Ordinance No. 0070 12-29-1955'=ZON�ING ' VILLAGE � . .� COLUMeIA HE�GF115 RECORD � 'ITUndey, January l3. 1956 '^. ,�\ �M1! ORDINANCE of The OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA Adopted December 29th, 1955 � , `. Publiahed in the Columbla 8etghta Rewrd, Jannary IE, 1956 �:. _ _ __� � , .� �� , ,. y �....� f , .�,,.b - . - . �,. , '+w1+WMarw =,��-� �, � - i�„�..a � : ., � p..-s >t � � .�-�.�.sm.a' . . � �,r � ^�--' � . . . ,— i . _ . . , i°'�' '1�,.. �. ` �` � . , _ _ . . , . . . ,� -� r , OPUIN�NCE NO. 90 '� moet � epp�opriete uae of ]and Ung eGeet uM eafltad rigntnt ing unita. � ' reuory Mtllding o[ Pm'lion bf a� - [M1ioughou[ IDe village � way,-�nteevay, or atfier harrie�lo — - - mxin builtlin6 � the aeme lot and � AN ORDINANGE ' m 5ap in the aontlnulty at devel- li DWELISNG, MULTIPLE: � used for IMe storeg< oniy of pdv��' � NEGULATING THE LOGA- ����n� 3. IIEFINITfONS. Fm building contelning 3 or more rpose of this ordinantt ar- �P��� �onE euH� etreet, ele, pxssen6er motor veM1iclea, nat TION. SIZE. USE AND HEIQHT �he pu tlx'eRing unib. ma [ein terms and wortls are M1ereby *� �AR�ING Fi0U5E: A dweY re[han 2 of e�Alc�err owned OF B U I L O I N G 9. THE �H- detlned end aTall have [he [ollaw- '��^H 'a'hereln 3 0� mare penmie, 16. DWELLING GROUP: A Rrwp hY otFCrs ihan the panlx ot � MANGEMENT OF B W LDINGB ing meanings unless it sM1all h ap- no[ memGen of ihe p[Ntlpil fem- or row of tlwcllings eech con[eln- ihe main bWlding. ON LOTB� THE OEN8ITY OF Pare�[ [�om �he ronlext iMet e��Y �hpepin� B[e pTOVlded ]OEgipg� ��60n¢O��noietlwNllnRUnlhend p, GARAGE� PJOLIC: A build- � � POPULATION: AOOPTING A dlffe�en[ meening Is in[¢nded, and/ur meala [oY comppMGtlon. a�� a'��)'��& �e lo[, as tlefinetl j� p[ yp[[i0n nf a bLilding� ex- but not ineluding a bullding hev� herem, and having e muit in com- cept eqv herein dNined a a prL � �� �ISTHIGT MAP LONT�INING Wards used In the presen[ teme �ng 10 or more guest ravns. moq including a N�ngxlo�v court ��epe gamge or es e repeirsgnrege, ' THE BOUNOAPIEb OF DI&- �nflUdefheNh�e;-w0[ds'Infie o�epertmentrourt,GUtnotinclutl- ueedfar[hes[a�xgeoflnOto�vo- ' singulnr n imber inciutle [he lun 5. BUILDING: A etrucNro heviny TqICTS WITMIN EALH OF � P in6 en eulamOblle fallrt a[ ¢Vftr hlCl¢B. U[ Whe�e any such veFiCl¢5 roo[ suypartetl by rnl�rtmu o al, end wortls in the pturef number welle. � mobile cem � wMILM V A q I O U 6 REGUU� P' are kept far temllneretian or hvG '� inclutle Ihe singular; tM1e word In wfiich any sale of gatoline, oi] � TIONB BH�LI �PVIY: OEFIN- ••puildin¢' includes iTe word 6. SllILLINq ACCFSSOAY: A li. £SSIIi'LIALSEAVICES: Tne antl ac sotlea Is oNy inciden[el � ING CENTAIN TEqMB UBEO "5[mcNre", excep[ ee may ONer- subortlinafe e�ua��a Ne vee of Dhrese "Fkset�tlel Services" meen8 �o [he pnnclpet UsP. HEftE1N: qEpUIHING THE wiflebespeci(ird Thelerm"Y5M" x'lueh u inciden�al [0 �he[ of NP �M1¢ p��10n, [onsWClion. alfxe- , PPOVIeION OF AUTOMOBILE %hflll mean'1�sed of in[ended fo be main builtling on tht mme lot [ian, oc malnlenence by D�hlic �l. GARAGE, REPAiA: A bulld� '-- �_ G�qNING BP�G6: PHOVIOING VSPd,o[a[angetlordesigpMfor T. BCILDLtiG.MAIN:Abuilding u[iilfi¢x or by p,oVeOlnl[n}nl de- �4o[apace(OiN¢�epeirorme�n- � " Therterm ocmpied" elall �� wM1ich ie ronduMN IAe ptlntl ] �°�en[s or rommisslone o[ such 1�ence ot mo[or vehicles, bu[ mt � . FOH EXGEPTIONB TO CER� ^ q���ed or lnlendetl t0 be of O�e IOI On x'M1iJ' � if is D'[. vn ergrQUntl o� oveCAeed gds� el¢c- �^clutling factory essembly of such TAIN qECULATIONS: PNOVID- oecupietl, o� et angetl o[ deflgnetl �g�� � trit�nl, 5[eam, o� wa[er transmis �-ehicl¢s, euto w�¢Cidng ¢stebllah- � ING FOF �MENOING THEBE !o[occupency."rTM1¢u'ortl"inclutl- sion or dis[[ibufioP s�'slema end menteorjuNCydrdS HEGULATIONB �NO THE MAP� 'ng" sM1ell mcen "inclutling Lu[ not 8. 60SLDING SITE r BUILD- structurc; or colltttion, rommw 22, GUEST ROOM: A mom acu- ]imited fo". �NG IAT: Sre "IqP'. � nicetiaq 5vpp1Y or disposal sys- p�� by o e more guests tor EST�BLtBNING � BOAFO OF 9, gUfiGALOW COURT: �See femsantls[cvc[mes,nsareroaeorv �mpensafiOnandin�+M1ichno APPEALB, VqOVIDING FOR �ltlditional terma and wortle ere ebly n saery for LM1C d vete � pro� _ "DWLL6ING GROUP". tte a� 'ision is matic for cooking, but not ADMINIBTHATION AND EN� hereby detincH ae (Wlows: 10. COIIRT: An oDen unoccupletl xrvtce. by such pub�k utili[ies or Ucludi�g rooms irt e tlormitory fo[ FORCEMENT qND IMPO6ING 1. AUTOMOHII.ECAMP: I.end apaceonfhemmelotwi[hflDUild- eovernmen�eldeparlmentsorrnm� sleepingpuryosespcMerily. or r a o�e miulona or es are required far %. PENALTIES FaR VIO�ATION9. Premisea used o occupied, fm (pg g� pp��� n 2 ov m 23. HEIGHT OF SVILDING (IN � compensa0on, by rampers travel� eidea by aucM1 building, ot Ne open Pra[ecpon oI tM1e public M1eellh, FEEP): 9'Le verlicel tliateocefrom � TM1e Cwnot of Ihe Village o[ inq by av[omobile or oNecwise, o� space Orovided fo� aa�ess [a e ��ety or general weltsre; Includ- [he average ple�aHOn of Ihe finish� I Fritlley do ordein as follows: xcupied by traiter roeches ar dwelling gmup. �ng rowen, poles, wiresc meins, ed grountl xt the ezterior welle of 1' rxble dwellin¢s, rooms or al¢e drains, sewers, pipee, onduits. Smfion I. T1TLE. 9i�is ordinenrn m� P' 11. DWELLISG VNIT: A room cablee, tire alerm boxex, police cell a bvilding to [he highesf peint of � ing quer[ers o( any kintl. a R�P of rooma mcludin tM1e rnping ot a flat [wf, or [o the I sM1all be knbwn en tAe ZONING °f B bonea, end acrexeorles in conna� ORDlNANCE of [he VlOege of �' AUTOMOBILE COUAT: A caoking ecwmmoda[ions, arvpietl ryon [herewiID, but wt inclvNng dxk Ilne o[ a mansaN roof, or to Frltlley. ���tling or groun ot [wo or mwe by ane family o ne pereon, and puildings or mlcro�weve radio re- e palnt mitlway behveen elm�elion . bviltlings mn[eining gues[ rawne i whleM1 no[ marc tM1xn two pen �ey aVUCtwes. Fo� tbe pmpoe¢ oi of t�e ¢avee end elevaNOn af tM1e Sec[ion 2. PURPoSE. TM1e regu- ov epatlmenls wllM1 eutamoEile sans, otM1er than membem of Me �p{s deftnl�on tM1e wortl "buifding'� ridgq for gable, M1ip and R�brel ]ntlo�u end the tliaLift mep esUb� s[orage epnce providetl Im m�nm family, are lodged or boarEM (or tices no[ Include "aWChres" tor �O°�°' 11sM1eE M1ere6y heve heen made in ���^ �M1B����h, and usetl pcimenly mmpense[ion at any one flme. ¢sxenfiel sewicex �9. HOME OCCUPATION: Any rortlanre witM1 a plen of land use� �o� Me eerommodation of a�[art�o- 12 � OWELLING: Aqv dwelling, customarlly contlac[ed (or ¢sln bil¢ lrevelen; Inclading those des- Loertlin Fouae or dwellin 18 FASfILY: One w morc ce�� cy�ppprt entirely wilhln a dwe14 wlmee purprse ia ro P�'�o<e Ne H H 6�P, us 'hee1N, safe[y, w1¢q romeNmrn, �enefed ee auto cabirm or courtc ps deMed M1ereln, exapl any mm- ^s• �'��h �heir domestic �ervanle, ��g by fl member or members af e — pruryerlty, and general weifare motar lotlges m Iwtele. mo[els, end pined wi<h nororesiden[iel usee In O0�"P�'�ng a dwellNg unit as a family, entl which is cleerly iMi- -' � and M1eve beEn made wW mneid- �hose simiterly Lesigrm[ed. Ne mme building. ,. ¢inB�e, non9�ofit, Tweekeeping denfal end ereondary to the r�b ' eia[bn m the charecter of eech 3. HIACK: Tnet property abuo- 13. DW£LLINC, ONB FAMp,Y: °nit, but not including s group oc- dentiel uee of the premiees end dia[ric[ and iv cecWls� suifnbifity ting on one side o( e nrret antl /+ deteched bullding rnnteininy �o'�� e hetel, boarding M1ome, dces no[ change [he cTerettlt . � for pnrticukr uses and with e vlew lying 6etween tM1e two nenree[ In- one dwelliny uni[, club, dormitory, traternity ar eorv �hereof. . ` to conseMng [ry¢ velue o[ build� tersecting or interceptina strreb 14. DWEI.LINC, TVlO FA.MILY: ority hwee. 25. HOTEL: A building or group ��P �d I�M �ntl mrounQlny fi� er mcn�t lnbnxtin¢ er NMrpp A Eulldinp contolninQ �hvo dwel]• 19. GARAGE. PRiVATfi: M aa ot bulldloy�, oth�p th,n e bwrtllh� . PAGE TWO .'• .' .`. •" COLUMBIA HEIC$Ta' RECORO �'30. I.O'C, IMfFJCIOR: A Iol othe� then s mmer lot. M1ouse or touris[ home, ns defined 29. LODGING NOUSE: See 31. LOT. THROUGH: A]ot hev- hercin, In wM1ich ten or more gueel •�gppgDlNG HOUSE'C �ng In [ront end reer linea on diF romn6 erf D�OicdPd fof rcCUpenq. [¢fPnl SVeeLa � for campensation, by Imeuimt �� L01': M en[ire perrel of lend 32. LOT DEP1'H: The ave[age gues[s. xcupled ar ro be occupled by e tlepN fran Me [rwt line of the lot mein e�uama end Ib nttYafory �o Ne mer line ot tiic lot. Z6. ]UNK YARD: An e[ea ot bulltlinga, o� by e group eueh as a more then DJO square feeq or any dwelling gmup or eummabile �' �T IVIDTH: The width, ee not m e then 50 fee[ [[am ro��� end iM1eir atteawry Ouild- meesured al a distence back from eny street, �uscA for [he storegq ��gs. IncludlnR 1he Y�ds and oyen ��e �ront line equel to tFe m- keepinq o ab¢ndonme�t at junk, epncea regu�red [�ewfore by tM1la mam depth reputretl [or a fron[ IncW�ing rscrap metel.s o a[her oNinence end oNer applicable Yertl. xcrep mxterlals or gwds, or vaed �ay, 34. MOTEL: Ste "AUTOMOIIILE for ihc �ivnantliog, demalition o COURT". abantlonment ot autamoblles or 29. IAT, CORNER'. A lo[ abuF 35. NON-0ONFORMING USE: �n[hc� veM1icles ar macM1inery, or tinR on Iwo intercepling or inter llx o[ e bullding or M land Ihet pavts theceof. � sectlng strcets. daa not wn[ovn [o [M1e regule= � � no�: as m �:e aor me a�se��M m which i[ is situe[ed. � %. PLBLIC UTILITY: MY Pe�` , tirm, cotporalion, munfcipal tlepertmen[ or Hoazd duly eutM1Or- � iaed m tumBh md furnlsFing urv C O N T E N T 5 � ae� wouc rea��euo� m me p�eu�, � � elttUiri[y, gv, M1eap poweq steem. � lelephone. telegrepM1, fransporta- Tifle of Section Secfian Nm °o�. o� wau�. 3i. STORY: 1Tet portian o[ a buiiding included between Qie wr- T�� ...................................... 1. fere af a floor antl tl�e surface o[ PU$POSE ................................... 2. a noor next above it. or the reiling or roof it [here is no floor above DEFIN1770N3 ............................... & it A caseme�t is e smrr �or me pv@osea o[ helght reguleGans I[ FSTABL13NMENT OF Dt81'RIGTB ............. 4. uc verticat msienm from graae OSES PERINITTED IN OR EXCLUDED - ro the miung is morc then 4 teet, r if used [or business or tor F'Fnp DISTRICTS ......................... $. dwelling Purposes bY other IM1an e OSFS PERDIITTED, R-1 DISTRICTS ........... 51 ianlmr or a.axtekec � 38. STORY. FIALF: TAr topmos[ USFS PERHITTED, R2 D73TRIC15 ........... 5.2 srory vnaer e gable. hip m gem- USF.9 PERD�IITED� R-$ D1517i1i�T6 ... ........ $.S �rel roof, [he weil ple[ee of which O n et Iees[ 1wOnO�ppOSIIC e%[e�i0[ USffi PER671TlED AND EXG7.UDF9, w'ans ere not men 2 fmt P DIS'PRIGTS . � 5,g abore me naor oE ach story. •.....••••••...••••••••• 39. SCREET: A Publlc o[ Priva[e GSFS PER.MTTED AI�D EXCI.UDED� � Maough[are which aftortls me C-1 A:VD C-1S UISTRIG"f3 ..... ...... 5.6 P��^�Pe] meens ot aaess ta abu[- •••••• £u�g ProPerty. � U3E5 PEItMITTED AND EXCLNIED, � .i0. STTtOCt'URE: Anytn�ng mn C-2 DISTR[CT8 & G2S 913TRICLS ...::.... &8 structea or erecred nav�nq m�tion on o[ under the ground or etta�- [I3ES PERDft1TF,D ANPIEXCLIIDED. ed m sameming Yxcins �a'eHOn on ��`•.••+�D�GTWGTS � -.� .................:_,�7, or under me q.r...�ntl. ' _ . .- --� - "#f: 4 ai � aC.ibALTLRA lr�F.°�tFdw,ITTE�U,b:..."D79TR1CLS.........::�5.8; �r[o[v any r„a:�ee aaditio�� or AUDt SIONAL�DSE PROVISIONB.� ��"'-� -- moa�fi�etion �n<onstrucnon �� u.� ANL RFST6IGTIOY$ ......... $y %��rting members ot a buiming, ............ euel� as ¢Herior x�elle. beering OSES PERMITTEO IN DI51RiCf5 AkTER wena, eeems, rolumne, tw�ae- APPHOVAL BY SOARD OF APPEAIS ..... 5.10 �1O"s, giraen, [laor 3mab. root jolsta. reltera or Nrsseg. NON-CONFORJIING USFB .................... B. <2 TOURIST HOME: A tlweliing AOTOMOBILE PARK[NG 3PACE R UlltED .. 7. ne�mg gucst raams �esa men [m � in numbe; [or occupancy, [or cmn- YARDS, LOT SIZffi, OPEV SPACFS REQUtRED & �^�°�'o�, ny trvuieot guesta 43. I;SE: TTe purpwe (or which 91DE YARD3 REQWRF.D ..................... 8.1 ta�d or a buuding or snucmre REAR YARA4 SEQUIREU ................... 8.2 merron is ar Is ro be used or FRONT YARDS REQUIRED g.y �n�ed. - •••••••••••••..••. 49. USE, ACCESSORY: A subao- I.dP AHEAS REQUIRED ..................... 6.4 dinete use on tne same �at with 1,(YL WIDTHS RE$UISEU .................... 85 +� Prie�elpel vu entl inciaenul iAT COVERAGE BY BUILDINGS $ s and acceuory t�ereto. """"""' 45 YARD: M open apace, o�M1er MINIMUM FIqOR AIiEA RE(ZOIRED ......... &7 tM1an a courp an me same iot wim ADDITIOFAL R1:fiUI.ATIONS-YAH0.4/ � e builain¢. I.dL SIZFS� OPEN BPACFS g,g 96. YARO, FRONT: A yeid ex- """""""" tmding across Ne fWl widN ot e (A) YanLc. Courte and Lot Coverage lot ena nav�g a aepu eyual �o For Dnelting Gmupe g.g the shorrest dismnre becween me ................... aom �me ot me �oa ena a;e ncer- (6) � Yards, Lot Sizes, Oya� Spaew - «e ponian ot ue m n buila;n¢, al For P Distriets g,g i�ivaing an enclosea or m�erca """""""""""' porc�, DrovidN 4iat [he fron[ (C) Reguired MinUnum Spaeea aud - yera aepm snal] be measared trom � Facilities For G18 & G28 IMetrlefe ...... 89 a nmre s[reei lme to� e smeet on which a]ot tronte, when svcF line (D) Stmetures iu Yarde e¢d Cour[e ...:.:... 88 b snown on tne o[[icie� mep or is ROILDIAG 1fE1GIIT LIMI79 .... . e�herwise estabtisnea. ........... 9. ARD OF APPEAGS ........................lU. IEFDMENTS ..............................11. YIPG ADMINISTRATOR� . BUILDING PESMIT3 ......................lE. OF OCCL�PANCY ..............13. P, V[OLAT[ONS, PENALTR�B' ..14. [ON ..........................15. NFLICLING LAWS,OROINANCES HEPEALED ..............................18. LfO1TY ....................:.............1T. TE EFFF.CPIVE ..........................1& 9T. STRD, R£AR: A yartl ex- tenaing across the rull w1aN of e tat and Taving e aepth yual to the sM1Ortest alsten� between Ne er line ot [he lot entl the mam buildin&. 4& YARD, SID£: A yerd belween Ne eltle Ilne o( [M1e lot end che mun bullding eMmaing Irom Ne frvn[ yaN to Ne rear >artl antl heving a width equsl to the sFnrL e..e aisae�m ueew�<� �.,m sm� �me and the mein buildi�. SeMion 4. ESTAHLSSHMENT OF DI51R[CIS: For the purpose of uis orainenoa. tne tollow;ng ten klnEv of tliehkb arc her¢by eqeb� llehed wINLi the V111a{� ot Fridley: R1 Dfetricts; or One-Femlly Dwelling Dis[ricLa. R-2 IHaUleta; or LlMted MWIi� yle ➢welling Dlsfvictr. R3 DlsMCts: or Geneml MW[i- ple Dwelling DisVicte. P Dlefricls; or Publle Feclllllee Dis[ric[s. C-1 Dis[ric�s: ar Local 6usi�ss Dictrictl. C-15 Dishic[s; or Wcal SM1op ping Cenier DisUlcts. G2 Oistricts; or Generel Busi- neu DisKic[s. GZS Dlslric�s: or GeneralShop- ping Center Dis[ricls. M-1 Dishicls; ar Light Indus- ttlel Districts. M2 DISIrifl4: Or HPSVy Indu3- tnel Olrtriefa. Seid disVic[s are shman upan [M1e rlistric[ mep, aaompenying IDis ordinanre. Said map a�d a11 w[0- uo�:, rerere��e:, e�a omer i�m�. ma[ion shoun lM1Crmn, shall De u ucM1 a part of this ordinanre ae if tM1C maLLers and informution set forth by aeid map werc all fully described hereln. 2. Agrlculmre, gerdening, truck gerdenlnR. �1alrlinR. M1orHCUlNre, etock, enlmnl and poWtry relsing, end generel terming, Provitled Ua[ the following bullJinge end xM1all not be locatetl wi[M1in SOpsfeet oF lhe boundfliy line af eny R-1, R�2 or R3 D1sVIR� (al. Animel berns, pens or ken- nele, or teeding or grazing erees. Ibl Foei ra�sing. Itl SlnugM1[er of animals ar fmvl. 3. Nureerirs antl greenM1OUSes lar m� nro�.,aeimn, cuuroaiion ena 6rmvinq o( Plen[a aNY. 9. sele on the nremleeq In aeasan onlY.of [arm prodocts,[ruck ger- Aening ptoducts end nursery antl grrenhaase protluc[s, protlumd on (he premius. 5. Golf vurecs, country clubs, vBCM1I CWLS, SPTni3 CWtM. swlm� ming pools, and adtlitionel pri� �ate r creutia�wl uses, ep non �m���a�. 6. ChvreM1es, parish no��, �o�- ents. chiltl ursefles, nursery schools, and private schao�s fac duca[innal purpwses simlla[ ro Tublic elementary and secondary scnmis. A. DLSTRILT BOCNDARfFS: �� Public buildings and usea of the Far deMrmining tFe boundaries o[ following kintls: elemenlery flnd The districGc sM1Own on the dlahic[ onaary uhoolx schoot ethietic mnp. [he toliowing rules ahall ep- f c1As, patics, palyRrwnds, librat- p�y: mwily cen[ers 3. W"here such bountlnries a c ob- e^d ecr a[ionccenlers. . ously tol]owi� or approsimete- 8. One oNy eign nol more Man 12 ]y tollawing Iines o[ s[vePis, aF square [ce[ in � perteiNng lo leya, lots or property bounderiea, the lcaw, hire orTUle o[ land or a uc� lines sh II be construetl ta builtling a wliich located, o Le such boundaries. Arees wlNin oNy ou[door M1ultetin tward mt eateblishetl ]ekes, waterways and more �han 12 square [ect in canals, public sfree[s nnd xlleys, for a churcF or scM1wl on tM1C pro- pubiic mo�o�enmre:, a�a ome� �r�r o� wm�n �oeaam, a�a o�� pablic weys end public easemenM onh� name plate of no[ more IDan ere in P DiSMicta. 1 square foo[ in a pe[iniving 2. In unsubdivided p�operty o ro a Tome o cupeHon o[ permitr wM1ere e diSWCt boundery divitles letl use, pravideA n ne sM1ell emif fl lo[ or percel a( piopeity, fie any OasFing,flickering or g]ering loration o[ any sueh �awdaq', 11ah4 direc[ or reflected, n nr vnless �M1e same is indit�a[ed by shall be loce�ed )v a[cont yard. dimensions shw�n on 9ie district and n e sFxli be Ixated wlNin . map, �hall �e defrrmined by Ac 35 feetnof the sVCe[ when there iRe ot tne scale a0p��6 � sucM1 o main b ildin¢ on lhe lot. map �' � �-- -�'y ��on 52-USES YGRMITTEe 3. TFe boerd oP appeele esfebl�ah- 1N A�2 DISTRICLS-LINLCED - -e� hereDy sM1all, upon applicatian MULTIPLE DWEGLING DIS- uport ils w'rt matlon, de[en TRI61'S ve tFe IocaHOn ot boundaries � U� ��it1� �� R1 ITStricts cases where uncertelnty exisls, 2 Tr�a-[amlly ➢welGngs, multiple elfe� [he applicalion of tM1e nles. �w,e11inge end tlwelling group5. H. NSTRICI'S FOR AREAS HEREAFTER ANNEXm: Arees herca[tu a exed to the Vlllegu af Fridley shall be conzidered to be in R-1 OlsVicls, and may be changed wT011y ar par[ly [o any other Dis[rict or Districts only by me�ame�i o� a e�ame�is a yrwiacd (or heiein. within 90 days after Ne ef[xtive tlate oE any ennexatioq the Village coun� ��i snau ��se nere���� smm�e ro be made tor a determina[ion ot the need,it am�, foo any ct�ange. See[ion 5. CSFS PERMflTEO IN OR E%CLUDFp FROM DIST- RICIS. No buildinR shall hereafler be [MLPE� [OM1S[NC(Ctl� P OIIS[NCI- fa, eiix�eq ema�sea o .ea. ��:nan e�r nwmms o� �a a e� sea toc snr nureose omer mnn for a e pe[miLLad Me[efn in tM1e a�so-+M$� wn��n m�a�ea, a�a uses shall be cubjecLM ot�er appliCable regulations hereo(. Ecery building herea(ter crected shall be ]orafetl on a lot, as de- iined herein, end in n case shali there be moro lhan 1 m n build- i�g on i�o� exceoc a�mav ee aMerwise provlded here'm. Every building con[elning any aweiima ��us a� ��es� rooms snen be erectea o a tot at tesst one line o( whi� eDUts for not Iess ihen 25 [eef alang e public slree[ eelong a Ocrmanent, unobstmeL d e ent of a ss ro the lot [mmflee public atvect e epproved by �hc z ning adminu[ratar ee edeqmte tar tne purppse. SeRlon 5.1-l15ES PEitMTITED. R-1 DISTRICTS-0NE FAMILY DNELLING DISTRICTS 1. One Femlly Dwelling�, �i �5 3. Hoerding and ]odKinR homee. SMinn 53-LISES PERMITTED ]Y A-3 DtSTHICIS�ENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLINC DLS- 1RICT5 1. Lses pe�milled in R-2 ➢iaVicts 2 Multiple dweltings and dwelling groups. 3. Auromo�lle muvt5 hotels, epeih ¢nI M1OLe13. mOIC18 end IW[BI homes, provitletl no businres shal] be ronducted except a service iar guesta tFereof, accessible co cusromera from inside the build- ing onlr. 4. Ruor[ trensien[ cabins end housinR a motlations antl the fallowing ca essory u es [or the mmodation o[ guesls: boet a�a m�ro�� sro�ae� a�a r��tais. bxi[ eFnps, dinin6 r ms, sofi, tlrink entl snack bnrs.�� s. emieae� e�a o�roe�ewes. � 6. Fra[ernity and sowrily houus. 4. PrivaM clubs, ladges, libraries nnd museums, except any lAa� a�e nrimariiy mmmercie� uses. 8. The [ollox�ing u es, bu[ only atMr xecuoing a vse pc[mit [o� the estanFsnmenL reconstruction, structur¢1 eHeretian, enlacge- men4 or mm'ing of any such vse, a�«� oum�o�a� o� ..��e n��m�e er tFe M1oxrd n(�a�peals and lhe uil- ingo couicil, xnd s��bjec[ to eny wnditims Imposed by mcM1 o nermit. a� orw;aea in sectian ]0. [ o1M1e[ sttllon Tereof; (9) AJtO eJTpS� [[dllp[ 0011[(6. (bl Clatlies cleaning o� lewdex� ing pick-up stations, clotM1es prese- ��g a�a ea��orm� snops, a�w ee�e- .. re ie��a���. fcl Flower. IrWt antl ��e[elell< YGIl6 6lid SIMQL � �� �\ (di Geso�ine aervitt stetlans ena e mry greasing, aervlcing, cleaninR and weshing o[ eulomo- bucs. Including minor etljvst- mente end repetr0. bu[ no[ generv ai repelrt, werheuling. rebullding, demoption or sprfly painting. fe) OfOCes and office bulldinga far buvneu entl pmtessiwe] , including benks, medicel end dental c�iemcs. (D Public oRica end of6reDUild- inge, polire and fire s[alians, pm[ omces. � [gl Pvblic ut0ity oRicea ena oF (im builtlings, felephone ex- cbanges, trans(ormer s[etions, elMric sutslaHOns or pumping etations. (h) Heslauran[5, fe[re6TI11en[ 5[ands, bu[ not nny selling Or serving at xlcanol�c beveragea. Section 5.9-USES PERMIITED AND EXCLUOED, P DISTRICfS - PU➢LIC FACILTTIES OLS- �raxcrs P Dietric[sinclutle auch lantl erees. walerwaya and xater erees as ere � awned. mntrolied. regulated, ueeL oc R�d ro De usetl by the Vil- lege o[ Ftldley ar aMer public �'.. bodR A. USES PERMITTID: greese, entl eutomabite perta end ecceamr�m. ena me wunme. cleani�, greasing entl eervicing of eutomopllee., iOeWtling m adJuatmenffi end repeln, bu[ not generel [epein. werheuling, rc builtling, tlemaliLLOn or spray peintin6. 5. Hekeries, cefes, mnfeNOnerlee, end Ice creem end ao([ dr�nk shops, inclutlin% the preperellon ot footl prWOels tor refeil sele &om thele sites aNy. 6. Liquor smres s¢ping peckaged eaoas. T. Retlio IAM, or FM.1 or [elevi- �m� e�a�asoma s�auo�, ana 4ansmitlen, and micra-weve re- tlia relfly e[rveNree. 8. TAealtes, ladaes end essembly fecilitiea �ehng e eee[ing mpne- ity oi lesa Nan 300 perso�u, but_ not Inclutling ou[doo[ IDee4n. 9. O[Mr relell SlOtP9 end shopE, Of[iCes and amap servia bw'u�eas- eacering to neighborhood pet- �as:, a�a s�m��ar m �w�,n� to tnase enumerated above, not dengerous or oNerwlee deVl- mentel to penons reeitling or working in [he vicinity therrot, ar m tFe public welfere, end not impairing Ihe u eNOyment o velue of eny property, except eny uses excluded hereinat[er. l. Public builtlings and uuv 3. Pu�lic perks, pleygrounds, ath- H. USES EXCLODED: letic [ields, golt courses, ai�poRV, 1. vses excluded [rom C-2 ana � ' parkinq ereas. C�2S Districes, 3. PuLlic streets, alleys, eaeementa g µ.�po�eule or jobb�ng Eutlneaaes. entl otM1er puGOC ways, Mghweys 3. Menu(ecturing or praresa�ng entl IDorwghferes. other than eMnsory uree custo- 9. PuhOC Aralns, zew ra, wacer merily inciden[al to pertnitted re- llnes. we[er stora6e�treaVnmt �Il seles and Service vaes. and pumping fac0ltie; antl ather 4 Commcreialrecnea[ion usessuch Wblic atility and public se[vitt as amu ent Perks, bowling ab facilities. IeYS, billiard end yool M1aOS dence 5. Temporary puLlic M1ousing r- halla, entl skaC�ng rinks. qvired una designed ta relieve a 5. Tuverns, beer garaem w barz ctl[ical hwsing shor[ege. �.�ng eny bvt nw-elcoholic 6. Dwellings or dwelltnR �nils [or bevereges an lM1e premises. employeea heving duties in - 6. MorNaries, nenlon with.ariyPremi�ec reqWr- � F ttqm rolive tT4reoq incifd"�'Z'Uied�car�ot��.--.,-«...,,. _.. � �Ing (afnil�en of sucM1 empl�ees Sec[ion 5.6-USFS PERMPII'E� wM1m llving wi[h them, qprp EXCLLIDID, C-2 AIYO C-2S i. ONet' public puoposes and usef, DISTAILTS-GENERAI. HUSI- euept eny exclutlM hereme[tec NE55 A9D SHOPPINC CEIV1'ER H.U3E5 EXCLUDED: DISTRICIS � I. Avellings or dwell(ng units m�- '�� �SFS PERMITTED: ¢p[ tM1Oae eraletl undet 1. llses permill¢d in CS end G15 Uses Permit4dnum Districts. Provided ihet no dwell- 2. Private vede; bminesseq o '"e °� tlwelling uMt is pe+mifled industries, excep[ any [A6[ 6tP excepl [or employee5 Aeving dvL only nccessory usea and nette.ao- ea �n connection wi[M1 my prem- ily incitlente] to permitted �aes. � requlrin6 tFem [a live on seitl 3. An1 uses v-0iicM1 ere abjecHOn- P�emises, antl fnmilies o[ auch eble berause o[ emlaeion ot orlo�, employxs when 1i�ine �th them dust, amake, ges, vibre[ian or �. Adver[isin8 s16ns. . 'r � �alse, or beceuse of sub�Mion ot 3. Bakenea, undy mekin�. li(e, heal[h ar proper�y m hava[d. 4. eers, teverns. 9. Dumps, junk yards. 5. Cammercial rxree[IOn ..W Secllon 5.5-USES PERMPITID 6. Depertment stores. AN� EXCWDED, C-1 ANO C-1S �� Engraving, pbotcengreving, IitM1- llISTRILTS-LOCAL BUSINFSS o8raphing and pubiisM1ing planta. AN SHOPPWG CE.YPEIt DIS- B. Hofela, motels. �1�5 9. Householtl equipment repeir A USES PETiMITTED: - nhops. � ]. IIses permi[tetl in W3 D4Mkt; 10. I.eboreiories; medl�al, tlentel xceyt auto camps end tMler °"a ^n���at a�a na.mi m,�a ;�- ro�� oftencive labo�ab�les a sory 2. Reteil afores Bnd aM1Ope and �O Pe�mifted uies, in ihe same �nsll service busineasee sueh ee: �uilding. eit SM1Ops; professione! slutllos; 11. Lof[ builtlings. ebthing, doug, gvocery, [cuiq, 12. MocNaoles, eat vege[able, con(xtianery, 13. Music mnxrvatodn, Jucins M1artlware, apo�Hng- gootls, a[a- sludios. tionery, music, veriety end notion 19. Repair and aforage gerages. n[o[es; houuhold eppiienre, fix- yq RefeJ, wM1Oleea]e and �obbing ture and furnishing s[ares and re businesses . � pei� shops in wnneclion Ihem � - xich; smree and shope (or ber- 16. TTeetre; ]odgey assembly bers, beauticlem, mbinet meken, halls, audi[otlwns. eleMncians, jewelers, wa4M1mek- li. Tire repeir shops. rs, IocksmiNs, pain[ers, pivmR 18. Vocatianal antl Iratle xhaols. en, shoemaken, [ailon, drew- 19. Werehwses. ' mekets, clotM1es pmsiers, job y0 The fopowing iues, bvt only yrinrere, blaeprinten, pha[ogra- e[ter securing e vu ce+m�t tar P�rs. the esGbllshmen[. recoeu[ruRlon, 3. Adv¢rtuing slgn5, eppv[[¢nen[ sWeWtal alttte[bn.enlargement to the uee of t�e properly an or moving o( any sudi use, efter wM1icM1 tlupleyed. approvel o[ auCh Permi[ by the 4. Automo➢Ile dbpley end eelee boe�d of eppeela and IM1e villege ronro, pnrking b[a and a[mc- � muncll, entl sub1� lo eny co�W6 htea, and gesoline aeMCe a[fl- tio�u imposed by such uae pamiq tiom, end when ecresaory Merelo, ea prwtdetl In Sxtion 30 or otM1er Ae re411 sele of gesollne, 00, eeclion herro(. (e) HUe, Ie�d BM INCk ilrmin- e� .na sro.e�se ye�aa; .an�oaa Ilnee, epuo d padsenger len minalx (EI Cleemenee, deifles �1M la rzeam P�� 1c1 Dock+ end wharvea. (dl Shops (o[ [he following entl similer accuyetionn: bla¢ksniM, achinist meaon, printeq sign pein[eq tinsmith. (el 4e plents, mld sforage plentS �rozen toad lakere. c�� ���a�i�. . 16� 1Bed rsr eal� lo�s. zl. omer reteu or wno�esa�e ia�ea oe aervlre u es which ere simller In Namcler5ro tFase e rated ebove, will nat be tlengeraus o othewise deKimmtel b persana reelding o'orking in Ne vlcin- ity [M1erea[, o: lo IDe Wblie wel- fare. antl will mt impaic Ue use, enjayment ar relue ot eny p[a- petly, but-no[ Including eny uses e:a�am neremette�. H. VSES ESCCLUDED: ]. AnY use permi[[ed in on1Y M.4 Disvicts or in only 6/-1 end H-3 Dis[riRS. 2 wny �se excluded fran M-1 Dis tricb or fmm M-2 Dis4(cGa, ex- rept dweilinga end dwelling vNh. 3.Junk yard. 4. Manu[ecturing end processing OI�C� [M1en e soSy u N5� [wnarily Incitlentet to permi[ted re�a� ��es ana � :e..,�e $u Any u wTicM1 is objeCfloneble by' � o[ M118f1pn Of Cd0l. austesmoke, gv, vlbreUOn or ' e, or becavu o[ sub]ecTion o[ lites heal[h or praperty to hezard Section S.i-VSE$ PERMITTED AK� E%CLO�ED, M-1 DiST- RICfS- LIGHT IYOUSTRiAL DISTRiCfS A. OSES PERMITTEO: 1. Uses permltted In G2 aM C43 Diz�rictx �.. 42. Auto-ewe:a�e�yiFmcomtr.- 3. Srorage elevaton. 4. L6Mf Prac¢ssing IndwMa mn- 5u[ing o! [he pmcfseing, 1[eab en[ end packing of materlals gooda end food stvt(; e<cept el- mM1OI or elmholie beveregn, fish, eet Protlucta. Plckles, s knuq soy beazy vinegereend yiest m any multing in the emisaion ot ctrong aaors. 5. AutomoEile, motor vehicle, elr- plene, farm implement ena other �«,�e�ms. 6. Bullding me4tlnl yerda, mrv frsatnr'a Yertla. Iwnber Yards i. CleenlnB �d dYeln6 Plenb. " 8. Conerete mixing; conerete pro- tlucLV menufacfure. 9. Bvik gemtine end oil afntio�u, Lut noFWNa fertns or oll tre�u- �wtelion termimis, prwided e11 �ppllrabie setety xegulatlom aze mmplietl with; pmmded, furNeq [hx[ mch uses e[e na[ permltted wiThin exis[ing ar hereinetter ��aeu:n d co-e um�c�. S0. Pailroad iines and spun,�ptr senget entl Reig4[ depots. ll. Veterinazi s, aog and cet Aos- pitele end kennela 1R. O�Ter wholesale, ligh[ menu- feeluring, conshvction m xrvltt x'hicM1 ere nLniler in chv� ecter to tnoac enu+veracea above, will not be dangerous or o0er- ae deVimentet to perso� reya- I�g o working In Rie �icinity IDeceo[, m to IDe publio wel[a[e, and xiu not impeir the use, en- jol'men[ o� ve]ue ot any property, but no[ intludin{ any uses ex- clutled herelnektt. B. USES E%CLUDID: l. BeB cleanlni. ]. Blazf turnec�. 3. 9oiler warkx ' 9. Dog pounds. 5. Forge plen[s. 6. Foundries or metnl fahriqHOn plenls. i. Junk yarda or tM�bnling ot junk w[egs, except In e building en- ',,�. � COLllMBiA HEIGATS RECORD clased on all aldee or when cmm PlelelY enclofed wllM1ln a eolid fmtt. 9. Pumping or who@sele s[omge ol wde pe4oleum. 9. Reilroad yerds, rowdhouseA *e- pa�r shops. . ]0. Sawmllls, plenin6 mille. I1. Steam power plants o[ publlc Vlilily Tfliu[P. li. $1O11P qY8ITIP5, SI4l�P CY111I1p a�a cNSnma, ���nms a�a s�aa- ing offtone, g�ave] and eand � 10. Svger reMlne. 14. WoW Wllin6 or uvurin¢. 35. Manuffle[ure oL Aretylene; ecid; elcohW o[ eico- Aolic beveragea�, emmonla; bleacM1ing powder; nlorine; chemicels; soda or soda ro pounds; kiln-medc brick, poHery, terra cotee or tlle cenalea (ez- cep[ by M1entl); rement, gypsum, Ilme or plaster o[ paris; aCSlnfec- tants: dye�N[ts; emery cloN or antlpeper; explasives or fire- orks lor s[o�age of semel; ez� I2RIIIIIdI01'S OC �1ISPfI pO130f44� [ertiirsers; glass: a�ue or alze: geletin; greew. lard or te➢ow �menu[ectwetl or refineE }mm mal taU; . illuminellng heeting ges (or storege of semelr lemp blaek; me[ches; ]inaleam; �m a mp wmq o�i, :n�ua�, N[ycn[Inc or rnisF (exrnpf mixing a( um¢);�a11c1o1M1 or oiled p�NUCts; pnpe� o� pulp; plckles; N uerkreu[ or vinegar; plas[ics: potesM1 producis; reyon o milar protlueta; rubber or guttx percM1a yroaoote (or ereetment or samel; shaddy; sM1ce polish; eoep (othev� lhan Ilquid 5xp1: staraly 6�uCOS¢ or aeenrin; etove P�lisn; ter rwb ing or wa[erpr0ofing ar otM1er ler products; chewing tobacco Ior tceatmen[ of tobecm); yeest. 16. Uus excl�ded from M-2 Die- ltich. 1T My othe� use whmh n oE{tt� '.[ImeM. �.•c.aan o( emVns4>n ot odor, dusq smoke, gas ibrehon o� nolse, o� GeCduse of aubj¢cUon ot ]ife, heel[h, Or property ta hez- e[d. Sxtian 58-[iSFS PERMITTED, M-2 DISTRICI5 - HEAVY IN- DCSTRIAtr DI5TRSCPS 3. Vees permltlttl fn hl-1 Dis4icts. R. Any other use not olFerwise pmM1ibited by law, provided, Tow- r, tnet tMe Issuencc o[ e x�mie mereror, es nro�aaea�m Section 30, or othe[ ¢ectlon Tere- of, shall be requi[ed before any of [he following uses 5M1e11 be estaeliahed, reconswctea, strucb � vteilyaltered, e�lergea or moved. AMd manufec[ure, Cemen[, ]Ime, gypsum or plaster of yerie men�u(acwre. Distilletion [ bonex,. canl, taq petmleum, remu, s�af� or wooa. Wmp. Drilling or esca�'ation mr, or re- �ai o[ on, ges, ar om� nya�o- cerbons, o minerals. F�p105ivesrmdnufec�ure Of 6[OF ege. Fe[ renderinq. Fertitizer manu[ecNre. Gflrbege, otfai, dead enime] or tish v¢ductlun or dumpiog, Gea, IIIUmIneHn¢ or heatlng, enufinenue Gwe tecture. 5[one quarry, gravel pii, r�l[ v'usM1ing antl fYt[inR. 6�ve1 d e�a wa:nma ena s.aamg, Hog farm. Refining of petroleum, refiningor 6T[Iling O( Ore3. S[cekyeM or ataugh[er of ani� mak, exmpt poultry or rebhite. Tennery. Any athe� use whkh is objeatlom ablc by re n ot emlulon N odw, tlust, ssnoke, ges, vlbrat�an or noue, or because of subJection W:ife. M1eel[h or prope[rv ro hvard. Seclion S.�ADPTTIONAL USE PROVISIONS AND AESTRIC- TIONS A USFS PFRMI'ITED IN DIS- TRICfS: ���, PAGE THREE - / 1. Accessory Luiltlings and ecres- sory uses end fiose customerily necessari�v incidentel [o per- miffed uses in eny district includ- ing publle antl privah ways und en(9, es3m�fe1 8 e[ V 1 C ee, tlwelling unita for servanls �vm pbyetl an }he prcmi5es m� fo� pcivete gucsls, pdvfllc garnges, s[ubles,and boat housesantl olher cial mar ne [acilities v�re� �eramilletl in xny �di.cvic[, �ro- idM. noweveq tnat - (a) No acrossory use sFall be tlangerous ar ot�erwise tle[ri� enNl to persona residing o� workinR in Me vicinity tM1ereaf, ar to tAO public welfere, ar spflll impdi� Ue usc, eRloJmenl o� vel- ue of uny peope�h'. (Ll ONy one pa'i�a[e garage, pci- vate etablG private boat M1ouse, or of ee�n. ;s ce"n�uea a� an accewsnry building in any R 1 r R-2 DisVic[. (c] No accessory dweping uni[in any R1-or R-2 Distric[ shell be let Por living puvposu for com� pensefion. 2. A home oceupaHory ns de[ined M1erein, is perMttetl in a dwe]ling or in n d�velling onit in any dis- tile[ pmvlded thero be no ezte�� nal evidenca tM1ereol. other then _ the tlicplay ot u neme plete. 3. Ueec c sisling a[ keeping of mels, lves[ock end fowl shalt 6e,according to existing and heca ina[ter adopted ordinances of the VLla6e o[ FritlleY. 8. CONVERSION OF EXISTTNG DWELLINGS. In R-2. R3, C-1 and C-l5 Dis[ricta eny d�vetling of 15 years or more of age may^ be convertetl for aAdi- tl0nei dwclling unils as p�nvided Delow: i i x-z n��ns, aweums vais � a[�exaeNryr4lwwn�berintic e� tiri �i:VFillllg'lfR) "�Ub'pT� n[he mtio of one tor mch GUOy �square feet oi tloor area in svch awe��me �mre co���er:;o�, �:a�- 29 �e o[ basement floor area. In R3, C3 and G15 Diatric[a dwelling units mey be provided ucM1 dwellinF in �c catio of e�fo[ a�eh SCO sgoare tec[ of tlaav a wiU� na Ilmitation of [heir to[el number. C. ➢UILDINC PEHMTTS-llN- SAFE, INSANITARY BOILD- INCS In adaition to oNer regulutions and reqviremen[s herein, `w builtl- ing or vice shap be permit[eJ in any Distvicq n c sball ezistlng ]end mntaur or drairuge Ae sub- s[entieily alterM without a Luild- Ingpermi[ end/or a land eLLeraflon permit thercfor es prwidM ' Sectlon 12 fiereof nnd in ardinance umber G9 and otAer aPPliczEle o�a��a�«�, a�a �o s��, p���,tie snen be fs ued [or nny Luild3ng or use mt tn conLO[n�ity witp apP��cable 5[[JC[Ural, �[ety enrl sanlfPry i¢g ulations, and not in contm'mit}' with tne tollowing minimum re� euirement e whase Purpose is to void Ihe atablisM1men[ o[ ume}e nnd inuiuten� buntlings en� uses: j. None except Flush loile4 shell be pmvitled in huitdinga in all dis[ric[s, wi[h mnnmtian m o enitaty sewer rryuirea o earli lo[ seord by a sewer. Where con- nmtlon to n nitary sewer is found by tFe z ning ndminis[rab oe to lu ivEeesibla he mey ep- prove otM1er � as[e disposal by sepHC tank and cesspool or deein ne�a, w�m ara��s «om nusn ro�- lets and other drains I:om Ne CVilding properly co nectetl wi9� underground aeptic tank antl «serool or ara;n r;ela, so mn- sfrueted, mveretl and operated thet n o[(ensive odore sAell be emi[[ed. No cesspool o� aepNc �nnk ihell Ge locetetl o[ uaed w30h(n W(ret o( any well or wlNin 30 fttt of any side or aaz bt Iine. SM1aWa tbe 25-too[ aie- � L �� / l � I � �: � f r-� �� . � y� i� i /I � /' ! : / r ��; / / _� .��"� � PAGE FOIIR ' COLUMBIA FIIIC.HTS RECOAiJ � .._ _;. �.. . r� -L Q� n W 0 -. � U p_ a a a i � N� z o s ,�-us.: . — O (� � F � --- - . ��� � J � a - a > � aan,a S1/N/] 1 I I � � I � 1 I � � I 39V'!1/A W J W \� C 0 ___D-___ _ ' 1 /1 I ......` �� `,y�lv � ��,11 i11\�1�1�i' `��i'�i��\Y� ?��;{"\� '++`.'�'•�:�, ry^}\,:r�v. �4•� t ���� � I i � �i i il I � �dd�SSlgg�Vw _ .:.'. � � ... Ti�l WLUISB7A HEIOKB RE(.'ORD � � �. 4 � , i � � Y � � _'—.�_�._� 4_9�1__ O • [ C V ! �} C Q l .Vj � r d j i � A . \ � � y i ? y ` '1 i C a i � I � � i ' t z ° I � � C Q T Q �' � \ � h �l ° + l[ ' • � � � . .' Y �. � I i u � \ V � 2 E � �� b a v i • � � N t! i°� Q .i . 0 u d i � � a� � ����� � � 1 � ' '� �Y-'I� 'M�° f F M � 1" F F U U U � U U U V U U U � V rc z rc:¢ a rc ¢ a a a — � �- f r � �- r r i- � - a' ry� N 0� N N N N N N N F O O� � � O O � a O O G N � N Vl � N N N � N Q�� p�.' � � 6 U U <l U� � _' I � .��r� � ��.++r . . �_... I � . . . I + � I � asr�nn - 1 - � F — — 5 � 8 = 8 _ _ � o �� 1 PACE Fil'E ' -_y 1 �k ; �, ,� �, �"1 �, ^� ) � � � � � v I �I I�r ! � i .. _. ..i... .-.� �r �a � i �:�y._ � � �-,. `M _�'1 • �. l' � 4 i ' �,-, � PAGE SIX tance be found bl' tM1e wning ad- 'nistre[or ta be anneceesery. he may appmve e retluction down lo ID [ce[. 2. Any proposed xa[er supply sM1all be VIIle6e watec on ee� lo[ vctl by a weler IinG provided �he zonin6 �dministramr may ep- prove otFer propoeed water eup- ply, IL delermined sntis[ectory. 3. Su[ficient canstrvc�ion pians av wd[mn tlesa[iption oL cans[rvr [ion, Krading, excavating antl till- ing fo sa[isfy [he zoning atlminis- Kntor es lo reesomble s�rvcNa'el safety end atlepaecy af builtling and [inished g�atles lor [Fe pr0. posetl use, shell be turnlshed him. D. IIASEMENT DWELLINGS No besemenl tlwellings sM1Sll here- after be vermi¢ed in any districq un1e55 speCi(irally perml[Mtl untler otM1er, epp6ceble ordinance. Ev.co- ing basemen[ dwe➢ings shall have Me status ot nomcovtarmir.q uses, suDjeci la Ihe provisions of Sxtion 6 heceof, pravided lhey sM1ell be su➢jcet ro time ]tmits end omer requirements herelotore or here- a[ter envbluM1etl tor campletion of whale dwellings es permil[ed i Me aistricts in whiG� laceced � ,,v.. COLUMBIA NEICHTS ]iF:Q�RtI Ic) Automoblle perking lafs end 6lmClurcS. (E) COIIfP9I0119 [BL¢�111g l0 1hO5C min8 We publie fflMlitiea. . (el Cemp R�ntle and auto end traller camps o[ temporery ne- mre. f0 AnY � excepted Gom uses . exclutled from P Districd. ]1. Any use wTich, es pmv�ded Ly the Dizlrict veRUlatlons antl olM1er reRUlations hercin, shell be Per- m�irea �� a ��«a�n a;:irma or ai�- h'icLS on1Y a[ror securing e use permit therefor. Sectian 6.—NON-CONFOIiTfINC USES The IuwNl nanronfarnting use o[ iand e lsting et the da[e of ev- nc�men[ of ihis ordinence meY be onlinued but if disrontinued fora period of 12 mnaea�five calender monehs It sM1ell not cM1ereefter be mea e�a an� nw�e �s o� surh ]antl she0 canform loeIDe )ICOVIS10P5 hC[MI. TTe uSe o[ lend if changed (rom formwnforming usq s�all ron- [o lhe prwisions hereof. . The lawfut non-contorming uae o[a strucWre exisling a[ [be de[e Section S1�USF5 PEIWITTED o( enactment of Nis ordinan9e IN DISTRICLS AETER SECUR- mey be extentled tM1roughou[ tM1e ING USE PERMTTS Tf[EftEFOR building and mey be ehangetl to Tbn following uses may be permiL another non-mn[orming use perv tetl in tFC desigrmled dls[viol� bof mittetl In Me seme or in a move only alle[ secaring u vse persnit ��t[Ic[etl tlishic[ p[OVided m [ov Ne e�[aLl6lunenq veconstc�¢- atmctutai altevatlons eu@P[ those tion, sWCNret eltera[ion, m9age- required by law, nntl no addi0onx ent, m aving of any such uses� or enlargemen[s, arn metle to suM follw�ing epprovel of sucR permit builtling. Ly tM1e bwrd o[ epyeeb entl Me �yhene�'er lhe n-confarming village wwcil and sub}eM ta eqv e of a sfructure b cM1angea to a canditians imposed by such - uee uae ➢ermi[[ed In a more restr�chtl ycrmi[, as providetl in Section 10 �gVic[, wch u e s�all no[ [M1ere- r otM1er Section hereoL efter be cM1anged b e use ➢ermi4 l. Selt, gaz ar ail wells ar arilling; ted in a less rea4ictea dis[ric[. gravel pits, m nerel etplaretion p noo-conforming s[ruclure de- 'ery. in P, Md and M-2 �VOl'� or demaged by tire, flaotl, Dietriccs. � wind eaz[�hquak', e�rylmlon o[ 2.liLStir HL t eWtt LpWld-� o[�er raeu Ity o- by Me public �nqs f senhal serv�res certie- emg to the exlen[ xAere thc tery, c emfllary, m usoleum and �� af [estoretlon xwld a unt •ome� e�%c� m� me a�sa�� oi io ��:: men so ae�ceoe of ¢s human rleed, wnvalesmn[ home, essed valuatian, full and �rue, Governmentnl, puLlic utilily end may be�restored, providetl, M1ow- public serv'ire uses incWding mio- ecec [ha[ where e s4uc[v�e Ls �:aam rc�av sory�mr�:, aesnorea or d�aaea m��n a� hosyitnls,3astitu[iqns o[ an cduca- arten[ IDat its lotal demolitiou Is tional, philxn[hropic or cM1aritable � yuirttl by eus[ing or hereinel[e� nnturc, plant nursertea and gveen- edopted la�v o ocdinan<c, ov Is houses wiN sales af(icei, in any �rouircd [o pmfect Ne publit a�:i�;��, wne� rea�aea ro� me nea�m o� :eEe�r o. re:to�si�o� � public bealID, sa@ty, comememm �ot s[ar[ed wilhin a perlod of a 3oWe��aCe. rear w�a cernea aul4e�ur to mm- AUtomobile camps, tnikr courts ytelion, any N[me slmcNre ot 9! n Hd Dis�nMS ' u ahall confarm to the provisions AvromoLile cwrb, tou[iat M1ereof. Aomesln R-2 and.R-3 Dis4icta. � The provisio�u of Ws sec[ion S Au[omo�ite parking loffi in R3, �ry�� epply to eny use Na[ mq R-2 and P.3 Districls wM1en rtr becume mrvcontmmNg 4u¢ b• quired fo[ o[f-sUee[ patking cM1ange in [he classificeUon at a swces ror anr use noe mo�e t�,an a�so-�c�;n..�mcn ¢;s iomted, trom 500 Iect distent thereUwn. [he e[fective rlate of [he ortlinanre 6. Cammercial rw ee[ion uses and making suM cM1enge, bui�dings, amuse en[ parks, pny use which la permilled in a drive-in theatres, min G2, C-25, tlis4ict aNy upon Ne issuance ot M-1 end M-Y Dis[ricts. � e permit [M1erefor ffiall, uyon Z Dwellings end tlwellin6 unita of i[sues[abGSlunenq pe mnsidered a temporery public M1ousing pro- confarming use in IDa[ disMC; but jceb tlesigned to relicre fl ctlHCel su�jec[ La any condi[ions Imposed housiny shortage, in eny dis[ric[. by such uu permit. 8. Dumps ar tlog pounds in M4 or YTe provisions hereln [ar lM1e M-2 Oistricts. rontinunntt of namcoNO[ming 9. MarWeries in R-3 end CS Dis-- usea shatl no[ prevent or InteRere Kic�s, with aclion tl�et may be laken to 30. Poblie garages in R-2 end A-3 e�ah nny nuisance in any manner D'utdcts a�hen deemed n smry provided Ly law. for [he puhlic com . Any strucWre, any portian ot 11. The extension o( e a into e"h��� ie situeted unlawhlly wiN- i disKic[ where it wouid oUerwiu a public sVret or alley or oNer i Ge pro�ibi[ed. 3n a cese where e Public x'ey or thorotere,is here0y distnc[ bauntlary line ia w lo- declaretl [o be a nonconformivg � rated tFat a lo[ is in mare Nan °�� `�"heNer o nat its me is otL- ne disUicL ' N'�e In conformity wi[h the reg- � 12. The tallowing addltiaiul u °�a�'ons o[ [he dis4lct in whirt� . nntl uses attessory antl incidente] seid atmclvre is Iceated. Any such lFereto in P IHSMCLV: strucNre shal] Ee subject to eny end all epplicaEle [egulations ; la) PuNic and ➢ublic u[ility vses perein [or nonaronforming veea Includine weter P�PIn6 Pianb ecttPt In t�e event tAe villege anE tacilities, sewage vee[ment rowcil xhell require remwei o( p1anEa and [acilities, power plents �he strucNre or portion thereo[ (bl Transporta[ion facili[ies im [nr e Rublic ➢urpose, in wNCheese cluding[erminals,whan'es, dceks, such requiremen[ aXa11 preveil. linx The council may aryuire by pun cneae, ronEnmxdan or othe�wbe, prlvate prope�W 1ar Ne remwal ot no �,nrmmme uxs ,na ntn,c curea�end mey In Ite abcreUon prwitle lhat t�e cm[ and expetue ot eryuiring nch pri�ate properly be paid [rom generel tunds, or the �o:a e�a e,ce��� oc a�r ro�ao� iherrot be eeaessed to a speciel a�s«�M. Section i—AUTOMOB[LF. PARK- ING SPACE REQNft£D � Whenever any Plen o repaire- ent for prcn'iding o rrexrvin6 of4streel aulavobiie cp e r k i n g speces in morP stt[iw5 0[ [he Vipagenof Fridley sM1all � be adopfM by [he elllage cowcil,[hen auU plan or requlrement aheli qovem wWim:am secnnns. omerv wue o[Fa[ree[ eutomobile parki�g spacea eliell be providetl es fol- lows, epplicaEk [o builtlings here- atler erM H, mnstmMed or oved end to uses hereaf[er esLb- ]ishede t10 suN nonconfonning mes e nay be requ'ved to mn- mrm to IDe reeuleumis nereaf, ena to oRensiare and enlergements o( �viltlings end us . 1. O[bstreet parkin6 R�� aha11 bc proridM a[ Ne r3tio of 1 parking sGll fav (a) FerA tlweliing unit i any tlwelling, m other building.n (b] EeM sleeping ettommode- tion in any aulomobile cwrl or murist home entl ea¢n femp unit ' any aummobJe camp. 11c) Fach 3 sleeping e mmadfl- tionsin eny hotal}boartling houae, Gaternicy o ori[y M1ouu, o[ aovmirorr. r 5 aaafHOU m ine umbe[ o[ parking S[e113 requlred far its tlining antl enlertahunent (d) Eech 3 bedsin any hospi[el. (e) Eech 6 beda 1n my seni[eo- iu� mnva]escent hame or aimiler establishmenl. I[I Eech 6 seeU or similar ac- cmio�adsUO�u in anYe��%urent, ll� trt, euditorlum tea�um, d�wth. nt use hell for meeHng; cmg o� saciel en�s, a�a ou:� v� wn�.e seeas e` 'vnilar ettvmmodetians a � pro.ided for getAerings of 6 or more perearts. - f61 Y'ach SCO[ vNere (e0t of ground floor ea 'n business�or rtial use, ea� 1,000 gqu¢ie feet of Eeument Ilmr area In uch u eacM1 I,500 sqma (ret oi tlaoree n svcn use-ebave [hc [irst [foaq providetl [ha[ [or such establisfiments us drive-In arkets end similar and otrer bvsinewes etering to drive-in yetronage, me requirea ret�o sM1all be 3 perking sfells }or eeeh 390 Squere teet of [o[el area In Ousiness or commerciel vu wiNin nwmmss a�a o��me, m��a��s sro��a area ;� s��n ��. fh) Eech 3 penortv lincluding Droprietonnl o�t maximwn em- ployment i e ingle hift in eny light or M1ea�y industriel use. 2. In any C�IS or 625 DistrlM, parkinR s�aces requirN (a� ell permitted buildings end usea shall Ge not less [M1en 3 perking stalls for each 19p sqmre feet o[ [otal 'n business or m Werclal useewithin bulldings a d 4ide. 3. Eech busAeai, rommefclel, nuteGUring o i�ausmia� u nevine aeliveriesrmane bY fruck e[M1an onre a dey betwxn [herhours ol B o'dcek A.M. antl 6 a'r]oek PM., or where lhe time af �oaame e�a �moaam¢ maoe�inis r sooas exceeas lo minutes be- tween Nose houn, shell provide ofbstrttt truck lmding spett on Ne laq sucM1 spere �o be no[ ]ess Nen 35 fm[ In leng[h. 12 [ee[ in witlN and 15 feet in TeigM. 9. For Ne pvrpase of fLb mdi- e parking stelt sLell be not less [han 190 squere feet in eree, in eddition to wha[everarea fe requirM [or seUSfectory move- ment inro end out o[ aurt� statl zcep[ iLet in the cese where a4 tentlante per[orm the ect of park- ing in definM erd adeqvate stalls IDen eech such a[ell shell be con- sitlered e prking �lel] �e re qVtred Tercirt 5. A ddvewey for ecccas to my single perking epece or ta a park- Ing lot Wall be wt lec tM1en l2 µee4 �r mme then 25 f et in 'tl[h e[ 1he propet'ty line IonR -Ine aheet end ahall be so locatea ns to Tinlmive traffiC Ta2e[d and onR���on, prm�idetl lhal tFis witltM shall be ID feet m� no wid- r Pov a drivewey serNng c�� denfial parking sp¢ces. 6. All repuired parkmg slalle aM1all be localed an �he premLSes lo wM1ich such requiremen[ epplies n Mf-stree[ spece distent m[ mare [Itan 500 fee[ [rom such premises, procidetl IDxt stelis rz pu'ved tar emplayees and prapr4 erors of any premises may be Iacfl[ed an en off-sfree[ spnce tlis- fent mt more lhun 1.000 fcet Irom such premises. ]. Spnces for npen parking sGlls antl Wek ]oading sM1elt no[ occu' py any partlnn of e requirM trant yerd o slde yercl ena shall reot occvpyrmore lhen !S o� lhe e fl ac e :mwrea rea� ya�a. RICIS: Two side yerae are re- , � I qutretl for e bulltling con[xlnlnp � gny dwelling unils. One side yerd i reqWred on lhe side ot eny . other lot wM1ich vde adjotns any '..� R1, R-R, ft3 or G15 Dlstrict �� None are reguired ott�erx'ise. Tne wlath af ench side yura shalt Le not lexs ihen 12 percenl a[ the lot witlN, with no[ less then 6 teet permittetl or more then 12 reoa �eam�ea. D. S[➢E YARD EXCEPTIONS: �I 1'he side yerd widfi on fl elreet � side af e co[ner lot shell be noL_-__.-,' ]ess tnen �n Ne aistance of the � iront yerd dep[h mquirement fo� j tM1C lo[ to the rear Neoeof when � said lo[ [o lhe rea[ Mereof Aaa fronfage along a side ¢ireet, end � ' soch case no eccessory build- I 1ng on seitl mmer lot sM1eli be dour to seitl aiae atreet then Ne e distance of the front yerd depth i reqwrement fo[ lhe ]o[ to Me r lhereoq prm'ided, however, ��i tha[ tFis regulation shall rot be ��.,.� o Interpeeted es to ceduce lhe buildable wid[h o[ a corner lo[ W les �than 25 Imt. nor to ProTibit : I Me ection of' ecttssory ,, I ! 8. Provistan at parking stalls joinb �uiltling wM1erc compLance wrtM1 :� ly by s ral uses in �he snme Nis regulelion ca m[ reasonebly - block or Vin [M1e same v cinily is be hatl. 1'he sitle nartl on the side��.. -� permlialble, in which cese Ue ot a pri�a[e garege ettacM1etl ro a � umber o( slwlLC regul N ahell be dwelling a[ bne vde, may be re. the sum to�el ot Ihe iMlvidual duced to not ]ess IDun 5 feeq ieqalcemen[s, provided thet Peovidedlhche�gh[o[[hebulld� I wM1ere it is fomd by tM1e board of ing on that side is m[ more than � eppeels, upan applicalion Ihere[o, 15 feet. tha[ the perking demand generv Sec[ion 82—REAft YAROS RE� � etetl by the dif[erent u � QUIRED eluded in eny join[ errangemen[ �� ta pravlde pnrking sffi➢s required A, ft-1 antl I:-2 �ISTRICI'S: A hereln ocara et tlutinctly diRer� reer yard wi[h a depth o[ no[ less en[ tfines, n n the < of a Nen 26 pevcent o[ tFe lot deplM1 storegenurat iiF demandtor pnrk- requUed, with nn[ less than T - ivg dudng [is tlqy[ime bueiness feet permlLLed o e Uien 40 T�wrs and a theetre generallng teet required forra dwe0ing, antl Peek tlemand tor parking et[er . not less [han 30 [eet permitted or :�m aer��me no��:. a�a �� s�- � me� ie r�eo �enw.ea to� lar ceses, Ne board may recom- eny olher kind of m n building. entl to IDe village co ncil and H. R-J DI5IRILTS: BSeme e the counc0 mey reduceu[he [atal R-1 and P.-2 Disfricls, prm'idetl � numbcr oI pa king sta11.3 lo b �� �: vddil�oriel toot a( deqN [ .�q jom[ly provlded �����'-� � p�yerd la requlred Io[ ¢ f� 2 � 9 All reqm�etl parking speces pro teeq or portian themot ot bmld- vided o a lot o e bullding ing height in of 35 feef. shell Oe unobx[rvcfetl and vsebie Q G1 DISTRICfS: A rea� yurtl :�� tar tMC purpose and sM1NI not be ys reguired only tor a building �Pdvced. can[dining Bny dw¢Iling unil3 ePd 30. 1Te wrfeces of perking sta0s on any laq tM1e reer a side line �� and aislea, Vuek aFentling spaces af wM1ich adjoine anyrR�l, R-2, � end eccess drlveways MereFor R3 or C15 District end the aM1all Le heetM, preparctl and depth sM1ell be mt less tben � _ �� meintainN (o� adequflte tlreinege feet �. antl }reedom [rom dust, dir[ end D. G2, M-1, M-2 DLSTRICCS: � mm. same .: m ca n�sa���, e�mmea Met 1 addiUOna] [aot at tlepth o[ Sec[ion 9.—YARDS, L(YC SIZES, reer yard is required far eflch 4 OPEti SPACES REQIDR£D feet or por[ion [M1ereot of building Yerds, ]ot sizes end open specea height in exress of 35 (eet "1 sTeR be as requiretl m tAis section E. REAR YARD DEPTH, WITH for buiidings herea[[er erected in ALLEY ADTOININC: In mm- �, R1, R-2, R3, Gl, G2, M-1 entl P°��^R lhe tlep[h ot e reer yartl �� M-2 Disfricts, excePt as otherwise for any building where the resr ��, providetl herein Miniinum open �'^e of Ihe lo[ edjoins en alley��, ��. spares end [acili4les ahel] be es re- ' o[ tlie width o[ mch elle - quived in 9ectiora 8.8 Lnr building ^'�" be 3ncluded as rear yard � tlevelopmm[5 in C-15 and G25 �epth, provided, Net Ne reer .. Dis[ricis. Yard depth aclually on the lo[ . sFaO be not less thxn 20 feet in � No ]o[ shetl be so reduced o[ any dwelling tlisViR and not less dvninished, nor xhall any strucNre Lhun 10 feet in eny o[M1er tlislrict � be so enlargetl or mm'etl, as [o re- S?.cfion 8.3—FAONT YARDS RE� tluce or dim�nish tFe yacds, lat epIRED r open spac^ reyuired herein p Rd. R�Z, R-3 end C-I DIST-� InetFe dls[ric[ i whicM1 loeated. RICPS: A[ront yard wil� e No yeN or other open space re- tleptM1 ot not ]ess [han 35 (ee[ is � quirM hereln fo[ eny bui]dinR �eguired. hall he consltlercd as providing a � �� �ard or oce� space for eny otM1Cr H, C-2, FF1, M-2 ➢ISTRICLS: �� builtling, and no yard o ocen None, uNesa a Llock is part�v in 'i space on an adjoining ]o[ or parcel % C-2, 31d or M-T ➢tsMet and �i ol pmperty shell be coruideretl ea Par�ly in awUier tlisfricp � �� providing a yertl or opm spaa on W'hich case fhe fron[ yard tlepW��.. a lo[ whereon e bu�lding is to !re required in svch ather tlishic[ �� e[eMed. sMell apply elong ifa' enCVe ''�. IengtM1. Seetlon &1—SIDE YARDS R£- @ll2RID A. R3 and R-2 DISIRICIS: Tvo sitle yards are reqWred, eech with a width ot mt leas Man 10 feet. H. R-3 DISTRICI'S: Same es In R-1 Districls, provided Nel 1 ed- ditional foo[ of witlth of ea�A sitle yard is required for eacM1 9 feeq r partion thereof, o( building heigM1[in excess ot 35 Imt. G C-1, C-3, M1 and M-2 DtST- ORDN'ANCE-12 C. FRONT YARD EXCEP'CION: In a block where tM1e acerege o[ �he fewt yartl deptM1S o[ exisling buildings within e dis[ence of 100 teet on both sidex of a buWing [o' be erected is not more @an 6[eet gree[er o m[ more Oun 6[eet ieu manrue f�o�e yam aen+n rcquired far the Nstrict in whl� such block is ]acated, the fron[ yeN tlepth tor such buildingahall , � � \ be not leo Nen eYCh avereyc tlepth. Shwild tTle tllffinena Le e then 6[eef tM1e boecd ot appeals mxy vary the front yeN -reavir¢ment (or Me bvpding. � -':tion 89-LOT AREAS RE� IIRED -�, R.1 DISTRICtS: A lOt etta k:�oe �ess men�9.000 envere feet �Yga dwelling ia req�iied, or not [hen i,50U square [eet, i( the b[ is one on a subdirision plat recortled prlor to the e[tective date of Nis a�dinence a � plat epTroved by fie Village ncil subsequently, n�ovidetl that an a af not lesa lhen � 38,000 squn e teet v required [or a lo[ u erved by a Villege senl- larY a n aPProved ptl- vate, c unity sex'age dispoeel systema o na[ leas 1M1en 1Q000 sn�ere tcet if the ]ot Is one o vpdivision pla[ recorded prior to the ef[a[ive dflle o[ [hle ortli- nance or a a plal epprm'ed by Ihe Villegenmuncil subsepuenUy. H. R-2 DISTRICl'S: A lo[ eiea of nat Igs lAan R,500 square fee[ fov ne family dwelOng u required. d loe eree of m[ less tAen 50,000 xquere fee[ [or a two. fAree o [ovr4amily dweping or dwelling e�P is requlred. ' A la[ erea af not ]ess tLan 1$00 additione] a9uere feet tor each awelling vnit m'er [our in num- Mr, is rtyuircd. G Rd UISTTtICLS: Same es in R-2 Dislricta tor each dweIDng or dwclGng gwvp having fow'- a»en��s ���es o: ��. A lot aree of notlesa H�an 1,000 addi(ional squere feet fo[ eact� dwelling unit a cr four iqnum- . beq Is reguirdV D. Cl, C-15, C-2. G25, Md AtiD� M�2 DI51RICt5: Seme es in A-3 Districta for eny building con�aining nny dwelling units. No requiremen[ [or any o[�er Ouild� ing. E. LOT AREA EXCEPTIOnS: A ane-[emily dwc0ingmay be erM- ed on eny tat or parrel of lend in eny R-I, R-3 w A� D'uttlR, rt-. s�am� ut ��s e w,auy �t-� um owncr oe sucn iot or parcel o[ �a�d a� me aate oe esceeusnmmt of tM1O Lnxhlet in whleM IoraMd, dia not own, and ihe owner nt ihe time of appGCa[ion foc a buJtling p��¢ a«: �oa owr, a�r eaiom- ing land. In campu[ing required lot erea, ',4 the width, but not exceeding 10 tret, of eny elley ar portion Nereot abv[tmg any lo[ line mxy be inclutled as part of the lo[ area (or avch cmnpufa[lon. Sectlon B.�LOT WID'IX4 RE- QUtFEO A. R-1, R-2 and R3 DISTRICIS: A lo[ widtM1 o( mt less than 45 feel [or e ne-tarnilY tlweltin8� is requtred. or mt lees [M1an 60 feet i[ [he �ot ix One on e subdivision ple[ remrdetl prlw ro Me effec- live tlate of [his ord'mence, or on o[(ICielly epprwe! pla[ re co�tletl subseguently. A lo[ witl(h o( naf 1e35 Nan i5lee[ ia requ¢etl (o[ dwellinKS antl mWGple dwell- Ings having from two [o Iwr dwelling unita. d IM wfdth of �o� �e:s �na� a, ��t is reaw�ea for multiple tlwellings fiecing mote then four dwelling witc D. Cd,.G15, C-2, C-25, M1 end M-2 DISTRICPS: TM1e eame ee In R-1. R-2 and R-3 Dis[ricts for dwellings a( veAws kinda and tor � building mnra�ning anY tlwelling vnlLa. No requirement for eny ather bullding. SMian B.6-]AT COVERAGE BY BWLDINGS A. ft-1, AND R-2 DISTRICIS: No[ mare Nen 35 pevant a( Ihe a or e io� anan ee co�eree ny IDe main builtling antl all ecces- snry buildings. 8. R-3 DISiRICPS: No[ mare tAan 30 percent of the area of fl lo[ ehell be cm'ered by [he m huiltling antl a�l accesorr build- ings. C Gl, C15, G2, C-]S. M�1 AND DYY DISTAIGTS: For �ny dwe14 Ing antl fin eny bu0ding mntelm 1ng AweillNg unlb, tTe eree of Ne lowest tlaor wMelning aqv auch uni[ end eacM1 tlmr xbave it [o- getM1er with Me erea of all �ccea- sory bulldings, shell eecM1 be not mo�e il�en 90 pe�cent of IM1e a o( the IoL No requlrement for eny other bvilding. Sectian A.9-MIMMUM FLOOR AREA REQIIIHED . Any dwelling in eny DISfrIM, ez� cep[ nryy in a dwelGng grwp, e rletinetl herein, sM1ell �eve a[inL floor a ea of not lex Then 456 (eeq e:emsice or e eorr wna- ings oe an ettached ga[age. ttqulremente belna fm the Wr pma ot avoitlin6 ronRSHOn In tlie yublic eheeta end tre[flc heu�d vnd aNe[ dengen, end of prolmL Ing end mrtuning the residentlel cnareeter a[ enr aWaning ne1¢n- borhood antl thflS OI IuWR Mlgb- borhooda 1. Permitted buildinp end uua, except automobi]e peflting and ]mdin�spacea, drlveweye, efsen- tie] se im, alka. end PVntin6 saace�, snsn ne no� ao.er ea enr street We uen BJ teep or to any a11eY Iine H�en �0 fee4 or to the boundery linP O[ eny afM1er dls4 tiR then 50 fee[. 2. Otbntree[ autwno➢Ile perking Sxl�on 9.6-A�DITIONAL REG- end ]oading ap�m ehell be pro- ULATIONS - YARDS. LOT videdendWllMeepetetetl[rom SIZES, OPEN SPACES the edge o! Ne �aedway In eny A. YARDS, COURTS AND LOT sfreet Ey a eurbed shlp con[eio- COVERAGG FOR Dl4EL1.ING ing e walk not less Nen ID teet GROUPS: fn Wdfi, end a plenling strip wi[h 1. For Awelling gmups, �M1e side trees aM elwbs not lesa ttien 10 of e buitding sha11 be not closer fee[ in wltlN, such welk eM such lo the side ot any otM1e� building P�enting rttlp to be mal^teined lerranged "side by side'9 than adeqwte�y Iw Neee purpmes IS feeq the rear ot a building Hreehs In m�rA curbed s[rip fo� s�all be nM closer ta Ihe tron[ or access drives sM1ell not be cloaer sitle of eny otM1Cr buil�ling ("rear ta [he nearest porlion o1 e ttreel ta fronY' or "rear to siae'\ re- fMerstt[lon then 15o tee4 �P� scen�vcly), or che sitle oI a balld- at e�"i"' imeruc�on, where a ing shxll be m[ closer [o lhe ����e may Le lorated appotlte the [mn[ o[ any oNer building ("vde end of tFe InteraytM street. to Ironf9 [han 30 feet provided 3. Thc o(f-sVec[ eulwnoAile psrk- the[ the Figlicst building re rinq ing a a sTell be iM1ree timea or between eny lwo builtlings sM1ell re the eggregatetlaorarenand be Increesetl by 9 feet for eech o[M1er e e b Ee u14me[ely do- alory iha[ IDe Tigher bu�ding ex- voted lo business purposnin each ceeds 1 story in height G15 and G2S DishleL 9'he re- 2. For dwelling groups r ring quired a a shall be inclusive ot upon e side lot line or side line of parking naRS antl aisles aNy, antl a percel of Iflnd Ihe minimum dis- mt inrJUSive of aeees o( drive- lence befween nm such dwelling w'eya, welks, [ruck laeding spams. and autli sitle line shall be 20 tee[ plen[ing speceS o[ other required entl such distance sTall be im or provided ocen aPems. creesed by 5 fee[ for eeth stoiy q A screen plentlng fhlp no[ leis [het [he h7gheat building rearing ihan 15 feet in widlM1 Mall be pro- upon sucM1 side line eaceed� 2 ��detl ana meinminetl fm the yurv stories io he�ght p�¢ ��p�� ee¢h C15 Dlserie[ J. For dwelOng g�wps aW[ting on elong any boundery tTet edjoina one side on�v of e court prociding Ne bowdery of eny Rd, R-2 0[ ess ta such dwellinge, the u R-3 DisVIR, and e aimiler etrip ohsUUMed w'itl[h of svch rour[ m[ ]eu Nen ?S fttt in wfdlh eM1all be not lesa Man 30 [eet For xMtl be umilerly prvridetl entl tlwe111nF Froups eGUHing-on' flt-- meMt9h�Cd'w�tl�Vt'l;f:'G 29-O�a� eles[ [wo sides o[ a ronrq the um prict. obstrucletl xidM of su[h court 5. Sn OMPt [o prnerve vsian shNl Le nat leas than 40 feet The cleerenee for [re[[IC �efety1 fhe r yuired width in eiTher au helgM1t ot plan[ing wiUtin 50 tcet sMell be in ased by 5[ee[ !or of eny tlrivewey in e GSS or eech s[ory ifiet the Fighest build� G2S Dis[rict decelapment shell ing euceds 2 stories in M1eight pe �o[ mare [fian 30 inches nbove 4. For dwclling gmups. [he �ard [he eleva4w of top of curEalong- et @e reer o( the lol shap have a aide it, bu[ elsewhere it shell be tlep[h no[ ]ess [han ihe rear yerd �¢ purpose ro heve gcow[h o[ depth ttqWred tor Ne Dis[ricf, trees end shruES es early es pos- provided lhat sueM yard depM sipie end at good �eigM1[ and tlen- need not exceed 15 fre[ when no g��y � es to prm'itle a of dwelling of auM group rears upon py�Wq pe(�v¢¢n }1ie 6develop- SllCh ,ye1H. R1¢IIC W1I�11R Sllt31 d15�[�CI 811a �PS- 5. For dwMling grwq, not more idml�al disWCts around It. lhen �0 percen[ o[ fhe area OI N! 6. Tne z ning edTinutraWr sAall lat shall be caveretl by al] build- rcquire the inslallatlon ot such ings. aigns, mavkings antl tvef(Ic vn 6. For dwelling groups, any dwe1L [ml entl [egdatory devices az ere ing ahall have a[irst (loor arefl ecesaary [o promMe vehicule[ o[ nat Iesti tM1an 250 aqueie fttt. end µMentrlan se[¢�y � eny C-15 entl C25 Distric[ tlev¢]op B. YARDS, LO'P SIZFS, OPEN SPACFS FOR P DISTRICLS: 1. Yartls, lo[e s and x'itllFS.lo[ e�ase ena eoce� sw� �o� tlacllingg tlwelling groups, euta- mobile antl trailer cemps shall Oe e:iem�:hea ny me v;��aze council upon remmmenda[ion by lhe boartl of appeals in each case where e permit for any such �ae i approved. 2.SOtherwiu, no builtling or shvc- ture, or portion fiereof. erec[etl In Me P Distric[ shall be eloser m any boundary line of any R-1, A-2 or A3 DisKic[ then 20 fret. nceptinq only sitlewalks, curbs entl gu[[eta, atree[ pavements, utility lims, o(OOlal Iraf[ic dlac- tion or re6ulatory signs or de- n�a s�m�iar �o-:ec vern� ena8onrey zpp�rocne�cee. Q REQUIRED M1{INIMUM SPACFS AND FACILIPIES FOR C-15 AND G25 DSSiRICCS: TTe establisM1ment a[ permlUed buildings nnd uses In each C15 und CYS D'utric[ ehell include tM1e followingreqWttd minvnvm epacee end facllltia uounC Nem, ¢tld ent and IU eccev drives. TM1e requireL epaces end fecilitie! �y noe ne rea�cea o� a�mm�snea xcept es a resW[ ot action by ihe Viilage rnwdl i epprovel o[ a �arlance or variantta Neretor �eo� �m�aauo� ny me noara of nppeelA ne proNtl N 1n SecUan ]0 hereot. D, STR�CfUAES IN YARDS AND COURTS: Lbery pnrt of a requvM ya�d or court ehell Oe open entl unobsvucted bY any building or stmcWre, frmn its lowut point upwerA, ezttD� %9 [ollows: i. accex+o� atunai�aa �ere cermie- ted in a re r yeitl only entl Msll ee �ot moser man a[eee m eny m� vne, wnen noe more man is [eeI in M1elgbq wl[h one additionel mo� ot a�s�enre reuuirea mv eacn 3[eet o[ atlditionai hel¢Ft to e M1eigpt Ilmi[ of 24 feet Accessory buildinge mey rontain one tlwell- lhg unit tor urvante ar one (or prlvnfr gueah or one o[ eacti, but no awelling unit tor any oNer purpoee le permltted In e re�r yud �ACCeuory bulldlnp N�LL COLUMHIA HEICHTS RECORD n �he eggregete, ocmPY no[ more then 35 pement o[ Ne arefl ot e required renr yerd. 2. Slls, belt muna, mmices, bu4 Ire�eee and eaves mey pm�tt[ nM more tlien 3 tecl inta any ro- quired yaM or court. 3. Welky steps an graantl slopes, retaining wnlla, ficdges ana neb urel growth, tenees, peved ter- ena e%�ea erPa , swcwres vsedsa enteny orgmr gaNen- ing ot Por privete recrcalion pur- ywes, 9�d strucNres tor essentiel sen9cea, when xccesmry to and cus[omarily incitlental to the prin- cin e] u� e'e permiHetl in ys�tls a a couris, n�o.aaca mee e ine- yx*d strip 1$ Icet in widlh ed- iomms me :m� �m� o� ene me shell be vnobsWCled by any etrucWre or feaNre, excep[ a fence, lhef is Tigher IDen 2@et above Ure ground level. \a fenre or r]oxely grown hedge boNering lot lines sAell be more than 10 fcet in M1eigM1t In an}' rear yard, or re Than i fee[ in heiqht in any a de yard or fron[ yxrd, prm'idetl NrNer tM1et no sucM1 fence o hetlge in eny yard af a corner lot within 20 fret ot [he mr � o[ u�n me mae is ni me soreet mxe�- sec[ion sAeil Le higher Nnn 3[ee[ above Ihe Icvel of 0e wrb near- �[ it. 4. Cncovered porches end steps tn builtling en[rances may extend no[ m c<hen 10 feet in[0 any requirea [rcnt yxrd or rear yarcl end not more than 3 fmt into eny . ymrea smc rara o� courr. 5. Openwork tire belmnies entl fve cepes may extend not m Na� $'% Leet IvtO e[r.quitv.d ye�d urt 6�CM1imneys end fIDes may exlend mt m re IDan 2 feet into a re- quired yard or court Secttan 9.-BIDLDING HEICHT LIMTTS No building sM1all hereat[er be e[ecfetl,COnstrue[ed, ittons[ruc[d� al[ered, eNergM o moved. sa es [o exceed the builtling height lim�[ esfeblished Aere�n tor IDe tlis�ric[ ' whleh IwatM. The folloxin6 Luilding heigTt limlta e e M1ereby es[nbluhed for fhe dis4lcts, wilM1 cer[aln exceptions as provitled" ne.ei�arter: A. R-0, AND A�2 DISTRICfS: 254 smriea, bvt m� exceetling 3G tmt. B. Gl AND C-15 DI5IT.ICTS: 3 alories, but �wt exreeding 95 [eet. C. A3, C-2. C-25 AN� Md DIS- TRICTS: 6 atorics, but not � ceetling 65 feet, provided Ibat no buildLig oo pmtion of e building shall be erected to a Aeiyh[ ex- ceeding 45 teet an eny portion of a lot lesa Nen 30 feet dietant trom any portion o( a lo[ in any ft1, R2, Cd5 DlsUie[. D. P AND M-2 DISTRICPS: 100 feet, rscept that no building or Portlon thercof sM1alt be erec[ed to e Feight ¢acaeding 45 (ce[ on eny portian of e lot Ims lfien 20 rtte a�:��� �� a�y w«�o� oe e lat in xny Rd, R-2, C4 or C-l5 District. nor to e M1eigh[ cvicee�l- InR 65 [eet on eny portion of a lot less tM1an 30 [eet disfen[ Gom any portion o( n lo[ In any sueM1 a�:«�«. E. HF.ICHT LiMIT EXCEP- TIONS: Tne Euilding heigM1t lim- i[e esUbllsM1ed herein for d'u[ricb sM1all not apply to bell�ies, cupo- les, domes, spires, monuments, roo[ ha�se, eirwey beacons, ratlio [awecs, wintl mills, Fleg �wles, chimneya m fluea, nor bulkheeds. eleva[ors, water lanks, or poles, rowen end ather atmcWres (or umia� ser�ice.s or �onsimiiw� rtmcNCea oi necessery ecM1enl- cal app�rlenences extending above tbe roof of any builtling and not occupying more [Nan 25 yemen[ of tM1C area of such raof. WM1en permitted in a distric[ fievinR a building M1eight limit af less than 65 feeL pubiic builAings, schools, eM1mches and o[her ins[i� tutions aM cembpvblic bulldings mq h aectetl ta ¢ Melyh[ not PAGESEVEN ezcretling 45 feet pmvided tM1Ut [he 400[ yard depth, aide ya[d widths and reer yard deplh he eacn lncreeutl 1[oot o end above the requlvement [av Ne dlslric[ [ov eacM1 2 Lce[ o( builmng height above Ihe builtling heigM1[ limi[. Section 10. - HOARO OF AP- PEALS d Banrd ot Appeals, hereinef[e[ meHmrsre[erted to es tAebaerd, s hereby esfeblisTetl and shell nritysucM1 etlministretive evth- and havc sucM1 qrwere nntl aael�s a: nre eer�J�afee� eoovmca. A. ME3fRF.R5HIP dYU ORGAN- IZATION T�c boerd shell consirt a[ 5 members, eech to Ge appoin[etl [or a term of 3 years; provided that ficst appointmen[5 shall Ee 1 em0er [or 1 ycnq 2 memben for 2 year> and 2 members for 3 years. nnd tM1e[ subsequent ap- pointmen[s sFall be Eor 3 yeers. A[ .a mexting to be held ���itM1in [hirly d��s aFter 1M1e tla[e af e[tec[ o[ tnis ordinance andthere- afteo- a[ a mceting M1eld within tM1irry deys a[tev tM1e ficst tlay o[ Janwq� eech }eeq [he board shell elec[ an o( its memAers chairman and o e-chairman. TM1C z ning ndministretnv s�all� act ee secm[ary for the boACd. All meetings, transacGons enA �emrtls o( eetion of the boactl sM1ep be oPen N[he publie The boertl shall adopRWes and regu- 'nfi ans [or [he transaclion o[ bus- POWEFS AN� OUTIES OF BOA0.O OF APPEhLS ANO VILLAGE GOUNCiI .1.INTERPRETATfON The boertl sl�all inferpret [he � -ords, terms, rvle.s, regWations, provlslons eod reettictlons of Ihis ordinance, where Ihere is tloubt as to U�e meeninR �h�TCoE, antl xhell determine [he location o[ bounaeries of disvvicts wM1Cre un- rer[einty exuts e[[er the vvtles in SPC[ion 9 M1ereof Por delermining sai� Lounda�ies have Leen ep- pGCd. Before meklog e intee- preta[ion fFe boa�H m v`holtl e poblic M1earing Ne�eoryaa[lec fix- ing a nuble time for Me heeeing��and giving duc mtlee theoco[ to �he pmtles. In ex - ing I�s power o[ int¢vpreL�tlon, �he boaN may acl upon ¢pplica- tion, upon wrillgn reguwt from the Villege ro ncil, from [M plenning commiaion, or Uom the ning etlminixtrator, or npnn i[s o»�n moHon. -B. APPEALS - VARIANCES TTe Hoertl shap hear appeals Gom nnd review any arder, re- ��o-e�,e�q a���.���, o� acie�mina- tion madc by thc zo�ting ndminis tvarov. WM1Cre [Leoe Is Praclicaf dittlwity o m ec rv M1ard- s�ip in [h¢ wey af cA ryioR aut �he �trict IeLLer of this nrdinance, LM1C boartl,in O���ng upon an ep- pcel, may� r c nd Nat Lhe Villagc c ncil ary o madi[y uny oC its iWes, regulatlare o yrovLimis relatlng lo the e n- 5[NCIiOn. Sf[�ICIU[21 CM2n§1!v inOO[ al[cratio� o[ bnlldinq or stmr mres m�mamz r��d, ioo a���.,, m� widtM, lot m rage, fint floar area, parkinF VspacG open space nntl M1eight regulations, orlM1e au of land, buildin65 or shuc[ures. sa that[hc spioit o[4ils ocdinan[e shall be obsened, Public sa[ery antl welfam sxwed, and substan- tial justice done The boartl may �i� �� meoa m m� vdiag� 1Poncli, In specltic ra= .. TFC eslablis�men[ of requve- m � r�am�, ma a e,s e�a w�ams. �oe o,.��au�s a�a ox� s�a.. m� awew�qs. �roun dwcllivgs, camp yrnunds antl au[o and trailer camps in P Di=tricts. 2. Heduction o adjustment o[ re- nuirca spac� and e�ciiir�cs nnection wiM permilled hu11d� inRS und ��sr.s m C-15 nnd ^-25 Ilish'ICIz 3. N'aicer ot the trant yertl tlepN PAGE EIGHT COLUIdHLt HEICHTS RECORD vlslona M1crmq or Me dlslrlct map, t�e dVhic[s on mid map ar [M1e requtretl in a spxi(Ie btock end D. CONDITtONS bauMerlee ot eucM1 tlie4icta A prtr �eaeu:nm��e oa a difler¢n[ [ront In BcHng upon flny malte� iTe P�ed amendmen[ mey be IniUatetl yerA r qutrement wM1ere tront Eaerd mey determine end recom� by the vlllagc counctl upon IG own yertl deplM1S o[ ezisling builtlings �� �o Me village counMl the[, moUOn or upon rtteipt ot e - wtlhin fl dls[ence o[ 100 (ee[ a order to pmlec[ tM1e puE11C 9��C Nere(oi. (mm IDe village EoIM1 eldes of a building to be TeeltM1, ufety, ronvenlence end Plenning avmmlssion, or upon re- emted averege more than 6 fcel w'e](are, or to avold frefflc com ttlpt o( e pHltloq IDerefoq from grea[er or more tTan 6 fee[ less sestion or hazerd ar aMer den- eny intereetetl penon or ce�%o� ihen IDe front yaM depN r %ers, or la prpnMe canformity o[ oi lhetr egenb. qulred for the �istrict in whicM1 a Prapoaetl use wIN Ne eM1aracter p, REPORT RY PLANNtNC seid block is Ixaletl, o[ etljolning property and vure �MMISSION—PUBCIC HEnR- 9. Motlificattan of the reguirements e^d Me d�stric[ ea a who�e. or [a pyG of Sectlon i for ihe provision o[ Prohc[ such characteq [he isw- The rouncil aMll requve a re- mtomoblle parking stalle as [ob nee of a pem@ applied tor port [ram Ne planning tromm�s- ��b, ahwl� be auEJmt to the [ollowiug v on any propoud emendmenf In1 In n cxee uhere exisHng o(L or other condiHOm: beforenteking final aRion Nerean. e[reel Darking [ecililies, open m (11 Time Iimils xi(Mn wAlch tFC TM1e P�enning mmmission xhnll The u ot Me public frce of �ermit shall Le velid or e uee thereupon make e ten[eHVC ro- cFargceor et reaeonable ro[es, shxll be ivntlucted. part entl hold e puLlic FeerNg heve unusud pxrking cepaNp�,tAe «� Adherence to modibed yard, iM1ereon �vith rotice iM1e seme aa boartl mev recommentl iMat [he �ot area, ]ot width, lot coverege, �e9�imtl (or the pu0lic Tearing Oy vlllage coun<il redum lM1e pa[kin6 ��O°� erea, perking spece, open tM1e mwcil, before submilling i�s �' epece rtqairemen[ tor any ux spece end heigM1t requiremend In I�nel report Such flnal rcport dBtant not mm'e lhan 500 fcet ��eu of tM1e reqviremenls M1erein. shall bc submiflM x�ithin 60deye iheiefrom by nol more lhan tM1e �3) Provielon o[ o(&street pfltk- efter �he time of referrel o( IDe number of stalls o[ unused caPa- �ng apecea In apecl[led emounts. Propasetl emendment [o it, unless C��y 9p9R6 O� ¢B£PlIlfllh (O� 9CR'Cf1 Ihe muncil agrees [o en ex[ension Ibl In a ceae where any public w P�enting, fo� utl1lty linee ar tor ot ti�ne. nxessary [acilitles and sezvices B. ACTION HY NLi.AGE COUN- � prnete ofEstrcet parking (acility. avd o[her erees end ocen ¢peces CIL—PUBLIC HEARtNG lo be o4en to Me use of iTe public �q� LIm3[e[Ion of uee ar e free ot eM1erge a at reasoneble ���' A�ter receipt of Ne ttquittd unde[ roR4INC[ion'O� ���n'o[ manp¢( of inein�einill§ (inel lc�rt RpRI 111p plenninj nees, i a�a fonauetins seme. mm �eaion on anr amenamena plenneafiena wnere there is rees- (51 StnsWrel reqvlremen4. or, n the event o[ the tailure of anable essurance Nat aucM1 deve4 �6) DetllmUon ro �M1e Village of tM1e mmmiasion to so repor[, aRer apmen[ will be c6rt'1¢d ta mmple- F�itlley of el'pd5 repuiretl fo[ pub- 60 dw)s afle� fie [Ime o( r¢fertel tion and will wM1em m�pleted re- ��� purpoaes ot IM1e propased a enCenent [o ]icre the perking tlementl in �rye Villagecounalma m w9[Itin 500 tee[ Nereo( in Y nquire tM1e cwnmiseloq [he villege coun- - are �n tuli meesure, �'dtten egreement deposit ot cil s�ell hold a pvblic Aeari�g. tM1e boeml mayrrerommend ihet �rtifietl check ar (wda, fl bond, af[er which Ihe proposetl amentl- lhe village wanc�l estebluh a or a[her essurentt ot [eitTNl ��� mey Lc passM or tlixap- reasonable lime period withln observance o[ mntliHans, [he �-0o- ProvM. Not less Man lp tla��s' wM1ieh aoy use or uses within mch �atlon of which sM1ell invallde[e notire of [M1e time and place ot aree sM1all provitle �cquiretl apaas ��e permlt entl shall be ennsitler- ibc public hearing shall first be far parking slalls Upon comple- � e vloletion o( this ortlinance. Publiehed in tAe ofticiel paper o[ tion o[ all or a portion of sueh E. LINSCATION OF POWEAS �e Villageb( Fridley. Parties et devela q tfie provuiana of Dowere end dutles oI t�e �n[eres[, citiuns ar rocir agenb, pmen The paregraph [fl), abm'e, mey ire ap-. ��erd except IGt power o( in{er sM1all be given an oppmhniTy [o p��ea pretaHOn. ahall be ]imited to � neerd. A(wo-th��ds wte af Ic) In a cese where ihe eustom- ecLLOn on apeci(IC sppeele and ep- ell 9�e manbe�s oI the muncil ary mode o[ [raneportelion o( e P1�cetioru only. No bonrd aMion nhel] be repuired [or pessege ot ma�odty ot tne patmns, employ- or recammmtleUOn to Ne Wllege en amenJment. ees nnd pmprielors of any ux, to ���entl na council ee�oneMll Sec[lon 14—ZONING AOMINIS- entl Imm ifie area in wTlch ¢uch �+enge w he��e tlie effect of TRAIOR,. HUILDING PERAfTTS uae is lacnted, is other then by �„%^S��S eqv rule, regvA[ion, � yOYING dDMINISTRATOR ��^➢�vate � eutomoblle, �-the�- baerd �� Pmvlelon ar rea4iRlon o[ Nla TTc Villege Mnnager of the msy re ammend Nat Ne v0lege ordirenrn ezttpt by following (M1e V illege ot Fddley ahell act as [he wuncilcredure by no[ to exceed Wocetl�re estaLlithed Terein to[ ning aNniniaKetar md Is herc- 5p percenq the perking epece re- e(fx'tganl its �e�t �[ �" by charged with t�e responsibil- � quimmen[ tor snch use. Y epplicetion �n e ��y. ef etlminietnllon and en(mce- � (EI As provided in p3regrapF 8. 5pecifle Cese be[ore IDe Eoa[d. pnt o( lhe pmcixions o( [M1iz under "AU[omobllePerking5pace PROLEDOPE m rt�m���m- m sKUO� v. o.ama�a. w�m me muow;,,a �e) In a case wXere it is clearly F. HOARD OF APPF.AIS VOTE Powera end EuNes: —HEAAIIJGS—VILI.AGE C011N� ❑� qo issue all permics end cer- a�hawn by [�TC applicent no [he CIL ACTfON Utice[ea required Ly Nis ordi- s tisfxction f tM1e eoera e a me TTe mncumins .�ore or mree- nenm, incWmnB Permlh S� [or v�llege muncil [hat fhe DrovBion �u[hs of" Ne mempets of the ne yeer (o� [emporery usef entl o! spece reguired herein [or park- �� ghall be neceeeery to eP buildings for rnmmerre oi Intlus ing a[allx, due to fie Wn���e[ yrove en eppeei or to epprove eny [ry 1n R1. R-2 end RJ D'utrlcLS, naht'e of fl ptoposed use m olhe� epp��cation for eny varientt o end for indertry In o0er tlbfilch, contlition 'ould be unneceseery the issuance o[ r � a m�acu�i aianw�v o� �m a^r ��e ce.,�;e a�ne� m�me�mi m ue ��«no� o. � �reate an uMereamry �arAShip, and before eny such acHon ie epuippinq a[ strvcfvres o[ uses Ihe boerd mey recommend tM1e[ �ken the boerA 5M1S11 hald e neer peimilted in au� tliatric[s. �M1e vlllage coanell rary wch ce- �^g and give due nollie thereoL (y� Ty� �use eny builtliog, sWc yviremenL Incluaing not less tM1en 30 aays' ture, land, ptare or prem6es W pe C. APPROVAL pF USF. PER- notice o[ the fime entl place �py�tetl an6 eumined entl to MTTS FOR CERTA[N USES ihereaf, publ4hed 1n Ne af[IC�aI ep�. �� µ.riting [�e rcmed��ing o( Before Iseuence of e permif fOe ��acec o( ihe VOlage of Faid� any cOndiVOn found [o esis[ in ley. At [he heerl�, partles a[ ��ole[ion ot tAls ortlinenre. any use permitted in tlis[Bc[s ]nteresq and Ne'v agenfs sM1all be i31 To ect aa Sxretery for tM1e eppeelsPeroval by tM1e boerd o[ g�ven an opportunity to M M1eard. p�iy o( appeels and ro cnrry out p�ovitletl in Seetlon q��. ecflon c nsiatlng ot eny entl enfonp eny tlecisions or de� 510 and a[her sectio�u hereo[, [he mmenda[iono ta Ne v0lege terminetians of aeld boerd. bwrd shall Teve epproved of thc rouncil shell be tranpnitfed to H. BUILDING PERMIT, PLAT: establlshmenq coneWeHan, e �hc rountil in a report wlMin 10 tioq rxonstmclion, aUmW el � tlays a[ter the heatlng [M1ereoq A building permit ehap Ee ap. aiteralioq enlargemen[, eddi[iom �penied by ifie original ap� P��� �or end sM1ell be issuN by to a moving af eny such use, y���[ion, a briet resume ot Ne �he zoning etlministremr befare shailrheve w mportetl to Ae uil- pearing and ell pepers conatflub tM1e erttlion, mnstruc[ion, remn- ]ege rnwcil entl IDe couneil ehell �� �pe rcmrtl upon wM1ich boartl °w�on, el[era[ion, enlargement have approved seme and ahell aMion aas basetl. or moving ot any builtling, except have ortlered a ux permit for �Q ���� eny mnsis[mg only of minor el� - same [o be Issued by the zoning � ege councli shell, wi[hin hretion or iepair not i colvin 20 days, cansider fhe recommeo- " g administrator, detions of the boeid. Favo�eble eNergemml, moving, change of 'ITe usvance of any use permlt a���e� shell be Ly resoWtion, by uxe or esiebllshmmt o( e use, end shall mt bc recommendetl to tFe meJority vo[e, retertlng m Ne whoee full ve]ue is Iess than i5 vlllege counul unleae the bonN �mmendetiens o( [he boerd, da0ere. - sM1ap (ind, in eacM1 cesG [M1flt Me � Each appikfltion for e builtling granting a -edana, modiEicetlon Ixation af the um (or which IDe Permit shall be accompanietl 6y a permit ix ought, the m nn ef etljvstment andyardetlnL the drewing or plaq in duplicate, s ce of [he ne aeary yermit ond�¢fin��IDe sam ndeany se permit by the oning ed- drawn to scele and qhowing the building or facililieaf or aen �r'��atratm, eubjec[ to such co - �oQ [he propmN builtlings Mere- or ssory uses whicF ere in tlitions a. mar x�e,m�snea. � ��� enE tlimenaions of lo[ end olvedewill no[ be de�eraus or � bWldin6�: <M1e �oreUOn and pro- otherwise�detrlmental [o parwrm Sec[ion il—AMEIYOMENTS � P�ed use of tM1e hWldings: LFe residing ot workl0p in the vlelm TTe village rouncil mey amend �{ locetion, dvnensione, present and ity [M1pYtBt, or t0 !hp pubiiC WeL ihis oMinentt from time to fime 1 Proposttl use o[ eqy existing fare, gnd wlll not impair Ihe �6P, - by supplementlng, chnng5ng, mod4 � building On the mme lop such e�kvme�� w vatue o[ any Drop fying or repealing eey of Ne x¢- �n(ormetion on honC Yertl deptlis ertY. ,, WeNOne, ca4letlom or otM1a ym ond o[her,y�rd �kea nn ath�r lob 0nd sufM1 0[hfr In10rmBllon a9 [hP ning edminlstralor sTell r qulre [or the enfarcemen[ of Ihis o�m�.a��e. C. LAND ALTERATION PiRD1IT A Aand el4retion permi[ sM1ell be applietl to� antl sM1nll be iswed by Me z nfn6 atlministcaloq x provldN n ordimmm �umber 69, antl other apPlicable b�dinance, �o. s��n � �an�s. s�aamR aoa filling of eny 18nd u.s wwld Ac x 6obslflnlie] 011eee210n OL aYtstlTg gmund conlour o oultl cM1enge e.�su�e a�emak��a :e ciaoa- ing, end for such re aval ov de- s[mction o( grounnn s wnultl resWt in lezs be`ne[icial v[o[ prcsent and pa p�^tl fu[ure develapment u nd e- I�Ymen[ a( avY P�ape[[Y ecmvtl- ing to tFe in[ml end pu�po5¢ of ihis ordinance. Section 13 -- CEATIFICAI'E OF [JCCUPAnCY A certlfica[e o[ occupanc}', slab Ing ihat ell of tha pvwixions � o[ M3s ordlnance have bcen [ully mmplied wTh shali M1avc bcen ob� tained from lhe voning adminisva- ror eerore: QI Any eWCtum for which e buildin6 Permi[ Is mqvved �s isen o� o«uv��. inc�uaing a�y - n af eny bullding ta pm- ��a� aaawo�e� aweums ��ns. (RI Any uso af en ex3sHng sVUc �ure la ehenged to a usa of a dib fercn[ clesaitiration. 131 Any non-wntormins uac is chnnRed. In tM1e rase ot a s�mcture or use es[ablisM1ed, ulreretl, eNar6etl a o.ea uro� me iss�xnac ot a com ditlan¢1 Decmit or use permit Nere�or, af[er cemmmendation �y tM1e boeml of appeels and apprmal by Ne Wtlege council, e certi[icate af occupency sM1ell be lasued on1Y i[ all IDe contlilions IDereof shell have bee� setisfied. APP��<etian for n cerli[icate af oceupency shail be made to the znning edministre[n: when the sirucwre or use �s rezar tor ocn,- �«��v a�a wnn�� ia aTr� me.eea tcr lhe :oning adminislratar ehell Inspect such etrucNre ar use and if founE to he im m�[ormi[y xitL ai� pio��sm„s oE m�s ormrm�ce, sFnp siFn entl issue a certificale of occunw�n�. ]n permit or license requiretl by me emazP or F�miey o� ome� sovernmemei esencr snau ne ��. sued by any tlepartment, official emploYee ot the Vitlege ot sucn Rovernmeniai ase�cr, umess ene applleatlo� (oc weh permi[ o� lic- ense is eccampenied by pma[ of the issuance ot ertiticnte or occupancy by the voning e�ninis- tmtor. Sect�on 14—ENFORCEMENT, VI- OLATIONS,PF.NALTIES nu aeee�m,e��s, om��a�: �a employees o[ [he Vilinge of Frid- ]ey wM1a erc vesled with the duty authoriry to issue permits o licensea sM1alt hsue no such permit ov license for any use, s[mcNCe or pu�pase if Lhc samc woultl no[ cron- [arm to [hc ➢�ovlsions of iTls mtliewnce. If eny buildinR o 5[ruc[urc is receca, consmocic4 � o�«n,caca. renatr�a, eie��ea, �ma�sea, �o - ��eoiea, ma��aa���d or mo.��a, o��e any buildinq, strucmrc ar land is ased In vlolatian af [his ortlinence t�e �ing adminis[�atav shall ordez n wdUn6 lhe covveclian o[ such viole[ion. It, witFin 30 tlays, or such longer time as tFC zoning Pdministremi may in writing euth- � e, a�.� s���n �o„a;uo�: naoe „oa been wrsected, he shall caus¢ ap- propriate c immal xction ta be ns[ituteE. r . � �rne :o��.,s aamm;.o-aro�, o. �n- lage aHOrney or othev ofHciel des- Ignatetl by tFC council may insLL- Wto eppropdate aetian oc proceetl- ings for tAe pwErosc oL Ill Pcevenfing any viola[ion. (21 Rntreining. correc[ing oe abaHng cucT violetio� f3) PreventinR [he cupaney ot eny building, structvre a[ lantl in vialatlon a[ [his ardinence. 10 PrrvantlnP �nY illepal �cli mnducq business or uae In or � � about eny building, simeture a[ � � lena In.ioleHOn o[ mia oramence. � � My person, tirm or <orporetian ' � violu0ng the provipinna o[ this ardinance shall be guilty o[ a mis- aemeenor ena upon onvictian t�ermf shxll be punlsM1ed by e fine of not mnre t�en 5300 or be �m- prisoned [ot not more Nen 90 deV'S. Fa� dTy any VIOIeliOn ShBll ecis[ sheil co�utitote a eepemte OIIPIIBP. � . � ` SecHOn ]5—INTF.RPRECATION i In in[erpre[inq end apP�Y�ng Ne prOVis�ona of lht ortli�nce, lhey _ sM1all M M1eltl tn Ae lhe minimum ' rryWVamenfx edapteA for IDe pm- ' motlan af Me publtc henllh u[ely, rnw, m�,rorc, m ana ' genw'al wel[nrc Whereve[ IM1eprv� � � s hereof require fl greafer w�am, aer<n o� s��� oc y,ms, � a�r�-e o olM1Cr open spaen, oi i require x lower neigM1t o( building r less number of srorie� o� le� percentage ot lat a cnpency or rc- ' qutre a greatc[ lot a e O[ wld0�, i n greeter first ilwv erea, e larger � numbet o[ automobile � pa�king � snaers, or Impose other highar � sundertls then arereQUired by eiiv � DiM1C[ 6EaWlq Orzllnapee O[ regula- - tions, tM1r pmcisions of thie oNi- . � e sIiN1 gocrm. Wherever tTC � provislons of a oMer stfltvfe, �p' o[dlnance o[ regulatlon reqVlte a , q[ex[c� e'itlN, tlep[M1 0� 5 af . yards, caurta ar other open speces, require e lower height o[ e M1uiidmq or a lesa number of stw- ' or lew Ocrcenffige oI 1a[ oicu- � Pancy or rryuirc a Rice�e[ lo[ area wid�M1, e grcate� Flrs[ floor aree. nr larger number o( eutomobile perking s�aces. o impose oU�er ' hisher stenaards than are required y bY �he provisions, TereoE tFe pto- I or'' of svcfi statutq ortlinanee ; regula4an snall govern. Sec[ion 16—CONFLSCTING j 1.AW5, ORDWANCES REPEAL- � � ED . 2his ordinance upon iLt effecUve dule shell aupe�ede all of the fol- lau4ng, whirt� shell thereupon be, ._ � rePealed: OrAinance No. 24, which ie an a[dinanm iEguleting [he ]acaUOn, - ' flnd beigM1[ af Tuitdings, lhe a�anRemen[ of buil�iings on ' lols, entl l�e density of populallon in The Village of Fritlley ae passed by lM1e Villa6e Cowcit on Ihe 15Ih . day of Avgusq 1999. Ortlinnnce No. 3i, wM1ich is om��an� am��ama omme��e rvo. — 29 and paxsed b�� lhe Village Coun. � cil on ADC1I ]9, 1951, and tM1e � mendment there[o passed hy tlfe Vlllage Countll on Ne PiM1 dey of rrtay �ssi. Ortlinnncc No. 53, wFich is en �� endment o[ the z ning ordi- ..� nce o( lFe Village a[ Fridley es . passed by the Village Council on � [M1e 341M1 tlay of Auguaq 1053. SecHOn 14 — VALIDIIY Sectior�s, subaection.s, ctausee, provisione and por[ions of ihia � ortllnance ere tleemetl ro be mv¢� aNC xntl shoaltl eny ucUOn, eub� ¢eclion clavse, p�ocision m parfiOn � o[ thls nrdfnance �e declared by e-- c0urt of compelen[ juoLShccHOn l0 � be uncons�itutionml or invalitl, the � e snau noa attme me �-auauv ' 1 o[ this ordinance as e whole or aqv � yart thereof olher [han IM1e pert 50 �-. declared to be uncons[ilutionel ac �mxlid Sec[lon 18—DATE EFFECLIVE � TM1e Pro�lons of Mis eMinantt ''�',: re hereby declered to be immedi� ^ e[Cl,y fIpC26fi8[y fOP 111Q p�QBPNd- tion aF tM1epubllc peace, heelthand � � se(ety end ere M1ereby piven imme- dia[e ef[ect u0on poblicatian ae requiretl by law. � Pnssed by The Vi11aFe Council �" this 29t� dey of Dttember, 3855. � RORERT 5. HUGHE3, Meyar . ERNB6T MADSEN, �� Village Mareg¢ . Published i i the Columbie � Hei6M1�s RecoM IM1ie l9Po daY el J�r.uary, 1Bz6. ,