Ordinance No. 0730 05-04-1981CHAPTER 1D3 ORDINANCE N0. 730 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL OLD CHAPTER 103 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED "FIREARMS", AND TO ESTABLISH A NEW CHAPTER 103 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED "DANGEROUS WEAPONS". THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS � That present Chapter 103 Firearms 6e repealed in tts entirety, And that Chapter 103 �angerous Weapons be aaopted as follows 103.U1 Definittons "�angerous Weapon" means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any device designed as a weapon and capable ofi produc�ng death or great bod�ly harm, or any other device or tnstrumentality wh�ch, rn the manner �t �s used or m tended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bod�ly harm. The term "danger•ous vaeapon" shall �nclude but not be lim�ted to the follcwing: (1) All firearms; (2) Bows and arrows, cross boi�s; (3) A71 instruments used to expe1 at high velocity pellets ofi any k�nd including, but not limitea to B-B guns and air r�fles; (4) Sling shot�; (5) Black �acks, nunchakus, clubs or like ob�ects, M (6) Metal knuckles (7) Daggers, dirks, and km ves; and � (8) Wrtst rockets 103.D2 Prohibited Acts Whoever dces any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor: (1) Recklessly handles or uses a dangerous weapon or explosive so as to endanger the safety of another; or (2) Aims any dangerous weapon, whether loaded or not, at or toward any human being; (3) Manufactures or sells for any unlawful purpose any weapon knom�n as a sling shot, black ,7acks, nunchakus, clubs, or like o6,7ects, wrist rocket, bow and arrows, crossbows; or (4) Manufactures, transfers or possesses metal knuckles or a switch blade knife opening automatically; or �� � �� sc �»� + ���� ORDINANCE ND. 730 Page Two (5) Possesses any other dangerous art�cle or su6stance for the purpose of being used unlawfully as a weapon against another; or (6) Sells or has tn his possession any device designed to stlence or muffle the discharge of a firearm; or {7) Possesses a dangerous weapon in a motor vehicle, except a pocket kn�fe with a blade under three inches, unless contained in a secure area not immed�ately available to veh�cle occupants. (8) As a parent or guardian permtts a child under 14 years of age to handle or use, outside of the �aarents or guardian's presence, a dangerous weapon of any k�nd, or any ammunition or explosive. (9) The sell�ng, g�v�ng, loaning, or furnishing in any way of any deadly weapon to a minor under the age oF 18 years without written consent of hts parents or guardian, or of a police officer or magistrate. 103.03 Minor Possession No m�nor under the age of 74 years shal7 handle or have in thetr possession or under their control except wh�le accompanietl by or under the immediate charge of their parent or guardian and would not otherwise be prohibited, any dangerous weapon. Nothing in th�s section proh7bits minors from participating �n a state approved f�rearms safety class or other city approved formal course of instructTOn. 103.04 Exceptions Nothing �n th�s chapter shall be construed to prohibit (1) Possession or discharge of a dangerous weapon by legally appo m ted Law Enforcement Officers or persons under their d�rectton in the performance of duty; or (2) Possession or d�scharge of a danger ous weapon by persons author�zed by Federa] or Minnesota Statue such as the m7litary or persons holdtng valid perm�ts, or (3) Notw�thstanding laws to the contrary, possession or discharge of a tlangerous weapon by persons at legally authorized ranges designed for the d�scharge of dangerous wcapons; ar (4) Possession by museums or collectors of art or for other lawful purposes of publ�c exhi6ition, or (5) The tl�scharge of dangerous weapons, other than firearms and instruments used to expel at h�gh velocity pellets of any kind such as B-B guns und air r�fles, w�th perm�ss�on of appropriate property agent, when discharged under conditions not to endanger persons, property, or animals and where the pro,7ectile will not lcave said property. ]03.05 Discharge Permits Notw�thstanding provis�on of 103.04 of th�s ord�nance, �t shall be Uil�dWfLl� to use, f�re or discharge a dangerous weapon within the City of Fridley except by firearms permit �ssued by the Public Safety Director. Perinits sha11 specify the conditions under which they are tssued and vaiid. Permits may be revoketl by the Publ�c Safety �irector when �n the D�rectors opinion, there is a pub]ic safety danger or infringement of peace and tranqui]ity. Den�ed and revoked permits may be appealed to the Fridley City Counc�l. � :.J � L__J � ORDINANCE N0. 730 103.06 U�olations Page Three Any person violat�ng this ordinance is gu�liy oF a misdemeanor. Any weapons used or carried in violation of this ordinance shall be serzed and impounded by a police offtcer to be dtsposed of through prescr�bed legal procedures. PASSED APID ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRI�LEY THIS 4TH DAY OF MAY, 1981. ATTEST: �n ��,,., c t-...�. CITY CLE - SIDNEY C. INMAN First Readtng Apr�l 6, 1981 Second Reading: May 4, 1981 PuCl�shed: N1ay 13, 1481 � OOIAA/1364A � �����-�-� ��-�-- MAYOR - WILLIAN1 J. NEE � ��`�