Ordinance No. 0960 12-10-1990�
I. Title
An Ordinance recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 205,
entitled "Zoning" by amending Sections 205.09.06, 205.13.06,
205.14.06, 205.15.06, 205.16.D6, 205.17.D6, 205.18.06, deleting
Sectioris 205.13.O5.D.(8), 205.13.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c), (5),
(6), 205.13.07.F, 205.14.05.D.(8), 205.14.07.D.(1), (2), (3),
(4).(c), (5), (6), 205.14.07.F, 205.15.05.D.(8), 205.15.07.D.(1),
(2), (3), (4).(c), (5), (6), 205.15.07.F, 205.16.05.D.(8),
205.16.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c), (5), (6), 205.16.07.F,
205.17.O5.D.(8), 205.17.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c), (5), (6),
205.17.07.F, 205.18.05.D.(8), 205.18.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c),
(5), (6), 205.18.07.F and renumbering consecutive sections
II. Summarv
The City Council of the City of Fridley does hereby ordain as
The proposed revision entitled Section 205, "Zoning", amends and
reorganizes the performance standards pertaininq to landscape
requirements in zoning districts R-3, General Multiple Dwelling,
� C-1, Local Business, C-2, General Business, C-3, General Shopping,
CR-1, General Office, M-1, Light Industrial, and M-2, Heavy
Industrial. It is in the public's interest to require such
standards to ensure adequate �'green area" and to preserve the
aesthetics of the community;
In addition to amending and reorganizing the performance standards,
the revision requires a specific number of trees by a formula which
is based on the scale of each individual site; and
Requires a minimum amount of screening for the following
conditions: parking lots adjacent to public right-of-ways, loading
docks, outside storage areas, and where commercial or industrial
districts abut residential or public districts.
III. Notice
This title and summary have 2aeen published to clearly inform the
publ?c of the intent and effect of the City of Fridley Zoning
Ordinance. A copy of the ordinance, in its entirety, is available
for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the
office of the City Clerk and at the Fridley Branch of the Anoka
County Library.
Page 2-- Ordinance No. 960
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Public Hearing: November 19, 1990
First Reading: November 19, 1990
Second Reading: DecembeY 10, 1990
Publication: December 19, 1990
ENTITI�D ��7,OR�TII�C�� BY �MElIDIIQG SDC,'i'ION.4 205.09.06� 205.13.06�
� 205.14.06, 205.15.06, 205.16.06� 205.17.06, 205.18.06, DEr•F•'�'�
SEGTIO� 205.13.OS.D.(8), 205.13.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c), (5),
(6)� 205.13.07.F� 205.14.OS.D.(8)� 205.19.07.D.(1), (2), (3)�
(4).(c), (5), (6), 205.14.07.F, 205.15.OS.D.(8), 205.15.07.D.(1),
(2), (3), (9).(c), (5), (6), 205.15.07.F, 205.16.OS.D.(8),
205.16.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(ej, (5), (6), 205.16.07.F,
2D5.17.OS.D.(8), 205.17.07.D.(1), (2), (3), (4).(c), (5), (6),
205.17.07.F� 205.18.QS.D.(8)� 205.18.07.D.{1)� (2), {3)� (4).(C),
(5) �(6) � 205.18.07.F ADID RII�[� QOPTSF7CITPIVE SECi'IONS
The City Council of the City of Fridley does hereby oniain as follows:
2D5.09 R-3 General Multiple Family District Regulations
• n • a• r a i�
D. I)esign Requirements
(7) Parking lots with more than four (4) parki� stalls shall be
(8) Slifficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parlctng
in addition to the required vehicle parlcisxj stalls.
(9) Bike racks may be required in an area that is convenient to each
� major building entYancz and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular
traffic or fire lanes.
(10) Safetjz signs, markiTms ancl traffic control deuices may }�e
required to pmmote vehicular and pedestrian safety.
(11) Parkim stalls may be nine (9) Peet in width for mul�iple
dwellings arxl multiple dwellirig complexes, uiclucling rental and
condominiwn apartrnettts. (Ref. 0�3. 952)
�. . . , a� r a i�
A. Scope.
All open arnas of any site, except for areas used for parlcing,
driveways, or storage shall be landscaped and incorporated in a
landscape plan.
(1) All new developments �-�+�;ruxJ a building nPrinit shall comply
with the requiremPaZts of this section.
(2) E�cisting developments shall ccm�ly with the requirements of
this section if one or more of the followu�g applies:
a. At the time of a building �nsion or alteration which
� dictates the necessity for additional parking or
1�ardsurface are��ts in excess of four (4) stalls.
b. Building alteiations which dictate a clk-�ixJe in use such
that the parkir�g area must be expanded in excess of four
(4) stalls.
Page 2-- Ordinance No. 960
Construction of additional loading docks.
Construction of new parking areas in excess of four (4)
(3) If full cong�liance cannot be achieved due to site constraints,
partial co�lianoe as determined by the City shall be enforcecl.
(4) The requirements of this sec,-tion shall not be required for
building alterations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
i��:• �� 1�l JR �
The City shall retain a performance bond, cash or letter of credit,
as x�equired in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zonitxf cale for one
growing season after the installation of landscape materials is
Plan S�nission and Appraval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be submitted to arxl approved by the City
prior to issuance of a buildir�g �rin;t or prior to approval
of outside ittq�mvements not related to buildiixJ improvements,
A plan shall not be required for routine replacement of
e3cisting materials or the installation of new materials when
not associated with a buildirxJ project.
(2) �e followim� items shall appear on the landscape plan:
a. General
1) Name and address of owner/developer
Name and address of architect/designer
Date of plan preparation
Dates and description of all reuisions
Name of project or development
Scale of plan (erx�ineerirx� scale only) at no
smaller than 1 inch equals 50 feet
North point indication
r __��pe Data
1j Planting schedule (table) containing:
�pp namP�
BOtcV11Cd1 rldlilP.S
Paqe 3-- Oxdinance No. 960
Sizes of plant material at time of planting
Root specification (B.R., B& B, pottecl,
Special planting instructions
F�cisting tree and shrubbery, locations, conmion
names and approximate size
Planting detail (show all species to scale at
nornial mature crown diameter, or spread for local
haxtiiness zone)
Typical sections in detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms, and
other similar features.
Typical sec,-tions of landscape islands ancl planter
beds with icientification o£ materials used.
Details o£ planting beds and fotuxlation plantings.
Note indicating how disturbed soil areas will be
restored through the use of sodding, seeding, or
ather tec�cauziques.
Delineation of hoth soc3ded and seeded areas with
total arPaa provided in �,are feet, and slope
Coverage plan for undexground irrigation system,
if az�y.
Statement or syml�ols, to describe exterior lighting
plan concept.
Special Conditions:
Where landscape or man-made materials are used to pravide
required screening from adjacent and neighboring
properties, a cross-section shall he provided through
the site and adjacent pmperties to sh�a property
elevation, existing buildirigs and screening in scale.
D, 7arrlcrap�q �#�ials; Definitions.
All plant materials shall be liviny plants. Artificial plants are
(1) Grass and qround cover.
a. Ground cover shall be planted in such a n�aru�er as to
present a finished appearance and reasonably complete
coverage within twelve (12) months after planting, with
proper erosion control during plant establishment period.
Exception to this is undisturbed areas containirig natural
vegetation which can be maintained free of foreign and
noxious materials.
Page 4-- �rr]inance No. 960
b. Accepted gmwri oavers are sod, seed, or other organic
material. 'Pt�e use of rock and bark mulch sha1L be
� limited to a,-P�s around other vegetation (i.e, sl�xz.�bs)
and shall be contained bY �J�4•
(2) Trees.
Over-stozy Deciduous.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is th�rty (30)
feet or more itt height, with a single trunk un-
branched for several feet �ove the ground, havirx�
a defined craan which looses leaves annually.
2) Such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper minimtnn
at plarrting.
�,�� - �C""�S':�1�
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) feet in heic�t, with a sirigle tnut7�
un-branched for several feet above the ground,
having a defined craan which looses leaves
z) sucn trees shall have a 1 l�a incn caliper mininam,
at planting.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in height, with a single tnnilc
fully branched to the grourKl, having foliage on
the outexmost portion of the branches year-round.
2) Such trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
(3) Shrubs.
a. Deciduous or evergreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) feet in height or less. Such materials
may be used for the formation of hedges. Such materials
^'�.�1 meet the £ollowing minimiun starxlaiTls at time of
(4) Vlnes.
Dwarf deciduous shrubs shall be eighteett (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shrubs shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, except as in Section D below.
EVezgreen shnabs shall be of the eighteen (18) inch
Vittes shall be at least twelve (12) inches hiqh at planting,
Page 5-- Oniinance No. 960
and are getterally used in conjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slopes and BeYms.
Final slope gradeS steeper than 3:1 will not be �mmi tted
without special a�mval or trea�ient such as terracing
or reta;n;m walls.
F�r+h bernt screeninq parking lots and other open areas
shall not have slopes exceeding 3:1. A minuman three
(3) foot berm is �iired.
Peximeter :.a; '.,aaping: Starr3axds.
(i) In o�er to achieve landscaping which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a buildinq and site, the mi,,;m�,r„ standaizls
a. One (1) tree for every one thousarid (1,000) square feet
of total building floor arez or one (1) tree for every
fifty (50) feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
A miniumnn of thirty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferous.
b. Two (2) ornamental trees can be substituted for every
one (1) wer-story deciduous shade tree. In no case
shall oxrama_rttal trees exceed fifty (50) percent of the
require3 rnmiber of trees.
c. Parking arxi drivirxJ areas between the builditx3 arid
frontage street shall be screeix�cl in the following
1) A continuous mass of plant materials; minimLUn of
three (3) feet in height at time of planting; or
A continuous eai-th berm with slopes no greater than
3:1 and a minimtmt of three (3) feet in height; or
A combination of eaith berms and plant materials
such that a mininnun of three (3) feet of continuous
screening is achieved.
Interior Parking Int �,',s;,apuig Standards
(1) All parkinq areas containim wer one hurxlred (100) stalls
shall is�clude unpaved, landscaped islaix]s t]�at are reasonably
distributed throughout the parkiuxJ area to break up the
amancaa of paved areas. L�ndscaped isla�x]s shall be providecl
evexy two hundred fifty (250) feet or more of uninternipted
garking stalls.
(2) All landscaped islands shall contain a minumun of one htuxlred
eighty (180) square feet with a minimiun width of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
ornamental, or evesgreett trees, plus grourx3 caver, mulch,
arxi/or shrubbezy, in addition to the minitmmi landscape
requirements of this orrlinance. Parkuig area landscapirig
Page 6-- Ordinance No. 960
chall be contained in planting beds boniered by a six (6) inch
raised concrete c,�urb.
(3) Trees shall be provided at the rate of one tree for each
fifteen (15) surface parking spaces px+ovided or a fraction
Screening and Bufferirig Sta�rlan�s
(1) i•Ilzere the parcel abuts park or residentially zoned property,
there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constructed in the following tnanner:
a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) abutting
the park or residentially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructed of attractive, permanent
finished materials, compatible with those t� in the
principal structure, aixl shall be a minittnnn of six (6)
feet high and a maximimi ot eic�t (8) feet high. Chain
link fences shall have non-wooden slats when used for
screening purposes; or
b. A planting screen shall be constntcted in a fifteezi (15)
foot strip and shall consist of healthy, fully harcly
plant materials and shall be designed to provide a
minim�un year-murd opaqueness of eighty (80) percent at
the time of maturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficient heic�t to achieve the �,;red screening.
Planting sc+�nG shall be maintained in a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be promptly
c. If the existing topography, natural c�rowth of vegetation,
pern�anent buildings or other barriers meet the standards
for screening as approved by the City, they may be
�,t,ctituted for all or part of the screening fence or
planting screen.
(2) All laadirxf docks must he located in the rear or side yards
and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimimi solid
screenirig fence if visible from a pul�lic rightrof-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
(3) Al1 external loading and service areas accessory to buildings
cfiall be �letely screened from the ground level view from
contiguous residential pmperties and ad�acent streets, except
at acoess points.
Credit for Ian�e Trees
The total ninnber of required wer-stoty trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measur�rig three (3)
inches or more in diameter, or each new coniferous tree measuririg
eight (8) feet or more in heic�t. In no event, h�aever, shall the
Y�eduction be greater than twenty-five (25) pe�ent of the total
nwnber of trees required.
Page 7-- Oxdinance No. 960
Credit for Existing Trces
The total nwnber of required new over-story trees may be reduced by
the retention o£ existirxJ wer-story trees pravided that the
following conditions are satisfied:
Such trees are four (4) inches or greater in caliper measured
six (6) inches fx�n soil level.
For each eacisting tree meeting the requirement, two trees as
requirefl in sec,-tion D above may be deleted.
(3) Proper prec�zutions to protect trees during development shall
be indicated on grading plans submitted for plan review. Such
precautions are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be included in the landscape surety.
Undexgrow�d irrigation shall be required to maintain all landscapecl,
boulevazd, front and side yard areas.
(1) The follaaing standaxds shall be met when installing the
required lar�dscaping:
a. Plant materials shall be located to pravide reasonahle
access to all utilities.
b. All required screenuig or buffering shall be located on
the lot occupied by the use, buildirxJ, £acility or
structures to be screened. No screening or buffering
shall be located on any public right-of-way.
Sodded areas on slopes shall be staked.
Seeded areas shall be mulahed with straw to prevent
erosion. Hydro �lching is acceptable.
Oak trees shall be surrourxled by snow fence or other
me�ns at their drip line to prevent compaction of their
root systems.
Plantings shall not be placed so as to obsY.ruct lines
of sight at street corners and driveways.
g. No plant matexials reachu�g a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centerline of an overhead
paaer lirie.
(2) The applicant shall install all landscape materials within one
year; but shall have three (3) ye.ars within which to install
the required landscaping if the follaaing minimiun standards
are met:
Page 8-- Onlinance No. 960
a. First year
All grading is co�leted, including installation
of berms.
Zhe required irrigation system is installed.
Areas to be seeded ar�d/or sodded are installed.
Scrapr+;.,� for adjacent residential areas is
inctalled, if required.
ZWenty-five (25) percent of the required over-
story tre�s are installed.
'IWenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter
landscaping is installed.
b. Second year
The remainder of the perimeter laixL�caping is
Intexior landscapuig is installed.
Fifty (50) percent of the rema;n;r,q require3 over-
story trees are installed.
Thin3 year
Any reniaining landscaping shall be installed.
(1) The property owner shall be resporLSible for replacen�it of any
dead trees, shrubs, ground covers, and sodding. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the praperty owner
shall have, upon written notification from the City, one
growing season to replaoe said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
property for the costs thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; however, in no case shall the
nwnY�er of plant materials be reduced from the minumun that is
required by this section when replacir�g dead plant materials.
Screen fences and walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or paresls shall be properly
maintained in an onderly �ier free of litter and junk.
205.13 C-1 Local Business Requlations
5. Parking Requirements
D. Design Requirements
Page 9-- Oxriinance No. 960
(8) Parkixx3 lats with more t]�an four (4) parking stalls shall be
(9) Sufficient concrete ar�G may be required for motorcycle parki_ng
in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls.
(10) Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is
convenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehicular traffia or fire lanes.
(11) Safety siqns, marlcings and traffic control devices may be
required, to pmtrote vehicular and pedestrian safety.
A. Scope.
All open areas of any site, eaccept for areas used for parking,
driveways, or storage shall be lan�aped and incorporated in a
landscape plan.
All new deuelopments requirim3 a buildirig mrn,it shall comply
with the requirements of this section.
ExistiuxJ develoFa[�its shall canply with the requirements of
this sec.-tion if one or more of the following applies:
At the time of a�ilding expansion or alterdtion which
dictates the necessity for additional parking or
har*����ace a,-Paa in excess of four (4) stalls.
Building alterations which dictate a change in use such
tl�at the parking area must be exp��u�ded in excess of four
(4) stalls.
Construction of additional loading docks.
Construction of new parx; rx� areas in eaccess of four ( 4)
If full oo�liance cannot be achieved due to site oonstraints,
partial cbtnpliance as determined by the City shall be enforced.
(4) The requirements o£ this section shall not be required for
building alterations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
:_. . ... -_.� .-��-_._
The City shall retain a performance bond, cash or letter of credit,
a5 required in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
growinq season after the installation of larx]_�pe materials is
� co�leted.
C. Plan Siabmission and Approval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City
prior to issuance of a building permit or prior to approval
Page 10 --Oniinance No. 960
of outside i�rovements not related to building improvements.
A plan shall not be �+�; red for routine replacement of
PXlstirg materials or the installation of new materials when
�t associated with a buildiix� project.
(2} The follaaing items shall appear on the landscape plan:
1) Name atxi address of owner/developer
2) Natne and address of architect/designer
3) Date of plan preparation
4) Dates and description of all revisions
5) Name of project or development
6) Scale of plan (erigineeririg scale only) at no
smallex than 1 inch eguals 50 feet
7) North point indication
iar�=�.ape Data
1) Planting sahedule (table) containing:
a) Symbols
b) Quantities
C� �p17 namac
Cl� BO�T11Cd�. 71aI11P5
e) Sizes of plant material at time of planting
f) Root specifiration (B.R., B& B, potted,
g) Special planting instructions
Ekisting tree and shn�bbery, locations, cotmnon
names and approxim3te size
Planting detail (show all species to scale at
normal mature crown diameter, or spread for local
]y��inacg Z0T12�
Typical sections in detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms, and
other similar features.
Typical seciions of landscape isl�uxls and planter
beds with identification of materials used.
Details of planting beds and foundation plantings.
Page 11 --0s�linance No. 960
Note indicating haa disturbed soil areas will be
restored through the use of sodduxJ, seedincl, or
other tecYutiqu�s.
Deline.ation of both soddecl and seecled areas with
total are.as provided in square feet, and slope
Coverage plan for undexcJround irrigation system,
if any.
StatemPnt or symbols, to desc.-riUe exterior lightirr�
plan concept.
c. Special Conditions:
Nkiere landscape or man-made materials are used to provide
required screening frcxn adjacent and neighboring
properties, a cross-section shall be provided through
the site and adjacent properties to show property
elevation, existing buildinys and screening in scale.
D. I�ndsraping Materials; Definitions.
All plant materials shall be livuig plants. Artificial plants are
(1) Grass and growid cover.
a. Ground cwer shall be planted in such a manner as to
present a finished appe.�ance and reasonably complete
coverage within twelve (12) months aftax planting, with
proper erasion control during plant establistune�zt period.
F�ception to this is undisturbed areas containing natural
vegetztian which can be maintained free of foreign and
no�cious materials.
b. Accepted ground covers are sod, seed, or other on�anic
material. The use of rock arri bark mulch shall be
liunited to areas around other vegetation (i.e. shnabs)
and shall be contained by edging.
(2) 7'rees.
a. Over-story Deciduous.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or more in height, with a single tivnk un-
branched for several feet above the ground, having
a defined crown which looses leaves annually.
2) Such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper m,nimtun
at planting.
b. Ornanteittal.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) feet in height, with a sinyle tnuilc
Page 12 -- On9inance No. 960
un-bxanched for several feet above the ground,
having a defined crown which looses leaves
Such trees shall have a 1 1/2 inch caliper minimtmi
at planting.
c. Conifemus.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in height, with a single t�w�lc
fully bTanched to the ground, having foliage on
the outerniost portion of the branches year-round.
2) Szch trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
(3) Shlvbs.
a. Deciduous or evecgreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) feet in height or less. Such materials
may be used for the formation of hedges. Such materials
chall �et the following minimimt stand�rds at time of
(4) Vines.
Dwarf deciduous shrubs shall be eigkteett (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shnabs shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, except as in Section D below.
�P, �maon �S shall be of the eighteen (18) inch
Vines shall be at least twelve (12} i.nches high at planting,
arxi are generally u_Ked in conjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slopes and Bexms.
Final slope grades steeper than 3:1 will not be permitted
without special approval or treatinent such as terracing
or retaining walls.
Fart'h berm screening parking lots and other open areas
shall not have slopes exceeding 3:1. A minumun three
(3) foot berm is reyuired.
E. Peximeter 7arrlcc�apy�g; g}_-: ^, ;�.
(1) In orrler to achieve landscaping which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a build'ux� and site, the minimtun standa�]s
a. One (1) tree for every one thousand (1,D00) square feet
of total building floor area or or�e (1) txee for every
fifty (50) feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
Page 13 -- Osdinance No. 960
A minimmm of thirty (30) peirznt of the trees required will be coniferous.
b. �eto (2) ornamental trees can be substitute3 for every
one (1) wer-story deciduous shade tree. In no case
shall o*�+�+�ntal trees exceed fifty (50) percent of the
required nwnber of trees.
c. Parkutg and driving arPaa between the buildirx� and
frontage street shall be screened in the follaaing
1) A contuiuous mass of plant materials; min�minn of
three (3) f�t in height at time of planting; or
A continuous earth l�etm with slopes no greater than
3:1 and a mini,mm, of three (3) feet in height; or
A combination of earth berms aixl plant materials
such that a mini,m,m of three (3) feet of continuous
screening is achieved.
Interior Parking Iot Iandscapu�g St�s
(1) All parking areas containing wer one hundred (100) stalls
chall include tanpaved, landscaped islarxls that are reasonably
distributed throuc�out the parking area to break up the
expanses of paVed araa�, r__a..,._� islands shall be pmvided
every two hundred fifty (250) feet or n�re of uninterruptecl
parkirxf stalls.
(2) All landscaped islands shall contain a miniminn of one hundred
eighty (180) square feet with a min;,m,m *,�idth of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
orrk�ttal, or evexcfreen trees, plus growxi cover, mulch,
and/or shrubbea.y, in addition to the minirmun landscape
requirements of this on]inance. Parkirx� area landscaping
shall be contained in planting beds bo�lered by a six (6) inch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Trees shall be provided at the rate of one tree for each
fifteen (15) surface parkir�g spaces provided or a fxaction
Screening and Buffering Standards
(1) Where the patroel abuts park or residentially zoned propei-ty,
there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constructed in the follarting mvu�er:
a. A screenux3 fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) abutting
the park or residentially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructed of attractive, pexm�vzent
finished materials, com�tible with thase used in the
principal structure, and sha11 be a miniminn of six (6)
feet high and a naxim�un of eight (8) feet high. Chain
link fences shall have non-wooden slats when used for
screening �n„?�nsae; or
Page 14 -- Ondinance No. 960
b. A plantirg screen shall be constructed in a fifteen (15)
foot strip and shall consist of healthy, fully h�y
plarst materials and shall be designed to provide a
minumnn yearrourxl opaqueness of eighty (80) perc�sit at
the ti� of maturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficient heic�t to achieve the required screenir�g.
Planting screens shall be maintained in a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be pronq�tly
c. If the existing topography, natural growth of vegetation,
�rmanant buildings or other barriers meet the staixlanls
for screening as a�roved by the City, they may be
substituted for all or part of the screening fence or
planting screen.
(2) All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yaids
and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimwn solid
scneening fence if visible fran a public rightrof way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
(3) All external loadi.ng and sexvice areas accessory to builclings
shall be co�letely screened from the ground level view from
contiguous residertial propexties and adjacent streets, except
at access points.
H. Credit for 7ame Trees
The total rnmiber of required wer-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measuring tluee (3)
inches or more in diameter, or each new coniferous tree measuring
eight (8) feet or more in heic�t. In no event, haaever, shall the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) perce.nt of the total
nwnber of trePS required.
Credit for �cisting Trees
The total rnm�her of required new over-story trees may be reduced by
the retention of existing over-stoiy trees prwided that the
£ollowi_ng wrrlitions are satisfied:
Such trees are four (4) inclies or greater in caliper measured
six (6) inches fran soil level.
For each existing tree meeting the requirP,,,�nt, two trees as
*��;red in section D above may be deleted.
(3) Proper precautions to protect tx�ees during development shall
be indicated on grading plans submitted for plan review. Such
precautions are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be included in the landscape surety.
J. Irrigation.
UndexqYOUnd irrigation shall be required to maintain all landscaped,
boulevard, fmnt and side yazd areas.
K. Installation.
Page 15 -- O�iinance No. 960
(1) 7Y�e follaaing star.;� - shall be met when installuig the
r�,ired landscaPing:
a. Plant materials shall be located to provide reasonable
access to all utilities.
b. All required screenirg or buffering shall be located on
the lot oa,upied by the use, building, facility or
structures to be screened. No screeni� or buffering
shall be located on any public ric�t-of-way.
Sodded areas on slopes shall be staked.
Sesied areas shall be mulched with straw to prevent
ea_rosion. Hydro mulrhim is acxeptable.
Oak trees shall be sunrounded by snow fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent co�action of their
root systems.
Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines
of sight at street corners and driveways.
g. No plant materials reaching a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centerline of an overhead
power line.
(2) The applicant shall install all larx]sc�ape materials within one
year; but shall have three (3) years within which to install
the required landscaping if the follouaing mininn,m stan3ards
are met:
a. First year
All grading is conq�leted, incl�ling installation
of bern�.
The required irrigation system is installed.
pre�c to be seeded and/or sodded are installed.
Screening for adjacent residential areas is
in�talled, if required.
7.Wenty-five (25) percent of the required over-
story trees are insYalled.
Twenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter
la�xiscaping is installed.
b. Second year
The remainder of the perimeter 1<u�dscaping is
Interior landscaping is installed.
Page 16 -- Orciinance No. 960
3) Fifty (50) perrent of the remaining required over-
story trees are installed.
c. Thi�l yPar
Any remaini*m larx3scaping shall be installed.
(1) The property oc,mer shall be responsi.ble for replacement of any
dead trees, shrvbs, grourxl covers, and sodding. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the property owner
shall have, �on written notification from the City, one
qrowirxJ season to replace said materials hefore the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
propexty for the c�sts thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; however, in no case shall the
rnmiber of plant materials be reduced fram the minimiun that is
required by this sec,�tion when replacing dead plant materials.
Screen fences and walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or parcels shall be properly
maintained in an oxderly manner free of litter and junk.
7. Perform�nce Standaxds
D. SCreenirly
(1) Screening of off-street parking shall be required for:
(2) Where any �rcial district is adjacent to a public
ric�t-of-way or across frcan any residential district, the following
requirements must be met:
(3) All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the
I'2dT or side yarci and be totally screened from view from any public
right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screening from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw materials, s�plies, finished or semi-finished proclucts
and equiFxt�ent, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within
an enclased building or be screened on all sides from view from a
public ric�t-of-way or an adjoining property by a fence or other
approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the hic�est item
to be stored with the heic�t of the fence not to exceed eight (8)
(5) Motor vehicles nec�ssa�y to the operation of the principal use
may be stored without screening only within the �mm;tted rear ya�i
� area, if they are not readily visible from a public riqht-of-way.
(6) All roof equipment, eatcept alternate eneYC�y devices, must be
screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an
integral part of the building and is c��tible with the lines of
the building, as determined by the City.
Page 17 -- Ordinance No. 960
F. Maintenance.
G. Essential 3esvices.
205.14 C-2 General Business District Requlations
ParkirxJ Requirexnents
D. Design Requireme��ts
(8) Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be
(9) Sufficient concYete areas may be required for motorcycle parking
in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls.
(10) Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is
convenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes.
(11) Safety signs, markings and traf£ic control devices may be
required, to promote vehicular and pedestrian safety.
A. 5cope.
All open areas of any site, e�ccept for areas used for parking,
driveways, or storage shall be landscaped arxi incorporate3 in a
landscape plan.
All new develo�nents requiring a building �mm; t shall cron�ply
with the requirements of this section.
F7zisting developme��ts shall comply with the requireme�its of
this sec,-tian if one or more of the follawing applies:
At the tune of a buildi.ng expansion or alteration which
dictates the necessity for additional parkiix� or
hardsurfaoe areas in excess of four (4) stalls.
Buildir� alterations which dictate a chanye in use such
that the parking area must be expaix3ed in excess of four
(4) stalls.
Construction of additional loadittg docks.
Constt'uction of new parking areas in eaccess of four (4)
If full oompliance cannot be achieued due to site constraints,
paitial conq�liance as deternuned by the City sh�ill be ettforcecl.
(4) The requirements of this sec•tion shall not be required for
buildi.ng alterations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
Bonding Requirement
Page 18 -- Ordinanra No. 960
The City shall retain a performance hond, cash or letter of cre3it,
as required in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
� growing season after the installation of landscape materials is
C. Plan Submission and Appmval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be submitted to and appmved by the City
prior to issuance of a building �rn+;t or prior to approval
of outside i�rovements not related to buildi� improvements.
A plan shall not be rec�iired for routine replacement of
PYlsting materials or the installation of new materials when
not associated with a building pmject.
(2) The follawing ite�u shall appear on the l�ape plan:
a. General
Name and address of cr�mer/developer
Name and address of architect/designer
Date of plan preparation
DatPS and description of all revisions
Name of project or development
Scale of plan (engineerir�g scale only) at no
smaller tl�an 1 inch equals 50 feet
North point indication
b. ��:,ape C�ta
1) Planting schedule (table) containirrr:
Co�l¢ron namac
Botanical r�[�es
Sizes of plant material at time of planting
Root specification (B.R., B& B, potted,
Special planting vvstructions
2) E�cisting tree arXl shrubbeiy, locations, connnon
names and approximate size
3) Planting detail (shaw all species to scale at
normal mature crc�m diameter, or spread for local
hazdiness zone)
Page 19 -- Orciinance no. 960
Typical sections in detail of fettces, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, bPxms, and
other similar features.
Typical sec,-tions of landscape islands and planter
beds with identification of materials used.
Details of planting beds and foundation plantirx�s.
Note indicatirxJ how disturbed soil areas will be
restored throuc� the use of sa3ding, seeduzg, or
other techniques.
Delineation of both sadded and seeded areas with
total areas provided in square feet, and slope
Coveraqe plan for undex�nund irrigation system,
if any.
Statement or symbols, to describe exterior lighting
plan concept.
c. Special Conditions:
Where landscape or man-made materials are used to provide
required screening from adjacent and neighboring
' properties, a cross-section shall he provided through
the site and adjacent properties to shaa property
elevation, existi.ng buildirxfs and screening in scale.
D. ;�:a^^-ping Materials; Definitions.
Al1 plant materials shall be living plants
(1) GYass and groutld cover.
Artificial plants are
a. Ground cover shall be planted in such a manner as to
present a finished ap�arance and reasonably complete
coverage within twelve (12) months after planting, with
pTOpLC erosion control duririg pla�st establishment periocl.
Exoeption to this is undistw:bed areas contauiing natural
vegetation which can be maintai.ned free of foreign and
noxious materials.
b. Accepted gxound covers are sod, seed, or other orrjanic
material. The use of rock and bark mulch shall �e
limited to areas arow�d other vegetation (i.e. shrubs)
and shall be contained by edging.
a. Over-stozy Deciduous.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or xlare in heic�t, with a single tnuik un-
branched for several feet above the grotu�d, having
Page 20 -- Ordinance No. 960
a definecl crown which looses leaves annually.
Such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper minimLmi
at planting.
�i� � ."""fSii*3iSiUll
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) fee�. in heic�t, with a single trunk
un-branched for several feet above the ground,
havinq a defined cro�an which looses leaves
z) Such trees shall have a 1 1/2 incn cai�per minim�un
at plantizig.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in height, with a single txunk
£ully branched to the grourd, having foliage on
�he oute�t portion of the branches year-round.
2) Such trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
(3) ShYVbs.
a. Deciduous or evergreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) feet in height or less. Stiach matexials
may be used for the forniation of hedges. Such materials
shall meet the follaaing miniminn starxiaxds at time of
(4) Vines.
Dwarf deciduous shrut� shall be eighteen (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shrubs shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, except as in Section D below.
EVezgreen shYVbs shall be of the eighteen (18) inch
Vines shall be at least twelve (12) inches high at planting,
and are generally used in conjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slopes ard Berms.
a. Final slope grades steeper than 3:1 will not be perniitted
without special apprwal or treat�nent such as terracing
or retaining walls.
b. Earth besm screening parking lots and other open areas
shall not have slopes exceeding 3:1. A minimian three
(3) foot bAxm is required.
Page 21 -- Oiziinance No. 960
Perimeter Iandscaping; S�,u'�--'�.
(1) In oxtier to achieve landscapinq which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a buildirx� and site, the minummi standaiY]s
a. Orie (1) tree for evexy one thousarid (1,000) ��are feet
of total build'ux� floor area or one (1) tree for every
fifty (50) feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
A miniminn of thiYty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferous.
b. �o (2) o*T+��++Pntal trees can be substituted for every
one (1) wer-stozy deciduous shade tree. In no case
�hall ornamental trees exczed fifty (50) percent of the
required ntmiber of trees.
c. Parking and drivi=g areas between the building and
frontage street shall be screened in the following
A continuous mass of plant materials; minurnun of
three (3) feet in height at titne of planting; or
A corYtinuous earth bexm with slopes no greater than
3:1 and a miniminn of three (3) feet in heiqht; or
A combination of earth berms and plant materials
such that a miniimun of three (3) feet of continuous
screening is achieved.
Interior Parking Lot Tarv��aping Starxla�c3s
(1) All parxinq areas containirxr wer one nwlarea (loo) stalls
shall include unpaved, lar�pe3 islands that are reasonably
distributed thmughout the parkittq area to brealc up the
a�nGac of paved are,as. L�r�dscaped islarids shall be provided
every two hundred fifty (25D) feet or more of w�internlpted
parking stalls.
(2) All larx3sc�.aped islands shall contain a minummi of one hundred
eic�ty (180) square feet with a miniumun width of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
ornamental, or evetgreen trees, plus ground cover, mulch,
and/or shrvbbery, in addition to the miniminn landscape
requirements of this ordinance. Parking area landscapinq
�hal l be contained in planting beds bo�lered by a six (6) inch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Trees shall be provided at the rate of one tree for each
fifteen (15) surface parking spaces provided or a fraction
St7'eetling and BuffexirxJ Starr3arr7�
(1) Where the parcel abuts park or residentially zoned pmperty,
there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constructed in the following mannex:
Page 22 -- Ordinancz No. 960
a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructecl within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) abuttir�g
the park or residentially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructed of attractive, peimznent
finished materials, campatible with those used in the
principal structure, and shall be a minim�un of six (6?
feet high and a ma�cimnn of eight (8) feet high. Chain
link fences shall have non-wooden slats whett used for
screening pu�poses; or
b. A planting screen shall be constructed �n a fifteen (15)
foot strip atd shall consist of healthy, fully ha�iy
plant materials arxi shall be desigi�i to provide a
mini7mmiyear-round opaqueness of eighty (80) percent at
the t3me of maturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficient heic�t to achieve the required screening.
Planting screens shall be maintained in a neat and
health£ul condition. Dead v�etation shall be promptly
c. If the existi.ng topography, natural growth of vegetation,
permanent buildir�gs or other b�riers meet the standards
for screening as apprwed by the City, they may be
substituted for all or part of the screenir�g fence or
planting screen.
(2) All loading docks must he located in the rear or side yasds
and be screened with a six (6) foot hic� minim�un solid
screening fence if visihle from a public right-of-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
(3) All external loading and sexvice areas ac�essoiy to buildings
shall be c�ipletely screened from the ground level view from
contiguous residential properties and adjacent stxeets, except
at acce.ss points.
Credit for ra�e Trees
The total rnm�ber of required wer-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (lj2) tree for each new deciduous tree measur�ng three (3)
inches or more in diameter, or each new coniferous tree measuring
eight (8) feet or more in height. In no event, however, shall the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) pexcent of the total
ntunber of trees required.
Credit for Existing Trees
'I�e total rnmiber o£ required new wer-story trees may be reduced by
the retention of euisting over-story trees pravided that the
following conditions are satisfied:
Such trees are four (4) inches or gre�zter in caliper measured
six (6) inches f�an soil level.
For each existu�g tree meeting the requiremez�t, two trees as
required in section D abave may be deleted.
Page 23 -- Ordinance No. 960
(3) Proper preaautions to pmtect trees during development shall
be indica�ed on grading plans submitted for plan review. Such
� precautiwvs are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be included in the landscape surety.
J. Irrigation.
Undergrowrl ixrigation shall be �,ired to maintain all landscaped,
boulevatTi, front and side yard areas.
(1) The following sw;�� shall be met when installing the
required landscapir�g:
a. Plant materials shall be located to pmvide reasonable
access to all utilities.
b. All required screenirig or bufferirx3 shall be located on
the lot ocxvpied by the use, building, facility or
structures to be screened. No screenim3 or bufferinq
shall be located on any public right-of-way.
Sodded a�a� on slopes shall be staked.
Seeded areas shall be mulched with straw to prevent
erosion. Hydm mulchinq is acceptable.
oak trees shall be surrounded by snow fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent compaction of their
root systems.
Plantire�s shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines
of sic�t at street corners and driveways.
g. No plant materials reachirig a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centerline of an overhead
paaer line.
(2) The applicant shall install all landsc,.ape materials within one
year; but shall have three (3) years within which to install
the required landscaping if the following minim�un stand��s
are met:
a. First year
All grndiny is completed, including installation
of berms.
The required irrigation system is installed.
Are.as to be seeded and/or sodded are installed.
ScreenirxJ for adjacent residential areas is
installed, if required.
Page 24 -- Ordinance No. 960
7Wenty-five (25) perr.ent of the +�n,;red wer-
Stoxy ts+ees are installed.
7Wenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter
landscaping is installed.
b. Second year
The reanainder of the perimeter larx3scaping is
Intexior lardsr�pirig is installed.
Fifty (50) percent of the remaining required over-
stoxy tt� are installed.
Thisd year
Any remainirig landscaping shall be installed.
(1) The property a,mer shall be responsible for replacement of any
dead trees, shnabs, ground ccrvers, and soddirxf. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the property owner
�'�_,1 have, upon written notification from the City, one
gmwing season to re�lace said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
property for the oosts thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; hawever, in no case shall the
rnmiber of plant materials be reduced from the mi„i„n,o, that is
required by this sec.-tion when replacing dead plant materials.
Screen fences arid walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or parcels shall be properly
maintained in an orderly z[�nner free of litter ancl junk.
7. PPxforniance SYzndards
D. Screening
(1) Screenixlg of off-street parkina shall be requir�l for:
(2) Where any c�[[¢nercial district is adjacent to a public
right-of-way or across fr�n any residential district, the following
requirements must be met:
(3) All trash or garbage storage reoeptacles must Y�e located in the
rear or side ya� and be totally screened from view from any public
' right-of�rray. Provisions must he taken to protect screening from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw m�terials, supplies, finished or semi-finished proclucts
and equipment, not incltxling motor vehicles, shall be stored within
an enclosed building or be screened on all sides from view from a
Page 25 -- Onlinance No. 960
public right-of way or an adjoining prop�xty by a fence or other
appraved screen which extends two (2) feet al�ove the highest item
' to be stored with the heic�t of the fence not to exceed eight (8)
(5) N�tor vehicles necessaly to the operation of the principal use
may be store�i withaut screening only within the r,�rm;tted rear yard
area, if they are not readily visiUle fmm a public right-of-�ray.
(6) All roof �uipment, e�ccept alternate enen�y devices, must be
screened frwn public view unless the equipment is designed as an
integral part of the buildirx� and is oo�atible with the lines of
the building, as determined by the City.
F. Maintes�ance.
G. Essential Setvioes.
205.15 C-3 General Shopping District Regulations
5. Parking Requirements
D. Design Requirements
(a) Parking lots with more than four (4) ParkiixJ stalls shall be
� (9) Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parking
in addition to the required vehicle parkirx� stalls.
(10) Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is
convenient to each major lxiilding entrance ancl will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes.
(11) Safety signs, mark;rr�c and traffic control devices may be
required, to prwnote vehicular ancl pedestrian safety.
�. • a. r � i�
(_�.r_.. -
All open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking,
driveways, or storage shall be la�xlscaped and incorporated in a
lazxlscape plan.
(1) All new develogments requiring a building permit shall comply
with the requirements of triis section.
(2) Ekistirg developments shall comply with the requirements of
this section if one or more of the followuig applies:
a. At the time of a buildiny expansion or alteration which
, dictates the necessity for additional parkuxf or
harr7cimfaCe ax'eas in exces5 of foUr (4) stalls.
b. Building alterations t�inich dictate a c]�ange i.n use such
that the parking area must be expanded in eaccess of four
(4) stalls.
Page 26 -- Oxdinance No. 960
Construction of additional loadirxf docks.
Construction of new parkinq areas in excess of four (9)
(3) If full compliance cannot be arhieved due to site constrainYS,
partial compliance as determined by the City shall be enforced.
(4) The requirements of this section shall not be required for
lxiilding alterations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
C• .� • 1• J -
7.he City shall retain a performance bond, cash or letter of credit,
as required in Sec.-tion 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
gro�air�g season after the installation of landscape materials is
Plan SUl�nission and Approval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City
prior to issuar�e of a building m,-r�; t or prior to approval
of outside i�rwements not related to building improven�ents.
A plan shall not be required for routine replaca�nent of
�isting materials or the uistallation of new materials when
not associated with a building project.
(2) The following items shall aprnar on the landscape plan:
a. General
Name ar�d address of owner/developer
Name and address of architect/designer
Date of plan preparation
Ik3tes and description of all revisions
Name of project or developme�it
Scale of plan (eix�ineering scale only) at no
smaller than 1 inch equals 50 feet
North point indication
b. Iarxiscape Data
1) Planting schedule (table) containing:
Coimnon nzunes
�tanical names
Page 27 -- Ozdinance No. 960
Sizes of plant material at time of planting
Root specification (B.R., B& B, potted,
S�ecial planting instructions
F7cisting tree and shrubl�ery, locations, crnrmion
names and approximate size
Planting detail (show all species to scale at
normal mature crown diameter, or spread for local
harrlinacs Zpne)
7ypical sec.-tions in detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms, and
other similar features.
Typical sec,-tions of lar�dscape islancls and planter
beds with identification of materials userl.
Details of plantir�q beds and fow�dation plantinqs.
Note indicating how disturbed soil areas will be
restored through the use of soddiixJ, seeding, or
other ter.hniques.
Delineation of both sodded and seeded areas with
total areas provided ]n ��are feet, and slope
Cwerage plan for undesc�round irrigation system,
if any.
States[�ent or symbols, to describe exterior lighting
plan concept.
Special Conditions:
Where landscape or man made materials are used to provide
�,i.�7 screenitxq fr�n adjacent and neighbor�
propexties, a cross-section shall be provided through
the site and adjacent properties to show property
elevation, e.�cisti� buildings and sc;reening in scale.
D. Iar�GCaping Matexials; Definitions,
All plant materials shall be living plants. Artificial plants are
(1) Gxass and gYOtuid cover.
a. Grourxl cover shall be planted in such a maru�er as to
present a finished appearance and reasonably complete
coverage within twelve (12} months after planting, with
proper erosion control during plant establishment period.
Eacceptiion to this is undistu� areas containing natural
vegetation which can be maintained free of foreign and
noxious materials.
Fage 28 -- Oxtiinance No. 960
b. Accepteci ground oavers are socl, seed, or other on7zulic
matexial. The use of roc]c ar�d bark mul ch shall be
� li.mited to areas airound other vegetation (i.e. shrubs)
and shall be contained by edging.
(2) Trees.
Over-stoxy Deciduaus.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or more in height, with a single trunk un-
branched for several feet above the ground, having
a defined cro4m which looses leaves annually.
2) Such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper m�niminn
at plantinq.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) feet in height, with a sir�gle trvnlc
un-bxanched for several feet atwve the ground,
having a defined crokni which looses leaves
2) Such trees sha11 have a 1 1/2 inch caliper minurnmt
at planting.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in height, with a single txvnk
fully branched to the ground, having foliaqe on
the outermost portion of the branches year-round.
2) Such trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
(3) Shivbs.
a. Deciduous or everqreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) feet in height or less. Such materials
may be u_sed for the formation of hedges. Such materials
chall meet the follawing miniminn sta*���� at time of
(4) Vines.
Dwarf deciduous shXVbs shall be eighteen (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shnil�s shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, except as in 5ection D Y�e1ow.
�.Vergreen shrubs shall be of the eiqhteen (18) inch
vines shall be at least twelve (12) inches high at planting,
Page 29 -- O�iinance No. 960
and are genesally used in canjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slopes atrl BeYms.
Final slope grades steeper tY�an 3:1 will not be �r++; tted
without special approval or treatrnent such as terracing
or retainiTm walls.
E3Ttt1 �:?2TIR SCY'�E2ill11CJ jJrlrklMJ lOtS al]Ci Ot11QY OjJ211 3TE35
shall not have slopes e3cceeding 3:1. A minim�un three
(3) foot berm is required.
E. Perimetex ra.r7c�-ap�q; StandanLs.
(1) In orclex to achieve landscaping which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a building and site, the minumun sta�xlards
a. One (1) tree for every one thousarxl (1,000) ��are feet
of total building floor area or one (1) tree for eveiy
fifty (50) feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
A min3mwn of thirty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferous.
b. Ztao (2) o�+++Pn}�1 trees can be suhstituted for every
one (1) wer-story deciduous shade tree. In no case
� shall ornamental trees exceed fifty (50) pear.ent of the
required nwnber of trees.
c. Parking and driving areas between the building and
frontage stxeet shall be screened in the following
A continuous mass of plant materials; minimiml of
three (3) feet in height at t�me of plantirKJ; or
A continuous earth berm with slopes no greater than
3:1 and a miniminn of three (3) feet in height; or
A cambination of earth berms and plant materials
such that a minurnan of three (3) feet of contittuous
screening is achieved.
Interior Parkirx� i�t Tanr7cr-api]xJ Standards
(1) All parking areas containitxJ over one hur�dred (100) stalls
shall include unpaved, landscaped islands that are reasonably
distributed throughout the parking area to break up the
P�ncac of paved areas. Iandscaped islands shall be provided
evexy two hundred fifty (250) feet or more of uninteriupted
parlcing stalls.
(2) All landscaped islands shall conta,in a minim�nn of or�e hundred
eighty (180) squaxe feet with a minim�un width of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
ornamental, or eveYgreen trees, plus groutxl cover, mulch,
andJor shn�bbery, in addition to the mininnun laixLscape
requirements of this oxtiinance. Parkirx� area landscaping
Page 30 --0�iinance No. 960
shall be contained in planting beds bon3ered by a s� (6) inch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Trees shall be provicied at the rate of one tree for each
fifteen (15) surface parking spaces provided or a fraction
Screening and Huffering Starr3axds
(1) Where the parcel abuts park or residentially zoned propPxty,
there shall be prcrvided a lairLsrzped bu£fer which sha_ll be
constructed in the following m�uv�er:
a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) ahutting
the park or residentially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructed of attractive, �xnr�nent
finished materials, compatible with those used in the
principal structure, and shall be a minimiun of six (6)
feet high and a maxinnrm of eight (8) feet high. Chain
link fencPS shall have non-wooden slats when used for
screening purposes; or
b. A planting screen shall be constructed in a fifteen (15)
foot strip and shall consist of healthy, fully hardy
plant materials atxl shall be designed to provide a
miniminn year-rotu�d opaqueness of eighty (80) pexr.Pnt at
the tim� of mzturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficient heic�t to achieve the required screening.
Plantirig screens shall be maintained in a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be promptly
c. If the eacistirig topogtaphy, natural growth of vegetation,
peYmanerit buildings or other barriers meet the standazcls
for sc*�n�*� as approved by the City, they may be
substituted for all or part of the screening fence or
planting screen.
(2) All loading doaks must be located in the rear or side yasds
and be screened with a six (6) foot high mininaun solid
screening fence if visible frwn a public rightro£-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
(3) All external loading and service areas accessozy to buildings
chall be cot�letely screetted fram the grourxl level view fram
contiguous residential properties and adjacent st.reets, except
at acceas points.
Credit for Iai�ge Trees
� The total nwnber of �,; red aver-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measuring three (3)
ir�Ches or more in diameter, or each new coniferous tree measuring
eight (8) feet or more in height. In no event, however, shall the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) percent of the total
nwnber of trees required.
Page 31 -- Oxriinance No. 960
Credit for F�cisting Trees
The total nwnber of required new wer-stoxy txees may be reduced by
the retention of existing wer-story trees provided that the
following coriditions are satisfied:
Such treas are four (4) inches or greater in caliper measured
six (6) inches £rom soil level.
For each existing tree meeting the requiremesit, two trees as
required in section D above may be deleted.
(3) Proper precautions to pmtect trees durir�g developme�it shall
be itxlicated an gradirrg plans submitted for plan review. Such
precautions are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be included in the lax�ciscape surety.
Undexground irrigation shall be required to maintain all laix]scaped,
boulevazd, front and side yanl areas.
(1) The follaairig sta,v3arrle sha11 be met when installing the
required landscaping:
a. Plant mat,erials shall be located to provide reasonable
access to all utilities.
b. All required scrcening or buffering shall be located on
the lot occupied by the use, building, facility or
structures to be screened. No screening or buffering
^'�_,1 be located on any public right-of way.
Sodded areas on slopes shall be stalced..
Seeded areas shall be mulched with straw to prevent
erosion. Hydro mulchirig is acceptable.
Oak trees shall be surrourxled by snow fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent conq�action of their
root systems.
Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lvies
of sight at street cornexs and driveways.
g. No plant materials reachi� a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal gath of the centerline of an overhead
power line.
' (2) The applicant shall install all landscape materials with5n one
year; but shall have three (3) years within which to install
the required lanc]sraping if the followasx3 minim�un standards
are met:
Page 32 -- Ordinance No. 960
a. First yaar
All grading is ca�leted, including installation
of bernis.
'Ihe YequiT'ed irrigation system is installed.
Areas to he seeded and/or sodded are installed.
Screening for adjacent residential areas is
in�ra7led, if required.
'itaenty-five (25) percent of the required over-
5toty trees are installed.
Ztaenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter
landscaping is installed.
b. Second year
The remainder of the perimeter laix7sc<lping is
Interior landscaping is uistalled.
Fifty (5�) percent of the remaining required over-
story tsees are installed.
Thin3 yPaY
Any remainincr landscaping shall be installed.
(1) The property awner shall be responsible for replacement of any
dead trees, shrubs, grourxl covers, and sodding. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the pro�rty owner
shall have, upon written notification from the City, one
growing se.ason tA replace said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
pmperty for the c�sts thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; however, in no case shall the
mmiber of plant materials be reduceci from the minvmun that is
�-�+,;red by this section when replacing dead plant materials.
Screen fences and walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or parcels shall be properly
maintained in an onierly manner free of litter arxl junk.
7. Performance 5tarr3ards
D. Screening
(1) Screening of off-street parking shall be required for:
Paqe 33 --Ordinanoe No. 960
(2) FIlzere any conm�ercial district is adjacent ta a public
ric�t-of-way or across fn�n any residential district, the following
requirements must t�e met:
(3) All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the
rear or side yard and be totally screened from view from any public
right-of way. Provisions rwst be taken to protect screening from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi.-finished proclucts
and equi�lt, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within
an enclosed buildisr3 or be screened on all sides from view from a
public ric�t-of�aay or an adjoinir,r� property by a fence or other
approved screen which extends two (2) £eet above the highest item
to be store3 with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8)
(5) Motor vehicles necessal.y to the operation of the principal use
may be stored without screening only within the permi.tted rear yarrl
area, if they are not readily visible from a public right-of-way.
(6) All roof equipment, except alternate enen�y devices, must be
screened f�n public view unless the equipment is designed as an
integ�al patt of the building and is �tible with the lines of
the buildi�, as detennined by the City.
F. Maintenance.
G. Essential Sexvices.
205.16 CR-1 General Office District Regulations
Park;*� Requirements
D. De5igI1 RequiramontS
(8) Parking lots with more than four (4) parkirxJ stalls shall be
(9) Sufficie.nt concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parking
in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls.
(10) Bike racks may be ��ired by the City in an area that is
corrvenient to each major buildiny entrance and will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes.
(11) Safety siqns, markirxjs and traf£io control devices may be
required, to promote vehicular and pedestrian safety.
. �, . • . a• r s i�
A. SCOpe.
All open areas of any
driveways, or storage
landscape plan.
site, eatcept for areas useci for parking,
shall be landscaped and incorporated in a
Page 34 -- Orclis��ce No. 960
All new develo�xnents regiiring a buildir�g permit shall comply
with the requirett�ents af this section.
btisting developmettts shall co�ly with the requiremPaits of
this section if one or more of the following applies:
At the time of a building expansion or alteration which
dictates the neoessity for additional parking or
hardsurfac:e areas in excess of four (4) stalls.
Buildinq alterations which dictate a change in use such
ti�at the parlcing area must be exparided in excess of four
(4) stalls.
Construction of additional loading docks.
Construction of nera parking areas in e�ccess of four (4)
If full compliance cannot be achieved due to site constraints,
partial compliance as determined by the City shall be enforcecl.
(4) The requireme.nts of this section shall not be required for
building altexations which do not affect the e�tterior portions
of the site.
B�nding Requirement
The City shall retain a performance bond, cash or letter of credit,
as required in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
growing season after the installation of lancLscape materials is
Plan S�nission and Apprwal.
(1) A la�x3scape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City
prior to issuance of a building �*-�+;t or prior to approval
of outside i�mvements not related to building improvements.
A plan shall not be recpiired for routine replacement of
existing materials or the installation of new materials when
not associated with a building project.
(2) The follaaing itPms shall ap�ar on the landscape plan:
a. General
1) Name and address of owner/developer
Name and address of architect/designer
Date of plan preparation
Dates and description of all revisions
Name of project or development
Scale of plan (engineering scale only) at na
smalleT than 1 inch equals 50 feet
Page 35 -- Ordinance No. 960
7) North point indication
b. Tarricrape Datd
1) Planting schedule (table) containing:
Camron names
Botanical r,�,mc
Sizes of plant material at time of planting
Root specification (B.R., B& B, potted,
Special planting instructions
EScisting tree and shn�bbeiy, locations, coimnon
names and approximate size
Planting detail (show all species to scale at
norm3l mature crown diameter, or spread for local
hardiness zone)
Typical sec.�tions in detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms, and
ather similar features.
Typical sections of landscape islands and planter
beds with identification of materials used.
Details of planting beds and fowidation plantings.
Note indicating hcrw disturl�eci soil areas will be
restored thmugh the use of soddirx�, seedux�, or
other techniques.
Delineation of both sodded and sc�eded areas with
total areas provided in ��are feet, and slope
Coverage plan for undesground isrigation system,
if any.
Statement or synibols, to descri be exterior liqhting
plan concept.
c. Special Conditions:
1 Where landscape or man-made materials are usecl to provide
required screening from adjacent and neighboring
properties, a cross-section shall he provided through
the site and adjacent properties to show property
elevation, existing buildings ancl screening in scale.
Page 36 -- Ortlinance No. 960
D. Iandscaping Matexials; Definitions.
All plant materials shall be living plants. Artificial plants are
(1) Grass and gxotu�ci cover.
a. Growxi cover shall be planted in such a m�rvler as to
present a finished appearance and reasonably complete
covesage within twelve (12) months aftex plantinq, with
proper ei.rosion control during plant establishment periocl.
EXception to this is undisturbed areas contai ni nr� natural
vegetation which can be maintain�i free of foreign ancl
noxious materials.
b. �egted ground covers are sod, seed, or other oYganic
material. The use of rock and bark mulch shall be
limited to areas around other vegetation (i.e. shnabs)
and shall be contained by edging.
Trees .
over-story Deciduous.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or more in height, with a single trunk un-
bra�x�,hed for several feet aUove the grotuxl, having
a defined crown which looses leaves annually.
2) Such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper minimtun
at planting.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less th�n
thirty (30) feet in heic�t, with a single tiwik
un-branched for several feet above the ground,
having a defined craan which looses leaves
2) Such txees shall have a 1 1/2 inch caliper minimwn
at planting.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in height, with a single tnnilc
fully branched to the ground, having foliage on
the outermost portion of the branches year-roiuxl.
2) S�ch trees shall be six (6) feet itt height at
a. Deciduous or evergreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) feet in heic�t or less. Such materials
may be used for the formation of hedges. Such materials
Page 37 -- On3inance No. 960
shall meet the following minim�un sta*r7a�G at time of
(4) Vine5.
Dwarf deciduous shnabs shall be eigkteen (18)
inches tall.
Deciauous shn�Us shall ve twer�ty-four (a4) incnes
tall, except as in Section D belaa.
EVergreen shnil�s shall be of the eic�teen (18) inch
Vines shall be at least twelve (12) inches hic� at planting,
and are generally used in oonjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slopes and Betms.
Final slope grades steeper than 3:1 will not be uPrn�;ttecl
without special approval or treatrtient such as terracu�g
or retaining walls.
Farth berm screening parking lots and other open areas
sh311 170t haV2 S10p2S e3CCe2d]IKj 3:1. A minimtnn }]�re2
(3) foot bexm is required.
E. Perimeter Iandsraping; Starx3a1Y7s.
(1) In oxder to aclueve landscaping which is appmpriate in scale
with the size of a building and site, the minurnnn standa�]s
a. One (1) tree for every one thousand (1,D00) square feet
of total building floor area or one (1) tree for euesy
fifty (50) feet of site peri�ter, whichever is greater.
A miniimmi of thirty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferous.
b. Ztao (2) ornamental trees can be suhstituted for eveiy
one (1) over-stoxy deciduous shade tree. In no case
shall ornamental trees exceed fifty (50) pezrent of the
required nwnl�er of trees.
c. Parking and drivizig a,-Pa� between the building and
frontage street shall be screened in the following
A oontinuous mass of plant materials; minumun of
three (3) feet in height at time of plantir�g; or
A continuous earth berm with slopes no greater than
3:1 atxl a minismmi of three (3) feet in height; or
A comUi.nation of earth benns ancl plant materials
such that a minim�an of three (3) feet of continuous
scree►ung is achieved.
Page 38 -- Ortlinance No. 960
F. Eaterior Parkir�g Lot Iandscapir�g Standazds
� (1) All parking areas containing over one hwxlred (100) stalls
shall include unpaved, landscaped islands that are reasonably
distributed throuc�aut the parki� area to break up the
P�n�c of paved areas. T'-;aaped islands shall be provided
evexy two hwrlred fifty (250) feet or more of uninternipted
par)cing stalls.
(2) All larxLscaped islands shall contain a minimtun of one hundrecl
eic�ty (180) squat� feet with a minimiun width of five (5) feet
and shall l�e pmvided with deciduous shade tsees, or
ornamental, or evergree.n trees, plus grow�d cover, mulch,
andfor shivbbery, in addition to the minimwn lzulc�scape
req�ireznents of this orr3inance. Parking area lanclscaping
shall be contained in planting beds ho�lered by a six (6) inch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Tree.s shall be pravided at the rate of one tree Por each
fifteen (15) surface parkiixJ spaces provided or a fraction
G. Screenir�g and Buffering Standax'ds
(1) Where the pair,el alwts park or residentially zoned property,
there shall be pmvided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constaucted in the follaaing manner:
� a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the pmperty line(s) abutting
the park or residentially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructed of attractive, pernianent
finished materials, cronq�atible with those LLSecl in the
principal structure, and shall be a minumnn of six (6)
feet high and a maxiim�mm of eic�t (8) f�t hiqh. Chain
link fences shall have non-woodett slats when t�.sed for
screening purposes; or
b. A planting screen shall be constructed in a fifteen (15)
foot strip and shall consist of healthy, fully harcly
plant materials and shall be designed to provide a
minitmun yeariroiu�d opaqueness of eighty (80) percent at
the time of maturity. Zhe plant material shall be of
sufficient height to achieve the requi.red screening.
Planting screens shall be maintained itt a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be promptly
c. If the existing topography, natural growrli of vs�etation,
rrsPrmanant ]'JU11C112]CJS OT' O'�12Y k13L712Y5 TRfi2t �'12 S�?T1C�dYT�S
for screening as approved by the City, they may be
' substituted for all or part of the screening fence or
planting screen.
(2) All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards
and be screened with a six (6) foot high minurnun solid
screening fence if visible from a public rightrof-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a reside.ntial districts.
Page 39 -- 0�3inar�e No. 960
(3) All extexnal loading and service areas accessory to buildings
� shall be completely screened fx�an the ground level view from
contiguous residential properties and adjacent streets, e�zcept
at aa�ss points.
H. Credit for Tarrrre Trees
The total nwnber of required wer-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measuring three (3)
inches or more in diameter, or each new conifemus tree m,���suruzg
eight (8) feet or more in height. In no event, however, shall the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) percent of the total
nwnbex of trees required.
I. CYedit for F7cisting Trees
�e total ntim�ber of required ne.w over-stAxy trees may he re3uce�1 by
the retention of existing overstory trees provided that the
follaairig conditions are satisfied:
Such trees are four (4) inches or greater in caliper measured
six (6) inches from soil level.
For each existiz�g tree meeting the �,;rement, two trees as
required in section D above may be deleted.
� (3) Proper precautions to protect trees durir�g developmealt shall
be irxlicated on grading plans sukanitted £or plan reuiew. Such
precautions are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be included in the landscape surety.
Urxlerground irrigation shall be required to maintain all landscapeci,
houlevard, front an3 side ya� areas.
(1) The follaaing �-�*Y7��7G shall be met when installuig the
required landscaping:
a. Plant materials shall be located to provide reasonable
access to all utilities.
b. All required �mng or buffering shall be located on
the lot occupied by the use, buildirx�, facility or
structures to be screened. No screening or buffering
shall be located on any public ric�t-of�ray.
Sodded areas on slopes shall be staked.
Seeded areas shall be mulched with straw to preuent
erosion. Hydro naalchir�g is acceptable.
Oak trces shall be suizouncled by snaa fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent compaction of their
root systems.
Page 40 -- Ordinzuxx No. 960
f. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines
of sic�t at street cornecs and driveways.
g. No plant materials reaching a mature heic�t of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centerline of an werhead
power line.
(2) The applicant shall install all landscape materials within one
year; krut shall have three (3) years within which to install
the required larxLscaping if the following miniimmi st�indan9s
are met:
a. First year
All grading is co�leted, including installation
of berms.
The required irrigation system is installed.
Areas to be seeded and/or soclded are installed.
Screening for adjacent residential areas is
inctalled, if ��ired.
7.taenty-five (25) percent of the required over-
stoxy tre�s are installed.
7taenty-five (25) percent of the perimeter
landsraping is installed.
b. Second year
The remainder of the perimeter landscapittg is
Interior larrlscaping is installed.
Fifty (50) percent of the remaining required over-
story trees are installed.
Thirtl year
Any rest�ainirig landscapistg shall be installed.
(1) 'I`he property owner shall be responsiUle for replacement of any
dead trees, shrubs, gmund covers, and sodding. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the property owner
shall have, upon written notification fram the City, one
growing season to replace said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
propesty for the costs thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; haeever, in no case shall the
rnmiber of plant materials be reduc�d from the miniminn that is
required by this section when replacirig dead plant materials.
Page 41 -- Ox�linance No. 960
Screen fences and walls whirh are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or parcels shall be properly
maintained in an on%rly manner free of littex and junk.
7. Performance St�x3�--'�
D. Scraanitrr
(1) Scrce.nuxJ of off-street par]ciixJ shall be required for:
(2j Where any c�mmiercial district is adjacent to a public
ric�t-of-way or across frmn any residential district, the following
requirements must be met:
(3) All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located �n the
rear or side yan� and be totally screened from view from any public
right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screenuig from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products
and equipment, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within
an enclosed buildirig or be screened on all sides from view from a
public ric�t-of-way or an adjoining property by a fence or other
approved screen which extends two (2) £eet above the highest item
to be stored with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8)
(5) Motor vehicles necessazy to the operation of the principal use
may be stored without screening only within the ��;tted rear yazd
area, if they are iwt readily visihle from a public riqht-of-way.
(6) All roof equipment, except alternate enen7Y devices, must be
screened fr�n public view unless the �n,ipment is designed as an
integral part of the buildirxJ arxl is �tible with the littes of
the buildinq, as determine�l by the City.
F. Maint�'ice.
G. Essential Sesvices.
205.17 M-1 Light Irxiustrial District Regulations
5. Parkitx3 Requirements
D. Design Requirements
(s) Parking lots with more than four (4) park;*x� stalls shall be
(9) Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parking
in addition to the required vehicle parku�g stalls.
(l0) Bike racks may be i�uired by the City in an area that is
corn�enient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehieular traffic or fire lanes.
Page 42 -- Oxcl� r�*+rp No. 960
(il) Safety signs, markings and traffic control devices may be
�++,;red, to promote vehicular and pedestrian safety.
A. Scope.
All open areas of any
driveways, or storage
landscape plan.
site, except for �*-��G used for parking,
C��1 be larxlscaped and incorporated in a
All new develo��ts i2quiring a buildinq ��it shall comply
with the requirements of this section.
Existing develo��ts shall conq�ly with the requiremeiits of
this section if one or mare of the followim� applies:
At the time of a buildinq expansion or alteration which
dictates the nec�ssity for additional parking or
harr3c„rface areas in excess of four (4) stalls.
Buildinq altexations which dictate a chaix7e in use such
that the parking area must be expa�xied in excess of four
(4) sta].ls.
Construction of additional loading docks.
Construction of new parking areas in excess of four (4)
If full cbt�liance cannot be achieved due to site constraints,
partial �liance as determined by the City shall be enforced.
(4) 7he requirements of this section shall not be required for
building alterations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
:. . . _. - -
The City shall retain a perPormance bond, cash or letter of credit,
as required in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
growing season after the installation of landscape materials is
Plan �,t�; ssion and Approval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City
prior to issuance of a building permit or prior to approval
of outside improvei[�ents not related to building improveu�.nts.
A plan shall not be required for routine replacement of
existing materials or the installation of new materials when
�t associated with a kyuildinq project.
(2) The followinq items shall appear on the landscape plan:
a. General
1) Name and address of awner/developer
Fage 43 -- On9inance No. 960
Name arrl address of axrhitec.�t/designer
Date of plan preparation
Dates and description of all revisions
Name of project or developm�nt
Scale of plan (engineeririg scale only) at no
snaller than 1 inch equals 50 feet
Noxth point indication
b. Z'un;�ape I�ta
1) Planting schedule (table) containing:
a) Symbols
b) Quantities
c) Cartmion *��G
d) Botanical names
e) Sizes of plant material at time of plantirr�
f) Root specification (B.R., B& B, potted,
g) Special plantirx3 instructions
Existing tree and shrubbP.xy, locations, coirnuon
names and approximate size
Planting detail (show all species to scale at
noYmal mature crown diameter, or spread for local
tjaT:�l T1PCC 'J�Qne�
7.j�pical sections in detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms, and
other similar features.
Typical sec,-tions of landscape islands and planter
beds with identification of materials usecl.
Details of planting beds and foundation plantings.
Note indicating haa disturbed soil areas will be
restored through the use of soddirg, seeding, or
other techniques.
Delineatian of both sodded and seeded areas with
total areas provided in square feet, and slope
Coverage plan for undesground irrigation systein,
if any.
Page 44 -- O�lu�ance No. 960
10) Statement or symbols, to describe exterior lighting
plan concept.
c. Special Conditions:
Where landscape or man-made materials are used to provide
required screenitx� frmn adjacent and neighboring
propezties, a cross-section shall be provided through
the site and adjacent propezties to shcxa property
elevation, existing buildings and screenirx3 in scale.
D. r__.�,.,._py� Matex'ials 7 DefinitioIlS.
All plant materials shall be living plants. Artificial plants are
(1) Grass arxi gtround cover.
a. Grotvxl cover shall be planted in such a m-iruier as to
present a finished appearance arxl reasonably complete
coverage within twelve (12) months after planting, with
proper erosion control during plant establishment periocl.
FXception to this is undisturbed arna� containing natural
vegetation which can be maintained free of foreign and
noxtous materials.
b. Accepted grow�d covers are sod, seed, or other orqanic
� material. The use of mck and bark mulch shall be
limited to areas axnund other vegetation (i.e. shri�s)
and shall be contained by edging.
(2) Trees.
Over-story Deciduous.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or more itt heiqht, with a single tnu�k un-
branched for several feet above the ground, having
a defined craa�l which looses leaves annually.
2) S�ch trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper min.imwn
at planting.
1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) feet in height, with a sittgle tnu�lc
un-branched for several feet abave the gxnund,
having a defined crcmm which looses leaves
2) S�1ch trees shall have a 1 1/2 inch caliper minimwn
at planting.
c. Coniferous.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in heic�t, with a single trunk
Page 45 -- Oxxiinance No. 960
(3) snruus.
fully branched to the ground, havirx� foliage on
the outexniost portion of the branches year-round.
Such trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
planti ng.
a. Deciduous or evergreen plant material, which at maturity
is fift.een (15) feet in height or less. SUch materials
may be used for the formation of hedges. Such materials
shall meet the following minitmmm sta.x7arr3c at time of
(4) Vines.
Dwarf deciduous shrubs shall be eic�teen (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shrvUs shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, exoept as in Section D belo�a.
E�ergreen shn�bs shall be of the eigLtep� (18) inch
Vines shall be at least twelve (12) inches high at planting,
and are generally used in conjunction with walls or fences.
(5) Slnpes and Berms.
Final slope grades steeper than 3:1 will not be pPxmittecl
without special approval or treat�nent such as terracing
or retaining walls.
Earth berm screenittg parkim lots and other open areas
shall not have slopes exceeding 3:1. A miniminn three
(3) foot berm is required.
E. Perimeter Iatxlscaping: Si-arr7arr3c,
(1) In o�ler to achieve landscaping which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a building arA3 site, the miniminn standards
a. One (1) tree for every one thousa�x3 (1,000) square feet
of total building floor area or one (1) tree for every
fifty (50) feet of site [x�Sitneter, whichever is greater.
A miniminn of thirty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferous.
b. ZWo (2) ornamental trees can be substituted for every
one (1) over-story deciduous shade tree. In no case
shall o��++�ntal trees exceed fifty (50) percent of the
required nimiber of trees.
c. Parking and drivi.ng areas between the buildittg and
frontage street shall be screened in the following
Page 46 -- Oxtlinance No. 960
!�. �
A contuiuous mass of plant materials; minimum of
three (3) feet in heic�t at time of planting; or
A continuous eclrth berm with slopes no greater than
3:1 and a minilmnn of three (3) feet in height; or
A canUination of earth bexms and plant materials
such that a minumnn of three (3) feet of continuous
screening is achieved.
- . . . . .. . .. .
(lj all garxing areas containirxf wer one nwiarea (loo) stalls
shall include unpaved, laridscaped islands that are reasonably
distributed throughaut the parking area to break up the
expanses of paved areas. Landsr.aped islaixls shall be provided
evexy two hundred fifty (250) feet or more of unintei7upted
par]ciixJ stalls.
(2) All landscaped islands shall contain a miniminn of one hunclred
eighty (180) square feet with a minimimi width of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
ornamental, or evercYreen trees, plus ground cover, mulch,
and/or shxvbbezy, in addition to the minimtnn lai�scape
requirements of this oxdinance. Parking area lancLscaping
shall be contained in planting beds bo�lered by a six (6) �nch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Trees shall be provided at the rate of one tree for each
fifteen (15) surface parking spaces provided or a fraction
Screening and Buffering Si-aTU9arr�s
(1j Where the parcel abuts park or residentially zoned property,
there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constructe3 in Yhe follaaim� manner:
a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) abuttirig
the park or residetttially zoned property. Said fence
or wall shall be constructecl of attractive, permanent
finished materials, campatible with those used in the
principal stxucture, and shall be a miniminn of six (6)
feet high and a maxummi of eic�t (8) feet high. Chain
link fences shall have non-wooden slats when used for
screenisx3 purposes; or
b. A planting screen shall be constructe3 in a fifteen (15)
foot strip and shall oonsist of healthy, fully hardy
plant materials and shall be desigi�ecl to provide a
mini,m,m year-round opaqueness of eighty (80) pem.�nt at
the tittie of maturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficient heic�t to achieve the required screenirig.
Planting screens shall be maintained in a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be promptly
Page 47 -- On9inance No. 960
c. If the existing topography, natural growth of vegetation,
permanent buildirigs or other barriers meet the stand�rrls
' for screening as approved by the City, they may be
substituted for all or part of the screenir�g fence or
planti rx� screen.
(2) All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards
and be screened with a six (6) foot hic� minirm,m solid
sci�eening fence if visible fr�n a public right-of-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
(3) All external loading and sesvice areas accessoxy to buildings
shall be cot[q�letely screened fram the ground level view from
contiguous residential pmperties arxi adjacent streets, except
at ac:cess points.
Credit for Tar�e 7rees
The total nwnber of required wer-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measuririg three (3)
inchas or more in diameter, or each new coni£erous tree measuring
eight (8) feet or more in heic�t. In no event, however, shall the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) perce.�it of the total
nwnbex of trees required.
Credit for B7cisting Trees
The total niunber of required new over-stozy trees may be reduced by
the retention of e3cisting wer-story trees provided that the
follaaing conditions are satisfied:
Such trees are four (4) inches or greater in caliper measured
six (6) inches from soil level.
For each existing tree meeting the recgiireme��t, two trees as
required in sec.-tion D above may be deleted.
(3) Proper precautions to protect trees during development shall
be indicated on grading plans sutnni.tted for plan reuiew. Such
precautions are outlined in section J. These precautions shall
be incl�led in the landscape surety.
Undezground irrigation shall be required to maintain all landscaped,
boulevazd, fmnt and side yani areas.
(1) The follaaing standaxds shall be met when installing the
�,;red landscaping:
� a. Plant materials shall he located to provide reasonaUle
acc�ss to all utilities.
b. All required screening or buffering shall be located on
the lot occupied by the use, buildu�g, facility or
structures to be screened. No screening or buffering
Page 48 -- OYdinance No. 960
chall be located on any public riqht-of-way.
Sodded areas on slopes shall be staked.
Seeded amac shall be mulched with straw to prevent
erosion. Hydzn mulching is ac�ceptable.
Dak trees shall k�e surrourxled by snow fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent �ction of their
root systems.
Plantitx3s shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines
of sight at street corners and driveways.
g. No plant materials reaching a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centerline of an werhead
power line.
(2) The applicant shall install all landscape materials within one
year; but shall have three (3) yeazs within which to install
the .��;red landsc�apir�g if the follaaing miniminn st�-uxlards
are met:
a. First year
All grading is co�leted, includiny installation
of berms.
The rec�iired irrigation system is i_nstalled.
Areas to be seeded and/or soddeci are installed.
Screening for adjacent residential areas is
inatalled, if required.
Ztaenty-five (25) percent of the r«�,;reci wer-
story trees are installed.
Ztaenty-five (25) peir�ent of the perimeter
landscapim3 is installed.
b. Second year
'Ihe remainder of the perimeter landscaping is
Interior landscapi.ny is installed.
Fifty (50) petr.ent of the rem�in,ra required over-
story trees are installed.
c. �ix� year
Ariy remsininq landscaping sha] l lae installed.
�_ _.I
Page 49 -- Oniinance No. 960
L. Maintenance.
(1) The property owner shall be responsible for replacnsnent of any
dead trees, shruUs, ground covers, ancl sodduxJ. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replaced, the property owner
�hall have, upon written notification from the City, one
growir�g sea.son to replace said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
property for the oosts thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaoed specie for specie; however, in no case shall the
niunber of plant materials be reduced frmn the miniminn that is
required by this section when replacuig dead plant materials.
Screen fences and walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or parcels shall be properly
mai,ntained in an orrlerly �nnar free of litter and junk.
7. Performanc2 SYarrlarrlc
D. Screening
(1) Screening o£ off-street parking shall be required for:
(2) Where any cca[miercial district is adjacent to a public
right-of-way or across from any residential district, the following
reqtairements �st he met:
(3) �]1 trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the
rear or side yard and be totally screened from view from any public
ric�t-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screenir�g from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished proclucts
and equi�lt, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within
an enclosed building or be screened on all sides from view from a
public right-of-way or an adjoining property by a fence or other
approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest item
to be stored with the height of the fence not to exceed eiqht (8)
(5) Motor vehicles neczcsaty to the operation of the principal use
may be stored without screening only withitt the permitted rear yarcl
area, if they are not readily visible from a public rightrof-way.
(6) All roof equipment, except alternate enexgy devices, must be
screened from �blic view unless the equipment is designed as an
integral part of the huilding and is �tible with the lines of
the building, as determined by the City.
F. Nlaintersance.
G. Essential Sexvices.
205.18 M-1 Heavy Industrial District Regulations
Fage 50 -- Oxrlinance No. 960
Parking RequiL�nts
D. Design Requirements
(8) Park.ing lots with more than four (4) Paz'king stalls sl�ll be
(9) Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parking
in addition to the required vehicle par]ciixJ stalls.
(10) Bike racks may be required by the City in an anea that is
corrvenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt
pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes.
(11) Safety signs, markings and traffic contml devices may be
,^an�;,-,�7, to pi�note vehicular and pedestrian safety.
A. Scope.
All open areas of any
driveways, or storage
landscape plan.
� B.
site, �cept for areas used for parking,
shall be landscaped and incorporated in a
All new develo�arents requiriny a buildir� permit shall comply
with the requirements of this section.
E�cistirig developments shall comply with the requiren�nts of
this section if one or more of the follaaing applies:
At the time of a building expansion or alteration which
dictates the nece.,sity for additional p�rki„�r or
hardsurface areas in excess of four (4) stalls.
Building alterations which dictate a chaixJe in use such
that the garkir�q area must be expanded in excess of four
(4) stalls.
Construction of additional laadiny dacks.
Construction of ne�a parking areas in excess of four (4)
If full ccmq�liance cannot be achieved due to site constraints,
partial compliance as determined by the City shall be enforced.
(4) The requirements of this sec.�tion shall not be required for
building altexations which do not affect the exterior portions
of the site.
i• • • �• J �
The City shall retain a perfoxmarice hond, cash or letter of credit,
as required in Section 205.05.06.A.(3) of the zoning code for one
gmwing season after the installation of l�pe materials is
Page 51 -- On3inance No. 960
C. Plan SUl�nission and Approval.
(1) A landscape plan shall be suUmitted to and approved by the City
prior to issuance of a building pezmit or prior to approval
of outside improveinents not related to building i�rovements.
A plan shall not be required for �tine replacement of
existi.ng materials or the installation of new materials when
not associated with a�ilding pmject.
(2) The following items shall appear on the landscape plan:
1) Name ard address of owner/developer
2) Name and address of architect/designer
3) Date of plan preparation
4) Dates airl description of all revisions
Name of pmject or development
Scale of plan (engineering scale only) at no
smaller than 1 inch equals 50 feet
North point indication
I�ndsc.ape Data
1) Planting schedule (table) containing:
a) Sj�mbols
b) Quantities
Comnon names
Botanical rk�mes
e) Sizes of plant material at time of planting
Root specification (B.R., B& B, potted,
5pecial planting instxuctions
Existing tree and shxubbexy, locations, common
names and a�roximate size
Planting detail (shcxa all species to scale at
normal mature crown diameter, or spread for local
ha�liness zone)
Typical sections i.n detail of fences, tie walls,
planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, l�rnis, and
other similar ieatures.
Page 52 -- Orclinance No. 960
Typical sections of landscape islands and planter
beds with identification of materials usecl.
Details of planting beds and fotinxlation plantings.
Note indicating how disturbed soil areas will be
restored through the use of soddim�, seeding, or
other teclu�iques.
Delineation of both sodded and seecled areas with
total areas provided in s,a� feet, and slope
Cwerage plan for undexground irrigation system,
if any.
Statement or symbols, to descrihe exterior lighting
plan cor�ept.
c. Special Conditions:
Where landsc�ape or man made materials are used to provide
required screening from adjacent and neighboring
propexties, a crass-section shall be provided through
the site and adjacent properties to show prop�1-ty
elevation, existing buildings and screening in scale.
D. ra„r��-ap�g ��ials; Definitions.
All plant materials shall be livi.ng plants
(1) Grass and growid cover.
Artificial plants are
a. Ground cover shall be planted in such a manner as to
present a finished appear�ice and reasonably complete
coverage withiu twelve (12) months after planting, with
pmper erosion c�ntrol during plant asstabl ishment period.
F7cception to this is undisturbed areas containing natuL�al
vegetation which can be maintained free of foreign and
noxious materials.
b. Accepted ground covers are sod, seed, or other o�anic
material. The use of rock and bark mulch shall be
limited to a„aac y�� other vegetation (i.e. stu�ubs)
and shall be contained by edgir�g.
a. Over-story Deciduous.
' 1) A woody plant, which at maturity is thirty (30)
feet or more in height, with a single trunk un-
branched for several feet above the grow�d, having
a defined cra�i which looses leaves annually.
2) such trees shall have a 2 1/2 inch caliper minisntun
at planting.
Page 53 -- Ordinance No. 960
b. Ornamental.
' 1) A woody plant, which at maturity is less than
thirty (30) feet itt height, with a single tnuik
un branched for several feet above the ground,
having a definecl croFm which looses leaves
2) Such tiroes shall have a 1 1/2 inch calip�s'' min,�mm
at planting.
c. Coniferous.
1) A woody plant, which a maturity is at least thirty
(30) feet or more in heic�t, with a single tivnk
fully branched to the ground, having foliage on
the outei-irost portion of the branches year-mund.
2) Such trees shall be six (6) feet in height at
(3) Shntbs.
a. Deciduous or evesgreen plant material, which at maturity
is fifteen (15) f�t in heic�t or less. Such materials
may be used for the formation of he3ges. Such materials
shall meet the followirig minimtun star,rlarr3a at time of
(4) Vines.
Dwarf deciduous shrvbs shall be eighteen (18)
inches tall.
Deciduous shrubs shall be twenty-four (24) inches
tall, e�ccept as in Section D below.
EVexgreen shrubs shall be of the eighteen (18) inch
Vines shall be at least twelve (12) inches high at planting,
and are generally used in conjunction with oralls or fences.
(5) Slopes and Berms.
Final slope grades steeper than 3:1 will not be nPrm; tted
without special approval or treatrnent such as terracing
or retaining walls.
Earth berm scree.ning parking lots and other open areas
shall not have slopes exceeding 3:1. A minimian three
(3) foot berm is required.
E. Perimeter :��,:.aping; Stanrla„a�,
(1) In o�ier to achieve landscaping which is appropriate in scale
with the size of a building and site, the miniminn st.andards
Page 54 -- Ordinance No. 960
a. One (1) tree for evexy one thousand (1,D00) crn,are feet
of total building floor area or one (1) tree for every
� fifty (50) feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
A mini�mnn of thiYty (30) percent of the trees required
will be coniferaus.
b. �ao (2) ornamental trees can be substituted for every
one (1) wex�story deciduous shade tree. In no case
chall o*�T��++Pntal trees exceed fifty (50) percent of the
required nwnber of trees.
c. Parkinq and driving a,-Paa between the buildulg and
fmntage street shall be screened in the following
1) A continuous mass of plant materials; m�.nimimi of
three (3) feet in heic�t at time of planting; or
A continuous earth berm with slopes no gre.ater than
3:1 and a miniumnn of three (3) feet itt height; or
A combination of earth berms and plant materials
such that a minimiun of three ( 3) feet of continuous
screening is achieved.
Interior Parking Lot Iandscaping Staridart3s
(1) All parking areas containing over one htuidred (l00) stalls
shall include unpaved, laridscaped islands that are reasonably
distributed throughout the parking area to break up the
P�n�G of paved areas. iarrle�-aped islarids shall be prwided
every two hundred fifty (250) feet or more of unintea_�upted
garking stalls.
(2) All landsczped islands shall contaart a miniminn of one hundred
eic�ty (180) ��are feet with a minimtnn width of five (5) feet
and shall be provided with deciduous shade trees, or
ornamental, or evergreen trees, plus ground cover, mulch,
anclJor chn�l�,t�.y, in addition to the miniminn landscape
requirements of this ordinance. Parking area landscapinq
shall be contained in plantir�g b�._ bon�ered by a six (6) inch
raised concrete curb.
(3) Trees shall be provided at
fifteen (15) surface parkuzg
Screening and Buffexing S}�rrlarrla
the rate of one tree for each
spaces provided or a fraction
(1) Where the parcel abuts park or residentially zoned propexty,
there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which shall be
constructed in the following manner:
a. A screening fence or wall shall be constructed within
a five (5) foot strip along the property line(s) abutting
the park or residentially zoned propeity. Said fence
or wall shall be constxucted of attractive, perm�nent
Page 55 -- O�linance No. 960
finished materials, contpatible with those used in the
principal structure, and shall be a mini,rnnn of si�c (6)
' feet hic� and a maximiun of eight (8) feet high. Chain
link fenc�s shall have non-`aooden slats when used for
screening purposes; or
b. A planting screen shall be constructed in a fifteen (15)
foot strip ar�d shall consist of hPalthy, fully hardy
plant materials and shall be designed to provide a
minumun yeaz�rourid opaqueness of eighty (80) percaa7t at
the time of maturity. The plant material shall be of
sufficierit height to achieve the required screening.
Planting scree�is shall be maintained in a neat and
healthful condition. Dead vegetation shall be promptly
If the existing topoqraphy, natural growth of vegetation,
pernianent buildings or other barriers meet the standdY'dS
for screening as a�ravetl by the City, they may be
substituted for all or part of the screening fence or
planting screen.
(2) All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yan�s
and be screenecl with a six (6) foot high miniumnn solid
screening fence if visible from a public right-of-way or if
within thirty (30) feet of a residential districts.
' (3) All external loading and service areas acczssory to buildings
shall be completely screened fram the growxl level view from
contiguous residential properties and adjacent streets, except
at acxess points.
H. C�it for ramre TreeS
The total rnm�ber of required wer-story trees may be reduced by one-
half (1/2) tree for each new deciduous tree measuring three (3)
inches or more in diametex, or each new coniferous tree measuring
eight (s) feet or more in height. In no event, however, sh�ll the
reduction be greater than twenty-five (25) percent of the total
rumiber of trees required.
I. Cre�it for EScisti_ng Trees
The total mmil�ex of r�rn,;red new over-story trees may be reduced by
the retention of existing wer-story trees provided that the
following conditions are satisfied:
(1) S�ch trees are four (4) inches or greater in caliper meastired
six (6) inches from soil level.
(2) For each existing tree meeting the requirement, two trees as
� required in section D above may be deleted.
(3) Proper precautions to protect trees during development shall
be indicated on grading plans submitted for plan reaiew. Such
precautions are outlined in sec.�tion J. These precautions shall
be included in the landscape surety.
Page 56 — O�linanoe No. 960
Undexgrow�d irrigation shall be �,ired to maintain all 1�idscaped,
boulevard, front arid side yard areas.
(1) 'Ihe follaaing standards shall be met when installirig the
required ].andscaPingc
a. Plant materials shall be located to provide reasonable
access to all utilities.
b. All required screenirig or buffering shall be located on
the lot ocx.-upied by the use, building, facility or
structures to be screened. No screeniixJ ar buffering
shall be located on any public right-of way.
Sodded amac on slopes shall be staked.
Seecled amaa shall be mulched with straw to preuent
erosion. Hydro mulching is acceptable.
Oak trees shall be surrouncled by snow fence or other
means at their drip line to prevent compaction of their
root systems.
Plantir�gs shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines
of sight at straet cornexs and driveways.
g. No plant materials reachirig a mature height of twenty
(20) feet or more shall be planted within a twenty-five
(25) foot lineal path of the centesline of an overhead
paaer line.
(2) The applicant shall install all landscape materials within one
year; but shall have three (3) years within which to install
the required landscapinq if the following mininnun standarcls
are met:
a. First year
All grading is completed, including installation
of bexms.
The required irriqation system is installed.
Areas to be seeded and/or sodded are installed.
Screening for adjacent residential areas is
inctalled, if required.
ZWenty-five (25) percent of the required over-
story trees are installed.
�aenty-five (25� pei-cent of the perimeter
larx3scapira� is installed.
Page 57 -- O�inance No. 960
b. Se�nd year
� , _�.
The remainder of the perimeter landscaping is
Interior lar�dscaping is i.nstalled.
Fifty (50) pex�ent of the remainina required over-
story trees are installed.
Third year
Any remainuig larx]sc�.aping shall be installed.
(1) The property owner shall be responsible for replacement of any
dead t.rees, shrvk�, ground covers, and sodding. If any plant
materials are not maintained or replac�d, the property owner
chall have, upon written notification from the City, one
graaing season to replace said materials before the City shall
maintain or replace said plant materials and assess the
property for the costs thereof. Plant materials need not be
replaced specie for specie; however, in no case shall the
mm�ber of plant materials be reducecl from the minimian that is
required by this sec.-tion when replacing dead plant materials.
Screen fences and walls which are in disrepair shall be
All vacant lots, tracts, or paxcels shall be properly
maintained in an oxderly manner free of litter and junk.
7. Per'formance Star�dards
D. ScYeenirg
(1) Screening of off-street parking shall be required for:
(2) Where any c�ncial district is adjacent to a public
right-of�ray or across from any residential district, the following
requirements must be met:
(3) All tzash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the
rear or side yazd and be totally screer�ed fran view from any public
right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protec:�t screening from
vehicle damage.
(4) All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products
and equipir�ent, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within
� an enclosed building or be �-*-�*� on all sides from view from a
public ric�t-of-way or an adjoining prope,rty by a fence or other
apprwed screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest item
to be stored with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8)
Page 58 -- Ordinance No. 960
(5) Nfptor vehicles necessaiy to the operation of the principal use
may be stored without screening only within the r�ri++;tted rear yan3
� area, if they are not readily visible from a public right-of-way.
(6) All roof equipment, eaccept alternate eriezgy devices, must be
screened frcnn public view unless the equipment is designed as an
integral part of the building and is �tible with the l�nes of
the building, as determined by the City.
F. Maintenance.
G. Essential Services.
DECII�ER, 1990.
�'� C� ��� ,
, Public Hearing: Novelnber 19, 1990
First Reading: Novembex 19, 1990
Second Reading: Dec�nbeY 10, 1990
Publish: December 19, 1990
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