Ordinance No. 0837 06-17-1985�� � � OI�INi1N(E N0. 837 AN OImINANCE REOODIFYING 'iHE FRTDLEY CITY OODE BY AMEAIDING �PPER 214 FNPITI,ED "SIGNS", SECTTONS 214.02, 214.06, 214.14, 214.17 APID 214.21 7Y3E CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF' FRIDLEY DOFS C}RL1pIN Z�S Ft1LLQNS: 214,02. DEFINITIONS 21. Nonconfotznin� Sign, Lllega] . Any sign in any district which was constructec� in violation oi �ny requirattents of this Chapter, and is not a leg�l nonconiorminc� siyn. 214.14. SHOPPING C�ITEELS AND NAILTIPLE USE BUTI,DINGS 3. E�isting si�s within the shopping center or multiple do not meet the reruirements of this Ch�pter and/or defined as a legal nonconforming siyn, anci shall restrictions set forth in 214.17.2.(B) 214.17. EXISTING SIGNS use building wl7ich si 1n plar_, shall be be sub�ect to tt'ie 2, Legal Nonconforming Signs. B. A si;n shall inmediately lose its "lec�al noncortforming" designation and be texmed illegal nonconforming if: (1) The sicpi is altered in ariy way, exce�at fer routine mairtenance ano change of inessages, which makes the sic� lcss in corapliance with the re�uirenents of this Chapter thzn zt was before tYie a1 terations. (2) The supporting structure of the sigri is replaced or r�nedeled. (3) The face of the sign is replacecl or ranadelec�. (4) The sicyz becomes dilapiclated or darnaged ar�d the cast oi br�n�,ing it into com�,].iance is more thatt fifty �ercent (50b) of the ve.lue of- said si�, at which time all of the si�n and its structure rnust be renwed. (5) Notwithstancung subparagra� (1) �bove, upon the change of the name of the busiriess being displayea on tlai� sign. 4. Illegal nonconforming signs are �rohibitec� within the City of Fn dley. Should ar_ illegal nonconforming si� be found to er_ist, the ovrner of said slcy� wi11 have thirty (30) dap� to ranedy the situaticn in one of the following manners: A. Renove the existing illegal nonconforminy sign. If a new siln is desired, it must meet all applicable r�;u�.raaents af this C17apter. B. Obtain a si� permit for the existinc� illegal nonconforming sign, and if agplicable, apply for a variance to e"limir�te the illec�al nonconiorning status. �, � P-age 2-- Crdinance No. 837 � 214.21. APPEALS 3. All variance� grarited prior to Noveriber 21, 1977, unless otherwise specifie� by Council, r�nain in effeet until: A. The sic� is altereu in any way, except for rautine mazntenunce and change of inessales, which rnakes the sigri less in compliarace with the requiranents of this Chapter than it was before the u].terations. B. The supporting structure of the sicyz is rEplace� or x�odeled. C, �e face of the sign is replaced or rc-raoueled. D. The sicyi}xco�nes dilapidated or damuged arad the cost of bringing xt into compliance is more than fifty (50a) percent ei the v�:l.ue of saici sign, at which time all of the sign and its structure be rauuoved. E. Notwithstariiung subparagraph (A) above, u�on the change of the narae of the business being displayed on this sic,�?. At such time, tY�e aaner of said si� will haae three (3) rnonths to obtain a si� peiznit and wnstuct a sign which meets aTl reeuiranents of tk�is Chapter or, obtain a varianoe for any new or existing siqn which does not meet all requtrenents oi this Chapter. PASSID AND ADOPTID BY �lE CITY Q7DNC7� OF THE CITY OF° FRIDLEY TfiIS 17�i L�1Y QF JUNE, 1985 � A7.�EST: �� �, � ;L,---"� SIDNEY . TNMAN - CITY CLERE� Firs�t Reading: June 3, 1985 Seoonn Reading: June 17, 1985 Puk>lication: June 24, 1985 � �ri �� / / Ls`�-1�1.��.�,�, �� WILLIP.N1 J. NEE - 1A C�R � c)