Ordinance No. 0850 01-13-1986��� ORDINANCE N0. 850 - 1986 � AN ORDINANCE RENDIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� CHAPTER 405, ENTI7S,ID "CABLE �MMTNiCATIDNS FRANQ3ISE" BY AMENDING SECTION 405.13 (2) BY ADDING PARAGRAPHS G THROUGH N RFX'�11RDING Fi2ANQ3ISE RENII�TTAL, The City Cotmcil of the City of Fridley does hereby ordain as follaas: 405.13 MISCa,LADTE]OUS PROVISIONS 2. Franchise Renewal G. Notwithstanoing anything to the contraLy, Grantee commits at a minimun, to the follaaing at such time as Grantee is grantec a renewal of this Franchise: 1. Grantee shall have in operation a 400 MHz, fully activated 54 channel syst�a no later than January 1, 1990; 2. Grantee shall activate full one-way adaressability throughout the S�st�ii and prwide to each subscriber requiring a cor,verter a cne-wuy addressable corn�erter no later than January 1, 1990; 3. Grantee shall have in operation an es,ergency �lert overriae systen cag�ble of overriding the audio on each channel na later than Sanuary 1, 1990; � 4. Grantee shall provide to each subscriber reception of at least one (1) specially desic�atea noncomnercial public access channel available for use by the general public on � fir�t-conle, first-servea, nondiscriminatory lx-�sis; at least one (1) specially designated access channel available for local government use; and at least one (1� specially designated access channel available for use by local educational authorities; and at least one (1) s�ecially designated access channel available for use by the Anoka County Library. 5. Grantee shall, at a mimm�un, coirnnit equignent after consultation anc� nirection fresn City in support of public, educational ar?d goverrunent access the value of which shall c�ual the following: A. Year 1 $50,000 B. Year 5 $50,000 C. Year 10 $50,000 EquiFment committed in sup�ort of public, educatianal and governrnental access shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior written approval of City. Grantee shall be responsible for insuring, maintaimng, re�airing, fixing ana ad�usting all equignent sc committed. All such equipment provicled by Grantee shall be replaced by Grantee imless Grantee establishes to the satisfaction of City that demand does not exist for such equipnent. � Grantee sha7.1 sutmit to City by Jime 1, of the a�plicable year � written statanent setting forth the equipnent Farchased and the amount ex�ended. The statanent shall be si,ned and verified by at least one (1) ofticer authorized to sicyl on behalf of Grantee and acknaale4ged before a notary puX,l ic. � � � Page 2- Ordinance No. $50 - 1986 �; �� � H. Grantee commits to the follaaing customer service require�nents for the c7uration of this Franchise and any franchise renewal: 1. Subscriber requests for maintenance or rep�irs receive� pxicr to 2:G0 p.m. shall be performed the same c7ay; 2. Subscnber requests for maintenance or repairs received after 2:00 p.m. shall he performed within twenty-faur (24) hours of the request; 3. Maintenance �:ersonnel shall t�e on duty f rorn 8: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 Y, m. Nbnday through Fnday. 4. Maintenance personnel shall be on duty from 8:00 a.m. to 5:D0 p.m. on Saturdays. 5. If Grantee fails to correct a service probl �n within twenty-foux (24) hours, Grantee shall credit 1/30th of the monthly charc�e to the subscriber for each twenty-four (24) hours or fraction thereof after the tirst twenty-four (24) hours during wtiich a subscriber is without sexvice, except to the extent that restaration of service is pre�entecd by strike, in�uction or other cause beyond the control of Grantee. I. Grantee shall, at all times, until Grantee has accepted a rene�aal or e�ension of this Franchise, maintain with City a bond in the sLUn af one hundred thousan�i dollars ($100,000) in such form ar,d with such sureties as shall be acceptable to City. The bond shall be conditioned u�on the Grantee accepting a renwal or extension of this Franchise withir� 30 days of the adoption by City of an ordinance offering a rer�ewal or e�ttensiort on terms and conditions substantially similar to this Franchise together with those imprwenents desented in �aragraphs G anci H above. The rights reservec3 by City with respect to the bond are in addition to all other rights the City rnay have under this Franchise or any other law. J. At the acce�ance of a renwal or extensicn of this Franchise, and at all times thereafter, until Grantee has completeca those imprcvanents set forth in �aragra�hs G(1) (2) (3) (5A) above, to the rea�onable satisfaction of City, Grantee shall maintain with City a bond in the s�un of Five Huncirec� TY3ousand Dollars ($500,000) in such form and with such sureties as shall be acceptable to City, conditioned upon the faithful �rformance of Grarctee of the franchise renewal or extension requir�nents includincy, but not limitec to, those improvenents ciescribec] above and u�on the further condition that in the event Grantee shall fail to comply with any law, ordinance or regulation, there shall be recoverable 7ointly and severally from the principal anc3 surety of the bond, any damages or losses suffered by City zs a result, includiny the full amount of any wmpensation, indemnification or cost of ren�oval of any pro�erty of Grantee, including a reasonable allaaance for attorney's fees and costs (with interest at two percent (2°s) in excess of the then prime rate), up to the full amount of the bond, and which bond shall further suarantee ��yment by Grantee of all claims and liens against City cr any public pro�erty, ana taxes due to City, which arise by reason of the construction, o�er�tion■ maintenance or use of the Systan. The rights re�rvec7 by City with respect to the bond are in addition to all other rights the City nay have. The bond shall be reduced to One Hundred Thousand Doll�rs ($100,000) at such time as City determines those unprovaaents described in p�ragraph G(1, 2. 3, and 5A) have been completed. City may, in its sole discretion, reduce the arnount of the bond further or eliminate the requirenent that a bond �e maint«ined. Page 3- Ordinance No. 850 - 1986 K. Grantee shall acce� this Ordinance in form anci substar3ce acceptable to � City, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Orclinance. Upon acceptance of this Ordinance, Grantee shall be bound by all of its terms and conciitions. L. Grantee shall have continuing responsibility for the Urcainance, anG if Grantee be a subsicliarp or wholly owned corF�orate entity af a parent corporation, perforn:ance of the Ordinance shall be secureci by guar�ntees of the �rent corperation in foxm and substance acceptable to City, which shall be deliverec3 at time of, and as �rt of, acce�.tance of the Ordir�nce. � � M. With its acceF,tance, Grantee shall deliver tc City true and correct cogies of doctunents creating Grantee and evi�3encing its power and authoxity to accept the Ordinance. Such dociunents shall descnbe officers authorizeG to acce�t on behalf of Grantee. N. With its acceptance, Grantee shall also reimk,urse the City for all costs and e�nses incurred by City in connection with this Ordinance. City shall prwide a statenent to Grantee. Costs or expEnses of City not identif iec] at that time shall be p3id pranFitly by Grantee upon receipt of statement f rom City. It is the intent of the City and Grantee that City �e reimbursed f or e.11 of its costs and e�tpenses in connection with the review of the change in aanership and Ordinance amen�nent process, incluc3ing any subsequent expenses due to delays or litigation �iertaining to the change of ownership and this Ordinance. PASSED AA1D ADOFPED BY THE CITY 07I7NCIL OF THE CITY OF FRII7LEY THIS 137i3 BAY OF JAARTARY, 1986 ATi'FST: �,-�' �u� �/�-� .� ��:� 33IRLEY A. ALA - (T�ERK First Reading: January 6, 1986 Second Reading: January 13, 1986 Publication: January 20, 1986 � `. �. � ��' �_� �( � �" / �. �. W' y¢'i % _ .-- WILL1�1 S. NEE - YOR �_��