Ordinance No. 0728 02-23-1981�J
205.1571 Purpose and Intent CREEK AND
The purpose of this d�strict is to PRESERVATION
Regulate and ensure orderly development of Fridley's flood
plain lands.
Preserve and protect the natural state of creeks and rivers
in Fridley.
Protect surface and ground water quality and quantity.
4. Mtnimize the losses due to period�c flood�ng and elimtnate
obstructions of flood flow that would cause hazards to life
and property.
205.1572 Lands Sub�ect to this Distr�ct
The establ�shment of boundaries
The boundartes of the Creek and River Preservation �istrtct are
hereby esta5lished as shown on the off�cial Zoning Map of the
C�ty of Fridley. This boundary is made up of two protection
zories (CRP-1 "floodway", and CRP-2 "flood fr�nge") which
contain all lands within the ,7urisd�ction of the C�ty which
are sub,7ect to periodic flooding by the regional flood and
wtncYi l�e below 100 year flood pain elevatton on the offic�al
creek and river profile (hereinafter called the proftle)
ccntained within the Flood Insurance Study for the C�ty of
Fridley. The Offic�al Zoning Map together w�th all mater�als
attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared
to be a part of this ord�nance. The attached mater�al shall
include the Flood Insurance Study fior the City of Fridley
prepared by the Federal Insurance Admim stration dated
Septem�er 2, 1980 and the Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps and
Flood Insurance Rate Maps theretn.
2. Locat�on of boundaries
The elevations as shown on the Profile arid other ava�lable
techn�cal data contained in the Flood Insurance Study shall be
the gover m ng factor in locating creek and river protect�on
205.1573 Definitions
For the purpose of this distr�ct the follow�ng def�nitions
shall apply•
l. ACCESSORY BUILDING. A subordinate building or use which
� is located on the same lot on which the main building or use is
situated and which is reasona6ly necessary and incidental to the
conduct of the primary use of such building or main use.
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Page 2-- ORDINANCE N0. 728
2. CHANNEL A natural or artificial depression of perceptible
extent, with defim te beds and banks to confine and conduct,
either cont�nuously or periodically, the water in respective
3. COMMISSION Means Fr�dley Planning Commission
4. COMMISSIONER Means the Commissioner of the Department of
Natural Resources of the St«te of Minnesota.
5. COUNCIL: Pleans the Fridley C�ty Council.
6. CRP-1: Creek and River Protection Zone 1
synonoinous w�th the term "floodway",
7. CRP-2 Creek and River protection Zone 2
synonomous w�th the term "flood fringe".
This Zone �s
This Zone is
8. EQUAL DEGREE OF ENCROACHNiENT: A method of determining the
locat�on of floodway boundaries so that flood platn land on
both sides of a stream are capable of conveying a
proporttonate share of fl000 flows.
9. FLOOD OR FLOODING. A temporary rise in flow or stage that
results in the inundation of the areas ad,7acent to the channel.
10. FLOOD FRINGE: That port�on of the flood plain outs�de of
the floodway. Flood fringe �s synonomous with the term
"floodway fringe" used in the Flood Insurance Study for the
C�ty of Fridley.
11. FLOOD PLAIN The areas ad�oining a watercourse which
have been or
hereafter may be covered by regional flood.
12. FLOOD PROFILE: A graph or a longitudinal plot of water
surf ace
elevations cf a flood event along a creek or a river.
13. FLOOD PROOFING A comb�nation of provtsions, changes or
ad,7ustments to properties and structures sub,7ect to flooding
primarily for the reduction or elimination of flood damage.
14. FLOODWAY The channel of the watercourse and those
porttons of the ad,7o�m ng flood plains which are reasonably
requ�red to carry and discharge the regtonal flood.
15. OBSTRUCTION: Any storage of mater�al or equipment, dam,
wall, wharf, embankment, levee, road, dike, pile, abutment,
pro,7ectton, excavation, channel rectification, culvert,
bu�lding, w�re, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, depos�t,
clear�ng of trees or vegetation, structure or matter in,
along, across or pro,7ecttng, in whole or in part, into any
flood plain.
The District boundaries shall be contiguous w�th the regiona7
flood boundar�es �ndentified as a part of the Flood Insurance
Study for the C�ty of Fridley.
17. PROFILE: Official Creek and River prof�le.
lower than one (1) foot above the elevation of thhe regional
flood plus any increase in flood elevation caused 6y
encroachments on the flood plain that results from designation
of a floodway.
Page 3-- ORDINANCE N0. 728
19, REGIONAL FLOOD: A flaod which is representative of large
floods known to have occurrred generally in Minnesota and
reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur on
an average frequency in the magnitude of the 100-year
recurrence interval. Regional flood �s synonomous with the
term "base flood" use in the Flood Insurance Study.
20. STRUCTURE: Anything that is bui1t or constructed, an
edifice or butlding of any kind, or any p�ece of work
� artificially built up or composed of parts ,7o�ned together in
some definite manner, whether of a temporary or permanent
21. UNNUMBERED A-ZONE - A special flood hazard area inundated
by the 100-year flood, determined by approxtmate methods, no
base flood elevations are shown or flood hazard factor
determ�ned by the Flood Insurance Study for the C�ty of
205.1574 D�strict Uses, Permtts and Standards
l. District Use
The intent of this section is to provtde a supplementary overlay
distr�ct which is made up of two protection zones. CRP-1,
CRP-2, wtthin any of the existiny ortginal zoning distrtcts.
Llevelapment of this d�str�ct w�ll fallaw the requirements af
the origina1 zom ng district �n addition to the requ�rements
of this section.
2. Permitted Uses in CRP-1 Zone (floodway)
A. No structure or any portion thereof shall be
� constructed or placed within protection zone CRP-1 of the
Preservation �istrict. Nor shall there be any grading,
ftlling or excavating of land or any land use establisned
on any property within this zone with the following
(1) Any use having a low flood damage potential
including recreattonal uses, parking lots,
residential yards, loading areas, storage yards,
water control structures and other open space uses.
(2) Structures accessory to the above use may be
perm�tted �f:
Structures are not for human habltat�on.
Structures have a low flood damage potent�al.
c, Structures are firmly anchored to prevent
d. Accessory buildtngs are flood proofed in
accordance with the State 6uilding Code.
B. All structures grading, ftlling, excavating and
� storage of materials permitted in this section, with the
exceptton of public uses, require a Special Use Permit.
C. Any removal of existtng trees over 3 inches in
diameter shall require C�ty approval.
�1. -I
Page 4-- ORDINANCE N0. 728
D. No slructure (temporary or permanent), f�ll (includ�ng
fill for roads and levess}, depos�t, obstructton, storage
of mater�als, or equ�pment, or other uses may be allowed
as a Special Use which, acting alone or in combination
w�th ex�sttng or reasonably anticipated future uses,
adversely affects the capac�ty of the floodway or
�ncreases flood heights.
Public Util�ties, Railroads, Roads, and Bridges
A. Public Utilities. All publ�c utilities and
fac�lities, such as gas, electrical, sewer, and water
supply systems to be located tn the flood pla�n shall be
flood-proofed ir� accordance wtth the State Building Code
or elevated to above the Regulatory Flood Protection
B. Public Transportat�on Facilities. Railroad tracks,
roads, and bridges to be located with�n the Floodway
D�strict shall comply w�th the sections of this
Ordinance. Elevat�on to the Regulatory Flood Protection
Elevation shall 6e provided where failure or interruption
of these transportation facilities would result �n danger
to the public hee,lth or safety or where such facil�ties
are essential to the orderly functioning of the area.
M�nor or auxtliary roads or railroads may 6e constructed
at a lower elevat�on where failure or interruption of
transportation services would not endanger the pubiic
health or safety.
Perm�tted Uses �n CRP-2 Zone (flood frtnge)
No building or structure or any portion thereof, shall be
placed w�thin protect7on zone CRP-2 of the Preservation
D�strict, unless a Spec�al Use Permit is granted. Nor shall
there be any grading, fill�ng or excavating of land or any
land use established on any property within the Preservation
Distr�ct unless a Special Use Perm�t is granted. A Special
Use Permit shall be granted within the CRP-2 zone except �n
accordance with the following requlations.
A. No Special Use Permit shall be authorized which would
result in incompatible land uses or which would be
detr�mental to the protection of surface ana ground water
B. No Spec�al Use Permit shall be authorized for
structures which wi77 ���crease the fi�nancial burdens
�mposed on the commun�ty and its individuals through
�ncreasing floods and overflow of water onto land areas
ad,7acent to the creeks and r�vers.
C. No Spec�al Use Perinit shall be issued unless the
proposal is in keepinq with land use plans and plamm �g
ob,7ectives for the City of Fridley and wh�ch w�ll not
increase or cause danger to life or property.
D. No Spec�al Use Permit shall be issued in those cases
wh�ch are inconsistent with the ob�ectives and encourage
land use that �s �ncompat�ble with the preservation of the
natural land forms and vegetat�on.
Page 5-- �RDINANCE ND. 728
E. No Spectal Use Permrt shall be �ssued for any fill
unless shown to have some benefictal purpose to the
property and the amount thereof must not exceed that
necessary to ach�eve the intended purpose, as demonstrated
by a plan submitted by the owner showing the uses to which
the filled land will be put, the kind of fill, and the
final dimensions of the proposed fill or other� matei°ials.
Such fill shall be protected against erosion by rip-rap,
vegetattve cover, or bulkheading if deemed necessary.
F. No Special Use Permit shall be issued for garbage or
waste disposal sites or systems.
G. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the
applicant, in support of hts application, submits
engineering data, s�te plans and othPr plans and
information as the City may require, in order to determine
the regulatory flood protection elevation in unnumbered A
zones, and the effects of such development on the bed,
bank, channel, floodway or flood plain in the Preservation
Distr�ct. The applicant sha11 submit four copies of the
application and the information.
H. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the
prcposed use or obstruction has been reviewed by all
governmental bodtes having �urisdiction over such use or
obstruction, tf said review is required by statutes,
ordinances, rules or regulations applicable to such
governmental bodies and to such use or obstruction, but in
all cases the Ctty of Fridley will make the final
205.1575 Additional Restrictions
ln zddition to the requirements set aut in 5ection 205.1574 ofi
th�s section, any Spec�al Use Permit issued for an obstruction
Zn the CRP-L zone shall meet the following provts�ons:
l. Structures Structures for ha6itation constructed on fill
so the basement floor, or ftrst floor, �f there is no
basement, is above the regulatory flood protection elevation
witYi the fill at that elevation at least fifteen (15) feet
be�ond the l�mits of any structure or buildirig erected
thereon. Where exist mg streets or util�ties are at
elevattons which make compliance with the foreqoing sentence
tmpractical, or in other special circumstances, the City may
authorize other techniques of elevating the first floor
(including basements) above the Regulatory Flood Protection
Elevatton under the Special Use Permit, that conform with the
flood proofing requirements of the State Bu�lding Code.
2. Other Uses• Accessory land uses, such as accessory
buildings, yards and parking lots may be at elevations lower
than the regulatory flood protection elevation �f a Spec�al
Use Permit is first granted pursuant to thts district.
Accessory structures must comply wtth section 205.1574 2A (2)
(a-d) of thls dlstrict.
� 3. Storage: Any storage or processing uf materials that �n
t�ine of flooding may be buoyant, flammable, explosive or could
be iri�urious to human, am mal or plant life, is prohibited.
F�I�� Paye 6-- OR�TNANCE N0. 728
4. Non-Res�dential Structures: Commercial, manufacturing, and
�ndustrial structures shall ordinarily be elevated on fill so that
the�r ftrst f]oor (Including basement) is above the Regu7atory Flood
Protection Elevatton but may in special c�rcumstances be flood proofed
7n accordance with the State Euilding Code. Structures that are not
elevated above the Regulatory Flood Protectton Elevation shall be flood
proofed to FP-1 or FP-2 classif�cation as defined by the State Bu�ld mg
Code. Structures flood proofed to FA-3 or FP-4 class�fication shall
not be perm�tted.
5. Res�dent�al Uses, Residences that do not have vehicular access at
or above an elevation not more than two feet 6elow the Regulatory Flood
Protection Elevation shall not be permitted unless granted a variance
by the Ctty. In granting a variance, the C�ty shall specify
limitations on the per�iod of use or occupancy of the residence.
6. Commercial Uses. Accessory land uses, such as yards, railroad
tracks, and parking lots may be at elevations lower than the Regulatory
Flood Protection Elevation. However, a permit for such facilities to
be used by the Employees or tiie general public shall not be qranted in
the absence of a flood warn�ng system tYiat provtdes adequate time for
evacuat�on �f the area would �nur�date to a depth greater than two feet
or 6e sub�ect to flood velocities greater than four feet per second
upon oc,currence of the regional flood.
7. Manufactur�ng and Industr�al Uses. Measures shall be taken
to min�m�ze �nterference w�th normal plant operations espec�ally
along streams or rivers having protracted flood durations,
Certain accessory land uses such as yards and parking lots
may be at lower elevations sub�ect to requirements set out tn
subdivision 6 above. In considering permit appltcations, due
consideraCion shali be given to needs of an industry whose
business requires that it be located in flood platn areas.
205.1576 Adm�nistration
l. The City shall admim ster and enforce these distrtct
regulat�ons and shall maintain a recora of the elevation of
the first floor (including basement ) of all new structures or
addit�ons to existing structures �ri the flood plain
distr�cts. The C�ty shall also maintain a record of the
elevations to which structures or additions to structures are
flood proofed.
2. Special Use Pernnt A Spec�al Use Fermit shall be
appl�ed for and obtained prior to the construction, erect�on,
addit�on or alteration of any obstruction wholly, or partly �n
the Preservation District.
3. Application for Permit:
A. Appl�cation for Special �se Permits under this
district shall be made by the owner or owners of the land
on forms furnished by the C�ty� and shall be accompanied
initia7ly by the information, data, and plans as is deemed
necessary by the City for determinina compl�ance with th�s
distr�ct, and for deter�min�ng tiie effects of the proposed
act�v�ty �n the Preservation Distr�ct and the buildabtlity
of the particular site for the proposed �inprovement, use
or obstruction. The applicant shall submit four (4) of
the applicat�on and information,
B. The City Council may attach such condit�ons to the
grant�ng of the Spec�al Use permit as it deems necessary
to fulfill the purposes of th�s Ordinance. Such
cond�tions may include but are not ltmited to, the
Page 7 -- ORDINANCE 728
(1) Modification of waste disposal and water supply
(2} Limitations on period of use, occupancy, and
(3) Imposition of ooerattonal controls, sureties, and
deed restrict�ons.
(4) Requirements for construction of channel
modifiCations, d�kes, levees, and other protective
(5) Flood proofing measures, in accordance with the
State Building Code. The applicant shall submit a
plan or document certif�ed Uy a registered
professional engineer or registered archttect that the
flood proofing measures are consistent with the
Regulatory Flood Protect�on Elevat�on and associated
flood factors for the particular area.
C. Plans (surface view) �ncluding a survey by a Minnesota
regtstered land surveyor, showing elevations or contours
of the ground, pertinent obstruction elevations, s�ze,
location, and special arrangement of all proposed and
existing obstructions on the site, in relation to existing
and proposed obstructions to the channel location,
location and elevation of streets, water supply and
sam tary facilities, photographs showing existing land
uses and vegetation upstream and downstream, and so�l
� D. Specif�cations for building construction and material,
flood-proofing, f�ll�ng, dredging, grading, channel
improvement, storage of mater�als, water supply (including
withdrawal and discharge of ground and surface water) and
sanitary facilities.
�_ .
4. Issuance of Permit• The City shall issue the Special Use
Permit upon approval of the applicaticn by the C�ty Counc�l.
The appl�cant shall be required to submit certificat�on by a
registered professional engtneer, registered architect, or
registered lana surveyor that the fim shed fill and building
elevations were accomplished in compliance with the provisions
of this ordinance. Flood-proofing measures shall be cert�fed
by a registered professional engtneer or reg�stered architect.
5. Applicat�on for Variance: Applicat�on for var�ance under
this district shall be made by the owner or owners of the
land on forms furntshed by the C�ty. Uariarices to the Creek
and Rtver Preservation District must only be for reasons of
exceptional c�rcumstances when the strtct enforcement of these
regulations would cause undue hardship and strict conformity
with the standards would be unreasonable, impractical and not
feasible under the clrcumstances. Var�ances yranted under
this Distrtct must be consistent with the general purpose of
these standards. Althouqh variances may be used to mod�fy
permissible methods of flood protection, no variance shall
provide for a lesser degree of flood protection than stated �n
this district. The applicant shall submit four (4) cop�es of
the application and information.
� d _
. � �
Page 8 -- ORDINRNCE 728
?_05.1577 Powers, Dut�es, and Techm cal
l. Powers and Duties
The C�ty shall hear all requests for Special Use Permits and
Var�ances under th�s distr�ct. Requests for SpeCial Use
Perm�ts and Var�ances shall be sub�ect to Sections 205.053
and 6.141 respect�vely, of the C�ty Code. The Ctty shall
submit to the Commiss�oner a copy of any application for a
Special Use Permit or Var�ance where a hearing is to 6e held
to cansider such applicatton. The Commtssioner shall recelve
at least (10) days notice of the hear�ng. Such nottce shall
spec�fy the t�me, place and sub,7ect matter of the hearing and
shall be accompanied by such supporting �nformat�on as is
necessary to tndicate the nature and effect of the proposed
use. A copy of all decisions granting a Special Use Perrm t
or Variance to the provisions of the Creek and River
Preservation D�strict shall be forwarded to the Commissioner
w�thin ten (10) days of such action.
2. Techn�cal Assistance
The C�ty may transmit the mformation received by it to the
appropriate Watershed District or the Commissioner for
techn�cal assistance to eva7uate the proposed pro,7ect in
relat�on to flood heights and velocit�es, for determination
of the regulatory flood protect�on elevation wiYhin
unnumbered A zones, and to determine seriousness of flood
damage to the use, the atlequacy of the plans for protectton,
compltance with all sections Sections 205.3104, 205.3105, and
205.3106 of this distr�ct and compliance with Statewide
Standards and Criteria for Management of Flood Plain Areas of
Minnesota (Minnesota Regulations NR 85-93), and other
techn�cal matters.
205.1578 Existing Non-Conforming Uses
An obstruction or structure, or the use of a structure or
premises, which was lawful before adoption of this ord�nance,
but which is not in conformity with the provtsions of this
district, may be continued, sub�ect to the following
l. No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or
altered in a way wh�ch �ncreases its nonconformity.
2. No structural alteration or addition to any nonconforming
structure over the life of the structure shal7 exceed 50
percent of its assessed value at the time ofi �ts becoming a
nonconforminq use, unless the entire structure is permanently
changed te a conforming use or unless the alteration or
addition would substantially reduce potential flood damages
for the entire structure.
3. Any alteration or addition to a nonconforming use which
would result �n substantially increas mg the flood damage
potent�al of that use shall be flood proofed in accordance
with the State Bu�lding Code.
4. If such use of such obstruction or structure, or the use
of such premises is discontinued for twelve consecuttve
months, any subsequent use of the obsCruct�on, structure, or
premtses shall comply, �n all respects, with the provisions of
this district, includ�ng, but not lim�ted to, the obtatm ng of
all required permits and variances.
5. If any non-confornnnq obstruction or structure is
destroyed or damaged by any means, including floods, to the
extent that the cost of repa�rrng or restoring such
destruction or damage would be 5p percent or more of its
assessed value, then it shall not be reconstructed except in
fuli compliance, �n all respects, with the provtsions of this
distr�ct, includ�ng, but not limited to, the obtaining of all
requ�red per�nits and var-iances.
Page 9-- ORDINANCE N0. 728
6. The preservation district regulat�ons shall in no way
prohib�t routine maintenance of existing properties. Routine
maintenance is considered to 4e the work property owners could
do prev�ous to the adoption o' this district without first
obtaining a building permit.
205.1579 Subaivtsians
1. No land shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable by
the City of Frtdley for reason of flooding, �nadequate
dratnage, water supply or sewage treatment facilities.
2. All lots within the flood plain d�stricts shall contain a
buildtng site at or above the Regulatory Flood Protect�on
3. All subdivisions shall have water and sewage disposal
facilities that comply with the provisions of this Ordtnance
and have road access both to the subdivision and to the
�nd}v�dual butld�ng sites no lower than two feet below the
Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation.
4. In the General Flood Pla�n District, applicants shall
provide the information requ�red in Sectton 205.1576 ofi th�s
Ordinance. The Ctty shall evaluate the subd�v�sion in
accordance with procedures established in Section 205.1576 and
205.1577 of this Ordinance.
2D5.1580. Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
l. New mobile home parks and expansions to exist�ng mobile
heme parks shall be sub�ect to the provisions placed on sub-
divisions by Section 205.1579 of this Ordtnance.
2. Mobile homes in existing mobile home parks that are
located in flood plain districts are nonconforming uses and
may 6e replaced only if in compl�ance with the following
A. The mobile home ltes in the Flood Fringe District.
Q. The mobile home is anchored with tiedowns that
comply w�th requirements of Minnesota Regulations Mobile
Hame 450.
C. The mobile home owner or renter ts not�f�ed that the
mobile home stte lies in the flood pla�n and may be
sub,7ect to flooding.
�. The mobile home park owner develops a flood
emergency plan consistent with the time available after a
flood warm ng. The plan shall be ftled w�th and approved
by the City.
3. Individual mobile homes not located in mob�le home parks
may be permitted if allowed by other applicable ordinances
and if they comply with the provisions of Section 205.1574,
4G of this Ordinance.
205.1581. Public Nu�sance• Penalty
1. Any person who violates any provisions of this district,
or fails to comply with any of �ts terms or requirements
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not
more than $30� or impr�soned for not more than 90 days, or both,
and in addttion shall pay all costs of prosecution and expenses
�nvolved in the case. Each day such v�olation continues shall be
considered a separate offense.
Ip ,� J
Page 10 -- ORDTNANCE N0. 728
2. Every obstruction or use placed or maintained in the
Preservat7on D�str�ct in v�olation of this ordinance is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance and creat 'an thereof may be
en,7oined and the ma�ntenance thereof abated by appropi°iate
,7ud�c�al action.
3. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the C�ty from
taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent,
remedy or remove any v�olation.
205.15f32 Amendments
l. The Preservation District elevations on the Proftle may be
changed by amendment to this d�strict, and such change, when
made, shall be shown on the Profile. If future conditions
make it necessary to re-evaluate the district boundaries
because of increased flooding potential whtch would affect the
health, safety and general welfare of the citizens, the
elevation will be corrected by the Counci1 by amendment to
this d�strict.
2. All amendments shall
Watershed D�strtcts and
approved 6y the Com-
be submitted to the appropriate
the Commissioner, and shall 6e
missioner pricr to adoption by the Council.
205.1583 Interpretation
In interprettng and applying the provisions of this district,
they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the
promotion of the public health, safety, and aeneral welfare.
It is not the intention of this Preservation District to
interfere with, abrogate or annul any covenant or other
agreement between parties, nor the provisions of any ordinanCe
of the City; provided, however, where this Preservation
District imposes a greater restriction upon the use or
improvement of any premtses than those imposed or required 6y
other statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations or permits of
the C�ty, State, or appropriate Watershed District, or by
covenants or agreements, the provisions of this Preservation
District shall govern.
205.1584 Partial Invalidity
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or
phrase of th�s Preservation D�strict is, for any reason, held
to be invalid or unenforceable, as to any person or
circumstance, the application of such section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase to persons or
circumstances other than those as to which it shall be held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and
all provisions thereof, in all cther respects, shall rema�n
valtd and enforceable.
205.1585 Warn�ng and ��scla�mer of I_iability
This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the Preserva-
tion District or 1and uses or obstructiens perm�tted within the
Preservation Distr�ct will �e free from flooding or flood
damages. This Preservation Distr�ct shall not create
liability on the part of the C�ty of any offic�al of employee
thereof, for any flood damages that result from reltance on
this ordinance or any City action taken or adminl5tration or
Council decision lawfully made hereunder.
Page 11 -- ORDINANCE 728
This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and
- ;
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C��- -� �Cr �' �'"'�""��
Publtc Hear7ng
First Reading
Second Reading:
Publish. . , ..
���� � ��
February 9, 1981
February 9, 1981
Fe6ruary 23, 981
March 4, 98