Ordinance No. 0654 06-06-1977_� �� � ORDINANCE N0. 654 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL OLD Ct1APTER 3C�2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CO�E, ANIMAL CONTROL AND TO ESTAE3LISH A NEW CHAPTER 302 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, ANIMAL CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRI�LEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 302.Oi OEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and application of this Chapter and thE follow�n9 words and terms, whereever they occur �n this Chapter are defined as follows: (Ref. 462) l. A pet shop is any person, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of breeding, buying, selling or boarding a m mals cf any spec��es. 2. A veterinary hospital is any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treat- ment of diseases and in,7uries of animals. 3. Animals are any ltving creatures, domestic or wild. 4. An animal shelter is any premises designated 6y the City for the purpose of impounding and caring for animals held under authority of this ordinance. Such facility may be City owned or shelter service contracted. 5. Animal Control Officer is any individual(s) designated by the City to enforce the provisions of the ord�nance, including all City police officers. 6. A do9 is any am mal of the canine species. 7. A cat is any animal of the feline species. 8. The keeping of three or more dogs or three or more cats an the same premises shall constitute a kennel. 9. A permit is the authority to keep a dog or other animal of the canine species within the City of Fridley. 10. An animal tag �s provided to individuals who are issued a perm�t to maintain a dog or other animal for v�hich tag �s required. 302.02 CONTROL It shall be unlawful for any person or for the parents or guardians of any person under_18 years of age who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog to allow such dog, regardless of age of doq, to run at large in the City of Fridley. 302.03 NUISANCE For the purpose of thts Chapter a dog or cat shall be deemed to constitute a nuisance when: 1. The dog or cat is not confined to the owner's or custodian's property by adequate fenctng or leashing, or if the dog or cat is off the premises of the owner or custodian and is not under thc control of the owner or a competent person by a leash not exceeding ei9ht (8) feet in length, when not in a motor vehicle 2. The dog or cat commits damage to the person or property of anyone other than the owner, or creates a nuisance upon the property of one other than the owner, except in the defense of the owner, his family or property. � � -, _ , : DEFINITIONS CONTROL NUISANCE -� � '�t ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 2 3. A female dog or cat in heat off the premises of the owner, unless confined in the process of being transported to or from the premises of the owner. While on the premises a female dog or cat in heat is not kept in a building or secure enclosure where said female dog or cat cannot be in contact with other male antmals of its kind, except for planned 6reed�ng. 4. The owner does not assume the obligat�on and responsi6ility required of the City Code or does not prevent such dog or cat from committing any act which constitutes a nuisance as defined herein. 5. The owner or custodian keeps a dog or cat which 6arks, howls, cries or yelps so as to unnecessarily disturb or annoy any person or persons in the vicinity thereof; or which animal frequents school grounds or public beaches. 6. The owner allows the dog or cat to chase vehicles or interfere with walking of pedestrians, the driving of automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, motorbikes, or snowmobiles on public streets, alleys, grounds or highways. 7. The owner allows a dog or cat to molest or annoy any person if such person is not on the property of the owner or custodian. 8. Every unregistered dog and every dog that runs at large or causes disturbance or noise in violation of the provisions of this ordinance is hereby declared a nuisance. 9. A person abandons any dog �r cat within the bounds of the City of Fridley. 10. Owner or custodian fails to have dog or cat vaccinated against rabies at least once every two (2) years, or dog's vaccination has not been within the past two years. � 302.041 REGISTRATION A permit and animal tag shall be required for a dog or other animal of canine species to be maintained within the City of Fridley. No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over the age of six months, within the City of Fridley unless a permit therefor has been secured. Perm�t cert�ficates shall be issued by the City. It shall be the duty of each person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog to pay the permit fee established by the City on or before the first day of the permit year, or upon establishing residence in the C2ty to forthwith pay such perm�t fee. The City may cause a notice of the necessity of paying such permit registration fee to be printed in the official newspaper in April of each year. Issue of new permits for the license year shall commence May 1 of each year. A compulsory system of permit and registration is established whereby the City will issue City owner perm�ts and animal tags to owners of dogs over six months of age upon proof of ra6ies vaccination within the preceeding year. Permits and animal tags must be applied for and obtained and animal tags affixed on dogs or other canines requiring tags before they attain the age of six months. The applicant for permtt must sign and agree that he is prepared to comply with regulations established by the City. Upon payment of the permit tag fee the City shall execute a recetpt in duplicate, the original of which shall be delivered to the person who pays the fee and the duplicate retained in the City records. The receipt shall describe the dog or animal as to breed, age, color and owner andaddress a minimum. 302.042 In addition to the permit, suitable animal tags, the shape or color of which shall be different for each registration year, shall be issued by the City. The owner shall cause said tag to be affixed ' REGISTRATION ' ' _� � � ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 3 by a permanent metal fastener to the collar or harness of the an�mal so registered, in such a manner so that the tag may be seen. The owner shall see to it that the tag is constant7y worn by the animal. In case any tag is lost, a duplicate may be issued by the City upon presentation of a receipt showing the payment of the registration fee for the current year A charge as provided by Chapter 11 of this Code shall be made for each such duplicate tag. If at tlme of intitial registration a dog is due to be vaccinated within the next six months period, then a new vaccination shall 6e required before permit is issued. 302.043 It shall be unlawful to counterfeit or attempt to counterFeit the an�mal tag or take from any dog a tay lega7ly placed upon it by its owner with the intent to place it upon another animal, or Lo place such tag upon another animal. 3D2.044 An�mal tags shall not be transferable and no refunds shall be made on animal permit fee 6ecause of leaving the City or death of the animal before expiration of the registration period 302.045 No permit shall be required of any humane society, veterinary hospital or laboratory. 302.05 REVOCATION A permit, if not revoked, shall be A new perm�t shall be obtained each and a new fee paid. 302.051 valid during *he license year license yEar by every owner The City may revoke any permit �f the person halding tnis permit refuses to or fails to comply with this Chapter, the regulations promulgated 6y the City, or any state or local law governing cruelty to animals or the keeping of animals. 302.052 An animal permit and tag may be revoked if an avner fails to provide animals with suffic�ent good and wholesome food and water, proper shelter and protection from the weather, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, and with humane care and treatment. Also, if an owner shall beat cruelly, ill treat, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse any a��imal, or cause or permit any dog fiqht, or cock fight, bull f�ght or other combat between animals or between animals and humans. In addition such owner shall be ltable to court action under this Code, State Statuies and local laws for any of the actions cited above. 302.053 If any person violating the terms of this ordinance three (3} times in one permit year, his permit to own, keep, har6or or have custody of animal(s) for which the offense was cited shall be deemed auto- matically revoked and no new permit may be issued for a period of one year from date permit is revoked. 302.054 Any person whose permit is revoked shall, within 15 days ±hei°eafter remove such animal(s) permanently from the City of Fridley or humanely dispose of animal(s) cited �n the v�olation being o�n�neJ, kept or harbored by such person and no part of the permit fee shall be refunded. � �1 REVOCATION � �t; QRDINANCE N0. 654 Page 4 302.062 LIUESTOCK See Chapter 301 of this Code. 302.063 WIL� ANIMALS AND BIRDS See Chapter 303 of this Code 302.064 The section of this Chapter requ�ring a permit shall not apply to non-residents of the City who are keeping only domestic pets, prov�ded that animals of such owners shall be kept in the City no longer than 30 days and that the animals are kept under restraint. The provisions of this Chapter shali appiy insofar as requirements for rabies vaccinat7ons is concerned. 302.Db5 FEES The annual perm�t fee and expiration date shall be as provtded in Chapter 11 of this Code. Neutered or spayed an�mals shall qualify for a reducetl permit fee as prov7ded in Chapter 11 of this Code. 302.07 IMPOUN�ING The Animal Control Officer or Humane Society shall take up and impouncl any dogs or animals requiring permits or tags found in the City without the tags, or any dogs or animals which are in violation of any of the other provis�ons of this ordinance. Animals shall be impounded in an animal shelter and confined in a humane manner. Impounded animals shall de kept for not less than ftve days, m cluding Sundays and Holidays, unless recla�med by their owners. If by a permit tag or other means, the owner can be identified, the Animal Control Officer shall immedtately upon impoundment not�fy the owner by telephone or mail of the impoundment of the animal. Not withstanding the provis�ons of this ordinance, if an am mal is found at large, and the owner or custodian can be identified, the Animal Control Officer, may proceed against the owner for viola- tion of the ordtnance. The Animal Control Officer may enter upon any publ�c or private premtses by warrant or as otherwtse prov�ded by law when such officer is �n reasonable pursuit of his/her duties. 302.08 NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT Upon taking and impounding any dog or animal as provided in this ordinance, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall immediate7y notify the owner, if known, and the City Police Department The Animal Control Offi cer, Poundkeeper and Police Department shall maintain a record of dogs and antmals so impounded 302.091 REDEMPTION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS In the instance of dogs or animals for which the owner does not have a requ�red permit or tag, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall not return such animal to the owner until a permit and tag, �f applicable, have been purchased from the City or from the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper. The Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall remit to the City the sum paid to him for the permit or tag antl if owner has not proof of rabies vaccinations, the cost of immunization, and furntsh the City all necessary information pertaining to said purchase including a copy of any permit certificate issued in connection therewith. In addition the Antmal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall be paid by the dog or animal owner the impounding fee plus feed and care for each day the dog or animal is confined in the pound. All monies received by the Animal Control Officer or Pounkeeper shall be turned over to the LIVESTOCK lJILD ANIMALS RN� BIRDS EXEMPTIONS FEES IMPOUN�ING NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT REDEMPTION IMPOUNDED ANIMALS � � � ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 5 City and placed in the general fund of the City. 302.092 Any dog or animal for which the owner Fas a current perm�t taq shall be redeemed from the pound by the owr�r after �mpound�nq by payment of impounding fee plus feeding and care for each day � the dog is confined in the pound. Fees paid shall b� in accordance with those established by the City. Al1 monies received by tnp Animal Control Off�c°r or ?oundkeeper shall Le turned over to the City and shall be p7ace� in the eeneral fund of the City. � , 302.10 UNCLAIMED Ii�1POL'fVQcD ANIMALS Any dog or ammal wnich is not clatmed vnthin Pive �iays af�ei° impounding, including Sundays or Hol�days, may be sold for not less than the amount of the total charyes accrued aqainst the animal in accordance w�th this ordinance and Council resolut�on, to anyone desiring to purchase the dog, if not requested by a �icensed educational or scientif�c �nstitution under Minnesota Statutes Section 35.71. All sums recetved by the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall be tut°ned over to the City and shall be place� �n the general fund of the City. Any dog or ari�mal which is not claime� by the owner, or by a licensed educati�nal or scientific institution, or sold, shall b� pa�nlessl� put to death and the body properly disposed of by the Poundkeeper. The time of sale or other disposit�on of dog or animal shall be at 1east 120 hours after notice has been given to the animal owner by the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper. The provisions of notification of owner does not apply, when owner cannot be ascertained. 302.11 11NIMAL 6ITES: QUARANTINE Any person know�ng of a human being bit by a deg, cat, racoon, skunk, or other rab9es susceptible species shall immediately nottfy the Animal Control Officer or Police Department. VJhen- ever any dog or animal has bitten any person the owner or custodian of such dog or animal, hav�ng been so notified by the Animal Control Officer or the Police Department, shall immediately cause said dog or animal to be qu3rantine� at the City of Fridle,� contract kennel facility or at a licensed veter�nary hosFita� or kennel for a period of 14 days after such person has been bitten by said dog or animal. Duo,�ng the quarantine period, said don, or animal shall be kept under observa�ior to determ�ne its cond�tion and if it is found to be sick or diseased, the operator of the quarantine facility shall�mmediately report inwriting to thc Police Department and the Fr��ley An�mal Lontro� Off�cer, the condition oP the anima1. The Animal Control Offi cer shall then take necessary steps to detErmine if the �og o� an7mal is suffer�ng from rabies. During the yuarantine period, Ehe dog or ai�imal shall not be removed from the designated quarantine far,ility exceot by special written permission from the Minnesota L�vestock Sanitary Board and the Fridley Animal Control Officer The owner of such dog or animai shall be responstble for the cc�st of such quarantine. The quarantine require� by this sect;on shall not be necessary and the requirements shall 5e waived 1f custodlan of such dog or am mal, immediately upon rece�pt af the notice referred to above, presents to the Animal Control Officer or Police Department, the certificate of an authorized veter�n,�rian that the dog or anirnal was vaccinaied for rahies on a date l�ss than twc years prior to the date of such not�ce. Such anima] so exempt shall be quarantined on the premises of the owner under strict control for a period of 14 days for the purpose of observation for symptoms o� disease. The Animal Control Officer is authorized to conduct a mid-term and terminal exam- ination of the animal. ., � ,� IINCLAIMED IMPOUNDED ANIMALS ANIMAL BITES QUARENTINE � �`? ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 6 It shall be unlawful for any person other than an Animal Control Officer to kiil or destroy any dog or animal of the dog kind found running at large in the City. No Animal Control Officer or other person shall kill, or cause to be killed any animal suspected of being rabid, except after the anima7 has been placed 7n quarantine and the diagnosis of rab�es made. 302.12 VICIOUS ANIMAL No person shall keep or allow to be kept anyplace in the City any animal of a feroc7ous or vicious character, habit or disposit�on or any an7mal wild by nature, any dog or animal shall be deemed to be vicious upon the occurrence of two (2j bites w�thin 365 calendar days except those occurring in defense of the owner or his property. Upon conviction for the violation of th7s section, the court may rn addition to impos�t�on of sentence, direct the Animal Control Officer to take the an�malir,•quest�on into custody and forthw�th dispose of the same as may 6e directed 6y the Ctty of Fridley. 302.13 COMPLAINTS An,y person complaining to the Police Department that a dog or other am mal is allegedly running at Targe or otherwise constituting a danger or nuisance shall identify himself upon request and shall make every reasonable attempt to ass�st the authorit�es in ident�fy- ing the dog and 1ts owner or custodian. 302.14 MUZZLING Whenever the prevalence of hydrophobia renders such action necessary to protect the pu6lic health and safety, the Mayor shall issue a proclamation ordering every person owning or keeping a dog t�o confine it securely on his premises unless it is muzzled so that it cannot bite. No person shall violate such procTamation, and any unmuzzled dog running at large during the time fixed �n the proclamat�on shall be killed by the Animal Control Officer without not�ce to the awner. 302.15 KENNELS Because the keeping of three oi° more dogs or three or more cats on the same premises is su6,7ect to great abuse, causing discomfort to persons in the area, by way of smell, noise, hazard and genera7 aesthetic depreciation, the keep�ng of three or more dogs or cats on one premises is hereby declared a nu�sance. The keeping of three or more dogs or three of more cats on the same premises, whether owned by the same person or not and for whatever purpose, kept, shall constitute a kennel, excapt that a fresh litter of pups/kittens may be kept for a period of three months befare such keeping shall be deemed to be a kennel. No person shall keep or maintain a kennel in the City of Fridley except upon obtaining a kennel license consistent with the zo m ng requirements of this Code. Appl�cation for kennel license shall be made on forms provided by the City. Such application shall show the following Location of the premises of the kennel. 2. Location of all structure for the housing of the dogs and/or cats. If sa�d dogs and/or cats are to be kept primarily within the home or builtl�ng of residence of the applicant or of any other person, the application sha]1 so state. 3. The maximum number of dogs, cats, or any com6ination tF�ereof, to be kept on the premises. VICIOUS ANIMALS COMPLAINTS MUZZLING KENNELS � ' , �� .� � ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 7 4. Any dog runs and housing for dogs shall be a minimum distance of 200 feet from any building structures suitable for human habitation, public place where food is bought, stored or eaten. 5. The premises for any keep�ng of dogs shall be fenced and a simple plat showing the location of fencing shall be fui°nished. The fencing must be of such quality as to contain the dogs and/or cats. 6. Method to be used in keeping the premises in a sam tar,y conditiorz. 7. Method to be used in keeping the dogs and/or cats quiet. 8. The application shall contain an agreement by the applicant that the premises may be inspected by the City at all reasonable times. The City shall have discretion whether to issue such license c�r nct. In making such determination, the City shall take into consideration the adequacy of housing the runs for the dogs and/or cats, the method used for sanitation and to maintain quite, facilities for containing the dogs and/or cats, and with particularity any violations during the previous license period. If a license is granted and the applicant ��hereafter fa�ls to cornply with the statements made in the application or any other reasonable conditions imposed, or violates any other provisions of this ord�nance, the licensee shall be notified by mail and given ten days to remedy any defects or defaults. If such conditions be not remedied in said ten days, a hearing shall be held after at least ten days mailed notice to the licensee, and the licensee and all othe�° interested parties shall be heard. If it shall appear that said kennel is not being properly maintained, the City may revoke the kennel license and the keeping of three or more dogs, or cats, or any combination thereof, immed�ately shall be discontinued It shall be unlawful for any licensee to do or permit any of the following. 1. Allowing any of the dogs to run at large on any street or public property or any private property not owned by the licensee or under his control. 2. Allowing the premises to be kept in an unsanitary or unhealthy condition. 3. Burning of offal waste. 4. Allowing the dogs or cats to bite or scratch anyone properly on or off the premises. 5. Allowing the dogs or cats to bark, yelp or fight so as to disturb the neighborhood either night or day. 6. Maintaining any dogs or cats so as to create a nuisance by way of no�se, odor or otherwise. 302.151 KENNEL LICENSE FEE The annual license fee and expiration date shall be as provided in Chapter 11 of thts Code. 302.16 APPOINTMENT DF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER The City may appoint such person, persons, or firm as the City may deem necessary and advisable as Animal Control Off�cer. Such appointees shall work under the supervision of the Fridley Police Department and shall be responsible for the enforcement of th�s ordinance. 302.17 ENFORCEMENT BY ANIF1AL CONTROL OFFICER Animal Control Officers are authorized to enforce the provisions _ `:� "� KENNEL LICENSE FEE APPOINTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER ' ENFORCEMENT i BY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER � �`i s ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 8 of this ordinance and other related ord�nances and statutes pertaining to animal control, including the issuance of c�tat�ons. 302.18 INTERFERENCE WITH ANIMAL CDNTROL OFFICER It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to break �nto an animal control pound, or attempt to do so, or to take or set free any animal taken by such officer in the compl�ance of thts ordinance, or in any way interfere with, hinder, or molest such off�cer in the discharge of his/her duty under this ordinance. 302.19 GUARD DOGS,-WARNING Businesses located within the City and maintaining a guard dog for security purposes shall post notice at the entrance to the prem�ses warning of the presence of said dog 3021.191 GUARD DOGS,-AUTHORIZATION Businesses maintaining a guard dog shall file with the City a release authorizing the police or fire departments to shoot said dog in an emergency situation if necessary in order to allow the police or fire fighters to gatn admtttance to the premises in the performance of their duties. 302.20 PENALTIES Any violation of this Chapter is a misdemeanor and is sub,7ect toall penalties provided for such violation under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code. 302.21 SEEING EYE DOGS PERMITTED IN PUBLIC PLACES Whenever any blind person accompa m ed by a°seeing eye" or 9uide dog presents himself/herself for accomodation or service on any public conveyance vehicle nr to any cafe, restaurant, store, or other place of business open to the public, tt shall be unlawful for the propriztor, manager or operator of such vehicle or place of business to refuse admission to the dog or service to the blind person. 302.22 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS M�nnesota Statutes 346.20 through 346.34 are hereby adopted by reference and shall be in full force and effect in the City of Fridley as if set out here in full. INTERFERENCE WITH ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER GUARD DOGS WARNING GUAR� DOGS AUTHORIZA7ION PENALTIES SEEING EYE DOGS CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 302.23 REPEAL REPEAL Old Chapter 302 of the Fridley City Code is hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE , �g77 ��-t�wT'v`-" I' ""`--- MAYOR - WILLIAM . NEE ATTEST� ���� L�' JC� .�U ��. ;1,.,...nf� CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reuding. Mav 16 1977 Second Reading: 7i,,,P F�_�A�� Publish: �imP 15 1977 � ' �