Ordinance No. 0071 03-06-1956�
An Ordinance Relati�g To and
Re9ulating Auctioneers and Public
Auctions and Vendues in the
Village of Fridley, Licensing Same
and Providing for Penalties
For Violation.
The Village Council of Fridley
do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. For the purpose of
this ordinance an auctioneer is
any one who sells goods, wares or
merchandise of any kind at public
auction for any one or for himself;
and any person who sells his own
goods or property at puhlic auction
or private auction is an auctioneer
witliin thc meaning of this ordi-
nance. The provisions of this ordi-
nance shall not apply to judicial or
siierifYS sales or sales made by
executors or administrators, or to
mortgage or lein foreclosure sales.
SECTION 2. Every person, firm
or corporation w�hose prop�rty is
being sold at auction shall give to
each and every purchaser of any
article or articles or property sold
at auc[ion a written invoice or
sYatement containing a full des-
cription of the article or articles
so sold at auction, and the selling
price thereof, and each and every
warranty under which the article
or articles are sold. This seMion
not applicable on items under
SECTION 3, No auctioneer shall
r.iake or cause to be made any
Yalse cr fraudulent representafions
or statements in respect to tne
charactar, kind, quality, condition,
ownership, situation or va7ue of
any p^operty exposed, put up or
offcred by him for sale at pub'ic
auction, and no auctioneer shall
put up or offer for sale at�public
aucticn any article or property in
respect to which any false or
fraudulent statement or represen-
tation shall have been made by
hu.i, or to his knowledge, as to the
charac.er. kind, quality, condition,
ownership, situation or value of
any such property.
SECTION 4. At any auction sale
described in Section 1 of this ordi-
nance no person shall act or em-
p`oy another to act as buy-bidder,
or what is commonly known as
capper or booster, or make or ac-
cept any false or misleading bid. or
fa�sely pretend to buy or sell any
article °old or offered for sale at
any such avctioa
SECTION 5. Any person who
shal] purchase any property at
public auction in respect to which
any false or fraudulent represen-
tation or statement as to the char-
acter, kind, quality, condition,
ownership, situation or value of
such property, shall have tieen
made by him or to his knowledge,
may sue and recocer from the auc-
tioneer conducting such sale, or in
whose name it shali have been
conducted, a penalty of one hun-
dred dollars in addition to any
damages sustained by him by rea-
son of such false or fraudulent
statement or representations.
SECTION 6. No person, firm or
corporation shall sell or caused to
be sold any motor vehicles in ex-
cess of two vehicles at any auction
unless the sale and auction hidding
is conducted within a building.
The building must have available
to it sufficient off street paz'king
to acwmmodate the vehicles of the
patmns, customers and other per-
sons invited to said premises.
SECI'ION 7. No person or per-
sons shall praMice or exercise the
vxation of auctioneer or conduM
and operate a public auction with-
out having procured a license for
same. The license fee shall be
$10.00 per year and shall not be.
pro-rated, and the licensing year
shall start on May lst of each
SECTIt�N S. No property or
premises in the Viilage of Fridley
shall be used for the purposes of a
public auction without having a
permit for the conduct of same.
The application for permit shall be
made in writing indicating the
following information:
a. Address of property where
sale is to be conducted.�
b. Nature of articles to be sold.
c.� O�cners of praperty where
sale is to be conduMed.
d. Owners of articles to be sold.
e. Hours of sale. �
f. Pmposed dates of sale.
g. Names, addresses and license
numbers of auctioneers.
h. If motor vehide sales, the size
and floor area of proposed sale
. i. Plan for off street parking.
SECTION 9. The Village Coun-
cil may gran{ a permit for a public
auction upon its � determination
that such sale or sales will not be
adverse to the health, safety and
morals of the crommunity. Permit
fees will be as follows:
Single sale (2 day ����
maximum) ..... ... $10.00 - �
Weekly permit ...... $20.00
Full year pertnit (nOt
to be pro-rated) .. $120.00
SECTION 10. Any person who
shall violate any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall, upon con-
viction thereof, be punished by a
fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars or by imprisonment not
exceeding ninety days.
SECTZOV 11. This ordinance
shall take effect and be in Yoree
from and after its passage and
Passed by the Village Council of
Fridley this 6th day of arch,
1956. q �
ATTEST:.�� {.
��t'. E. GREIG,
' � Mayor.
Clerk. �