Ordinance No. 0076 06-13-1956i
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O&DINA3CE 1r0. 76 .
THE 1�]L^P1NC� OL' LNE97'OC$
'lLe Pi7inge Counail oY Fxidley So
orda�n as iolluws:
SECTION 1. The term livestock aa
uaed herein means horses, cows, Soata,
xabbits, sheep and fowl.
SECTION 2. No person. £ixm oi
corpoiation shall engage in the keep-
ing, x�aisisg�, 1'eeding or caring for
]iveetock within tlie wrpurate ]imiLS oP
the Viilage of P'ridley wiLhouc lirst
having obtained a license so to do and
psid in�m the Vlllago treasury a]ic-
ense Yee as epecified h� 6ectlon 5.
SECTION 3. The Person, persons,
firm or coxporation who shali keep
euch livestocic withiu the Village oY
Pf ridley shall rwt allow odors and
s�nells whieh are oY[ensive to the peo-
ple inhabltink; the VilLaga Oegaaiio
matters ehxll not be altowad to auuum-
ulate Por moee ihaa o�e (1) weelc at a
time 2nd remwed oY[ener if it is nec-
essary To elimina0e odors antl amells
which are oEfe��sive to the paoyle in-
habiting the Village.
513CTION 4. Pra��er housing in the
foriu oi barq cooPe, or huU:hea shall
be pruvi3ed, and a��y area where the
]IVestock is permitted to roa�n, shall be
adequately ic�med Lo insux'e H�e IceeF-��
ing of ti�e livestocic on the owner s
premises. �i'herever sucl� area abuts
upon a residential area en wLich
dweltings are erected, there shall be a
striu of land ac Leasc 30 feet wi�e be-
t�veen such aLutting proGerh� anci Uie
area on whieh the lives[ock is l:ept.
SnCTION 6. — LIClin�NG. A
liccnse tu Reep ]lvestocic shall be
grante3 only uPOn applicaLion made Lo
and Pileci �vith Lhe Village oY GridLey.
The applicatfon ior ]icense shall be in
wxitittg signed by the aDplicant and
filed with the ti'lllage Clerlc. It ehall
state the applicant's full name and
addrees and mntain a<u�vplote des-
criDtion of the livestock to be lcept as
to kint7 and xmmber a��d a description
of th0 pre�nises showing the adjoii�ing
p�'oparty, fence li�ea and l�ousing fa-
cilities. The �'1llage Council in consid-
ering wheti�er a licens'e should be
grantea may cuneider the riature oT
the livestock, the possible elTect on
adjoining proper6ies, the kence ]ines
and huusing facilities, [he sanitation
Wntrol, auQ ihe efLuct on the n neral
he,�lth and tvelTare oi the commw�iry.
The lo➢otiving schedule of Ilcanso feee
shall be Paid ammxllp as of blay 1 of
each year bePOre any license shall be
Aorses — first animal $10.00, eaeh
adAiHonal animal $5D0.
Cows, goats and sheep — f'rst ani-
ma] $iAO, eac9i additional animal $1.00.
Rabbita — an9 number $5.00.
Fowl — any number $10.00.
9T:C'P10V 6. AnY arthorived officer
of the �illage nP Fridlep ehall at any
xeasonable time be permitted upoi� the
premises where llvestaelt is kePt for
the pucpoee of making ineyection as to
compliance with this m�dinance.
SECTION 7. Any �erson who via-
lates any of the provisione of tiees
w'3inance shall be gui][y oP a misde-
meanor and u�on cm�vicLion theroof
shall be pu�i5hed by w Tine eP not
more �han ¢100 or by i�nprieonment
for uot moro than ninety (90) day�s.
A conviction for violation of thia os'dl-
nance shall antomaLically cancel and
terroinate the liconse. .
Pa,ssea by the V�]a e u 1 ofy
Fridtey thie 13th da o
. '.� GRPTG,
ER�'I7ST 3SAD8 �� ,
Village hIanager.
Pn6lished in the Columbia HeigAts
Record July 19. �
P�blished in [he Co}wnbia Heights
RECORIJ, Suly 19, 1968.