Ordinance No. 0709 03-17-1980ORDINRNCE ND. 709 AN DRDINANCE REPERLING CHAPTER 108 OF THE CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING A f9EW CHNPTER 108 ENTITLED FIRE PREVEIVTION 108.01. AOOPTION OF FIRE PREVENTION CODE � M�nnesota Uniform F�re Code Adopted. The M�nnesota Um form Fire Prevent�on Code, as promulyated ey the M�nnesota Department of Publ�c Safety, andembodied �n Chapter Four of the Rules and Regulations of the State F�re Marshall Div�s�on (Fire iNar. 30-51 inclus�ve )�s hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this code, hereafter referred as �1UFC except for those provisions of said code amended, mod�fied or delei.ed. (Ref 329, 475) 108.011. NMEN�MENTS, MODIFIC,4TIONS The MUFC is amended as follows: l. Fire Mar. 45 is deleted and Rrticle 20 of the UFC (published 6y the Internat�onal Conference of Building Offic�als and Wzstern F�re Ch�efs AssociaLion, 1973 Ed )�s a�opted �n �ts entirety by reference. 2. F�re P4ar. 33, Section C. �s deleted �n its ent�rety and Section 1.203 of UFC (published by the Internat�onal Conference oF Build7ng Officials and Western Fire Chiefs Assoc�ation, 7973. Ed.) �s adopted �n its entirety. 3. Firz 1`�ar. 33, Section �. �s deleted �n its entirety and 5ectton 1.204 of UFC (publ�shed by the Internat�onal Conference � of Build�ng Off�cials aiid Western F�re Ch�efs Nssociation, 1973. Ed.) is adopted in its entirety. 4. F�re Mar. 33, Sect�on G. �s deleted in �ts ent�rety and Sect�on 1.207 of UFC (published by the Internat�onal Conference of Quild�ng Off�cials and Western F�re Ch�efs Associat�on, 1973. Ed.) �s adopted in �ts ent�rety. � 1DS.02. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS �os.o2�. No fire entingu�sher, required by the F�re P�°evc:nt�on Bureau, shall be deemed acceptable unless such ext�nyu�sher has been approved by and carries the rat�ny label of ti��e Underwr�t�rs Laboratories. 108.022. All hand f�re e,ctingu�shers us�ng cYiem�cal extingu�sn�ng ag�nts, required by the F�re Prevent�on Bureau, shall be recharged by the owner at least onc2 a year, or oftener �f su d�rected by the Chief of the Fire Prevent�on Bureau. 108.023. The recharg�ng of cnemically act�vated nand fire ext�ngu�shers shall be accomplished by persons �vho are sk�lled and competent in such work, including certified firms or �nd�viduals who are actively engaged m the business of fire extinyu�s'ner serv�cing in th2 area, and by such other persons who have been approved by thz Chief of the Fire Prevent�on Bureau, such as persons who 6y traun ng and qual�f�cat�ons are able to perform such serv�ce (Ref. 262.) 10i3.03. EXPLOSIVES 708.031. Permits for the use of explosives shall be obiained from thz Police Department, (Ref. 475) ADOPIIO� OF FIRE PREVENTION CODC AMENDIhENTS MODIFICATIONS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS EXPLOSIVES L !a,'r ,'� Page 2-- ORDINAIVCE N0. 709 108.032. No person shall possess, store, keep, sell o� offer for sale, or give away, use, discharge or transport any explosives in the C�ty except b� ti�e author�ty of a written permrt as specified above and recommended by the Fire Prevent�on Off�cer. 108.04. FIRELANES The F�re Prevent�on Chief or his duly authorized assistant shall oe empowered to order thz establishment of fire lanes on public or privat2 property as may� be necessary �n order that the travel of fire equ�pment may not 6e iinpedzd or interfered with, and that access to f�re hydrants and bu�ld�ngs may not be blocked off. When a f�re lane has been ordered to be establ�shed, �t shall be marked by a sign bear�ng the words "No Park�ng - Fire Lane" or a s�m�lar message. When such fire lane is established on public property or a publ�c r�ght of way, the necessary sign or s�gns shall be provided 6y the City of Fr�dley, and when on pr�vate property, they shall be erected and mainta�ned 6y the owner at h�s e�pense. Such s�gns shall 6e �nstalled within thirty (30) days after not�fication of the order Thereafter, no person shall park a vehicl� or otherwise occupy or o�struct a fire lane. (R2f. 423, 640). 108.05. LOCAL PROTECTIVE ALARIhS The educat�onal, institut�onal and the following residential occupanc�es--hotels, dorm�tor�es, lodging and rooming homes--shall have local protect�ve alarm systems. 108.051 For the purposes of th�s Code, educational, institu�ional and the follow�ng res�dential occupancies--hotels, dormrtories, lodg�ng and room�ny homes--as defined �n the N.F.P.A. Std. 101, referred to as the L�fe Safety Code, shall be equipped with a Local Protect�ve S�gnaluig System in accordance with N.F.P.A. Std. 72A. lOS.052. Each alarm system �nstalled �n tne above listed occupanc�2s shall �mmediately, when act�vated 6y any means, sound a general alarm signal through�ut the building and simultaneously s�gnal an alarm cond�t�on to the Anoka County Emergency Commum cations Center or other C2nter approved by the City of Fr�dley. The alarm shall be so equ�pped as to s�gnal the Emergency Commun�cat�ons Center- when tne alarm is act�vated or when there �s trouble in the alarm system or when the power supply �s shut oFf. T'ne Emergency Communicat�ons Center shall immediately adv�se the Fridley F�re Departmenz of any such signal. lOB D53. Each occupancy as def�ned in Section 108.051 shall be required to post in a prominent locat�on �n n2ar proximity to the alarm po�ver supply sw�tch a s�gn indicatiny that tne Fire D2partment shall be notified pr�or to shut down of the systems power supply. 108.054. The requ�red s�gn shall be as follows not less than 6" x 10" �d�th a red background and white letter�ng and shall read: "WNRNINu - Fire Department w�ll respond if alarm syst2m �s deactivated. Call 427-1212 before working on alarm system." FIRELAIVES LOCAL PROTECTIVE ALARMS � � � � 25� Page 3--ORDINANCE N0. 709 108.06. EFFECTIVE �ATE EFFECTIVE DATE Each occupancy required by this ordinance to have installed said alarm systems shall have said alarms installed by not later than 60 days after the passage of this ordinance. PASSE� AND ADOPTE� BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 17TH �AY OF MARCH, 1980. ��,��,�, �--�--�� MAYOR - WILLIEyi . NEE ( F�rst Readtng Second Reading Pu6lish � � � � � � March 3, 1980 March 17, 1980 March 26, 1980 0 �