Ordinance No. 0075 07-03-1956� • � � � f PLATTING ORDINANCE NO. 75 of the Village of Fridley, Minnesota Published in Columbia Heights Record July 26, 1956. CiOIIiRIIt3 3ECTIOIQ 1. Title .......................................................... . � SECTION 2. PurPOSe ....................................................... 9ECTION 3. Deflnitiona .................................................... SECTION 4, Adminiatration-Planning Commieeion and Village Empl. ..... SECTION 6. Reqnirement to ConYOrm ..................................... SECTION 6. Summary oY Plat Approval Procedure ........................ .. SECTION 7. Design Standards for Land Subdivisiona ...................... .� SECTION 8. Required Improvements ...................................... SECTION 9. Preliminary Plat Requirements ............................... SECTION 30. Filing and Diatribution of Preliminary Plat .................. . � SECTION 11. Planning L'ommission Action on Freliminary Plat ....,....... S�CTIO\ 1:. Engineering SurveY ........................................... 9ECTION 13. Final Flat Re9uiremente ..................................... . � SECTION 14. Filing nf Final Plat .......................................... SECTION 15. Hearin� on Final Plat ............................:........... � SECTION 16. Action on Final P1at .......................................... � SECTION 17. Penalty for Sales Before Plat Approval ........................ . 4'ECTION 18. Carinncea .................................................... SECTION 19. Changes, Amendmente ........................................ .. SECTION 20. I.ffective Dat_ ................................................ PLATTIN6 O&DIAAFCE NO. 75 of tha Vfllage of P'tidley, ➢iNnesotn TIIE VIi.LAl:E COU_\"CIL OF TF[F. VTi,f,ACiE OF FIEIDLEY LO O}LDAIA" A9 EOL7Atiti 9: 3RCTIOA 1. TITLE. The ordinance ahatl be known as the 'PlatUng Ord- inance" of the Village of Fridiey. SECTION t. PURPOSE. The regula- tions and provisions eataDliahed by this ordinance are for the following pur�oae: (1) To estahlish standard proeed- ures, requirements and conditions for the PreparaCinq cubmiesion antl ap- �roval of plats of land subdivisions within the �'illage of I�`ridley as �ro- vided in M,SA. 4R1.19 to 4I1.33 inclu- sive, and to enable the vitlage conncil oP the Village of Fridley to exe[eiae Lhe Authority granted therein, and, (2) To secure satis[actmy conform- ity oP such P7ats ta the land use F�an, the major thorofare Dlan, the official maD. Yhe zoning ordinanae an3 other Cillage P�ans and ordinanoes, and, (3) To authorize the Pridley �'illage Planni�g Commiesio� with the AssiaL ance of S'illage employeea, to administ- er theae regulations. RF.CTIOS J. D�RiNTTIOV9. For the Dut'POSe oP this ordinance, certain wor�i� and terms useri herein are de- fined�ae follows and shall hace Ihese meanings unless it shall be apPacent from ti�e context that di[ferenL mean- ings are intended: (1) VILLAGF. COUNCli., or WUN- CIL. The Village Council of Ihe Vil- lage of Fridley, Mi�v�esota. (2) PLANffiNG CO3TMISSION, or CObSMISSIOS. 'lTe \'illage Ytanning Commiesion or any ci�b-Committee thereoP oY the �'illase of I�'ridley, A4in- nesota. (3) 5I7ADIV191On. Any parcel of Iand hereaCter divided into one or moce parcels oP land each ]ees than 150 feeC in widtli or E 1/3 acres in xrea fo� Purpose of conveyance, except 6ha6 conveyance shall not be dee�ne�l to in- clude any ag�eoment Lo Anvec any �arce] �maller than the Preseribe3 size, P entered i��[o D�'�or to the adoption of this ordina�ce where such aFreernen[ is recorAed in t�he oPfice of Lhe reKister of dends within one yexr. (4) SUBDI�"ID�R. Any pereon, flrm, cm�poration, partnetehip or asao- ciation who causee land to be divided. Platted or P�anned, into a suUdivisiou Cor himself or others. A subdivider is the samo as a "proprieton" (6) COIISTY PLATTING AIITA- ORITIES. The pLatting er.�ineer in the Anoka County auditor's ofiicz and other covnty officuxs who examine or check plats of subclivisions pr�.or to acoeyta�ce by�the register of deeds for tiling in Lhat county. 91`vC2I0A 4: ADNIIffiSTRA1`ION - PLANNTNG COM1115SLON AND VIL- L.4G� Lbfl'LOYE7SS. The planning commission is hereby directed and authorized W as-siat the cou�cil in the review an3 at�proval ot plats, to ad- minister this on3ivance and to exerciae such powers and duties as are yrovided for }�e��ein. The Village Manager an8 other Fillage employees actin6 under his direction shan assist the co�ncil ant3 the �lan�dng co�nmission aa re- quested, and as pro�l3ed for herein. 3EC9'IOA b. R�QIIIYFYIENT TO CONPORNI. Hnreafter a73 aubdivisiona of land as defined lierein, made �vi7h- in the Village of Pridley sha]! be at^- jeet Lo a�d shall conlorm to tl..ete reRUlations and other apF��cable law and shall conform to the land use plan, the ma�or thorofare plan, the oi- fieiaL map, tlio zoning ordinance znd other tiillage plans, m�inances and regu7ations � SECTIOlY' 6. SIIMMARY OF PLAT APPHO\%dL PROCI;DUHL. Refpre preDaa'Ing a fina] pla[ of a eubdi��ision, a suUdivider chall hxce prepared a �celiminury plat thereof, shal] have sub�nitted �a�ne together with aIl re- quired aceorr�panying material to the planning commissioq and ehall hava secured the tenta,tive approcal oP the commiseion. Beror�+ a.ny conveyano¢ of any lot or parcel of land in a eubdi- viaion tne subdivider shall have pre- paied a final plaC thereof togetlier with all required acco+npanying materials, shal] have submitted same to [he couo- cil Por approval, and tha plaf shall hace been approved by said courmil, by �esolution theieof and by any othei agencies avd oP[[cials whose approval is required by law-, including the Coun- ty Platting authorities, and shall have been duly rewrded. The principal stepe to be taken in order in the plat approval procedure are summarized as followa: (1) Prioa Lo the pi'epai'ation of S preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit a sketeh ol the intended ]ayoat oP tho subdivisiun, a description of thB nropoeed clevelopmont and saeh other general inFOrmation as may be re- '4uested for the purpo=e, to the Vlllage Ylanager. Within (10) days aP[or re- r.eiving all the infm'malion nee3ed, t7�e man�.ges' shaLl detei'mine w�hethei o� not che intendad layout and develop- ment of the subdivision would confoim satisfactorily to tkin requirements in Ser,tion 5 and ollier sectim�s hareof, and ahall eo advisc the eubrlivider, giv- in^ him �rliatever suggestiu�i6 aeid in- forma[ion may be needed for hia Kuo- dance in the PreParatim� of a pxclim- inary pLat. ('L) The aubdivider shadl next csuse a Drellminary D�at to be pxepared in accordance with the repuirements of 9ection 9 hereof, and ahadl file 9aid plat an3 reGUiret] accompanying data, with coiiies as required and u�i[h x filinS fee of (Yen) dollare with the �iltafie Glerk, who cM1all noci[y the Manager oP, the recei�t oP tlie D�at. Frim� Go the p]anninK �'�mmiseion's aetion on the preliminary pLat, the manager shalL ascer[ain �vhether or not his req�irements and ai�KKestjons have been suba6a�tially eomplied wtch, and sha11 call all deviatio��s to [t2e ab cention o[ [he P�anning commission. (3) Phe nlanning eurnmisNion will meet to cons'ider the plat ancl propoxed impwvemnnte by the 'ubclivider and the tirno anrl mettmd oP installation oP improvements, after no[ifyir�g Lhe sub- divider anA the recor� o�vners nf landa immediately udjni�ung the propo9ed subdivision oP the tim0 and ➢lace of meeting. Actiou on the plat by the commission will Ge tentatice aPProvai, wnditional approval, or disa7�proval, ORDINANCE NO. 75—Page 2 with notilication oC such aetion give� Lo tlie subdiviAer, wi[h a copy to the Villcuge Council_ (4) dtter the Planning commission's action on the prellv�ioary plat, it shall Ae recummended to the Council fer ac[ion. After OoonciL sclio� tho yubdi- vider shall make any required modifi- eation in the plat a�d the Proposed i�nproveenents, a�d stiould exu�e th0 �- subdivision W be sm'veyed, stake3 and -�.monwnente� i�� acuox'dance with the n1aL lu the event ot flisapproval of n' the Freliminary D�at, twwevcr, a new _ yrelSminury pla[ �vill ba requirecl and the subSivision nlmuld bo sueveyed m aecordanue �viih cho new ulac ai[e.r its apP��val or conditional a{�provul. (6) 'I'he aubdivider aUaR cau8e the fiva] plac to be preyeted iv conl'ormity with the :�PB�ovod or contli[ionally-a➢- provud Ur'eliminary �lat, an�l withia sis nwntLS after Lhe date of the plan- ning co::�miseiu�i s actiun tlierem�, shxll £le the 5iial piat toa 6hec wiCh all tequired aucompanyine dnfa, and the requirert number o2 coP�es of each, with the Village 'Ierlt If noL filed withii� } [he designate�3 six-mmrth period, uulesa , fhin peciod Ss extendod Ly wte oi the Villaoe counciL, O�e action of tho Pian- . nf�tq cnm�ni69ion on [he preAimivaiy G�at shali Lecome nulL aad void. Lf - requirad imptovement, are �wt instxll- � ai Drio[' Lo liling. a c:ash tieposit, cei- tiFied check or surety bond inauring laGer ins�allatlon or x petl[io� m Itave the Vlllago instxLl same and nsseae cus[ a.4'ainsl the subdiai�3er as (�rovided in Sec[SOn F heceof, shall accompany the final plat. (G1 lt che ftnal plaG is in anbstnn- p1aC as aUProved m' conditionauy aP- peuverl. Lhe�c sTa,ll be a cectiticate to that ef3ecl on the pla4 �1uly �igued. IF not iu substantia] rAnCormitS the Coaneil shall be so notifled. in which event the suDdicide� maY yPPeal the commission's actiun to the eoa��cil. (4) The final plat wi17 �e acted upo�� by [he cmimil aPte[ holding a public hearing thereon, witli published mtice of eur.h 3�earinS. The oouncll wilL aDProve oi dlsapP�'nve Che Cinal �1at, and iP a➢P��ed, x certi[ied copy of the resolu[lon of ��PProval will be S�ven the subdivider. Tn cmisidering a final plat, not in satisfactory confoo- mit} with tha preli�ninary plat, as ap- proved or concli[imiallY appioved by the [ilauning comrnission such plan- ni[Ig WInm138iOn aUti0�1 mffy be 3p- �ealed to the wu�cil by lhe aub�lici�ler. (8) Vo D�at oY a subiiivision shaLl be tiLCd �vi[h the reK�yter of dee�is or accepted toe Piliu�, uuLess �igned by Lhe DTayor a��A IDLanager oe Clerlr, snd uuless anD�uved as to surcey an[7 en- gineerin3 ��curacy by tho County D�at- tirtg authorities. 8&C'fIOF 7. llF;.S`CGY STANDARll9 1Ptllt T.nNn .l`11HD�4TSTON9_ A ore- purpase «K a c uI 1�`ridley which e'ill, in acrnrdance w�ith ezisting and futnre needs, best promote the public healch, safety. oo- dsr, wnvonienee s�nd the ge�eral wel- fare, and efticiency aud 2mnon�y in the proorss of de�elopment. Iri aup oxso �chere the planning com- nission shall fi�d Nat an5 of tha design sLacdards eata0lished harein are not appllcable to a pro�roaerl eubdivi- e�iori of land �ind fo the preliminaiy and final plat thereof, or woiild im- poie unnecessary hatclehiP or canse i�rac[icai dSPficWty no[ intenclecl by these requiremencs, it may peetnit var- , iances therefrom as provided in 9ec- -:� Yion 18 hereuP. - '17ie folloivi��� design s[andaxds aie f.ereby establiehed for land sub-divi- siona: � (1) General layout, etreet pattern, Ftr�eet widtha. nro➢oded Private and public areas, faciiities and uses, sha➢ ynnform to theee regulatlons anrl other a➢n��cable law, and to Ehe land use plan, the �naior thorofare plau, the offir.ial �nap, tUe zoning ordinance and othcr l'iLlage pLans, ordinances and reeulations. (W Reqaired 9reas planned 1'or public luud uses, including achools, par]cs, playgmunda and otl�er puhlic purposes, ahaLl Ue offered for Aedica- tion or shall be reserved for future public acquiaitlan. Skould sueh plan- ned nublir, areas be more than 5 peo- cent of the gross area of the land to 7e subdivi3ed, 5% oP the area eubdi- vided shall ho of2ered for dedication and the remainder roserved for a yerv iod ot hvo yaars du�inS �'hich time the T'iLLage or other public body may buy svah laud. Shalld planned public axeas Le less thav 5 percent of the gross area in [he Proposed subBiaision, a cash nayment equlvalent to the difference in 'aud value eha➢ be �aid Into [he Park Fund. (3) Street pa�Lerns ehall follow aub- stantially tlie pa[terns shown on the land use plan or shalt be at least [he equal oi tlie planneA patte[ns in thzse re�pec[s: they shall adequately serve platfe�l LotS w-hen developet7, they shall 'ntersect e-sisting or N��«ed trunk hiKh�vays and major thorofares at in- rre�]uent intcrvals on1V, �ey shall �ot ohgtrur.t the rexsonable an3 de_cirabie develon�nen[ of adioining, unsubrlivided lacds in conPOrmity wiU any applie.- abLe Dla�s and with tliese desigo stan- dard�, they shall be cur.li as tn dis- aoo�aqe thrnugh ttaPfic from uainR r�lnor sfree�s in the su4divisiov, nnd they shall be svited to the topo�raFhy nf the land, but witli theit o�ienta[ion in(loencetl by w'alking �lirectlon and Aistanea to and from esistinK unii ptanned paNcs, playgrounds and achoole. (47 'Chn stree[ Dattern sha➢ relate Lo r3itroads, trunk highways and all lienitecl-�acess major thorofaies, so that access PoinLS ancl oros��in�s are aatisfacLOrily limiterl. Ite9uire3 desisn shall be the »rovieion of loca] .ervice streete aLm�R the right-of-way, of any sach facili[y or the rearing of lots u[�on the righbof-way, with intersao- tim�s limited as necessary. !E) All D*opose�l eteeeTS shall Ne utfere3 for de�]ication as public streets, with no private strects shown. (fi) Streets shatl interaect or inter- eePt each other at right anR�es with variafio�ia of not moi'e ttian 20 tlegeees permitte3 whe�� considered necessary. (4) 8treet gradas of 6 percenc shall be wnsidered a desirable maximum to be exceeded only w�hen required by topo�ia��hy or nthev controlling ancl Physical oonditlon. Grades of all sVeete, alleys, a'alks, curbs and Kut- tevs shall be aa a[rProced by the Vil- lage engineee. (8) .iogs in streets shall haae center line offsets of 125 feet or more. (9) The location, width an�l aligo- me�ic of trunk highways and maim' Ihorofaees flhall cAnioem to the offi- ���Ixl map, to the major thomfare plan and to any o[hec aDP���hie planc, in- c1�ding state and cou�rty highway nlans. Wid[hs o[ seom�dary major thoroYares, not trunk highways, shall �e so ree� (10) Wirlths of minor resiclential streete shaLi be a minimum oC 50 feet (11) Widths of stree[s servinR busi- ness. I�duscrial. multiNe [I�cellinR. in- ntitutio�aL or Public frontage shal] be �wt lese than shown on the land ase n�an or other applicable n7an, and �vhen not showq sl�aR be as s[reclfied bv the planning coinm�ssion, or by the v1lLage manageq acting Por Lhe pian- ning �rommis&iOn. (12) Dead-end, or cul-de-sac atreeta shall be no bnger than 500 feeq with a turn-8ronn�3 at the clnsed end ha��- Sng property Line and curD-line d�am- ?ters of mt lees than l00 feet nncl 90 ieet. resneutive7y. f13) Pronerty lines at residentiat s[[eet coeners shall be �ounded on a radius of not less than 10 feet and curb lines on a radius of not Lese than 90 feet, provlded [hat Si'�ter radii may be reqviced by ihe planning com- mission where deemed necesaary. (14) HaIF-width street- are not ae- �➢tabl¢ e�cept as Yound praetic3lly necessary hy lhe planning comm�aswn and on1Y ��ilh [he aseurance of t7etli- ea�ion of the other ha1P when adbin- in� ProFerty is subdivided. For protecting the �'illage in deval- opinR an�l m:iintainin,C etreeta boider- ing the corPnrate lirnits, whore y nalf w:dth streot derlication is pro��o.ieAi. the subdfvidec shall tiurnish o�io oI thn_ Collowing �sith the p[e7imtnary pta.0 a. S5suravee that the remaining half outside the corpprate limi[s ha� oe will Ae 3e3icated, or b. A warranty deed for the remaining ha1E outside lhe oorporate limits, or c. An essement for street Purpoae, signed by [he owners of Lhe part out- side the eorporate ]imits. (lu) Alleys shall be not less than 20 feet in width. They shall ba pro- vLded to servc ]ots to be used Por mul- tipla dwelling, commercial, industrinl and institutional purpos'es, provided that where oPf-streot loading and park- ing areas oc other special faellities of deftnite and permanent nature are Proposed Por uiequate service accese, the D�anninR commission may ma�ce the alley requirement. Aileys shall not be provided for at[ictly rasidentiaL lots unlees deemed necessary under certatn conditions by the planriing aommies3on. Q6) rames of ,sLreeta which are extensions ot existi�g etreets shall be the same, Frovided that cheso and other street names shall be subject [O planning r.om.aiwion apProvaL � , (17) Residcntial Ulouks shall vorm- ., all,v �e oE suffieient width toc t�vo _ tiers of Luts. Iilock lec�gths shall he . r7eLer,nined by uirculakion an3 other needs, wi[h ieagths u� W 1,660 teet permiesab7e when approved by the planning commission. A �edestrian way or oroaswalk, mt lesa [han 10 feet ixi wic7Lh, ina}� be req�ired agprox- imately midway in a block that is 700 2eet or more in length, or for access Co schools, D1aVKrouuclS, shoVP�ng cen- ters and to other areaa and fa�iLitiea. �'li�re reaidential blocics with lots �leeper [han S6U feet are proposed, a reservatio�i tor a future street thiou�h hhe "iddle of the b7orlc, lo�gitutlinally, may be requ�red by the planning com- mission. (18) I.ots running acrose a block from stree[ to etreet shauffi not be used unless rears of such lots abut a major thorofare or trunk highway whera limitation o2 access is desired. d screon Planfing ease�nent, with right of accass across 1t to the highuay or thomfare den5ed, sha11 be provided when c7eemed neceasary Ly the p]an- ning cmnmission, �vith a width ns ap- proved by the commission, but not less than 30 fee[. � (19) Eteserve atripa controlling ae- . . r.ess to or from streets shalL not be pcocideil uNess their rontral is bY the . Village under aonfiitions apF�rweil by . the planning commisxion and establish- ed by tha couneiL . (20) Sizes of btocke and loc� in blocks containing ��roposed mulfiPi¢ dwe0i�g, wmmer�.ial, i n d u s t r i a 1, echool, ehurch and instiGurional uses shall be a�iequate for tho iirincipat usea and -all require�3 aeces'so�y uses. A reguired accessery uee shall be SnP- t'icien[ automobile parking space and rq¢nmeroinl vehicle PaN:ing a�d :oad- ing sPaces off tha street to acaommo- date alI aueh y�arlcing a�d loading. (21) Each lot shall be servec] frum S Public street satislactorily foe �en- eral aecessi�flity and accessibility for fire-CightinK, mfuse rollection antl rle- Hvery purposes. (22) 5o reeidential lot ahall be lesa [han 9.000 sauare feet in area, 75 feet in width at the front building line, an�l 1110 teet in depth. A corner ]ot shall ha�•e extra width of F feet or more for eet-back of a buildi��g ade- puate7S from both etreets. The mini- mum lot area, if served bS individuxl w511 �in�i sewage disposal, shall be aa provided bY the zoning ordinance. (231 ]ii�iimu�n ]ot areas and lot x�idths for tvvo-family dwellings and irulGiple d�vellinys shall be those re- m�ired by tlie zoning ordinance of LRe Village of Fridley. (?4) 9i3e lot linee shall be at right anRles or ratlial to street ]inea, with slight cariation under diFficult condi- Hons Oe*missable, �vith planning com- miesion aHDroval. (85) IDa�=e�nents, offered for dedica- tion should be shown along lot lines where needed far uHltty purposes, for ftrainaGe, for gereen P�antivg, o[ otheT Furposes. Ctility easements along rear lot lines wfll ueaally be �eqiiiced unless alleys are nrovidetl, with required w�d[h beirig lE feet tor a eingle ease- men[ or for the total of t�•o narallel, � • � • � . u • � ORDINANCE NO. 75—Page 3 adjoining easements on two lote. bftn- imum width oE d[ainage ezsementa. single or douDle, shall be 20 feeS, and sceeen planEing and othe[ eas¢ments, sinfi�e ur doubla sha11 be ]D fee4 or auch greatev width in sUecific ca5es as Yhe plaiming enmmisalon shall cequire. BFO7'ION A. REQUIRFD IM- PROV"F.MEYTti. As a coudition P[e- cedent to tho apProval of a final plat the sub�livicler shall give satiafactory xssurance oP the installation ot al least the Pollowing im�rovements ao. his own expense, within a Period o� time specified by the P�anning cmn- mission: Q) Grade all streets, alleya and walks to speeified gra3es and suriace all streete and a7leys in acrordanee with adopted P�ans and spetlficationes for street and alley sur[aoing. (2) Inatall water mains, sWrm uvd savitary sewers and additio��al vain- age facilitiea where any m' all ure required. (3) Erect sfreet name ��g�s. so�l boulevard areas and plant at least two satisfactory street trees on each lot neac the Pront lot line, or in the boule- rard area, mhicheae� is s[�ecifled b9 the vi➢age managec Gradee shall be set by the �"illage 7:ngineer an�l im- prorements shsl] be aewrding Lo pre- viously oe heveinafter ostnblished sran- dards and e�eeifications by the council. Required installatinn of water mains and sanitary sewers may be waived where it �s found by the plannin� commiasion, with <uunci] apProval. Niat ezten,�ion of the rnunioipa] water sYStem or connectton to the existing sanilary sewer system �voul[7 be im- pracCioal in the immediate future, and where anProved individual wella and sewage disposal are Pro➢oaed to �evve lots of the required eize ander aueh cmdltions, �i'here water maina, storm and sanh tary se�cevs aeid a3ditional dt'aiTSBe £acilities ara fo be installe�3, the re- qvired street imProveme�ts may be deferred �mtil aPter auch insta➢wtion. Ta cover tAe cost of such of these improvemente as may not have been emnpleted at the [imo oC filiug the final plat, tt�e aubdivider may arrange: (ll To furnish cash, a certifted check or a surety bond, rvnning to the Vi17aRe of Fridley. to securo the performance of snch inatallation by him SyiLhi» a neriod of time as atipu- Iated by the cnuncil, or ta coveY to- �(?J To Petition the council to insta➢ ' such improvements, the en[�re ceef to be levied and certified as vi =Pe�-ia1 assessment of one Dayme��t, in which ca.se the aubdivifter �shall agree in �cvitiuR that in the interim between- the filing of the final Piat and the certiPieatinn of the s��coial assesamen[ � to the Connty Auditor there will Ge no transfer of on�nership nf any part � oY the ➢roperry platted without fict 3elwsiting with the Z'illage an amount sufficfent to cocer the evtimated pro- rtio�ate amount oY suoh assesflmeut an cable to the lot or parezl of land� ox a71 as the size uaeA Cor the tinal D�at. It <hall be of snch stale, Dreferably a scale oC 1 iimh eqnals 100 FeeQ as [o show dearly all details theeeol, A �n'eliminarc plat. together with euch are�orcipnnyinK Rheete of data an3 other materinis as are needed for [he pur- pose, shall ahow the followiag: Q) The proDOSed name of ihe sub- division, north arrow, scate and date. (2) Names and addresaes ot the ownerc, lien holders, subAivider, sur- ceyor or e��gineer; and designer, (3) The boundary lines and dimen- sions oC U�e land to be svb�3icided, and H�e locatione of sution corners and of existl��S subdivisions, �Lreets (and atreet Wi�3Ois) and unsubdivided Par- cels (and ownershiDS) adjoining the proposed subdinision, beta�ean it and the nearest exieting street or Por such distance Ueynnd as may be required. (4) A legal description oY the land to be aubdrvided. (5) Proposed general layout, in- r.luding all proDOSed streets, alleys, cross�calka thrwgh bloc6-s, street wi�[hs anfl Pronosed naniee, anProxi- mate dlmensions ot blocka and lots, teur.auve lot and block numbering and aPnrosimaLe radii of al7 mrvea. gnonaas ssoaa 1�1�� PsEP��'�l9 (Ei) (67 1�'hen the ]and to be aubdic�ded Sirst i= only a por[ion of an ownetsc=P of larger area oP lant7, a master skotch o[ Lhe street and black 7nyout of the larger area tor future subdivision aha71 he required. [7) L�'xisting a�d proposed ease- ments and ri�hts-oY-way for drainage, eewerage, utiGty or railmad lines. (g) Location an3 apyroximate sizee and elevations of existing and pro- posed water, seiveq gas, celephone, aleccric lines and o[her utility anfl service Iines, emss�valks, and Pinished roadways. (9) �oations and typee of esisting stmuc[uree, lot�ations oC large trees and olher Krwn3 eover, and contour lines at a vertical intervnl of 3 feeq except wheve nn interval of 6 Peet i= conaid- ered ar7equa[e by the �i"illage PnKineei, l:levatio�.+ shall be rePerenced to an oatablished daWm for che �'illaSe, or an aasumed datvm. d[ least one benoh ina�9c loeation and its elecxtion, refer- enced to sea level datum ae adjasted in 1929 ehait be g��en. (10) Existing uses o[ existing slruc- bares and land and [�roposed future u5es ot all lots and �arce]e anc7 an ouc- lina of proposeS pro[ective oovenants. (ll7 CorreCt location and tles-igna- tion of all wet lands and �vater chan- nele, watex 3veas, d�'ainaSe cou�'5es' and ditches, and indication of all arean which, before drainaKe �mprovement, are subje�t to Inunclatlon or stonn v�ater overflow, with proPOeed drairi- age improvement oF snch areas and of swamPy� drainage couraee antl ditches. (1?) Deai�uaGion of �roposed puLlic Btreels, easements an3 other areas P�'o- posed to be dedicated for � public pvr- posee, and of any resercations and thair purpoae5. and a11 variations Prom standard, each shnwing location of propertY linea, ��urbs, roadways. pavements, electric nnd telephone lines. (lh) A profile showie�S esistinR aud nt'oposeti center line graile3 ui steeets, an(1 guttera, and conTaintng i�otations aa io gc'a�lieut an�i verctcal r.urcatures. (15) 5tatement oP the impe'ovaments Pr�opoaetl to be ma[le or installet7, the time of completlon of impro�-ements, ¢nd what method of those given in Rection fi, hereof, Um nubtlioider in- te��ds to utilize W covec the cost Of � I�ytalLa[ion o2 improvemenW. (lEl A statement Kivin� th3 intentl� Rnd tha intended removal or rtosttva tiov of exietin6 trees and othec nat- ural gromid covec, su2ficient to meet She requirements o[ Lhe rmiin� atlmin- i_tcatoi in determining whothee suon niterations wovl[I be permic,�able an�l whether a]and alleration perrnit wuld be issued in accurdance with ordtnauce \o: 69 and Seation L', C of ordiiranP,e Vo. 70 (the 2nniug m'tlinanceJ 9uch oP flie roquirad data and ma- te�'ia]s as m:�y not prae.Lirxllp be mhow'n on the p[eliminary plat shall fie subrnittecl on se�arate et�ret�, to arcoropany the Plat. FF.C'CI03 10. FIL7SG ASD DIS- data accompanying Lho P��t ehall be depositeci with the Vtlla�e Clerk. The Villaqe Dlanager shall detemm�e whether or not the filed materials aro 9&i19f8CtOiV 39 B{JiPJIlS11It3TV V�3Y. Tf satistacYOry, a x�eooiD� for 1'illng same shall be iesuetl. The original and t::o copies oP evervthinK submitted slSall he retained for Lhe subtlivisim� eu�x�mitt�'a and one co�y retaineci 4or the �illatc coaneil and 5ubmiGted to the eonncil. Nhen IanA to be sabdivideei ahnta a. statr crunlc highway, one aAditinxi2l coP� shall be required in filing and ehw1L be transmitted to the 9tate Highway Commiseioner with tho re- quest [hwt his reco�nmendacton=, if any, should be rece�ved mithiri 14 days after the d`ate of PilinR. for consideia- tion UY 1:ha p]annir�g commiaeion — in acting o�� the plat. A fi]iug Lee of ten dollars shall He pa.id b�° tlie Snbdivider at the tima nf filing unS �hall be useU to help de[ray Bxpentes of giving notice of Li�e hear- ing, dis[ributfng copies of the Preliu�- iva�'V pl¢[, checlpng Lhe plat anQ ollier� expcnaw iu uoimeetion tl�et'e�rith. AuY udditlonal exUmise o[ cher.king tlie pre- limin:u�.- nnd 1'ival L�lat ahall be chargeil the e�bdivider and shall be pai�l beli�re unll�'oval of thc YLnal Plat. bli("170N 11. PLARNINIU COM- SlltitilON ACL'IOS ON PR7PLIMIN- ATLY PI,A'C. Not less than 6 days- belore I.lie date of a meeting of tho plun�iiug wnvnissimi Ior consi3oration of a. Preliniinaiy P�at, the eip8ge mau- a�er shadl so notify by tiuire�] Statva iiil Lhe. vubdlviQer and the record own0e6 of the P�'�Perty immediately atljuiunic� Oia l:�n� withiu Lhe pla[.'Phe commi,�sion shall xct on such p]at no[ more Lh2n JO �ays .�fter the filing ilie�'imT, buL not befo�e ]�5 days aYLex the 1'ilin;; m' be[oxe givlug due wnsirl- eraLion to a.nV recommendations rr ceiveil I'rmn the cillae counvil, the villaop engiueer, the .S'tate hlghway rnm�nia.sipuer, and Lhe owriers ot lands a.LUU.iu� n�m� the ]and m be subdi- eide�, iu�less a.n extension oC [he 30. da.y tiine is arranKed wilh the conseu[ nf iha subdividec. 'Phe village �nanaSer shall G�ecic the -.. preli�ninarY Nat witti reYerence to the reqnirements in thesc regnlationE aa�d Lhe rcxommenda[inns anA sugge3[iov6 received Prom others'. He shall net0 any mqniremeuts not fulfillerl, wny mofliCivatioris deemed uecessary 2nd 6nprovemm�ts that shouid be inetallul with �pccifications tliere[ot', and sha71 � a b�ve his findings and eonclu6ions as rernmmen�latlons Lo the P�d*���ing' wm- mis.�on. Action bY [he Plunning wxnmiseion shall be teutative apFroval, �lisa�prov- ul, or condilional apProval of the pre- 7iminary �ilaL the last being tentxtive aPProeal non�itioned u�on certain modifica[ions as yFecified. The time witliiri e�hich i�n��rovements to De in- sGalled by the subdivider �hxll bc ��om- pletetl shall be ; Vecifically sffiia� as par[ of the action. 3uch aotion sha]' he recorded on three cou�es of Lhc [�la� a�d shee[s of data, or attaehed t-� them, Oire a�uli coPY ?hall be re[aine•1 by the P�anning commission, one shali be tra�ismitted to the rnuncil, and one shal7 he held for the �ubdivider s�:d he !thall be mal]ed a notification to tLiie ' afYecL, a[ his Last )cnow�� addresp, tvith- In [hree days atter sucli action. 'Che plannlnR oomtnisaiop shall take into ���si�er�tiou che prnspeCtive charv acter' ot ii5velopment ot the area in- cludal in [he ylat and sha,ll require that it be harm�nious w-ith that exist- ing an� planned in the geneta2 vici�ity of the snbdivisiov and the pillage :is a w$oie. If "t is Ye]t �hat before actinK on the ehould be retn5ned to cePOrt xa to tlie suita,bitity ol' the nlat from the gcand- noint of vllla�,� pl3nning, °oe`.� services may be re�aine�i after council annroos�l and aCter hxving notified the .�b�ivld- er tq tha[ cffect, a��ft the couuci! roay repuire Ne �ubdivifler to reimbueso the villay�e Por Iheie cnst. l�&il��re of the P�anning oo�ur�irssion [o act within 30 tlays after filing, un- less an estension ot' time is arranged with the consent oP the subdivideq shall be deemeA f.o be Lentativa ap- oroval of the Drelimivary U1aL. In Lhis event, the viilago mnna6er shall advise the sabdividee of any and a71 recom- menda[ions ae. are reasonable a��d are rnnsistent w�Lh [hese reeula[ione or with anY applinaG]e n1an, ]n� comPlet- in� the surreY oC llie subAivision and mal:ing the final P�at thereof. 9ECCi03 IE. PVGInL^ERTrC 3UR- V�Y, AC6er tentative ap]�rnval or conditional apProval of the �reliminaxy p]at the subdivider ehall cause the aubelicision to Ge surveyed, c_taked and Mon¢mented bs a 12ee stered Suneyon, in aTCOrdauce uith the requiremen[s hei0in, w'iHi sffitutory requl'ementS, wi[h any ryqulrements oP county pla[- Lin� autTwriYie5, and in conformi[,� with Lhe aPP�'oved praliminaey p1wG L the evevt of dieanDroval oP the pre- liininary plat, a new Preliminaey P�at �vill be required and the �urvey ehall be 1[� conPOrmity with the ne�v plat after apProvaL Where permanent monumente are not already in place, monumenL5 runeiating of iron rods at least une-half inCh in �ia�neter and ! _�. � �--- ORDINANCE'N0. 75--Page 4 48 Snchea in le��gth aod encase3 in con- creto at leaet 4 inches in diametei shall be se[ a[ the intersections oL a.11 �bovndary angle. of the aubaivieion and at inte�sections of street, xlley and boundary lines. all [IVSh with Cho fin- ishe3 K�'�de except tl�at tliose within a rnai�waY «ay be set at sub-grade lepel. 61on�mente shall be subject W im ..9�^�-lio�� 'snd apgmval of lhe Cuunty piatting authoriHes befor¢ upDroval of ttle tina� plat. Iron rods of one-half inc6 or more in dlame��e� flusLi�with��the fiuished leRQth, �rade, aha.11 be located at the bounclaey annlzs, interseotions an3 polnu5 ot our- vature oC all lot, streeT, alley and bovnia�y lines, where (�ermanent mon- uments are not set. i � ur ot law. 'Cne Ptac ��s.. o� ...a.. . waterprooC, Dlacli i Sin/;� a��s�l��eeLl�o[ of °ooA quatity. and at a eheets, EOx32 inehe5 in sLze. scale of l0U fee[ or more m 1 inch. YVh2n there are �nore than one sheet, an indax sheet shafl be at�nc ud � showing the eneire subdivislon, inS` Uoundary and streets, at an appto- priate ecale, und i�ilicat3ng the sePa- rate sheets of Lhe 5nal ptat and the xheet rmmber o£ each. 'Che i�»al piat shall ehow: (Y) The ��a«�e of the subdivieion, scalq nurth an'ow and date, (2) N�!nes aub�3i�'�idcea�es oi or�a�d lien holdms, designer. (6) 1'rimary contwl �oints, uDProved by tlie village engineer, Or [lescrip[iona and "ties" to such control points, [o which al1 dimensions, angles, bearinge, elevatlons and si�nilar data shall be referred. (4) Subdivision lioundavy lines, side an3 oenter ]inea oP etreets, alleys and othec tights-of-way, lines of easemenCe, IOC liRC9� �LIIC9 OL Hl] OL�IQl' 51fb9 'LI�d Oi all reaervation>; wlth accura.te dimen- sio�s, bearhigs or SeYlei?6ion angles, und r¢dii, ares. and central angles uf all curve@. (5) Locatim� and descriplion of i�ew mmmmen[s set and of a13 monumenls fuund. (6) Names an� widthe o[ streete and otiher rights-of-way. (R) Wid[hs and purposes of ease- meuts. (8) Block vumbers, co�secutive. (9) Lot numbers, conseoutive, starb 1ng with the figure "1" ir� each block. (10) Lines inQicating minimum building setbacK distane¢ on all lo[s anci oO�er sites. (11) Instru��ent of dEdication, sigo- et7 aud auknouledged by the o�vner of [He land, according tn tl�d statute. llosi€natio� oC any ��oi'tions to be re- eerved antl for �vhat nur�oses. (1'�) Owuera a�ecmenC tu the sub- di�iaion by the subdivitlaq iP owner is not the subdivider. (18) �betvacY m� eeitiPicafe of title. l4) ' 5u�veyor's certi[icato aa to .ttaking lhe survcy and its accuracy, ao reyuired by law anQ by these mqu- laSions. (la) Accompanying the f[nal P�at SbaLI be a final pLan of all improve- mentu to be lnstalled bY the subdiviAeq wi[h gradeg and profiles for same ae aPProved by the vilLage engineci. (lfi) A eertiPicate by Lhe village e manage� that all reqmred im��mve- � men[s have I�een �atiefacto�ily i�stal]- ed or that, in lieu thureok, the subdi- vider ]�as mssde snti�lacfory arrange- �nents to covee the co:st of i�nPrave- ments to be instalLed la[er wV[hin a s�iealfie�3 time. (14) Other 'ata, rartiCica,tc�, affi- daeits a�d endorsemenls as required by law, reQnieed by the Plavning oom- imssion aiid council and bY county platt�nK a�etho ities. (18) 4cco nPanying the final plat yhall be protn�t ce oovenants in form Yor �ecor�ling 4N C'PION 14 FSLiNG OF FINAL P1,AT. Tho following conies, PiinCs and transyarencea�oC th2 linal plat and accompanyi��g eheets of data shall be de[rosited with the village clerk within sis nionths aYter the date oP action of the pla�uii�g r,omnlisaiou on the pie- ]iminary p1at; £ailure W file within six month:i nWIiPYing the action of the plxnnirig commiesion: 1 tranenarencp and SG prints of the '0 x 3'? sheets 1" e4uals 300' 1 t�anspaeency anc7 4 p�inta of 1" - e��uals 200' The village manager shall eheck the final pla[ and accompaz�pinK data for confonni[y witli the law ancl �vith these re�ulations, iotluding any co�di- tions nf nonditional aUProval o[ the p�eli�ninary plat. and the village engi- neer s1�a1L check [he D�at an[7 surveY foe required accuraey. A traverse ot the boun�iaries of the plat ancl of all lots and bloeks, when compute�l from Yield measureme�ts, must close u•itliin a limit of erwr of one foot to 5.000 ;�e[ of Perimeter. One oi� more F�infs of the final ma� aad coDi� of accompanying data, as nceded, shall ba made available to the rnun[y pla[ting auThortties within 3 iays afler Iiling. who, witUin 7 days thereaYter ahall [iotify the subdivider an� the manaaer of any changes oi �t�lcli[ions requiru�i Lo make U�e plat aceeptabla foi racoeding. If [ound sacisiactory, the maiiager ahall au[lioriiu aoceptance of thr. P�at tur [iling and 6he city clerk shall isave a recelirt for same. If not satisCactoiy tlie aubdividev shall eause the reGUirer� changea and at3ditions tu be ma�3e, be- fore acceptance, for Yiling and issu- ance of a receipt. Wt�enever a final ylat and not n p[e]iminary plat is repuired, as pio- vided in Section 18 hereof, a filing fee of ten tlolLars ($lO.OR) =ha11 4e na�d at tlie time of filing, and shall be useS to help def�ay expensea o[ S��'ing notice of U�e hearing ans other ecpeuses. SECTION 15. HEARSnG ON FI- SAL PI.AT Within 30 �lays after [he tiling oP the finxt plat, and the issuance of a receip[ tor same as eat- iafactory, the counci] sh¢II hold a pub- lic heari�g thereoq wiLl� at least 6 days notice of the time and P�ace theceof K��an in a newsPaper of gen- oral oiroulation P�blished in the Vil- laKe, o[ in Anolia Cou�ity if none is publisheS in [he village. At such heac- ing all Persons interested may appea[ and be heard. SRC9'IOS IB. ACTIOA OK I'IVAI. PL.1T. The counril sha71 aPPrnve or �iisapprove. the finat i�1at, after the heaiing thereun, �vithin fifteen days aPter the filing thercof and the issu- ance oP, a receip[ fm' same as catuPac- tory. L�'auh final P�at of a suhdivision that con[orms to the roduirementa hereiq the Preliminary niat o[ a�hich w-as tentativelY aDDroved by the P�an- ning commissio��, sltall be duly x[�- n�oved by Che council fiy resoluHOn Yhereof and eaoh final ll�at of a subdi- vis�on that ron2orma to the conditiona oP contlitional apppoval of Lhe Prelim- inary plat by [ite planning commiseion shal] be si�nilarly approved, unless Ln eicher case Lhe councit should finrl any errm In the subdivisiou proceelure nr in the P�anning commisaion's xetimi on Lhe prelimie�ary P�at oe othei eon- [lition� warrantimg disanProval. So Pina] �ilat of a svUdiviaion, the preliminary {�lat ot �ehioh was disap- nroved by the planning wmu�ission shall be apuro�°e3 by the muncil es- repL chat any subdivi�7er, if dis�atisfied wiCh [he rommitEeo'a ar.tio� oii the Pre- liminary plat, may appeal [o the coun- cil to overrule said actioa The conncil aa a rosult oP such appeal, m:�y elect W consider the Preliminary p)at and give it apprpcal, cpnditional approva] or di�aPPrwal. The Rrounds for any refusal to disapProve a finaL nlat shall ha set forth in the prnceedin.�s of the rounoil and reported to l9ie nerson or pereons at�p�ying for sueh ap➢roval. After apPrwal of the Pinn7 P�at, with cer[ifiraLe of aPD�'oval showing on fl�e nlat. the Pival Nat may be recorded in �he otfice of the regigter of daeds oF �lnoka county with a co]�y filed �rith [he covnty audifq�. 9FfLI0\ li P1:A"ALTY FOR 9Ai.T S T3F I`OP.L� PLAT APPROVAi.. .My o�ener or the agent of any owner, of land �n a Subdn�9�on as defined here�n tiho tranafer., �ells agrees to sell, or neKOtiates to sell a��y 7and b}� reEerence to-or exhibitioa of �a'�plat of x subdlvision, ar by any other uae �'�thereof, before sucti�plaC has been an- proved as pruvided herein and rewrd- ed with a certificate nf a[rprova] thereon in fhe office of tho re�ister o£ Aee�ls, shall bo in vidation oE this ord'.��ance, An9 such ciolation shall be a misdeoieanor, punishable by a fine m� not moee than one hm�dred dollars for each lo[ or Pareel trans-ferred or snld or ag-veeci or negotiated to be sold. The deseription oY such lot or pareel by �netcw and bounds in the instrument oY transfe� or other document� used in the proress of so➢ing or transferring �hall not asomPt the traneaction from such Pe����ties or from the remedies provided in this sectioa 'Che munici- nality may enjoin sueh Lrxnsfer, sale or aAreement by an action for in'iine- tion or may rer.over such pena]ty by a cKiL action �� xnY rourt oE cnmVetent jtn'isdiction. 8EC'CIOS 16. VARTANCF]S. Should the planning Cmmniesion find that any o£ che re�;ulations or requiremente herein are not apgliCable to a pro�osed lavd subdivieio� or to a Prelimmar9 or final nlal thr.raof, or wmild cause un- necess'xry a��d unintended hardshin, �t may Perrnit s'aelt vanations thereYrom as are not rontrary m the incent ancl purpoee of theee reKUlations or other applicable law, ot anY aPplicahle plan or Portion thereof. The nature of Lhe vaiiatione to be permRted in a Partic- ular casE, with rewsens whq iheY are deemed necessary, shaP ba recorded in the minutee of the meeting ancl shall be transmi[ted to the aubdivider and W the city eouncil. K'hen a[�lat ia for one or ano[hee of the following purposes, the require- rsen[ that a Pre]iminarv P�at be pre- pared may be �vaived, but it shall not be W'aived in any othor caae: (1) For vacatinfi land previously platted into hlocl:s and/ox �lOta oi naroets. (2) N`or dividing land for agricul- tural purPOSes or for mineral explora- tien oc Yecoveiy purFb�es into parcels 10 ae�es or more in size, where no new street, i'ight-of-way or easement is propose�3 or r¢quired. In PermittinR �'ariations, the Plan- ning mmmission may imUOSe sueh con- di[ions as may be deerr�ed reasonable and �ecessary, under the circumstan- ces, fm� securing the abjectives o2 this orQinance. . � , SECTION ]0. CiIANGID9, AMliNP- MGNPS. Changas in theae regula- tions, as amendments, may be enacted by the council aPTer public hearina on unv such chan6e, after ten days notice oP � the time a�rtl P��� thereoY �n a newspaper of general circvlation pub- lished fn Che Filla.ne ot Fn�ley, oe in Anolca cou��ry, if none is P�blished in the vllle,go. 71ach proposed cha�iga shall be submit[ed Lo the ulann9ng cnmmissfon for a report thereon. Fail- uro to rePort wittiin 30 days shall be deemed to be t�IProva�, unless an ex- - tension of time is g�'anted by the rouncil. 9TiC170N 30. CONFLICTING OR- llTNASCE 12L"PEALED. This ordinancenPOn its effective date shall supursede ordinance No. 39, whieh shall thereuE�on be repealed. RPCPION 31. 4ALIDITY". Sactiana, sub-sectlons, clauses, pvovieions and portions oL tliis ocdinnnoe are deemed m be secacable and should any seetion, cub-section, olause, provision or portion ot this ordinance be deolared by a rourc oT comPe�nt iurisdiction to be uncOUEtitutionaL or invalid, the sa�na shall not affect the �'alidity of this ordinanee as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. B£L'1`LON °_2. DATE FFFECTIVE. The Procisions of this ordinance are hereLti Aeulared to be �mmediately neceesary (or Ghe niesarvation of the n�blic peaae, liealth and safety ssnd are hemeby siven immediate ef.ect upon publication as require3 by law. Passed Ay the �" aR�ouneil thia 3rd d SU s L \� CRP,IC fayor. ,attest: L']tT R.. T . S .N, �� \'illage Dianager. � \ I • • ► I