Ordinance No. 0083 05-22-1957i • • • , � � �� � ,, P n�y 7 � � -:v �� � ��i ��' �± ��t 1 ' � 1 � �1 %" u�n ,: V \ }� �!�� % � 1.� . lM1� �� OBDIFAFCE FO. 83 � AF ORDINANCE PRONIBTTINQ THE PAELTNG� BTOIEIPIC+ OR OC• �� CUPANCT ON' HOUS� TR.tIiF.R9 IN THE TILLA(:E OF T RlUI.EF� Ai,LOWiNG FOR 9PFCIf1C F.%• � �� CF.PTIONS RY i1Ct.NbE Al➢ SPECIAL PF.RIlQ'f'� PILOVIDINC} FOR HEA&ING TO RF.VO%E TAE PERMIT AFD YROVIDffiQ PF.F• A7.TIF.S FOII V I O LA T I O N 9 THEREOF. The Vlllage Councll 01 Pridley do � � ordaln es follaws: SECTION 1. 10 person, firm, or corPOration ehal] F�rk, store or occupy a house trailer er mobile home in the . Villago of Fridley euce�rt in x duly lir ensed trailer �ariz in an Md or Sl-2 diatrict or escep[ by a specia] permit as hereinafter Procided for. SECTIOS 2. A sPecial peimit £or a llmited period of time map be iasued Por the parking or oecupancy of a trail- � er when apDroved by the Village Com�- cil. The Village Councll in malcing its det¢rmination may consider the effecf upon Publia health, safety and morwls and the effect on communiLy planning, � aest7:etic consideration for the neigh- � borhood, and effect u�on proPerty val- ues. Tha aDD��calion, when �resented to the Village Council, shall show the � recommendation of the Zoning Aamin- Is[ratox and/ox Building Inspeetor, SECTION 3. LicensinS. a. A license fee of $5.00 per year or portion thereof shall be Pa�� for a trailer parking permit. . b. A license fee oP $2U.00 per yea� or portion thereof shall be paid for a trailer oecuyancy pprmit. � The license shal] tie issued for one year and may not be renewed without a new &pplication and re-consideration by the Council. T6e license year ahatl be from May lst to Apri7 30th of fol- . lowing year. 9i]CPION 4. 9pylication. The application tor a Permit ehall be mada in writinS and sullP1Y Lhe failow- ing information: a. Name and permanent addresa � oE applicant. . b. Ownerchin oP [railer. c. Description of trailer - make_ and size. d. Name and addrees of o«'ner ot land where trailer is proposed to be � . located. � e. Period of time trailer to be etorad or occupied. - f. Use of trailer. � . g. 4�'ritten approval af o�rmers oP Sdjoining improved pt'ope�ty. h. LocaHon oY trailer on propose3 "� property - at[ach plat P�an of pro- pe[ty. � i. ZVhere [railer is to be occupied, (1) what is re]aLionshiF. �P ang, be- �_� ,±� �;�l� '" tween trailer owner and land owner ' � (2) names and aves of a➢ occupante, - (3) Yacilities fur sewage disposal, — . - water and electricity, (9) ean�loyment qP applicant, (6) whether applicant is � "` � � COnstructinS home in area. ... . � � SECTIOV F. Any permit issued pur- __ suant to thie ordinanee may have at- tached to it apeciEic limitatione and the violation of any of such limitations shall consti[ute cause for imn;ediate . � � revocation of the permit. SECTIOIC 6. A yermit may be re- voked by the �'iRave Council for any � reason �t deems sufficient. ' Notico o�f intention to revoke shall be � given the licensee at least 10 days prioi � to a hearing called for that Purpoae. � The notice may be served by mail ad- � � dressed to the last known ad3rese of . - the licensee and ahall eontain the rea- - son or ca�se for the revocation and the tlme and place oR the hearing. - SECTZOIC 7. \'iolation. � 77ie violation of this or3inance shal] � � be a miedemeanor and Dunished by a� fine not to esceed §100.00 or imPrison-t � .� � ment not to exceed 90 dayn. � . Passed by the �'i1Jeg�g��n�iL t1yi� � 22nd day oP ffiay, 199q�� //�f1 ed in ColumOia Heighta Rec- 30, 1967. , � !�� i