Ordinance No. 0055 11-02-1953�
The Village Council of Fridley
do ordatn as follows:
Section 1. The EstablisUment
and Composition of Board, There
is hereby created a recreation
board for the community of Frid-
lcy, pursuant to the authority gi-
een by Chapter 233, Laws of 1937,
under which the po�ver ot the vil-
lage and the school board to oper-
ate a program of recreation may
b�e delegated to such a board. The
boazd shall consist of secm mem-
bers, camposed as follows: The
Mayor or a member of the Village
Council; a member of the park
board, and a member of the
school board of Anoka County
DistricY 23, all three acting ex
officio; and four ciUzen members,
two of whom shail bc appointed
6y the Village Council and rivo
by the schooi boerd. Of. the citi-
zens appointed, one appointed by
the council and one appointed by
the school board shall serve for
the term ending December 31,
1954, and the other t�vo shall bz
appainted for a term ending De-
cember 31, 1956. Themafter thc
citizen members shall bc appoin-
ted for terms of two yeurs. Both
original and successive appointees
shall serve unt31 tl�eir successors
are appointed and qualified. Citi-
zen members shall hold no other
public office except that of notary
A vacancy shall be filled for
the unexpired portion of the term
by the appropriate appointing
body. Members of the board shall
sen•e without wmpensation and
shall not 6e personally interested
in any contracts of the board.
They shall at the beginning oF
each fiscal year select a chairman
and a secretary from their own
nu±nber with duties in addition to
6oard membership implied by
these titles. A majority ahall con-
stirute a quorum for the transac-
tion of business.
Section 2. General Powers. The
recrca[ion bourd shall have pow-
cr to operate a program of public
recreation and playgrounds fls
joint agent of the village and
scuiiool district. If any part of the
public rnereation program of the
com:nuni.y is administered direct-
ly= by any public or prtvate agen-
cy ochcr than the board, the
bourd shall hEivc power to meke
cooperative agreements wlth any
such public or pri��ate ageney for
ihc purpose of coordinating all
t�e activities and facilities inelu-
ded ni such public recrea[ion pro-
gram. Thc program directly ad-
atinistcred by thc 6oard may
�,�ake use ot public property as-
signed to, or ot private property
leascd or otherwise made avail-
ablc for, public recreational use.
Thc Village Council shall deter-
r iinc what land is to be aoquired
by it [or recreationfll puPposes,
�vhat 1¢nd it shall be permitted to
u:,c in carrying on its recreational
p�.�ogram, and what 6uildings or
other permanent structures are to
be constructed upon such land.
1'he school district shall make
similar decisions with respec[ to
its land, and thc construction of
buildings or oU�er permanent
struct.ures upon it. The board
shall advise the Village Council
and the school board upon such
mattex•s and shall operatz facilit-
ies made available to it for re-
creational purposes; but it shall
have no authority to acquire land
in its own name or without tk�e
consent of the governmental unit
in whose name such land is to be
acquired, and it shall have no
authority to construct buildinga or
other permanent structures upon
any land without the consent of
the o�wers of such land; and in
no event shall such buildings or
structures be mnstructed by the
board upon privately ow�ned land.
Section 3. Specific Powers. In
order to carry on the recreation
program provided herein, the
bOard shall have power to:
(a) Adopt rules for its meetings
aod the transaetion of its busi-
ness and rules governing the use
by the public of the recreation fa-
cilities under its contml;
(bl Employ and fix the compen-
sation of a superintendent or su-
pervisor of recreation, instructors,
leaders, administrative guardians,
and custodial personnel, and to
carry the wurkmen's compensa-
tion insurance and provide
fo-r surety bonds for any
such officers and employezs
procided all officers and employ-
ees shall be selected on a basis of
merit and fitness; and instructors
and directors shall be appointed
in compliance with the minimum
qualificxtions esYa6lished by thE
D4imtesota Depxrtment of Educa-
tion; make purchuses of materials,
supplies, equipment, and services,
but such purchases of other than
per.sonal sen�ices shall be compe-
titive and in orders involving
more than Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) shall be se]ected after
pablic advertising and opening of
written 6ids;
(c� Make cnntraets for comple-
tion within a current fiseal year;
(d) Lease real or personal pro-
perty for public recreational use
Lor periods not longer than one
(el Accept gifts of real and per-
sonal property far public rnerea-
tional purposes, subject to the
provisions of Section 2.
(f) Mai�tain and care for pub-
1ic property whlch it has acquired
or has had assigned to it for pub-
]ic recreational purposes includ-
ing the carrying of any insurance
coverage it deems necessary;
(g) Perform whatever other
acts am reasonable and necessary
and proper to carry on a recrea-
tional program under this ordin-
Section 4. Preparation of Pro-
gram. The board shall each year
prior to September 1, prepare a
comprehensive program for pub-
lic recreation activities for the
ensuing year, with recommended
divisions of responsibility as be-
tween private agencies, other puh-
lic agencies administering recrea-
tion activities directly, and the
board itself. The Board's own
program shall be described in
terms of activities, as w�ell as fi-
nances. The budget of finances
shall be substantially balanced
and shall show:
A Fstimated revenues, divided
as follows: (1) rnntribution from
Villege Council; _ (2) mntribution
from school twazd; (3) cAntcibu-
tion from park board (or other
public body having power to le��y
ta�ces for recreattona] purposes);
(4) contributions from private
soumes; (5) earnings fmm ad-
missions and other char(;es made
for use of Paeflitles; (6) miscellan-
cous revenues; and
L'. Fstimated expenditures, di-
vided as Collows: (11 administra-
Livc payroll; (2) instructional and
sapervisory paymll; (3) custodial
payroll; (4) aupplics; (5J print-
ing; (6) postage, e�press, freight,
utility diarges; (7) repairs; (8)
r-�nt;; l9i equipment: (10) real
c.°tate and improvemenis; (11)
miacellaneous eapendiWres.
Such budget shall be submitted
not later than Sepiember 1,
to fhe Villxge Council, the school
board, and any other public body
from which contri6utions are m-
quested. The final deeisions as to
these contributions shall be repor-
ted back to the board, which shall
adjust the budget, if necessary.
The c.ependiture allowances, as
finally approved by the board,
shall control the year's spending
program, except that excess mv-
enues receri•ed may be spent vpon
the appmval of six members of
the board. The board shall not
iLSelf levy taxes or borrow money;
and it shall not approve any
claims or incur eny obligations
Cor eaq�endiWre, unless them is
unencumbered cash in the treas-
ury W the credit of the board,
wlth which to pay the same.
Sectlon 5. Flnances of the
I3oard. For the purpose of financ-
ing the public recreation program
authorized bY this ordinance,
there shall be estaWished in the
village accounts and treasury a
special fund to be called the Re-
creation Fund. Into this fund
shall be placed the various reven-
ues as enutnerated in Section 4
and from it shall be paid claims
for various recreation e�endi-
tures as enumerated in Section 4.
All receipts belonging to the board
shall be deposited intact in a
bank account to the credit of the
fund and no disbursement shall be
made from this bank acoount ex-
cept bc check nor uNess a veri-
Cied claim for services end com-
modi4es actually rendered or de-
livered has ftrs[ been suhmitted
to and approved for payment by
the board, as authenticated by sig-
nature of tl�c president and clerk.
The aeooun4ng of the fund and
the custody ot the cash and the
bank checking account shall be iu
thc hands of the accounting offl-
cer and the treasurer, respective-
ly, of the village. These officers
shall make repor[s to the board
at reasonable intervals as deter-
mined by the board. For puiposes
oi budgeting, acrnunting, and re-
por[ing, the fiscal year of the
board and the fitnd shall be from
July 1. M audit of the tunds shell
be made annually. Such audtt maq
be madeindependently of or in
mnjunMion with eny audit which
may be made of the funds of the
village or sehool distric[. The
board shall be authorized to es-
tablish charges or fees for the
reetricted use of any Pacilities or
to make any phase of the recrea-
tion program wholly or partially
self-sustaining. My concessions
or prtvileges may be sold after
public advertising and competflive
bidding. ,�v employees of the
hoard who handle cash in the
process of collection shail be boa-
Section 6. Financial Report.
The board shal] as soon as possi-
ble af4er the end of each fiscal
yeaz, prepare and present to the
Village Counal, school boerd, and
all other publtc and private partt-
cipating agencies, a comprehen-
s(ve annual report of its aMivities
and finances.
SecGOn 7. Effective Date. Tt�is
ordinance shall be in efiect from
and after its passage accoeding W
��� h.�.
P$ssed,by the counci2 ihis Znd
day e�' i�Twember. 1953. _
" -
- Mayor
n17-t:sT: ��r•(5c���js�
�gRD NORF3N6 - U . .
Clerk � _
P41rlished m The Columbia
Heights Reeord on Thursday, No•
cember 12, 1953.