� '� Excess " " " " @ 1.8 " " Fuel Clause Sills sub�ect to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No, 1. I4onthly Ninimum Char�e $2.00 for 10 kva or less of required transforner capacity plus $.50 for each icva in excess of 10 kva, za � Special Rules 1. Motors and other equipment which interfere with service to nei��a�soci�,g � customers and all transformer type welding m3chines larger than 25 ki?nkoit- amperes will not be permitted on the Farm Service rate. 2, Only single phase sarvice at 120/240 volts, rendered thrae�gh or,e ereter, �s available under this rate, If three phase service or primary �rolt.a�e service is supplied it shall be under rates available for such sezvie�, 3, Where two or more farm customers are served from the same transiarr<��r, rhe minimum charge For each customer will be based on the transform�s capacity required adequately to serve him, without regard tu the transformer ca�acYty artually installed or the minicmim charges of other customers served frQ� the same transformer. The Comnany reserves the right eo instali load lfr.iYting devices for the protection of its transformers and equipment and for tEte determination of the appropriate transformer size, G. Temporary enlargement of transformer capacity for such purposes z+� crrrn drying and hay drying shall be treated as Temporary Service. m � � ALL ELECTRIC FARM SERVICE Avail��b�lity Available to any farm customer for electric lighting, power, and heaCicig purpases where 120/240 volt single phase electric service is used Yt�rcu3F� one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water :Ieating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. F3Te First 100 kilowatt-hours per month @ 6,6C per kwh NCr.t 1S0 n n n n @ 2.$ u n iVs�xt %$� n u n u �d 2.0 u n N?r.t 2 OOO �� �� �� �� @ 1.7 t� �� k.xCess " " " " @ 1.6 " " FuA1. Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause �Ri3er No. 1. t�on:btv Pfinimum Charge $2.OQ for 10 kva or less c+f requited trans:atrr�r ca�a�city pius $,50 for each kva in excess of 10 kva. Ru�e, Eor Application of All Electric Farm Secviee �:aL•e , 1. I'he speclfications for an Apyruved Water Heati.r�g�Z�st�Il�,ian undrx t7-as cate are as follows: . a, The water heater sha11 be equipped with n�s c�r� thar, two Y;a�tiaxe elements. Each heatang element shall be nortin�csesave, ti':er�:�casEatgs�i!&y operated and designed for 240 volts. b. For a water heater equipped with two heati�,g �lements: The tank size shall be not less than 40 gallans; �he rac�r�g af eit�:er heating element shall not exceed 5500 watts; and, if tCae ta�al af tka ratings of the two elements exceeds S�DO watts, t?re eleme�[s sfia7_% t�e so interlocked that they cannot operate simulta�e�usly. r_, For a water heater equipped with one heatfag ��£emen�� The tan:c size and the rating of the heating eLer�erzt for eaciu :a��c size shall be as follows: Tank Size Heat#ng Elem.enC in Gallons R�txn it� WatCs 30 3 SOt3 50 5 SOQ 80 S 500 , d. Electric water heatia� service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. (Con[inued on followin� sheet) 29 AA 30 ALL EI;nCTRIC FARM SERVICE (Contd) e. The installation shall not be used to supplement e�y other syster o` � providing hot water service. f. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 2. The specificatlons for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows. a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 �Peres or less) shall be designed to onerate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control service to the spsce heating 1oad, 3. Transformer type y�elding machines larger than 25 kilovolt-a�nperes will not be permitted on this rate. , �. Where two or more fann customers are served from the same transformer, the minimum charge for each customer will be based on the t:ansformer capacity required adequately to serve him, without regard to the transYox?nei� capdc�ty � actuall installed cr the minimum charges of other customers scrved fram tY,� same trans£ormer. The Company reserves the raght to install load limiting devices for the protection of its transformers and equlpment and ior the de- termination of the appropriate transformer saze. 5 Temporary enl�rgement of transformer capacity for such pux•�reses as cori; drying and hay drying shall be treated as Temporary Servzce. 6. If three phase service or primary valtage service is supplied 3t shall �e under rates available for such service. m � 31 � CANTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) A,vailahility Available to any Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied *hcou£n a sepatate metez and served hereunder nn November 1, 196 L No new ��sCer heating installation made after November 1, 1961 wi1l be served under ehis rate. Rate �,n�rgy Charge: Y 1.54fi per kilowatt-hour Excess Wattage Charge: f)n� Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 2i� c.�acts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of lOC per u�oath per whole 100 watts will be macie Er�r such excess capaczty. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bnttam elemcnt �xceer.?s ?i� ;aatts per gallon of tank capacity or the top elemerxt ��xeeeds 45:i(l caa�ta, a� � additional charge of 16� per month �er �,�h��l� 104,� watts =aY?� be �z�de 'ar the greater of such excess capacities. iuel Glause Bills subject to the adjustv�ent pxac�anec� f�+r in �ueZ CEa�ese ;tider No. 1. k:onthZ� Nunimum Charge $2.00 'i�fa�e Control An electrical control device tri11 he �esz�isheci �y Caespa�y �fi����a wiil conCZOl the service so that no ener�� will ��� �up�lied riu�=ng th� �s�f�ow- ing periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p m. trs �:0� p.se, ar szcc�� fl��e,s �ai1y oeriod or periods as the Gompany may elect frovrc Ei_� t� tiere b�:t xiat �n exceed a total of five hours daily. proved Controlled Water I1ear_ing Installatson T.ep ;pec�ficx�icsn� rflr �a€e ipproved controlled water heating installation ur,+�er t'r,fs tate �re as zaL�rr�as; I. The water heater shall be of the stara�e typ�, equ�pped wz.th os.e ar fi:r�ra Lhermustatically operated noninductive iaea[ing �Pements �leaig�Ed foz- 2G�U v3its (2Q8 volts in sou�e co�ercial areas), 2. If the water heater is of the two-element type it sha11 have t�ne eiement near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the drstance from t13e top of the tank and so connected or inCerlocked that they cannot operate � simultaneously. {Continue3 on following sheet) AA � 32 CONTROLLED WATER :iE�TrNG SERVIC� (Closed) (Contd) � 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder aftet January 1, 1959 sha11 be 80 gallons or more. 4. The water heater, whether one-element or two-element, shali he cor.nected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element uf a twc- element water heater may be permanently connected to either Ca;npany's con- [rolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or Ge.nµral Service meter, 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more Lanks p�^mrided �het the installation meets the specifications for a single Cenl: and that a11 are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation sha11 not be used to supply hot water far ��ace h�_a[ing purposes. � AA � . •� v � 33 MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SERVICE Avsi.l.;bility Available ta the City of St Paul for the operation cf its munic�pal wsZer pumping and associated equipment installed or to be installed at its Mississippi River Station located at 41st Ave, and Pfarshall St. N,E, in Fridley, I�ian, for water pumping and water treatment purposes. fiind of Service Alternating current, 3-phase, 3-wire, 60 cycle at 13,&OtJ volts at Ci�_y's Mississippi River Station in Fridley. Customer shall advise Company of ttn� proposed changes in its facilities utilizing municipal water pumping service end, if acceptable to Company, the List of Delivery Points will be zevised acr_e�rlingly. For capacity co�mmi[ments in excess of 500 KVA at any one location �;ustomex shs11 take service at such distribution voltage as Company has the required capactty available in the vicinity of Custo�vex's pre�ises. (Rate schedule applled aeparately to each delivery paint) Fate (Effect3ve outside the corporate limit� a£ St Faul) , First 2 000 kilowatt-hours pex mcini� �� 2.2Z� �{�r k�rh ?';�xt 2 U00 �� �� n w � 3..L`a� �x vr AIexL 96 000 �� �� �� " {� i,II$ "° " N°2:ct 200 000 �� �' +' 'u � �� rF rc D�ext 200 �00 , " " �e a� 4v �� us �n Exr.ess " " " Pf C� .88 `" `" �J Fuel Clause Si11s subject to the ad�ustuteaa� nrcuided For im �tae� ��tt�xse �ider No. 1. pr�*ver F'actor If the average monthly pawer faetor caf aaa� plan[ or statson is Iess than 95% lagging, the kilowatt-hour� of �?�at pa=ticular st.�[ion «,ibE be determined by multiplying the kilowax�-hours actualAy s�.ppPir� `uv 9�;;, and dividing the product thus obtained by the average pa:ser factor ea:gresse� irn percent. The average power factoz is def-��e� tu ae r_he quttient ��*_a�red Dy dividing the kilowatt-hours used durire� t}�e ar�ent:� b� the �qus�°ar r�cat cf the ,um of the squares of the kiloc;att-t���:rw �ss�d az� [he !aggi�� reacti�r� kzlcvolt-ampere-hours supplied duzing t�e s�rte �.ezi��, An� le�cSY�;g',�1**a�a't_ nmgexe-hours supplied will not be considered ±n det�x:a�.razn� the .�ve�.a�e �soeaer tECkOY. (Continued on follawing �heetj G31 0 4 s v 34 MUNICIPAL WATER PIIMPTNG SERVICE (Contd) � The average power factor may at the Company�s option be determined by test or meas�lrement. Annual Ptinimum Charge If the total net payments (aggregate for all plants) during any contrect year, in accordance with the rate schedule shown abave, amount to less thar a minimum charoe of $12,00 per year per kilovolt-ampere eF tetal capacity cocmnitment, the difference between such minimum charge and said total net payments shall be included in the bill for the last month of said ye:z, and G�stomer agrees to pay same as a charge for service rendered. P�vment of Bills A11 6i11s are payahle at Company's office on or bef-ore the tF.irtieth day succeeding the date bill is rendered, Contract DaCe Septem6er 30, 1966 Effective Date October 1, 1966 Term an3 Provision for Cancellation or Renewal Contract shall be in force fur 2 neriod of 5 years commencing an October 1, 1966 and sha11 contiz�.�e ir, force thereafter for periods of 5 years unless terminated by written netice c�f can- ce4lation given by eiCher party to the other not less than 30 days prior co the expiration of any of said 5 year periods. Company agrees to give Cuscom�r written notice of each expiration date at Least 6 months prioz thereto, Remarks See contract for additional information and details and for Terms an3 Conditions not covered in this summary. M � � � L� ; � x, � � � FIIEL CLAUSE RIDER N0. i The ndjustment to be added or deducted under the Fuel Clause shnll he A,012� per kilowatt-hour for each whale cent by which the cost of fuel is more or less, reapectively, than 31fi per m£IZion Btu. The cost of fvel shall be the average cost of fuei used during the preeeding �valve cmnths as recorded in FPC Accounts 501 �and S�r7, ' � � i / 1 as AA 221 Subd. 2. Any credit balance in said account shall be credited monthly with interest computed at the current prime interest rate. � Subd. 3. All or part of any debit or credit balance in said account may be amortized over not more than two years to balance earnings and to minimize fluctuations and stabilize rates in the Metro Area. By agree- ment of the Executive Comm�ttee and Company all or part of any debit or credit balance in said account may be amortized over more than two years to balance earnings and to minimize fluctuations and stabilize rates in the Metro Area. Subd. 4. Any credit balance in the Stabili2ation Reserve Account shall not be used to benefit customers located in Municipalities where rates lower than the Metro Area Rates were charged in the period during which such credit accrued. Subd. S. Any balance in said account at termination of the rate- making process in the Metro Area provided for in this franchise shall be promptly refunded or other�vise recognized far customers' bencfits. Section 16. RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION ANll AMORTIZATION OF UTILITY PLATN. Subdivision 1. The Company's books of account shall contain an account designated as "Reserve for Depreczation and Amortization of Utility Plant", or similar caption, which shall show accumulated charges to operating expenses on account of depreciation ad�usted for salvage and retirements in accordance tivith Subd. 2 of this section. The annual charges to operating expenses for depreciation of depreciable property used and.useful in rendering electric service in the Metro nrea shall be � an amou�n designed to recover ratably the original cost of such depreciable property over the estimated average service life of each group of property. _ Annual depreciarion rates shall be revised periodically so as to reflect all factors bearing on the recovery of the original cost of such depre- ciable property over its estimated average service life. �t least once every five years the Company shall prepare a depreciation study analyzing retirement experience and other factors relevant to the establishment of depreciation rates. Such study shall Ue used as a guide in deter- mining the depreciation rates to be used to recover the original cost of depreciable property. Subd. 2. The actual original cost of property abandoned, otherwise retired from service or not used and useful in the public service for any cause, shall be credited to the appropriate plant account. Such original cost plus the costs incidental to said abandonment or retire- ment shall be debited to the Reserve for Depreciation and Amortization of Utility Plant, sub�ect, however, to the provisions of SuUd. 3 of this section. The salvage value received and any other amounts recovered from said property shall be credited to said Reserve. Subd. 3. When a substantial segment of Company's utility plant is abandoned or retired from service because of unusual obsolescence or property damage and such property is not fully covered by the Reserve for Depreciation and Amortization of Utility Plant, other reserves or by � insurance, the unrecovered balance of such property after consideration of tax effects shall be credited to said Reserve or other appropriate reserve and be debited to a deferred account designated as "Extraor- dinary Property Losses", or similar caption. Debits to said deferred account shall be amortized by charges to operating expenses as provided for in Section 14, and the unamortized balance shall be included in the Allowa6le Rate Base. ����� � � .� Subd. 4. If the actual original cost is not shown by the books and records of Company or its predecessors, such amount shall be e�timated and a record be made by Company showing the facts upon which said estimate was based, the manner in which it was determined, and the person by whom it was made. Section 17. ACCOUNTS AND R�CORDS. Subdivision 1. All expense items, whether charged directly and entirely in a calendar year or amortized or accrued over a longer period; all revenue items and all balance sheet items shall be recorded in substantial accordance with the applicable provisions of the Uniform System of Accounts, as amended Erom time to time, by the Federal Power Commission. 4Vhen optional accounting is permitted under the Federal Power Commissions Uniform System of Accounts, Executzve Committee and Company shall agree on the option to be followed for book and rate making purposes. � Subd, 2. Company shall file caith the Authority (a) schedules showing all of rts rates and charges, (b) forms of service contracts or agreements, and (c) any rules and regulations relating to rates, charges or service by Company to its customers in the Metro Area, all of which shall be open for puUlic inspection. Such schedules, forms and rules and regulations shall also be kept by Company, and shall be available at all reasonable times for public inspection. Snbd. 3. Company shall keep, maintain and preserve proper and accurate engineering, accounting, financial and statistical records relating to the construction, cost, maintenance and operation of its utility plant which show all financial transactions, including receipts and dzsbursements and the particulars thereof. Subd. 4. The Authority shall have access at all reasonable times to inspect, examine or audit all of the accounts, books, records, reports, contracts, documents and papers of Company relating to rts electric operations, Subd 5. Procedures and Accounting Manual. As soon as practicable after the effective date of this ordinance, Company and the Rate Administrator shall compile a manual of procedures and accounting methods to implement this ordinance in accordance with the standards set forth herein. The terms of said manual shall apply to all rate filings and determinations until changed, modified or amended by mutual agreement of the Company and the Rate Administrator. ' Subd. 6. Company shall prepare and file with the Rate Administrator statements for its electric utility operations as provided in the Pro- cedures and Accounting hPanual. Section 18. INDEMNIFICATION. Company shall indemnify, keep, and hold b4unzcipality, its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any and all liability on account of in�ury to persons or damage to property occaszoned Uy the constructlon, maintenance, repair, removal or operation of Company's property located in, on, over, under, or across the streets, alleys, public ways, and public grounds of Municipality, unless such in�ury or damage is the result of the neg- � ligence of Municipality, its employees, officers or agents, or results from the performance in a proper manner of acts reasonably determined to be hazardous by Company, but such performance is nevertheless ordered or directed by Municipality after notice of such determination by Company. � !� � In the event that suit shall be brought against Municipality under circumstances where the above agreement to indemnify applies, Company, at its sole cost and expense, shall defend Municipality in such suit � if written notice of the suit is promptly given to Company within a period wherein Company is not pre�udiced by lack of such notice. If such notice is not reasonaUly given as hereinbefore provided, Company shall have no duty to indemnify nor defend. If Company is required to indemnif}> and defend, it will thereafter have complete control of such litigation, but Company may not settle such litigation without the consent of the Municipality unless Municipality unreasonably withholds such consent. Section 19 RELOCATIONS. Subdivision 1. tiVhenever Municipality shall grade, regrade or change the line of any street or public place or otherwise improve any street or public place or construct or recon- struct any sewer or watersystem th�rein and shall, with due regard to seasonal working conditions, reasonably order Company to relocate permanently its electrical facilities located in said street or public place, Company shall relocate its facilities at its otdn expense. Municipality shall give Company reasonable notice of plans requiring such relocation. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall deprive Company of its rights under Minnesota Statutes Section 16L 46, as amended. Subd. 2. Where the Municipality orders Company to relocate any of its facilities, Company shall proceed with such relocation. If such relocation is done without an agreement first being made as to who shall pay for the relocation cost, such relocation of the facilities by ' Company shall not be construed as a waiver of rts right to be reimbursed for the relocation cost. If Company claims that it should be reimbursed for such relocation costs, it shall notify the Municipality within ten (10) days after receipt of such order. $u6d. 3. Except where required prlmarily for a municipal improve-u ment pro�ect, the vacation of any street, alley, public way or public ground, after the installation of electrical facilities, shall not oper,.tte to deprive Company of the right to operate and maintain such electrical facilities, until the reasonable costs of relocating the same and the loss and expense resulting from such relocation are first paid to Company. Section 20. TREE TRIMMING. Company shall have the permission and authority to trim all trees and shrubs in the streets, alleys, public ways, and public grounds of Municipality, interferring with the proper construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of any poles, pole lines, conduits, fixtures or appurtenances, installed in pursuance of the authority hereby granted, provided that Company shall save Munici- pality h�rmless from any liability in the premises. Section 21. FRANCHISE THRMINATION. If Company shall be in default in the performance of any of the material terms and conditions of this ordinance and shall continue in default for more than ninety (9�) days a£ter receiving notice from the Municipality oF such default, 2he Muni- cipal Council may, by ordinance duly passed and adoapted, terminate � , all rights granted under this ordinance to Company The notice of default shall be in writing and shall speciiy the provisions ol this ordinance in the performance of cvhich it is claimed that Company is in default. The validity and reasonableness of any ordinance so passed declaring a forfeiture of the rights and privileges granted by this franchise ordinance shall be sub�ect to rev�ew by a court of competent �urisdiction. >>-� Section 22. CHANGE IN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Any change of the form of government of the R4unicipality as authorized by the State of Minne- sota shall not affect the validity of this franchise. Any municipal corporation succeeding the Municipality shall, without the consent of Company, succeed to all the rights and obligations of the Muni- � cipality provided in this franchise. Section 23. COSTS OF ADMINISTRATION. The Company agrees to pay to the Authority, an initial sum of '5150,000 within 30 days after written acceptance of this franchise by Company, and not less than $160,000 per year payable in quarterly installments commencing on January 10, 1974, to Ue allowed as an operating expense to the Com- pany and which shall be used to secure compliance with this ordinance, and for such othex purposes relating to the Company's costs of service as the Authority shall deem necessary. The amount of such annual payment shall be sub�ect to review and revision by the Authority and Company at the end oi 1975 and therea£ter as mutually agreed to. Section 24. 11SSIGNMENT. Company upon notice to the municipality shall have full right and authority to assign all rights conferred upon it by this ordinance to any person, persons, firm or corporation. The assignee of such rights, by accepting such assignment, shall become sub�ect to the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Section 25. WRZTTEN ACCEPTANCE. Company shall, if it accepts this ordinance and the rights hereby granted, file a written acceptance of the rights hereby granted tiaith the Municipal Clerk within 30 days after the effectitie date of the agreement establishing the Authority. Section 26. REVOCATIOIV. If this uniform franchise ordinance , is not adopted by July 31, 1973, by Municipalities in which 60°s of Company's electric customers in the hletro Area were located on Sanuary 1, 1973, the Municipal Council may revoke the same. However, -' this rlght of revoation shall terminate when the Authority is estab- lished. Por the purpose of this section each Customer Account of Company shall be deemed a customer. Company shall notify the Munici- pal Clerk in writing whether the above condition has been met. If revoked, the provisions of this ordinance shall be without pre�udice in any subsequent proceeding. Section 27. EFPECT ON EXISTING FRANCHISE. It is the intention of the Council that this franchise ordinance is effective upon com- pliance with Section ZS and that it shall thereafter govern the rights and duties of Company and Municipality until its termination. Section 28. PUBLICATION L�XPENS�. The expense of publication of this franchise ordinance shall be naid bv Comnanv. Passed and approved. Attest ,