Ordinance No. 0092 02-27-1958i
3ecttun 1. No person, firm or cor-
pora[ion ahall herei�aPter construct,
eate,hlish, co�i�3ucq oFerate oe main-
ra�ir� a Lrailer wach uack as clefined
in C'hapter 4ffi, T.aws 1961 oL the
�tate of bii�mesota� zrithin the Ciry
of Feitlley escept af[er obtaieiing a,
.�yocial permit t]iere[ore as hereafter
p��ovide�, uuless at the time o[ B�e
nassaKe of thie ordinance such traiLer
coach pa�9c was duly authorizeQ and
Iiceneed by U�e State Department of
Health under salc7 I,atve 19a'1, Chap-
ter 481, au3 xrts amendatm�� thereot
and supPlemen[¢ey theeeto.
3erHUn �. 1 snecia] Permit co con-
etruct, estabtish, wnduct, mnintain,
a�d oPerate a trailer coae}i park, to
he Ilcensed by the STnte Deparoneut
uf Health of the Stxte of �lln�eaota
meS' be issue3 when a»proved Uy [he
City Counu] af[er a fuidLig by the
Ci[p CounuL that such wailcr coa^h
Uarlc when constructed, eslabllshed,
enaiut¢ined, conducted, and opa�ated,
mm��lies au3 will comply in all ie-
npects u�ith the etanda�de, reKULa-
rions, and regulre�nenTS apP�«able
there[o as establlshpd by the llepa��c-
ment of Hen][h of tlie State oi 31i�-
nesota, and euch ivrther laws, starvl-
ards a�tl reRUlations applicable
thereto eitacted and required br the
Cily of Fri3lcy and nol in couFlict
�ai[h aald state Iaw.
The Coe�eit in maki��g its deter-
mination may consider the effeet
upmi �ubiic heal[h, sa[ety and mor-
aL, an� the effect on cmnmuuity
I��anning, aesthetic consfdex'ation Coc
the nei5hborhood, anti eHect upon
➢rouerty values.
'Phe aPP���a[ion for such per�nit
sha➢ be �nade upon forms provided
by the City aei3 when precevtec7 tn
Lhe Counc�] shall show the recom-
rnenclatiun of the Zonfng Admnistra-
tar anfl the Y.uilding Ingpector. An
original Dermit fee in payment o4
[he ad�ninistrative costs inourred ir
pmceseing said auP��catio�� aud the
Issuance oP said Pennit shal! ba
deposited by the apn�icant at [he
time oP �nakinK hic_ appLication: such
1'ee is in Lhe amount ot g3.00.
AectLOn i. LICk:NSE. After Che ori
y;inaL DFrmSt is issueS, ar�a aPLer the
applica.nt is c7uly liceneetl wi[h re-
specG to nuch irailer enach park b�
the Sinte of Minnesota. actinK by
and through its llepartment o£
Health, no license therefor sliall be
required by the City of Fritlley and
no Purther ]icense Pee shalL he due
ro or co]lecCible by the Cit�� ot
Fridley, except as may be prcvfdefl
bc State I.aw. However, each vea�
fo�' the Purnoses oP �lemonstrating
IocadLy compliance with the Sffite
law an�l the regulxtions of the De-
par4nent ot Health, the o�erator oY
euch trxiler coach Park ehall apply
Cor ana obtain from the City of
Frinley a certi[icate of continued
oFles�xtion to be iesued to the operator
br the City without charge upon
prooP and disPlay ot a cm�rent and
valiclLy exieting ]ieense foe euch Crail-
' %i w
er coaeh park 9asued by the 9tate ot
biinnesota, acting bS and through
its Depactment of Health. Such ceo-
tiTicale of contlnoed operafion ehall
exT�re and ba renetvable in each
year on the lath �ay of February. It
shall wntaiu un i[s face fl�e ]icense
��umber anU [he expi�xtlon Qale oY
the licenee isaued to such trailer
coach park and [he operator thereoP
by [he Sfate oY 1linnesota.
9eetion A, Failure to obtaiu sur.h
certifieate o£ conHnued operation is
�rima *acie evidence of non-com-
ylia�ine with State Law.
ScoLlon .. Fiolation oF a�y law,
regulation on c[andaid appiicable to
any such tra�ler eoach park, as may
br� :�doptetl by Lhe 5[ate Department
ol Health, or fur[her, as provided
and atlopted by the City of 1�'��idley
aud as ie not in cnnPlict wi[h l,aws
19i1, Chapter {Sl: an�3 ]aws anenla-
tory t}�et'eof arid supP�oinenW.ry
Uim�etq shall �uGjeot tlie oper¢Wr of
sueh �ark to hacinR hi; certiticatc o[
coutinued oueca[ion susGeudetl by the
Cicy whiLe such eiolutiun ea7sts. A
sucpensi�ri is prima facie evi�lence
of violation o� law, i�'urther, sucli
v'ola.tiou will authnrize the Ciiv o[
I� ricll¢y tu move Lhe o[ace Depart-
� ent o? Healtli to suspentl, revu]:e
antl chereafter deny the St:�te b<znse
then fn ex[stence and i�i ePlect with
rea��crt to sucli trailer coach parl�.
]3eforn any epe.h c'ove is made fo
�.;»enA [he cer[iflcate oC weitfoued
operation or [o si�spenl, re�mkc, oe
cleny, the Sha[e license, the City sha7L
a1POt'rl @ie I:censee an ot�pnrtu�iitv W
be heard, giviuK ten .{YOj days prior
rwtice by mail o` eurh hcarinq ancl
intent ant7 ntatioc Lhe� nlleged eiola-
fion and the action to be taleen,
Brtetlop F. The ui�eration ol a
[railer coart� park i�� the CitY oP
F�idley without a calid esiSting
lir¢nse ShePeCor i¢EU¢d by Yhf Stat�
Department oC Health, Lhe violatim.
of a�y alw, reAUlafion or �candartl
app]icable to any trailer coach Par1a
as ic d�3ogtei9 avd made aPN�cable by
the State llepartimen[ of Hcalth, or
:.s nrovidee9 an�i muie anP�icable to
auch trailec coxch park by the City
nt 1'ridlec, and nof i i cunflict with
the Sfa,te Ia�r, is a vio7a[SOn uP Nis
r.rdinance. F,a��h �lay eY violation ie
a separate offense.
9xctiou Z This orlinance ehxll ba
consteuetl ar!�l interpt'etetl i i �➢ its
pa��ts in con�ormitp wi[h an�l not in
ennF]iot tivith La�vs 18oY, oP the 5tate
of Ili4ninesota, Chaptex 981, and La�os
a^endntoT'y ihereof, and supP�e�nen-
tary thereto: antl [he varioas sec
tione, clausus, _ntencen, and Parts
hereof, shall be vonsiiered separate
nnd divisib7e, one Rvm another, so
that shoul�i any secHOn Naase,
sentence, m parY hereof be c]eclared
invalid and nf no forre an� efYect,
such derlaration ehall not atPect anv
ofher ��art hereof.
Rectton 8, 1'TilNALTY 4iolation o`
thle nrainanre shall be a miade-
rvieannr and pnni�hable by a fiue not
in exet�ss nP $l00 or Imprisonment
not to esceul 90 �lay<.
Passw3 bv the City Couneil
27th daS of Febrnary, 19i8
(:i,ARENCL^ F. Rf4DTlY,
City Managee
F'ireh ILeadiag—b'eb. 13, 1858
Secon3 Rearling—I�eb. 27, 1938
�'ubiishe[7 Thues., Mar, 6, 1968
Published in Friflley News. one �week.