Ordinance No. 0080 01-02-1957� . . � � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OIt ING FOR 9'AN; Iti3IIANC}: OF PE&MITB ANll TI{E CULLEC� TIO_A UF PEF,A '1'I(PREFOIEE A N D PR04ID1FG PEYAI�TF FO$ THE �IOLATIUV 'PI[N:IIF.- OF'. 'Che Vllinge Council of Pri�leF �o orduin as Pnlluws: SPCTfON 1: T'hat Por the purllo6e oE prornotinK the heath, safecY, or�3er, uonvenience, p�oeparity and gene[ul welfare in the �'illage of Friday a L:�nd alteration Permit sha➢ be apulied for Ae�d shall ba iss�ed by Lhe zovi��g atl- ministratoc Sor any esc:�vaLion, 3'raS- ing a��d filling oP auy land wi[hin Lhe Village of Fe'idLey wherc 5ncli esoava- tion, grar7ing and Cilling woud be a substant:al siteration oi ezisling ground contour ar would el�an�*e existing cleainaRe or would ussuse flooaing or ewaion or ���ou7�3 depr'ive an adioining pt'oPertY owoer of lateral support and wmld remove oe destroy [he Present ground cover reeulting in less beneficial covee for gresenY anA proposefl future developman[, uses &nd er�joy�ne�t of anv Property aecor[Iing ta the intent and�purpose of thia Oedi- iianra 8N]CTION 2: Any person, firm or aorporatlon desiri��g a permit sha71 firc,t submit a written aPH7ication to Lhe zoning ad�nlnisGaGm' ot the Vil]aKe o£ Fridley contai��in6 [he toLlowing in- formation: a. Names snd adtlre=.ses of apP1i- cants. b. I.egal deecriptlon of land W be altered. c. fiature oC pronosed alteration. d. Starting �ate a��d apProximate completion date oP Lhe operaGOn. e. The namea of all the owners of the land W be aitered. Y. The namea and addreeses of a]I ow��ers and oocui�ants oP the adjoining ]and tt�at may be afPected by said land alterations. 9ECTIOK 3: ISSUANCD OF PDR- hIIT: The zoning admin(strator may iesue the nermit upon a. Receipt af the apnlication b. The payment of a permit fee of $6.00 e. Tl�e postlng of a sucety bond ae- cep[able to tho �'illage or �3. A cerHfie� check in epuivalent amout�t to Lhe boncl anc] a Lotal sum equal to $1,000.06 Per acrc or fraetion therent, running to �ie V�7age o2 Frid- ley and aecurin8 saticSaetory Perform- xnce oP the following requii'e*n¢uts: (1J Agree to pay to [he Ci]]age of FHd]ey Lhe reasonable char�es or costs af services o] the zoning ailmini5lrator ur oLher vi11¢ge employe or emyloyeea and Lha mst of uoncultinn prrofeasim�a] ¢➢e i�C¢P S2[v�eC'S oe p1A[ming b'l[tiiC4S required Lo ailvise on gradm, dralnage ttaetlS a�A flootl uontrol ov tirevention ur to rePOx't on paoposed alLara[io�p or cha�ges ¢GCOrtluiK to etidopted or de- sirxble zoning and plannivg require- �nee�ts an�i etandards and their affect on the use and en.loyment ol' auy proD- erly accoeding to Lho ivtent. Rnd �ur- Uosen of this 4r�inance an� anY aclopt- e�3 or proDa�ed pl¢ns of LLe l illuge of Frid7eY. (?.) Agree to xeplace cover fhat has been reinoved, by eeeding oe sodding. Suuh cocer to bo repiacea �vithin 30 days afte�' comUletion of gradle�g. Where construction of }��mes or build- ingg is buinS tlone over an extenrled I�eriocl of timr., the Zonin� Atiminis- trator or \'ilinge Counc�l may requit'e reD7acement of ground rovcr mi a po�'- tion oY the area before Che entiro in�o- ject ie complete[l. SLCTTOV 9: The Villqge Council may waiv¢ the requiroment Prwide�l herein as to surety bond or certified ehech de.POSit when the ApP�����t is the owner of the lnnd [o Le xitered or whe� the. applicant hae the consent ot the owner �oi the Ianti to Pc altered and an escrow dePOSi[ hae been made with th� Villaqc iox 1 1JL times the estimxte�i cost of uny e_xponse tho tiil- I�ege may have in prociding tl�o eervi- cee required under this Oidieance. SECPION b: 'P1ie Ci71aFe Conncil msy in ad�7ltio� to anp or a71 otl�er remedies avaitahle for eiola.tion of this- ordinance, declare the 1ve:r,isos a pub- lir, �misa�ce and after a Fubllc haa.ring heid upon ten r7ay no[ice by registe��ad maii to Che last known adrlreas of the ownex or owners oT the Propeetp, maY proceeci to have the neecesary woPlc dor,a to romu1Y �+"ith the Prov�sions of thie ordinance ana asves: all o£ tha costs and exDense thereo[ again�t said property. S�CTTO� 8: Any Doreon violaHnR any provision of this Ordinance sha11 be guilty of a �risde�neAnox and upnn eonviction thereof, shali be pumsYied Aq a� fi�e of not more fhan $10� or ehali be impcisoned Cm• not to escead 40 dass. S'NCTIOS 4: This Ordinanca shall take elPeet and Ue in force from and after it� nassage. � SECTiON 8: Pne Or�inanoe 1CO. 69, erttit]etl An Ordinanrz I{elatinR � 'Pke Altern.tioii Uf Land; Providirt� Por THe 7ssuanra oR Yermits and Collection of Fees 'L9ieraSore; Frovitliog Ycnalty for the �'iol¢tion Thereof and nassed b. the �illage Cou�cil the "otH d oY Dec�mber, 19Fo, ' e resbl_ � � ed. Paesed YY e. llaee Co 2nd day oP T�e<fi ___ � T_ 3an.