Ordinance No. 0079 01-02-1957� \ I • � � OFFICIAL PUB4ICATION 02DID7ASCE YO. 79 AN ORDINAACF 1tE1,A'17NG} TO TIiE nII5ffiG UH FARL� pltA- VEL. ROCli6, ]l7SF.R.,1L5 OE D1R'C OP ANF %[ND AND 'CHE L'6F, UF DF\A.VPCE OF U'CHER .1HD GN:NE1{.1L R'F.LFARF. 1N' 'P![E �"ILL3Uli OF PILIDLEY ANll PftOV'IDING TOR THE I6- 9CATC£, pY' PER1ll'P8 APTll COi,LECTION OF FFEB TSIFRF.- rux�; aNn rte�ivmtx�r roa 171E A38F.%SMEAT BV THE VIL• ],AGF. OP FRILLEY 1'OR C09T9 An9 EAPEN9Y IN(.l'122FD ASD PRUYIDIA6 1 FV AI,9'Y FOH THE VIOSA'PION fHAREOP. The {'illage Wuncll of Fridley do ordaln a� }o:lows: SECTION 1: A mining permit ehall be xUUlled For and stial] be issued by the zoning ailministrator for the min- ing of sand, geavel, roclis, mi��eeals, peat, oe tlirt of any kint3 in the Yillage of Frialey wNere such operatione will substa�¢ially alter the ezisting R�'ound conmur or would change exi5ting drainage or �could cause flooding or eroaion or where dynamite m• othec exUloaiven are uaed ge��m'adly or inei- �lenta7ly in sald mining operations oe where such operations aPfect the value, use nnd en;oymevt oP o[her property in 0ie Villaee oI Fridlev. 2: APPLICATION FOR Any persoq £irm or corporation de- siring a per�nit shaLl first submit a written application setti�g Porffi the following fac[s: a, �*ames and adrliesses Of applic&�ts b. Legal descrip[ioiie of land to be mined c. The names and addresses of all owners of sai3 land d. The nature of the mining oPera- tion e. Vihether dY�amite or other ez- ploeivee will be uaed et[her incidentally or generally f. Details of hom long mining opera- tions have eXiated in the F�st aari when mining ouerations will vext com- mence or contirme and the apProxi- mate completlon date oi Lhe mining opeeatione. gPCTION 3: ISStidSCL ON' PE�R- uIT: A permit may be issued by the zoning administrator aftet the appli- cant has: a. Submitted the anPlication b. Yaid a permit fee of $"0.00 e Foated a surety bond aooeptable to the 4'illaKe or a certified check ln an eqnicv]ent amomi[ for the sum of $1,090.00 per acre or fraction thereof tor the land to be subjeeted to the min- ing eperatio� Punning to the Village of P'ridley tq secuee satiaPaetor9 perPOrm- ance of Che 1'ollon'ing eequieeme�LS: 1. The f�it shall be suu��unded by a fence A ft. high and adequate as pro- tection againat accidental fall or in- jury, 2. No water or other waste shali be allowed to run off from any pit into any stream, lake or pond so a� to pol- u[e the aame. 3. Operations shall be ]imited to �� a a reasonable hours that will not inter- fere with the health and safety of sur- �- rounding residenLS anti the gremises be � ' so oD�+'ated as not to create a nuisance. 4. Wkien exNo5ive5 are usod the per- � � mitee sha17 use [he ulmost c�re and take aIl necessary precaulinnp �mt Lo enclanger 7iie and da.mage and clestroy prape�Ly. 6. A71 cxplosives ahall be stored in a reasonxbly secure and aafe place or �F� plaees, and a�1 sach storage y]aees . - shal] be clearly marked "DanGerous — ' esplosive�P � 6. The method of storing an(1 hand- � ling explosivea a��d hi3hly infla�nmable materials shnt7 conform wich all laws �. and regulations r¢atinR theret4 . 2 A]oK of the time and day and personnel familiar wlth the worlc shall � bo kept of xll blasting anft a co[�y of said log ahall be ma�le xvailable to the ofkicials of the Village. S. At [he e�id oI ea,ch seasons opera- � tions and no later Lhan the Inst day of - December of each peaz Che pit is to �� be leit i�� a neat a��d orderlv co�dition, � wiQt reasonably uiiiPOrm slopes with- out overhang and without vertiattl � Oanks and witl� a level bottom. .. ST'C'CiOr 4: Phe Vil7age CouncO � mxy u�aive the requirements of the . svrety bond and certiYied check 8enosit whee� the nppLicant or applir.ants are the owners oP the property Ca be mined. �EC1LGA 6: The mi��ing oP eand, gravel, rucks, minerals, peat or other . dirt of anp'Hind shall mean and inefude any �cca,vation i�� the earth for the � nurposa of removing any sand, gravel, iocic, minerale, Peat or dirt of any ki�it3 inrluding the removal ccith any over burden necessarv to reach said � such sand, �ravel, rock, minerals, peat or dirt o1' any kind, other than an ex- ca�vation intanaed and uaed solcly as a . basement of a building. � Bl�]CTlOn 6: Ail operations sha➢ be ]i-7t� to reasonable hovrs that wil] not interfere �vith the health and eafety oP surroundinF residenfs and Lhe premi- ses are [o be so operated as not to . creaie a nuisanc� SECTTON i: 4ny mining oPeration not conaistent with the reRUlatione provided herein or with the intent and purposo of this Or3inance are declared to be a publtc ��isance. S�CT10N 8: The vitlage Conncil - mav in addition to any or all other remeaiee available for violations of Yitis � Ordinance, devlare the premises a pub- lic nuisance and public ha�ard an3 after a public hearing held u➢�n 10 . day notieo by regietered mail to the last known addrese of the awner or ' otvnere of the property, may Proceed tn have lhe necesaarN work do�e to � comply with the D�'ovisions of thie Ordi- . nance nnA assess atl of the coets and � exFlenee thereof againSt said Property. AECTION 9: Any Derson, firm or cnrnoratinn vinlatin-q any ➢rovision of this Ordinance sha]1 be guilty of a misdemea�or and unon oonviction thareof shall be Punished by a Pine of �. n�rt moeo than 5190 or sha.❑ be im- prisoned for not to exceed 90 days. SPCTiOV Y0: This Ordinance shall take effect anJ be in ��nrce Yrom and ` after its passaxe. Paaeed bY the e Co �il e 'lnd day oL Ja a . �--�, H I S F.. GREiG, ( �f\ bixvm � 1R,