Ordinance No. 0678 06-05-1978���
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The City Council of the Ctty of Fridley does ordain as follows:
Chapter 205; Zoning, is hereby amended by addinq the follow�ng Section
205.22 entitled S-1 Special District:
205.221 Title
This ordinance shall be referred to as the "Hyde Park Neigh6or-
hood Ordinance" in short form.
205.222 Purpose
The purpose of this special zoning distr�ct �s to
1. Change the present "7egal, non-conforminq use" status of the
residential dwe1l�ngs in the neighborhood to a"conform�ng-
use" status;
2. Re-establish residential character �n the neigh6orhood;
3, Protect the property rights of all present landowners as much
as possible, while promoting the qeneral development of the
4. Establish a zoning system for the neighborhood that will
encourage residential investment and development in Hyde Park.
.223 District Boundaries
The Hyde Park Neighborhood shall comprise Lots 16-30, Block 5,
and all of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Lots 16-3D, Block 12; Lots
16-30, Block 21; and all of Blocks 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27;
and Lots 6-1D, Block 2S of Hyde Park Addition, Lots 1-13, Block 2;
Lots 3-4, Block 8, and all of Block l, City View Addition in the
City of Fridley.
2�5.224 Uses Permitted
1. Princ�pal Uses
One family dwell�ngs
2. Accessory Uses
A. Private garages or other accessory butld�ngs. Only one
accessory 6uilding �n excess of 24Q square feet is allowed
per s�te. One additional accessory 6uilding is allowed
prov�ded �t does not exceed 240 square feet.
Any accessory building in excess of the above requirements
(square footage or numbers of buildings) requires a
special use permit,
All accessory 6uildings must be permanently attached to
a foundation and may not be used for home occupat�on.. A1l
garages, whether attached to, tucked under, or detached
from the main dwelling, are considered to be an accessory
B. Privately owned recreational facilities, such as swimming
pools, ten m s courts, which are for the enjoyment and con-
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Ordinance No. 678
Chapter 205, Section 205.22
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Page 2
venience of the residents of the principal use and their
C. Customary home occupations including rental of rooms for
occupancy to not more than two persons per dwellinq unit.
Existing Uses
A. All existing uses will be classified as permitted uses
wtthin the zoninq district on the present property which
they occupy.
B. Existing uses other than one family dwellings: In the event
that the main structure is either damaged or destroyed,
the existing use will be allowed to rebuild but shall not
exceed the size or setbacks of the existing structures.
Alterations may be made when they improve the livability,
provided they will not increase the num6er of dwelling units
or the bulk of the biailding
C. Existing one family dwellinas: Existing one family dwellings
that do not conform to the conditions of this ordinance wtll
be allowed to contiinue as a permitted use. In the event that
the main structure is either damaged or destroyed, the
existing use will be allowed to re6uild to the setbacks
of the existing building or to the allowed setbacks of the
zone. Alterations and additions will be allowed when they
improve the livability, provided they meet the required
setbacks as stated in this Chapter
4. Uses Excluded
Radio or television antennas exceeding a height of 2D fee�
above dwelling roof.
Any use not specifically permitted in the preceeding para-
graphs of this Section.
205:225 Lot Reauirements and Setbacks
Yards, lot sizes and open spaces shall be as required tn this section
for one-family dwelling in the Hyde Park Special Zoning Distr�ct.
l. Lot Area
A. A lot area of not less than 7,500 square feet is required.
2. Lot ldidth
A. The width of a lot shall not be less than 60 feet at the
required setback.
B. Where a parcel of land ts less than 60 feet tn width, but
not less than 50 feet tn width, and compr�ses one or more
full sized lots or parts thereof, on a subdivision or plat
recorded before December 29, 1955, and the minimum width
of a lot as originally made is less than 60 feet, and it
is no longer practical to require a greater width, the
minimum required lot width can be lowered to allow a 6uilding
on this parcel with the s�de yard requirements reduced to
five (5) feet minimum on each side sub,7ect to the following
1) The distance between any attached garages or other
accessory bu�ldings ls at least 10 feet.
2) The distance between any building and the living
area in an ad�acent building is at least 15 feet.
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Ordinance No. 678
Chapter 205, Section 205.22
Paqe 3
3) The distance betvaeen the living areas in any two
adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet.
3. Lot Coveraqe
Not more than 25 percent of the area of a lot shall be covered
by the main building and all accessory build7ngs
4. Setbacks
Front Yard� A front yard with a depth of not less than 35
feet is required.
Side Yard: Two side yards are required, each with a width
of not less than 10 feet except as follows:
1} Where a house is built without an attached garage, a
minimum s�de yard requ�rement shall be 10 feet on one
side, and 13 feet on the other side, so that there is
access to the rear yard for a detached garage and off-
street parking area.
2) Where a house is built with an attached garage, the side
yard ad�o�ning the attached garaqe or accessory building
may be reduced to not less than 5 feet, provided the
height of the garage or accessory building on that side
is not more than 15 feet.
C. Corner lots
1) The side yard width on a street stde of a corner lot
shall be not less than 17.5 feet. When the lot to the
rear has frontage along a side street, no accessory
building on the corner lot within 25 feet of the common
property line shall be closer to said side street than
30 feet; provided however, that this regulation shall
not be interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of
corner lot to less than 25 feet.
2) Any attached or unattached accessory building which
opens on the side street, shall be at least 25 feet
from the property line on a side street.
D. Rear Yard
A rear yard with a depth of not less than 25 percent of the
lot depth is requtred, w�th not less that 25 feet permitted,
or more than �0 feet required, from the main building.
205.226 Buildinq Requirements
No building shall
altered, enlarged,
limit of 30 feet.
2. M�nimum Floor Area
hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed,
or moved, so as to exceed the building heiqht
A. A one-family dwelling unit shall have a minimum first floor
area of 768 square feet of living area.
205.227 Parking Requiremen
1 Parking Ratio
At least one off-street parking stall shall be provided for
each dwelling um L.
Ord�nance No. 678
Chapter 2D5, Section 205.22
2. General Provisions
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A. A properly maintatned hard surfaced driveway is required
for each dwelling unit.
B. The required parking stalls shall not occupy any portion
of the front yeard
205.228 Landscaping
1. Grade Requirements
A finished ground grade shall 6e established such that natural
drainage away from all buildings is provided The following
minimum criteria shall apply:
A. The minimum elevation of ftnished ground grade ts to be
not less than ', inch rise perhorizontal foot of setback
measured from curb grade.
B The maximum elevation of the finished ground grade to be
not more than 48 inches above the established curb grade
C. A different fim shed ground grade may be established upon
application therefor for approval by the City Engineer's
Office of the City tf such different elevation is found not
to adversely affect surface dratnage to or from ad�oim ng
D. The City Engineer may specify a mintmum f�nished ground
grade for any structure in order to allow proper connection
to City utiltties.
2. Site Improvements
Sodding and landscaping to extend across the entire front
yard and side yards.
The boulevard, and rear yard are to be properly maintained.
C. All structures, walls, fences, walks, steps and other
exterior developments shall be marntained in a good state
of repair, and kept free from dilapidation by cracks,
tears or breaks, or from the deteriorat�on of materials and
the�r protective coverings which g�ve evidence of long
�UNE, 1978.
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Public Hearing.
First Reading :
Second Reading
May 8, 1978
May 15, 1978
June 5, 1978
June 14, 1978