Ordinance No. 0683 07-24-1978� � tl � hL� ORDINANCE N0. 683 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW CHAPTER 3 DF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED PERSONNEL AND REPEALING PP.IOR CHAPTER 3 EN7ITLED PERSONNEL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRI�LEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3.01 Purpose To establtsh standards, conditions and regulations of work and pay in � City employment within the City of Fridley, to be applicable to all regular and full-time non-um on employees of the City except where the City shall otherwise hereafter provide, or unless modified by a separate contract or agreement The Council established the standards, condittons and regulations contained in the following sections. (Ref 182 and 636) 3.02 Hours of ldork The regular work week of each employee shall commence on P4onday of each week and terminate on Friday of each week and shall consist of forty (40) hours each week, holidays excepted, unless the needs of any department dictate otherwise, as determined by the City Manager Overtime and overtime pay for any day shall commence after the expiratton of the regular vaorktng day. Overtime and overtime pay for any week shall commence after the expiration of the regular working week It is provided, however, that no employee shall be entitled to overt�me pay for any day or for any week unless the actual hours of work during the week shall be additional hours or days of work and are not performed on such day in lieu of other hours or days of work re9ular to such employee. There are certain employees of the City, other than the police or firemen, who are and may be designated by the City Manager to serve in a"standby" status in beha1f of the City on a Saturday or Sunday or other holiday of the City to perform work as may be necessary to the public interest on such day. � The"standby" employee is entitled to and may receive as compensation for such service as "standby", two (2) hours of regular pay for each day served in such status. If on any such day the employee in "standby" shall actually perform work for the City, he shall be entitled to compensation for each hour or portion thereof actually worked at 1z times the regular pay, which pay shall be in addition to the two (2) hour "standby" pay In the public interest, an employee may be called to perform work for the City after the regular working day and in such event, the employee shall receive pay computed as follows. For such overt�me work performed, pay computed at the rate of one and one-half (1%z) times the regular pay, but not less in any event than an amount equal to two hours regular pay, provided, however, that such mtnimum amount shall not apply in the case of an employee who had not left the site of the work performed during the regular working period, and such employee is directed to perform work for the City withtn one (1) hour of the expiration of the regular working day, in which case the work performed is considered normal overtime for the period of time actually worked 3 03 Holidays The following days shall be holidays, and no employees, except in the case of necessity to public safety, health and m�elfare, or unless the requirements of employment so provide, shall be obliged to perform work on such day; and � when so performed, compensation for such work shall be paid as overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (1z� times ihe regular pay The following days are "holidays", New Year's Day, January 1, bdashington"s and Lincoln's Brithday, the third Monday rn February, Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Christopher Columbus �ay, the second Monday in October, Veterans Day, November 11; Thanksg�ving Day, the fourth Thursday in November and Christmas Day, December 25, provided, when New Year's Day, January l; or Independence Day, �uly 4; or Veterans Day, November 11, or Christmas Day, December 25, falls on Sunday, the following day shall be a holiday and, ORDINANCE N0. 683 -Y x ! � f� Page 2 provided, when New Year's Day, January 1, or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11, or Christmas Day, December 25, falls on Saturday, the preceeding day shall be a holiday. (Ref. 509 and 573) 3.04 Uacations Each employee of the City who has worked regularly for the City for a period of not less than s�x (6) successive months is entitled to a vacat�on away � from employment with pay. vacat�on pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such employee is entitled. An employee who has worked a minimum of six (6) months is entitled to one (1) workday of vacation for each month so worked, an employee who has worked eighty-four (84) successive months is entitled to one and one-half (1'z) workdays of vacation for each month worked beginning with the eighty-fifth (85th) month of consecutive employment. An employee who has worked one hundred eighty (180) successtve months is entitled to one and two-thirds (1 2/3) workdays of vacation for each month worked beginn�ng with one hundred eighty-first (181st) month of consecutive employment. 3.05 5ick Leave Each employee of the City is entitled to sick leave away from employment wtth pay. Probationary employees are eligible for sick leave on the condition that should they term�nate w�th the City prior to the complet�on of the probationary period, the sick leave taken wtll be deducted from their final pay checks. Sick leave pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such employee is entitled. An employee who has worked a minimum of six (6) months is entitled to one (1) day of sick leave for each month worked, cumulative to one hundred twenty (120) days of sick leave. After ane hundred twenty (120) earned and unused days of sick leave has accumulated,one (1) day addttional vacatton shall be granted to an employee for every three (3) sick leave days earned and unused. The employee may elect, after ninety (90) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, to receive one (1) � day additional vacation for every three (3) stck leave days earned and unused. Sick leave days shall not accumulate beyond one hundred twenty (120). Before _ any sick leave compensation is paid, the City may request and is ent�tled to receive from any employee who has been absent more than three (3) days in succession, a certificate signed by a competent physician or other medical attendant certifying to the fact that the a6sence was in fact due to sickness and not otherwise. The Ctty also reserves the right to have an examination made at any time of any person claimin9 absence by reason of sickness, such examination may be made when the City deems the same reasonably necessary to verify the sickness claimed and may be made in behalf of the City by any competent person designed by the City. Sick leave is to be used normally for the sickness of the employee only, however, two stck days per year may be used for the following specified uses: (1) Seriaus illness of the spouse. (2) Serious illness of child. 7he special use days cannot be accumulated from one year to the next and if they are not used, they are included in the normal sick leave accumulation Time off with pay can be charged to the specifted special uses listed above For additional reasons, t�me off with pay can be charged to sick leave only if the employee is sick. (Ref. 534) 3.051 Severance Pay Each employee who leaves ihe C�ty employment for any reason, vahether voluntary or involuntary, will be paid for earned, unused vacation days that have been earned and not taken. An employee hired before September l, 1978 with 48 or more consecutive months of employment will receive severance pay in cash � based on une and one-half (1z) days for each twelve (12) consecutive months worked, but not to exceed thirty (30) days of same. 3.06 Injury Any full-ttme City employee who has been employed by the City at least stx (6) months and who is injured on the regular ,7ob shall be entiiled to full pay up to a period of ninety (90) days while he is absent from work 6y reason of such �n�ury and h�s accrued sick leave will not be charged until after and beginning with the n�nety-first (91st) day of absence from work by reason of x �, � -; ORDINANCE N0. 683 Page 3 such in�ury, provided, however, the amount of any compensation shall be reduced by any payment received by the in,7uretl employee from workmen's compensation insurance An employee who claims an absence from work due to an in�ury sustained on his regular �ob is sub,7ect to an examination to be made in behalf of the C�ty by a person competent to perform the same and as is designated by the Ctty. Any volunteer fl remen in�ured while serv�ng the City in the performance of his duty shali 6e entitled to compensation for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days while absent from work by reason of such in�ury Rate of compensat�on shall be equal to the then current pay scale for first class firemen in the City of Fridley, Minnesota, provided, however, the amount of any compensat�on shall be reduced by any payment received by the �n�ured fireman from workmens compensation insurance, or any payments received from his regular employer. Any volunteer f�reman who claims an absence from work due to said in,7ury shall submit said claim on forms provided 6y the Ctty and if so requested, su6,7ect himself to an examinatton by a physician des�gnated by the City, (Ref. 466) 3.07 Disqualification A failure without good cause on the part of the employee to provide such certificate or to submit to such an examination or examinations as may be deemed necessary by the City to verify any illness or to determine the nature of any in,7ury and the cause thereof, shall sub,7ect the employee to 6eing disqualified from compensation otherwise to be received by reason of such illness of in�ury and the absence caused thereby; and also to such other disciplinary means as are provided by law 3.08 Absences An employee who has been duly summoned for ,7ury duty in any court or who has 6een duly summoned as a witness in any proceeding, shall be excused from work for the purpose of complying with such summons, and while absent from work in accordance therewith, such employee shal] be entitled to receive as pay a sum of money equal to the difference between what he receives as compensation for such �ury duty or witness fees and his regular pay Any employee absent from work in accordance with the order of a duly established military authority shall receive pay and compensatton during such absence as is provided by State Law In case of death occurring �n the immediate family of an employee, such an employee may be excused from work for up to three days with additional time off granted by the City Manager if additional time 7s needed. This time off shall not sub,7ect the employee to loss of pay. For thts purpose, members of the immediate family of the employee are considered to be the following. spouse, ch�ld (natural or adopted), parent, grandparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law or father-in-law (Ref. 535) 3.09 Adm�nistrative Policy The City Manager wiil exercise the power to formulate and execute such admi m strative polic�es wh�ch w�ll further clarify and complement this chapter Such administrative policies will apply to all City emploVees not spectfically covered by any other agreement. 3.10 Effective Date The benefits arising hereunder shall operate retroactively and inure to each employee as of January 1, 1960. ADOPTE� BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 24TH DAY dF JULY, T978 C/ " _ _ _ " _ _ V —Z-- MAYOR - WTLLIAA �. NEE ATTEST. � -<'' 1 '� j� �,,,,,�,�, t CITY CLERK - MARUTN C NSELL First Read�ng: Second Reading Publtsh .... �uly 10, 7978 July 24, 1978 August 2, 1978 � � �