Ordinance No. 0748 04-05-1982�
OI�I� 1�. 748
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1.01. Salary
The Mayor and each Councilmember shall receive each year reasonable
r�nuneration or salary, the amovnt and g�yment of which shall be pzescribed by
ordinance duly adopted on or before Noversnber lst of the year pteceding payment
of the same. (2.07)
I.02. Ward Boundaries
Pursuant to the City of Fridley Charter, Chapter 2.03 which requires the
Council to redetermine Ward Boundaties afte� each decennial census of the
United States, and at other times as the City Council may determine. The Ward
and Precinct Boundaries of the City are redetermined and hereaftet are
established as follows:
A. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 1 is established as the aiea boundEd as follaas:
NOF�: Using 83rd Avenue and starting at the Burlington Northern Railroad
right-of-way go east on 83rd Avenue to the boundary of Nprth Park, then go
narth on the Nocth Park boundary to the City Limits (85th Avenue), then go
east to the northeastern City Lirnits (S5th Avenue and T.A. #47). EAST:
LTSing T.H. #47 starting from the northeastern City Limits go south on T.H.
#47 to Osborne Road (City Limits), then go east on the City Limits to Van
Buren, then go south on Van Buren to southern border of Woodcrest School,
th�n go east on southetn bordez of Woodcrest School Eo Able Street, then
go south on Able Street to 73rd Avenue. SOU28: Using 73rd Avenue and
starting at Able Street go west on 73rd Avenue to the B+arlington Northern
Railxoad right-of-way. WEST: IIsing the Butlington Northezn Railtoad
right-of-way go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to
83rd Avenue,
B. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 2 is established as the area bounded as follaws:
NOI�IS; Osing 73rd Avenue and stacting at the Burlington Northetn Railroad
right-of-way go east on 73rd Avenue to T.H. #65. EAST: Using T,H. #65
and starting at 73rd Avenue go south on T,H. #65 to Mississippi Street.
90U'i$: Using Mississippi Stzeet and statting at T.H. #65 go west on
Mississippi Street to 7th Street, then go north on 7th Street to 66th
Avenue, then go west on 66th Avenue to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47
and starting at 66th Avenue go north on T.H. #47 to Rice Creek, then west
on Rice Creek to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, then north
on the Burlington Noxthern Railroad ri9htrof-way to 73rd Avenue.
C. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 3 is established as the area bounded as follows:
NDR�: Using 66th Avenue and starting at T,H. #47 go east on 66th Avenue
to 7th Street. FAST: Using 7th Street and starting at 66th Avenue go
south on 7th Street to 59th Avenue. 9�IT',"A: Using 59th Avenue qo west on
59th Avenue to 4th Street. {�ST: Using 4th Street and starting at 59th
Avenue ga north on 4th Street to 60th Avenue, then go west on�60th Avenue
to T.H. #47, then go north on T.H. �47 to 66th Avenue.
D. Ward No. 1, Precinct No, 4 is established as the area bounded as follows:
NOFt�: Using Mississippi Street and starting at the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way go east on Mississippi Street to T.H. �47. �i1ST:
Using T.H, �47 and starting at Mississippi Street go south on T.H. #47 to
60th Avenue, then east on 60th Avenue to 4th Street, then south on 4th
Street to 59th Avenue, then east on 59th Avenue to 7th Street, then south
on 7th Street to T.A, #694. 90v�: psing T.A. #694 and starting at 7th
Street go west on T,H. #694 to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47 and
starting at T.A. #694 go north on T.H. #47 to 59th Avenue, then go west on
59th Avenue to 3td Stceet, then go north on 3cd Street to 61st Avenue,
then go west on 61st Avenue to the Burlington Northern Railroad
r nht-^f-�ay, then go north an *he Rurlington Northcrn Railroad
right-of-way to Mississigpi Street.
E, Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 5 is established as the area bounded as follows:
NDR`ID: Using 61st Avenue and starting at 7th Street go east on 61st
Avenue to West Moore Lake Drive, then go southeast on West Moore Lake
� Drive to T.H. #65. FAST; Using T.H. �65 fcom West Mooce Lake D�ive go �
south on T.H. #65 to T.A. #694, then go east on T.H. #694 to the City
Limits, then go south on the eastern City Limits to the southern City
Limits. SOV1H: Bounded by the southern City Lunits to 7th Stceet. WE�S`r:
Using 7th Street go north on 7th Street from the southern City Limits to
61st Avenue,
F. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 1 is establishec� as the area bounded as follows:
� NDIZ7�: Using the northern City Limits from Van Buren go east to the
western City Limits. FAS'P: Using the eastern City Limits go south to
69th Av�ue. SOUI$: Using 69th Avenue and stacting at the eastern City
Limits go west on 69th Avenue to T.A. #65. WEST: Using T.H. #65 and
starting at 69th Avenue go north on T.H. #65 to 73rd Avenue, then west on
73rd Avenue to Able Street, then north on Able Street to southern border
of Woodcrest School, t�en west on southern border of woodcrest School to
Van Buren, then north on Van Buren to the City Limits.
G. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 2 is established as the area bounded as £ollows:
NDI�: Using 69th Avenue as it would extend and starting at T.A. #65 go
east to the City Limits. FAST: South on the eastern City Limits to Rice
Creek Road. 90Vi'H: IIsing Rice Creek Road and starting at the easterly
City Limits go west on Rice Creek Road to Central Avenue, then north on
Central Avenue to Mississippi Street, then west on Mississippi Street to
� T.H. #65. S�ST: �3sing T.A. S65 and starting at Mississippi Street go
north on T.H. #65 to 69th Avenue.
A. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 3 is established as the atea bounded as follaas: ..
NOi�: Using Mississippi Street and starting at 7th Street go east on
Mississippi Stceet to Central Avenue. EAST: Using Central Avenue and "
starting at Mississippi Street 90 south on Central Avenue to Woody Lane,
then south on Woody Lane to Gardena Lane, then south on Gardena Lane to
Mattechorn Drive� then south on Mattethorn Drive to Sathaway Lane, S�Ut$:
Using Hathaway Lane and starting at Matterhorn Drive go west on Hathaway
Lane to Regis Drive, then go south on Regis D[ive to Lynde Drive, then
west on Lycx3e Drive to T.A. #65. WEST: Using T.H. �65 and staLting at
Lynde Brive go north on T.H. #65 to West Moore Lake Drive, then go
northwest on West Moore Lake D�ive to 61st Avenue, then go west on 61st
Avenu� to 7th Steeet� tnen qo north on 7th Street to Mississippi Street,
I. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 4 is established as the area bounded as £olla�as:
NC1R14: Using Rice Creek Road and starting at Central Avenue go east on
Rice Creek Road to the City Limits. EASP: Using the eastern City Limits
and starting at Rice Creek Road qo south to T,H. �694, SOiTID: Using T.H.
#644 and si:arting at the City Limits go west on T.H. #694 to T.H. #65.
h'PSP: Using T.H, �65 and starting at T.H. #644 go north on T,H. #65 to
Lynde Drive, then east on Lynde Drive to Regis Drive, then north on Regis
� Drive to Hathaway Lane, then east on Hathaway Lane to Matterhotn Drive
then north on Mattethorn Dcive to Gardena Lane, then north on Gardena Lane
to Woody Lane, then north on Woody Lane to Central Avenue, then north on
Central Avenue to Rice Creek Raad.
J. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follaas:
NOIrID: Using the City Limits from the Mississippi River to the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way go north on che Surlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way to 85th Avenue (City Limit:�)� then east on 85th
! �
Avenue to the eastern boundary of North Park. SAS'T: From the northern
City Limits and the eastern boundaty of North Park go south to 83rd
Avenue, then go west on 83rd Avenue to the Burlington Northern Railroad
right-of-way. then go south on the Burlington Northern Railioad
right-of-way, then go south on the Burlington Northetn Railroad
tight-of-way to Osborne Road. SODTfl: Using the Burlington Northezn
Railroad iight-of-+r�j gc •-^st ^^ GSrnrne Road to Fast River Road, then go
north on Fast River Raad to 79th Way, then west on 79th Way to the City
Limits. i�SP: Bounded by the City Limits from 79th Way to the northern
City Limits.
R. Ward No. 3, Precinct Na. 2 is established as the area bounded as follavs:
�: From the western City Limits on 79th Way to East River Road.
FAST: IIsing East River Road itom 79th Way go south on East River Road to
Osborne Road, then go east on Osborne Road to the Burlington Northern �
Railroad right-of-way, then south on the Burlington Northern Railroad
right-of-way, to Rice Creek, then go east on Rice Creek to T.A. �47, then
south on T.H. #47 to Mississippi Street. 90U19: Using Mississippi Street
and starting at T.H. #47 go west on Mississippi Street to East River Raad,
then go north on East River Road to Rice Creek, then west on Rice Creek to
the western City Limits, WgSP: Bounded by the western City Limits from
Rice Creek to 79th Way.
L. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 3 is established as the area bounded as follavs:
NOI�: From the western City Limits and using Rice Creek go east on Rice
Creek to East River Road, then go south on East River Road to Mississippi
Street, then east on Mississippi Street to the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way. EAST: Using the Burlington No�thern Railroad
right-of-way and starting at Mississippi Street go south on the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way to 61st Avenue, then east-on 61st Avenue to
3rd Street, then south on 3rd Street to S9th Avenue, then east on 59th
Avenue to T.A. �47, then south on T.H. #47 to T.H. #694 to the western
City Limits, i,�ST: The western City Limits going north from T.H. #694 to
Rice Creek.
M. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 4 is established as the acea bounded as follaas:
NC)Tt�: Ftan the western City Limits using T.H. #694 go east on T.H. #694 �
M to 7th Street. F,AST: Using 7th Street and starting at T.A. #694 go south
• on 7th Street to the City Limits and continuing on to the southern City
p Limits. SOUTH; Using the southern City Limits go west to the western City
Limits. WFST; From the southwestern City Limits go north on the western '
City Limits to T.H. #694.
1.03. Ward Map
That said Ward and Precinct Boundazies are further herein established and
delineated as shown on t.6e map hereof. Attached hereto is Exhibit "A" and
made a part hereaf by reference; and e�henevet and wherever a conflict shall
appear between the boundaries as noted and provided on said map and the lines
noted and described in Section 1.02, then the boundaries as noted in said map
shall prevail.
APRIL, 1982
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First Reading; March 22, 1982
Second Reading: April 5, 1982
Pu6lish Apr�7 14, 1982
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