Ordinance No. 0067 12-05-1955�
! �
'PIOffiFG UP '1'H}; �"fLL.fGE COiV-
The \"illage Council of Fridley do
ordain aa� Iollon's:
C�CTIOS 1. The following rules of
orrler antl urocedure ehall govern the
deliberatlons and meetings o[ the Cil-
lage Co�nciL an3 of co�nmittees there-
Rule I. ReKUlar mee[ings af the
�'il:age Council sUxll be lield on the
first T¢eaday of cach calendar month
at [he hour of 7:30 P.bf. .4ny reKUlar
�neecb�g fa➢ing u[�on a ]cgal holiday
shaLl be held on the next folluwlug
aeculae day at Che same hour a�d
place. All meetings of the Couvcil shall
be held in the Z-illa�e Hall, induding
special autl ad`ourned meetlngs.
Itule 2. 'npecial meecings may be
ealled by tlie Alacoc ti-illage �Ianager
or any ttw Council �nembera '3�4 houre
prior to time speci(ied for mee�ing.
The clerlc shall immedia[ely notify each
member ot the time and Puruose �f
such meecing by causing a�vritrcn
nocice fhereof to be delivered ro each
member personally if he can be found
and, if he ea�mot be found, fhen by
leavin�; a co��y of such notice at the
home of cuch member in the pt'esenee
of an adutt member of the family o[
the membec The c:le[le shall cause an
affidaci[ shoiying service of such not-
ice as herefn n�orided to be file�l in his
office prior Lo the time fixed for such
sperla7 meeting. Sperial meeting�r may
be held withovt auch notice mhen all
mmnUera ot the �'illage Cou�cil are
present in per=on or wnaen[ to be Filed
with the clerl: Prio[ to the beginning
of the meetin�. Any special meeting
attended by all Che membera shall be a
regular meeting ior the t�ansaction of
an>' busineSS vhat may coix�e before
Sueh Ol¢¢LinK
Rule 3. The Council may, by a ma-
jocity cote of those present, adjourn
[rom time to time to a epecitic dala
and hoor.
Rule 4. A71 meeti�gs of the Couvcil
sha➢ be presided over by the �iayor
an�l con�iucteA i�� the followin� order:
(1) Called to order by presiding
('_') Roll Call. (Tf a quorum ie �ot
p�esent, the meeting shall thereuyon
atljouen, �chich may be [o a sPecific
date pursuaut to rule 3).
(3) Hea�3ir�fi �he minutes af the pre-
ceding mee[ing. and aPPTOVing the
sa�ne iY correr4 an3 rectlfying mis-
in� business provided
on the agentla.
(5) Lnfinishnd bu��ess trmn previ-
business, inclucli��g the in-
of ordinances and reaolu-
(7) Commu��icatio�a and miseellane-
ous hueiness.
(8) Anproee Claims.
Rule 5. 'Che President a[ a atatec7
hour shall oall the mee6ng to order.
He ehall peeserce ocder antl decorum,
deci�e all queslions of ordeq and con-
duet the ProcecQings of che meetinb' in
statute or by Uiese rules. Any �nember
shall have the ri�ht of apDeal frwn a
deeision of [he pt'esiiiing officer. Vp
appeal shall be debatable an� .ne ap-
neal rnay be sastai��ed by a ma�nrlry
oC the membere yeeaent vechter�e oi
the presideut.
i:ulA 6. ]n [ho absence of the MaYOr,
the aoting Mayor �hall be the pres9din„
ol'ticer ant3 i� his absencc the oletl:
shall ca1L tho meetinn to ortler anfl
preside until the oouncil shall by �no-
LIOII SE�¢CS 'L[l HCt1Tg pCE31(�BIIC f0[ t�1P
Y.ule 7. �Vhenecer the presi�3ing of-
ticer shall tlesire to malw any motion,
he �hnll raca[e the chnir Lemporarily.
P.ule R. Erery member shal] vo[e
�ohen a question fs pnt un]ess the
co�nci] by maJorSty vate of those pies-
ent sha➢ excuse him for special cauae.
A msjority cole of all member� of the
councl in [aco� of ae�y Droposed oY3i-
nauce, re,o�utlon or appoleiuveu[ sheJl
be nece3sary ior Passage m' ayprovat
unless a IarKer emmber is rWaaed b3'
sta[u[e, tiicep[ xs otherwis'e provideA
a majonty voCe of those V�'e`e��� °hall
prevail in uther cases.
'Pbe flerk aha❑ recm'd aII �°ote.s xs
unanimous unlees IDcrc ig a epli� vnte
in whicl� rane Chex'e sltall be n roll-citll
votc and .so recor<led.
Rule 9. Any Citizen �cishinF to ba
heard oe having any busin�s to Cea¢a-
act zviLh the counuil shall make his
wishes known to [he <]erk at Lcas[ 7L
hours betore che meeting so the i[em
ean be P�n on the aRcutla Only peoPle
thac hare �'.ade such areanKe�nents wIll
be heartl oi' PiT«�ittetl to sVealc at the
meeting, u��Ieds the rouncil, Gy majuo-
it} vote, g�'anl.s sPeclat yee�vission.
P.ule 10. At pnblic liearinKS, all �uoh
porsons as- ax'e directly effeetet3 by Lbo
problem nnder wnsi�eraLim� �hall tre
hea�3 b°IOre aeiy other per�o� is per-
mitted to epeak. No peraon ehall be
penniUed to speak twice m� tiie sa.me
eubject until all othe�'s have beun g:ven
an opportiwity to be heard.
Rule ll. _Vl ordinances or resolu-
tlone aP�mpeia[ing money or ceeating
any charge mSainst the Vlllage o[her
[han the Payrnent of da.ims ior pur-
ohases m' work Previously authorized
by the Council shhll only be aeteM1
��pon by the Com�ril at [he nest �'cgu-
tar meetin.t' VT��'��e�l ihaL Lttie Ueovi-
sion may Le suypended by a[ti�'mative
e.rtian bv Lhree-I'ourths oE 171 �nembcrs
uf tlm counriL A roll oall vote shalL be
talien aM recorc7ecl on ap a��Propria-
Rule 1°. It shall be iu order for any
me�nber coting in the �na oi'ity lo move
Co[ a reronsi�eta[ion of the voLe of xnp
yuestion aC that meefing ur at tLe 5uc-
ceedi�iG vea»Ixr �nee[ine. A motlun lo
rccoueic�cr beinS l�ut and loet 6ha11
noc be renewe�i. _1 member �nay not
change his vote mi any question 3fLer
the resiil[ has- bcen animunce�l.
RWe 1S. 1'1�ese r'nles or ¢ny Par[
thereof may be tempm�ariLy eu5pentled
in eminection a�lth any mxtter under
consideratim� bti a rocur�etl vrte ot
t�eo-lh�r�1� nY the niember3 present.
SPCTiOPI ° (a) No ordiitanu� or
resolution �hall be con�Jdere�l Ly the
Council iuilea [�resented bY one of tha
membera the �"i11aRe lfanager m� Vil-
]a�e Atmruev.
(b) Vo ordinance shall be passeti by
the Council �vithout bco reatlinFS oP the
proposed orlinanez. There shall he at
least a theeo day lntcrvaL becween the
firhf and =econrl readi�g.
SEC'C10� 3. 'Che A"illage ➢ZanaFer
shall tiace pnPlisheA in [he official
r�ewspaper oP [he V11Lage a awnma��,v
nk the husine55 of each regulac an3
specixl mcetin� ot the ViLla-qe Counril
'Clie surnn�arv shall Indude a brief
concise statc��euL of the bu?iness be-
fore [he Counri� ��•�thmf ae�y require-
ment of Inrnishin,� details o� a sum-
mary of rou[ine matters, The summavy
shoulfl �e pu0lished within a two week
peri�,d follmrin� each meetine.
SPCTiOS 1. Or3inancn No. 1 en-
titled An OrAinance Tn �scabLish Aules
Cncecvine 'Plia l�unetinnine Of The
�'illage Cuuncil Of The Cillage Of
Pri�lley, a3nptetl Tuly Lst, 19A9 ib
herehy reneal�d.
5PSC'I40A u This ordinance shaR
ta��e eft'cr� and bo in Yorco from an[7
aite* 1ts adontion and PvDlica[ion ac-
c0[CIinR to 13\v.` '
P:�ssed by Lh0 Villare �n�iyf �h'
6th �las of Peceinber, 195&��;�_i<�1��
��RT S.�HU(;IIT�S,
._ !; T�a�'or.
Attest� �.//'�4@..��
V1�1'S�'P. �}LII&g'P.C,
nPC. � .
ReprinCed� from the COLUiVIBIA
HEIGHTS�� P.ECORD; Thursday,
Aecember 8, 1955. .