Ordinance No. 0063 09-1954J��_�,�.�(, � �-.�z�\.
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ulnn� �]� r: SU. RS
1\ �rHl�l]1V�l: 'f�� ItPA.I-L.\I'Y
IIIY. l'�F: nY 1\:IIFIt. .\\11 TU
i,�r�w.i.0 in�i.r:. �su ¢ei.i.
I ll'I�r\� fntt'I'IIF: nl HI<1-I1\I. ul
�.Ili .�t 1761t I1bl:h A?b �1\I
��u;Y ��u .IUr,H nr.Nl�cs y'
l'11Y. '.UJ..\bfi nF FItIU1.Y.S. .\]❑
\I.L . 'fllk: 1'Iful'Y.IfP1Y.%. .H,ll.\�.
.�.�u .r.izci��r:�. �i�rr:n .��u
I ll.11lRF• 1\ CU\\F.l l'In\
1 11 F It h: ll 1'f }I.
'1'h. .i•,�il �.! I�n�' .. ?L•
...��i:i. .L�, :il.th: �. iulh.�..
�rtlinn �. 11nnu4rnirm .�f fUlli!r..
;9. 1 ::�:ic� )I:n .. . . �.
I rlqlr ...-Ili il:. i.. . p i. i.. .
municiPV wateq �auitary nnd etorm
eeaer Iwtallnlio�m witrin the l'171�ge.
He ehtq have tht immedixte crou-
lrol and cw[ody af all the V«Vepiee
unJ xee Lhat all proy�rtiee xra yroVerly
Miored end uartd for and tl�at e tu❑
und comylete rnca[d aud iirvcuto�y ol
iLe eame le keV�.
He x�all eee that all hYdrantn, mrtare,
Kntee arW ralvee antl athet UHrtx are
m ortler nnE thst aIi letke are pro�npP
IY reVd�red, anJ lhal (ull anJ accurate
re{urte aro keVL of t11 wurk dune, tha
aont n( t�e �wne, lhe namea and tlme
oI the men employeJ, >nJ other In1ur-
mntimi nnd recordx tha[ may be re-
qoired by the VillaRe CbuncO.
1�1e ah�ai{ keeP n Sul! net of iecocde
which vhall ah�iw hi detail lhe locaUon
and nicssaurementa (or n1i �vate� Lhree,
IUJrants. valvea. [aVe. stoD'Irosn�. teen.
��ruk��n, and xuch o�her mexeuremeutn
und recordn a� may De neceynarq. He
rhull repmt t�e Incallon o( at ieaet
Iwu n�exeuremenle bken from Iwo
ae�mta[r pe�msnent Pob�b to� each tap
nud eiup-bnx mada In lhe waler mnine
aud nrrvice ni�r. /
Hc nhall keep a romplele net ot Fooke
.chl��h nhall at ell Ihnee ehow the d4e-
�ribminn n[ scmuntn; au�mtt ill bllln,
�rwyrnils and avcoun�a m the Counrtl,
�n Ae hy them c�nnxidered; eh►11 have
the rxre and nnfekeeP��R �f all 600ke
qud paprra; anA ahall keep a rorceet
:�ornwil o! sll reeelpte, mnke out all
Lilln (or �vxler rcntn, xew�er nervlref
xud materlal furnleheJ tn coneumera.
Ile �hall iseue xll l�errnitn fo� Lepn��R
r.a�in.+. exrent wLen txl�e nre made
I+adiuF to etreeU where there are no
r�aine he mxy refer nue.h verviree fq,�
ilir Clllnqe Counril,
He nhall heve Ire immMtste cf.�r e
.�t xll meter readerx, h�epectara cler
nnA employeee neeeenary to the o}�e
. Neetlon t. Retes sed Allllnre.
.�. 1P�ler coneumptlon and newer uee
rpar4ea nud inlr� �o onn.aumere ehnll
nern.ne due :�nd I�R>'Hhle 4��srterlp on
e ��aleudrv �che�lule prepared bv the
\'iIIxR°. nlanxRer.
R. R'xter nlen r;hall be �J.00 m(ni-
e•�nm 7rtr �xlendar Quarter, payaMe In
H�7ennce. The wi�ter nxe ra�e nhe{I M
tA ��0 [n� ihe flrst fi.0�10 Raflnn� In 6nY
�aiendsr Quxrter, and s rharKe of 37
:inJ nne hpl( ren[e per 1.OIM Rallonn,
�v lrnrlionn therro(, fnr nll vnter com
_+n•�ieA In ex�•cex of fi,00�� R61bun.
�L Snnitary aower retPe xh�ll be f3.00
per ral«nAxr ��nxrtar [oI rac� dwneallC
.ai�itnry ne�ce� u�er. Induotrl¢I, rnm-
r�ial. nnd mulciple ii��rlling u�e shnll
he~nl x rxle tn [w drten•�inrd hv Ihr
1'illape C'onnril nf✓rn n��9�c,inle nn file
wilL ihe �"illaer \InnaG�r.
1�. f'rrmli fon. A pPr'•i� tep of j•'.IN/
�hail I,e P+�id !ielnrr auv rmnrrilon In
�n�nleil �rith th�• niuniril�al n:tniv�ry
1 nnr^�i� 1'��r nI b•nn +lip�� Nr ..pld
Lrfa�e eny •nnns��linn in ^�plelyd
�.�ilh lhe muuiriPal �cnln' ennpiy.
f: �� a�cr \I>�are. The Cillace will
inri�iah (ur enrh a�nler ronnnntlnn e
m�lnr A depn..it ni f.^.5 MI nnmt hn pnid
!ni� thr \'11IT¢r Tmx�ury �nr aprh
n�.rf-r I,y �hv pro�vrtv nwner In whlrh
mi�l �..�rlrr I+ pinr��l. '�•h� w-.l�r meier
ih:ll) Iw 1i1P I�iflnEii V��( t11Y \�li1R�'P RTIi
���:�i Lr srrr'I��r�. nnd °ninlni•�.ed hv Ihr
\'ill�r�• u�bhnul rhnr^:• i.� ��., roneii....pT
��•� ��I:en �h�� m�.b.i' hxy heun dvn-
a:r�l bv .. nr.clr��i nu W+ pa�t o(
ihr �.mni�riri�•
'P'v . - lry'�'.1 shnl le r.inrned
r. n. I i 11 li. nn hn.� nf
I.�br. r iqnn d.i. n.r nt u.cnorxld�
I. ..i rb.�' J �� ' I n h,.c � r.t�d��.
s..�.pl� R�i rb�� \,�Lier ahnil n�f�inr�
1. • 1 1 f rt . I 1� � lel ni1 = le
v rv�. o! lai� f � �cnt � nnd
r r -
I� I'�. \ li r in: � r -' I:� �. M1.•.�
� x'ql � 1 I, n.q7..: 1\' p�Yl �fl�.l.
I:a� 1� i ni �q ' .liq❑ niin�p IhC r�nl.q
urI •�� ��1' hrl„1'r Iryn 4�L Ilnc (d IIIP
M1;al ':•�PI'. IP f'���4 ��:ilJlnl:�i qil:ll��n�.
P:a� n��ni„�.�iurr .�i.�i� b.. n+s�.srA e'.nr
f�.,. :mr vJ .�.� .r(�nn✓�1 au
. . Ifl'�� m�P• dil�� nl✓ ..� w
baeed on an e5limAte o( Lhe va(er
cnnnumed may be inchoAed ai lhe next
nuune. �
'fhe aater rate chargen ehall be enn-
n�,lered qroxe ralea aud eUall be the
reip pnyaDle after the IKy� day of ihe
mnnth of whiCh thp bllii�iKY 0.�0 vept O�[.
FaSmentn nnid Aefnrv �he Liet tlav ni
�he month mxy be paid nn Ihe net rate
basie, whl<�1� ahail he tne qroxu ratP
le++e 50c.� -
Rertin� I. If the nietrr (alla m regb-
trp IhP ghA�RP fOi walpr will 6e bpeM
upon Pent flceraRe hil8nge ae deter-
�nined by the Vlilnqe Manager.
Nrttfun 6 A enn.aumer ehnll noUfy
ihe \'177aRe TianaRer wi[hln 2d houra ot
xny leak or�urrinR ��P��n hie �ervles
P�Pe. Any wSete o! wfl�e� by rt�aon
n( lnilure Lo glve eneh �mtl�•e ehall be
pald for by the xnld mneumer at a
rnte to be detennlned by the ��IIIeRe
9etHnn i. No ner.on, f7rm or corpor-
atlnn eh�ll tanq�er w•Ith any �neter or
mske nny unauthndae�j connertlon with
the malne xo ae to uae. or wa.w[e sny
uater wlthout a nermit for eame.
Reetln� t. In nll rarex where w�tler
hne Men wrned o[f (ar non-rrayment
n1 axter rent, nr ne�cnFe nar��irq or fnr
vlolntlnn of thle Ordlnwnre, It e�s1i not
hn turned an nFnin unHl �w}�ment le
madn In !»Il of Ihe �evPral amounU of
rhnrR.n far �urn!n¢ off, and the ez-
nenefe (oi diRRinK ueerrnAry to tUrn
Mf, nnd tluen lmpnae�l snd all wetet
rPnU anA rrnatr charqee that ma� he
ReeBn� 7. The chnrR�e [or turnlnR
oft nnd nn �vn[er fm non-pnyment Mtll
M an followe: For firnt xcflnlon In �ny
on� yesq no cheree. For eerond nnA
�aeh eucreeA�nR orr¢nlon 6� any ane
yenq �I.IM�. For nuapended acmunb
pnA reQveeb, il.�o ear.h.
tletUuo 9. ReQUentr /or turninR o[t
vater nhall be In ��riHnK SO ALYn pre-
vloue of the tline R�r whn[ payment
hae been meAe; otherwiae lM1ey will Te
IInMn lnr wnier rent for Ihe nexl
DiI1h�8 Perlod. ,
�.etlun �. No �xrnnn nat authorlsM,
ehnll ronnect, or �lirrnnnrrt, nr teke
pRY�, Ul' IIl fl1iV IIIef111P1' ChRIIYU �If fBpMp
lo hr ehanRrd. ��� in�er(ere �cRh Ihe
A�tlon or reKU�alion n( u rcwcer rneter.
Heeqon 10. �o persan, uot nuth�rized,
nhril npen ur inlrrfr�re a�ith any o( [he
❑yrlrnm�; or gaten of Ihr GIY.
Rectloa Il. The \'lllare btaueger or
au xulhmTred eniylnye? nr agen[ of Lhe
\'iliage munt Fe nermitt�.J at xl1 time�
Io «spnilue xll n�w�drbiR H'ork, ma�er-
lale xnd iixl'�irea.
Nnrflnn 1'. The A'itinge nhall rrot be
'lirihlr inr anv dill��irvnoy m� fnilure h�
ih� snlrply n( w;uer lo e��nnumery.
�a hrrti�,r ����,���.i,��ird h�� ehutling lhe
o:iirr u!! t�.r iL�. purnn.+r o[ niakiuR
n�pnir. ��r eonnr.��iinnn, ur foi• :inY rnw...
���hnb�err. �
!tertinu iR, hi �:tar �if rmwvReuc.p� (pe
uM+ nl �.AtFi I'or nPrinklluR. n�a�� I,r
N rliri It. S �i ��:r �r draiu � ..
���.�r � .I.:PI W� .li �.1 tyrm..mtn t��n .
.u.nirnn: ..r���;r inn'�.✓ . _ .
� Ilm IL �i� n r'l.� KnLi�y"
� r � i 't uip� �i {:rh �1' fu. ��
L\' IIJ.' 11 I. 1.♦ II.�II -tn. l nl'\ 'µ . �
:� r nd� �ve� �L_ - �' .
I •n..M I lun � ��'��(p � ber- �
195i }�K!,�'�y
P l� P11��•':-Flt� illb, , "
�'i �i.l i � .
17•�'F.�I' \I.�1..1'� � '
� I��IIA� \laiu'11_.�
I'�IlAipi �"� , . � ,� Ilr�i_L..
I:���rid �. � .r .. I•�.-,