Ordinance No. 0842 09-23-1985� � � o�s ORDINANCE NO. 842 AN ORDII9AN(� REdODIFYING gIE FRTDLEY CITY OODE BY AME�IDTNG CHAFi'ER 205 ENTITLED "ZONING" SECTTONS 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, 205.08� 205.09, 205.13, 205.14, 205.15� 205.16, 205.17, 205.18 AI�ID 205.21 7I3E CITY OGUIuCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIL�LEY LOF: C'Y,IY�7N A.S FY)L•L(JWS: 205.04. GE3�]ERAL PROJTSTONS 4. BUII�DIMG SITE G. Where the front yard setback of exsistir�y builaings is greater thar� the minim�sn frc,nt yara setback required and sai� exsistinc� bulldings are witY,in one hundred (100) feet on either side of a structure to be ere�ted, tlaer, tl�e setback for the new structure can 6e six {6) feet more or less ei tk;is rnean c'septl5 of the ad�acent structures but in no case shall �t be le�s thar, tlae rEquirec� front yard setYaack. Tr. the case wf�ere one of the adjacent ��ro�erta.es is vac;ant, zri ass�saed setback of thirty-f�ve {35) feet will be used. 6. RDQUTF;ID YARD AND OPF1`� SPACE (10) In no c:ase shall a fence or sinilar ba� rier im�,eae vehicul ar visian or cause � 1-iazardous condition to exist. 205.05. AAM]NIS�32ATION ADID II�'O�'�T 4. SPECIF�L USE FERNIT A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provice the City uf Frac�ley w��.th a reasonable delree of discretion in detern�irsray the suitabii�_ty oi certain desicyiatecl uses upon the general welfare, public health and safety. In making this deterrainatron the City rnay consider tYre naL-ure of the 1Gnd upon wY�ich the use ie to be loczted, the nat�re of the ��cl7oining 1�nG or buildir!gs, the effect upon traffic into arid froro tk;e gx�nises or on any ad7oimno roads, erd �11 such factors as tk�e City skiall reasonably deern a reqtu site of consideration in determinin� tlze effect of- suck? usE. For the pur�.ose of rECOrchng, the tern�s 5�ecial Ose Permit and Conaitional Use Fermit shall be said to n�ean one arid the sanie �ursuant ta N!innesot� 5tatutes, Section 462.3595, Sut>division 4. 205.07. E.Ll �IFrFAMII,X I�7ELLTNG DIS`iRTCP RF�[JI�ATTONS 5 . PARI�II� RF4)Ug F27II9'iu A. C,enerul. Provis�ions. (3) All ariveaays an& g�rking stalls shall be :�t hac}; tllree (�) feet fram �aiy property line except as �!�reed to an writir.g by ad�ecent pro�erty avners and filed witl? the City. � � � Page 2— Crdinance No, 842 6. '�L'.�S_ �. Exterior Storage �Y }Y^�J , ir (3) The City sha11 require a Speci�.l Use Permit far ai�y e�teri�r storage of matericls, except for S(2) above. 1�. Drainage und Graae Requirenents. (2) The City may �pecify a nlinimurn f�rished ground grace for ary strueture in order to allow pro�er cir�srage anc3 a n�inimtun top oi fcoting elevation to allow for conn�ction to City utilities. TYee maximwi :1ope (grade) on a driveway sYee,].1 not exceed 1:1D (10�) above established curb grac,e. 205.08. I.�2 `iFTo-FAMiLY DWELLIIdG DTSTRTCT 6. PSRE'OF�+iF,NCE STAtanaun.S S. Exterior Storuge (3) The City shall rea,uire a Speci�l Use Ferrr�it for �ny exterior storaqe oi material.s, except for S(2} above. 205.09. I.�3 ���AT• Ni]LTIH,E LWELLING DISTRIGT REi;ULATIONS 5. PAkIC.TNG kff�UIF�ET'iBNENTS D, Desigi Pequiranents. (3) Curbing. The entire peruneter of al.l parl:ir!c� areas �r eacess of fcur (4) stallu, access driveways, truck loaoirr, s�:ces or otlier hard surf�ce areas tksat hanirle motor vFhic.le traffic shall be curf�d with a�ouren six (6) inch high concrete curb and gutter. (4) DrivEt�;ay F�equirenents. (c) The edge oi tYae curb open�.ng tc a parking area vait'r, f-our (4) er more stalls sk?all not be closer to tlie nearest �orticn oi a street right of-way inter��ection tlaar� e�eventy-five (75) feet, or two-thirc7s {2/3) of the lot wicitki, ��lxiche��er is sm�a].ler. 205.13. C-1 I�CX'AL BUSINFSS DTSZRIQ' RF]GULATIONS 5. PARKTNG EtF�UIRENIIIVTS D. Design Requiranents. (3) Curbing. The entire �erimeter of all parkiny area� ir� excess oi fcur (4) stalls, access drivEtaays, truck loac�ir_� s1aces or otlAer kaara surface areas that handle motor aehicle trz�iic slza7l be curl�ed v✓ith a pouxec� sih (6) inch high concrete curb and gutter. 205.14. C-2 rFS�:anr, gUSTNESS DTSTRICT 1. LTSFS PERI��iTTPE�7 A. Princi�l Uses. (4) Conmercitil. recreation, pool halls� bowlir.g alleys aiid health � fitness centers not includtng msss�c�e �z�rlors. � � ' Page 3— Otdir,ance No, 842 5. PAftKING kF�2UTREY�iVTS D. Design Reqtu rfluents. (3) Curbing. ��a�C7 The entire perimeter of a11 �aarkiny areas in ea�cess oi four (4) stulls� access driveways, truck loading s�tces or otY�ier hare surf �ce areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be carbed �vitki a pcuzec six (6) inch hi9h concrete curb anci glztter. 205.15, C-3 (CFA7RRAT, g30PPING (�]TER DISTRICP 5. PAFtIiTIQG RFr,1,U1RF3�'�]TS U. Design Requiranents. (3) Curbing. Tbe entire perimeter of all garkiny areas ir� e�cess of fcur (4) stalls, acc�ss drivEways, truck leacir_g s�ac�es or otl;er harca surface areas tl�at handle motor vehicle traffic s1��11 be curbecl witkt a pcuxec :;ix (6) inch high concrete curb ana gutter. 205.16. (S�1 GII3ERAi, OFFICE DISTRICT RE�[TLIITIOY3S 5. PARKIA�G REQUII:EN�ITS D. Desic,n Requirenents. (3) Curbing. Tk?e entire Ferimeter of all parkir!g are�s in excess of four (�) stalls, access criveways, truck loaoirc� s�ces ar otY�er hard suriace areas that handle motor vehicle trafiic sYnall !�e curbed with a pouxea six (6) inch higki concrete curb ana g�ttex. 205.17. Ni-1 LIGHT II�IDUSTRIAL DISIRICP 5. PARKIDTG RE�UTRETriEDIT5 D. Besic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of al.l �arkirec� areas ir� e�,cess oi fcur (n? stalls, �ecess driveways, truck loading s�ces or other har� surf�_ce ureas tkzat hannle motor vehicle traf-fic shall be curbeci ���ith a po�xxec� six (6) inch hig�h concrete curb anci gutter. % • ���''�i�`lJ�`.�1Q'�� wci2rL�'��i B. Exteriar Storage. (�} All materials and conunercial �u�xrncnt �ha1i be kert ir4 a bu�lding or shall be fu11y screenec so as not to be aasible irom �iiy �ublic ric,ht-of-way ar ad�oimny property of differer�t clistrict. � � � Fage 4— Crdinance No. 842 205.18, Nf-2 HEAVY IAIIlUSII2TAL DIS`II2ICP RDGUI,ATIONS 5. PARKING RE�UTFEY�VTS B. Desic�l Reqw.renents. (3) Curbinq. Q'`�`� The entire perimeter of a7.1 garkir!g aress �_r. excess af faur (4) stalls, access driveways� truck loa8�n�� s�ces or ottier h�rct surfacE ureas that handle motor vehicle trafiic shall be cur�ed with a pourec! six (6) inch high concrete curb and gutter. 205.21. �1 HYDE PARK 5. IA`i' RE�U7FiEriiE�7T5 ArID SE'�AGKS �. Lat Width. DTSTl2ICT RDGULATTONS (1) The width of a lot shall not l� less tl�arr sixty (60) feet at the r�uired setLack. Corner lats shall not be less than sixty-fi�e (65) feet at the raruired setback. 7 • �lL VLYrY��.r• UTAl�1X]Rll� A. Parking Requ�.ranents. (2} No ��rking stall shall be locatEC� ir� any portion oi tl!e front yard, except on a driveway or hardd�urfacea parking s�ce, �p�rovec hy the City, and set back a minimtan of tIYLEE (�) feet from the sic�e property line, except as ac�reed to in wrzting by ac���.cent property owr�rs and filed with the City. PASSID At� A�OFPED BY R�1E CITY OCtCTNC7S, GF TI-�P CTTY Or F'hIL'LFy �IS 23RP �_Y QF` SEfR'E��'sER, 1985 ATPFSS: �_ � __�_.___ SIDNEY C.. T1Ql�7AN - CITY CGFFu First Reaaing: Septanber 9, 1985 Second Reac;ing: 5eptanber 23, 1985 E�blication: Septauber 30, 1985 ��, ,� , f � � � . �'y , 1, r � P �- L - �/�' i_„-i�-'�t�-` `', � WTLL���I J. �IvFE t-/P,`t�YCoR ----------- � Page 5— Grc:i.r�ance No. 842 Oz �% i�,�.rY � OFFIQAL TI'PLE AI�ID SUI�M'II1RY OIt➢INANCE N0. 842 T. TI'II.E AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CTTY CODE BY Ar9ENDING CHAPTER 205 ENTI73,ID "ZOfIING", SECTIONS 205.04� 205.05, 205.07, 205.08, 205,09, 205.13, 205.14, 205.15� 205.16, 205.17� 205.18 Ai�ID 205.21 TI. SSIMMARY `iHE CITY QOiINQL OF ZSIE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MTN�TFS(YPA ORI]AINS: That the followiny s�unary shal.l clearly �r�forn rhe public oi the ir.terat aua effect of changes to the Chapter and shall be publi�hed in the oifici27 news�per of tl-ie City, A. GIIVERAL PRWISIONS Where the fror�t yard setback oi existirry bualc�ir!gs is greater th�t the � mininami front yard setback re�w.red �s,� saia buildings 4re withzn 100 feet on either side of u strecture to k�e Frected, tl�e set6ack. for the new stucture cari be six feet more or less oi tk-�is mean c�eptlx of the ad�acent str�ctures but shall not be less thari tr�e rec;uirea frunt yarcl setback. Ir. the case where one of the adjacent properties is v�.c�nt, �n assiuneci setback of 35 feet will be used. In no ca�e shall a fence or similar barrier is��ede vehicule.r visior. or caixse � 1za��r�ous conditxon to exist. B. SPECIAi, USE PERMIT For tkie purpose of recoraing, the terms Sp:eci�l UGe Fermit anci Conc9itional Gse Ferniit shall k7e saiol to mEcn one ���u ttxe sar�ie pt?rsu�sat to Nurutesota Statutes, Sectian 462.3595, Suk�ivisior� 4. C. PARKING RF]QUru�mc The entire perimeter of all �arking ereas an ex_cess of four stalls or other hare surface areas shall be curbeci wii-1� a pourec si: znch knl Jr wncrete curb ancl gutter in zomng districts R-3, G-1, C-2, C-3, C�.-1, Nrl ar.a P�r2. D. I�1 �IE FAMII,Y 1XdII,LTLQG DISTRICP All drive�vays shail be set back tYdree �eet fron ai?y �ror�rty l�r,e � except as agreed to ir writing by ad,ccent prc,�erty osaners anc� f�lea with the City. The maximiun :lope (;race) on a �x�veway sl�ia3.1 not exceea 1:10 (10%) �ove established �urb grade. E. C-2 (=F�FRAr• BUSINESS DISTRIGT RE�[TLATIONS Princi�l uses include cornmercial recreaticn, pooi halls� bowling alleys ana health & fitness centers not includiny m�s�aye �arlors. o�l Page 6— Ordinance No. 842 � F. �1 HYOE PARK NEIGf1BORH00D DISTRICi' REGULATTONS Correr lots shall not be less than sixty-five feet at the required setback. No parking stall shall be locatec� in any �ortion of the front yara, except on an approved driveway, set back a mininwn of three feet frwn the side property line, sxaept as agreed to in writing by adjacent property owners and filed with the City. III. N(YPT� This Titl.e and Stmunary has been published to clearly �nform the public of the intent and effect of the City of Fridley Zoning Chapter. A copy of the Ordinance, in its entirety, is available for inspection by any person during regular offioe hours at the Offioe of the City Qerk and at the �oka County Library, Fridley Branch. PASSED ADII� ADOFTED BY THE CSTY OJ[TNCIL OF THE CITY OF FkIDLEY 'I�Ii3 23RD DAY GF SEFi'ENEP�ER, 1985. � ATiEST: ��..1..-_.��� /�� RI(gIARD D. P IBYIrACPING QTY C�,ERK Public Hearing: August 19, 1985 First Reading: September 9, 1985 Second Reading: Septenber 23, 1985 Publicata.on: Septer�ber 30, 1985 � ��,,�,t _�� 1/ �/ WTLLL�NI J. NE s- f�9AY0R Y~~�