Ordinance No. 0584 05-19-1975�#
SECTIONS (CHAPTERS #101, #121, #201, SECTION #7_05.18 AND CHAPTER #208)
7he City of Fridley does ordai,n as follows:
201.01 Title
There is hereby created a Planning Comriission for the City of Fridley, TITLE
201.01 Purpose
The Planning Commission is established to promote the systematic PURPOSE
and continu.ing application of organized knowledge and foresight in
the pursuit of clearly defined and properly related goals and ob-
jectives in order to create an increasin9ly better, more healthful,
convenient, efficient and attractive environment.
201.03 Sco
The Planning Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the SCOPE
City Council. Problems shall be referred to the Planning Commission
by the City Council, City Administration or Chairmen of the member
commissions, and may be assi9ned to the member commissions for
detailed study and recommendations as required. All recommendations
by the Planriing Commission shall be made to the City Council.
� Th� Planning Commission is charged with responsibility for continu-
ous community planning and development of comprehensive goals and
- policies, including but not limited to, land use, housin9, environ-
ment,parks and recreation, public services, human resources, and
other related community activities.
The Planning Commission
ment of programs to give
implementing established
recommend actions needed
201.04 Membership
shall advise the City Council in the de�ielop-
increased effectiveness and direction in
City goals, policies and framework and
to carry out planning responsibility.
The Planning Commission shall consist of the Planning Commission MEMBERSHIP
Chairman, the Chairman of the Community Development Commission,
the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Chairman
of the Appeals Commission, the Chairman of the Environmental Quality
Commission and the Chairman of the Human Resources Commission.
The Chairman of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the
City Council to serve for a three year ierm as a voting member of
the Commission.
The Planning Commission members serve as Chairmen of the member
commissions and are appointed accord�ng to provisions outlined in the
Ordinance establishing each of the member commissioris.
The Planning Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, chose
a Vice-Chairman. At any meeting of the Alanning Commission, if the
regular Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice-Chairman shall act
in his place.
Ordinance No. 584
201.05 Vacancy
Page 2
Vacancies in the Planning Commission are outlined in the provisions UACANCY
of the Ordinance establishing each of the member commissions. The Chair-
man may resign or be removed 6y a majority vote of the Council.
2Q1.06 Organization
1. Following the appointment of inembership, the Commission
shall meet, organize and elect any officers, except chairman, as
it deems desirable.
2. Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its busi-
ness, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission.
3. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment of the following
a. Call and preside over the meetings of the Commission.
b. Appear or appoint a representative to appear, if deemed
necessary, before the City Council or any City Commission per-
taining to matters within the scope of the Commission.
c. Provide liaison with other governmental and citizens'
groups pertaining to matters within the scope of the Commission
for the purpose of timely and relevant information for con-
sideration by the Commission.
201.Q7 Administrative Staff
The City Manager shall assign one member of the Administrative
Staff to serve as secretary to the Commission. The secretary
shall perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Com-
mission as may 6e assigned by the Chairman with the consent of the
City Manager. Additional advisory staff shall be assigned to the
Commission by the City Manager within the restraints of the adopted
general fund budget. The Administrative Staff shall be limited to
the Commission level unless specifically approved by the City
201.08 Compensation
The members of the Planning Commission shall serve without pay,
but may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are
provided in the adopted general fund budget.
201.09 Reports
The Commission shall make such reports as requested by the City
201.10 Meetings
The Planning Commission shall meet twice monthly and more often
as needed. The member commissions shall meet as directed by the
Planning Commission and at their own discretion as necessary to
fulfill the responaibilities of the member commission. Al] meetings
shall be open to the public. Minutes shall be kept of all Planning
Commission and member commission's meetings. Findings and recom-
mendations shall be transmitted by the respective Chairman to the
Planning Commission and from the Planning Commission to the City
201.11 Repeal
The following chapters
they existed prior to
and section of the Fridley City Code as
the adoption of this ordinance are hereby
Chapter 201 (Planning Commission)
Chapter 101 (Parks and Recreation Commission)
Chapter 121 (Environmental Quality Commission)
Chapter 208 (Building Board, Design Control)
Section 205.18 (Board of Appeals and Variances)
Ordinance No. 584
101.01 Title
There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Commission for the
City of Fridley. The Commission shall consisi of five Fridley
residents, appointed by the City Council.
101.02 Purpose
Page 3
' The Parks and Recreation Commission is established to promote the PURPOSE
systematic comprehensive development of park facilities and recre-
ational activities necessary for the physical, mental, emotional,
morai health and well being of the residents of the City of Fridley.
101.03. Scope
The Parks and Recreation Commission shall act as an advisory SCOPE
commission to .the Pianning Commissi�n for co rrcinuous coinmunity
planning and development of comprenensive yoals and policies. Ariy
change in related community .planniny and cornpret7ensive City yoals
and policies must be reviewed by;the Planning Commission wno will then
make recommendations to the City Council.
The Parks and Recreatiun Commission shal� advise the City Couricil,
arter a policy review by the Planning Commission, in the deve�iopment
of programs to give increased effectiveness and direction in imple-
menting esta6lished City goals, policies and franework, and recumrnend
actions as needed to provide park and recreational opportunities.
10 L 04 Membership
Tiie Commission Chairman shall be elected 6y �ne Commission mernbership MEMBERSHIP
and shall also serve as a member of the Pianning Cummission.
The Commission shall consist of five members, a11 inembers shaii 6e
appointed by the City Council for three year tenns, except the City
Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no more
than two members shall expire in any one year. Atte�npt shall l,e made
to have all City wards represented on the Commission. Upon the
expiraiion of their terms of ofFice, mzmbers snall continue to serve
until their successor shall have been appointed.
The Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, choose a
Chairman and Vice Chairman. At any meeting of the Coinmission, if the
regular Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice Chairman shall act
in his �lace.
101.05 Vacancy
Commission members may resign or be reinoved from office oy a rnajority VACANCY
vote of the City Council. Attempt shall be made t� have al7 City
wards represented on the Commission. The Commission member appointed
to fill any vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the vacated term.
101.06 Organization
1. Following the appointment of inembership, the Commission shall
meet, organize and elect any officers, as it deems dzsirab7e.
2. Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its business,
in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission.
3. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment o� �I�z followi��g
a. Ca71 and preside over meetings of the Cominissiar�.
Ordinance No. 584
b. Appear or appoint a representative to appear, if deemed
necessary before the City Council or any City Commission per-
taining to matters within the scope of the Commission.
.,,. ,
c. Provide liaison with other governmental and citizens'
groups pertaining to matters within the scope of the Commission
for the purpose of timely and relevant information for consideration
by the Commission.
1Q1.o7 Program
The Commiss9on shall each year, prior to June 1, prepare a capital PROGRAM �
improvements program for parks improvement and acquisition and for
public recreation activities for the ensuing year.
08 Administrative Staff
The City Manager shall assign one member of the Administrative
Staff to serve as secretary to the Commission. The secretary shall
perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission as
may 6e assigned by the Chairman and with the consent of the City
Manager. Additional advisory staff shall be assigned to the Com-
mission by the City ��anager within the restraints of the adopted
general fund budget. Administrative Staff shall be limited to
Commission level unless specifically approved by the City Council.
101.09 Project Committees
The Commission may establish special project committees to further
the objecttves of the Comm9ssion and provide for greater citizen
participation. Such project committees shall be appointed by the
Commission for special projects and shall cease to exist when their
activities are completed. The qualifications for membership, compo-
sition and duties of such project committees shall be at the dis-
cretion of the Commission. The project committee shall be chaired
by a member of the Commission.
101.10 Compensation
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay, but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided
ini�e adopted general fund budget.
101.11 Funds
For the purpose of financing the parks and recreation pro9ram
authorized by this chapter, the accounting shall be the responsi-
bility of the treasurer of the City. The Commission shall be autho-
rized to establish charges or fees for the restricted use of any
facility or to make any phase of the recreation program wholly or
partially self-sustaining. Any employees who handle cash in the
process of collection shall be bonded.
101.12 Reports
The Commission shall make such reports as requested by the City
Council or Planning Commission and sha11 prepare an annual report
of its activities.
101.13 Meetinas
Meetings shall be called by the Chairman and shall be held as
necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission. All
meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Minutes
shall be kept of all meetings. Findings and recommendations shall
be transmitted by the Commission Chairman to the Planning Com-
mission and from the Planning Commission to the City Council.
Ordinance No. �84
I21.01 TitTe
This organization shall be known as the Eny-ironmental Quality
Corrunission of the City of Fridley.
121.02 Purpose
(..! ;? � � -
Paye 5
� The Commission is established to stimulate interest in, and to
promote an awareness of, environmental concerns among citizens of
the City of Fridley; to serve as resource agency to the City on
matters regarding the environment, including information on environ-
mental problems, laws, policies and regulations of the county,
metropolitan, state and federal levels to the extent of their effect
on Fridley; and to advise the City Council, the City Manager and
other appropriate City commissions on matters pertaining to the
maintenance or improvment of the environment, including the review
and recommendation of programs and policies within the City.
121.03 Scope
The Environmental Quality Commission shall act as an advisory Com- SCOPE
mission to the Planning Commission for continuous community
p7anning and development of the comprehensive City goa1s and policies.
Any change in related community planning and comprehensive City
goals and policies must be reviewed by the Planning Commission who
will then make recommendations to the City Council.
The Environmental Quality Commission shall advise the City Council,
after a policy review by the Planning Commission, in the develop-
ment of programs to give increased effectiveness and direction in
implementing established City goals, policies and framework and
recommend actions as needed relevant to the environment.
121.04 MembershiP
The Commission Chairman shall be elected by the Commission member-
ship and shall also serve as a member of the Planning Commission.
The Commission shall consist of five members; all members shall be
appointed by the City Counci] for three year terms, except tne City
Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no more
than two members shall expire in any one year. Attempt shall be made
to have all City wards represented on the Commission. Upon the er.-
piration of their terms of office, members shall continue to serve
until their successor shall have been appointed.
The Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, choose a
Chairman and Vice Chairman. At any meeting of the Commission, if
the regu7ar Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice Chairman sna71
act in his place.
121.05 Vacancy
Commission members may resign or be removed from offic2 by a VACANCY
majority vote of the City Council. Attempt shall be made i:� have
all City wards represented on the Commission. Tne Commission
member appointed to fill any vacancy shall serve for the remainder
of the vacated term.
121.06 Organization
7. Following the appointment of inembership, tne Commission
shall meet, organize and elect any officers, as it deems
2. Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its
business, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission.
� ��
Ordinance No. 584
3. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment of the following
Call and preside over meetings of the Commission.
Page 6
b. Appear, or appoint a representative to appear, before any
City Commission or the City Council to present the viewpoint of
the Commission on matters pertaining to the environment as it
relates to the business under consideration by said Commission
or Council.
c. Provide liaison with other governmental and citizens' groups
in matters concerning the environment for the purpose of ob-
taining timely and relevant information for consideration by
the Commission.
121.07 Administrative Staff
The City Manager shall assign one member of the Administrative
Staff to serve as secretary to the Commission. The secretary shall
perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission
as may be assigned by the Chairman with the consent of the City
Manager. Additional advisory staff shall be assigned to the Commis-
sion by the City Manager within the restraints of the adopted general
fund budget. The Administrative 5taff shall be limited to Commis-
sion level unless specifically approved by the City Council.
121.08 Project Committees
The Commission may establish special project
the objectives of the Commission and provide
participation. Such project committees shall
Commission for special projects and shall cea
activities are completed. The qualifications
sition and duties of such project committees
cretion of the Commissian. The project commi
by a member of the Commission.
121:09 Compensation
cammittees to further
for greater citizen
be appointed by the
se to exist when their
for membership, compo-
shall be at the dis-
ttee shall be chaired
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in
the adopted general fund budget.
121.1Q Reports
The Commission shall
Council or Planning
its activities.
121.11 Meeti
make such reports as requested by the City
Commission and shall prepare an annual report of
Meetings shall be called by the Chairman and shall be held as
necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission. All
meetings of the Commission shall be open to�the public. Minutes
shall be kept of all meetings. Findings and recommendations shall
be transmitted by the Commission Chairman to the Plannin9 Commission
and from the Planning Commission to the City Council.
122.01 Title
This organization shall be known as the Human Resources Commission
of the City of Fridley.
Ordinance No. 584 Page 7 '�'�'
122.Q2 Purpose
The purpose of the Commission is to �romote intensified communi-
cation and protection of just and equitable rights among all resi-
dents of the community; to promote harmonious relationships among
people of all races, religions, ethnic groups, social/economic
status, ages, gender, physical, mental and emotional disabilities
and diverse life styles; to promote understanding and equal oppor-
tunity in employment, housing, public accommodations, and public,
cultural and educational services; and full participation in the
affairs of the City of Fridley.
122.03 Scope
The Human Resources Commission shall act as an advisory Commission
to the Planni,na L'ommission for continuous community planning and
development of comprehensive City goals and �olicies. Any change
in related community planning and comprehensive City goals and
policies must be reviewed by the Planning Commission who will then
make recommendations tothe City Council.
The Human Resources Commission shall advise the City Council,
after a policy review by the Planning Commission, in the develop-
ment of programs to give increased effectiveness and direction in
implementing established City goals and policies and recommend
actions as needed to provide eyual opportunity in the community.
122.04 Membershi
The Commission Chairman shall be elected by the Commission member-
ship and shall also serve as a member of the Planning Commission.
The Commission shall consist of five menbe^s, all members shall
6e appointed by the City Cauncil for ti�ree year terms, except the
City Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no
, more than two members shall expire in any one year. Attempt shall
be made to have all City wards represented onthe Commission. Upon
the expiration of their terms of officp, members shall continue to
serve until their successor shall have been appointed.
The Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, choose a
Chairman and Uice Chairman. At any meetiny of the Commission, if
the regular Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice Chairman shall
act in his place.
12?.05 Vaca
Commission members may resign or be removed from office by a VACANCY
majority vote of the City Council. Attempt shall be made to have
all City ivards represented on the Commission. The Commission
membar appointed to fill any vaca�cy shall serve for the remainder
of the vacated term.
122.06 Administrative Staff
The City Manager sha71 assign one member of the A�iministrative
Staff to serve as secretary to the Commission. The secretary shall
perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission as
may be assigned ay the Chairman with the Consent of the City Manager.
Additional advisory staff sha',1 be assigned to the Commission by
the City Manager within the restraints of the a:iopted general fund
budget: TVie Administrative Staff shall be limited to Commission level
unless specifically approved by the City Council.
122.07 Project Committees
The Commission may establish special project committees,to further
the objectives of the Commission and provide for greater citizen
participation. Such project committees shall be appointed by the
Commission for special projects and shall cease to exist when their
activities are completed. The qualifications for membership; compo-
sition and duties of such project committees shall be at the dis-
cretion of the Commission. The project committee shall be chaired by
a member of the Commission.
� q Ordinance No. 584
122.08 Compensation
�..- :
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in
the adopted general fund budget.
122.09 Reports
Th,e Commission shall prepare such reports as requested by the City
Council or Planning Commission.
122.10 Meetings
Meetings shall be called by the Chairman and shall be held as neces-
sary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission. All meetings
of the Commission shall be open to the public. Minutes shall be
kept of all meetings. Findings and recommendations shall be trans-
mitted by the Commission Chairman to the Plannin9 Commission and
from the Planning Commission to the Council.
205.181 Creation of Appeals Commission
1. Title
The Council hereby creates an Appeals Commission to serve as the
Board of Appeals and Adjustments and to exercise all authority
and perform all functions of said Board pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes 462.351 and 462.364.
2. Purpose
The Appeals Commission is established to provide a process by which PURPOSE
the public may appeal the literal provisions of the zonin9 ordinance,
sign ordiannce and building code, for reasons of exceptional circum-
stances when strict enforcement would cause undue hardship and strict '
conformity of the standards would be unreasonable and impractical or
not feasible under the circumstances. _
3. Scope
a. The Appea]s Commission shall act as an advisory Commission
to the Planning Commission for continuous community planning
and development of the comprehensive City goals and policies.
Any change in related community planning and comprehensive City
goa7s and policies must 6e revi,ewed by the Planning Commission
who will then make recommendations to the City Council.
b. The Commission shall have the power and duty of hearing and
recommending to the City Council, after a policy review by the
Planning Commission, as herein provided, appeals or requests in
the following cases:
1. Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in
any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by
an administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning
ordinance, sign ordinance or of the State Building Code.
2. Requests for variances from the literal provisions of
the zoning ordinance, sign ordinance or of the State Building
Code in instances where strict enforcement would cause undue
hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual
property under consideration.
In recommending a variance, the Commission, and the Council on
approval, may impose conditions to ensure compliance and to protect
adjacent properties.
4. Membershi
The Commission Chairman shall be elected by the Commission member- MEMBER-
ship and shall also serve as a member of the Plannin9 Commission. SHIP
Ordinance No. 584
Page 9 „ �
The Commission shall consist of five members, all members shall be
appointed by the City Council for three year terms, except the City
Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no more
than two members shall expire in any one year. Attempt shall be
made to have all City wards represented on the Commission. Upon
the expiration of their terms of office, members shall continue to
serve until their successor shall have been appointed.
The Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, choose a
Chairman and a Vice Chairman. At any meeting of the Commission, if
� the regular Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice Chairman shall
act in his place.
5. Uacancy
Commission members may resign or be removed from office by a VACANCY
majority vote of the City Council. Attempt shall be made to have
all City wards represented on the Commission. The Commission
mem6er appointed to fill any vacancy shall serve for the remainder
of the vacated term.
6. Oraanization
1. iFollowing the appointment of inembership, the Commission
shall meet, organize and elect any officers, as it deems desir-
2. Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its
business, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the
3. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment of the fbllowing
a. Call and preside over meetings of the Commission.
b. Appear or appoint a representative to appear, if deemed
necessary, hefore the City Council of any City Commission
pertaining to matters within the scope of the Cominission.
c. Provide liaison with other governmental and citizens'
groups pertdi.ning to matters within the scope of the Com-
mission for the purpose of obtaining timely and relevant
information for consideration by the Commission.
7. Administrative Staff
The City Manager shall assign one member of the Administrative
Staff to serve as secretary fo the Commission. The secretary shall
perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission as may
be assigned by the Chairman with the consent of the City Manager.
Additional staff shall be assigned to the Commission by the L'ity
Manager within the restraints of the adopted general fund budget. The
Administrative Staff sha17 be Timited to Commission level unless
specifically approved 6y the City Council.
8. Project Committees
The Commission may establish special project committees to further
the objectives of the Commission and provide for greater citizen
� participation. Such project committees shall be appointed by the
Commission for special projects and shall cease to exist when their
activities are completed. The qualifications for mem6ership, compo-
sition and duties of such project committees shall be at the dis-
cretion of the Commission.
9. Compensation
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in
the adopted general fund budget.
Ordinance No. 584 Page 1Q
10. Reports
The Commission shall prepare such reports as requested by the City REPORTS
Council or Planning Commission.
11. Meetings
Meetin9s shall be called by the Chairman and shall be held as neces-
sary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission. All meetings
of the Commission shall 6e open to th� public. Minutes shall be kept
of all meetings. Findings and recommendations shall be trans;nitted
by the Commission Chairman to the Planning Commissio„ and from the
Planning Commission to the City Council.
205.182 Petition by Owner
At any time within thirty days, any propert.y owner wi�o deems h�mself
aggrieved by an alleged error in any order, requirement, decision
or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforce-
ment of this chapter which affects his property, may appeal to the
Commission by filing a written appeal with the City Manager. The
appeal shall fully state the order appealed from the facts of the
matter, and also the mailing address of the owner.
205.183 Recommendation by Appeals Commission
Within thirty (30) days after filing an appeal from an adminis-
trative order or determination, the Commission shall set a date for
hearing thereon and shall hear such persons as want to be heard,
either in person or by agent or attorney. Notice of such hearing
shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the date of
hearing to �e person or persons who file the appeal. Within a
reasonable time, after the hearing, the Appeals Commission shall make
its recommendation and forward a copy of such recommendation to the
City Council through the Planning Commission.
2Q5.184 Record of Action Taken
The Appeals Commission shall provide for a record of its proceedings RECORD
which shall include the minutes of its meeting, its findings and OF ACTION
the recommendations made on each matter heard by it, including TAKEN
its final recommendation.
205.185 Variances
The Commission may recommend variances from the strict appli-
cation of the provision of this chapter and impose conditions and
safeguards in the variances so granted in cases where there are
practical difficulties or particular hardships preventing the
strict application of the regulations of this chapter. An appli-
cation for a variance shall be filed with the zoning administrator
and shall state the exceptional conditions and the peculiar and
practical difficulties claimed as a basis for a variance.
2Q5.186 Action of the Council
The Council shall at its next regular meeting after receiving the ACTION OF
recorrunendation of the Appeals Commission with a policy review by the THE COUNCIL
Planning Commission, decide on the action to be taken.
205.187 Lapse of Variance by Non-use
Whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance, the re-
cipient of the variance shall not have completed the work as per-
mitted by the variance, then such variance shall become null and
void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete
the work has been granted 6y the Commission. Such extension shall
be requested in writing and filed with the City Manager at least
twenty (20) days before the expiration of the original variance.
Tne request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith
attempt to complete the work permitted in the variance. Such petition
shall 6e presented to the Appeals Commission for hearing and decision
in the same manner as the original request for variance.
Ordinance No. 584
216.01 Title
This Commission shall be known as the Commun.ity Development
Commission for the City of Fridley.
216.02 Purpose
Page 11
The Community Development Commission is established to promote
and maintain high quality community standards to ensure a well bal-
, anced and orderly development, rehabilitation and redevelopment of
the City of Fridley; including, but not limited to economic develop-
_ ment, industrial and commercial development, housing, transportation
services, public utilities, community development projects, and other
related development activities.
216.03 Scope
The Community Development Commission shall act as an advisory Com-
mission to the Planning Commission for continuous community pianning
and development of the comprehensive City goals and policies.
Any change in related commianity planning and comprehensive City
goals and policies must be reviewed by the Planning Commission who
will then make recommendations to the City Council.
The Community Dev2lopment Commission shall advise the City Council,
after a policy review by the Planning Commission, in the development
of pro9rams to give increased effectiveness and direction in impie-
menting established City 9oals, policies and framework, and recommend
actions as needed relevant to the ohysical deve1opment of the City.
216.04 Membership
The Commission Chairman shall be elected by the Commission member-
ship and shall also serve as a member of the Planning Commission.
The Commission shall consist of fiVe members, alI members shall be
appointed by the City Council for three year terms, except the City
Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no mcre
than two members shall expire in any one year. Attempt shall be made
to have all City wards represented on the Commission. Upon the ex-
piration of their terms of office, members shall continue to serve
until their successor shail have been appointed.
The Commission shall each year, from their own numbers, choose a
Chairman and a Vice Chairman. At any meeting of the Commission, if
the regular Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice Chairman shall
act in his place:
216,05 Vacancy
Commission members may resign or be removed from office by a VACANCY
majority vote of the City Council. Attempt shall be made to have
all City wards represented on the Commission. The Commission member
appointed to fill any vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the
vacated term.
216.06 Organization
1. Following the appointment of inembership, t�e Commission snall
meet, organize and elect any officers as it deems desirable.
2. Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its busi-
ness, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commission.
3. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment af the following
a. Call and preside over meetings of the Commission.
b. Appear or appoint a representative to appear, if deemed
necessary, before the City Council or any City Commission
pertaining to matters within the scope of the Commission.
Ordinance No. 584
Page 12
c. Provide liaison with other governmental and citizens' groups
qertaining to matters within the scope of the Commission for the
purpose of obtainin9 timely and relevant information for considera-
tion by the Commission.
07 Administrative Staff
The City Manager shall assign one member of the Administrative
Staff to serve as secretary to the Commission. The secretary shal]
perform only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission
as may be assigned by the Chairman with the consent of the City
Manager. Additional advisory staff shall be assigned to the Com-
mission by the City Manager within the restraints of the adopted
general fund budget. The Administrative Staff shall be limited
to Commission level unless specifically approved by the City Council.
216.a8 Project Committees
The Commission may establish special project committees to further
the objectives of the Commission and provide for greater citizen
participation. Such project committees shall be appointed by the
Commission for special projects and shall cease to exist when their
activities are completed. The qualifications for memebership, compo-
sition and duties of such project committees shall be at the dis-
cretion of the Commission. The project committee shall be chaired
by a member of the Commission.
216.09 Compensation
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay but may be
reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in
the adopted 9eneral fund budget.
216.10 Reports
The Comrr+ission shall prepare such reports as requested by the
City Council or the Planning Commission.
216.11 Meetings
Meetings shall be called by the Chairman and
necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of
All meetings of the Commission shall be open
shall be kept of a11 meetings. Findings and
be transmitted by the Commission Chairman to
and from the Planning Commission to the City
shall be held as
the Commission.
to the public. Minutes
recommendations shall
the Planning Commission
MAY , 1975. �Q� �7� ,,
�L.fi�.t-e�t.v�� (/�--��
Pu61ic Hearing: May 12, 1975
First Reading:_�12, ���� _
Second Reading: ay 1�
Publish.......: une ,