Ordinance No. 0069 12-1955OFFICIAL PUBLICATION
01tDiN�NOE r0. sU
. The Village Council of FridleY do
� ordain as fo]]ows: �
SECTION, 1. A land alteration per-
mit shall be apPlied for and shall be
issued. by the zoning aaminiatrator for
such excavating, grading and filling oF
any land as would be a substantial al-
teration oE existing ground contour or
would change existing drainage or
cause��flooding or erosion and for such
remoyal or destruction of ground cover
as would result in less 4eneficial cover
for preaent and Proposed future devel-
opment, use and en7oyment of any
.proper[y according to [he intent and
purpose of this ordinance, or for the
mining of sand, Sravel, rocic, minerala
or dirt of any kind.
Any Person or corporation desiring a
�permit shall first au6mit a written
apF�lication setting forth:
a. Name and address of applicant.
b. LegaL descriPtion oY land to Ue
c, Nature of alteration or
d, Starting date and a
Cailt h8s:
a, Submitted aPP�icatimi. engineering or P�anning serv.,.,
- b, Paid a Permit fee of $5.00. � quired to advise on g�'ades, dralnwe-
�-c. Posted,a..aurety.dona, acceplable s�ee�e..¢nd.flood con[rol or nreventlon,
to the �'illage, or cerEifled check in the-- 9r.to,;epnrt on Proposed alterations or
amomlt oY $1,00D.OD� F�i• Rcre or Ytac- - Changes a6tl0}�ittg-� to'adopted-or de-
tion [hereof, tunning to�-the� \'illage to ��raLle zoning and ptanning�. require-
secure satisfactory perfm�mance of the Ine�its and standards�-and- tlxeir-effect
following requiremen[s: on the use and enjoymenE af'any�pro-
1. The piC�ahall be am•rounded by a Perty aecording to the intent and P�r-
fence 4 Yt, high and ade ua[e as ro- Pose of this ordinance and any acloPt-
d P ed or Proposed nlana oY the Village.
tection against a.ecidental fall or in- The zoning adminiatrator sha11 make
jury. � an estimate of such cost and shall re-
'l,. No water or other ��•aste shall be quire a depo rt of funds in Lhe amouut
allnwed to rm� oPY from auy pit intu of the esti�ate- when recaiving the
auy stream, Iake m• pund ao as to I�1- apPlication for filing. �
lute the same. SLCTION 5c'�"F,xisting P�ts in upera-
3. OPeratiune shall be limiled t� l�ie tion o� Deeertlbar 6, 1953, shait confor•m
perlod 7:00 d.hl. to fi:00 I'.h1. uu -a�eek ro[he above conditions, res[cictions and
days only. regula[ions witliin sis months� aC[er
4. lilaedng shall be xuhjecl [o such ���te. ... ..� ._.
safety re�uli.ions -nd reatrictions as
the zoning udmiui �U 2wr ur the �'il- = SECTI� 6. Any person viola[ing .
labe Counul may �. P�� ' st xny t�me � any Provi _� n ot this oi��nance . ehall
in the mfeie��� �r [lv Publ�c• satety, ���b��guilty i�=s��mi8demeanor artd uF�oir
heal[h and w�elfare. .�.. com�iction � Yhereof, rhall� be Pwiished
6. UDmi via �_. ination oC mininF ��by a fine oY nobmox'e than $IOp ot aha!1
operalimis, the escanated=DOrtiw� shail ba irA1n'lsoned,l'or no[ to expeed�90 daya -
Ue levelled ��by auil ut the espense of plus �t6e,coses oC prosecution,in either
Uie apPlicant, such leve;ling to Le wit}� caae: . -... . ...
sa[isiactay angle ur back slo7re and [o S13CTT0'Q -?. 1'h;s ordiiietnb0 � sha:ll
be auch as to penni[ satisfatttory drain- take effea[ aud Ue_fn. force from auA
age and� lo leave no Pits or holes. If an atter its �asszge.
oPeration exteuds ovel• a Period of Pasaed blr U�e.�V�I�age -0anuril Inia �
more than one year, Uie 7.onmg Ad- ?,h day ol 1]sye ber,'1�5.
miriistratm� may r0quire portiona�of t}7e. �
pit to 6e leveled from t�me [o.fime. �-� 'HT S. jL�-T I:�.
SLCTTON 4. The apP��can[ for-"a ��- ��3faym•.
iand alteration permit may be charsed Attest � � -�
some or all of the cost of services of� SsHA'E. `�1IAD5f:�'�, -'
the zontng adminlstrator or other vil-. YiilaKe,�}�fanager, �
lage employee or.[he cost of Consulting llec. S:'."�- .-"�.�
. -' � '—_�:[..-_�..-. _. _._ . . __