Ordinance No. 0006 07-13-1949� c � � � l �. �1I � I ORDINANCE N0. 6 ORDIK:ISCE DF.FIrING 9ND FISI\G THE PL!\I5H31F.tiT FOR VAGK:1\CY. � 'Clie Couneil of tLe �'illage oi Fridley do ordain as follows: � Section 1. Definition. Thc foll- � mving Pereons are cugrants; (a) A Ixrson �c}�oy beina an hab- ifia] drunl:nrd, abando�ns, neKlecta ur refii�es to aid in Che snpport aP his fnmily. - . _. . ib) A percon �cho has mutracted Fln infec�iau� or other dicease in the Practiee of drunkennese or de- bnnchet;c. req�ii��inr tharitable aid to re�tore him to healtL. fc1 Ecerc male person �vho livee n�hallr �r in {�rt on ihe enrninge of Prostitirtinn. or n'ho in nns pnb- ]ic place soHcits for immm�nl Pnr Po:�es. A male Person mbo lives �c-ith nr is I�nbitunliS in the com- pany oK a proatitute xnd h�s no �-isiAle means of sa�ort, shall be deemed to be living on fhe earn- in�s oR prw_titution. fd) A commou �rostltute who ghall be fmmd �canderin� aixrut the �treets, or loiterior i❑ or aboUt anc resta�trant, lalging hour,e, sal- oon, ar place �vheee intasicatinK li�7uarc are c_old. fe) F.veig iemale who ehall be fonnd �vanderin� about the s�treets �an<7 addrer>sing male persbne far the pnrpose of col�icitinF the rommicsiov of ans lemd. indeecnt or nnlawf�il flct, or for the putpose af entiMnR anp male persou into x honse o1 pros[itntion or a5signatiov, bed- hoaee, r�om, or other plaee for anp unl2�vfv1 pvi7a�e. (f) Fbrtune tellers, and such other like imFwxters. (R) � pereon kuom to be a pick- pocket, thief, barglar, "ceF�man" or "conPidence man." and havinR no ci�ible or lamfvl means af siiPp- ort, w}�en found loiterin� nround an5 +�amt�ent ]and�ing, reilroRd depof. railroad rard, bank-ine in- stitiiYion, bcoker's ofPice, nlace aY p�}]LIC flI13II6CiIIQIlY, ]IOCCl. RRCt10➢ room,-sWre, shop crowdcrl tboro�ogh- ixre, car or rnnnibue, or a't nnp pnblie gatbcrin� or asaembly. Pro- vided, ho�vever, that this act ahall not apply fo anp such per,son unle�se he has been concicted of the off- vn�e n-hich woul�l mnke bim knawn 7 as sach person, and shull not apnly to ang perean �cho has been Sn pcia- on for such offen�e, wlio, :ifter being re]eaced fia�m snch imP��so�n- ment hn,s been eugaged in l:nvfal employment, and sLall nat ]n avy ra.se s�plg to �iS T�rgan unttl mOre ttnn th.rh- dacs have el�psed since Gein� released from citch imPTis- onment. (h) A person eugagerl in prar ticing �or attcmpting any trick or device to procure mouet� or other thing of calue, if ?nrh tri�.k or Ae- cire is mnde ❑ pvblic offesise by any la�v of this ; izi[c, or xnc iier� soa evgagPwl in solirrilin�, P�rce�u�in� or attempting io Folicit or p�rnm�re mane9 or ofher Thing of value bp fnl�elr Pretending and cePresentlng huneelf to be bii�d, de�f, duml�. �cithout a�ms or le�s, cr ro be ocher- �cise Phssic�.119 defieient or to be suffering Prom, iiny PhSSical defeet or Snfirmity. (i) A pereau wandering a�bauk nnd Ia7ging in taverna, grocertes, ale- houses, market placeax ehed,, stzibles, barns orc othex nuinhatr it� 6uildfn�s or in tLe open 21r and nat qiving a goal accoant oY himself. (j) A person noC blind, over Sis- teen vears of age and who has not resided in tLC connty in wbicL Ife ma,c be at any Yimc for a�erind of six months pria�r tLerefo, and not haviug vislble mean: to main- tain himself, lives without cmploy ment or wanders atrout and Oe�s, or goes from door to door or p7aces himaelf in thc streets, highwa9s, or pmblfc passagea, to bcg or re- ceive alme. Ecti�tion ?. Penaltp. 9ny person.-. �. n�ho is a caKrant ns defined in Section 1 ShaIl Ym Kuilty of a mia- ' �3emeanor and upon conviCtian tt�ereaf sball be subject ta a fine� of not more thtm $100.00 or imPris- onment for not moi� thnn 30 dnSs:�� Passed by the Council this 13th '� day oE dalc, 1943. CAR7. HART'MAN �/ ' Ma9or ($EAL) �'/'����� AttE3t : � �D�RLI\C .. . 1 ` Publiphed iri tDe ` ]vmbia Hei�hts RPSC08D o�n �J y ?2, ]�J4fl.