Ordinance No. 0008 07-13-1949�
� �
� ORDI1�eL�'CE' N0. 8
'Phe Villnge (7auncil oY Fxidley
do ordain as folluws: -
Sertion 1. It shall be nnlawful .
for any person or �ersans to escer�-
ci�e tLe vacation oE peddler, ee11-
ing gcrot7�, wares or inerchandise �
irom house to hovse, or the occ-
upution af buSing goods, n�ares,�
and merehandise, or nFwv the
streets or pnblic grounds, wit6in .
the said village, or to seR at re- .
tail, bg samPle, ans gards, �vares
or m��chandiee in any oE the afore- -:�,�
said place�, wi[hoat fiPat hacing
aMained � Ilmnee to da so, as �
hereinaPCer gr'ovided.
6ection 2. Anp peireans desirfng
to obtain a licence as xequired hy
the preceding eection of this oTdiir
anc� shull pny into the village ��'�
treasory the aum oP ten dallare, �
and upon g�cme�t, oP said snm it
shall be thc duty � the recoxdem
to isave such licenee. `�
�8ection 3. Tbe provi�ions of thi9 �� 3
ordinanea eLall nat appl,y ka any �-+-;�
persan who may� peddle any of the �-:•;j
pradvcts of the Purnt or garde¢ ;.�
actuallv oecupied and caltivated by .,�
Seetion 4. DverS Pe� Wbo ..:�j
shall engage in or folluw tLe bual- �.:j
ne�cs of peddler withovt first hav- �
ing obtnined a license aa Lerein �
procided, sball be deemed guilty `c�
of n misdcmeanar and, upon eon-
victioT 4he�reof, shall bc pn�ished �_�
b�y s finz of no�t lesa tban tev doll- �;,�
ars and nat more than ane hund- ��..�.�
red dollaes, and the eosts of proeec- %y
ution, or in defnult of pa�ment oR �.,.,�
sucL finy and costs to lrc impcis- =�a
oned fnr a term of nat to eaceeel �`,�
aiaty days far eaeh affense. ����
�Passed by tHe Village Covncil � �
tLia 13th day aP July, 1999.
C!4RL HAR7`1�fA��� ��� _ . ..
��ayor j �iC�
(dffiAL) � Lu�[�1
Clerk ��� %(��Q � .. �
. - .,.t�sw f
Pnblished in Columbia gLte . � -
AEC-ORII� on Sul� ?9th, 194 .