Ordinance No. 0754 09-13-1982� •.p�.�� � �- ; � I•_
r � ••��•
� The regulations and provisions established by this chapter are for the
follaaing purposes:
1. 7b establish standard procedures, requirements, and conditions for the
preg3ration, sulxnission and appcaval of land subdivisions within Fridley.
2. Rb sece�re saitisfactory conformity of sud� subdivisions to the land use,
the major thoroughfare plan, the official map� zoning and other plans and
diapters of this code.
3. Zb assist the orderly, efficient, and integrated develognent of Fridley.
4, 4b prrnwte the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of
FYidley and
5. 4b guide the City in the perforn�ance of its f�.mctions and duties,
Fbr the purpose of this ordinance, words used in the present tense shall �
include the future; words in the singular shall include the plural, and the
plural the singular; and the word shall is mandatory and not discretionary.
�e follaaing definitions shall apply in the interpretation and applicataon of
' ti�is chapter and the follvainq words and terms wherever they occur in this
ci�apter aze defined as follows:
1. Auditor's Subdivision.
All lands formerly described by complicated metes and bounds descriptions
where the Anoka Coimty Auditor has si�lified the description for tax purposes
by assicyiing a lot nimiber,
2. City.
Any person duly appointed, authorized, delegated or otherwise given the
official capacity to act as a representative or agent for the City of Fridley.
3. tbunty Stiuveya�r.
�e Anoka Coimty Offioers who euamine or check plats or subdivisions prior to
acceptance by the Registrar of Deeds for fSling in Anoka Cow�ty.
,� �-
i u
4. Lot,
An existing division of land that can be comieyed Without further subdivision.
The tetm 'lot' is generally interchangeable with the terms 'parcel' or
5. Plat.
A map, drawing or d�azt which graphically delineates the boundary of land
pazoels Por the purpose of identification and record of title. 7t�e plat is a
reoorded legal docianent and must conform to all PSinnesota State Iaws.
6. Plat, l�inal. -
�e final �mp� drawing or chart on whida the subdivider's plan of subdivision �
is presented ta the City Cnwicil faz apptwal and whid�, if apprwed, will be
submitted to the Co�ty Register of Deeds or Re9istraz of Titles.
7. Plat, Preliminary.
A preliminaty map, drawing or chart indicating the proposed layout of a
subdivision to be submitted to the City Coimcil for their consideration.
8. Registered Land Sucvey
A District Court ordered survey of implatted registezed land whidi serves as a
prer�,;site for oonveyance of any part thereof.
9. Subdivider.
Any person, firm, corporation, �rtnership or association who causes land to
be divic3ed, platted or planned into a subdivision for such person or others.
10. 51�bdivision.
�e separation of an area, paroel, or tract of land, imder single ownership,
into two or more g3rcels, tracts, lots, or long-term leasehold interests where -�
the creation of the leasehold interest necessitates the creation of streets�
or roads, for zesidential, commercial, industrial, or other use or any
combination tl�ereof, except those seg3rations:
UU hfiere all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be
20 acres or larger in size and 500 feet in width for residential
uses and five acres or larger in size for oononercial and industrial
(B) Creating cemetery lots;
(C) Resulting from court orders, or the adjustrnent of a lot line by the
relocation of a conmon bo�dary.
� s� r�• a. �• u�.
No comteyance of land to �hid� �e regulations of this chapter aze applicable
ahall be filed or recorded if the land is described in the oonveyance by metes
and boimds or by referaice to an tmapprwed zegisteced land survey made after
April 21, 1961 or to an iaiapprwed plat made after such regulations become
effective. In addition, no land shall be oorrveyed if it is less than a Whole
paroel of land as chazged in the tax lists �mless it is apprwed or waived by
the Qty. �e foregoing prwision does not apply to a corrveyance if the land
1. Yras a sepazate parcel of record April 16� 1952 (date of adoption of
subdivision regulations by the City), and is not part of a contiguous
� developnent and oorrveyance will not result in a violation of Chapter 205 of
the City Oode, or
2, was the subject of a written agreenent to convey entered into prior to
April 21, 1961, �
3. Fes a separate �roel of not less than two and one-half acres in area and
150 feet in width on January 1, 1966, or
4, was a separate parcel of not less than five acres in area and 300 feet in
width on July 1, 1980, or
5. is a single parcel af oa�¢nezcial ot industrial land of not less than five
acres and having a widti� of not less than 300 feet and its conveyance does not
zesult in the division of the paroel into two or more lots or parcels, any one
of whi� is less than five acres in area or 300 feet in widtl�� or
6. is a single �rcel of rpsidential or agricultural land of not less than 20
acres and having a width of not less than 500 feet and its conveyance does not
result in the division of the Fazcel into two oz moze lots oz parcels, any oire
of which is less than 20 acres in area ot 500 feet in width.
In any case in which canpliance with the foregoing restrictions will create an
tmnecessary harclship and failure to oomply does not interfere with the purpose
of this ordinance, the City Cotmcil may waive sud� cmnpliance by adoption of a
' resolution to tk�at effect and the conveyance may then be filed or recorded.
Any owner or agent of the c�wner of land who conveys a lot or parcel in
violation of the provisions of this subdivision shall £orfeit and pay to the
City a penalty of not less than 5100 for each lot or �ccel so conveyed. The
City may enjoin such conveyance or may recover such penalty by a civil action
in any oourt of canpetest jurisdiction.
211.04. SUBDIViSiONS
Aereafter all subdivisions of land as defined herein, made within the City of
FYidley, shall be subject to and shall conform to these regulations and other
applicable law and shall conform to the land use plan, the ma�or tl�oroughfare
plan, the official map, the zoning chapter and other City plans, ordinances,
chapters and regulations.
1. Lot S�ilit.
�� �
Any existing lot, paroel or tract of land may be subdivided into two or more
Farcels by means of a'lot split' when each peroel Within the subdivision can
be described as a si�le fractional part of an existing City appr wed plat,
Auditoc's Subdivision� ot Registered Land Survey. A subdivision of land whid�
cannot be described as a simple fractional part of a larger parcel (i.e.
requiras a oa�lex description Whid� irrvolves ti�e use o� angles and degrees as
found in descriptions commonly known as 'metes and bounds•) can not be
subdivided by a lot split and shall be platted. In addition, all subdivisions
whid� create five or more lots or parcels which are 2 1/2 acres or less 3n
size shall be platted. When a request for a lot split is sutmitted to the City
on City forms� the City shall within twenty-four (24) hours respond to the
applimtion on a'certifi�tion of status' form.
A. Applicatian
Application for a lot split shall be made on forms furnished by the City
and shall include a sketch showing:
(1) scale and north azrow=
t2) dimensions of the propertyi
(3) names and locations of ad�aoent streetsj
(4) location of any existing structureF �,
(5) any other information as may be necessary to determine if the
lot split meets the inte�t and requirenents of this ordinanoe.
B. Review
(1) The proposed lot split shall be informally heard by the Planning
Comnission, After considering such things as adjacent land use,
traffic g3tterns, zoning regulations, future development, plans for
parks, bikeway-walkways, street extensions and other criteria deemed
pertinent, the Plannin9 Commission shall recommend to the City
Council either apprwal, with or without stipulation, oz disapprwal.
(2) After review and recamnenciation
application for lot split shall
Co�cil. �he City Cotmcil shall app
for lot split within sixty (60) days.
C. Siirvey and Resolution
by the Plannin9 Camnission, the
be informally heard by the City
rove or disapprove the request
If apprwed, the applicant shall then have the land involved in the lot
split surveyed. Upon receipt of the required Surveyor's Certificste, the
Coimcil shall pass a zesolution apprwing the lot split. If there are
ariy discrepancies in the boundaries of the existing land, a copy of the
survey shall be filed with the Anoka County Surveyor's offioe.
D. Certification and Recording
Aftez final apprwal, a certified copy of the resolution approving the
lot split and a"cectifi�te of status' focro shall be attached to the
notice of approval and forwarded to the applicant. The Iot split,
togefiher with a certified copy of the resolution and "certifica tion of
status' form, shall thereaf ter be recorded amon9 the records of the
County within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the
resolution, imless a longer period of t3me is granted and pzovided f or
recording at the time a� approval.
A lot split not reoorded within a period of one himdred eighty (180) days
or the apprwed extension time, is deaoed to be one that is not apprwed
and suc3i lot split is not entitled to be tecorc3ed; and the same shall not
thereafter be recorded except and imless it is presented to ti�e Plannin9
Camnission and Camcil and rrapprwed.
E. Divisia� of Taaes
� Any lot, parce2, a�r tract of land that is less than a whole parcel of
land as charged in the tax Iists must zeceive City Council approval
befote there is a division o€ taxes.
F. Ap�xoval of Camcii
Whenever any lot split is to be made, such subdivision can be made
without further platting With approval of the Council if the Council
shall find that such subdivision facilitates and does not hinder the
transfer and conveyance of the land; does not hinder the making of
assessments and keeping of secozds oonnected therewith; that it does not
result in the creation of any �roel (within or without the subdivision)
of a size in area or frontage which is less than is r�,ired for purposes
of construction of a building on such parcel under the zonin9 laws and
building regulations of the City; and that the subdivision to be made is
not made for the purpose o�f avoiding su�h conditions and restrictions
with zespect to the land as mi�t be imposed upon a plat, (Ref. 207)
2. Plat and Registered Iand Suzvey Pzocess.
r:�.... . -
All subdivisions as defined in Section 211.02(10) shall be platted unless
each parcel within the subdivision can be described as a simple
fractional g3rt of an existing City appraved Plat, Auditor's Subdivision,
� or Registered Land Survey. A si�le description shall not involve the
+,� of angles and degcees as found in descriptions commonly known as
"metes and boimds•, All subdivisions whidz create five or more lots or
g3rcels whi� aze 2 L2 acrPS or less in size shall be platted.
B. In General
A subdivider shall prep3re a preliminary plat of a subdivision before
prep3ring a final plat. The subdivider shall su4nit t2�e preliminary plat
together with all cequited accompanying material to the Planning
Camnission and shall obtain the tesitative apprwal of the Camnission.
�e subdivi8er shall then preg3re a fi.nal plat together with all required
acoomp3riying materials and sutxnit them to the Council for approval. The
suhdivider shall then obtain approval of the Council and by any othet
agencies and officials whose approval is required by law and shall be
duly tecorded.
� ��,
No oorrveyance of any lot or parcel of land in a subdivision shall be
lawful imtil final approval and reoording have occ.urrea. In addition, no
permit to erect, alter or repair any building shall be issued until such
apprwal and reoording. (Ref. 75).
C. Steps
(1) Preliminarv Plat Requir�ta
A preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn on a high
quality reproduceable and all copies thereof shall be clear and
legible. It shall be of such scale as to show clearly all details '
thereof. A preliminary plat together with such accompanying
docam�ents shall shaa the followingf
(a� �'he bae�ssdary lines and dimensions of the land to be
subdivided and ti�e locations of section corners and of existing
subdivisions, streets (and street widths) and unsubdivided
g3rcels land ownerships) adjoining the proposed subdivision,
betwees it and nearest existing street or for such distance
beyond as may be required.
(b) The proposed general layout, including all proposed
streets, alleys, crosswalks through blocks, street widths and
proposed names, approximate dimensions of blocks and lots,
tentative lot and block nuQnbering and approximate radii of all
(c) The �isting and proposed easem�ts and right-of-ways for
draina9e, sewerage, utilities, railraad lines, streets. alleys,
bikeways, waikways, and any other azeas proposed to be dedicated
for public purposes and of any reservations and theiz purposes.
(d) �e oorrect location and desi�ation of all wet lands and
water channels, water areas, draina9e courses and ditches, and
indication of all areas whic3�, before drainage imprwe�nent, are
subject to inundation or storm water overflow, with pcoposed �
drainage imp�ovement of such a�eas and of swamps, dtainage
courses and ditches.
(e) A statanent giving the intended excavating, grading and
filling of land within the proposed subdivision and the intended
removal or destruction of existing trees and other natural
ground wver, sufficie�t to meet the requirenents of the City in
determining whether a land alteration permit oould be issued in
accordanoe with the City Code.
(f) Ariy required data and materials not practically shown on
the preliminary plat shall be sutanitted on separate sheets, to
accomp3ny the plat.
(2) Application
'�e subdivider shall submit a tracing and three dark line prints of
the preliminary plat and three copies of doc�anents accompanying the
plat to the City. 7Y�e City shall determine whether or not the
su4mitted materials are satisfactory as a prelim'v�ary plat.
When land to be subdivided abuts a state trunk highway, one
additior�al oop� shall be required and shall be sui�nitted to the State
Highway Crnmnissioner with the request that such Commissioner's
recrnm�endations, if any, should be received within fourteen days
after the date submitted, for consideration by the Planning
Camnission acting on the glat.
� f3) Acti� on Preliminary Plat by Planning Conmi.ssion
7he Planning Cc�nission will meet to consider the plat and proposed
improvements by the subdivider and the time and method of
installation of imprwenents. (Ref. 75)
Not less than ten c3ays before the date of a meeting of the Planning
Crnmission, for consideration of a preliminary plat, The City shall
do the following:
(a) Notify by United States mail the subdivider and the
property owners of the propecty within three hundred (300) feet
adjoining the land within the plat of the time and place of such
(b) Publish notice of such hearing in the official City
At such meeeting, all persons interested shall 6e given an
opportunity to make presentations.
(4) Preliminazy ReviErr
The Planning Commission shall take action on a subdivision
• application within 120 days follawing delivery of an application
, oompleted in compliance with the requirements set forth in this
ordinance, �mless an extention of the ceviea period has been agreed
to by the applicant. Action by the Planning Commission shall be
tentative approval, disapproval or conditional approval of the
preliminary plat, the last being tentative approval conditioned upon
cettain modifications as specified. After the Planning Commission's
review of the preliminary plat, it shall be recommended to the
Coimcil for final action.
If the Planning Commission fails to preliminarily approve or
disappzove an application within 120 days after it has been
sutxnitted, imless an extension of time is arranged with the consent
of the subdivider, the application shall be deemed preliminarily
approved and upon d�and the City shall execute a certificate to that
effect. In this event, ti�e City shall advise the subdivider of any
and all reoaim�es�dations as are reasonable and are consistent with
these regulations or with an applicable plan in cmnpleting the survey
of the subdivision and making the final plat thereof. (Ref. 75)
V `1
(5) Final Plat Appli�tim
Fbllowing preliminary review of the application by the Planning
Camiission, the applicant may request final apprwal by the City,
(�t) Requir�nts
The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as
tentatively apprwed or oonditionally approved, including any
ra�,;red modifications and to the requirenents herein and any
additional r�,;renents of law. When there is more than one
sheet, an index sheet shall be attached showing the entice
subdivision, includin9 boundary and stceets, at an appropriate
sca].e and indicatin9 the se�rate sheets of the f inal plat and
tYye srieet nr,a�ber €af eacie.
ib1 Suhnitting Final PlBt
�e subdivider shall within six months after the date of tl�e
Plannin9 Certonission's review of the preliminary plat� sulxnit tl�e
final plat together with all rr�rn,;red ac�nying documents to
the City. If not filed within the desic�ated six�month period,
unless this period is extended by Council, the action of
Planning Ca�mission on the preliminary plat shall become null
and void.
If required i�rwanents are not installed prior to filing, a
cash deposit, certified check or surety bond insuring latez
installation or a getition to have the City install same and
assess cost a9ainst the subdiviser shall accompany the final
(c) Aearing on Fir�al Plat
ZY�e final plat will be act
public hearing tl�ereon� wi
City Nc�sFaper at least ten
and plaoe thereof. At such
appear and be heard. (Ref.
(d) Action on Final Plat
ed upon by the Council after holding a
th published notice in the official
days in advance indicating the time �
hearing all persons interested may
�e Co�mcil shall apprave or disapprove the f inal plat within
sixty �60) days after receiving the final plat. Before the
Council apprwes the final. plat, the plat shall oomply with all
conditions and requirn�ents of this chapter and all conditions
and requiranents upon whic3� preliminary approval is expressly
conditioned either through performance or the execution of
appropriate agreanents assuring performanoe.
If a plat is disapproved by the City, no application for the
denied subdivision of land may be submitted for a period of
three (3) months following the denial.
(e) Failure to Finally Appcave or MsapFaove
If the Camcil fails to oertify final apprwal within sixty (60)
days after the application for f inal plat has been submitted,
and if the applicant has complied with all conditions and
requiranents of this chapter, the application shall be deemed
finally approved, and upon demand the City shall execute a
oeztificate to that effect.
(fl Slscvey
� After apprwal of �e final plat,
subdivision to be surveyed,
zegistered surveyor in acaor�noe
with statutory requiranents and
County Platting Autl�ority.
Iq) Recording
the subdivider shall cause the
stakad and monumented by a
with the r�,; renents herein,
with any requirenents of the
After approval, the final plat shall be recorded among the
recoc ds of the County within one hundced eighty (18Q) days after
tl�e date of Coimcil apprwal imless a longer period is 9tanted
at the time of approval.
A plat not recorded within a period of one hundred eighty (180)
days or the apprwed extension time, is deened to be ore that is
not apprwed and sucii plat is not entitled to be recorded; and
the same shall not thereafter be recorded except and unless it
shall have again been presented to the Planning Commission and
Council and apprwed for recording. (Ref. 229)
(Yil Time FScte�sion
A time extension for recording a plat shall be granted upon
application duly made to the Council unless the Council f inds
after a hearing that the delay and failure to record within the
period of time allaaed was without justifiable cause and that
the conditions and circiunstances attendant to the land within
the plat and in the imnediate surrounding area as is affected
therel� are materially and substantially different from those
present at the t'une such plat was origi.nally approved and that
the plat as made is no longer deemed an appropriate plat with
the conditions and circumstances present. In making such
determination, the Co�cil can consider among other things any
changes in zoning, sizing of lots. location of streets and
utilikies in the lands within or adjaoent to said plat and other
factors deaned material, and is not limited thereto. (Ref. 229)
(i) Appeal to Camcil
No final plat of a subdivision shall be apprwed by the Council
if the preliminary plat thereof was disapprwed by the Planning
Commission except that any subdivider may appeal the
Camnission's action on the pteliminary plat to the Council to
� J
J 1J
overrule said action. 72ie Coimcil, as a result of the appeal,
m3y elect to oonsider the preliminaty plat and give it apprwal,
conditional approval or disappr wal. �he grounds for any
refusal to approve a final plat shall be set forth in the
prooeedings of the Oamcil and reported to the person or persons
applying for su� apprwal.
cj) Required sic�atureB
No plat of a subdivision shall be filed with the Register of
Deec� or accepted for filing unless signed by the Mayor and
Mansger or Clerk and unless approved as to survey an�
engineering accuracy by the Cotuity Platting authorities.
3. Zero i.ot Lines.
A. 7l�e City imy apprwe subdivisions for the development of zero lot
line, oonman wall residential structures within R-2 and R-3 zores. �ese
lots shall be divided equally as is reasonably possible within the
restrictions of the existing guidelines of the Zoning Chapter.
B. All other zoning r«�,iranents in the respective districts except f or
the set ta3cks along the oarman wall, zero lot line (s) mist be met,
C. Sep3rate meters must be provided to each dwelling unit for water,
electricity and natuzal gas. In addition, the oonman g3rty wall(s) fire
rating shall be one hour for existing structure and two (2) one hour
walls for riew wnstruction.
D. The aaner of the property to be subdivided shall execute and record
at their expense a'Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions' as prwided b3 the City. �e eaid document shall be used
to protect the rights of the individual owners sharing the single
structure to maintenance, re�ir and construction in case of damage to
the original structure. The declarations, covenants, conditions and
restrictions shall prwide protection to the property owners and the City
on the following objects: '
1. Buildi.ng and Use Restrictions.
2. Party Walls.
3. Relationships among owners of adjoining living units
and arbitration of disputes.
E. 7Y�e City shall be a beneficiary to these declarations, covenants,
wnditions and restric.tions.
Should the Planning CaiIInission or Council find that any of tl�e regulations or
r�,;ranc�nts herein are not applicable to a proposed land subdivision or to a
preliminary or final plat thereof, or would cause undue hardship, it may
permit sud� variations therefran as are not oontrary to the intent and purpose
of these regulatior�s or other applicable law or arty appli�ble plan or portion
thereof. 'h�e nature of the variances to be permitted in a particular case,
witY� reasons whythey are deened neoessary, ehall be recorded in the minutes
a� t2�e meeting and sF�all be transmitted to the suhdivider.
�e requirene�ts of this d�apter may be modified or excepted 3n the case of
special zoning districts established under Chapter 205 of the GYty Wde.
211.07. JleSZIN STADIDi�RL�
� A preliminary plat and a final plat slhall be mad�e with such design standards
as are applicable thereto, said standarcis being established for the purpose o�f
guiding and acmn�nying a 000rdinated, adjusted and harmonious developnent of
Fric'fley which will. in acoordance with existing and future needs, best pranote
the public health, safety, order, convenience and the general welfare and
efficiency and econany in the process of develognent.
7.t�e following desi� standards are hereby established for land subidivisions:
1. I�yout. _
General layout, street pattern, street widths, proposed private and public
areas, facilfties and uses, shall confozm to these regulations and other
applicable law, and to the City's Canprehensive Plan.
2. Public Dedicatiaa►.
As a general rule, �dt subdivision shall be required to dedicate land, or pay
into the City fund a cash payment equivalent, for public uses including
schools, parks, playgrounds and other public purposes other than public ric�t-
of�way, in the follaa9ng manner:
Ten (108) percent of all the gross arPa of residential zoned property to
be subdivided; three (38) percent of the gtoss area of commercial or
' industrial zored property to be subdivided.
Any land dedication in excess of the 108 or 38 requirenent shall be reserved
for a period of two years c�ring whicii time the City or other public body may
buy such land.
Ea addition to the above describec] general rule, the follaaing conditions and
requiranents shall also be oamplied with:
A. The City may choose to acoept an equivalent amount in cash from the
applicant for part or all of ti�e portion required to be dedicated to such
public uses ot purposes based on the fair market value of the land no
later than at the time of firal apprwal.
B. N�y cash Fxiyn�nts reoeived shall be placed in a special fund by the
City and used only for the purposes for whic3� the money was obtained.
C. 71�e City must reasonahly determine that it will need to acquire that
portion of land, or the �sh equivalent thereo�, for the purposes stated
in this section as a result o� apprwal of the subdivision.
�e provisions of �is section may be modified if the (Yty Oau�cil determines
ti�at indivi�al circim�stances call for ad�ustment,
3. Street Patterns.
Street patterns should follow substantially the patterns shown on the land use
plan or shall be at least the equal of the plaru�ed �tterns in these respects:
�ey shall adequately serve platted lots when developeds they shall intersect
e�cisting or planned trunk highways and major thoroughfares at infrequent '
intervals only; they shall not obstruct the ceasonable and desirable
developmert of adjoir�inq, imsubdivided lands in conformity with any applicable
plans and with ti,ese desic� st.aanci�rds� they shall be such as to discourage
throuc� traffic fran using minor streets in the subdivision; and they shall be
suited to the topagraphy of �e land, but with their orientation influenced b�
walking direction and distance to and from existing and planned parks,
playgroimds and schools.
4. Acoess.
�e street pattern shall be designed so as to minimize access points and
crossings along all railroad and arterial thorouc�far�.
5. Public Streets.
All proposed streets shall be offered for dedication as public streets, with
no private streets shown.
6. Ric�t Angle Intersection.
Streets shall intersect or intercept each other at right angles with
variations of not moze than twenty (20o)degrees permitted when considered
7. Grades. '
Street grades of six (68l peroent shall be wnsidered a desirable maximtnn to
be exceeded only whes� required 1� topography or other controlling and physical
condition. Grades of all streefis, walks, curbs and gutters shall be approved
by the City.
8. Jogs.
Jogs in streets shall have center line offsets of 125 feet ot more.
9. Major Streets.
�e location, width and alic�vnent of trunk highways and major streets shall
conform to the official map, to the major street plan and to any other
applicable plans, including State and County highway plans. Width of
secondary major thoroughfares, not trunk highways, shall be 60 feet.
10. xino� streetB.
Wictths of minor residential streets shall be a m;.+i,� of 50 feet.
11. Businesa Streeffi.
Widths of streets serving business, industrial, multiple dwelling,
i^Gtitutional or public frontage shall be not less than shown on the land use
plan or other applicable plan, and when not shown, shall be as specified by
the Planning Cam�issionr or by the City acking for the Plannin9 Camnission.
12. �1-De-Sac Streets.
� Dead-end or cul-de-sac streets �a11 be na longer than 600 feet with a turn
aco�md at the closed end having pzoperty line a�sci curb-line diameters of not
less than 1Q0 feet and 80 feet respectively, e�ccept that such mi.nim�nns may be
altered when required by topocgaphy or other controlling conditions.
13. Cornets.
Property lines at residential street corners shall be rounded on a radius of
not less than 10 feet and curb lines on a radius of not less than 20 feet,
prwided that greater zadii may be required t� the Planning Commission where
deened necessary.
14. Aalf-width 5treets.
Aal�'-width streets are not acceptable except as found practically necessary by
the Plannin9 Cortanission and only with the assurance of dedication of the other
half when adjoining property is subdivided.
15. Corporate Boundary Streets.
For protecting the City in develcrping and maintaining streets bordering the
corporate limits, where a half-width street dedication is proposed, the
subdivider shall furnish one of the following with the prelimix�ary plat:
' A, assurance that the renaining half outside the oorporate limits has or
will be dedicated, o�
B. a warranty deed for the renaining half outside the corporate limits,
C, an easement fot stceet gucpose, signed by the owners of the pact
outside the wrporate limits.
16. Street Namrs.
tl�nes of streets whid� aze extensions of existing streets shall be the same,
prwided that tiiese and other street names shall be subject to City apprwal.
17. Block I�engths.
Residential blocks shall normally be of sufficient width for two tiers of
lots. Hlock lengths shall be determined by circulation and oti�er needs, With
l�gths up to 1,500 feet permissible when aprwed by the Plannin9 Commission.
A pedestrian way or crosswalk, not less than 10 feet in width, may be cequired
approxu�ately mic�ay in a block that is 700 feet or more in length� or for
access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers and to otl�er areas and
facilities. Where residential blocks with lots deeper than 260 feet as
propo�ed, a reservation for a future street through the middle of the block
longitudinally, �rey be required by the Planning Cmmiissioai.
16. Acoessibility.
Fach lot shall be served from a public street satisfactorily foz general
accessibility for fire fighting, refuse collection and delivery purposes.
19. Lot Size,
�e size of lots shall be as set forth
corner lot shall have extta width of 5
adequately fran both streets. Each loi
in Chapter 205 of tiie City Code. A
feet or more for sethack of a building
shall be adequate to prwide sFaoe for
the dwelling and all necessary acaessory tuildings.
20. Side Lot Lines. _
Side lot lines shall be at right angles or zadial to street lines, with slight
variations �mder difficult conditions permissible� with Planning Commission
21. Fac�mn}�.
Eas�nents offered for dedication should be shoNm along lot lines where needed
foz utility purposes, for drainage, for screen planting or other purposes.
Utility easements along rear lot lines will ususally be required unless alleys
are prwided with required width being 12 feet for a single easement or for
the total of two parallel, adjoining easements on two lots. Minimun width of
drainage ease�nents, single or double, shall be 20 feet and screes plantin9 and
other ease�nents, single or double shall be 10 feet or such greater width in
specific cases as ti�e Planning Crnm�ission shall require.
�• •�• rw
As a condition precedent to the apprwal of a fina]. plat, the subdivider shall
give satisfactozy assurance of the installation of a least the follawing
improvements at the subdivider's own expense, within a period of time
specified by the Planning Conmission:
1. Grac3e Streets.
Grade all streets, and walks to specified grades and surface all streets in
acoordance with adopted plans and specifications.
2. Install I7nderground IItilities.
Install water mains, storm and sanitary sewers and additional drainage
facilities, where any or aI2 are ra�,ired.
3. Off Street iagxovements.
Erect street name signs, sod boulevard areas and plant at least two
eatisfactocy street trees on each lot near the front lot line, or in the
boulevard area, r+hid�ever is specified by the City. Grades shall be set by
the City and i�rw�ents shall be according to previously or hereinafter
established standards and specifications by the Council. An eacrow may be
prwided in lieu of the installations.
4. Delay of Streets.
Where water mains, storm and sanitary sewers and additional drainage
facilities are to be instalied, the required street improvements may be
c3eferred until aftez sud� installation.
5. Co�t of Imprwc�ment.
Zb cover the wst of imExwanents that may not have been oanpleted at the time
of filing the final. plat� the subdividez shall:
A. futnish cash,
Fridley to secure
period of time as
the City� �
a certified check ot a sucety bond, to the City of
the perforn�v�ce of such installation by him within a
stipulated t� the Coimcil or to cover installation by
B, petition the Cow�cil to install sucii imixwenents, the entire cost of
which is to be levied and certified as a special assessment, in which
case the subdivider shall agree in writing that in the interim between
the filing of the final plat and the certification of the special
assessment to the County Auditor there will be no transfer of awnership
of any part of the property platted without first depositing with the
City an amount sufficient to cover the estimated proportionate amount of
such assessmert applicable to the lot or parcel of land transferred,
, Fbr one year followi.ng preluninary apprwal and for two years following final
apprwal, timless the subdividec and the City agree otherwise, no amendment to
a comprehensive plan or official control shall apply to or affect the use,
- developrnent density, lot size, lot layout or dedication or platting required
or permitted by the approved application, fihereafter, pursuant to its
regulations, the City may e�ctend the period by agreenent with the subdivider
and subject to all applicable performance conditions and requiresnents� or it
may require submission of a new application unless substantial physical
activity and investment has occurred in reasonable reliance on the approved
application and the subdivider will suffer substantial financial damage as a
oonsequence of a requiren�nt to sutmit a new application. In wnnection with
a subdivision involvinq planned and staged development, the City may by
resolution or agreanent grant the rights zeierred to herein for such periods
of time longer ti�an two years whidi it determines reasonable and appropriate.
1. Ar�y plat or any fxirt of a plat may be vacated by the arner of the property
�. �
� ti-
before the sale of any lot therein, by a written instr�t with a oop� oi the
plat atta�ed, declazing the same to be vacated. �di vacation shall require
the approval of the City Council in the same manner as foi plate of
eubdivisio�s. �e GYty �mcil mmy reject a� sud� instrunent which abridges
or destrays ar�y public ric�ts in any af its streets or utility ric�t-of-ways.
Sucii an instrunent shall be apprwed and recorded in t2�e same manner as plats
or eubdivisions. After being recorded, such insts�nnent Bhall nullify the
reoording of H�e plat so vacated and divest all public ric�ts in the streets,
and public gzamds and all dedications laid out or described in sud� plat.
2. When lots have been sold, the plat may be vacated as stated above,
p�rwided that all the owners of loks in suc3� a plat join in the execution of ,
such instiun�nt.
3. Platted areas may be replatted, prwided that they follow the provisions
this chapter.
211.11. PFiU1LTI +LS
Any violation of this chapter is a misd�neanor and is subject to all penalties
prwided for such violations imder the prwisions of Q�apter 901 of this code,
211.12. F'EFS
�e fee for subdivisions (lot split, plat, or Registezed Land Survey) of land
are prwided for in Qiapter 11 of this oode.
211.13. RF�FRAL
Section 211 of the Fridley f�ty Code as it existed prior to the adoption of
this ordinance is hereb� repealed.
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Public Aearing: July 12, 1982
First Readix�: July 12, 1982
Second Reading: S�pt�ber 13� 1982
Publish: Septe�nber 22,1982
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