Ordinance No. 0743 11-09-1981� �-, ti Q�aiANfE ND. 743 AN �ANCE IPgTIDIH, (�IAPIDt 602 Q�' 1HE FRIDLEY CITY CODE �'?'!'!�� "BEEFt LICENSING" SY ADDING SECTION 602.01 � S�DIVISI�I 4; AMENDING SECTION 602.02, SUBDIV7SI0l1 1; AI�Tt�i SECfION 602.02, S09DI97SIOPI 5; AMENDING SECPIOi7 602.0(, SZIDDIYLSIQI 1 1 I !� I MI � 1 I X 1 ' IY ]� 1/8. 1;9�� 1 � �• . V 1 !? I IYY �♦� IY . �. I�{: A9 IBEd i71 iht5 mllimma� �bBL'.['^ 0[` �RY�SI1tAXi.�iS�g ffi1t 13QUDI'� mE2I19 8f�y malt 1� nr xith an alcoho]ic conterrt of �e than orn-half of aie peroe�t by wl� and mt �e ti�an timee arrl two-tenths peroxit by �t. 2. TAVIId�I: Meazs an estab�ia�ma.+r. f'a�r the sale of bear ci�us, c„i�r�ettes, all forms of tobacco, bevera@es, azd soft dr3�cs s�ld at retail for oo�tion m t2ie pr�i.ses. 3• �7ER!'AW�S1T: As h�ein tsed is detYred to imlude, but rnt be limited to, music, sirgi.rg, pl�s, dancirg eitiier by the public or performPSS, motion pietures, e,�oeition, perf'amances, �le or f�a] e reviews, fashion shows, TV other than re�ular public cl�mels, oonce.rts, or azp� offi� deliberate act inta�ded to �muse cc entertain patrons arti/� e�mploye�. 4. SAIE, �LL, SQ.D: Mean all bart.ers and all �rners rr �ans of furnishing beer or mo-into�acatiqg �lt liquor imludicg sucll f1.�mishirg in viDlation or evasion of lar. [.Ir 1• LtlD��"�. ;i9�,O1G��. 6D2.021. Lioenses. No person, eaccept wholesalers and manufacturers to the extent aut�;�sri by law, shall d�l in cc dispcse of by sale ce keep or offer for sale, any bea rnthin the city withwt first havi�,¢ recPived a 13cerse as hereinafter provided. L.icerses sha11 be of three Idnds: (13 Reg�lar TMm-sale"; (2) T�porary "on-sale"i i3) ^Off�31C^. 602.072. Regilar "Orr+.Cale" Re�il.ar "m-sale" licermes sha]1 be granted on�y to bona fYde clubs, taverns, exclusive °orrsale° liquor stores, restaiu�ants, and hotels roire�e food 3s prcpared and served for oo��awqkion on the preni�res. "Or�sale" licenses shall permit the sale of beer for oor��mption on the pr� aily. 602.OZi. Teu�orary "On�Sa7.e" Tmiporary "on-sale" licenses shall be �ted only to bom fide clubs and charitable, religias, and ron-prufYt cr�ganizatiors fcr the sale of beer for consumption on the premises �l,y. Said teir�oraiy licernes shall be g�anted upon written application to the city coinicil upon fbrms provided by the city. 'ihe provisions of Chapter 602, Fridley City Code, as applicable, skrzll be observed by said mo-profit m�ni�atiore. 602.024. "Off-Sale" "Off-sale" licerses shall �.rvrit the sale of bces at retail, in the origin�7. Feckage fcc ooc���tion ofF the prEmises on�y. . �. n.. a _���. .. Hk�ption -"Free" BEer. 1t�e servug or disPosing of "fl�ee" beer without corisideration of purrhase of tickets, caipons, goods, services or any means of payment is allowed without a licerse. Notwithstanding the license requirements, persons w�ho serve or otherwise disp�e of °f7ee" bePr must oon�ly w�.th all l�as pertainirag to the serving or dispoeing of beer. If in the opinion of the Public Saf'ety Director or his desi�ee, the sFrvarig of "fl�ee" beer is creatirg a public safety darger or infMrg�ent of peace and trarquility � violation of laas, [�rsorn servir�g or disposing of "free" beer shall ce�se serviqg or dispoaing of "fY�ee" beer upon order of a law enforcement officer. Persors rdw contira�e to serve or dis�se of "f7ee" beer after being ordered to cease 5�1211 be @�ilty of a �dc�mr. '.a � My�� �r�. �t+ery app]icatim fbr a license to sell bePr shall be made to the City Clerk on a form supplied by the City ard contairdng such infor�ation as the Clerk or the City Council �' T'e4uire. It sha]1 be iml�fla.l to make a� false statement in an applicat3on. /5 1 I Y / ♦ � �a• . I (�'A� 1'i71/ •ar ��• �,__,_ �a r�,• � •� ,� n���n ��auiur �, 5a �. � � •1♦ 1 IM:r C '?P. 602.041. Payme� Aequired Fach applicatim for a lic�erse sha11 be a�nied by a xeoeipt fY�om the city treasurer for pa,y�r�t in flill of the x�equised fee fa� the lioe[He. All fees shall be paid into the geneT-al fiaid of the City. iTpon rejection of any application for a license, the tr�rer sha11 reftnd the �mamt peid. 602.042. �,�t+�•,; Pno Ftata Fees E�ery ]3cer�e e�ept a t�porary 1icer�se sha11 expiie on the last day of April of each year. Farh license e�ept a temporary licen9e st�all be iss��ed fa� a period of o� year, � e�ept tiiat if a portioa of the lioerme y�r has ela�sed �en the license is granted, the licer�se str2ll be i�ued for the remainder of the year for a prn rata fee. Ea ��rtiqg such fce, arq' �apacPized fYacti.e�� o:' a montYi shall be camted as oa�e month. A x�porary 1ice��e shall be issued fla a=r,�cifie period in trhich a special event to wtiidi the sale is im3de� is beicg hP1d end such period shall be stated on tl�e lioen9e. 602.093. Fes9 E�rgy "oo-sale" licerse shall imlude an "off-sale" licerse. Each "oh-sale" license fee ahall imlude an"off-sale" license at m additioral �sse. 1t�e arnual azd temporary licerse fces azd initial irn�est3�ti� fce sha71 be as Eto�vided in Chapter 11 of this Coda. . 1♦ 1 t7' � 1 � IM5 � 602.051. Irneati�}tiam arid h�r3rg 1he City Caa�cil, cr its authori.zed ager�, shall i�ti�te all facts set out in the application. Opportimity s}�ll be �v� to a� person to be heard for or against the ganti.rg of the ardt�al "O[r.sale" lice.rse. After such investigation az�d h�ring, where applicable, the Camcil sha7.1 �ar�t oT refl3se the appliration in its discretion. 602.052. 1laisf�s Fach 3icerse shall be issued to the applicant only and shall mt be transferable to aroth�� holder. Farh licerse shall be t�ssued on�y for the premises described in the _� app]i:�tion. No ]icerme st�all be 4�arsferred to amther glace witYnut the approval of the C��mcil. 602.06. Pf3i9Cl� T�.Tr.�nrF F(R LIG'� � No licerse shall be g�anted to or held by ard person rtn: 1. 7s lIIldei' 19 Y�'s of 2gei 2. Has, within fYve years Ix3or to the application fhr such licerse, bcen ooirvicted of a felony, or of vialatiug arpr la�r of this state or local ordinance relatirig to the manifact,�u�e, sale, di,stribution, ar� possessiDn for sale cr distritution of intoxicating liquors or Deer, azd carant show oompetent evi.deroe imder Miruiesota Statutes, Section 364.03, of sufYYcient r�abilation az�d prese.� fl.tmss to perfam the duties of a beer licen9e; 3. 7s a manaf'aetiarr of beer or is ir�erested �n tl�e control oP arry place t�d�ere beer is m�vf'actiuredj 4. 7s mt of gvod mora7. �racter and repute; if the applicant has been an owner, ��er, or eaployee of a saloon, hotel, mstaw�ant, cafe, tavern, or other business of a sim�lar nature, the City Camc31 uey oonsider the applicant's pest perfoiv3ance record in detexmirrir�g wheth� a license sha71 be granted or renewed. 5. Is � during the period of this license becomes the holder of a federal retail liqmr dealer�s s�ia1 tax stamp for the sale of intoxicating liquor at any glace, �ml�ss ther�e has a]so been i.ssued to him a local licerse to sell intoxicatirg liquor at such place; ar 6. 7s mt the proprietor of the establist�em for which the license is issued. (Ref. 1�1) .11 1 �;r. 1 I? I 1: •.' IY? �' 602.0(1. I3istance fYom Schools and Qnurhes, ESccept for th�e organizations who have been i.ssued tanporacy licerses to sell mninto�acatiqg �lt �;rn,�r parsuant to Section 6Q2.OZ3, m licecse shall be granted for any place within 300 feet of any public or par�od�ial scl�ool � within 30D feet of ar�y ehiur3i. In applying this restriction, the distance st�all be measured in a strai�t 13ne from the sd�ool or ch� hiilding to the mein public entrance of the prq�ses deseribed in the application. (Ref. 294) 602.0'r2. No licer�se shail be �ant� ibr op�ation � arly � upon f�hi.ch taxes or aa�o_acrmriho �g+ p}hg. ftmmta� C123ms Of the CSty sre riPlirzn�ont azd lIIlj18.�.d. M? \ 5� •:'� ia •�ar �•�y� ��•r, � ..� a:� �:� n �•� i� � IM5 �� i � � � i� , ,_ �� c,��7a�. ��•.� � � ia r: Y,' IM? C' ' M5. 11? / P� a � • r •• � �� n •r �a. �� �� • 1/ 17 i� I/ Y � ♦� IM> �� 602.081. G�aal Cordi.tinas Et��y lice�e shall be �ted subject to the oonditiom in the follaring subdivisions ard azl other Far,v�siois of thLs ordirnrx� am of ary oth� applicable ���*+�e of the City or state ]�. 602.D82. Sals9 To Mimas Or Inta�icated Pesons No beer st�all be sold or served to ac�y intoxicated person or to aqy person under 19 ymrs of age. (Ref. 47) . �. � : . :� ���. .. � .. i . ��� . .- .:: �n =. . .. �� ��• ._� .. -. . >��. -- •1♦ /.:_ 8u� �uu�u �� .� w.K. No person iuder 19 sha11 be cmployed on the �ises of a tavern, except that persons �mder 19 �iY be �p]-m'e� as msicsars, eis-boys ana ]dtri�n t�e1P. (Rer. 675) 602.0�. Ct�obling � 8��3 or az4' B��B device shall be pervdtted on ar� licer�sed prsnts�. 602.OB6. I��t of Maraif2ebuprs or Wtnlasalas No r3n�factiu�a or wholesaler of beer shall have ar{y ownership or interest in an �fab����*fi licensed to sell at retail contrary to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes. No retail licecsee ard �n�f'actaupr or rt»lesaler of beer shall be parties to a� e�craasive pum�se contract. r10 retau ltcensee shau rece.tve aqy beneftts c�or,traty to lasa fYrom a manufactw�eer or w*holesaler of beer and no such manufactur�eer or rdnlesalar shall mnfer ar� benefYta oomxary to l�a upon a retail licersee. 602.OBT. Ilquor l�le^'s Staop No licersee shall sell beer whi]e holding or exhibiting in the licensed premises a fe�eral retail liquor dealer's spec3al tax stamp iml.ess he is licensed imder the l�s of Mirmesota to sell intoxicatilg liquors. 602.086. Sales of 7�oxicat5zg Liquo�r No licersee who is mt also licersed to sell antoxicatilg liquor ard vd�o does mt hald a "public drirldrg place liceme" sha7l sell or permit the consumption and displ�}r of intoxicatu�g liquors on the licern�ed prc-mises or serve arpr liquids for the purpose of mixi� with antoxicatirg liquor. Rhe presence of intoxicatirg liquors on the premises of such a licersee shall be pri� facie evideme of possession of irfioxicating liquors for the �ur�pcse of sale; and the serviug of ar{y liqwd for the purpose of mixing wi.th into>dcatv�g liquor 3s beirg pP**�;ted to be eonsumed or displayed contrary to this ord'uiancje. .�. �^� :.- .� Aqy po]ice ofYYoer or hea].th irspector m�,y enter, inspect and search the premises of a licer�ee �arirg tusirpcs ha�rs withwt a sEarrch and seizure warrant and may seize all into�dcating liquors and other evidence of violatiorB faud on the licensed pr�ises in violation of tiv s chapter. 602.081D. LioP.nsee ResponsibilSty Liceisees sha7.1 be responsible f� ffie oorduct of their place of business and shall uaintain oonditions of sobriety ard order. The act of any employee on the licensed pr�Lses authorized to sell or serve bePS sha7.1 be deemed the act of the licensee as we11 and the licersee stk171 be liable to all penalties pmvided by this rl�apter equally wlth the m�layee. . v �• � •. 602.091. C1.ceix�g Houra No sale of beer sF�all be made m ar� �day betrsen the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 mon, mr between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on the day of ar�y staterride election. No sale shall be made between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on ar4y other day. (Ref. 507, 550, 602, 64'T) .�• �• •_��_ � _ .� >��.- It shall be �n+7aiafl+� fo[� 2ily perso[s or wstomei�s� other than the licensee or their euploye�, to rgrc�;n m the pr�ises aftPr 1:3� a.m. 11�e shall be no consumption by �' P�'��, includug licersees or thear r�ployees, after 1:30 am. �1 1� Y � ♦ � IM5 �� r.a ia• • �� II Y � ♦ a � u rr, � • � ��� � �a� •�w� � �� c� r � a' n �,•. ] I' � i ID 1 11 (,'+ ,•� � � a•�a. � i a•. �r • �•� L4�OCffi DFAIlii�S S17�I7P a �' !� YI i. �.. n,� •a.►���(�i i oaa. r,ia. •� r � r i,_� i�;. �, �. � i• . r�� � u .�, a7��VI V]. � � � � . /� 1 4 P'♦ No club sha]1 sell bea e�ept to m�bas arrl w�ts in the oo�cry of ��s. Gv ;�ay�'SyC!.. �, N):�r::" :�u t�..��iYM�J 602.111. A�e l�Hsre�atinn e Mimrs shall mt �sreprese.nt their age for the purpoae of obtairung bea�. 602.112. I�ciTg Piur�e �� -• •, v in e • � •. �i �a - �au 602.113. Proc.+II� No pe�^son otYia than the pa��t oa� le�l �ar+dian shal.l grocure bcer foa� arp� mdree�. 6D2.114. Pbs�si� Mimrs shall mt have bcer in their po�9ession r�th the ir�tent to con9u� it at a place otha than the hasehold of tYieir parents or 8aazdiacs. 602.115. Coisuaptia� OIHI . u. •i a• s u- •ca . a' '• . aw �_ .1� • n • .� un • . • 1 - • =p No pP.rson shall oomu� or displap� arAr into�dcating liquor m the gr�ises of a licersee iml� said licersee is also licersed to sell intoxicating liquors or holds a°public �14 Place liceree". .�+ a �a• • � �a ra.� •��. r�a� MiliZ •, ✓. Y' � ♦ n i i •���•�a.�a � Y • 1 II 'NI 'M'�Y ••�r •�a i5 •�,�a. � ►�e;r • P �:' ��lDl' � ;�II � _ f : No person op�atu�g an astablishment in the business of selling, permitting to be �� d3spl�ed or corsu�d an iritoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating malt liquor shall �U� pecffit a� errter�tairment ori the pr�ises withwt havirg secured a license f7rm the City Co�mcil to permit such �ttertairmer�t. 602„13. F�90CATiQ�1 7he vialatim of ac� provision a� oordition of this ordirranoe by beer lice�ees or their agents is �n�s,d f� revocation or suspers�nn of the licerse. 1be licerse of ar� person who holda a fEderal retail liquor dealer's special tax stamp rnti�wt a license to sell intoxicatug liquors at such place shall be rewked wiUwut mtice and rnthout hearing. In all oth� a3ses, ea�ept where maz�dat�y revocation is provided by l�r witlaut notice and h�rirg and eaccept where suspersiDn may be made without a heari�g, the holder of the licer�e sha71 be g�ar�ted a h�rirg upon at l�st 10 days notice before revocation or suspereion is orde.red. The mtice shall state the time and place of hearing and the natiu�e of tk,e d�arges agaimt the 1irn�sce. F�VOCATIQZ PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS TH DAY pF NOVII�IBER� 1981. �� � � � ' ,� ��,� - ; � WILLIAM J, NE MAYOR J ATTEST: �� �_ �,�-..., 2 SIDNEY . INMAN - CITY CLERR First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: 6etober 26, 7981 November 9� 1981 November 18� 1961 ��